13 Tips & Tricks on How to Decorate Your Farm – Stardew Valley 1.6

hey there Phil here and today I’ll talk about a few tips and tricks on how to decorate your farm in Stardew Valley if you look at Farm screenshots on the Internet or some farm tours on YouTube you may wonder how they made such goodlooking farms and how you can do that for your farm as well with the new 1.6 update even more customization was added to Stardew Valley which can be used to make some of the best looking Farms out there but before we begin consider subscribing to the channel since it helps me out a lot and it’s totally free so without any further Ado let’s begin you can make a great looking Farm on any of the farm types that are in the game it all depends on you and what you would like to do with the farm the standard Farm is like a complete blank canvas that you can fill out for yourself my main one is on that farm type and I have a whole farm tour on what I created there but the other types are unique which you can use to create some really wonderful and Unique Designs my first tip for decorating your farm when starting out is that you shouldn’t go instantly for a full build and clear out the whole Farm it can be quite daunting and you may even give up the process halfway just take it easy and always start from a small area or a corner on the farm and spread it onward from there as you complete smaller pieces of the farm you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment every time time you manage to do those little projects and with that you will feel even more inspired to continue on that’s a quite important tip so you don’t feel pressured to complete it and maybe give up the layout you had planned for that farm my second tip is about the farm types every Farm is different some have more planting area While others don’t like for example the forest farm and the newly added metal land farm which have a lot of unable tiles now you have to work around this if you want to focus on crops use the areas you can plant for that and afterwards on the grass tiles you can place a few sheds and fill them up with plant pots which you can plant and cover in the Lux retaining soil so you can always get crops from The Sheds but you can also use the area for something else like for random buildings like more cops and barns as well as a meal to spice things up all in all being Limited in one aspect will always open up the other ones which if you’re limited in tillable soil you can focus more on animal produce and Artisan Goods it may take more time for processing and everything else but at the end of the day the farm layout would look amazing don’t forget to experiment a bit it’s all up to you and the next one is concerning the decorations in Star Valley decorations are a must have for the farm the most basic one you get from crafting and the crafting recipes can be bought from certain shops around stard Valley or you learn them as you progress with the game and speaking about Robin shop a really important item that you can buy from her is the furniture catalog which is sold for 2,000 gold it has a huge variety of furniture that you can use on the farm and inside The Farmhouse and in the 1.6 update new themed furniture catalogs were added to stard Valley which I must say are amazing they are spread around the game and finding them can be a bit difficult and expensive some are sold by the traveling Merchant and others are found in other vendors in the game one you can even find randomly and it’s free I made a whole video on them where you can get them and with a sneak peek of the furniture they offer so you can check it out for yourself right here also there are items that only appear in the respective shops that you can purchase or trade with in exchange for certain items using those in combination with one another will really make your farm and Farmhouse stand out a lot and I highly suggest always trying out different combinations of furniture when you’re trying to make your best Farmhouse or Farm in general the decorations from the furniture catalog are best used for the inside of the Farmhouse where you can make really amazing designs for that the inside of the house can now be further expanded with the 1 .6 update where you can expand a corner room for 100,000 gold add an attic for 60,000 gold a dining room for 150,000 gold and a cabby for 10,000 gold you can also open up the dining room as you can do with a bedroom and remove the wall separating it from the kitchen but that is up to you with all of these new areas there is a lot more room for all of your ideas to be used and the new furniture catalogs can help you with that don’t forget to use the furniture and floor separators to further separate the rooms and make them feel even more unique that way even though you can’t make more walls you can make it yourself with different kinds of furniture the fourth tip I have is about inspiration I must say that it’s always great to experiment with your own designs but if you’re ever stuck it’s great to look at some of the other random Farm screenshots from other players online to draw some inspiration from them there are so many amazing farm designs out there made by wonderful people and seeing those can definitely help you out in designing your perfect Farm someone out there may have thought about something that you needed but you didn’t know how to pull it off so I highly suggest this the most for the fifth tip I want to say just move everything in the 1.5 update the ability to move the greenhouse and shipping bin was added which really helped in making some quite interesting Farm layout layout but now with a 1.6 update you can even move The Farmhouse as well as the pet ball so reshaping the farm layout from scratch and creating your preferred style is possible and you can also paint the buildings on the farm to your desired color just visit Robin shop and play around with everything to your heart’s content for the next tip it’s about the layout and more specifically the Symmetry and asymmetry of the farm layout the combination of these two aspects will really make your farm unique it will have a good planned layout where also at some spots you should have placements that break the ongoing symmetry this is mainly for the fencing and general placement of the buildings so you should always try to place them uniquely by this I mean don’t go for the standard box shape that the fence draws you to make always try to bring a little weirdness to it and after you make a nice fence area you like fill it up with decorations or trees to further make the area more interesting the way I go around my fence off areas is that I always make Corners I try to make it more asymmetrical to break that box shape and with that it makes it feel more alive just don’t forget to add the zoom buttons to the interface from the game menu which will help you a lot in your designing process having a better look of the area without having to take screenshots all the time another quite useful tip that I have is using the stard valley planner that’s a really useful online tool that lets you plan out your ideal Farm look before you start making it in the game this is quite helpful and a lot of players like using it to get a more General Outlook of the whole farm and how it would look if they went with their ideal built it’s just that it will take a while to make your farm layout and you may give up halfway since you may think you’re just losing time which you can use in the game making your design and that’s where the start small tip comes in handy when you start small and finish an area you feel accomplished and try to make more with that now for another tip and that is combining things speaking about decorations more importantly the fence post and the floor tiles on the farm there is also a really neat trick for those for fence post this is more about the wooden ones since you have the basic and the hardwood options and the coloring is different on both you should always try to combine them using those in order to bring out a bit of odity in the fencing since it looks more natural like that but I know that some players would prefer a single color fence for patting especially the stone pads you should always try to combine them with similar pets in order to bring more variety I always love using the Cobblestone pad with the stepping stone pad to make a pet that looks like this for me personally this looks quite amazing and you can do this with all of the pads in the game it’s up to you and while we’re still on the topic of patting the next tip is about the farm patting you should always plan out your desired main pads on the farm coming down from the Mountain entrance to the bus stop and to the cindera forest entrance this is important since those main pads will be your connectors to all the separate pads you will spread around your farm in the future future you have to start from somewhere this should always be your main goal before you start anything else use Symmetry and a symmetry in the placement until you think it’s good enough afterwards you can connect the other pads that spread around the main one and Branch out from there and you can start planning out the layout for the farm buildings afterwards so this is quite important to start first another tip that I have is about the crop spacing you you should always plan out the crop spacing in the game depending on your farm with a 1.5 update the sprinklers got a real nice boost so you can make some bigger areas filled with crops spaced between some wood flooring and even add a junim moat to make your life a bit easier all in all the crops can always be made to look great even if you want to have a huge amount of them on the farm and if you don’t want to use the lamp posts near your farm you can now put torches on the sprinklers so you can always see the status of the crops even in the evening so use that a lot the next tip that I also have is about the Torches and you can now easily place them behind buildings or trees to light up the area without the torch being visible this can be used on some places where you don’t want to add a lamp post or the use of the torch can be quite beneficial this is quite a neat trick and I always use it on the farm and the last tip that I have is concerning the trees on the farm you have two ways you can do this and that is line up the regular trees in rows and just Place rock pading around them so they don’t spread around or make a small Forest area where you can also put some petting around them so they don’t spread and now you can even put the mushroom log next to them to produce even more mushrooms or even add some beehives for fruit trees it’s the same I usually use them to fill up the empty spaces on the farm but they can be a bit tricky since for them to grow they need need all of the a tiles around them to be free after they grow you can put patting near them and they will still produce fruits so you will first need to wait for them to grow so this will take a bit of planning ahead but you can do a really great job with them as well and that’s it for today’s video I hope I managed to show you something new and if you enjoy the video don’t forget to leave a like And subscribe to the channel also feel free to join the Discord Channel where you can share a screenshot from your Stardew Valley Farm layout I hope you all have a great day and I’ll see you all in my next one but till then stay safe

The 1.6 update of Stardew Valley added so many new things to the game that help in making your farm and farmhouse look even better, unlocking a lot of new decorations in stardew valley. Today I will be talking about a few tips and tricks on how to decorate your farm in stardew valley. The best farm design tips on how to create a beautiful farm layout and I hope this helps out.

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