Terraria But We Have Friendly Fire On

so I invited a few other creators to play Terraria with me without friendly fire so uh yeah here’s what happened also I have a new Discord server so please join that in the description and let’s begin so we spawned in getting ready to start this abomination of a challenge Skeletron you’re in the way oh Skeletron already died I was trying to kill you man oh turn on PVP toast uh uh why do I have this item yeah CL St bag why why is that in my inventory wait what you have a Calamity starter bag in I need to go Fork out my own piece of land right now we’re all going to make our own bases this is my tree I’m going to go mine okay my come back come back come back okay I’ll give you hold on hold on hold on take this take this don’t mug me please go to your pockets don’t mug me man okay should I go for a Skyland should I go for a Skyland I was about to say what do you mean I’m so used to streaming I’m so used to streaming watch out chat don’t forget guys we’re throwing for the content we all go melee all true melee yeah yeah sure yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s totally what I’m going to do man I mind so slow man I forgot what it’s like all these people who don’t use quality of life or who use quality Life mods just watch your mouth dude I should have enabled proximity chat what the heck is this house question mark don’t question it that was toast okay yeah it’s it’s a it’s an artist is it okay oh hey what’s up I’m not hiding anything this what up now I’m curious oh there goes Wyatt got mugged I wish we played on medium core so we can just like steal each other’s items oh that would have been good actually oh I found an ice plade let’s go I can kill people now all right good any that an ice plade yep come here oh you need your help who’s under here hey guys it was Wyatt let’s go oh hey look y it’s going to be a nice and peaceful person all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right okay hold on we got to like we gotam team teamw work teamw work team okay there’s silver over there go mine that well you go mine it hey hey hey betrayed he’s just going for the beef yep oh I’m not kidding I found like four Dart traps so far in that snow bom and I’ve died to each one of them at least once oh yes yes yes why what happens I’ve been gathering this Army outside of my basey toast oh my God toast di I didn’t know what what what was happening I’m coming with the bombs no no dude I have Wormhole potions when am I supposed to do with those uh teleport to your allies obviously wa I didn’t know that I was supposed to teleport to my allies with those no way yeah I have a shmer ring we’re friends man we’re friends I just show you what I have in my inventory now while I was continuously dying trying to explore Wyatt was kind of just making an army of of slimes oh no oh no oh no oh no why are you good yeah I’m fine I’m fine I just realized something children are dying oh what the hell happened to you guys that’s a message rub him out Shaq I’ve been looting I don’t know what you’ve been doing I’ve been trying to loot I’ve been trying I’ve been trying my hardest trust me just when I get my actually good loot you guys have like no idea how much I’m going to kill you and we’re just going to be like not melee so we can shoot you when you can’t hit us true there are like a bunch of enemies over there like you’re going to yeah I see them I’m fine hey hey hey okay okay okay hey no no no the hell out of here look wait it was a joke it was a joke it was a joke it was a joke it was a joke yeah that’s what I thought know your place Skeletron all right it was a joke it oh whoa we oh all right it’s time LeBron James has awoken all right nice get him flankes there’s no way you you have a texture LeBron [Laughter] James yeah I have boots cloud in a bottle and red balloon I’m kind of fine dude okay you are kind of busted yeah I think I’m like the only one without any sort of ability I’m dead okay stop him man come on Skeletron you got to be able to take it as much as you addition out stop I literally have no boots I I have no boots I have no boots I have no boots I can’t do you have a grappling hook yes but what am I supposed to do with that I beat the Death Mode melee without boots stop I’m not even trying to go for you man ice blade carry we actually want to beat this boss is my question how many times I got 15 seconds stay God 100 66 nice nice okay now we’re going to have like The Alchemist NPCs oh you’re right oh shut up I love quality of life talk about my quality of life and I’ll kill you can someone give me a mining potion Maybe please please I don’t have none nope losers you’re the one who doesn’t have a mining potion yeah you’re the one begging us I do I do I just I just have it hidden it was a social experiment I would have given you guys $10,000 if you actually gave me a mining potion but none of us have one it’s a social experiment I’ll find somebody who has an iPhone and if they have an iPhone I’ll give them a million [Laughter] dollars so then you go to a like a homeless encampment and you’re like wow none of these people have iPhones I wonder why do you believe it guys I’m ultra Instinct you can’t land a single hit on me okay yeah I’ll get him to snowball cannons that way you can never touch him yeah eventually his vulnerability will be a problem for him but I don’t know right now I’m going to get hit by a falling star at the end come here sound effects that are going on I’m just going ouch oh I don’t have money no to go with the nurse let’s go that was such a long fight oh I didn’t have any ammo I was just running easy where is the Hermes boost oh wait there’s a slime rain what yeah that’s what I’m doing I’m killing slimes hey hey hey hey hey hey stop stop stop stop stop it stop it these aren’t my kids these are other people’s kids and I’m okay with that oh okay okay guys it’s secretly it’s secretly is abortions they’re coming back for Revenge the spirits are circling me right now oh there he is oh there he is I’ll solo watch this Wyatt I like meleed him for like 15 seconds and I just got stun locked by slime and toast at the same time yeah stop it stop it skon toast is killing all of us man oh no oh no I’m sto I’m stopping I’m stopping I only got a 15sec respawn because toast killed me oh oh yeah true that dude when we’re on when we’re low Health if we’re going to die anyways just let toast kill us just let some kill you I’ll kill you I’ll kill you thank you skeleton I appreciate it that was really nice of you dude it’s a strat you get to respawn earlier yeah we’re just being strategic that’s all yeah the strategy man the strategy ever see me hunting you down during a boss fight it’s strategy yeah I’m soloing him dude this is how we can Speed Run I’m soloing him what the are you dude my bleeding killed him my bleeding killed him I carried we got him so we went to the Crimson to make an arena for the brain of cthulu I do any video someone tells me to do on infernum yeah I can make I can make like a video of apologizing saying my wife left me or something and then they’re going to tell me to do on fer them oh what would what would her health bar look like on person that’s a bad question actually I don’t like that question this guy has 7,000 Health God damn can you okay are you just were you aiming those stars at thorban I was watching I Wasing yeah I literally carried everyone all right everybody G up in Skeletron I’m leaving I’m leaving oh are you I’m leaving I’m leaving I mind up some help hellstone so I can upgrade my gear and everyone else also upgraded their gear I made an arena in the jungle for the queen bee fight you know what you know what I can solo this I can solo this can solo this guys he can solo he can solo this I can solo this probably better off by himself than he is with us I can solo this wrong I do not have a double jump oh never mind I should be AOW oh no I forgot down oh no skon what have you done no we just have to clutch up we just have to clutch up oh yeah that’s all okay oh yeah we’re we’re still doing the Goblin Army I forgot I tank I’m a tanker okay actually kill me now kill me now please please please your damage sucks I don’t have anything I don’t have anything better yet dude he’s Mele we just can’t do much damage to him I just do [Laughter] Dam easy easy I’m still standing let’s go this Gober I can deal with him he won’t see me coming he won’t see me coming I got the reinforcements raid boss Skeletron let’s go there goome go now go to Red Team teleport to me and then just not don’t be in a I am so busy right now there go actually I didn’t see it in the chat so I didn’t believe it but I guess he did where is Wyatt dude this man is always late boss I’m almost done I swear I’m just curious to what what you’re cooking man you’ll find it at some he’s cooking a medium rare don’t worry oh just the bed is right over here I got this i got this watch this watch this I also died to the fire and not the actual sword he just chased me down I got this i got this i got this watch this watch this watch this we actually didn’t make it because of that we actually didn’t make it because of that I would have killed him I have 10 seconds I have 10 seconds oh no I think I made a terrible mistake 3 2 1 I made a terrible mistake oh you you actually [Laughter] threw now nobody shoot bees at me please please that’s all well if you just die to the boss we can’t really do anything about that true true I got a burger in my inventory this will surely help me not die I found a mushroom guys oh I already had one that was sick let’s go all right oh I got a Skeletron mask cool awesome who wants to be a part of me oh right you wanted us to wear like branded vanity didn’t you yes and like none of you are doing that except for toast oh my God the dungeon is going to be so okay oh the dungeon is going to suck kill somebody yes now here’s the thing I didn’t actually go inside the dungeon since I was doing other things so thin and Wyatt went into the dungeon but they found a morasa and instead of giving it to me so I could crap the knight’s Edge they decided to troll me and keep it for themselves yeah no way that’s actually crazy God oh my God we can make him suffer as he has made us suffer if we can we have what he does not a soul and [Music] morals all right that was well executed oh oh we got him I’m done I don’t want to do this anymore was it worth it guys was it worth it all right ch ch hold on let’s go my good is he actually going to do it I think he’s actually going to do it d oh my god look where did that come from I have a nice Edge now what bro what guys how could this possibly happen it just it’s like it just appeared out of nowhere oh my God oh my God I do so much damage what oh my God that’s crazy okay I’m done I’m done I’m done I don’t I’m done what are you talking about okay so wait the plan is for wall flesh is is we have a we have the entire Arena right like we’re on one side of the world we’re going to summon the wall of flesh on the very other side we’re going to have a bed no no here here’s the real Strat um cheat sheet god [Laughter] mode we’re just going to have to like try to not hit each other like we’re going to actually have to we’re say we’re going to actually like have to cooperate for once instead of me having to actually me killing instead of you instead of you three two one go oh great okay we’re going to fight this with half Health that’s nice all right yeah go for the top eye I’ll go for the bottom yeah just be our bodyguard yeah I’ll do like all of the deta go guys go you got this it’s fun oh okay oh there goes Skeletron I’ll be back don’t worry I’m just like I just need to go through half of the world for some reason the wing for some reason the Wing Stop near me doesn’t have sandwiches It’s Just Wings wow the wi Wings is is there like I heard they have sandwiches or am I just smoking something I don’t know no are you oh I think it’s lagging on my ending like no damage yeah I was going to say why was there no damage being done no it’s because okay we’re fine I’m back oh I wasn’t close enough yeah okay I forgot he just despawns now just run the entire world I I have another guide perfect like you’re Hing you’re Hing you were going to St at the bottom and you jumped up no it’s cuz I’m trying to dodge the lasers never mind no it don’t no it would what it was right there I’m done see you let’s go bro stop stop in the server let’s go so the wall of fish on was like 10 times harder than we thought and it was taking us a lot of attempts I’ll just summon it watch oh my God SK that was an I’m trying to kill the Slime why no man you’re at 100 you wait do you not have full health I have 380 um guys bro what it’s fine I had full potion try is he despawning yep he’s G all right I guess we go I I take risks in life and I live life on the oh now toast is almost killed by a bat guys this is not this is not it let’s see what happens when I use the sunfury nothing good obviously um that’s okay oh you don’t want to be up there Thorin that’s not a good spot I got this don’t worry a you use a mine cart track or something yeah just use mine cart that might work mine cart track is cheating it’s cheating I’ve already y someone can someone like join red team maybe you guys have range weapons this is actually hard for me you go to dodging you have defense I’m getting low too I’m probably going to die yeah we’re all low man join red team join red team join red team join red team 200 hp join red team join red team I would have died I would have died I would have died I would have died oh I’m so done I’m I’m actually done I’m it’s it’s jover it’s j oh oh oh oh oh I did not leave world I did not leave the underworld why you grabbing me oh yeah get your hands off of thin yeah I’m taking I’m taking I might have to as well a oh there he goes yeah we have yeah oh I’m y I got are you on te do Skelly I’m not on red team but I got this i got [Music] this easy easy easy easy you guys suck guys suck okay join okay everyone join Red Team warm to me so you can get your treasure bags this guy easy I’m going this way because I saw a goat skull over here one second what


DISCORD: https://discord.gg/5MGm2CCkU3

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@skeletronterrariaboss
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/skeletronterrariaboss/about

Other creators featured in this video: @Throarbin @ColdToasty @wyeeett

In this video, I’m trying to beat Terraria with a few other creators. The twist? We have friendly fire on. Will we be able to beat the game? Or will friendly fire kill us all?

This isnt me playing terraria’s calamity mod in hardcore mode, or playing terraria’s masochist mode, this is me trying to beat terraria with friendly fire on

tags: #terraria #gaming


  1. Throarbin has beaten his first boss that can be beaten only during the night only 20 secs into the video. That has to be some kind of a world record

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