I Survived 100 Days as a DIAMOND MINION in HARDCORE Minecraft

on day one I was created in an experiment as a diamond minion alongside of me were six other minions each representing a different ore hello my newest Little Creations you mineral minions are very special and serve under me anything for you boss just then bursting in the laboratory entered in Maxim lore finally I found your secret hideout I will destroy you and everything you own to show this world that I am the strongest super villain it’s ever seen his evil Bots began to Rampage throughout the lab and destroy everything they could no minions all around tried to defend grw but they were all getting overpowered we’ve been compromised and are all in danger you are the only ones capable of stopping this as he said this Maxine sent a missile right at us separating the two of us Brew little one Escape no on day two I nearly escaped our hidden lap and made it above ground no he has my master I have to save Gro and stop whatever he’s planning wait a banana I completely forgot what I was thinking about and went to go pick it up hey George someone stealing our banana huh I turned to see I was now in the middle of a Beach town with a bunch of advanced monkeys everywhere this little monster is messing with the modern monkeys H hand over the banana uh no all the monkeys then snapped their heads towards me oh no I was running for my life while the monkeys were all trying to take me down they all had banana weapons and others had fullon cars you ain’t getting the way that easy punk okay stop look we can talk this out and he what is he saying who cares he then drove in towards me out of panic I accidentally blasted out diamond and upgraded his car whoo sick upgrade this guy could be useful he signaled the other monkeys and within seconds I was captured inside of a banana cage no stop it but I was shot by a banana Dart and my vision went blurry on day three I awoke and was in the center of a beach likee celebration the modern monkeys were all around celebrating that minion there is going to make us rich I mean look at that banana I looked up to see in the Ruckus I had turned a banana into Diamond I must have it in my excitement I burst through the cage banana I ran through the panic monkeys and ate the diamond banana because of this I grew larger in size I now had 10 hearts and felt way stronger oh yeah no stop a money maker all the monkeys charged in again but I had a new chopping ability haha they tried to shoot bananas and hurt me every chance they could but I just kept eating through all of their hits yeah keep feeding me I chomped at one of the monkeys which caused all of them to panic this minion is a Madman everyone Banana Split all the monkeys got in their cars and drove off huh looks like diamonds make me stronger now off to find Gru I collected some of the bananas and left to search for my master but just then a strange device crash landed in front of me wo the screen turned on and on it was grw Diamond minion I do not have much time to talk Maxine Lal has captured me what do I do you must find the other six mineral Minions only together can you form a team like no other and stop him please hurry before it’s too late oh no oh just then wait the golden minion I made my way over to him but he wasn’t there after looking around I found a Gold Path leading right to a dance club ooh music I danced my way over to it and followed the Gold Path once inside I saw that there was a dance party in the midst of the crowd was the golden minion woohoo party time I boogied my way over to him but something was off dance must dance after looking around I realized everyone was being mind controlled wo I got to snap out of it musical notes were filling the air and I barely was able to make it off of the Dance Floor okay I got to shut this music off someone escaped my trap huh I looked and there at the DJ setup was the super villain balazar I have mastered the art of Mind Control those who enter my club are now mine no way I began to make my way towards the main stage but balazar began to dance his dance moves and his guitar skills caused the players all around me to follow his command boogy with us yeah stop it someone can’t handle the party oo I was dodging the charging players left and right and with one final Chomp I ate through the entire DJ setup because of this the music shut off and all of the dancers were freed no no no no everyone around was now enraged and chased Bazar out of the building uh no one makes me boogy and gets away with it hello I’m glad I finally found you come on let’s get out of here the two of us United and left the club we wandered throughout the forest until finding a nice hidden clearing wow that’s right time to create a new secret base on day six we got to work and began to build our very own Minion HQ I took the time to put bananas throughout and afterwards built myself my very own Diamond minion home perfect I turned to see that the gold minion did the exact same thing just then loud stomping began to fill the air what is that I followed after the noise and was shocked in front of me was another mineral minion but he was huge and rampaging through a village I’m fre no stop it stop I tried tried to reason with the netherite minion but he was just having too much fun this isn’t Fun none of this is fun foso huh I turned to see Gru’s daughter Agnes hiding in the destruction Agnes this minion must have found a growth Ray Gun there’s no reasoning with him unless we shrink him back down but where would we find one here come with me Agnes took charge until we made it to a pier Carnival wa games Focus you see that game over there I looked over and saw one of the games had a strange looking gun as a prize it’s a shrink ray the two of us made it over to the game ah here to win this special ray gun are you well in order to do that you got to win my game bring it the game Runner brought me to the start of an intricate course leading all the way to a shiny Bell if you can complete this course and ring that Bell within 60 seconds then that ray gun is all yours begin I began to partake in his game in it were different obstacles and jumps but I knew I had to do whatever it took to get that gun and more importantly the Bell was shiny must ring I was making great time when out of nowhere the game Runner queued for a bunch of Carnival Golems to enter my path uh-oh they began to charge at me trying their best to stop me 15 seconds left no something boiled within me and I blasted out diamonds all around cool the Golems were thrown off and I made a run straight for the Bell on day eight I rang the bell just in time what you actually did it yeah I did that means means give us the prize together we walked back over to the entrance and he handed me over the ray gun yes the shrink ray time to test this bad boy on that minion we both made it back over to the Village but it was an absolute mess villagers were all around hiding in the rubble please help us we even tried to make him a banana statue as a peace offering but he just ate it I would have done the same but I’ll help Agnes and I made it back to the large netherite minion who was playing with the Villager Make It Stop hey you the minion finally took notice of us the shrink ray use it now it’s time to shrink you down here goes nothing wait I thought this was a shrink ray uhoh the large netherite minion was now focusing on us trying to stomp us with each step small like ant we are ants we ar ants we made it to the edge of the village and there on the blacksmithing house was a diamond launcher W on days 9 to 10 the netherite minion was blasting down explosions all around us here goes nothing with no other option I ran over and picked up the blacksmith’s Diamond launcher because of this I began to grow stronger once again I now had 15 hearts and had a diamond launcher hat with it I can shoot out explosive Diamond missiles sick the netherite minion was closing in and was about to stomp us but with my new ability I was able to blast him back ouch yeah take that look the gun was set to fart mode here try it now I took back the gun from Agnes and shot it at the netherite minion because of this he began to shrink and Shrink until finally he was back to normal size ah boo finally look Gru needs our help we all have to work together and unite the mineral minions to save him are you in the netherite minion was excited to hear that and happily join my team come on with that the three of us left wait is no one going to fix our village oh on days 11 to 12 I brought Agnes and the netherite minion back to base with me we immediately got to work and built up the netherite minion his very own netherite themed home ooh SAA home afterwards I decided to make Agnes her very own unicorn themed house as well it’s so fluffy just then no no no no no Foo no no no huh what’s going on bad guy evil I followed where the gold minion pointed off to until reaching destruction there in the midst of everything was Maxim Lal he and his mechs were causing Mayhem ah scary my power Grows by the day when my creation is finished I will have an invincible suit of armor everyone will be forced to bow down to [Laughter] me with that him and his army left the gold minion and I went over to investigate and found a note on the floor wait it’s just a picture of candy oh candy candy candy candy he ran off uh wait get back here on days 13 to 14 the gold minion was losing it until we made it to a small modern Town it wasn’t long until the minion sniffed out a vending machine and stuck inside of it was the lapis minion hello what are you doing stuck in there the two of us tried our best to get him out but the machine didn’t budge zap zap what do you mean without answering the gold minion took my shrink ray from me and immediately Zapped me what are you thinking I’m tiny I realized though because of my new size I could fit inside of the vending machine oh okay time to push him free hang on I began to explore throughout the vending machine until making it up behind his slot I tried my best to push but alone I couldn’t do it looks like someone needs a boosted energy huh I turned to see a little ant inside with me you want to free your friend then I’m your guy the ants brought me all all the way to the corner of the vending machine where all of his people made their own makeshift home we kept traveling until entering a storage room and there was a lot of candy I got a candy here that’ll give you a sugar boost but only if you do something for us first on days 15 to 16 the anony made it back behind the minion in the vending machine remember our deal pal eat this he threw me over the C candy and I immediately devoured it because of this I felt nothing but energy the sugar it’s making me crazy woohoo I began to jump and run around like crazy do it now listening to the ant I charg with all my energy right into the slot and successfully pushed the minion out not only that but all the candy began to fall as well oh yes yeah the rest of the delicious candy is all ours baby with that we successfully made it out of the vending machine and I was returned back to normal size man what a rush thank you you Diamond the there’s another Diamond item here where the lapis minion brought me throughout the town until we arrived at a laboratory with Gru side kick Dr nefario my goodness the mineral minions you guys are still alive yeah we are you are diamond here R made this just for you nefario presented to me diamond goggles wo I was about to grab them but all of a sudden an evil minion burst through the room and took them for himself what me evil is mine on days 17 to 18 the newly upgraded evil minion was rampaging through the town he used the diamond goggles to chewed out Diamond beams everywhere after our village got destroyed it’s nice to move somewhere nice and peaceful seriously hey stop it the evil minion was causing nothing but destruction but was cut off by the golden lapis minion together the three of us began to fight against the evil minion although he had my powerful Diamond goggles the lapis and gold minion had their own unique powers which helped counter him all of us United really made us Unstoppable and we were able to knock the diamond goggles off of him no fair wa grw was right we do make a great team with that I picked up the diamond goggles causing me to upgrade again I now had 20 hearts and had very powerful Diamond goggles that can shoot out powerful beans sweet on days 19 to 21 I made it back to base with my minion friends together we all built up our newest team member his very own lapis HQ oh thank you afterwards we made a lab for Dr nefario so that he can have a safe place to stay as well I know grw and I have had our ups and downs but I hope he’s okay me too I then went over and built up an all black themed house for Gru when we save you now you’ll have a place to rest just then beeping went off in our HQ like crazy I’ve got something on my radar just south of here I listened to him and began to explore outside of our home I made it all the way into a badlands area but there was nothing huh must have been a false alarm just then scary soldiers dropped all around me I took a look around and saw that I was surrounded ah another mineral minion you’re coming with us on days 22 to 26 I was brought into a secret underground facility inside of it were secret agents everywhere wao great to finally meet you looks like we found another one another one I looked over to see there as well was the emerald minion hey another mineral minion I went over and saw he was inside of a planning room T we know of Maxim lamal and want to help you guys stop him you guys are our only chance he’s working on making technology so strong that nothing in this world would be able to put up a fight I looked in their planning room and saw they were looking at a mansion inside of it were cages that were full of other minions in order for you to successfully take down Maxim you’ll need an army and all of them have been captured so with with the help of the emerald minion it’s time to break them out and get them back oh yeah what do we do the agent brought us over to a machine the emerald minion and I entered inside and once we stepped out we were both fully dressed in agent outfits this is what I’m talking about operation minion Heist has begun on days 27 to 29 the two of us were sneaking around avoiding all of the mansion’s guards it wasn’t long until we saw in the Mansion was a party rich guests were all around looking at our caged minions for amusement very strange and yellow what okay we got to find a way to disable their cages I turned to see that the emerald minion was walking around joining the party hey Focus what are you doing I pushed him out of the way right before he was caught if they find us they’ll put us in cages too I looked forward to see we were now in an extremely secured hallway with the red lasers all throughout and at the end of it was a vault wa whatever’s in there must be valuable maybe it’s the key to unlocking those cages come on the two of us were like ninjas experts in our craft we were dodging the red lasers like they were nothing being an agent is sick we were about to make it but a guard dog spotted us oh no good boy the dog didn’t like us though and purposefully set off the alarm oh no a couple guards began to flood the hallways and the two of us made a break for the vault thankfully for us we made it inside just in time on days 30 to 32 once inside the Vault I saw that the machine controlling the cages was at the top I break that I break them free I was about to begin but ah two little rodents breaking into my Mansion oh dude it’s just an old lady the lady got angry and within seconds her wheelchair upgraded into something much worse my name is Granny sh and you two are in big trouble the old lady began to ride her wheelchair right at us she did everything she could to try to run us over but we were both dodging out of the way I got to break that machine I began to partake in the parkour making jump after jump doggy attack the dog chased after me though oh no stay away thankfully though the emerald minion had unique abilities of his own and began to counter a against granny sueana with my partner helping me I was able to make it to the machine and Chomp it in half Freedom on days 33 to 35 the minions were rampaging through the Mansion destroying everything the rich guests were in pure panic and all began to leave banana banana every man for himself I looked over to the left of the machine and there I saw Diamond fists wo I picked them up and because of this I had upgraded I was now a stronger diamond minion with 25 hearts and I now had very large deadly Diamond fists that could slam into the ground oh yeah with them I jumped into the fight and used them to hit granny Sue’s wheelchair ah this isn’t over you animals granny Sue then left we did it hey thanks for the help best friends yeah the two of us made it back to where the party was and we’re all United with our fellow minion Army come on everyone let’s go home on days 36 to 39 I made it back to HQ with the whole Army of minions I quickly went to work building them up extra rooms to stay in all right everyone eat up banana banana banan I’m glad you like your gift I then looked over to see that the emerald minion had made himself a nice Emerald home while I was busy great job partner from there I decided to build up my house and add some more high-tech screens man I can’t wait for the boss to see all of this he’s going to love it hey I think you’ll want to take a look at this what are you talking about Agnes threw me over a flyer one those de my friends all villains are invited to the L Macho Grand Prix your one and only chance to win Macho prizes for my personal Vault huh this might be worth looking into but then a sudden explosion went off outside of our base what was that I ran towards the noise only to see the Redstone minion was under attack by Maxim lal’s robot hold on I’m coming on days 40 to 44 I was about to run in and fight off the robots when the minion turned around and in a panic shot out a crazy Redstone beam wa his attack tore through the robots taking most of them down the remaining robots rushed in so I jumped in the way and used my diamond fists to finish the job seems like I got here just in time that attack you got there was super powerful ah you can’t control it that’s okay we can work on it together just then some reckless players nearly ran us over with their race cars hey watch it out of the way Little D come on man we’re going to be late to the race right the El Macho Grand Prix the Redstone minion and I followed after the players until we reached a large Racetrack and there in the center was the one and only El Macho all our friends soon my race will be underway but first to show you what you all came here for the prize a brand new shiny Diamond Car o another Diamond item we got to get in this race wait but we don’t have a car ah me me me you can make us one sweet all right what do you need on days 45 to 47 the other minion and I went out in search of materials for our race car we mined some wood and then went underground to quickly get some iron look look there that should be enough now let me just T up be okay the minion quickly shot out his laser breaking the ore but because he couldn’t control his attack the roof started to break watch shout we both barely jumped out of the way as the tunnel caved in really oh sorry it’s all right let’s just find another way out of here oh no that can’t be good we began to sneak down the tunnels looking for any way out when we found a lush cave in there an exit but as we ran for it a T-Rex blocked our path hey are you supposed to be extinct I should not have said that run on days 48 to 52 the T-Rex started to chase us around the cave I was trying everything I could to slow him down but he just kept running through my attacks the dinosaur bit down at me again and push me into a corner ah I was already low on hearts and it was was running in for another hit no suddenly the Redstone minion Unleashed another beam hitting it directly wow thanks I then had an idea hey remember what happened before hit the ceiling the minion did as I said hitting the area right above the T-Rex which caused the cave to collapse right on top of it yes all right let’s get out of here we finally made it out of the caves and hurried back to the racetrack once there there the minion quickly built us a car for the race I cannot wait to see what this looks like wait dude I thought you said you could make a race car uh uh all right my friends time to line up at the starting line oh my goodness okay we’ll make it work on days 53 to 56 the Redstone minion and I rode up to the starting line dude look at these little guys CH dude what losers okay okay just calm down they’re just trying to get in our heads start your engines this is not going to go well begin the players and other cars sped right past us they were clearly much faster no we got to win this we quickly made it to the first turn only to see a large jump haha eat my do oh no got any ideas ah uh uh-huh the minion turned around and shot out his laser directly behind us which gave us a boost of speed woooo because of our speed even after we landed we began to pass the other cars hey what the we made it around the final turn and there was the Finish Line with only one more person in in front of us oh no you don’t on days 57 to 59 we were racing towards the Finish Line when the player cut us off hey I heard you like bananas right take this our car hit the banana peel causing it to spin out of control yeah come on lizard the player was about to cross the finish line when El Macho jumped in and hit him out of his car oh what lives we may be villains here Amigo but there will be no cheating in my race forget that dude I’m not leaving here without my new set of wheels the player then pulled out a crazy weapon and started to attack elano his attacks were keeping the villain at Bay and dealing tons of damage hey knock it off I ran in and began to fight alongside El Macho he was finally able to get in close enough and hit the player which gave me enough time to use my shrink Ray J man this is embarrassing thank you little minion Azul it seems you are the last racer standing and hereby the winner yeah I went over and grabbed the Diamond Car causing me to upgrade again I became even stronger with five more hearts and the ability to use the Diamond Car whenever I I pleased this is awesome on day 60 to 63 I returned to HQ with the Redstone minion in my new ride woohoo a sick right okay let’s get you settled in I took the time to build up the Redstone minion his very own Redstone house filled with things to Tinker with there you go thank you don’t mention it I then took a moment to look over our entire minion HQ I know the boss is going to be so proud of us I just hope he’s okay I need to find him before Maxim finishes his plan as I said this one of the screens in my house was packed wait Vector get Vector you should have seen the look on your stupid faces what does this guy want we don’t have time to deal with you be quiet I’m trying to brag and I can’t understand you anyways what was I going to say oh yeah get aone of this Vector stepped aside to reveal a chicken what oh sorry wrong camera angle aha wait the obsidian minion what that’s right I have your little friend here and I want you to stop trying to take down Maxi he’s my rival now and after I get him I’ll be the most feared super villain so lay off it’s Spector time baby oh no what are we going to do got AA what he tracked his location through the call Nice Work show me the coordinates on days 64 to 68 I quickly followed vector’s coordinates until I found his giant blimp how am I supposed to get up there I looked around until I saw a nearby station with airships I’m so excited first my Village was destroyed then my town home but now I could finally just get away and relax yes yes bingo I ran over and started to run through the line I’m not waiting through that it wasn’t long until I made it to the front but wao whoo wao little guy can’t you read the sign huh humans only are you serious maybe they wouldn’t need a sign if you didn’t cut the line you dumb Minion thing I hate you okay okay jeez I went around the corner and thought for a second aha an idea sparked which made me call back to my HQ hey I need two of you over here now I have an idea smelly just act natural in my new disguise I made my way to the ticket salesman once again hey I recognize y uh uh no he you’re probably right here’s a ticket on days 69 to 73 we successfully made it inside of the station in our disguise nice nice work everyone now how are we going to do this I looked around the station until I saw that one it’s perfect but I’m going to need a little distraction uh better a aren’t you too cute yeah so uh I can’t understand a word you’re hey wait a second how did you get in here huh wait thanks for the new ride later I took off instantly flying off towards vector’s blimp thanks guys ah Vector you’ve really outdone yourself this time wait what is that shoot it shoot him down because Vector was alerted he activated his blimps turrets oh no they began to shoot Rockets right at as I tried my best to dodge them wo wo I made it above the blimp just as another rocket came right towards me here goes nothing phew that was close on day 74 to 77 I made my way inside a vector’s blimp men do not let that minion near his friend or my secret weapon secret weapon what is is he talking about just then a group of vector’s robots came around the corner must eliminate oh no I began to run throughout the hallways as the robots chased me behind and shot out crazy PS of electricity I quickly ducked into a room where there was a large engine powering the entire blimp huh interesting the Bots came rushing in though and began to attack I used my gadgets to fight back taking out a few at a time when their attacks hit the engine and started to break it wait a second hey you crazy robots you want me then hit me must eliminate they began to fire more and more attacks at me that would miss and hit the engine and because of this it’s going to blow I quickly ran out of the room as the engine exploded b b we’re going down a my head I looked up to see I barely survived the crash I was extremely low on Hearts uh maybe that wasn’t my best idea but then I heard someone calling out to me helloa the last mineral minion I ran towards their voice and saw that their cage had protected them from the crash come on let’s get you out of here but as I approached his cage I was blasted back by a freezing attack yeah I looked over and saw Vector standing on the wreckage with a freeze ray oh you’ve really done it now I’m glad I grab my secret weapon before you could destroy it in that little stunt you pulled and now I’m going to destroy you no but before Vector could blast me again the obsidian minion burn burst out of his cage to save me uh hi the minion hit him back sting him flying with his super strength now do all right yeah I’ll be okay oh you’ll pay for that all right then let’s do this on days 81 to 85 we began to fight as Vector shot out blast after blast I shot back with all of my gadgets and the obsidian minion tried to get in close but as he did Vector blasted him with the freeze rate completely freezing him in ice no see I told you Nobody messes with Vector I am the absolute bestest in the whole wide world buddy Vector just kept blasting me wildly with attacks the ray made me begin to slow down because of all the cold but I knew I can’t let the boss down take this I launched a diamond torpedo right at Vector making him Dodge out of the way which broke the minion free you missed it’s time to get vctor oh why am I feeling a strange sense of deja vu the obsidian minion hit Vector again finally taking him down yes nice work I’m in I went over to the wreckage where the minion pointed and saw a diamond Mech no way this is sick I jumped into the mech causing me to upgrade one final time I now had 35 hearts and felt so much more powerful awesome now it’s time to go save the boss on days 86 to 90 the obsidian minion and I were hurrying back to HQ when we came across Maxim Lal and his robot army what are they doing well it seems my plans have f finally come together thanks to the efforts of every single one of you I will become the most powerful villain in the world more like the most annoying villain what did you say Maxim turned around to show Gru stuck in a cage boss I said you’re the most annoying villain you just wait my minions are going to be here any second oh well then I’ll be ready for them bring up Z Mech suddenly the ground behind Bruce cage started to open up and rising up from below was a large villainous Mech oh shiny stop we’re done for if we get caught without the others let’s see if your little worthless henchmen are even worth the dirt I walk on maybe they already gave up and ran far far away no not my minions they will save me I know it that’s right boss we’re coming and with the whole Army to on days 91 to 94 the obsidian and I hurried back to HQ and gathered up the entire minion Army do you have a plan Diamond minion we need to act fast I’m scared I want Gro back K me what do it okay okay focus everyone I know we’re all scared for the boss but right now he needs us to be brave we’re going to take down Maxim and save Gru and this is how we’re going to do it mineral minions you’re with me and Minion Army banana oh it’s going to be a lot better than that on days 95 to 99 the other mineral minions and I marched up towards Maxim’s base oh well what do we have here the little prats are resilient shut it Maxim we’re here to take you down and save our boss aw guys how heartwarming now it’s time to die on Maxim’s signal all of the robots in the base ran into attack they charged in and began to blast at us with all kinds of deadly attacks the mineral minions and I were surely going to be overrun until the ground began to shakee as the army of minions came barreling in from the sides yeah because of their numbers the robot army was being completely outnumbered no that’s it time to take mats into my own hands Maxim ran towards his fancy Mech finally leaving Gru’s cage now’s my chance I need to get up there I little tee on me the obsidian minion ran into the crowd of robots and started to push them out of the way making a path to Gro the other mineral minions helped out too and used their own crazy abilities to assist the obsidian minion Baba thanks guys I was in finally able to jump up and run to Gru’s cage boss oh my diamond minion I can’t explain how happy I am to see you well sorry to break up the family reunion we turned to see Maxim had fully activated the villainous Mech oh no on day 100 I tried to quickly open Gru’s cage but Maxim just shot got it Knocking me back no this power is like no other you will all bow to me the most powerful villain in the world not if I have anything to say about it we began to fight Maxim’s crazy Mech launched volley after volley of attacks and even blasted rockets at me I was doing the best I could though to dodge every hit he threw and used any chance I had to fire back at him but his defenses were just too strong ah Maxim charged in again and slammed me back with a powerful hit I was now at extremely low Hearts I don’t know if I can do this oh no having second thoughts too bad I have to make an example out of you goodbye Diamond minion Maxim started to charge a final attack and I looked over to my friends and grew no I have to do this I have to I quickly ran up and used my diamond Mech powerful attacks to hit Maxim I was finally beginning to overpower him causing his Mech to malfunction what no no I then stepped back and focused my powers on one final Diamond blast which took out Maxim Lal for good yes I did it and with that grw and US minions could finally live in peace

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Diamond Minion! I had to save my boss, Gru, from the evil villain Maxime Le Mal! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


  1. I feel bad for that danger stuff. I can't spell still. Don't worry about the Titan marry you. I can't spell it. That's big what you're sprung to a phone I like like 3 laugh. I still feel like I feel bad for that. Bill Joyner's view. I'm so feel bad for him.

  2. That Was super duper ruper cuper awesome , that's the best video I have seen , best video you made and the Mineral Minions are definitely the most powerful team I have ever seen

  3. Please Survive 100 days as a superhero in Minecraft. as a superhero You must stop the netherite Ender dragón from taking over your village.
    First You must defeat the dirt warden, then the golden wither, next defeat the pillager king in his pillager outpost,
    The pillager Queen and her army of illagers, and finaly You must go to the end to defeat the netherite ender dragón.

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