Completing the Community Centre Year 1 in Stardew Valley (1.6)

hello everybody and welcome to my channel I am the little gamer and today we are playing some more Star Valley and I’m very excited because we are on our last episode for year one and last episode we gathered all the things we need to complete the community center so that is our first job for today that’s some quests avacore so we did a little bit of rearranging but with our chests and the like so we need wine and our rabbit’s foot which we got from a Sur drop the serpents are the only mob that drop rabbit’s foot and uh that’s where it’s a 0.8% chance and we were on floor three and we got it so I am very very very happy so we’re going to go and give these in our last two items and then our community center will be done and then once we’ve done that we’ll be going down skull Caverns again because we need to start stocking stocking up on aridium we need to start getting down to those levels and actually getting some or mining some chanta’s bundle wine foot five gold bars the last bundle farewell [Music] [Music] Nova B by goodbye bye-bye the junor have returned to the spirit world fabulous so that should now show here so this I have no clue what it [Music] is but everything looks pretty much the same in here [Music] so I think we get the completed c community center cut scene tomorrow I think that’s the fish stew not too sure right then we are going to go down skull Cavern once we’ve said hello to the pig lady I don’t actually need anything from her anymore but I figured it’s probably a good idea to keep checking [Music] her oh raccoon is here hungry need fish a smoked flounder and five muscles right okay uh so we need to founder founder where do we get a Flounder from [Music] uh it doesn’t tell you in your collections does it we ever fished [Music] one lives on the bottom so both eyes are on the top of its head okay ah flounder in the ocean in the spring and the summer okay that’s a next episode Endeavor then [Music] arant chub little chair rice pudding wow oh let me see I’ve got just what you need a stone flooring [Music] not quite and muscles so we can collect muscles but I think we can get them in the crab pots as well crab pots is also something I haven’t actually done yet [Music] um do we have crab pots no um right it’s getting late now [Music] so I’m putting everything in the wrong boxes so I need I need to sort this out anyway and then put some crab pots out we should have some I wonder if they’re in my other box I have also got to actually move those boxes over here I need a like a collections section so let’s let’s do that now let’s get rid of all these we’re going to make bunch of the clay cuz this is actually a straight path here should be the straight path okay one one down is straight out the farm which is this path right along here so I actually did that quite well um right let’s pop these away so i’ got a bit of space and then we’ll start working out so I probably want to I need to move my animal stuff here maybe and [Music] then fish stuff in another spot I was thinking of maybe once the grass has grown in putting a coupe here and having maybe probably the dinosaurs actually protect the farm so to speak that’s all fish got sort those out as well right so let’s pop all those in there so this is my [Music] spring so we’ll move that first I did sort of like that checkerboard effect but was also very chaotic on the eyes so we want as many clay floor as we can make and let’s see let’s see we did buy a new one weathered flooring this one we bought that from our dwarf friend so I don’t even know what this looks like so this one might actually go with the the the dark wood this one the hay flooring maybe but that’s quite nice I actually quite like that right let’s do this let’s make you another line here then we got this line like that and along here so what we want is some more silos which are three spaces so we want that down here don’t have any mail I I didn’t realize I could actually put that under there just wondering what I could use the weathered flooring for see so that’s the Gap there this and we could just do some could put some de decorations out there I suppose can we and then I’ve actually got three [Music] spaces which means we have a central point okay no no we don’t cuz we want to leave a gap there so we’ll put our spring chest here what is it pink pink pink [Music] so let’s oh need my pickaxe don’t I so if we move our seed maker over could actually have that in front of the silos here [Music] instead right I’m going to move some more guys over and then we’ll head into tomorrow so passed out in my house and ended up in my doorway which I find a little [Music] strange everyone around town has been talking about your great generosity lately apparently packages have been appearing in people’s house houses containing items they posted about years ago on the community center bulletin board the packages are all addressed from your Farm thanks for going out of your way to do something like that all of us in town are delighted B so I started messing around with the pathing again because just one square was annoying me and and I was thinking so we do one square like that [Music] then I thinking we do three maybe and then two and then one then two one 2 three just try and make it look variated cuz as one path that looks fine and cuz that’s the EDG in but cuz the Stepping Stones variate on their own but it’s 1 2 3 and then 1 2 1 one two one two [Music] 3 see now I think it looks too chaotic so my brain my brain won’t decide what it what it likes see it could do some it could be cuz it’s on cuz it’s sideways rather than up and down cuz I like these when they go up and down the slaps but I don’t like them when they’re sideways so it could be that and then I just need to do some something different sideways see I could do see that’s one two three and then the path so I could actually make myself a proper path with fences either side I’m wondering if this whether I’m going to like that as like a path along [Music] there um right let’s do all these um right let’s make some more weathered path and then we have we got something still in here wood fencing iron fencing let’s do some wood fencing because we have 10 million wood [Music] so little tune all right so we’ll do those then like that and then one two three Gap one two 3 [Music] three uh so we can fully thingy that in can’t we oh yeah this was off wasn’t it for the exit [Music] cuz we could move everything over by by one if we uh like [Music] this we’ still have a path so if we move over we move everything over by one then we get a double Gap and we could put um that leaves us a strip of grass between [Music] this [Music] um let’s uh I think we can go into is this the community center cut scene anyway we’ll go around this way see if it is and then head to robins and move everything over one and then it’s at least little bit more in line [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m not sure how you did it Nova but the community center has never looked better you’ve done Pelican town a great service everyone one in town is pleased thank you as a way of saying thank you I’d like to present you with this town’s greatest honor the staru hero award you’ve earned it tada you’ve received a staru hero trophy Grumble grumble sales have been plummeting where have all my customers gone what all my customers here this isn’t good it’s bad for business so do we we talk it out or do we do fisty cuffs uh fisty cuffs is funnier this means nothing I’ll just run a 75% off sale and all my customers will come crawling back to me begging for forgiveness you’ll see no not this time Maris I think it’s time we settled this once and for all oh and how would you propose we do that [Music] put him up H primitive you’re too scared to fight me then bring one of your co-workers or are are all your joa employees such cowards insult me like that all you like but don’t you dare slander the good name of joa [Music] you’re even weaker than your fresh produce [Music] selection and the way you throw crunches is just like joa quantity over quality get him [Music] I just fixed that [Music] roof Morris and his joj Mar cronies were never heard from again it’s not the way I would solve it but I always find that cut scene so so hilarious right let’s uh move move construct move so we want to move you over one move you one and you over one actually if we do this uh this way then uh that works a bit better so that’s better it’s never going to be Central anyway uh right okay uh do I want to move you is the question well deer no cabin Pet Bowl I didn’t bring any hardwood anyway shop is there anything else in your shop groovy chair wood chipper oh there’s the so we can buy another mini fridge now that we’ve unlocked it Furniture C log oh the lampost let’s buy all these razors skull marble oh we sold some marble I wonder if we can actually get it properly right I’m going to go and sit on hot spring for a little bit and then carry on decorating oh B Nova it’s I’ve been waiting for you have I ever told you I used to be married strange I know for a man like me but it’s true my wife and I were together for many years until until I made a mistake that drove her away [Music] way her anger and envy were so intense that she turned green and began flying around the countryside cursing everything in her path when I found out I sealed this passage to her home fearing that an innocent villager might fall prey to her dark magic but now it must be unsealed for when we separated she took my Magic ink I need that Magic ink back I would do this myself but I I can’t see her again that’s why I need your help in order to unseal this passage you’ll need a dark Talisman talk to kobus in the sewers he should know where to find one I’m counting on you if you can retrieve my Magic ink I promise I’ll make it worth your while now go oh yeah we got the the key for the sewers last episode but we haven’t been to see crobos yet but I think I think we’ll do that in the spring maybe we could do it tomorrow I suppose but I’ve got to spend some time hoing out the bits of the farm so I can plant my strawberries straight away it doesn’t look like I’m going to get the skull Cavern either so I probably need to do skull Cavern tomorrow as well [Music] the last day of the year so I did some extra organizing and then I remembered [Music] that I hadn’t made any more aridium sprinklers because I don’t have the batteries for them um [Music] so I’ve got enough space to put more down put these ones down and I’ve still got space to go outwards over there so I can probably make some more as a [Music] go and I think it’s eight across so as long as we’re sort of two down so we want you to be about here okay right we are going to skull Cavern now that we’ve done all this decorating we still need a rido recipe for fried calamari oh we got loads of recipes now fried eel spaghetti salmon dinner cheese cauliflower fried mushrooms chowder it’s making me hungry here’s General Store is now open 7 days a week unlocked the back room of the shop come by when you have a chance there’s something I want to show you found some beer thanks yeah right okay so will is going to show us his old boat which we are going to have to fix up so I want what do I want I need my bombs then a warp two [Music] we’ll get food first food coffee emergency food and then we want a warp totem and we’re good because he needs hardwood and aridium bars I can’t remember how many he wants but he does want them so we’re going to need um for that even if we don’t need them for any more sprinklers but we can get battery packs from the pig lady so we’re going to have to keep checking on huh see if right let’s hope we can get a bit further today wow I have never seen this many bugs in one place ever it’s like it’s like B BG Heaven It’s A Bug’s Life so I seem to be getting lots and lots of stairs so it seems to be a fairly lucky day and all my all the idium mobs have actually been dropping aridium or so we might do fairly well um yes we got 10 or already or another note let’s read that another artifact spot so how many have we got left oh a fair few okay still only level 25 cuz I’ve been getting stairs not M shaft okay it was getting late we did get another note to Haley and [Music] Emily we’ve sent pink Kate and sunflowers for Haley and gemstones and wool for Emily okay let’s pop uh let’s get these out and put these on to craft see what else do I need gold will do [Music] and I think that’s it for this year let’s put the important stuff away put the food away cuz we are pretty much just going to be farming I think mainly in the next episode I it being the start of the new year um so we’re going to go to bed [Music] day one of spring year 2 good morning desert Festival fab right well we’re going to delve into that in the next episode so thank you all for watching this video the thumbnail for the next video will probably say year one oh no year 2 episode one uh so that it splits the years up for anyone who’s going through the playlist just works in my brain so that’s how I’m going to do it um but thank you all for watching this video uh if you like the video can you please do all the things like subscribe if you haven’t already already leave a comment down below ring the bell for more notifications and hopefully I will see you all in another video bye

You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? It won’t be easy. Ever since Joja Corporation came to town, the old ways of life have all but disappeared. The community centre, once the town’s most vibrant hub of activity, now lies in shambles. But the valley seems full of opportunity. With a little dedication, you might just be the one to restore Stardew Valley to greatness!

In this video, we’ll be checking out the new meadow farm feature in the latest Stardew Valley 1.6 update. Join us as we start a brand new farm and explore the beautiful meadows in this popular farming game. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to Stardew Valley, you won’t want to miss this exciting update!

00:00 Completing the Community Centre
06:00 Serious Decorating
20:25 Centre Cutscene
24:30 Wizard’s Request
39:30 Year 2 Cavern Prep

#stardewvalley #gamplay #letsplay #cozygames #gamingcommunity #gamergirl #farminggame #meadows #concernedape #pixelart #rpg #lifesim

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