JJ and Mikey HIDE from MARIO in Minecraft Maizen Security House

huh a prisoner broke out of a nearby jail and he’s considered to be extremely dangerous wa what if that escaped convict is hiding out here in the neighborhood oh that’s scary to think [Music] about H hang on who’s there hey JJ h Mikey what’s wrong something strange is happening at my house what do you mean well my stuff keeps disappearing there’s things I haven’t touched and I have no idea where they’re ending up that is weird uh take me to your house I’ll come take a look is this it yep H looks normal so far can I go in of course so what exactly is disappearing can you give me an example sure this morning I went to take some apples out of the fridge but they were gone I had nothing to eat for breakfast huh how did that happen it’s strange because everything looks to be perfectly normal with everything in its place H things aren’t in their place though my treasure has gone missing too treasure huh that kind of stuff just doesn’t walk away I I know H oh what get over here quick Mikey hurry what is it just follow me in here okay hurry Mikey I’m here pH now fill me in listen there was definitely something under your bed are you sure what did you say see I couldn’t quite tell what it was but it gave me a really bad feeling it’s just your imagination come on I’ll show you fine I know I saw something go take a look under your bed you’ll see you’re sure positive huh H I don’t see anything under my bed where’ to go I swear it was here it must have heard that I spotted it and gone into hiding there must be a way to prove it I know let’s install a security camera then we can head back to my house you can spend the night you’ll be safer I think you’re getting carried away I’m perfectly fine here trust me Mikey now stay put I’ll go get the camera okay I’m back hey there was something under your bed I’m sure of it right I wasn’t isn’t just seeing things mhm I’m going to put the camera up here and activate let’s see if it works oh now we can keep an eye on your house remotely cool all right since your house has been compromised let’s head over to mine okay follow me so we may be hunkered down at my place but we can see everything through this security feed have you spotted anything weird JJ no not yet so far so good H listen we’re not going to see anything JJ it’s a one room house if something was hiding under my bed and stealing my stuff I’m sure I would have noticed it perhaps h Huh what hold on what is it look under the bookshelf you’re kidding me whoa no way someone just came out from under my bookshelf he’s checking to see if the coast is clear and he’s holding a kitchen knife he’s not taking any chances he closed the curtains and he shut the door he clearly doesn’t want to be seen but what is he doing there in the first place [Music] hm he’s going through your fridge Mikey my water melon what’s he doing with it huh come on I was going to have that for dinner a you know watermelon isn’t a meal right Mikey I can’t believe what I’m seeing it’s is terrifying wo he’s good on for now at least I can’t believe he was living right under my nose wait what I just remembered something uhhuh apparently earlier today a prisoner escaped from jail that clown must be him what you mean I have an escaped convict for a roommate I’m scared this would be a good time to poke around since he’s out of the house want to go take a closer look with me okay I wonder where you ran off to uhuh is it safe yeah but shut the [Music] door huh wow I didn’t even know my house had a basement well it does why don’t we check it out okay but let’s be careful h a staircase I don’t like this proceed with caution we don’t know what’s down here that’s what scares me H I still can’t believe I have a basement what do you see oh uh no way JJ yeah that’s that’s my old bed I’ve been wondering where it went to it went missing so I just made myself a new one to think it was stolen huh that’s a weird thing to take H and then there’s this it’s the cake I was going to have yesterday and look he ate some of it well that explains why your stuff has been disappearing the convict’s been stealing it what’s in here seriously it’s it’s my treasure he took it what a jerk I can’t let him get away with it you know what Mikey you’re right you deserve to get some payback we’re going to catch him and turn him into the police sounds like a plan first things first let’s Place Another security camera so we can keep an eye on things down here great idea now we can spy on him in his Hideout all right next up why don’t we set some traps like a booby trap or something yeah let’s do it I brought just the thing for this TNT I say we hide it right under his bed will this be deep enough yeah now this is how you get payback okay almost done rigging it up there we go perfect I put a ton of TNT in there nice what do you say we add a trap that floods the basement with lava that would be awesome all right I’ll place the lava dispensers up in the ceiling just like this H oh I’ll put another one here that [Music] works all set good job thanks this looks like a good spot for a third one [Music] load up the lava and there done yay okay Mikey let’s head up to the entrance lead the way dur I’m coming we have to build the next thing before he gets back here’s what I’m thinking let’s build a pitfall trap right here oh when the TNT goes off and the basement fills with lava the convict is going to try and make a run for it through the front door when he does we can activate this final trap and catch him I love it glad to hear it time to get digging then let’s make this pit really deep wo think this is deep enough yep okay now for the Pistons one side down one more to go that looks good mhm On To The Next [Music] Step that seems wide [Music] enough okay the dirt’s all cleared out it’s time to place the repeaters like so nice now to lay down a trail of redstone dust almost done all that’s left to do is cover up hurry don’t worry Mikey it’s almost ready I’ll put the lever here oo I’ll cover this up with sand and that should do it amazing to activate this trap we just have to pull the lever and the sand will drop down anyways we should head back to my house we can keep an eye out for the convict on the SEC security feed sounds good still no sign of them huh oh wait look H I think that’s him yes it is he’s back in your house is he heading into the basement yeah he is switch to the other camera right just have to change the feeds here really quick there we’re in the basement but where is he oh there we’ve got a visual he’s in the basement I repeat he’s in the basement huh he’s eating my cake no fair there’s one slice left what’s he going to do next no no way he’s using my toilet in my house he’s got some nerve well technically he’s using the toilet under your house still he’s the worst oh what’s he doing let’s see no are you kidding me he’s sleeping in my bed I’ve had it don’t worry this is your chance to get revenge hit the TNT switch quick while he’s sleeping so he doesn’t see it coming okay 3 2 1 did it work wait for it wo wo wait where did he go uh did we take him out for good maybe oh no definitely not he’s Still Standing but he seems really confused I don’t think he gets what just happened hit the lava switch Roger here it comes H yeah there’s lava everywhere now the convict’s really freaking out yes he’s going to run for it [Music] watch I told you okay let’s switch to the other feed I’ll keep an eye on him meanwhile can you go outside sure he’s going to try to escape so I need you to activate the pitfall trap leave it to me I’ll get in position just tell me when to trip it oh what he’s coming out of the basement now buddy flip the switch you got it Mikey come over here JJ on my way did it work is he in there yeah up awesome we did it we caught the creepy clown woohoo he seems mad really mad we should call the police so they can pick him up and send him back to jail yeah cake stealer what Mikey’s house has been robbed uh-huh that’s right even though I’m sure I had the door locked shouldn’t my iron door have been secure enough oh H all my precious Treasures were stolen even my flowers oh even all the food in my fridge all the treasure I worked so hard to collect was stolen oh yeah there doesn’t seem to be any sign of the thief getting in by forcing the door that’s because the thief couldn’t have used the door I’m sure the door was locked uh-oh this section is flooding wo oh huh no kidding oh H why me what’s this huh huh what huh Mikey huh Mikey does your house have a basement huh I don’t have a basement what are you talking about yeah but look here Mikey huh right by the toilet see there’s a passage that leads underground what for real but my house isn’t supposed to have a basement there’s the possibility that the thief may have entered your house through this underground passage huh should we try going down there it could be dangerous huh it is pretty scary but we have to go let’s catch the thief JJ yeah let’s check it out what could be down there H be careful all right we’re going underground wao cautiously proceed with caution it’s pretty narrow looks like a tunnel what’s inside uh wow what it’s dangerous here Mikey that’s security lava huh the thief rigged the tunnel with security yikes Let’s cross carefully okay we have to move phew I made it across no turning back good luck careful I need it AC cross okay next up H hold on huh so what could be in there there appears to be a door let’s be careful there might be more security inside I’ll go first thanks Mikey carefully go with caution all right what could be inside okay I’m opening it [Music] ouch huh what you okay Mikey here oh it’s secured with arrows that fly out whenever the door is open oh hi W ouch ouch ouch wo oh I see it’s dangerous let’s be careful let’s go Mikey go go go I don’t think any more arrows will shoot let’s catch the thief what does a thief need this much security for what’s that a ladder uhuh there’s a lad h w h i don’t know what’s up there but let’s proceed with caution Mikey mhm with caution up we go let’s go will it be safe if we open the hatch I’m opening it what could be up there huh huh is the thief up there be careful no nobody’s home but huh Mikey is this The thief’s Hideout oh it must be look those are my treasures and my flowers so this was yours it’s all mine this is all yours oh even the food in the fridge wo my food okay so this must be The thief’s Hideout fortunately the thief isn’t home I still want to catch the thief JJ no matter what definitely the thief isn’t home right now so let’s make a device to catch the thief while we still have time let’s do it we’ll definitely catch the thief on that note where is this place where could it be let’s take a look outside how far did we come where are we we’re above ground actually hang on huh now that I’m looking our houses are right over there look there was a house by the trees this whole time seriously it looks like the thief moved in right next to us I’m kind of scared we definitely have to catch that Thief let’s catch [Applause] them all right then we’ve taken back all of Mikey’s treasure first things first let’s put Mikey’s treasure back where it belongs like this then we’ll put the flowers back too yeah ah and then let’s put all of Mikey’s items back where they belong [Music] hm just like that so I predict the thief will likely try to break back into Mikey’s house again so let’s catch him on security camera let’s put the security camera right here there okay then next up about your food Mikey yeah the thief will probably take my food again that’s probably right let’s try to predict what the thief will do oh look what I have what this potion is a sleep potion let me borrow your crafting table for a moment sure I’ll take these apples mhm and mix in the Sleep potion oh H just mix in the Sleep potion uhuh okay look now I’m holding sleep potion apples incredible even a single bite of one of these apples should knock out anyone now we’ll take these sleep potion apples and put them in the the refrigerator wow we can catch the thief once they pass out H still Mikey just in case the thief steals the sleeping apples eats them and doesn’t pass out let’s build the device to trap them in their own Hideout woo all right we’re back at The thief’s Hideout H we’ll build the thief capturing trap here what kind of trap we want to be sure to capture the thief so we need to aim for the moment when the thief’s guard is at their lowest when the thief’s guard is at their lowest sure when is that when the thief is asleep oh let’s try to capture the thief when they’re sleeping good idea mhm huh let’s dig a hole around here we’ll start by digging here then under here too okay watch H if we leave it like this oh we can hide under the thief’s bed wow wow impressive right wo so what we’ll do first is hide under the bed and then we’ll build a cage under here to catch the thief in so come on down Mikey come on in okay oh so now do it like this um uhhuh we’re going to make a very deep hole like this just keep digging and digging like this a little deeper about like this H next up directly under the bed oh let’s section it off like this woo now let’s build the cage uh-huh huh let’s widen out the sides then what we can do after that is oh first we’ll have to climb up like this yes we’ll climb up this narrow section on the side [Music] okay now we’re almost done oh wow looking good okay okay Mikey we’ll be waiting here yes amazing and I’ll tell you what we’re going to do when the thief comes back uh-huh first we’ll Place some TNT here and once the thief falls asleep in their bed oo then we’ll light it once we do uhhuh we’ll blow up the bed and the thief should fall right down there into the cage we built below the bed that’s our Thief capturing device I think it’ll work mhm nice idea mm this will absolutely catch the thief mm let’s wait for them to come back okay we’ll be waiting here under the bed for the thief let’s wait are they coming we’ve been waiting for quite a while I wonder what kind of person they are H oh the trap door opened oh the thief is coming they are huh huh that’s the thief Thief that’s what he looks like huh that’s the thief wow that’s him what’s he doing huh J do you see him I see it but I can’t believe it oh hey he’s taking your items Mikey huh what no way are you kidding me he’s stealing them no he’s definitely stealing them wo no way he’s taking my items no huh wait those are my treasures they belong to you to you Mikey he stole your gold your diamond even your Emerald are you kidding me wow he’s taking everything huh what now oh now he’s looking at your refrigerator oh he’s going to open your fridge nice the Sleep potion apples are in there they have a powerful sleeping effect so if he takes even one bite he should fall asleep yes oh it’s strong enough to make him sleep right he at one now we can catch him yes good good good he’s eating so many all them wo huh huh huh but it doesn’t look like it’s working at all he’s not sleeping he doesn’t look very sleepy at all huh uh huh it looks like eating those apples might have given him a stomach ache what but he’s not sleepy I don’t want him to use my toilet wao seriously the sleeping potion didn’t make him sleepy but gave him a stomach ache that doesn’t help us oh he’s going back down he’s coming back oh down he went he ran away there oh there he is there oh I think he’s coming back to his Hideout M no huh huh was there always a button there huh we could have just pushed the button huh oh that’s the part with the security arrows huh oh he dodged it so easily oh shoot he’s coming this way he’s coming to us can we catch him I think he’s coming he’s here he’s here he’s pretty scary from up close yeah scary yikes oh Mikey stay quiet W our plan will fail if he realizes we’re under his bed we can’t let him find us here hang on Mikey let’s wait for him to fall asleep okay without being [Music] seen oh I think the thief is starting to get sleepy he looks sleepy [Music] no he’s right above us yes he’s asleep Mikey this is our chance we’ll blow up the bed mhm and drop the thief into the cage yeah drop it in ready here we go first I’ll set the TNT here and yes yes yes we’ll catch him we’re doing it Mikey once I light it run that way okay here we go yes we’re catching the Thief 3 2 1 ignite yes run for it I hope it worked oh hey it worked oh we did it we caught the thief [Music] woohoo huh wow that’s amazing oh what is that Mikey check it out huh what is it I’m not sure it almost looks like an elevator going into the sky wo really the villagers are all Gathering to look at it too what’s at the top though I’m curious is there something up there Mikey let’s go inside and find out it’s an elevator right let’s go up let’s do it the villagers are watching oh you’re right everyone is looking at us there must be something good up here where does it go what’s this huh I don’t like it I’m being attacked what are these creepy things we’re under attacked by some creepy monsters but we don’t have any weapons just punch them come on let’s just try fighting the same one take this yes we got one ow stop hitting me I think we can do this nice oh one more got it we barely won there’s armor in here but let’s open the treasure chest first let’s see open oh there’s a gun huh and golden apples oh wow wo these are some really tough looking guns yeah let’s eat our golden apples to recover and grab the armor how cool are these wow let’s put all this on and awesome bling oh these guns are definitely strong yep I don’t really understand this elevator but wa we’re fast want to keep going up let’s go this elevator will probably have more stops along the way if we do we can find out what’s at the top there must be something great up there what could it be let’s go all right I wonder what’s on the next floor H wo we can see the whole village from here we’re so high up what’s next oh what’s going on huh what are they du they’re creepy they’re black and pink creatures shoot them get him oops sorry Mikey yes these guns are strong wo nice job JJ oh a chest oh nice let’s open up this chest 3 2 1 oh wo look swords and golden apples these are cool let’s heal with the apples those enemies were scary all I got was that they were black and pink but we took care of them quick let’s keep moving what’s up next I think it’s going to be something good I hope there are no enemies just treasure let’s find out all right let’s go up I’m curious about what’s up there it’s so exciting look outside we’re so high up it’s a little scary what’s next on the third level there must be something good H H there’s something in here but what huh huh there’s something in the cell it looks like a fox a it’s trapped wait is it a wolf ouch H did I imagine that I thought I got hit were you attacked well it does look like a tough enemy oh hey Mikey there’s a lever here should we pull it I want that treasure we’d have to let it out though we have our swords so we’ll be fine no matter what you’re right we don’t know that it’s an enemy and I’m curious about the treasure flip the lever ready please be friendly huh no it’s not friendly it hit me attack it I’ll use this sword I got I’ll use the gun heang wo keep hitting yeah yes we beat it we’re strong H hurry what’s the treasure huh let’s open it let’s find out 3 2 1 what’s this we got new guns and golden apples these look great w cool what is it looks strong there’s Fire coming from it I never seen a gun like this before they’re flamethrowers awesome these are strong we can beat up whatever enemies come for us with these ready to keep moving up Mikey we’re only on level three let’s go there must be more above us I hope it’s good going up wo wow look we’re so high up I can’t even see the ground yikes wow we’re above the clouds wow wait what what is that are you being attacked there’s something really weird up here JJ what just look at it a robot is he friendly I think it’s an enemy it hit me let’s fight it take this let’s use our new flamethrowers H wo wao flamethrowers are strong I didn’t even need to use my sword now let’s open this Treasure Chest 3 2 1 open wo there’s some really great stuff in here there’s some cool armor and are these rocket launchers let’s try on our new armor these are sweet cool wow we look so awesome now we look like astronauts and these rocket launchers can lock on and fire not at me oops I don’t want to blast Mikey and check this thing out what is that it looks like a weird head thing what’s it do who knows I’m not sure but I have it are we near the top maybe I really want to know what’s up there let’s find out there’s definitely something good come on man I seriously can’t stop wondering what’s at the very top me too I hope it’s awesome we’re so far above the clouds I can’t wait to get up there H wait there’s nothing here we’re here but it’s empty wow we’re so high up be careful not to fall that would be awful wait H there’s really nothing at the top there’s something but I don’t know what it is weird it’s TNT and weird heads huh wait I have one of those heads maybe I should place it on there oh maybe we’ll get treasure it’s weird but let’s try it I don’t know do it let’s try it we’ll be fine you’re right we have rocket launchers swords flamethrowers and golden apples too that’s right all right I’ll do it I can’t guarantee what’ll happen but I hope it’s good 3 2 1 plop huh this is bad why Mikey I think that’s a mutant wither I’ve never seen one stop it’s dangerous why because it explodes Mikey run away oh that thing is terrifying ouch firing missiles just keep shooting at it flamethrower come on oh no just hit it locking on wao wait where did it go we beat it really I got a nether star from it wow that’s awesome it was strong but my rocket launcher was stronger I didn’t even get get to use mine so what’s NE star it’s kind of a rare treasure here you can have it thanks yep wait was that it was it wait there’s a house over there should we go in let’s go I already took off my armor it was too hot it’s too hot yeah because we’re close to the Sun I guess how do we get down and what’s with this house I’m a little scared so you open it all right let’s see huh oh something’s in there yeah let’s go inside and go huh what’s this I don’t know there’s a button can I push it be careful it might be a trap but there’s nothing else in here go what happened Mikey just fell down somewhere no way are you okay seriously what hurry down here JJ now I’m curious what could it be 3 2 1 Click what is this wow isn’t it great a water slide yeah wo this is fun it’s so awesome it’s taking us back to the Village that’s perfect wow I’m glad we went all the way to the top we came down so fast that was fun yeah now we’re back home a my mysterious super tall elevator appeared in our village and we rode it to the top we fought the boss and rode down the water slide if you enjoyed this video please like And subscribe thank you bye-bye

JJ and Mikey HIDE from MARIO in Minecraft Maizen Security House

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.
Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial


  1. Sono grato per l'opportunità di interagire con un gruppo così eterogeneo di individui. Ha ampliato la mia prospettiva in modi che non avrei mai immaginato.💋

  2. Ultimately, this would be such a refresher. Gunsmith will be gone, but you'll be able to customize your camos, operator skins, and reticles. Blackout was released in the beginning stages of the BR scene. Since then, we have seen many things change in the BR genre. One of those things is the ability to come back to life after death. Nothing is worse than dying off drop and now you have to watch your teammates play the rest of the game whilst your dead. Blackout with "regain" features would be incredible and a change of pace to reinvigorate the game. 🌺💚

  3. Hey @habeybacraft8172 your videos are very well put together. I was wondering if you would be interested in working on similar ones for me. What would be your going rate per video?

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