The best way to get ultra rich with ginger island in Stardew Valley! #stardewvalley
do you want to get Ultra rich in stardo Valley and I mean really well if you have ginger Island unlocked you should start Keys Fishing Challenge where you will be able to catch legendary fish too which sell for the same price as normal legendary fishes and can be caught multiple times the best fishes to catch are the legend with fishing level 10 and fishing Buffs with either trap cork or lure Bobbers then you’ll want to put these fishes in the smoker to now get two times the price of it and I guarantee you if you try really hard to catch as many Legends as you can you can very easily make hundreds of thousands or even Millions
The best way to get ultra rich with ginger island in Stardew Valley! #stardewvalley
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Cool! But wouldn't you already be rich by the time you can even get to ginger island?
You can also go to the casino on a good luck day and get infinite credits and then by infinite hardwood fence and make bank