NOOB vs PRO: GOLDEN CASTLE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

wo what happened to your house I don’t know monco but now I’ve lost everything that’s so sad Woodle I guess you’ll have to build a new house or you’ll be homeless I’ve had enough if you guys don’t build me the best golden castle by Sunset I won’t be friends with you anymore wait what I want to stay your friend so don’t worry I’ll help you build the greatest golden Castle you’ve ever seen no don’t listen to him wood I’ll build you a better Castle just you wait you’re losing no way axie if I use SL slash paste over here I can spawn in empty castle that voodo and I can edit wa this Castle is gigantic but hey it is in Golden yeah that so newbie it’s just white Wood’s going to be my friend are you serious I want woodo to be my friend don’t worry voodo what I can do is actually replace the blocks to be golden just like you want you better do that fast he’s not going to actually do that woodo he’s just lying to you to make you stay his friend is that so no way woodo look behind you you have an entire golden Castle does that mean you’re going to be my friend and leave axi well it is pretty golden but it’s not golden enough look at the rest of the exterior it’s still all normal blocks my golden Castle needs some golden defenses oh gosh you’re right hold on a second wudo just give me one moment and we can add all of the different golden things you want okay what I can do is just grab all of these golden cars that you can go up the entrance with just like this then I can also add a golden entrance over here as well that’s what I like to see hey axie are you doing this too no I’m doing better stuff my castle is going to be super tall and it’s going to have the best rooms in the world voodo there’s no way her castle is going to be bigger than my one check it out it’s so gigantic bigger is not always better better my castle is going to be higher quality exactly even if hers has better golden stuff she might still win oh no this is not good I need to add some more golden stuff so wudo can really like my build come on how about I add an entire giant Golden Fountain for him hey woodo look over here do you recognize what this is oh what does it look like you’re building I see a big Golden Ring are you going to put something special in the middle yeah I am check it out this is going to be a giant golden water fountain for you oh I see but I don’t want there to be just water in this Fountain there needs to be a golden fountain and I wanted to spill gold wo that is so awesome I always knew you had style voo this is why you’re going to be my friend and leave AI ha hey axie you better have a fountain pouring out gold too or else I won’t be your friend a fountain Woodle that’s so lame I can do better than that well it’s a fountain of gold whatever I’m going to have stained glass windows that’s cooler than a fountain right no way axie our golden Castle has a bunch of things for voodo and oh gosh this place is completely empty I hope voodo doesn’t get M uh I’m looking inside this castle and I thought it was going to have stuff inside but why is it completely empty oh gosh wudo that’s because I still need to build everything please just give me one second and you’ll realize that my golden Castle was better tell me the first room you want inside of this golden Castle well since I am going to be the king of this Castle I need myself a throne room and if you don’t get that done right now I’m going to leave for axie oh gosh I need to build this Throne Room ASAP I think the throne room can be built over here check this out voodo oh I see a nice big room for me to set my butt down on a nice Golden Throne get to it okay fine I just need to get all the gold like this then I need to get some of the cushion and woodo check it out I already started building your throne I bet axi doesn’t have anything like this on her side oh yeah well I’m working on it right now and it’s going to be green oh really axie you’re building a green one well I think I want some green elements in my Throne too wait but the cushion on the throne is supposed to be red voo no it’s going to be green red is banned in my castle that’s right Woodle why would you want to be friends with someone who tries to make you sit on a red cushion okay fine wudo look I made it green and instead of having a red carpet I guess you’ll have a green carpet it’s uh very nice that’s what I like to see let me just make sure I add everything woodo likes that way he’ll be my friend and axi will be super sad hey I won’t be super sad because I have really cool decorations and you don’t oh yeah actually see well have you seen our Throne Room there’s a bunch of guard statues waiting to protect wudo over here check it out woodo don’t you really like this decoration over here ooh some golden statues I like this these are going to be my Royal cards exactly and I bet axi doesn’t have any of this uh why would I want something like that that’s so lame wait what it’s not lame at all look I also have a chandelier then what I’m also going to do is add a bunch of golden torches for you golden torches ooh these definitely look very fancy exactly come on wudo you should add whatever house decorations you want inside of this room so you can make it feel like home oh that’s a great idea I guess I can get started on that oh gosh quickly while wuro is placing down all of the decorations he wants I need to go change axe’s Castle so she doesn’t win all I need to do is just go invisible just like this and let’s see what she has so far oh my gosh my castle is so cool I can’t wait for woodo to hang out with me but not mango are you serious oh my gosh I need to change everything that’s gold and I need to replace it to be cold blocks instead that way her house is super dark wait what just happened to my house is the universe trying to send me a sign I should be making a haunted golden Castle wait what is actually going insane no way she’s totally going to lose this Build Challenge I should tell voodo what she did hey voodo I just took a look at axe’s house and guess what her whole house is made out of coal Coal are you kidding me axie oh it wasn’t me out of coal but then the universe changed it no she’s just saying that cuz she knows her build is going to be super bad I would just stay on our side so you could just love my castle more wudo oh my gosh I can’t believe this axi I might have to banish you forever hey it’s not that bad Rood come on there must be some way I can make it up to you well I think I would love a bakery if you can build one of those then I might change my mind wait what a bakery would change wo’s mind that means I need to have a bakery inside of my castle hey woodo follow me I’m going to show you something okay ooh what are you going to show me well I’m going to take you to the best part of this entire castle buo and it’s this back area over here oh really then show me what you’re going to put well wo what I’m going to do is put a bunch of stoves that way our Bakery can make you the most delicious golden cookies you want ooh that sounds very tasty axie are your cookies going to be golden too oh definitely they’re going to be super golden and maybe a little bit haunted no way she’s lying woodo there’s no way anyone can have golden cookies except for me I found out the recipes for the golden cookies and I’m going to make it over here all I need to do is add all the different machines that’s going to make it golden check it out woodo these machines over here work over time to make sure you have your golden cookies oh this is what I like to see now I’m going to have all the greatest golden cookies exactly check it out voodo they’re going to get turned into golden cookies over here and you can eat as much as them as you want so come on tell me you like my house better already well I don’t know what if axi has better tasty golden cookies that’s right what if I do no way my golden cookies are not going to be just normal golden cookies they’re going to be enchanted golden cookies too enchanted golden cookies are my eyes playing tricks on me these look so magical exactly woodo I’m not done there this kitchen is also going to be super duper luxurious to your liking whatever you want it’s going to have it that sounds so lame I can do better actually if you can do better than this then I might just leave and go ahead and Destroy his house too oh really wait what she can’t do better she’s just saying that woodo look our golden kitchen has an entire golden floor and I’m even going to place down a bunch of tables for you to eat the golden cookies on oh my gosh these tables look so fancy I’m going to really feel like the most coolest person ever ever eating on this that’s the point woodo there’s no way axi has anything like this inside of her house oh yeah well I have a whole Spa a spa axie that actually sounds pretty nice so I can give my nice turtle legs and arms a bubbly massage exactly you don’t have anywhere for woodo to relax do you oh my goodness I need to add somewhere where woodo can relax and I know that woodo like something more than the spa and that’s the beach so what if I make an entire beach room hey wodo follow me over here ooh what are you going to put in this room well vooodo do you recognize this over here this is sand I love sand exactly you’re a turtle so you love sand and that’s why I’m going to place down a bunch of sand all over the place wo let’s go I love sand so so much hey axie does your spa have sand in it I don’t think so ew no one like sand axie what are you talking about I’m a turtle and my favorite place is the beach how dare you say no one likes sand see she didn’t even know that wudo which means you should be my friend instead of hers well that is a good point I might have to because of what she just said if you guys think wuro should be my friend then comment right now no comment axi wo’s going to be only my friend neither of you guys will be my friends if you don’t finish building me the greatest golden castle ever you got the sand Bongo but what else are you going to put in here to make it perfect for me well you see I have a bunch of water for you to swim on then I’m also going to place down some sand castle for you ooh I love playing with s castles exactly I know everything you like unlike axi over there I can’t believe she said that I don’t like sand I didn’t say you didn’t like it I just don’t like it it gets between my toes well that’s the best part and if you don’t like it axie then I don’t like you that is so mean oh my goodness voo look this beach isn’t only just going to have sand castles it’s also going to have a bunch of floaties floaties oh I love floaties give me some cool ones all I need to do is just add them over here and you can put them on whenever you want woodo let’s go I want to wear this ax a lot of wine you shouldn’t be too excited woodo I’m going to add even more things I bet axe’s Little Spa doesn’t have anything like this uh my spot isn’t little it’s massive no way axi there’s no way your spot is bigger than my beach over here that has a bunch of palm trees it’s definitely like 10 times bigger palm trees these are perfect now it feels like I’m in some place super tropical doesn’t it feel like home woodo doesn’t it feel like the place you grew up in yeah it really does I love this so much axi you have quite the Big Challenge on your hands yeah yeah I’m going to destroy this challenge because I’m making a haunted golden castle for you that sounds so whack axie Look wudo I’m even placing down a bunch of treasure chest all over the place for you what’s better than a beach a beach with treasure on it oh my gosh I can search for Treasure so I can get even more Rich look at how big this chest is m oh exactly mudo and we’re not done just there these golden chests are going to have a bunch of golden toys for you to play with at any time let’s go and you thought I was done right there voodo well guess what I’m not I’m also going to invite your turtle family over to this giant beach party let’s go now it really is a turtle party up in here oh yeah e who even likes turtles axie are you kidding me did you just ask who likes turtles I’m a turtle oh yeah whoops here oh my goodness wuro I wouldn’t take what she just said I would personally get some payback and if you’re going to get payback you obviously need a pranking room inside of this Castle so how about we add something like that for you buddy I want that now oh okay come on follow me over here we’ll just go into this giant room and this will be the paining room where we’ll have all sorts of different things that you can get back at axi with perfect I want to get back at axi for saying that Turtles aren’t awesome exactly she doesn’t even know what she’s talking about wudo you should totally just be my friend already yeah you know what I am thinking about that but I still want to give her a chance to show me if she she can prove her house is better oh my gosh she can’t prove that woodo look I have the first prank item already and it’s called the shrink potion the shrink potion what does that do it shrinks wherever it goes on then I have a bunch of fireworks that you can use on someone to annoy them and then there’s also the cobweb which you can use to make someone stuck no way I want to stick axi inside of there and then roas her on top of this fire and turn her into an aelott s’more what the heck wo that’s really messed up it’s not messed up you’d be really tasty we’re not done there voodo we also have our firework weapon which you can use to spam fireworks everywhere ah my eyes there’s so many colors but woodo I have even more stuff look at this we have Bubble blowers which you could use to annoy axi at any time what that is awesome take these bubbles I’m getting bubble attacked bro hold on a second moodo check it out we still have a few more spots left what kind of weapons do you want next I can add whatever you want ooh other weapons I want something extremely dangerous do you have a flamethrower a flamethrower don’t worry vooodo I can get whatever you want check it out it took me only a second and I already found a flamethrower no way and no flamethrower oh my gosh let me use it wao wao wo don’t use it in here wudo it’s going to break everything it’s so awesome hold on you’re going to burn down the entire Castle tell me what else weapons you want me to add already well is there anything better than a flamethrower actually there is voo there’s this thing called the Bazooka do you know what this is it can blow up anything you point at oh my gosh that’ll be perfect when I go and raid the axotal headquarters go ahead and put a couple of those down I did woodo and we’re going to have one last weapon to really make sure axi never messes with you again and it’s going to be an entire rocket ship a rocket ship oh my gosh so I can go to space or I can send axi to space and turn her into an alien are you guys really going to space you guys are such nerds look at her she’s still talking trash woodo we need to get some Revenge so come on grab some of this invisibility and some fireworks and some cobwebs let’s go get our sweet sweet revenge oh yeah I can’t wait voo I forgot to mention I always do this on you but I’ll tell you the method anyways whenever you go prank someone you need to go invisible wo oh I’m invisible now let’s go and break her axe’s never going to see it coming where in the world is her tiny little castle wait a second why is axe’s house half golden oh gosh wo’s going to love this place so much the bottom is a normal Castle but the top is a haunted bedroom oh my gosh is Li I know how much wood L spooky things I bet he’s going to pee his pants out of happiness woodo this is why we need to prank her come on use some of your tools I’ll start off with something a little bit spooky how about I put some cobwebs to trap her heit what’s going on I don’t remember putting clb’s here then I’ll put down a bunch of fireworks to annoy her a ghost are you there reveal yourself oo it’s a ghost and I’m a ghost that likes blowing bubbles really those like buying bubbles that is awesome she’s not taking you serious mudo we need to do the ultimate prank of all time and Shrink her get back a little bit and let me just do this what’s going on why am I so tiny no way you shrunk her moo now what I can do is use this to finish the job take my fep the ghost is shooting on me it’s over I need to tell woodo that I’m the better friend so I can die in peace now axi will be turned into a Cris a aett that’s right wudo come on admit that my house is better already well I don’t know if I can call yours better yet look hexi built me a whole bedroom and I have a place to sleep here I don’t have a place to sleep inside of your house oh gosh you’re right my golden Castle is still pretty empty but don’t worry woodo look over here we can turn this entire room into the perfect bedroom for you so you can like my house more well you better get to it we’re running out of time uh guys did a ghost come to try and burn you too a ghost what type of ghost oh you know just that like blowing bubbles I have no idea who that ghost is axie oh okay I guess you’re not cool enough for the ghost to come visit you sure sure axie I’m just focused on building the Ultimate Green bedroom for woodo cuz I know woodo loves the color green yeah exactly thanks for making this all green hey I made the throne green first you were going to make it red if you guys think red is is better than the color green hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting really close to a million subscribers but quickly I need to keep building this entire bedroom needs to be Turtle theme so hurry up and make it like that okay woodo hold on a second I just need to get this axe real quick and I can replace the entire floor to be a super duper comfortable lime carpet ooh I like the sound of that and now that we have a lime carpet what I can do is also add some lime sofas so you can watch some lime TV shows o I want to watch all the TV shows especially our videos you hear that axie he likes what I’m building yeah well he’s going to like what I’m building way better no way look I have the world’s biggest TV ever oh my gosh what a big TV oh gosh I have to add my own TV thanks for the idea are you serious you see that woodo she’s copying me oh my gosh axie you’re not allowed to copy myo too bad I already did it oh my goodness whatever even if she does copy me wudo my build is going to be better look I’m adding a bunch of Green Lanterns then what I’m going to do is add a bunch of different Turtle plushies everywhere really like what type of turtle plushies well the super biggest one of course oh my gosh I love it look over here woodo I’m also going to have a bunch of lime water for you to swim in oh no way I love this but I’m not done there rudo you think a good friend like me would just stop right there I’m going to add a giant trampoline that is lime and green just for you oh my gosh let’s go hey axie do you have a trampoline no but I’m adding one right now thanks for another idea she’s still cing me oh my gosh let’s go it doesn’t even matter if she copies you this is like 10 times better oh my goodness Whatever wudo by the end of this you’re going to like my house more look I’m even adding giant wardrobes for you giant wardrobes that’s right and I’m also going to have your own personal closet over here that is going to have all the green armor you want yes I want all the green armor don’t worry woodo I can find it for you let me just place down this over here and then this over here and oh gosh I need to find even more these look good over here and wo look at this super cool thing over here woodo is going to absolutely love my house after I place test down oh my gosh what is that that is Samurai armor and this is super duper giant armor oh my gosh I love this armor I’m going put it on right now that armor can’t be that cool it’s green and slimy but it makes me extra bouncy that sounds kind of nasty come on wudo do you love my house more than axis now well I don’t know yet what if axi still has better things inside of her house than you yeah for example a dance room because that’s exactly what I’m adding wait what ax is adding a dance room woodo loves to dance I can’t let her get away with that wo a dance room sounds so cool I wish we could have that oh no I need to add a dance room right now so wo’s super happy come on let me find an empty bedroom there’s so many rooms in this castle and hold on a second why do I just turn this entire front of the castle into a huge dance room but I can do is get some speakers and then also I can get a bunch of different instruments this dance floor needs to be huge don’t worry voodo this will be the biggest thing of all time I’m going to place down the DJ area over here so I can play all the music while you’re dancing let’s go put extra big speakers I want it to be blasting and booing you’re going to be able to hear this music all the way to where ta is that’s how loud it’s going to be I don’t want to hear your terrible music keep it out of my ears what do you mean terrible axie are you saying I have a terrible taste in things uh I’m saying has a terrible taste in things no she definitely said you have a terrible taste in things just be my friend already and leave her wudo now I’m really thinking about it and because of what she said I might just have to but I didn’t mean you wodo oh you’re twisting my words this dance floor is looking absolutely amazing wo’s totally going to love this more than hers wo look over here I even have a disco ball on top of my head for you a disco ball oh yeah I like that I’m also going to add a bunch of ice cream that you can eat while dancing doesn’t that sound like such a Vibe that’s sounds like a triple vom ha you hear that axie do you have ice cream on your side no but I don’t need ice cream I have better cookies than you oh my gosh that doesn’t even make sense look to finish off this dance area but I’m going to do is add a bunch of party hats oh yeah make it extra party like I’m going to put down some balloons too cuz this place is going to be a party that’s right voodo check check it out this golden Castle is way better than whatever axi can build axie you hear that I think manga might be beating you well how about you guys come over to my side and check it out then come on wudo let’s see if her house is really better than my entire golden Castle okay what’s going on in here axie welcome to my golden Castle SL Haunted Mansion come right inside sir m okay what is this wait a second why is this place so small it’s not small it’s the right size for a turtle like woodo we have a bunch of golden cookies that are definitely not made with mud and a mud spot that we definitely don’t use to make the cookies wait a mud Spa I actually kind of like mud wait what no you don’t buo whatever she built is terrible come on let’s see what’s in the second floor and what is this oh my gosh why is it haunted I know you’re super happy right now woodo because you love scary things so here’s a scary place that you can live in every single day of your life right next to your skeleton buddies why do you have selfies of manga on the wall oh no I got to get out of here I’m scared you like it no he doesn’t like it axie come over to my golden Castle sh I can show you what it’s better wait there could be nothing better than mine and wait this place is even bigger than it looks from the outside exactly we have an entire dance floor over here but that’s not all actually we also have a thrown room for wudo you need to follow me over here for it why is this place so confusing and wow this place looks so fancy of course it looks fancy it’s for king wuro that’s right so bow down to me and say my name axie um no I don’t think I will what’s over here wait what guards attack her no Buddha we can’t attack her yet we need to show her the fancy cookie generator over here oh yeah for my golden cookies now come and feed me my Jesters uh these cookies don’t look that good so I hope you won’t mind if I just sample all of them really quickly hey hey don’t take all my cookies whoops sorry I already ate them uh wo there’s no more cookies left for you bro are you kidding me aie I’m going to go ahead and put you on top of the castle and kick you off of it okay that’s fine wait no you can’t kick her out yet she needs to see how amazing this beach is oh our beach I forgot come and check this out axie as a water animal you understand what it feels feels like to be at the beach this place is okay but I’m going to fix it really quickly wait what it’s being infected why do I feel a bunch of poop in the water yay my axelos live here now and they’re way cuter than these Turtles wait what these things are not cute whatsoever the only thing cute here is me what in the world you’re banished from my kingdom now oh my goodness voo you can’t banish me after we made an entire prank room and bedroom for you oh yeah I almost forgot about that axie ignore the fact that we built a prank room okay okay I’m ignoring it what’s a prank see we totally got her mango yeah but wo showcase your amazing bedroom so she gets jealous of my build oh yeah come over here axie as you can see I have a big bed that I can sleep in wello you really do need a bed this big what are you talking about no I don’t I just like it cuz now I can stretch my legs no it’s perfectly wide enough for you good job exactly axie I know everything about wudo that’s why he’s going to like my build and be my friend only come on woodo what do you think of our builds and whose friend are you going to be mine was way better woodo pick me well okay there’s only one last thing I need to ask to see which one of you is the better friend okay what is it I’ll answer anything what was the embarrassing thing I did in second grade that no one knows about oh gosh he pooped his pants um did you fart in front of everyone and then get arrested no he pooped his pants you guys are both right and no one was supposed to know my secrets so none of you will be my [Music] friends thank you guys so much for watching the video if you enjoy en than watching her video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye-bye

Mongo and Wudo have to build a GOLDEN CASTLE! Who builds the best golden castle? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. mong❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Axse😂Added😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. mong❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Axse😂Added😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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