The Wifies Debunk

this is not a regular debunk I’m about to attempt to catch a YouTuber in the act of Faking a video on their own private recording server my target is wey the most mysterious escape room Channel I have ever seen he’s a huge Channel beloved by millions his Escape rooms are so popular even YouTube watches them but despite everyone asking me I just can’t figure out the truth there is so much evidence that his Escape rooms are faked and he just built them off camera then there’s also a ton of evidence that he may be one of the only legitimate escape room channels maybe he’s just really stupid just theories I’ve heard it you wouldn’t get it unless I show you anything you think you know you don’t know so since I’ve got a few minutes before he’s expected to join his recording server where I’ll be waiting to catch him I’ll need to briefly run through the evidence so you know what’s going on so there’s a secret about debunking people the easiest way to just instantly clock an escape room is staged is that the person playing it will Tunnel Vision on a very specific solution almost as if they planned it before hitting record take this example wey needs to build up to a ledge but there’s a problem and I’ll let him explain two from the door one from the crafting table three from the lightning rods and a lantern wait wait what that’s 6 and a half blocks I need seven that Lantern won’t let me make it all the way up I was half a block short while he’s trying to figure out where to get that last block I’ll explain the better solution you got to start thinking with portals literally there’s the extra block you need then just parkour for the rest of it well actually if you’re cool you’ll do it this [Music] way and there we go that’s how you do it except it’s a fake exit the map Creator thought it was impossible to get up here what you had to do is build up way off to the side and use the lantern to jump onto the end portal frames where the secret exit is right above the frames was a hole in the wall leading to an exit and the old exit I could now see was a decoy the entire time of course if wees were too smart he would have done my method and accidentally soft locked for now I’ll add one point to the sus counter cuz Wei does a lot of risky moves like that there’s this one time where he had to build up to a different ledge with only a couple blocks and help from a jump boost Beacon the catch is that the beacon itself is is one of the blocks he needs in the staircase which means at some point he has to break it and since he can never refuel the effect he only has like 8 seconds left of remaining jump boost to get all the way up as it runs out otherwise good thing I had a backup of the world he soft locks but it turns out he actually fails Escape rooms all the time every escape room YouTuber has at least one hard trick that they totally did first try but when wey messes up he opens it back up and does it all again and doesn’t pretend it never happen so honestly way more legit than any other channels I’ve investigated but sometimes even the mistake get suspicious unless I could figure out how to get through using only a trapo if that was even possible I attempted to stand underneath it and spam space in hopes of crawling through the opening it didn’t work and notice like I got into crawl mode if I jump and took a leap of faith and another one and [Music] another I don’t even know what which point to give that to so I I’ll add it to both but it brings up a major point you know how most escape room videos are told in past tense like a story but then I had a very good idea I used F5 wey does the same thing but uh sometimes he’s bold enough to include um live moments no that actually worked oh that’s so cool what let’s go yes what if what if it’s only open when I’m in the no way that’s it right is that it so I tossed an item into the portal and to my amazement a hole formed in the wall revealing a door a bit of Life advice if you’re trying to look surprised in a game don’t shake your camera people don’t do that when they’re surprised they do that when they’re trying to act surprised he’s also weird about rules if a sign tells him to do something he doesn’t mind ignoring it which is based and he’s even willing to do disconnect glitching to get immunity from damage in the puzzles which is also based and yet a completely solid wall of lava with a sign with a pretty heavy ask but I suppose for the sake of the video I would comply man the only thing worse than being told I’m not allowed to disconnect glitch through Lava is being told that on a [Music] sign to be fair he did say he would follow it for the sake of the video so maybe half point and would you believe me if I told you that this clip is kind of an exception the problem with this debunk is wey’s escape rooms are actually really really welld designed usually I mean okay does it bother you when escape room YouTubers always know the one obscure glitch needed to solve a room well sometimes wey doesn’t and he usually can’t find a cheese or a shortcut because someone put a lot of effort into patching them so sometimes we has no choice but to go to the Minecraft Wiki and study until he finds out what he needs to know that’s more than I’ve seen any other channels do speaking of every other channel I’ve debunked I’ve had to meticulously recreate their escape rooms by overanalyzing the video but wey happily releases the downloads for all of his Maps I can’t even make jokes about there being a hidden Hopper with all of my Escape kits because anyone could download it and see that there isn’t maybe wey really is just the only honest escape room Channel except for one thing notice how I kept saying usually well-designed I was very subtle well after years I have finally found the one escape room on Wei’s Channel with enough mistakes to reveal his true colors it started out so gracefully but it gradually descends into chaos remember to keep an open mind and let’s begin I’m stuck in the hardest Minecraft escape room wait wait sorry sorry that’s the wrong video I meant to play this one this is the hardest escape room in m oh wait no no no that’s not it either uh let me find it it’s one of [Music] these oh bottom right it’s bottom right yeah yeah that’s it okay quick note the first room here is the beacon puzzle I mentioned earlier so we’ll skip it since there isn’t a way to cheese that room unless you’re obnoxious but On to the Next Room the first thing to know about it is there’s a barrier parkour course leading to a a hopper uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh so after a few easy jumps I got two bamboo and a camel now the main point of this room is learning how the nether portal works there isn’t much in the nether aside from a crafting table more Hoppers and hey is that a block you can plant bamboo on anyway sorry the point is depending on where in the portal he stands wees can actually enter one of two identical rooms the main difference is that what looks like the entrance in the first room has now become the exit in the second room this was perfect the first thing it meant was I had another Hopper I could parkour to and this time a secret passage behind it thankfully after all the time doing nothing I’d already figured out how I was going to crawl [Music] in and I can do the same thing here with my camel and after entering the crawl space oh right using the camel as a crawl glitch that’s clever uh oh uh I found another Hopper with more XP and bamboo and this time I knew what I had to [Music] do like killed my camel took both my pandas to the nether bred them killed them killed her child Hey kid give me your XP wait killed her child and with a hidden Hopper behind my crafting table finally got enough levels to get silk touch on my Axe and with the new axe I Min the leaves in the portal corners and I was free so aside from the bamboo did he at least conserve all of the resources he could save well almost he only forgot one section yeah we should be good now so after painfully mining almost every block I found a barrel inside was an assortment of interesting items but more worrying was the noise I heard a dispenser click and as I looked up I saw it a glass pane was dispensed into the cobweb if it reached that lava before I found a way to collect it I was going going to lose I couldn’t get close enough to reach it and I didn’t have a fishing rod or any way to grab it I tried entering the small Gap in the barriers using my door but nothing seemed to be working I was in panic I was going to lose right here I rechecked the barrel nothing my inventory nothing I couldn’t block off the lava so I was just forced to watch as my keto winning was lost but I had an idea because of the way items group together I could so I got in position and threw Too Close another throw and there it was I had saved the glass pane oh that feature where items group into one entity ah using that in an escape room is such a cool idea so you’re saying if I throw my glass pane right here the other one will group to this one and be saved uh [Music] oh is that craw glitch I did too convoluted yeah we would probably never figure out something like that by placing the door on the barrel and closing it on myself and the glass pane I could get the perfect setup to thrust myself into crawl mode and with a little trial and error I got to keep my barrel and doors well after using the remaining blocks to pillar up a mini tunnel I was met with a giant maze the exit was only a single block up but conveniently I had zero blocks to pill her up [Music] with oh this is interesting every wey chamber is equipped with a barrier ceiling so wey can’t staircase out of the puzzle area this room doesn’t have one hope that’s not going to be a problem later I then used the carpet on the flower pot by the exit and I was out the next I use the edge of the pool and all my new found blocks to pillar my way out this was the penultimate [Music] room wait this is starting to look strangely familiar okay I have to quickly talk about the escape room that came before this one because it too has one of those cute Lura mob through maze puzzles just like this one but okay see if you can guess the mistake that it has in common with this more recent maze room a they somehow forgot to put barriers on the roof or B wey forgot to collect a carpit behind him while exiting the room you’re right it’s both the universe hands me a second nickel actually there’s a third maze that also doesn’t have a barrier roof but I can’t really count it because the player is actually supposed to climb out of that one and to keep you from fullon escaping they were smart enough to make the barriers around you seven blocks tall and the puzzle that accompanies the maze only ever gives you eight blocks hang on in front of me was lava a ton of droppers but what caught my eye the most was the repeater the room itself didn’t have a normal exit but it had this hole in the corner which looked like a perfect place to place a bed if I could one get a bed and two somehow die I would respawn in the other corner of the chamber why is the FBI not hiring this guy the detective skills to see like five different cavities in the wall and instantly know the next room is hiding behind this one specifically he doesn’t even know there’s a bed in this room yet basically in this kind of sensory overload room you just need to know that powering that repeater will give you a bed and somehow we’re supposed to know to place that bed here so we can throw our items die and cross our fingers that the opposite corner is a valid respawn point the thing is beds are really powerful items so instead of that if I’m clever enough I might be able to use a certain glitch where if you you uh okay forget the glitch I expected too much I checked the crafting table and noticed I could craft fireworks and this actually made a lot of sense if I had to find a way to kill myself fall damage wouldn’t work if I didn’t have blocks but fireworks would [Music] I returned to the crafting table and decided the fireworks were probably going to be the correct play I crafted my final explosive fireworks stars using Dy from the torch flow placed the bed in the corner place the pot over my head and let it wait a minute why am I complaining that he doesn’t save the pot when he forgot to save any of his items wey don’t do it he he just lost his entire inventory and that’s when I realized I thought I was criticizing a liar but I might actually be bullying a victim of dementia think about it I know we has been a fan of prison escape content where smuggling items over beds is a classic trick but he doesn’t even think about it the trick where you pick up a carpet behind you there’s video proof he’s seen it before but he doesn’t do it he Enchanted the silk touch axe and forgot about it in later rooms heck he consistently forgets that previous rooms exist it’s either memory loss or it’s exactly what I said about YouTubers tunnel visioning on their pre-planned solution because either someone conveniently rushed in and replaced the last puzzle with one that doesn’t require items to solve or we he’s built it himself and that’s how he knew he was completely fine if he went in with an empty inventory also think about the fact that he never builds up to these Ledges in a staircase in case he needs to climb them later there’s a perfect example of this in one of his very first puzzles he was able to get four perer blocks and the LGE to reach is five blocks up though you can get help from this beehive now look at how confidently he doesn’t build a staircase as if he knows he’ll never need to come back for anything it’s convenient that whoever made this map didn’t think about crafting slabs for extra blocks because wey didn’t think of that either but in the immediate next escape room someone informed the map creator that slabs exist so this time slabs are part of the solution and you will fail the room if you don’t craft them to get enough height oh look at that weey also remembered slabs exist and he’s still not building a staircase but it’s all fine because it’s all staged he built the puzzles he knows the solutions and that’s why he knows he’s never going to fall nonetheless I could still craft the slabs by hand and use them as well as the uhhuh Well turns out he just dropped down to double check if there were more hidden items and there weren’t any and he had to restart the whole map because of that mistake that’s the problem no matter how much evidence I get no matter how convincing it doesn’t explain all of his mistakes if he made the map he would have known if he forgot an item or not then there’s all the times he had to check the Minecraft Wiki to learn something that’s time he spent multiple minutes trying to figure out how to crawl with a trap door it took him 2 minutes to realize you just have to jump but if he’s really going through such poorly designed puzzles surely we’d expect him to accidentally find a cheese or a shortcut at least once right just by pure chance well he does one time he couldn’t figure out how to safely fall down a pit and out of options he just used disconnect immunity to prevent fall damage altogether and only then did he realize there was a hidden slime block he was meant to bounce on nobody would hide that if they weren’t going to use it in the video unless he’s playing 40 chest how smart Me Maybe he is no I’ve got it it’s a combination of everything he’s just as smart as the Creator because he is the creator but he gives himself dementia somehow and forgets his own Solutions and then that’s how he solves them legitimately while only thinking about the Minecraft mechanics that he learned about before and any of the ones he forgot he had to look up again but he doesn’t even realize and that’s why he makes mistakes or maybe I could have just read the video description where it credits the actual escape room creators this entire time I figured it out not with the maps are fake or not I I still have no clue but I finally got my lead Weis had a perfect facade as the most legitimate escape room YouTuber but that brand had one weak point and I had just spotted it I never had to try and solve this mystery at all see I happen to have a good friend I work closely with a lot of glitches you’ve seen on my channel we discovered together we bonded cooperated and even made a 13-hour Minecraft map together so I can rely on them a bit and that person just happens to be W 1876 the last person credited for wey’s last escape room wey’s trusted someone I trust did more and with a high rooll in Persuasion and some black market negotiation I managed to get exactly what I needed from W we’s IP address plus some Insider information wey gets back from his dorm at Harvard this is real at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time this day of the week he never checks tab a seene in all of his videos and we confirmed he logs into a server through Direct Connect which means he can’t see if anyone’s online the stars of align for the greatest confrontation of my career the best part is today is April 1st and he’s about to be the fool I just have to join before he does so he can’t see my join message so let’s find out who’s really the escape room [Music] Creator all right today is dday I was busy procrastinating a different video and my wey’s alarm went off so I have to join now now I accidentally joined a day earlier so I already saw this but yeah I was not expecting this there is in fact an escape room here and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been published yet because trust me I would have recognized it if it wasn’t new but look at this so this is the Winner’s platform obviously it doesn’t look like it’s been played yet which is expected now let me see this might be the beginning back here oh what what no no yeah it turns out the barrier floor I was walking on doesn’t extend everywhere I was a bit more careful after that long story short when I ran back I was able to confirm the escape room hadn’t been played yet since the classic wey swiss cheese still had items hidden inside it so I just followed the chambers and used my best intuition to find what looked like the beginning section 20 minutes of my heart rate Rising later as I just stared at my screen wondering if he was even going to log on it happened this was actually happening I was surprised immediately he had spawned already inside the map itself and him starting the map right away was perfect for me since I figured it didn’t really matter if I got caught as long as I got enough evidence so whatever happens I have this footage I documented his movements closely looking for unusual behavior or even better catching him cheating an items or flying around over time I saw him attempt to do some form of parkour with a falling Anvil he wasn’t very good at it but to his credit every time he messed up he ran around and tried again from the beginning and he made it all legit so far at least and since he had a trident in hand just pacing back and forth in a room with Mobs that can be affected by lightning I took an educated guest that his Trident had channeling and he was waiting for a thunderstorm and I think I could really see him working the puzzle through his head in real time but if I were right about the solution he’d have to wait quite a while for an actual rainstorm to start honestly I’d rather just save both of us some time and just run a command to change the weather rather than wait 40 minutes for it to change naturally or so I thought wao whoa whoo What I I just saw him fly by me I sorry I I thought he caught me or something I mean I’m sure I’m about to get caught cuz I have no idea where he is now I didn’t even notice when he switched into creative huh my sense of safety vaporized there was another player online flying around outside or it was an ALT account half my conscious was screaming at me to find a place to run and hide but morbid curiosity won and I decided to look again were there two different weey wey is this new wey pressed one of those buttons and the weather changed I rushed back to the escape room and saw exactly what I expected the original wey saw the clouds darken and carried on with his puzzle summoning lightning like nothing happened out of all the theories and questions pinballing around in my mind one realization was most important this second wey has never been seen in wey’s Cannon which means if anything he probably has to avoid flying up here where wey one could see him the safest place for me to hide was the eye of the hurricane now was not the time to run away and good thing I kept my resolve because 3 minutes later I caught something even dumber wey started to study the floating plts above this water flow now he could destroy one set of them with the Trident but I don’t think it has loyalty I figured one of these sets of pots must have some items he needs and he has to guess which one to throw it at I watched him pull back and he hit the wrong one I I know because it dropped no items and as if he instantly knew something was up the second wey broke through the wall destroyed the correct set of pots so the items would go into the water stream quickly replace them and flew away he didn’t even make it convincing the the new plots are blank wey usually says he just restarts when he makes mistakes in his videos was he l at the very least he should re-record it if he got the puzzle wrong I didn’t even have time to comprehend what happened before I saw another thing after feeding the brown mushroom a Wither Rose wey drank a suspicious stew of withering so he could damage boost up some fences to the exit for those who don’t know it requires such an absurd amount of skill to time those boosts perfectly for two block jumps it’s basically impossible but he was doing the double jumps flawlessly in fact he was going way higher than it should have even been possible too and that’s when I noticed I had the jump boost effect sure enough alternate wees was sitting right by the control panel for potion effects they blatantly faked it this was bigger than anything I expected ass surely one of these accounts was fake but if so I don’t know which one was controlled by wees himself I saw the move at the same time so I know it can’t be both plus uh this happened while I started trying to study the next puzzle’s features original wey had pressed a button that was clearly important to whatever the puzzle was but when it was pressed it activated some kind of factory that looked like a wey’s slaughtering pit what is going on how many Wei were there I kind of like Wei for the plural cuz like cacti look I didn’t have time to think about it I had to keep keep watching for suspicious moments aside from the death machine the button seemed to activate something else out here an amalgam of redstone which I have named witch which stands for why is this contraption here which is the question I decided to investigate while I waited for wey who was just taking way too long to solve the puzzle the first thing witch seemed to do is dispense ominous banners into cobwebs and then the banners eventually get picked up and sent into the void does that do anything great question I jumped down to get a better view up close but pretty quickly realized my mistake there wasn’t really a way to get back up seriously I I wouldn’t be able to spy anymore unless okay my only way out was to break the slime blocks in the machinery and then just awkwardly replace them I had to just pray that he didn’t set off any Redstone as I fumbled my way back up but it turned out not as bad as I thought and for the sake of evidence it was better to leave everything the way I found it so I put the slime blocks back and just never bothered touching anything else again I checked back on what wey was doing and found something extremely suspicious he was conserving carpets that’s not something wey would do anyway he powered witch again which made the whole thing a lot less confusing basically I saw this log get pushed below it was a barrier but below the barrier was Ice that started to melt yeah it turns out which was literally just a timer it exposes ice to sunlight which opens a Waterway to the exit and wey has until this item slowly falls down to make it to set water stream and swim out if he’s too slow the item reaches the hopper this armor stand gets pushed and the boots have froster which freezes the ice again soon enough as I expected I watched him quickly Bridge towards the exit oh I almost forgot you could place Carpets on liquids okay if he is really genuinely solving these I think he’s a lot smarter than I originally thought wait never mind he left the carpets behind again we wees no you can bring the carpets with you being serious though you can tell these rooms are well-designed why would you put this much effort into something like witch just to fake it anyway to be fair as time went on I still never saw wey cheat I I mean the one in the escape room there was this puzzle where he had to get a zlin through a maze that actually had barriers on it for once and then he needed the Zin to like hit him up combined with an anvil jump to get to the exit and you might be thinking there’s no way he makes that jump before all the direct hits from the zlin eventually kill him you want to guess what happened the other wefies flew all the way back here to come flick a lever and activate permanent saturation to heal him I could tell because my own health started going back up I really have to be more careful though he so easily could have seen me anyway the saturation was convenient since the next puzzle has to be solved while actively being shot by a skeleton which wasn’t even going to be a challenge now that he heals so fast but again he took his time solving it and the only cheating came from the wey upstairs this looked weirdly complicated but the puzzle seemed to just revolve around activating this calibrated skull sensor because there’s probably an item in that dropper below it that gets dispensed if you make a very specific sound okay I know from my AP skull studies class that calibration level 15 is the level that detects mobs dying and it looked like we’s figured that out too he managed to get a Thorn’s helmet which means thanks to a cool feature if he intentionally gets himself shot by the skeleton he can damage it with the Thorn’s enchantment from down there he could but he didn’t after damaging the skeleton once he just stopped and waited for it to activate as if he killed it it’s obviously not dead yet what was he waiting for and then I realized from his view of the circuit you can only really see this Redstone wire which is power level s which which ironically is the level that detects mobs taking damage but the actual input where the pink line is is level 15 which needs a mob to actually die all of a sudden I was a little too close to getting seen because wey 2 Flew Over the map and killed a chicken to hotwire the sensor into activating anyway the original wey didn’t even see it happen I almost think he might not even realize he got it wrong just like with the decorated pots I don’t think he ever saw them get replaced does he know he’s getting held I had no clue but that was the last time I saw anything suspicious he spent a while solving the last puzzle nothing strange happened and then he went into the nether where I obviously couldn’t follow him anymore so I just decided to wait by the ending where I remembered seeing another portal and I just waited I I had enough evidence so when I saw him come through my plan was to hide behind the diamond pile at the Winner’s platform until he completed the map I shouldn’t be this nervous it it’s fine when he comes up when he gets out I’ll I’ll come up behind him and finally interrogate him for an explanation to everything and [Music] oh my gosh I’m so stupid I I was trying to log off but I realized the disconnect message would show up in chat and if I die that’ll show up in chat I just have to let go I I don’t know is there is there something I’m missing there’s nothing I can do I can’t just sit here I don’t [Music] know come on dude did they am I am I good I do they not have chat I I don’t know what to do Canadian how did you get here well well you left your white list off wait wa wait okay before you ban me or something I I don’t understand you sound like you’re weey I am weey right but then who’s the one playing the escape room oh him he’s nothing really just the most recent clone variant uh clone are you serious is that what all those other Wei were those defective models don’t worry about them they aren’t good for anything else anyway you are serious how and what on Earth are you making clones for as if I would play these Maps myself I already know the solutions this way the escape room still feels real isn’t that what people like you want Canadian you hate seeing faked content don’t you well hang on no this isn’t right at all I watched you cheat like 30 times don’t act like this is real does the wey clone in the escape room even know what you’re doing out here of course he doesn’t he doesn’t even know I exist that would ruin the whole effect so you’re misleading your audience and then lying to a clone of yourself that’s even worse I mean based on what you said the weees that the viewers get to see isn’t really real he’s as real as you want him to be he’s a character in a story a story that’s real to him what more do you want what happens after he completes it well what else he gets shut down into the grinder he goes to make spare materials for the factory well it’s nice to know you recycle but back to my point your content does not look as genuine as you think that’s why I’m here people have noticed the inconsistencies you’re not making it look any more authentic and I’m only just realizing all those moments wey looked like he made a mistake but it magically worked out that was just you making it easier of course it was what do you think I can trust him to do it on his own look at him he’s a but that’s what makes him perfect he’s human and he makes mistakes and that’s the narrative that people want I’m just there to fill in the gaps to let the show go on if he’s one block short I make the difference then you don’t know what people want I promise you it would be better in every way if he solved it by himself oh really well conveniently I haven’t been helping him since you interrupted shall we check in on his progress wait did he oh he soft locked himself why do you think you never see authentic escape room content Canadian those people never make it this clone couldn’t solve it without me he needs me and so do the viewers I completely disagree there has to be a better way he’ll figure out how to get out he’s smart enough to you think you’re smart right even you couldn’t solve this map yes I could and since you’re a threat to my business anyway maybe we should test my theory what wait wait wait wait I still need bye Canadian sooner or later you’ll realize I was right you can’t be serious ah I still had questions I I wanted to talk to the other weees just as I was getting to the truth I flew too close to the sun and it slipped away from me I came here expecting fraud not Pure Evil and it was over Wei scheme whatever it was was going to live another day unless I got back up there but how I mean imagine if I could grab all those pots I could build out of here I can almost reach them but obviously I can’t if they were possible to grab wey would have gotten them maybe I could get through that flow tunnel like if there’s a crawl glitch with fences that wey didn’t know about no no I know there’s not why am I even trying you can’t get out of an escape room that’s already been played through everything important has been taken I still have all my footage at least this is there’s already enough evidence here to make a good video no no my job here isn’t just about finding scandals and pointing at them weey the clone of him at least he’s still trapped clueless and probably getting the same fate as all the others I have to try something uh wait yes oh that Anvil of course this is exactly what I needed please tell me you see what I’m seeing I I I think I know how to escape and get back to the wind platform all I was looking for was a glitch and this is it cuz I know the water tunnel that leads to the pots is about 10 blocks away from here if I can get there I can steal all the remaining pots return to the first room build up into the second room and jump into the lava to die and respawn back at World spawn where I can run to the last room and rescue weees so how do I cross this Gap it’s so much simpler than I thought it’s a trick I used in a deleted scene of the debunk to get across the portal frames more easily you just alternate between placing two blocks above you to bridge across a room while staying in crawl mode the problem is all I have is fences which means I have to sit pretty far back when I mine one to stay onto the other so even though it was roundabout I bridged towards the wall to lower the amount of directions the item could randomly fling away from me obviously I didn’t really have multiple chances to do that Anvil crawl so if I ever got to a point where I had to stand up to pick up a dropped item there would be nothing I could do but mild luck was on my side because none of the drops were even close to being unreachable instead there was a different problem the water flow up to the pots was higher up than I imagined in the Escape Montage in my head it was the same problem as trying to get through the window from the first room or was it this time I have water which let me jum jum a little higher than normal and sure enough it was what I needed to get on the fences and finally climb to the jackpot so I jacked the pots got back into the intended playable area and wow I didn’t think it would take literally every pot to get here but regardless I made it to the lava I finally have a way to die and make my way back to Wei oh oh no he outsmarted my outsmarting um wait I I think I forgot about being stealthy hi what is this you found a way to get the pots huh well I sure hope this one isn’t important to you or anything bro ah I’m so stupid of course he set my spawn in here he’s just messing with me now I I’m only one block short from escaping why is he so petty why was I actually trying to do this well I don’t know but I kept trying anyway was there a five block solution I was missing I tried using the fence as a block obviously it was useless I couldn’t even pick up a block from the fence offhand glitching that seemed to be patched I went back and tried replacing one of my pots with the other fences it did a grand total of nothing but as I sat in the window brainstorming I realized the one place I could get a spare block block do you see it yeah I’m standing on it the same way I saved a block by standing in the nether portal in the debunk any ledge is a spare block well maybe as long as I can parkour against the wall to the other side that’s the big question and the answer was easily I did it in in fact why stop at five whatever this ledge is could save one block as well so I could do it in four wees had pushed me to the edge but that just forced me to think even harder and now I had pot to spare or anyway I hope that’s enough because I still have to beat an entire ese room that has already been solved so before jumping down this time I decided to try a new strategy called planning look you can complain but the only way I’m getting across that lava pit is disconnect glitching taking advantage of the 3 seconds of immunity Minecraft gives you when you first log in it’s a cheap trick but it was going to be necessary annoyingly Rel logging would show up in public chat and just give away my plan to evil wees so I hatched a scheme I wasn’t sure if disconnecting was enough to make wey suspicious of me so I went back to the pot room I hid the evidence of my escape and then as an experiment I started rapidly re joining the server making myself look as stupid as possible and if he comes by and sees me hopefully he’ll just dismiss it as desperation after a good minute of this I never saw him but if he flew by he must have just thought I was an idiot so I took my chances going back to the top tried hopelessly to save any more pots cuz I’m never coming back here so why not I jumped into the lava Canyon and prayed I didn’t get caught I tried swimming across with as few disconnects as physically possible fortunately I have more practice with this than any human should and I basically took no damage so when I got up I took the spare carpets and oh right right this ice is controlled by witch which stands for warming up ice temporarily cuz H so since it’s on a timer I’m going to need a quick way to get from the button that activates witch to the ice block that it melts before it freezes the easy part for me was crossing the giant lava pit I just stole the carpet bridging strategy I saw wey doing the hard part ironically was getting over this two block ledge I I don’t know how wey did it but the only way that I know how to get all the carpets across is by item grouping remember that feature from earlier in the video that completely depends on luck well I kept getting so unlucky with getting the carpets to group the right way that I genuinely could not get from the button to the water in time surely I’m smarter than this surprisingly yes I remembered a flaw I saw in the room’s geometry the Redstone wiring in which hugs the left wall and there should be a gap right here where the wall is one block thick I was skeptical about it but I took the button and placed it on the closer side and bingo come to think of it I should also probably bring the button with me so with the button taken I cross the lava for the final time saved a carpet used item grouping to grab the second carpet because I’m cool and finally swam up the water only to find a point of no return I wasn’t quite comfortable going down there since that’s the one room that I never got a good view of from earlier and uh that’s when I realized it was disturbingly easy to hijack witch with a pot and just break the ice to give me Permanent water which I could redirect wherever I wanted which had the bonus effect of letting me safely conserve the One Carpet that I left behind earlier and with every possible item saved I redirected the water and swam into level three which I really hoped was going to be easier okay this was the one where wey’s got himself hit by a zlin on of that Anvil to jump up uh but I have more blocks than he did so that’s going to be a lot less stress for me but but how do I get across the room what why is there a hole in the floor is the other side like that what seriously how did wees cross this room yes that ceiling is made of end portal frames I almost considered trying to make head hitter jumps with my pot and carpets but I didn’t have anything to place the carpets on was there anywhere anywhere at all I remembered seeing more items well moments later I heard a click the zlin from The Maze stepped on a pressure plate that led to a dropper maybe wey’s left an item behind surprisingly no then I thought again the maze itself might be the key if the zlin can walk around up there why not me to get up I started by redirecting the water as close as possible it wasn’t close enough to swim up but remember carpets can be placed on liquids so I got up on the carpet saved it and well hi uh you look friendly uh can I join you up there please don’t mind me I just I just need to no no no okay not the smartest thing I’ve ever done I I was lucky to have water flowing out of this room I found it amazing that I could see the entire escape room from here but I couldn’t go anywhere though falling to my death gave me a whole new perspective and I was able to see a dropper that I couldn’t have seen before it looked new but I realized it was just the part of wi that empties itself so I know there’s nothing in it not that I can reach it anyway but I thought of something better that’s the final room right I could see wey’s name tag still trapped in there could I just take a shortcut to him by redirecting the water yeah no not remotely past Canadian was extremely stupid here I don’t know why he thought it would work there’s no possible way to get it past the ledge and the water would be way too low by the time it got there anyway remember kids don’t be like Canadian or you might accidentally space out and make a mistake like this I almost lost my only block to the void trying something that doesn’t even work it was a reminder that failure was this easy I wouldn’t be able to get back to the maze without that pot and then I realized it was worse than I thought if I needed all my blocks just to climb up to the maze area which I did what was I going to use when I got to the Zin boost section wees did the jump with an anvil but I would have no blocks left when I got there so that plan never worked anyway I can’t move the water or go through the maze or under the end portal frames my only lead was to find more items anywhere the cobwebs were too high to destroy with the water I raided the whole lava section I know that dropper is empty its only purpose is to dispense items for which wait oh if you just thought of a deadly idea here that’s the idea I just had the reason I was even down there was because one of my items fell and I had to catch it in midair I know that witch drops banners which get sent into the void and as we all know which stands for withdrawing items to C heroically in midair sure banners aren’t blocks but I can place Carpets on them and get across the hallway finally that was it I had a plan and it only had two curveballs first if I ever set off the witch timer it’s going to freeze the water again and I’d be trapped on one side or the other forever but not if I’m smart I know from my own Escape rooms that Frost Walker doesn’t actually affect water if it has blocks directly above it the ability to place Carpets on liquids was useful yet again second I needed a way to get from the button to the waterfall really fast so I redirected the water to smother as much of the lava pit as I possibly could giving giving myself better infrastructure for the run I was about to attempt and that was all I had to do but press the button run to the water wait for the click sound and I got too scared but I was close it might barely be possible so I tried it again a moment later and it was possible the most elaborate way to get one item but it was a useful one so I kept going and I got another the next one was a Miss pretty soon I got a third too far to reach fourth to too far again fifth every time I had to cling to a safe distance it was always better to lose the item to the void than myself so I played it safe until I got six banners after which I realized my IQ could be measured with a pH strip because all of these banners wouldn’t even solve the puzzle it was fun though let’s get one more anyway so uh I forgot that if I had hit my way across the hallway you know something that totally won’t end in tragedy uh sure I’ll be on the other side but I need the zlin on the other side too to boost me and I have no way to get it to solve the maze that’s kind of the whole point of this room we was able to use an armor stand to bait it but I don’t have that in fact there’s only one thing that I could use as bait myself and to do that I’d need to jump across the cobweb path Itself by placing carpets in there yes I forgot you could place Carpets on cobwebs but since I only have three I’d need to place them as efficiently as possible so I solved the maze above me in my head and found what looked like the most optimal route to lure that little idiot around all the corners I tried only jumping on cobwebs just to save as many banners as I physically could and I ended up using zero banners so I might have just wasted a ton of of time point is I lured this Zin as far as I could until it got to the point I had to start crouching across the frame at the very edge but that was it one block and one Zin should be all I need to finally move on from this stupid room okay okay I see why wees was struggling with this now oh oh wait I got it nice oh shoot it’s the skeleton room really starting to wish he actually killed it this is going to suck I ran into the room quickly and centered myself at the turret’s blind spot the first thing I noticed was oh he escaped with collectible blocks uh this room is already solved for me cuz wees did the hard part I I mean I guess that’s going to happen eventually when you play a solved escape room so that’s fun actually can I conserve resources first just in case I noticed there were these open windows in the room which is pretty suspicious because I have dripstone which is a crawl glitch block I sure hope crawling mid jump as possible weey it’s not actually that easy but there’s a neat trick where you can place blocks that need to hang on something even if you’re not looking at the Block it’s going to hang on I call it inverse Place mechanics and I can use it to jump and hang one dripstone onto the other causing the Higher One to expand even though I wasn’t looking at it now I wasn’t paying attention when wees did this part so I have no clue what any of this is for but it’s mine now then I used some of the Redstone to inverse Place jump crawl again took everything with me and while we’re here I can bring this dripstone with me for the exact same reason you can steal carpets so I shouldn’t be surprised that wey didn’t realize those were all the items I could find so I carried on speaking of wey the Clone I was surprised he hadn’t at least said something in chat surely he saw my death message earlier could he not maybe he somehow doesn’t know I’m online as I was thinking thinking of weees I realized this room was impossible and I mean it this time when I watched him solve it he set off a signal which gave him another temporary waterfall to swim up and then it quickly disappeared I’m obviously going to need the same water flow to get out of here which means I need to activate the same thing so how do you think he set off that Redstone signal somehow wey’s placed a dripstone on that Observer back there to update it if I want to update the same Observer I’d have to break the thing he placed I how did he even get it back there I didn’t have enough dripstone left to crawl anymore which is ironic cuz dripstone was the thing I needed to break but it had too small of a hit box to reach trust me I am not even close to getting the angle to break it and for once wees didn’t leave anything behind except for empty item frames but those can’t set off observers even if I could reach them which I can’t I got so far but this one simple Observer is my downfall I can’t update it from back here well update come on Ken think update doesn’t mean break I I just have to change it the way the crawl glitch worked was by placing another dripstone which changed the first one from the Block State tip to the block State Frost them I never had to break it did I I just have to place my own dripstone below it and how am I going to get it in there I wasn’t sure for a while but I’ve already shown the solution inverse Place mechanics the first thing I tried was placing a button under the nose of this villager looking thing and I just barely couldn’t get the angle to place the dripstone but while I was wondering if there was a better way the face gave me a hint oh wait the banner yeah it’s like the perfect shape for this cuz I can place the dripstone up against the side of like a wall banner and the wall Banner would just have to go here which I can do they are going to be useful after all perhaps it’s an omen foreshadowing to this moment I whatever this ended up being a lot easier because if I right click the hanging Banner here it’ll place the dripstone off to my left as weird as that looks but it’ll update the one above it giving me the water flow I need to finally Escape let’s do it I heard the device get set off and I quickly broke my own banners to preserve them I knew one of them would fall into the hopper recall system so I ran to the hopper output and waited impatiently for it to appear I booked it as soon as I had all my items and swam up the who uh that was short seriously all that work and I simply wasn’t fast enough but you wouldn’t be watching this video if I gave up there I genuinely did think I messed up but I can tell you one more fact about the frustum it’s bigger than a tip and a tip sitting formerly fully behind was now a dripstone of a different kind it’s hip box dipped within range to be mind all right call me Reckless but after rewinding the footage I should have enough time to break the top dripstone and collect it from The Hoppers I know waiting for the item recall was technically what messed me up but last time I wasted time mining banners so this should work I took the dripstone as soon as they appeared in the hopper booked it for the water stream and not even close actually that was pretty close this escape room was brutal but finally I made it to the nether portal and though the unknown of the nether scared me it turns out that the original portal must have been destroyed by this Gast and the one I came in was the exit portal lit by wey as part of the puzzle that’s another room I don’t have to worry about solving so I got back up using the dripstone I was very glad I spared earlier and wow hours ago I I thought I was on the precipice of confronting we a devious fraud and now I’m about to rescue a wees who is incredibly oblivious and I have no plan wish me [Music] luck wait wait what wey we oh no no no no no no I told the wey clone everything I knew from watching the evil wey cheat and trap me in here all the way to me getting back to this room and I knew he was oblivious but what did you get here this is a single player world how are you even here he didn’t even know it was multiplayer and as usual when you tell someone there a clone created solely for Content he did not believe me what other person this is my single player world I I can show you proof but we’d have to get out do you do you have any leads sure I had reached wey but we were now in the same predicament we still needed to beat the soft lock uh maybe some combination of what we have might work and it didn’t before yeah let’s just I I’ll just throw everything I have along with my redstone armor stand and dripstone wey had a knockback two sword and a loyalty Trident that’s what he was using earlier to disarm the Redstone Torches by bouncing them off of falling blocks onto the six pressure plates pretty cool but he only got three out of six before I guess he ran out or something so we can’t activate the mechanism until the last three torches are broken luckily he’s in a room with an escaping Master now I immediately noticed one useful item from each of our inventories my armor stand and his knockback sword together we could launch the armor stand onto one of the pressure plates and break the torch and it’s out of Out Of Reach that’s my bad it’s fine since it was clearly impossible to trigger those pressure plates from way back here I decided on the smarter thing just walk through this giant hole in the wall just kidding it’s made of barriers but seriously we should just find a crawl glitch to get through the window we’re two of the smartest Minecraft mines combined and have several items to work with how hard could it be well the first 20 minutes were spent Scavenging the nether section we tried bringing the dripstone I left behind only to realize we can’t crawl out with dripstone if there was nothing to hang it on except this tiny tunnel where I can’t get the right height then I learned that the nether puzzle apparently included a boat that wey never told me about a boat that would be perfect for escaping but it was stuck in a wall behind a tiny Gap and trust me we studied it longer than I want to admit there was no way to get that boat without trapping ourselves in the boat cage but the nether gave us a big brain idea if we were in different dimensions and one of us broke the nether portal then the other person could generate a brand new portal which would be in here again okay forget what I said about big brain the next 30 minutes were spent back in the Overworld fidgeting with the Trident it was definitely the most useful item I noticed that when you throw it it has this recoil that causes it to fly forward before it zooms back to you I thought maybe we could graze the pressure plates with its return trip it looked like it was getting close but we reassured me that this was not remotely working is it getting close it not really the Trident really seemed like the key here though because wey’s told me about a better use for it in the nether he used it to redirect gas Fireballs in fact that’s how he lit the nether portal which led to the obvious next question can you redirect a fireball into the portal because if you can we might be able to get this grindstone back cue the next 25 minutes of pain okay okay so the reason I wanted the grindstone was because crawl glitches in multiplayer are super simple you can just log off somewhere and have a friend place a block where your head was that’s it but obviously we had no blocks this whole time so I wanted this one we had a lot of practice with cast redirecting so I watched in the Overworld as he launched Fireball after Fireball and gave Intel on the precise angle needed to hit the grindstone Miss after Miss until this happened okay that hit it but it didn’t break yeah it turns out uh grindstones are immune to gas Fireballs thanks Mojang and as if hours of wasted time couldn’t get worse I suggested one fatal idea I I thought maybe if we could redirect a fireball perfectly through this window we could maybe break the glass the water would flow down and disarm the Torches in hindsight that wouldn’t even work I I don’t know I was desperate but as wees went back to deal with the Gast he threw the Trident without thinking and went into the nether wait did you what I think we lost the Trident wait oh I didn’t mean to go through the portal with no one to return to the Trident just glitched out and went mock 10 out the window our most important item was gone well 99% gone but 99% gone is still 1% here we didn’t realize it but there was hope I don’t know what it’s doing but okay yeah like like every few seconds it gets closer to me I wonder if it’s going to come back I don’t know why it’s doing what it’s doing it’ll go under the wind platform and then it’ll go further away and then it’ll come closer is it is it still moving yeah yeah it’s kind of glitchy but it’s in one place and now is did it start to move yes yeah now it’s moving a lot are you I can’t I think I think it’s doing what I’m doing in the nether cuz whenever you said it was standing still I was standing still I’m standing still right now is it moving uh no it stop it stopped I really couldn’t believe it wees had just discovered a glitch that neither of us knew I mean it was on accident but he still pieced together the logic and it makes sense the trident’s trying to return to him but it doesn’t understand the concept of different dimensions are you going wait go north wait I want to see you want okay wait I’m moving it North now I had to go a little bit West but I’m moving North yeah it’s going north I’m going south and it’s going south oh so it’s following what I’m doing wey you’re actually thinking with portals wait wait wait wait insane we can use this this is useful this is useful um remember when we were trying to hit the pressure plates we could uh you’re at about the right go to the pressure plate yeah and there was the million dooll idea we could guide it through the Nether and just have a trident floating around activating the remaining pressure plates but according to wey the equivalent coordinates to the pressure plates in the hether was this this is as far east as I can go the rest is just straight into a pit of lava am I close to it or no uh you have to go quite a bit further it’s exactly where the lava is there’s no way I Will Survive I’m just going to die if I jump down there um you could disconnect it no you can’t because the item the Trident will drop as an item I mean yeah unless we have another way to survive the lava I don’t see us using this trick plus there’s a gas there like like ah I mean we’re stuck I I messed up when I was solving it and now I just I don’t think there’s a way out and I don’t know what to do like this has never happened before wees yeah I think I have a way do you know how deep it is oh actually yeah it’s it’s only a block deep I can do it then yeah okay come back give me the give me the Loyalty Trident all right you can call me ridiculous but I have banners you have the knockback sword if you hit me far enough through the lava I might be able to reach the spot and then you just have to you just have to wait in the Overworld and guide me to the pressure plates if you want to see it was about right there it was it was like 10 blocks away here take this it might help you survive if you let on fire um how’d you do it like just throw it yeah okay do you see it yeah oh my God it’s it’s actually just floating there are you sure you want to do this we know this will work I I mean we don’t know this will work but we know everything else doesn’t and okay what else is there giving up no of course not at least this one gives us a chance I guess whenever you’re ready 3 2 [Music] 1 are you okay okay I’m alive okay the gas doesn’t me all right go back I I see I see it okay yeah you’re almost there actually just go east six blocks East I’m alive look every time I grabb one of these spanners I only have like a 20% chance of okay I lost one please drop oh right here I don’t see the Trident oh wait you’re yeah you’re like in it okay one more block east and look at the pressure plate thank goodness okay this should be it this has to be the Block Please tell you got it you got it you got it I got it you got it you got the it hit the pressure plate two more left just go straight East from there right here yes you got it nice nice nice one more okay oh yeah okay lost one Banner okay you just have to go one more block we this isn’t so simple you were so I believe in you you got this I don’t know how you got here but if there’s anyone that can help us from this escape room it’s you there’s no other way we get out you have to go black East you got [Music] this you got it you got it yes I got a I got a bed oh we had to be able to get out now come back come back wait nice oh my back after disconnect glitching back to the lava Cove and returning to the surface I found out that the mechanism gave us a bed well that’s all we need we were probably meant to set our spawn outside and die but considering what happened last time I died we needed a smarter way and luckily I knew about bed Co-op crawl with the heads of your bed and your friend Collide I did it to wey setting him free but getting myself out was a challenge I knew I could do the same trick to myself with a lot of skill but I was struggling under pressure and out of practice do you have any other block wait I have I have tons of Pistons down here I can just get these Pistons oh yeah that would probably be easier than what I’m trying to do I have so many blocks I can just get all of these here you go to think only a couple hours ago I came here to confront this person for being an idiot and with our combined WID we got out of a soft lock that was it we took the ladder to the exit platform and we were out despite everything but I could tell this wasn’t a happy victory for wey what happens after I win a map I mean I just I guess I just win the escape room and you stop recording and then you go edit it you know right no but I don’t I don’t remember doing that have you ever stepped off the wind platform well no it’s void obviously you can’t just the last thing left to do was to fulfill my promise I had to show wees what I saw from memory I saw the evil wees fly roughly in this direction so we started searching but walking off the wind platform came with an uncomfortable reminder what happens after he completes it well what else he gets shut down into the grinder he goes to make spare materials for the factory at some point we had passed by a stockpile of every escape room he had ever played on his channel but he had no memory of building them nor stockpiling them together working with him to beat that soft lock I think I cared a little more than I might have otherwise how he’ll feel when he learns what happens to the clones assuming we actually find evil wees out here no one ever said it was easy finding the villain’s [Music] layer oh you’re saying there’s another one of me inside this thing this started to seem more and more like a bad idea and I didn’t do a great job of acting like I didn’t know anything I don’t know what this is but if we’re lucky this is the proof I was looking for hang on hang on stay close stay close to here what just why what is there someone here just don’t get too close to the window we can’t even get in can we we can sered resources just in case I wanted to scout ahead so I suggested we split up and I took the faster route directly to that window and right up this first staircase I saw just about what I dreaded there were more wey clones all right and it looked like they were in some kind of flab actually at Second Glance this looked like your classic wey style puzzle room these were some kind of test subjects or Lab Rats they had player name tags but seemed to be too brain dead to be real people in the next few rooms I saw even more I figured they may have been used in some way to train or test the Clone skills I what do I mean have been they still are and wey well my wees must have been the most recent model to qualify speaking of he had just arrived in the lab as well we yeah up here oh I don’t think they can hear you yeah I don’t think they can either and after at least giving him a chance to back out from this we went up there he was the Wei finally confronted each other and I started to panic I wasn’t in danger but I was scared was the wees that I had come to know and befriended about to be scrapped the other wey talked about him like he was nothing too stupid to be able to continue recording escape room videos but when I thought about it wasn’t that kind of just me at the start of the video well not quite I wasn’t trying to sort them into recyc bins but it made me realize my opinions on wey changed wildly throughout this video not the one that makes different iterations of himself for viws the one that actually had to do the problem solving I thought so little of him before when he was just a Target on my screen but even though he’s just a clone he has become one of the most respectable clever ingenuitive and determined players I’ve ever met to the point I trusted him to guide me through a lava pit while running a glitch that he accidentally discovered he’s more of a real wees to me than this other guy is and the thing is I might be able to prove that right listening to their conversation the two of them were planning to battle their wits to the death if that’s what it took to prove who was smarter and Superior it was literally going to come down to who knew more Minecraft trivia so I think this is my chance to use my power for something good if I can be half as clever as the friend that I made along the way I might be able to save him by just asking the right question I just have to hope that wey catches on to my plan but wey doesn’t [Music]

I have never dedicated so much time to researching one person. But I figured everything out in the end. This certainly is a video that wasn’t uploaded 3 months late!

Wifies POV:
Wato’s Aftermath:
Something else:

My Lovely Discord Server where you can download the maps !

Thumbnail by Corealis



  1. I believe this because in his video about this I could see you in the room where he got the trident if you slow the video down and watch from 3:04 to 3:06 I could see Kenadian.

  2. debunking kenadian : why is this guy always taking all his item in dangerous pace, jumping in the void with all his blocks and going trough lava with all of them too

  3. I love how in the debunk section of the video Kenadian mocks people who fake anger by shaking their camera but then in the escape roleplay section he does that exact thing multiple times

  4. WAIT OMG so hear me out, when clone wifies broke the wrong pot true wifies put them back and threw the items to him intending that there was a right pot full of items. But when ken came to grab the pots and broke them all he got nothing??? also w vid instant sub

  5. crazy how you never saw both moving wifies in the same cut

    oop nvm but they defo had a wifies shortage cuz a lot of them were cut weirdly

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