Winter is Here! Year One New Stardew Valley Update!

all right so I think we’re getting started just posting all our stuff and now we’re back in the game okay all right here we are we are day 10 we are partway through winter and oh look here thank you Clint for sending me an iron bar I appreciate it it’s been a week and I have no idea what my goals were but um yeah I don’t remember so we’ll start off by oh well we have cranberries yay and we have broccoli juice yummy yeah start off the morning with some broccoli juice delicious can’t wait actually that’s pretty healthy look at that woo anyways how’s everyone doing let’s go Milk The Cow actually there’s multiple cows but right yes I got one of each there’s not really a point to have one of each but except for the fact that they’re both equally adorable muasa and beefy oh they are almost like extremely look at that ridium quality milk there that’s idium Quality Cheese I like how we have three cheese makers and well we got one for free but yeah we got three of them and we only have two cows best streamer ah if only I streamed more frequently then I could probably earn that title to be fair I I am I am trying there is a there’s a want and then there’s pain and I’m working on it if you let me game hey I mean you can I I think I I can have four people on here yeah you’ll have to live in a trailer though only I get to live in the nice log cabin everyone else gets to live in trailers always stream when you’re about to go to bed you must be in a much different time zone I wonder yeah we’ll just yeah cuz it’s 5:00 p.m. for me so you’re definitely on the other side of the water for me yes I’ve thought about doing early earlier streams but I don’t know like if I was to do them during the week it would definitely have to be after work so 5:00 is usually the the clock out for me so like right now would be my clock out during the week okay so we talked to the cat it’s Wednesday what do you do on a [Music] Wednesday just add you on Discord you’re in the Discord right you’ll stay up late I used to stream uh an hour later but I started streaming streaming a little a little bit earlier just to give me a little extra time after stream and I’ve been liking it an hour difference helps a [Music] lot I really don’t know what I’m doing with my day right now just kind of like wandering collecting worms gross hey did we have that one yes hello [Music] nerd how are you doing Gro a Nord not a nerd a Nord RS oh we have that one no we don’t have that one yes we got a new [Music] one let’s go turn that one in sit down you have a coffee now when I was streaming a lot back back in the day I used to get coffees at this time when I started stream is somebody organizing these someone’s taking the time to organize these I thought I feel like yay new reward I know what this is wait what’s the new reward this one rarecrow maybe yes you got to go for real all right well thank you for popping in here if you’re on Discord just pop in and say hi so I know that you’re there if you have different names for different places it’s hard for me to remember who everyone is uh sometimes uh this one yes there we go Discord where uh in my Discord server I have a Discord server where people can chat it’s not really active but it’s a place to keep things organized and then people can join into to things like the streams and stuff uh the Link’s in the description hey Panic yeah I have a Discord server I got a chicken statue yeah it’s uh like I said it’s not really all that active a few people talk here and there every other day or so but uh it’s an easy place to get notifications for streams videos and possible games or even suggesting a game like hey you want to play this game I found a game you want to play let me know cuz I am kind of out of date about games to play uh I have the last time I was setting up things to stream was like over a year ago oo another one yes but I haven’t really gone shopping for games that are going to be coming out so hey Liz ooh this is a special one they look different yes yay can always tell these now they have a their wormy worms are longer than normal it’s dinner time okay so we kind of yeah I really did have a goal for this this day I just was wandering around oh here’s another one yes got more so how’s Panic doing are you talking yet I I saw uh you recorded a clip but I didn’t I didn’t get a chance to hit play there’s another one oo let’s go up here real quick I see something wiggling right there I’m going to really need to work on getting some what do you call it some clay I don’t know an easy source of clay except for just digging around in the dirt and in the mines still broken oh I see Wiggles this is just going to be something random yeah you get to experience Co I never experienced it let’s plant these it just like a cold my theory is since I can’t get the flu maybe I can’t get that either you know hey I’m not going to like go out and risk it but at the same time uh I don’t know I keep telling people I can’t get the flu and they don’t believe me but I’ve never had it I need to I need a table I need a table just for the chicken statue and we’re going to turn this in tomorrow don’t ever get it yeah um I’ve taken care of plenty of people who have had it that that kind of cements my uh my brain into I can’t get it because of how many people I’ve had to take care of and I’m like well I’ve been around it a lot but I did never caught it myself self I think these might be done tomorrow here I’m wanting to go to bed at 7:00 oh I’m an old lady what am I doing and yeah what is okay so she has five days she better hurry up with that dinner we got five days I don’t want to catch perch myself doorbell yeah I was thinking that maybe oh I haven’t talked to you she has a nice little green coat I’m trying to talk to everybody in Winter and see what their winter clothes look like you don’t think you’ve ever got it which is crazy because the job that you had being around all sorts of random people what was that what happened what why is I didn’t do it it wasn’t [Music] me it wasn’t me y hi hi Tater chip that wasn’t me I didn’t do that it I didn’t blow up a trash can I I see I see the Hat yeah I see the Hat yes but I don’t know why the trash can exploded yeah do you want the trash can hat Liz I think you mentioned something about wearing it at one point I’ll put it in the inventory if you don’t have one I got trash and bread in my pocket I’m going to go to sleep I’m wearing the governor’s hat right now I’m enjoying enjoying the fake power yay the book seller he’s so expensive though and we got pow melons and and apparently Marne gave us hey hey [Music] man okay that was a quick day I did go to bed a little early but you know fine let’s put this stuff in here cuz we’re going to make more of this cuz it’s literally our only winter crop okay so we got this giant stack right here and do we have enough of anything got summer squash I kind of want to turn those into seeds um I don’t know there’s a lot there maybe we’ll just do the Cranberries cuz they’re available one more no I have one more nice well we got a bunch of stuff there there pepper and pepper done okay we can make some more Sprinklers and bring them in to fill in these other little spots if we want to but we got six of these going in done that was quick and let’s go melt the Cow Cheese on my head is there a cheese hat that’d be kind of cool we take the cheese and put it in the sewing machine and get I’m sorry you have no milk cuz I think I forgot to feed you I apologize I didn’t actually put food down you still look so happy it’s adorable so whoops I saw food in their bin and I was like Yay whatever so so I ignored him see I have to be this is why I don’t have kids because you know whatever I forgot to feed them this is why I have a cat because he just constantly yells at me though I guess kids would just constantly yell at at you too if you didn’t feed them right so you know whatever I should have put the bread in the Bridge cuz you can use it to make recipes o I can sell all this to make more money my brain only works part-time it’s okay I want to get a couple I don’t know like maybe get some pathing just so I can make that through there so I don’t have to go through the grass anymore I should go to the deserts I didn’t shake the tree right now I’m just literally just looking for more worms because I want more of the powder melons I guess it shouldn’t be my focus what should be my focus maybe more Community Center stuff cuz I think we’re almost done oh hey worms the baby cows look [Music] adorable hey no more exploding trash cans you’re still sitting on the snow you may have a coat on but my ass would be Frozen and he’s just digging in the snow over there weirdo give me something to do a winter route from Haley that gives me a ticket hey look what is this a winter rot I have one on my head Haley where are you you are right here yay I got a ticket let’s [Music] go wait just walking past dude’s house give me I don’t really want that but fine oh I want all these what’s that what’s that like a plant house plant really I don’t want to spend a like if it’s a special house plant that gives me special things then maybe but this is a normal one eh I don’t know [Music] hey I got [Music] money I I forgot to do something put that away I’m just going to put trash in here and I am going to put this down here I don’t think we need this many but yeah it’s fine okay so I know I need gold right what else do I need gold quartz and iron bar yeah I need more iron and more of these there we go I didn’t want to take from the main lot anymore so cuz we’re going to need those a few so I figured i’ just take some more make some more it’s going to be a while since we get the ridium quality because uh we don’t have aridium and to get idium is scary and I don’t want to do that quite yet no I don’t want to is that the way it is missing one this layout sucks oh well I’m not worried about it okay so we’re going to get beets plant a couple more of these in here and then I am going to run to the desert in a second nope too close there we go there okay to the desert real [Music] quick I I oh yeah we’re going to get a void chick in here soon I remember I upgraded and I was like why haven’t I gotten a new animal but I realized I got the void chicken EG so we’re going to have some Demon chickens here soon I can’t wait that’s going to be awesome all right I’m not seeing [Music] any nope dang it I’m sad nothing here today why is that lame that’s so lame fine hello give me a couple star FR wait she sells Cactus here I’m looking for cactus to make seeds and I’m like she sells them the entire time that looks cute I want it about a new shirt that might actually match and new top hey lookie I match should I go down here and scream for a second and then run back up I think I should oh what’s this what is it it’s a what then do I have to go so far down and then press I wonder I wonder oh gosh I’m so scared give me give me Le dragon snakes are going to kill me bones giant slimes are going to kill me I’m afraid this was always a nightmare before though like being down here and not prepared for it is definitely a little a little intimidating but I was like hey you know why not let’s go down here and be stupid here it comes dragon snake no danger danger danger you got him at least they warn you they’re showing up oh come on I don’t want to fight that thing thank you thank you I didn’t want to fight it a that one didn’t warn me oh no no no okayo I wonder if we’ll get to the middle I kind of just want to run run for it no no nope I don’t want it I don’t want it I have a few snacks not many like [Music] [Music] one oh ow ow ow run away it’s 10:00 I have plenty of time dragon snake ah was not expecting you I just want the treasure give me the loot okay I did it if they sneak a thing you know the scary part is the the thing right okay there’s stairs stairs near me they better not throw the thingy on me I just want the loot give me all the loot yes so much loot the Swarm that was it I couldn’t think of the word I was so scared okay I’m done hey that shouldn’t count I want to know what the button is okay let’s go home I meant to just come here and like grab some Cactus and then leave but I did all that instead oh it’s so weird going from Desert no kind of [Music] forget Cactus we got to run in there and I don’t want to H this up again tomorrow there we go unload that did I found I found a house plant I found a house plant baked cheese with mushrooms I’m going to be trying some kind of steak lasagna pasta thing in a crock pot tomorrow it looks really good well the recipe is something slightly different but um I’m making modifications oh oh my gosh the five gifted Subs again oh my oh my oh my my my squid Fest what’s squid Fest oh my God so many things are going on thank a oh thank you oh my thank you for the five gifted memberships Oh My My My and the oh my make it at least okay oh my oh my wait what oh my avoid Essence bring that to me okay let’s squid Fest oh my oh my oh my my my my quid Fest is fishing hey hey Reena oh my oh my oh my my my no Liz is making dinner okay so that’s there let’s just see about how much we can unload okay and then next yep and the house plant okay so I assume it’s just like extra extra squidy going on I don’t even know where the squids are can I place the house plant yeah so I just oh well there you go everyone’s so green why were you gifted a membership uh I assume that you’re subscribed and it was [Music] random no oh I can’t put poisonous in there okay [Music] put the shirt away fish up squid in the ocean I’m kind of afraid squid or hard hey those are available [Music] let’s turn these into [Music] seeds and so we got to reach 25 and avoid Essence I assume we have those now let’s go plant these before we do that let’s empty our pockets we have seeds in our pockets there we go ha you got caught probably check on these animals they might need a yep they might hey that’s not your egg really it’s going to be like that huh fine that’s enough right yeah milk cow there we go ready quality nice they’re happy about [Music] it okay animal chore is [Music] done oh man I’ll tell you guys the uh the wrist has been very stiff like it’s been hurting a lot it feels worse than normal I don’t have a fishing pole but I just want to go see I’m going to go oh somebody finished it yay I will take the money for that perch is done excellent hey man whatever man he’s concentrating there’s a ticket for that cool and we get ooh yes score really [Music] te wait did someone ooh what is this squid vest wait this is like the other thing that we did before wait wrong button I don’t have a fishing pole give rewards I don’t have the things I don’t have a fishing pole good too hard I like your approach drink hot chocolate and find glass there’s glass on this beach guys be careful we got the double Mt twins there we got a guy that needs a lantern and we got Pam hi Pam cool cool all right well I’m not going to do [Applause] this I’m just not really all that good I did the other one but the other one was a little easier yeah I did the uh it was a different season but it was a lot easier to do hey Harvey’s birthday what’s this O Night Market in the Wizard’s birthday okay so let’s go check and see what is in wagon lady stuff everyone has like really nice winter jackets except for lonus his is made of leaves Cactus blueberry okay no don’t wave at me your store sucks today just’s all like you and I’m like no bubbly moves so we have four more nice yep so I can crack open six of these good good and just a little bit more trash or yeah we don’t um I don’t think we need all these in here this is just for fishy stuff we can sell all this junk we don’t need this we don’t need it that’s fine okay [Music] um special items and powers powers that what it’s called now animals crafting map social skills inventory no what is this bulletin board oh is this all we need okay so I need to get a duck so tomorrow I’ll buy a duck um I can make these I need to stop turning all my my eggs into other crap um apples well we have not gotten a single Apple which is kind of sad and I need a rabbit I need a duck and a rabbit and apples kind of sad uh where’s the rolls fish seaweed and rice sorry losing my voice here well we can buy rice and then we need the seaweed and we should have some yeah we have seaweed right here so yep we’ll need a fish and then I’ll have to remember not to turn an egg tomorrow I think also I know there’s trees growing right here but I think oh wait I can’t do that maybe over here since they only need to grow once that’s what I’ll [Music] do somewhere down here we’re going to create a little place for beehives um since yeah we’ll move the flowers since they only need to grow like once and then we’ll leave them you know we’re not constantly rotating out Harvest we’ll move the beehives down there and then this will be like our our seasonal rotation crops this little section right here can be fine and we’ll move bees down there and yeah a fish yeah I mean I mean I I I can fish one if I need to I actually do need to fish and yeah so I think we’ll do that I wish we had ridium sprinklers but we will need aridium to do that and it’s going to be a little hard to do that but that requires an adventure we can make how many uh Maple we need Maple we have three Maples so we need to tap I think I have another taper here I don’t know which one of these Acorn that turns that’s the maple right oh the just shake them until a tree fall or seed falls out I don’t know which one is which when they’re like bare like this all right sleep time honestly I’m surprised the real life one is not up here causing my life to be a nightmare and we got two more yay turn these into seeds [Music] [Music] thank you I’m taking too long hurry up thank [Music] you we’ll also do a mushroom patch too I saw those mushrooms down there what this tree look like it was lumpy and curved wait Maple ha found you we could separate these into a way there’s enough room to tap each one and put the mushroom things around them and to make sure they don’t do extra seeds around them we can like have it really really really planned out cu right now it’s really annoying when they do extra [Music] crap doorbell and the poison ones don’t work so we got to put those over [Music] here wonder if there’s any like special reason to keep poison ones also I need a void Essence right well we can have a mushroom factory and a honey Factory he’s got a wife hungry need fruit dried cactus fruit and powder melon jelly I’m on it don’t you worry I mean I’m growing plenty of powder melon the cactus fruit is we’re working on it see I plan ahead I know I knew I needed the cactus fruit yeah yay they are they are pretty adorable he’s got a wife and then he’s then they’re going to have babies I bet I bet they’re going to have babies has anyone seen the pum I saw a pum one time it was ugly hey I would like an animal give me a duck what should I name my duck peeking I’ll do that Honkers man stay peeking and I’m kind of hungry we only need one duck I think that’s all we can really do right now anyways cuz we’re going to have like the demon chicken any day [Music] baby where’s the where’s the eggs there they are the cows need [Music] milk well that happened I popped right through the freaking cow [Music] likeo so I am going to not make any money off the the animals today I think Liz said something about the possibility [Music] of you are roasting those I am going to Ste steal steal I’m going to steal a a pike and then I’m going to take one of these what do I need for where’s the recipes collections [Music] um what do I need for this one just an egg that’s it that’s not how you fry an egg you need a little like oil or butter or something to fry it otherwise you just kind of cook it that’s a cooked egg not fried you’re really up on there right you need your reading glasses hey man I need some rice I’m going to like purchase a few ingredients from the store and put them in the kitchen why cuz you know it’s nice to have a stocked kitchen I don’t know what people are going to need I’m going grocery shopping is that all he sells that’s pretty lame do I have an apple tree I don’t know we have one now I think I probably already bought an apple tree but I don’t remember what what is this what are you doing jack B nimble Jack be thick what is this is this a book that’s a book combat experience hey are you saying my com combat is not skilled enough I need more I’ll have you know I I fought the snake dragons and survived and I went grocery shopping today there is milk and eggs in the fridge which I’m going to make food I’m pretty sure I’ve already bought the apple tree I think one of these is an apple tree but I’m not quite sure I’ve planted so many trees just I think this is literally an apple tree right there and and we’re going to remove this and this and this and this we’re just going to remove everything cuz I don’t know I think a lot of this is just hardwood too why can’t I plant this let me plant you that’s Too Close fine I will plant you right there it looks stupid but it’s not in the [Music] way hello how how are you hello hello hello words rabbit there it is get back here I saw it it was there it was ugly I don’t know if anyone saw that but I did aosome returns I was just talking about that [Music] thing and okay so tomorrow I think I will upgrade the coupe so we can get the rabbit oh a pinkcake cuz we need its feet so then the only thing we’re going to be missing oh I guess the only thing we’re going to be wasting time waiting on are for the Ducks to be happy to get feet and for the apple trees to grow so it’s just a time thing I mean it’s possible to get those three things elsewhere but yeah we have it’s just a waiting game now cuz it’s not like we can’t get any of those things so sometime next year there it is again get back here get get out of there it’s so ugly we should make a mod to turn all of the um which ones the goats should we ew cuz then we have milk a pum gross get PSA milk disgusting who would think of a gross idea like that me so I’m thinking we don’t even have to have the Honey Thing very far we can have the honey spot right here I think that’ll be perfectly fine I’m going to get some like a cool texture as far as uh flooring there so I’m going to do some cool texture as far as flooring and like map it out and I’m going cut these trees down and I’m going to space these trees better down this area and I’m going to separate these trees I think we’re going to chop them all down we’ll plan it out oh hello I knew what you were this is a melon Factory it’ll be fun this will be totally cute when I’m done with it I got an idea but we are definitely going to need a lot more tapped trees what was the little hop did you see boop boop hello boop boop to you to your uh hoe in there I need a better hoe all right sleep time [Music] morning melons oh that was weird just like popped up and like bloop another one for aridium that’d be cool dinner’s ready nice good timing too okay so I need to make some jelly with this and then I need to dry I need to dry some cactus so if you get cactus in the desert please bring that and put it in the put it in the chest with all the ore because we’re using that for um for drying uh chest for the moment until we get things organized a little bit if that makes sense [Music] I see a couple more how long these take to grow 7 Days okay we got plenty of time [Music] we need five we need five Cactus to make one dried fruit so we’re going to need a bit I think that’s all I’m going to do wait 12 of them well I’ll take the ones that are in here but yeah there we go [Music] 14 did you throw a book in there for me or or did you get a book you keep getting that book does the thumbs up mean you already read it I think it means you’ve already read it does so it serves no purpose to read it again right so we should sell them if we’ve already read them if Liz hasn’t read this book then maybe I’ll toss it in this this chest if you haven’t read this one Jack B Nimble yearly Night Market good thing we have a lot of cash but yeah I think if we’ve the thumbs up means you’ve already read it so if if everyone’s already read a book I think there’s no point in using them I think I wasted one of the books cuz I didn’t realize but yeah we can sell those books at the uh bookstore I am going to make the flowers into seeds because I can’t I should make more cegs I thought I had more than three did we have more than three I don’t know you’re going to stay in here for now wait a grape Harvest yes I’ve been wanting that I’ve been wanting to make raisins but we don’t have enough raisins okay Sunday I’m going to go check wagon lady real quick I need to to upgrade the coupe so I don’t know I’ll just grab wood and stone hopefully I never remember what I need Co saw red cabbage we already did that cherry really you sell Cherry but you don’t sell Apple rude you keep it yeah that’s what I was thinking keep it for the Book seller if we’ve all read them yeah there’s no point in using it okay squirrel welcome hi more building Deluxe Coupe [Music] build there we go I just spend a lot of money not too bad we can throw a lot of stuff in there oh a mini [Music] fridge yeah uh we uh found that out a few weeks ago that it just randomly sends sends it out I thought it was pretty cool wood floor rustic plank Stone floor stone walkway what’s the difference okay hey I was going to go home and do work but an episode of lus is not [Music] bad yeah I think it just randomly sends them out to anyone that’s like watched or subbed I’m not or yeah their memberships if it’s different than twitch twitch it’s like reversed trying to get the wording right give him food lonus is [Music] hungry you miss squid Fest no lus come to my house live on the farm [Music] no thanks she’s she’s so shocked she smacked her head into a door you’ve chose to live this way you’re wearing leaves man well you can still live alone you can just live alone on my farm I was being nice to him I know how to live my own life whatever it’s fine we’re best friends I don’t know maybe we’re best friends I’m in her way see we’re best friends so I just got new flooring recipes o there we go so I think it’s when it’s flooring walk like the walking path it has a border around the edge no matter what so I can get rid of this crappy flooring that I put in and put in some nice new [Music] ones oops [Music] this I put this in just so that the grass and the seeds wouldn’t just get all over the place cuz they were kind of extremely annoying [Music] I changed the doorbell every time I walk by man I got to make this path go all the way down the road and all the way to the bridge lizz’s house taking out the lighting there we go and then here’s um I’m keeping this pretty wide so you guys there’s worms in your yard there grock gross don’t worry I got rid of them you had worms in your yard I still wish there was grass they didn’t put grass in too far and stopping point I like the path I’m going to need a lot of this there we go well time for bed I’m doing this now because you know it’s the middle of winter and when did I forget the night market I forgot the night market damn it I forgot the night market I think the announcement for the night market went off when I was stuck with uh lonus so I didn’t notice it was going on oh well there’s tonight dang it stupid lus he’s so rude okay lonus ruins my fun hey you got Cactus how many do you have you can just toss them in the black chest right here cuz we need well we need five of them to make one dried uh thing so it’s going to take a minute oh it’s harvest day in the greenhouse so let’s plant more one of these and the rest star fruit okay so then at that you know as soon as I harvested all this I was like maybe I should let everyone else Harvest but I get I’m such a farmer cuz I know you guys need the experience I don’t okay [Music] so I just I got done with my experience on this [Music] let take out the flower what are we naming the void chicken we need a demon chicken name guys what are we naming [Music] it let’s see what chat has say for a second [Music] okay beats beats beats beats those in there for now um SE name it [Laughter] Louis Louis the mayor the mayor [Music] there is a bunch of yams and stuff in here we don’t need those in the seed I’m selling [Music] them okay flat cat we got enough for one yes dried Cactus there we go we have enough for one great I thought I plac these in here but apparently I did not so that’s what I’m doing right now I think I’m going to need more than 140 what you think yeah probably yeah come on there we go the baby boid chicken is pretty adorable I got eight more all right planted I’m going to go back to uh putting in a new uh path cuz this is [Music] sucky if I just hold both buttons I I move move pretty good hey it worked [Music] wonder if I can sell this so it’s 166 to get all the way down there and I have 140 right yep there we [Music] go we’re going to start down here right there right there okay and then we’re going to go this way with [Music] it apparently there’s something right there I did not [Music] see and swo there we go oh man I don’t want to sneeze I feel like sneezing right now and it’s drive me nuts I can’t put these on the bridge it’s such a crappy little Bridge Too a piece of wood like how do you feel safe with that I’m going too fast to do this okay so let’s get rid of you you’re in the way so I got to chop you this is going to be fun Night Market oh right now does a start at five wonder what this angled like that would be like anyways just got the notification shows how much I know oh what’s this o I got a map anyways let’s empty Pockets cuz night market and I need more room so I can go to the market and hey don’t need the the spur [Music] oh dang it worms they’re so distracting hi Night Market what do you have oh the candy canes and the stump ooh stump torch oo decorations random [Music] recipes Graves Stones frog sculpture ridium fireplace piano oh I see you’re here mahogany [Music] snowman I don’t remember the mermaid code what’s the mermaid code 5 4 3 2 three whatever yeah mermaid [Music] forgot how trippy this [Music] [Music] is hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] hi yep what is it now one 5 4 2 3 right yay I got a pearl yay it’s so beautiful is that the thing there’s a parrot what parrot that’s is like go fishing right want coffee give me coffee free coffee makes me go faster [Music] right okay went home there wasn’t a whole lot of stuff there really I did get two more seeds and we’re going to keep going until that’s a little later there we go there’s a tree in my way so now I got to go die diagonal through here then up there’s a cat in a box see it okay now I got a pearl I really need some more tables wait who’s I got to bring that as a gift right is that a thing yes I think that’s a thing oh man time to stretch the hand oh it has been extra hurting oh Friday’s session really really did a number I’ll tell you guys there’s been pain all day yesterday and today yeah that’s what you guys are saying the winter St thing okay you made it hey we’re up to 16,000 in a day all right nothing there path is looking nice [Music] o we got our dried Cactus fruits and if somebody wants to harvest all these pumpkins and stuff it’ll be a good good uh [Music] [Music] experience what’s that what you throw at me Enchanted purple wool immunity ring interesting it’s cool looking what is that is a dagger it’s about the same except for mine has a higher damage defense plus 10 crit versus four crit it’s cool looking [Music] though as far as fruit and stuff you guys can just toss it in here or you can sell it whatever there’s not really a plan it’s just money money is the plan your inventory was full so you just threw stuff they like what are you throwing at me yeah um oh there’s a star fruit that’s a that’s good uh experience right here star fruit star fruit I’m going to steal it no I got it star for me none for you haha I should have turned it into [Music] seed oh and let’s read [Music] this that was the note I had in my pocket that dried fruit needs to hurry [Music] up what do you what what do you have how do you have a dino egg how do you have a dino already I wasn’t ready for this life we’re going to have baby dinos already we’re not ready but we’re going to we’re going to have baby dinos the mom mines where are you going like you’re you’re going crazy in those mines aren’t [Music] [Music] you and you got a rib the make rib wrong wrong tool I’ve played this game before for [Music] people need to be at their shops tonight oh just in general it’s Tuesday I don’t know what that means but it’s Tuesday it’s jazzer size [Music] there’s a mod for that I need more rocks I just keep on walking did you just put food in the Rock spicy eel you just put food in the rocks I know I’m doing that but I wanted to get rid of crap now I have spicy eel in my hand don’t have a bunch of mods yeah I’m trying to I do have cute animals [Music] I’m trying to make this look okay but I don’t know if I’m succeeding at that it’s looking weird I don’t like it um I don’t like something down here that maybe and then get rid of these that looks [Music] [Music] better that looks okay right it looks fine I could have done this all the way up I guess holy crap phone what are you doing to me blah blah blah nothing important just random garbage I guess this would have to change it could go up more of an angle I guess it go down more of an angle like that and then I’d have to get rid of some of the top like that one yeah okay no why boy [Music] okay doorbell I’m almost there raccoons need like one more day going to night market with a cup coffee Zoom all right people a squirrel oaf and then you just don’t elaborate on that you’re was like oh it’s cold I’m like what a a squirrel loaf why why won’t don’t you tell me more about the squirrel loaf Mermaid Car it kind of scared morning blue Jazz [Music] tuna nothing none of this is cool and this random boat doesn’t give me anything just like [Music] whatever hey people the submarine tour yeah no I didn’t talk to you I talk to her and I talk to you might get a trinket yeah whatever you’re the kid right H he looks cute in his little hat all right out of [Music] here oh being chased like a piranha I know it’s a start but it chasing so it’s a piranha Shain wants quartz well that’s easy we have plenty of that I think possibly I see you see that one yay I found a dinosaur [Music] bone go in there and then toss the extra stuff in there weaponry and rings in here that trash can hat is in here by the way in the purple chest get rid of you fish in [Music] here uh is anyone saving the winter stuff or something it’s in the fish chest at least I just I made that to put fishy stuff in there seeds winter seeds we don’t need them do we I didn’t plant any other than just the first packet that we got I mean we’ve been foraging but yeah I haven’t been using them ever since we got the uh the melon I’ve been I’ve just been planting the melon foraging I didn’t even think about that it counts as that where’s my foraging I guess you could wipe out all your foraging experience in one Harvest Right get rid of all the wood path don’t need that no [Music] more did you find it or did you buy it the ticket machine oh why won’t you let me plant you it’s being rude I’ll have to wait till tomorrow it’s 1:00 might have to lay things out differently I know I’m moving the honey and all that stuff too so I think in two weeks I don’t think I’m going to stream two weeks from now I’m going to have my baby sister and my niece they’re going to be hanging out for like a week I think that’s the plan I have to discuss it with their their parents and and we got to plan it all out but I think I’m going to be uh hanging out with uh the youngans being the cool aunt and older sibling I don’t know it’s weird I’m basically Aunt it doesn’t matter cuz my baby sister is like a teenager so those two are like a year apart so it’s it’s like a the weird [Music] thing so yeah we’re going to hang [Music] out it’ll be fun it’s a Wizard’s birthday yay what is the wizard like I think he said something solar and void well we got plenty of that oh yes look at all this powder what do we got a bunch of got 10 radishes oh let’s go for it just so I didn’t have to get another one I’m lazy like that o we have graps no don’t eat the grape Pi The [Music] Grapes there we go okay so we get him an Essence I got the jellies for the [Music] raccoon and void or solar well we got more void than solar whatever it’s nice to know the path straight down makes running down easier I get lost all the time hi wait they have a shop they sell they sell the goods man the stuff that we dig up the the seasonal fruit and stuff that we grow they sell it yeah it’s the first year on the new update look what’s the racu joural they have a higher chance to yield mix seeds oh but yeah they sell the but you have to trade for it so it’s funny we just got this because we can pretty much do that kind of stuff now with the seed makers I learned a new power well that’s a cool one yeah the pine seeds yeah I guess if we we’re low we can make we can make seeds now but um I think we’re low on broccoli so we don’t have to run around the entire world digging up worms hey man yep would you like this you remembered my birthday yep can I go in your basement yes yes I’m in the basement I don’t know I don’t want to change anything wow I look amazing I got a magical makeover I don’t want to go through the H like the whole thing of changing anything but I’m just like I didn’t know I could do that yet um Gus’s favorite omelet gather 24 eggs in 12 days we cannot turn any eggs into Mayo every egg has to go to Gus I can just buy another chicken I know it’s a habit to turn them in but we can’t do that every every egg look can roll those chicken you about to turn in too yeah we can’t we can’t Mayo [Music] anything um yeah wait she closed she closed the shop at 2 that’s too late uh uh I have seeds in my pocket that don’t need to be there and I have food in my pocket that don’t need to be there wait can I still plant trees in here I can plant trees in here I just can’t plant the tree right there or right there trees planted okay um we don’t need all of this stuff in here we do have the squash and broccoli we have squash and broccoli in here we’re missing one of carrot no we have carrot we have all of them in here there we go I’ll be back in in a moment but first what am I going to do with this mess first I’m going to need some wood Cat come on get out of the way oh my gosh a there are tears rustic plank wooden floor there we go that’s enough okay so I’m clearing this out night [Music] barket and I need enough for boop boop boop I’m going to do F fix is fine yeah maybe we’ll see I kind of want to go to Night Market I guess if there’s anything good someone’s goes to the night market like you know I want these so let’s start here I can’t hoe around that I can ho around that then I want space between I can’t I can’t do that either okay it’s going to take a minute just for me to line this up and ho around that well if I can’t then I can move this over I can ho around that take a space there yeah there and then that will be seed and that will be sprinkler that will be seed that will be path that will be seed that will be sprinkler seed pass that’s fine and then we’ll go so one one two 3 three okay so then down here that’s seed that’s path seed sprinkler sprinkler and sprinkler okay now I need to get rid of these these were just placeholders or the wood [Music] there we go all right ooop Boop oop boop boop boop boop what is that is that a chair or a table you’re open for CH I did you find that in the mine cuz I found a a plant there we go yeah I’ve been finding decoration you found a or you are you just going to sit there and watch me I see how it is should I put him like that or I think it’ be it would be easier to harvest if they were on the edge cuz then I could just have them like this and then we could just like Harvest down the row without being in the flowers or if they’re in the middle then it amplifies right it amplifies how much they produce like that but you run the risk of uh harvesting the flowers right you do it this way I thought about doing it that this so I didn’t know if I was going to do it in the middle or on the edges and then have a chest now get up and the chest is going to be the color of honey and then I’m going to put all the flower seeds in there oh crap I’m got to go I got to go to bed yeah I haven’t decided if I’m putting them in the middle or on the edges but we’ll make more too not just four we’ll have rows of them someone didn’t make it to bed Liz this time did you did you put a snail in the smoker what is that [Music] all right big Harvest today and cash money my secret friend is Gus yay makes it more valuable oh no dried mushrooms that poor that poor snail you got lonus nice okay so I’m going to move all the flowers over there flour flour flour flour right oh these are flour and then we have 44 mixed flower seeds that’s going to be fun and then to make the honey we got coal we’re going to need an iron run I think cuz yeah and maple which is not too important because we don’t have a lot of maple we have four so I can make four of these [Music] currently but we have yeah we’re we’re okay on iron right [Music] now yep we’re okay on it you got Louis I got Gus Gus [Music] bus well at least I doubled them I might move this one wait there we go okay did you type Gus bus as I said yes bus that’s an old movie no it’s not immediate um I thought I was going to be able to to make more uh hives but we’re really low on Maple so um I could make four so we don’t need it as bad as I thought we were going to void eggs count nice I I can’t wait until somebody cracks open one of those to make an omelette it sounds delicious come on thank [Music] you oh okay so the Beehive station is pretty much done the tree station is a disaster so um I am going to the hard thing is is like I don’t want to chop the trees we do have down cuz I need them tapped but also at the same time they’re just causing a mess so what do you do [Music] okay so what’s the next spot of area that really can’t do much with okay I’m going to plant a bunch of trees I guess there’s a bunch of trees planted already right I can just make tappers for up on in the um train station tappers need wood and copper might need a copper run oh yeah we need a copper run I made three I ran out of wood yeah I’m going to chop some of those down and I’m going to tap [Music] some I hope you don’t mind me destroying your Forest [Music] I just don’t know what tree is [Music] what I thought I saw Wiggly Worms [Music] [Music] found a maple oops okay so I guess I’m going to chop some Pine and plant Maple I have 14 maple seeds so I can do that right now start moving cutting down some in the middle you got a Denver doll I have one of those I just no Denver doll threw it in my pocket and ran away you requested the construction of a shipping bin what the I’m I’m not needed for that right or am I needed okay you had to give okay just making sure I’m like wait that something new you put one next to your cabin okay just make it sure I was like wait am I needed for this is this thing okay so that’s a start whoa he just came out of the woods some dude just randomly just pops out of the woods like hey okay so I put some tappers did I make many I didn’t make many cuz I didn’t have a lot of wood there we go you don’t have to run back and forth makes sense holy crap how did you get so much idium I don’t know what these are so I can’t tap that we’re going to tap all these trees and then we’re going to put path around them so they won’t spread like this I think that helps except for there’s already a seed there really I just clean this up I think the one that I can’t tap is a slime tree I don’t know what that means but it gives us stuff and I think there’s something there yep I don’t know what these are good for but there we go at least this won’t get overwhelming I’ll probably do something similar too um as I did with the uh oh wrong one there we go it costs us 45 to go to full cave three times not make it to bed that’s expensive all good though we can though we lack batteries ridium sprinklers can be worked on though all right working on it we have two yeah gold aridium and battery pack that’s fine we can make every Friday oh yeah that’s worth it all right so I made two and it’s not really a big deal that have them I mean oh I forgot to I forgot to do things I I sign up for the quests and then I forget all about them whoops okay so I don’t even know what these are they’re slimy though so we’re just going to put them [Music] away there’s clothing in this put the shirt in [Music] here yeah I know what they are just I mean it’s hard to know what any trees are right now honestly um I’m going to take that out they’re all bald all the trees are bald Denver doll oh wait I can’t keep him dang it I wanted to keep him but I can’t all right there are plenty of more Mel all right so I’m going to put these in between the rows so they can still be accessed and you can you can’t run straight through but you can run you know you know what I mean there we go up and down not left or right [Music] you know how hard it is for me not to harvest everything as soon as I see it I’m trying to get everyone else to be able to level up I’m being generous and it’s like o must Harvest everything like no the struggle within I can still plant these though woohoo [Music] you’re level five yeah um when the melons and starf fruit come up that’s when you’re really going to get some good uh good stuff oh we have two of these I’m going to do your level four farming yeah farming is usually my first one that I level up I just go full speed with farming and that’s it um I think tomorrow is our last day to plant the powder melons I think it’s 7 days so no the 21st is the last day we can plant those so if we want to go full with that we can I can I can I’ll dig up some more spots for those while she’s in there making seeds might as well get the last bit of harvest out of them extra money and now that we are we have the ability to buy them whenever there’s really no worries [Music] uh copper is uh I [Music] think I made a few tappers but um I think that’s what I needed them for I’m not sure what do I need them for yeah I did need them for tappers I don’t know how many I used I don’t know how many seeds you’re making but I just put the idium sprinklers down and dug around so there we go I am gonna go break open a bunch of stuff and have fun with that for a minute putting that [Music] away unless it’s wait he’s not he doesn’t work on Fridays does he [Music] [Music] hey he works on Fridays process geod holy crap I’m going to be here all night as long as I’m in this menu he can never leave [Music] me woo all right we’ll get rid of these first cuz they’re small [Music] we’re going to have troubles when we get to the 19 cuz we’re not going to have enough space for it all we found gold to get rid of we’ll have to trash some of this as we go [Music] yeah I think we’ll make it though there only two yeah oh yeah we got plenty of space I hate when I have so many that I run out of space [Music] and final one a few few cool things nothing like [Music] crazy but we can donate a few things donate bones doll I tried I didn’t know the somebody has a a thing going ooh triple shot yeah and Bones yes that might have been a little loud I’m sorry I got excited and we have to tickets what is that we get a cow we get a cow want a cow we need two more tickets I think we get a cow have I read this one mining experience I’ve learned a few things about mining hooray or is that just a general that’s just a general book huh until I fully learned my my skills yeah I think it’s just whatever there’s a big world out there yeah that’s cool time moves slower here I don’t think so I feel like time’s moving a little too [Music] fast okay let’s get rid of all these random thingies and then and we got some more warps going and we have some more of that going and we have snacks we have uh dish of the sea which I think you want right dish of the sea I put it in this chest right here there Liz for you get rid of anything that’s not fishy related out of here I’m also going to turn this blue blue means fish blue means fish that’s fish and then this is speed and look so I’m going to toss this this is food there’s some ugly food in here I’ll tell you what and I don’t know that’s fine there’s some of the stuff I just want to clear out of here cuz we have too much inventory in general it’s not necessarily that we I don’t know it’s nice to have but too much inventory have espressos here we go and more mixed flower seeds that’s going to be fun yay I have a skeleton trying to move this okay I was right it didn’t feel like the bed was in the right spot there we go and then house plant I don’t know got to make the the environment Cherry I guess okay box shot how you doing and we have some hardwood there we go let’s see loot don’t need it in here made it to stream yes I see you have and we don’t need this we don’t need a bone flute dang you loaded up the seeds didn’t you doorbell holy crap pickled cauliflower was done I don’t know why I came back in here but I’m glad I did that’s some good cash okay so I am going to start putting the cactus into the food drawer that’s literally the only thing I like taking with me to eat even though there’s better things for some reason when I am in the mines I think it’s funny that to heal myself I eat something spiky like oh I’m dying let me eat a spiky fruit I find it funny it’s also it I mean it is decent like healthwise but I find it more humorous that I they eat cactus I don’t know what we’re going to do down here we can grow so many things in so many places it’s getting late I know I’m sorry well I’m glad to see you here thank you for popping in we got about another half hour gives me enough time hopefully to stretch oh oh 13 not bad decent little bit of money I need to figure out what to have to snack on when I’m done streaming more [Music] melons Evelyn’s birthday there’s cake in there I don’t know there’s pink cake oh grapes uh there’s a ton of star fruit in here somebody’s going to level up like [Music] crazy she loves Diamonds oh Evelyn she likes the the expensive stuff [Music] watching somebody else like Harvest is funny cuz it’s not as smooth as when I when I do it they pop around it’s like bloop blo bloop blo level six nice I knew starf fruit would definitely be a nice punch I would say uh make enough for uh I’ll make enough seeds yeah go ahead and do your thing I’ll worry about the seeds she’s got to do her fishy thing her fish life I’m going to make enough seeds to replant and then uh probably um yeah and then keep the rest cuz we’ll start making like wines and stuff like that [Music] what did you [Music] plant I heard the watering but it was I didn’t that was weird it got watered but also you weren’t in here when it got watered it was kind of creepy it was pretty trippy okay we need to make room these make oil right take that out of here actually you know what put that back in here and we should make bring the oil maker in [Music] here or I didn’t know you could put seeds in there apparently I’m making sunflower oil apparently sunflower seeds can go into the oil maker just found that out okay then how is the animal area is that enough space for them or should we oh we should definitely expand this I want to expand it all the way down I also want to see the animals it’s been a while look at them look at the demon chicken you really did name it Lou I love it need to get a a bigger Barn too oh I need to buy a rabbit let me buy a rabbit yep hi now we start a family see I knew it I’m smart like that how’s the farm doing uh it’s great I need to buy a rabbit what should I name the rabbit guys I thought they said Bradley at first let’s name it Bradley sunny sunny B how about that I was thinking Sunny D for a second and sunny be there we go so there’s a rabbit in the bar now now there’s one more thing to do oh hi granny Pizza o i buy an omelette she’s right here and here she likes omelets I don’t know also why is there a question mark on his fridge oh that’s where okay how we doing nine days okay you’re just shoving all of them in there so we’ve gotten we’ve gotten the dino egg we have the rabbit we have the chickens we have the void chicken we need the blue chicken so I have to make sacrifices I gotta make Shane fall in love with me where is Shane did he already walk to the bar cuz like I was just at the bar Shane you weren’t at work I don’t understand there’s only two locations he goes to work and the bar did I just miss him was he back in the back sweeping cuz I I can do that sometimes no no I I did look everywhere Shane likes pizza right he likes pizza and he likes beer I should buy beers that’s right beer the Shane grenade it’s fine he likes pizza and beer how’ you know this is my favorite been rude to enough to you yet uh I don’t know I’ve hardly talked to you where are we with friendship oh we’re really down there when your birthday Shane I think I might to skipped his birthday that’s probably why we’re not friends but I think Evelyn’s my best friend now no it’s still lonus hey me and George are hanging out okay it’s in the spring all right it’s coming up me and Shan’s got a date he was all like I’m surprised you’re still trying to make friends me too man me too okay this is not looking too shabby I mean it is looking pretty shabby isn’t Shane like if you work it out right he’s one of the first ones that you could possibly dance with there’s only like two of them that you could potentially dance with I think it’s Shane and Haley it’s hard to like get the hearts up in time but those those two are like a possibility if you really put the effort the rest of them are just almost impossible hey juice time I need to start making kegs we have plenty of uh junk there birthdays before the spring dance yeah um wood copper iron and Oak well I think we’ve been saving up Oak let’s see what do we got we got five woo we need to really work on that wood copper and iron this is when I would really like to pop in automate but hey I’m trying not to cuz then we would be screwed because there’s probably too many Connections in this world and they just like no no wait that shouldn’t be there that shouldn’t be there I do that too nope there and there okay what kind of juice do we have beet juice and broccoli juice always a favorite put the wood [Music] away we have two stacks of slime don’t need that okay clean that up real quick fishy [Music] fishies got a couple gy fields to break Foods all up in here got some cookies hey bread I will go go to sleep okay we got one more day in us and then I think we’re going to have to stop what day that will put us at 21 so um we next stream we will be able to finish we’ll be able to finish year one and start spring year to which would be awesome sleeping with cat butt in your face every night that is what I do every night in real life that is nothing new oh man can I tell you guys breaking your wrists is not fun I know I mentioned it just a few times in stream but yeah this this it’s not fun it hurts a lot extra hurty and they told me they don’t think I can get my movement back so that’s fun your pom what your pomegranate tree wasn’t aable to grow last night what does that even [Music] mean the one inside or the one outside I think the one that fully grew outside is the one that it’s telling me cuz it fully grew I think it’s this one it fully grew and then they’re like it didn’t grow cuz it’s out of season all right um I’m going to take the cactus [Music] fruits rabbit foot get [Music] it of course it’s there you know why because I just bought a rabbit I forgot I got the rabbit mod look at this stupid thing it’s so stupid I added a mod for the rabbit look how dumb it looks it’s just this stupid Blobby bunny buns I love it it’s stupid and chunk it is a hi sorry I’m flipping out about I forgot I forgot I had the mod on I have a mod for that and I have a I have I well you you saw the links I forgot I added them thank you for this I’m going to go put it into the bin accept the quest she wants me to give her some hardwood oh yeah how much hardwood she wanting 10 man we haven’t been harvesting that okay put that away take that I think I could put my watering can away it’s such a stupid chunk [Music] I want to go that’s powder melon seeds right there the long Wiggly Worms I want to go to the desert mines but I’m kind of like at the same time [Music] wanting a better weapon and that costs money and the guy is open I think 11 or is it two I don’t remember and I keep saying I’m going to make the I’m going to make the barn bigger but I I keep forgetting about supplies and all [Music] that [Music] snacks I’m in of [Music] course bust up big old Circle okay so we got that done let’s get some [Music] supplies I guess I should go the regular way [Music] I needed to get her wood we need to harvest more but I don’t want to can I just give it to you you set the house on fire whoops okay you’re welcome construct Farm building um um build building a bigger Barn okay and then big chest recipe can get that tables beds wood chippers why would I want to ruin [Music] [Music] hardwood it’s hard enough to get it and then she’s like well you can just chop it up even more okay Gus really wants an omelet I think that’s grock stuff and we are almost out of wood so I’m probably going to go chop some trees down but we have plenty hello person it’s not too bad I have a silver silver axe so I guess it could be worse so many of those just planted seeds planted those days ago none of them have changed can I plant any of these again I guess I can plant some um right here here there we go oh oh what’s this I learned a few things about foraging hooray exciting right chopping chopping trees super exciting yeah you know what hasn’t happened in a while a train kind of sad hasn’t been a train in a long time more are those okay [Music] so well that’s decent numbers are looking good don’t need that well that’s fun that that works better okay that’s looking good those um rare rare fruits yeah I think those are going to be some good experience for people there’s like five of them there I think I had like one or two of them and it was like okay I think I turned them into seeds or something not really sure what I did but he’s mad no ow stop it stop it they don’t even hurt really a nothing exciting the sound of running it’s almost midnight almost crashed into her it’s bar night and well every night’s bar night for Shane [Music] hey Shane do you want the beer this is my [Music] favorite yeah are we best friends [Music] now [Music] nope Emily is still working every everyone’s leaving and Gus is going to bed that was great he’s like okay you clean up I’m out of [Music] here she worked hard it’s unhealthy to live in your workspace I do that this is my workspace but when I’m done working I tend to um walk away from the computer and be away from it as much as possible but someone didn’t make it to bed yeah it’s hard to determine if that’s up or behind isn’t it pomegranate wasn’t aable to grow last night there’s something really wrong with the p pomegranate gr it I think I think it’s the one in the greenhouse and I think it’s my fault but anyways cuz I think these are fine somebody’s hiding behind a tree down [Music] here anyways I think we’re going to leave it here um we get a couple more days six more days of winter and then we’re going to be on year two we made it guys home stretch um your fish is burning so anyways I want to thank you guys for being here and liking the stream and all of that an ad inserted really there’s an ad right now going to skip SK ad ad skip okay there’s an ad that popped up that’s cool that I can skip it anyways yes it’s smoking that’s bad for it anyways yes thank you guys for being here I will see you guys next Sunday I think the Sunday after that I will be out hanging out with the the kiddos um my niece and my baby sister sister we’re going to go do some Pokemon stuff and hang out and have fun it’s nice to hang out with the kids be the cool ant but anyways hopefully I can try I keep saying it I’m going to try doing another stream this week depending on the hand situation they really bust me during the week they beat me up pretty good so I’ll see you guys later have a good night everyone bye-bye bye everyone byebye

Today is the best day! We are getting started in a new Stardew Valley run! Best part is the new update!

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About the Game: You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?

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