730 Days Without Technoblade

hey two years without technoblade bloody hell uh before he passed away I think uh maybe about three or four months before I filmed a video with him and tobo uh and the video was this we were stuck in a sort of 5times 5 Minecraft area and we had to sort of survive and help each other until we betrayed each other it was like a Last Man Standing sort of thing now the time I didn’t post it because you know my videos at the time I want them to be like really funny and really everything and like this and techno took it so impossibly seriously the challenge as as they expected so I was like that was a crap video after I finished but then in the pursuit of you know Finding as much lost tno blade footage as I could cuz there not going to be anymore I found this and was like oh this is this is really funny what was wrong with me two years ago so what I have for you now as the first part of this video is uh a load of unseen OT intento footage some of the last um that’s really good and it’s uh yeah really takes me back I mean God I was so much louder back then so I’m going to open this video with uh that and I hope you enjoy this man cuz it’s it’s really cool that we still have this so yeah please enjoy ah I see I see drink why is there a skeleton down here techno please don’t die already te that would be really bad if you were to die already w w w it’s hardore save we can all get the skeleton together look we should guys we should we should stick together as a why did you make another crafting table you’ve wasted our limited resources wasted our limited resources youve wasted our limited resources you wasted our limited resour I’m so glad we could all be here together in this small enclo stop going what the okay hey tenno tenno come back this is a team effort I know that the winner gets a prize but aren’t we all the winner if we just the Winer it’s not enough that I win you guys have to lose you’re psychopath tenno come up here please it looks as though I hold the cards H you have one it looks as though I hold stop holding the damn cards I’ve got the cards now it looks as though me and tubo hold the my crafting table looks like I hold the tabl later idiots why don’t we just be friends why has literally stolen all of the crafting tables can why don’t we share have you ever heard of a Thun thing I like to call the Communist Revolution this only functions if you work together as a team we can’t kill each other there can’t be a winner if we can’t kill each other I don’t know I feel like a winner right now you’re not winning you’re not win listen who holds the bones techno uh you how are you going to get food techno it’s on Hardcore have you done this sorry now you both listen to me oh I’m about to win this challenge in two minutes well what do you even what do you really win tenno you know isn’t it more about you lose the friends you make along the way it isn’t about friends you make along the way iron got a pickaxe don’t you D don’t you D Myck hard hard chill chill don’t you dare don’t you dare one of you we have to work together all right and I I get it I get it that the only one of us can win but please in order for all of us to thrive and then we can have you just you just I’ll place down this bone meal okay we didn’t get a new tree but it’s about the friends we made along the way that’s true that’s true who even needs food I feel like we need food I feel like we look at this boy growing T just look at him go oh man it’s growing so bad and and it and it is growing oh my God oh my God I see you’ve discovered the hole don’t worry guys I’m the how is this working together stop stop stop stop okay guys please for the love of God we have a we let’s unite this is like when the humans meet Aliens and we forget about government sacrifice saice him that’s it I’m going to make my own table I’m going to make a table if you don’t give me a table right now in the hole in the hole guys we got to go in the hole to get food we can eat the rod and flesh that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying yo what you placed a table on top of need grab me one is the spawner gone no the spawner is not gone Tommy I’m going to I’m going to give you this one torch you jump down there and place it next to the I don’t want to jump down there okay okay I’m down there I’m down there cre me tell me the do you can do it I okay okay do you really do you really though yes yes yes genuinely stay in the home all right the water is disabled we got we just got to Kill The Creeper I’m doing it I’m doing it okay okay you got it you got it you got it that’s brilliant good job man see and look cooperation baby are you kidding me I got a saddle you guys look to you look for oh no we can harvest the spawner guys infinite rod and flesh what so you think we should try and make like a farm or I’m just with two try hards I’m just no just no just please well sorry for trying to make food when we’re starving I’m sorry I want to make a home to but shelter is prehistoric times and you’re sitting here like we’re out of food we should go hunting and you’re like oh I didn’t know my tribe was filled with try hards to death shelter is on the same on the pyramid is on the same is much higher than Shel different col I’m going by myself that guy that guy we don’t need him techno I’ve actually had a brilliant idea okay because only mobs can spawn in this area I think we go up and we build a mob farm cuz then it’s infinite bones which means we have we have saplings which means infinite wood which means zombies will drop iron which means infinite iron ingots do you follow would that even work cuz we’re only in a 5×5 area it does because it’s the only place mobs can spawn which means it’s basically you know when you see on hermitcraft they build those massive perimeters I think we need more food we were just discussing our high level tactics yeah the the high level boys that’s what they call us three the team the team we’re a team I love being in a team ship Tommy do you have any more bone Mill no that’s upsetting all right what do we do with iron that would be useful I got like eight uh a bucket would be very good if we can find lava or something that’s like infinite fuel so we don’t need to burn wood yeah you you want lava wouldn’t you Toby so you can burn me alive I could literally kill you with my pickax you want lava so you can burn me alive sure we’ll go with that oh so excited to get I hear I hear lava oh oh guys I think there’s lava in here I genuinely I hear lava I actually hear a lot of lava [Music] no oh oh no make an iron pickaxe found diamonds yo I’m going to be honest I feel like we should be wasting we should be getting through the lava you know is Tech you’re going to remove these lava buckets but it’s going to flow in from the bits on the side my balls are flowing through the sides I’m so sad about the fact that why why I thought when we did this that we’d all be kind of working together all of us are working together except you two are working together I am alone come down here and participate how do I help you’re not including oh techno look in the furnace by the way look at how huge this is you are actually I think he’s not contributed as much as I know I know tell me how I can help tell me how I can help that is your task I’ll just place blocks it mate yeah oh yeah yeah cuz it’s going to burn cuz of the lava you used three crafting table why have you just made a second bucket oh God wait how do we get lower okay that we just have to there for now wait no no no okay here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to make the lava Fountain I did IA I think I know how we can get rid of the lava Traders can spawn and they can trade gravel for emeralds and if we can get a zombie villager maybe Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy you’re crazy you’re actually crazy no I was I was removing the lava why did you place it that high what are you I’m moving this from here to over there cuz you can’t have infinite lava s how’s the progress going I’m removing the lava guys um I’m just thinking about sort of the future I want to cry how there’s slva above and below us so I’d say progress has been Prett bad yeah yeah I just feel like ever since why am I the dumb one here this is like when you hang out with the Nerds and they’re like oh a squ plus b c squ I know what that means you don’t I hate when the Nerds get together to hunt wild animals a nerd thing this is like hunting elephants for food nerd Emoji I’m going up I think we need to go up what you’re saying we’re stuck here I’m saying yeah I have a plan on how we can get more iron ingots we don’t need more iron we need a home and en joy and we should make copper the universal currency oh wait I don’t you have all the copper distribution of wealth my ass I can’t believe we already have the 1% when there’s only three of us three what can I say both of you are the 1% and I’m the 0 like do that doesn’t even make sense all right I’ve got a plan glad we’re having some quality time together oh wait how did you make this we had I had loads of string and I made it into wool how did you why would you use it for wool why would we need to sleep in a five so we skipped the night the team’s devolving I I’m right me and tno versus you clearly is the way I’m on team too right now no don’t use the B on the tree because we have no food well I think things are going great great I’m not enjoying this Dynamic I prefer when when Phil is here he’d want to work together you two are so competitive also be progress in the game I’m progressing in the game I just buil I’m I’m the tree Builder that just requires placing a sapling and waiting and and I do it perfectly the lava clear in front has been going pretty well that’s good I’m trying to make a makeshift mob farm right now that is my goal I don’t know if it’s going to work very well but hey ho we can try it relies on them just walking off oh wow boys green boys lots of boys look at all these boys I’m trying to figure [Music] out bro I need to be up there too I need you just got now okay now I I know you just got a potato I can see your Primal urg just kicking I can see the urg is kicking in but I don’t want you to turn this look out Fela no what I think I was too loud hello you said on Mondays it was okay though cuz I yikes okay yeah I’m really sorry he just leaned in and said I need sleep I see going to be going to be quite a lot more quiet now everyone so I’m enjoying our peaceful gaming session I know it’s really me too me too I’m so glad that we could all get together again did you know it’s almost been 2 years since we did the technoblade scam and too was in the corner and we shouted at tuo for the whole time look at what I’ve built up there look that’s just four blocks that’s just four block how is that there’s nothing exciting about that just mobs have nowhere else to spawn in this world but above us then they’re going to push each other down this one block Gap I’ve left at this side when it gets night and they’re going to Die full damage and we’re going to be able to collect the bones rotten flesh and gunpowder how do I know you’re not lying what would what would be the point of lying you guys have just not work with me today I felt you know I feel annoying at first and here’s the and Toby and here’s the fact look at me I can never get off of my mattress I see and I stand up and I go that’s what the point of the Mask is what wow what just happened into your skin I just took off the maskers well you you’re lacking depth me I’m Bal wait what are you look like when you’re Bal te wait let’s all go bold b b you know oh got a bit of grease on there techno oh and you’re in my bed wait wait guys guys it’s actually night time now wait my Miss what’s the E count oh I was just about I was just about to tell you what the E count is too thank you thank you for reminding me still looks an E2 e c got it all in the control you’re an idiot what the said this was five head idiots why do you have a grave that’s not a grave that’s a marking of that’s like oh dude I was here why did you put a completely different date that it’s not the day today yes it is the day today 07 it’s the sth okay and what does the 06 stand for wait wait wait where the 06 only one of these three numbers is correct what is should I do a ladder clutch okay if I make this ladder clutch you got to give me your iron no I have a really really good idea if you want to come stop going on about your good ideas genuinely this is going to be revolutionary is what is this I figured out how we can automate the zombie spawner yeah one source of entertainment look look look it’s working it’s actually working don’t we still have to kill him manually though well yeah but we can make a lava blade using lava blocket I’m Sor the is a lava blade is that the weird technoblade spin-off That’s My OC don’t make fun of it look it’s actually so working this is the greatest thing I’ve ever achieved wait can I have some of the um BR flesh you gathered no no oh I think we should go down the lava to discover more I’m not I’m literally I’m not even having if we’re willing to sacrifice somebody uh 1 2 3 not it 2 3 not it oh if I make it out alive I just don’t know what kind of man I’ll be when I come back from this all right you got this place some blocks it goes too far I what if I die on the way you got to jump in the lava I have a wife and family I want to have one day where where I would said I want find a wife and family I’ll grow them using your potatoes there is admittedly a supply of babies in this world but not of wives what we’ killed like five babies so I want to adopt Tech I want to farm them you you want to farm babies Tommy just just place the block guys is my mob farm working I made it so they fall to their death now we’re down in the mines look techno and At Last I See the Light holy I’m actually so smart oh here we go here we go what did you do this time Professor too I literally have made it I this is genuinely though guys hey when now we said the word genuinely again I really believe it is like actually Advan in like genuinely though I got I got an iron shovel and two potatoes and a carot and I’m level 15 I’m genuinely doing so good and no one’s no one’s helping me you’re doing a great job Tabo it’s just we’ve got wait we we’re getting them from the old fashion right here why does no one respect me I I respect you fine it’s just we’re busy M it’s not yeah again it’s not a matter of respect about you just kind of being annoying but I’m trying to I’m you know what I’m about sick of your like genuinely why would you mean genuinely all right Tommy tax inspector here hand over half your items I don’t have I really don’t have any things you got to pay your taxes do it for your country Tommy he starting a good government ask not what your country can do for you I I don’t what what okay what country is what country is this I haven’t made a name for it yet but it’s it’s very prestigious all right they’re talking about taxes and I’m going to I’m going to overthrow them they don’t respect me and I’m doing respectful things okay I’m going to get so much iron I’m going to be able to literally just destroy them I I’m upset what are the rules of the country oh the rules are you pay taxes all right carry on zombie tobo listen to me no I you know what I’m not sure I care anymore no the tenno is taxing you and if it will tax you f paying tax important Tommy what do you think fun the NHS no but this isn’t the NHS this is techno with lava what okay explain to me what’s going on here I figured out a way to get armor and I’m frankly I’m sick of you so I’m going to get full on Armor and I’m going to come and murder you enjoy paying taxes offshore bastard my choices here are Slim techno tubles tubles ridded with power I say to him you’re riddled with power then he out Powers you tells me I have to pay him he’s he’s a big fan of the tax system decides he’s going to get iron armor and says he’s coming to kill me Tommy I don’t want you to worry okay you’re a citizen of my country and I’ll protect you all right I’m going to switch VCS and talk some sentence him don’t worry at all yo tobo I heard you’re killing Tommy I I’ll help you stab him all right I see his name tag up there he’s trying to get away you want to work together we can make a diamond sword with our two diamonds oh my God I completely forgot we had two Diamond wait technoblade if you come up you can then Farm the zombies from my farm get enough iron for us to get iron armor and then we can make a move on it true I’m liking what you’re thinking all right let me just go back to Tommy and reassure him okay no he broke the spawner okay Tommy I talked to tubo he says he won’t kill you out of respect for our great nation all right so you have to worry anymore oh thank you tno sometimes I I worry that’s that’s that’s fine that’s fine thanks man I Jes understand but there is no reason to worry because nothing bad is going to happen now I’m going to climb back up and I was really I was anxious because I accidentally destroyed tobo’s spawner you you destroyed the spawner ah tubo that idiot says he destroyed the spawner yeah yeah I know I’m get up here we’re we’re forming Mega Diamond Sword team Bros tactic now absolutely with you on this tuo I’ll be right there technoblade think that you have more more armor would it be okay if I had the diamond sword you know what tubo here take the diamond tuo thank you thank you we are going to cause him some issu oh we going we are going to cause him some issues oh oh also take take half the food take half the food thank you thank you oh my God you have a lot Society of Tommy and it dead inia no but I’m so mad he broke the spawner you didn’t even get to see it I was farming like 50 zombies like a second good it was a it was so it was so good and he broke oh I’m fuming I’m so mad let’s get him hey everyone you I am beyond mad I have no Co right now oh oh God he’s placed lava he’s placed lava oh I oh I did need blocks so I destroyed that lava bit are you guys I’m kind of running out of food up here if you’d be able to sort of War me up some we have loads of food but we’re not giving it to the one person that destroyed our food source oh yeah that’s it that’s it we’re lobotomizing him is that the right word lot was it’s a close enough word but what brain will we do it on I Tommy why why are you going all the way up there I’m not this is just where hey wait wait wait he hey wa social distance toy to oh man I’ve got all the symptoms stay down there you don’t want it do you Toby I’ve got the uh jok on you I’m triple back put it this way I know I and I know that there’s been this whole underlying only one of us can win but listen when I die you two have to kill each other and I’m the easy one to kill you two are going to be a challenge to each other all right I’m just saying to be honest I I don’t care who wins so long as you die first that is why is that important agree we’re on the same team have I ever told you how much I I I have rage but all I see is no rage behind those serian eyes just just wonderful s of teal I’m not why did you oh B you you up now hey tobo hey [Music] tobo is that a Lapis BL yeah it’s a Lapis block what are you going to do now it’s all right okay techno Techo I’ve got a we need to get God on our side okay wait wait wait no no no no do not strike me that will kill you if you stand there God get rain gods make it thunder I beg for you on this bring me Lightning bring me Thunder bring me the energy of a thousand stars you never held back before you’ve never held back before I need it I give it all to you Vinnie this is your kute kill him now he you could just kill it you’re going to have to kill each come up there and kill you are you out of Tom no a place to crafting table yes because I’m doing the dream clutch but I’m going to play the same music I’m going to do the clutch hey what if we burn go go go go t wait hey T listen listen listen that was you’re going to do a boat boat baby how you going to get me now don’t no I’ve got the boat what do you have huh what no no no no no no no no no don’t know listen why don’t we just agree to split the ending shout out you’re going to do two end yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah IE to be violently I and an and oh okay oh God now I where you go I’m a sneaky little man not that sneaky apparently wow that’s C you could never kill me that’s where you’re wrong Tommy because I also have a boat what do you mean yo what the you weren even in my render distance and you uh first try give him the end screen click through Right End screen yeah click on it yeah 20 second long end screen it’s not 20 second he’s done now it’s done now oh M oh my God that was the weirdest recording I’ve done I think that was actually badass wasn’t that wasn’t that nice you know it’s still been really really hard for me the past year with this I I miss him I miss him a lot I really I really do and I I I still can’t go and back and rewatch his videos yet it still throws me a bit too much um look when I went to visit San Francisco when I was doing the tour and visit his dad uh we had this amazing day together and it was it was so so nice but it it sent me quite a lot man it really threw me off um cuz with technno Dad you know we were we were driving through to to their house and he sort of gave me the little neighborhood tour right of you know where the park where te or Alex should I say you know where he grew up like his Park and his bedroom and his computer just like literally just like mine and his back Garden where his dad and him would sit and chat and his family photos and the old photos and them and and and you know this whole time for me tenno has been my hero right he’s been tno bled he was really up there with my heroes and now I’m I’m nearly as old as he was you know um when when I started watching him when I met him and it’s like man he he was a 20-year-old like me with his whole life and his and his future ahead of him you know these past two years I’ve sort of developed this quite bad fear of death right uh I had like a little bit of one before but this is really sent it and it’s kept me up a lot of nights and I’ve not had like panic attacks or anything but I felt like really thrown because of it sometimes and it just hit me in these random moments um but it’s only recently because I’ve realized like it’s just insane that cuz techno was my age and he was so young that that that can go and you can you know cuz I I feel like I’ve got so much to lose now cuz I love this and everything that’s going on so much and I I I love it um and I can’t believe that that can happen and it can go and it makes me really sad and it’s unfair and it’s just and it’s you know so I want to do everything I can to sort of keep you know tenos realive and that and do anything that that would be good for his fans and you guys to see you know the last of a techno cuz it just pisses me off that this can happen and it has happened um and I I still really miss techno I I really do and I know I make a lot more jokes about it now uh and it is fun to joke about you know but like hell yeah anyway uh I’ve got this little I’ve got a little Montage made uh for tenno a little tribute to him so please enjoy it thank you guys yeah thank you and thank you to tenno’s fan base of being legendary just keeping keeping watching him and keeping enjoying him so yeah thank you guys make sure to subscribe to T blade attack hey guys B [Music] welcome guys we are playing Survival 3 like it subscribe comment do whatever you want free country technoblade never loses technoblade Never Dies free death for everyone we cool it transferred my stats from real life I know that you can’t lose what you never had but you can go into debt strength pickaxe die pickaxe Rampage I’m going to kill this guy you thought that was your kill it was actually my kill in fact thank you we beat the game the win stre record you 374 now I’m at 900 goodbye 1,000 I’ve been farming potatoes and Sky Block 242,000 potatoes per day what if I went even further 309,000 337,000 the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself I’ve seen Irish famines with more potatoes than this 450 93,000 number one in potato this sign it has the wrong number everyone’s childhood heroes are here and I’m going to stab all of them I actually killed ninja bro I’m get I’m dead oh God he’s good anyone who comes in contact with technoblade just gets deleted he’s not Thanos all right I bet he has half the eliminations for like every game so in a way he is kind of Thanos if I win this tournament he’ll reward me with the prestigious rank ping oh my God we could get Pig rank killing Captain Sparkles clout resurrected yes we did it ah and victory it’s the beginning of the end is this where technoblade gets banned dude everyone in this game hates me they don’t even know what they’re in for it’s the year of the pig I’m killing this guy are you kidding me I hate oh no it’s technoblade blood for the blood God oh God what is that oh God technoblade get her die Tech I’m going to die oh life techno blade Never Dies oh SL that could actually work what the Techno got up there how what the how did he get up he has no idea what just happened Victory I’m banned for Minecraft Monday just abusing I I just got I just got three teade killed they call me the bingo boy hey guys welcome to NCC where we get killed by Tech you fools you fools you messed with the wrong man one V3 [Applause] technoblade oh my oh my God come on come on he W quit you never die stay in school kids it makes you better at PVP oh he’s got so much health and it doesn’t matter because I’m a God hey the top five fastest laps hey technoblade you want to come up here for a second te no I need I need you to take to dinner what is happening kill everybody we leave but there’s one thing I have that you’ll never ever ever have I have the blade I was having a good sleep I was the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans Dante has been defeated restore everything onest oh God he’s coming down oh no I’m going to walk slightly backwards goodby to everyone I’m going to end the episode here I hope you all enjoyed and I’ll see you guys next time when someone great is when someone great is when someone great is when someone great is gone when someone great is gone when someone great is gone when someone great is gone we’re sa for the [Applause] [Music] moment for the oh

subscribe to technoblade

edited by tommy + onlyantics (huge thanks to onlyantics for this one)


  1. it doesnr feel as if it has been two years already… technoblade is my hero, he saved me on many levels and inspired me to be who i am today. i would not have friends if i never found out about the mcyt comunity, and when i picked Techno to be my favroute, my friends started to call me Techno or tech for short as they started to see how similar i am to him personality wise. i love this as it still keeps his memory for me alive in my heart. Technoblade, you are the best thing that has happened to me. and for that, thank you. TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES

  2. Technoblade was a kind-hearted mortal who dedicated his time and energy to his craft. He never stopped giving, whether it was content, love, or affection. Despite many hardships, he was never overcome by the darkness and never gave up. – PrinnyPringles/Gabriel Ultrakill

  3. even tho i never really watched him back in the day i really felt a lot of sadness when he passed away its truly such a tragedy for everyone especially for his family. he always lives in our hearts. Rest In Pease🙏

  4. Life is precious remember stay strong and positive my grandma died from cancer i was next to her bed and she said she wasn’t ready we knew we did not have long i told her we will make it i promise later that night she took her leave from earth i never got to keep my promise and im still trying to get over her death she was the only one that cared about me.

  5. Technoblade never dies


  6. Technoblade's story is still so impressive, he is like a true warrior poet and we saw all his heroic adventures through his perspective. He was a philosopher and a madlad, a diplomat and a warmonger, a crusader and a blood god, a farmer and a ravager, an emperor and an anarchist. But above all, he was a YouTuber who loved his community and loved doing what he did. As long as those videos, those stories, those memories of adventures still exist, Technoblade never dies.

  7. I never watched Technoblade, but i DID watch Tommy. And when i heard about Techno passing i cried, because i knew just how important he was to so many people and i imagined how sad so many people must be

  8. it still doesn't feel real sometimes. from time to time tre reality hits me and those moments feel so sad. he really was only in his early 20s. that's incredibly unfair

  9. Two years later, and I still miss him to the point of tears. That's how powerful of a legacy he left. Technoblade won't ever die, because his friends and his fans alike will never forget him

  10. i had lost someone close to me from cancer too, a few months after techno passed actually. the surreal thing is it only hit me last night that im never ever going to see them again, i'll never get to visit them and talk to them ever again. it hurts man, i know you will never see this comment through the millions of others who love you, god im proud of you tommy, but you are extremely strong. keep going, you've heard this before yet im going to say it again. become great, for techno.

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