Stardew Valley 1.6 – Let’s Play Ep 104

Hello friends and Villa Farmers now uh right after I recorded the last episode I’m recording kind of back to back here it occurred to me and I’m sure somebody’s probably giving me a good suggestion here is grinding the octopus up for bait it didn’t occur to me I could do that and that would help me catch the octopus uh which would be that’s kind of my objective here so let’s put this back into here and we’ll think about that one in a bit I got to remember when I catch the octop suppose um I know if our fishing program is probably not on is it LO off the land kitchen yeah no okay uh beautiful sunny day tomorrow and Fortune is Good Humor they’re in Good Humor today are they well okay let’s prioritize here let’s get these things going uh hello I’m sorry I’m not good at writing letters I made one metal bar too many I thought you might need it Clint the blacksmith cuz we won’t know who Clint is Clint you know that guy I no I still I can’t quite place the the face I I don’t know it just it’s not familiar I just don’t know sorry buddy okay I’m going to put this here for now let’s start grabbing all of our goodies and we’ll PP a couple more eggs in here all right and then you bought okay then let’s go oh good you’re all bed still very nice and you’re gigantic oh you are hiding an egg soon enough our void hen will shall be born soon well that was a lot of stuff in there okay uh I just want to get to the beach I just want to go check that out and put some traps over there and do I have enough wood to even make a take a chest with me here I’m going to put in some mayonnaise okay I guess that’s it I’m going to go check that out um you know what let’s just hold up let’s go see what this fish says mysterious and intelligent creature that doesn’t help me man that does not help me and it didn’t blog anything did it no like we know about it you think it would tell us about it now once you’ve got it might be number cat zero but we’re aware of it that’s a bummer I would very much like to uh catch that thing huh well at least we got the bait so if I can figure out when it is I got to yeah I do not remember ripe cauliflower for Robin wow 525 uh do I have a ripe cauliflower I don’t know I got to think about that I don’t want to yikes on that oh it’s this one oh it’s so dirty in here H sorry it’s such a mess I was about to clean up you’ll help help me you really mean it if only your mom doesn’t come back okay you can get started over there I’ll clean the kitchen I’ll pick up Pam’s baseball hat all right it’s looking looking great there’s some slime coming off of the couch oh it’s torn that’s what it is what do you think you’re doing stop it I had everything just the way I liked it M The House of the total mass Hodge and I were just trying to tidy things up a bit were you at the saloon just now you smell like beer Grumble Grumble it’s none of your none of your damn business where I go it is my business I don’t want you destroying yourself don’t you realize your choices have an effect on me stop being so selfish selfish I put a roof over your head and clothes in your back and you call me selfish you ungrateful little yikes you better go I’m s you had to see this kid that is brutal he’s a nice young man but I don’t want you telling others to clean up my house it’s embarrassing you understand yes mother it’s a complicated relationship we’ve got here oh you came at a good time I’m just about finished cooking a new recipe I invented let me just finish up real quick that one always gets me I love that that that would be the cooking sound here give that little taste like I hope that’s never changed I I love that that’s the cooking sound I’m a little bit like uh uh lie that was delicious uh can I get the rest to go well it’s definitely unique I’m going to go that was delicious you really mean it thank you it’s such a relief to hear that I’ve been working out so hard on the recipe and I’m really proud of it hey since you’re the first person to try to I name this one chil Dodge so how about we watch a movie or something it’s 9:00 a.m. but that’s exactly how I live oh hey Pam so I’ve came I know you’re complaining and uh your daughter was complaining about your habits but here here’s a here’s one yeah just uh don’t tell anybody I gave that to you I’m going to get in a lot of trouble Penny’s going to so we’re at Full Hearts with Penny now that’s nice um okay was that that’s lonus I need to go see lonus Abigail and uh I need to go see the job board because there might be a new job for us down here Pier’s Prime produce For an upcoming promo I’m thinking of offering some high quality vegetables at a slight premium no where a Thrifty keep might find 25 gold star vegetables or a dozen leaks for for George for in 21 days so who do I want to go with um uh so I I think this one I have to grow them I’m going to go with a dozen leaks I’m probably going to have to make some seeds and grow some Le I don’t think I have that many legs but that’s okay okay so let’s go put this over here okay now I’m going to put this thing here I think it should be safe there I think worst case they they destroy a little bit of stuff it’s not too bad it’s not uh the worst all right let’s go and get some more stuff here um hey Birds what’s up all right that’s all good well let’s go see Abigail oh and I’ve got my okay gathered 12 leaks okay we’re on it we got this oh look at that another CD to add to my collection it’s getting out of control Abigail here man it’s Monday there she is oh hi do you want to hang out at the cemetery it’s peaceful place to spend some time alone I would love to do that sometime but not now a dude I keep forgetting to bring you things most people St doors and days like this it’s not good for business all right uh lus Abigail’s Abigail’s happy now so get a gift Linus and then oh I forgot about Maru oops all right and then what was she asking for Robin I’m going to grab that I I feel like I must have it let’s have our coffee now cuz it’s one of those days was Boogie on back got to see what I have for cauliflower and then for uh have to check on our other stuff too how many leaks do I have I’ve got one oh boy might have bit up more than I can chew there okay let’s see do I have a cauliflower uh yes I do you okay and then I don’t think I have any leaks in here do I no okay so let’s get Robin that cauliflower and we’ll we’ll come back and do more perhaps I got to look at that that uh this my seed business here see what mystery goodness we can get going up to uh oh hello jam session in the [Music] rain even the little uh partical effect around the lantern there all those little touches like it’s fireflies or some sort of bug buzzing around hod what are you doing here just doing some work enjoying the weather enjoying the weather yeah I guess you would be the one to appreciate this somber Ambiance I came here to spend some time alone but I don’t mind your company you’re getting soaked come stand under the tree tree the the one I hacked down the sapling come stand next to the sapling it’s impossible to describe this feeling watching the curtains uh of rain whisper above a silent Lake oh that we’re going to do it we’re going to play a uh what are we going to pull out a banjo hey mini har you’re full of surprises I’m impressed we have a country folk album in us yet D ding PL PL PL very [Music] cute it’s interesting and I where I feel like you know um um feels like there’s more fireflies than there used to be um [Music] while uh Emily seems like kind of like an adult Abigail does not Abigail does seem like a teenager like she seems like she’s like early teens at that like it just the age sometimes seems really off for me in this game where I it’s like Abigail seems super like a kid I don’t know okay [Music] um hey BR itam as for looks perfect here’s your payment as promised well for me it’s definitely been the highlight of my career so far Maru when it rains I have a good excuse to work my gadgets all day must be kind of boring for you though greetings stay inside if you want to keep warm so how do we make out there I got to go see lonus but Robin I think we was to gained some with her we got two hearts left with Robin Maru we’re almost there sorry I keep forgetting to bring you like awesome things or if she wants an old burned out CD do you have any yeah I do it’s a good week for gifting Sebastian I really love this how did you know if you’re luck you might see a frog in this weather it’s true isn’t it all right see you later Maru if I had a battery I would give it to you all right I think I’m going to go and give our friend here is he in his tent he is warm rain is a pleasant way to get clean not like a little bath it’s Nature’s bath okay we’re still still working we’ll get there um okay so delivery for Robin got that that we get work on our gifts for George okay now the leak when does the leak occur is it later in Spring is that what it is okay it’s keep thinking I feel like it’s the first season of the game isn’t it oh my gosh there’s one way to tell isn’t there oh wait no uh no it’s only show me the ones remaining well that’s not going to help me oh yeah soon I get the uh that one done okay oh the enchanters bundle I could go and put a ball of wine in there I do have one ball of wine on me may as well throw stuff in while we can all right enchanters bundle there we go okay we do have the oak resin we don’t have a bunny yet we got to get that going we’ll have the duck feather soon yeah you know we’ll have that one done before long really it is ocean fish okay it does say it’s like where’s the red samper in the ocean where it tells me it is good job me uh let’s go over here and get all this free fiber not turning that mess down take some free Moss while I’m at it can you you can’t fill up your watering can here huh I mean I I a high expectation I don’t expect that I could I was curious if you could again I do think I’ve tried that in the past may as well try all right uh let’s get back and see if we can’t get something happening with that um the the leak it doesn’t seem like any forage is up yet for the season so I’ve got to wait for that and then we can we get a nice uh bound of our foraging down all at once here okay and this tree all right and uh yeah I was I was admonished in early comments uh recently about the early game where I I didn’t uh I I gave up a good geode for Moss I think I had no idea in the early game that what were we were looking at like the idea that uh who knew what I have no idea I still don’t actually know what all the uses of moss will be in the game so there’s my trule didn’t even notice that earlier good job k nice word truffle King my little truffle of IUS I have trouble even saying it um but yeah I’m still I I still don’t really fully have a you know great sense of what uh what’s going to come to us with the um uh with the Moss with all the any of the new things really there could be more down the pipe and it could be stuff that doesn’t appear in the first few seasons like it might be stuff that’s like more of down the road okay wow oh there we go we got that okay so I got a lot of sunflower seeds Okay let’s get back over here and see if we can’t come up with some other stuff here um okay dump off a few things here so uh some Bangles that was Carolyn these were for jazz um not entirely inclined to get rid of all my good flowers yet that’s what I’m just thinking about but I do want to sell some stuff here too um got to just think on a sec what what I want to get rid of I got to I got to count uh you and then you okay anything else here no we’ll just get rid of this where is the oh I have a th000 fiber that’s why oh my gosh it’s like why can’t I get any extra fiber here I need another chest already here um but let’s go back over here let’s grab one um oh no there we go we got a few okay what else do we need it’s this and this right oh no uh wild horse radish okay wild horseradish there we go I’m just going to keep clicking on that forever there we go how many can I do daffodil and leak so I need more leaks there let’s get the thing that I’m missing uh horseradish okay but I got uh 30 seeds so let’s go and uh plock those in the ground there was some fertilizer for Quality well oh yeah over here sure okay oh we got some beads here blueberries coming in nicely okay excellent so that’s a decent hole of stuff um yeah I’m going to hold off I’m going to wait to do any more sunflower seeds I don’t know what exactly I want to to do there thought I just got that all right Bud uh um oh we appear to be filled up all right let’s go and jump off our seeds let’s go dump off anything here put our Moss away right I got three star fruit okay so I guess I yeah I probably want to just uh at this point yeah just going to process these again okay there we go and that’s it for our wow for our iron so we got 50 some bars of iron okay um so we got lots of blueberries I should maybe go make some blueberry preserves in a bit I’m going to again I’m going to probably wait to deal with all this coffee first okay I got a few artichokes um take the best one there and sell it and sell the Box chy do I have other box Choy I must uh yes I do okay so we’re going to sell that we’re going to sell the box chy that’s four beads did I have any other ones no okay so I I’m going to need more than that I think do I have any other ones here no okay I might have to process more there H let’s go dump these coffee beans off here I swear these are I guess it’s different trees that are that are happening here cuz the last time that was those other ones it feels like I’m getting all this resin like super fast here okay we got five Oak resin that’s good um okay let’s go sell a couple sell the bo Choy sure I’ll sell that spangle the pnip [Music] um yeah I’ll sell some more sunflowers keep that melon I’ll sell that high price orti a choke to sure okay and then uh so I got four we had five starfruit seeds well I had three that I put in right so I guess that’s an improvement as for the beets then just going to grow them again um yeah I’ll just wait a second I guess we got everything else in the ground so may as well just wait on this be nice if we just had some copper come up real oh okay the be I forget how fast these are so we had four so that’s good um that’ll hopefully that’ll hold okay we’re good on hey okay now now this goes quick bzel so we already got four packs of seeds so that’s good and uh so I’ve got five and we’ll have well have more I feel like I need like 10 beads or something to put in this fridge okay I got eight eight uh could use more more I tell you and quality really does not matter with the beads now I don’t even have any good fertilizer up here either so I’m put the star fruit here for a moment okay and we’ll leave room anyway for all the extra stuff that’s going to grow in now is that that’s all ancient fruit up there is it maybe I think I want to hope it is please be ancient fruit okay let’s get our goodies here what do we got uh two more of you [Music] did I not grab it I don’t think I grabbed it okay that and then some fluff and then a CD oh thought I had more I dump that I must had CDs I put someplace else okay we got some cloth um yeah again I’m not sure how much of that I want to keep around either sell one anyway yeah some of these things I’m kind of torn on like I I want to ditch my access quantities for the sake of making some cash here but also some of the stuff I want to keep uh you know what okay I think we’re done with the sunflowers I’m going to sell all the really high quality ones here I frankly I think I could just sell all of them cuz I’m done gifting Haley yeah I’m just going to sell these I’ve got like 30 some seeds so we’re good and we’ll make a bunch of cash off that that’s fine um everything else eh I don’t know so I did end up growing I grew a better quality melon we’ve got another melon here feels like a thing I should be growing more of and then uh yeah let’s put this mayonnaise in here I do not wish to keep we’ll put our our bait in the rod there we go all right copper I can do like one more here come on we got this all right and we’ll just hang on to that then good uh I guess we can go visit the Mushroom pit and drop this mushroom off oh see that’s a problem the little trees are all trying to block my mushroom path can’t have that now okay thank you tree so it going to be I don’t want to knock the thing off I don’t know if I’m going to cause problems there or what yeah it’s a ludicrous amount of uh stuff we can smell we got 45 bars of gold 53 of iron um yeah still I need to get idium in order to get going on here or I would make some crystarium that would be kind of in my advantage there and I’ll need to make a truffle an oil machine so I’m going to need more hardwood that’s why I wanted the hardwood let’s go get that soon here all right uh well we’ll keep working on it I think it’s going to it’ll happen all right we will see you all next time till then bye-bye

It’s raining and we get caught up in an intense family storm!


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