I Built a House in Every Minecraft Version

this is what a Minecraft house looks like in the first version of the game and this is what a Minecraft house looks like 14 years later pretty big difference right well in this video I’m going to be building a house in every single version of the game starting all the way back in 1.0 all right and we are in WoW there is not really that much to work with all right so the first house is going to be made right here okay so this is what the shape of the house is going to be and I think now I’m going to add a roof to it all right so there that is now I’m going to put down the upside down wait what okay so you can’t put stairs upside down that’s kind of annoying I think that’s probably the best I can do and it doesn’t even look that good and just make a quick interior and the 1.0 house is complete so let’s move on to 1.1 so it turns out that this update didn’t actually add any blocks but it did add beaches so I’m going to make a beach house okay so this is the closest thing I could find to a beach so I’m going to make the house right here also apparently Spruce or Birch never got a name it’s just called wood anyway there’s some legs a base every time that I got a for a new item I have to scroll through all of this just to find it like why is the door right there put some walls and windows and finally a roof all right and here is the interior which means that it’s time to move on to update 1.2 all right welcome to Minecraft version 1.2 the update where not much was added again although something that was added though was the jungle biome and I just happened to spawn really close to one so I’m going to do the obvious and make a couple of jungle tree houses so I’m going to have one of them right here and have a second one right here and I have a bridge connecting them okay well for some reason the trees are just decaying on themselves I don’t really know why but I hope that’s fixed in the next update okay so both of these houses are just going to be circular shaped so let me just unfortunately we still don’t have access to upside downstairs so we’re going to just have to do this for now not many doors have been added as well so we only have access to the oak door which doesn’t really look that good also we can use fences for Windows which actually looks kind of cool so for the roof I’m just going to be using wooden slabs okay maybe not you can’t actually place them on the top half of the block so we’re just going to have to stick to the classic roof made of stairs so this is what a pyramid roof looks like when you don’t have angled stairs uh it’s a little bit weird anyway for the second house I’m just going to repeat this design down here and there we go right now I’m working on the bridge which shouldn’t take too long to make since it’s just from here to there so that is the 1.2 house or should I say houses complete so now it’s time to move on to 1.3 so in Minecraft version 1.3 they didn’t really add that many blocks so what I’m going to do instead is ADD upgrades to the current houses that I already have oh my God this is the best update ever I finally have access to searching items this is so good okay so I accidentally loaded the world in Minecraft version 1.20 and it didn’t really like that I still have this version of the world and it’s available to download link in the description all right so yeah I’m going to just make a new world in Minecraft version 1.3 okay so the first thing I’m going to do is just clear out a little area here okay so for this house I’m going to try and go for a medieval kind of feel to it so I’m going to start with an outline stone bricks are also added so what I can do is make a wall like this and then add some variations into it with Cobblestone and for a little bit of extra detail I’m going to put trap doors on the side of the wood here and finally just make a really quick floor so for the top part of the house I’m actually replacing the trap doors with Spruce stairs so that I can build up from there so I’m going to add a third story right here so that the roof looks a little bit cooler so those are the outlines complete and it’s kind of looks weird right now but that should be fixed once I add a roof Minecraft still hasn’t updated the glass texture so you can still barely see through it also figured out that trap doors make for some pretty good windows so I’m putting them everywhere I’m also going to add a balcony right here so for the roof I’m going to use stone brick stairs and Spruce stairs so now I’m just going to repeat this roof up here and then the house should be done all right so that’s the 1.3 house complete so now it’s time to move on to 1.4 in Minecraft version 1.4 they added mossy cobblestone walls and normal Cobblestone walls they also added a bunch of crops so I think the only obvious thing is to add a garden to this house so there is the outer wall so the two new crops added were carrots and potatoes so that’s what I’m going to make the farm out of okay so the last thing that I’m going to do in this update is add an interior to this house using the new flower pots all right so this is what the new interior of the house looks like so that means it’s time to move on to update 1.5 it actually turns out that 1.5 is the Redstone update so why not just make a secret house okay so after a little bit of work I managed to get this thing it’s not very secret but it works so MyCraft 1.6 didn’t really add that much because it was the horse update so all I’m going to do is yeah that’s literally all I’m doing Minecraft 1.7 actually added a whole bunch of new blocks and a whole bunch of new biomes so I’m going to just make a whole new house I tried building the 1.7 house in the theme of a witch house but I didn’t really like it so so I’m going to try something completely different and make a modern house so like any good house I’m going to start by flattening this area oh yeah that’s not very good so to start the house I’m going to make a whole bunch of different shapes where the rooms are going to be okay so that actually looks pretty good now I’m going to add a floor of Acacia planks to the house just like that and since it’s a modern house it’s also going to have really big windows and right here I’m actually going to make a pool so the roof in this area is made out of cyan stained clay and then I’m also going to have gray stained glass panes going around the outside as a little balcony all right just put a staircase in and now I’m going to finish these walls right here also yes they still have not added new doors yet so I’m still stuck with this I’m also adding a second balcony right now because apparently one just isn’t enough and for the final details of this house I’m going to add some beach chairs and some Greenery on the outside and with that the 1.7 hous is complete and it actually looks pretty good Minecraft 1.8 is the Bountiful update and it added a ton of new blocks a lot of which can be used for terraforming so that’s what I’m going to do so I’m going to use these two blocks to make a road connecting this house to this house and then use these two blocks to make it look more natural so that is the road complete but right now it’s still floating so now I’m going to use some of the newer blocks like andesite and Polished andesite to make it look a lot more natural so that’s half of it done and the other half all right now it is time to move on to 1.9 Minecraft version 1.9 is probably one of the most controversial updates because of this and this oh and also this oh also can’t forget about this one too so what if I made a build kind of celebrating all these features like a Coliseum or something I think I’m going to make it right around in this area and I don’t want to make anything too big so it’s going to be about this big but it’s also going to have balconies on the off to the sides here so that people can actually watch the fights in the middle okay finally after a lot of building I got the floor all filled in okay so unfortunately we still don’t have Sandstone walls but I think sandstone are still going to work just fine right now I’m building up the walls and I think I’m going to make them around five blocks tall and there we go now it is time to add some detail okay so I put some stairs down and I think I’m actually going to use Birch fences as Sandstone walls all right so now it is time to work on the places where people sit and I’ll start by making a ring of stairs all the way around just like that and now I’m going to start building upwards out here and I’m also going to put a ring of fences around this layer too now I’m going to build out a couple of blocks this way so right now I’m putting in the chairs and after that I’ll working on the actual walls that is all the chairs in now I’m just going to repeat this design on all four sides now I just need to come up with something for the corners here so that is the full interior of the Coliseum complete now we just need to work on the outside the final thing that I’m going to do in this build is to just detail the walls outside okay now it is time to move on to Minecraft version 1.10 Minecraft version 1.10 once again didn’t actually add that many blocks so what I’m going to do is make something that hasn’t been added into the game yet and that is the mushroom so I’m going to just make a a couple of these and I’ll get back to you when I’m done all right so that is the build for 1.10 finished and it’s pretty simple but I think it actually looks pretty good so I’m in 1.11 right now and I’m looking at the bottom of the shulker Box’s texture I think that I could actually use this to make some pretty cool details but I need to figure out which block would actually work for that first so this is what I’ve come up with so far and it’s pretty simple but I still think I can come up with more uses for them I’m even putting them in spots that you wouldn’t really notice like in the grass I never even thought of using shulkers as decorations like this and it doesn’t even look that bad the only other block added in this update was The Observer but there’s not really much that I can do with that in this world all right so now we are in update 1.12 and oh I still want to make use of these blocks and I think I actually came up with an idea on how to for example I could put the red glaze terra cotta inside of the mushrooms we can also use concrete powder to add more variations into the stone and in the grass even in the pool too now I’m going to move on to update 1.13 and this could get a little bit interesting well that’s the first time that I’ve seen this message so far I noticed that everything is a whole lot less contrasted now but at least I can swim now okay so what I’m thinking is to make a pretty large aquarium right around in this area but before I do that I’m actually going to make some custom trees using the new wood blocks I can even use some slabs and trap doors as just a little bit of extra detail to the tree now I’m just going to make a couple more of these I also added this which I actually thought was kind of cool anyway now I’m going to build the aquarium now I’m going to fill the outline with sand now I need to build the walls up and for that I’m going to use light blue stained glass okay so now I’m going to make some structures inside before finally filling it all with water I’m going to start with some basic terrain and to finish it off I’m going to make a giant Stone structure in the middle now I just need to fill out with water and finally fish I actually completely forgot about the new underwater plants so I’m going to put those in first start with a little bit of sear grass a couple of sea pickles and finally some kelp now I’m going to add a bunch of tropical fish so that is the aquarium for Minecraft version 1.13 complete all right so this is update 1.14 and it is the village and pillage update now I can actually have decent looking storage inside of this house I can use an aite walls on this for a little bit of extra detail too I can put lanterns in the corners of these walls and along this path too I can even add a chimney to my house just like that and put a campfire in the forest add some signs onto the side of the house and a little path to the house now it’s time to move on to update 1.15 but before I move on to the 1.15 build I just wanted to tell you to subscribe only because you’ve made it this far into the video it helps out the channel a ton and I want to hit 100,000 subscribers sometime in the future so it’s going to be a fairly short Building made I’m mostly glass and Spruce Wood and this is where the entrance is going to be now I’m going to repeat these windows on the other side put some fences on the walls for a little bit of extra detail and for even more detail I’m going to put some vines on it along with some other extra added Greenery you can even put vines on top of leaves for a little bit of extra variation in them now it’s time for the roof which I’m actually going to make mostly out of slabs which could make a pretty interesting effect so that is the exterior of the build complete now I just need to work on the inside so this is where all the be nests are going to be and now I need to add a bunch more decorations like filling it with flowers and of course bees so that is 1.15 build complete so this is update 1.16 which is the nether update and it actually made me kind of realize that my Village is actually missing a nether portal so I’m going to make a custom one right here so it’s going to be a little bit large but that should be fine because I’m going to make a tree around it so it’s mainly going to be made out of oak wood but it’s actually going be partially corrupted near the portal using some of the new nether blocks but first I got to actually make the tree so I think I’m not actually going to build the leaves on it because that would just take forever so I’m going just make it a dead tree instead okay so there’s not really that much else I can do other than actually adding the corrupted part which is going to be around here so I replace some of the grass like that so I think that’d be the 1.16 build completed so what I want to do on update 1.17 is start work on what is going to be the biggest build that I’ve done so far which is a giant castle in this update I’m going to just outline it using deep slate bricks and then work more on in the next one so this is going to be the main part of it and I’m probably going to make some other parts off to the side all right so there are the outlines of it and now I’m going to move on to 1.18 where I’m going to start building it up so this is actually the first update that I’m going to give myself access to world edit to because of just the size of this build so I’m going to start by making a really big gradient in the middle all the way up to the top also I can finally do it in a time lapse [Music] okay so now I’m going to work on the smaller Towers which shouldn’t take as long as the big one in the middle finally the two big towers in the back so these two are just going to be the normal castle walls with maybe a watchtower right here but up here it’s probably going to be more of a pitched roof and there we go now I just add some watchtowers in the corner here the base of it now I’m just going to add a roof and even some campfires for a little bit of smoke okay so now it’s time for me to detail the actual walls right [Music] [Music] here so that is the front of the castle complete now I just need to work on the top of it and for that I’m going to complete it in one big time lapse time lapse over that was like 40 minutes and 10 seconds so now it’s time to move on to update 1.19 where I’m actually going to make a reasonable size house okay so for 1.9 1.20 and 1.21 I’m going to just make some really simple small houses right here so I’m going to make the 1.19 house right now I can use Birch and strip Birch to add a little bit of texture right here same thing on the other side so now I’m going to make the door it’s looking okay right now but it’s still lacking a little bit of depth so now I’m going to add like a little bit of a roof and some windows and now a garden in the front and add some lanterns on the fence now it’s time for the roof so now that the roof is added I realized that this house actually kind of needs a second story and now a quick roof I think I’m actually going to extend this window a little bit upwards so that I can get rid of this line right here and make it look a lot more natural and I’m going to put a chimney right here and to finish it off I’m going to put a little bit of moss on it now it’s time to move on to update 1.20 okay I’m going to just say 1.20 was not the greatest update ever I mean we have hanging signs and stuff but even those aren’t the greatest you can actually make some pretty interesting designs with the decorated pots which I think is actually pretty cool also they added the cherry trees so I’m going to put some of those around the area now it’s time for the final update of this video 1.21 okay so this is update 1.21 and it is the final update I also managed to get the old houses into the new world so that’s actually pretty cool and the final House of this video is going to be built right here I’m going to make use of all the new tough blocks and also all of the new copper blocks I’ve never actually played this update before and so far I’m actually really enjoying these new blocks I’m going to use some of the new copper trap doors as Windows which actually look kind of oh which actually look kind of nice it’s going to have a really large roof uh I don’t really know why but it seems like it’ be kind of cool so that is the front complete although it doesn’t really have sides or a back so each of the inner stairs are going to have another window right there so now I’m going to work on that okay now I just need to make a little bit of room for the back of it and I might have to get rid of a couple of village houses and finally I’m going to make the roof this could get a little bit hard though and lastly I’m going to add a little bit of variation into the roof and finally after all of this I can say that I’ve built a Minecraft house in every single update [Music]

In this video, I built a house in every minecraft version! I started all the way back in 1.0 and slowly worked up to the latest version, 1.21.
If you enjoyed the video and would like to support me, consider downloading my builds:

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tags for the algorithm i guess: Minecraft, minecraft house, every Minecraft version, building a house in every minecraft version, eeel


  1. Cool video. Now here are step by step instructions on how to make brownies:
    1 cup (225g) unsalted butter

    2 cups (400g) granulated sugar
    4 large eggs

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    ⅔ cup (80g) unsweetened cocoa powder

    1 cup (125g) all-purpose flour
    ½ teaspoon salt

    ½ teaspoon baking powder
    Optional Additions (choose one or more):
    1 cup (175g) chocolate chips
    1 cup (100g) chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans work well)


    1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a 9×13 inch baking pan or line it with parchment paper.

    2. Melt the butter in a microwave-safe bowl or over low heat on the stove until completely melted.

    3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the melted butter and sugar. Stir until well blended.

    4. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition.

    5. Stir in the vanilla extract.

    6. Sift together the cocoa powder, flour, salt, and baking powder. Gradually add this dry mixture to the wet ingredients, mixing until just combined.

    7. Fold in any optional additions like chocolate chips or nuts.

    8. Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan, spreading it out evenly with a spatula.

    9. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out with a few moist crumbs (not wet batter).

    10. Cool the brownies in the pan on a wire rack before cutting into squares.


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