Hi guys,

I used to play a lot of tekkit classic (version 1.2.5). In that pack you could build a megalith a video from it will be linked at the bottom of the post. I really liked how that system worked and im looking for a mod with if possible the same features as the red power 2 mod had. The version should be 1.20.1 incase that is not possible im open for suggestions for different versions.

Quick summary features megalith,

Red power 2 added a few blocks like the auto crafter, retriever, retrievulator, accelerator and a pipe i forgot the name off. These were powered bij blue electricity and would be able to auto craft every item.

How does it work:

You put in 64 in the limiter slot and 16 in the request slot the items in the request slot were then transfered into a retrievulator until the 64 limit was reached. Everytime the retrievulator got a signal it requested 16 of the requested item and put it in a chest, furnace, alloy smelter or crafting table. You would put a restriction pipe on top of the crafting table or chest so the (excess items) wouldnt go into the crafting table unwanted.

Hyperfactory, the design shown in the video is sub-optimal but it gets the picture across.

by Fickle-Control-4158

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