I Survived 100 Days in 1.21 Minecraft Hardcore…

today I’m going to be surviving 100 days in the brand new 1.21 update in Minecraft hardcore many features have been added since I previously played this update so today I will be exploring everything that has been added anyways enjoy the video day one I began by spawning on top of a tree in a jungle biome I promptly jumped down and cut down a tree for some wood so I could get myself a wooden pickaxe I then found a ravine in the ground so I jumped inside to collect some Stone which I used to get a stone pickaxe and Axe and now using this Stone axe I went around collecting some food starting with sheep then some fish melon more sheep even some chicken I then crafted up a furnace and smelted all the food so I could prepare for the caves I couldn’t smelt all the food just yet so I had to quickly jump down to collect some more coal so I could smelt the rest of my food it started turning nighttime but I ignored that and collected some iron some more coal and then smel Ed all that iron up so I could craft up a bucket collect some water and then finally I could return back to my crafting table to craft up a bed and sleep the night away I started day two by collecting all my stuff and then I was attacked by a burning skeleton I continued further into the caves where I got low on health trying to fight off another skeleton I started collecting some more iron whilst feeling right at home with the spider on the ceiling of the cave and then I went around collecting more iron in these caves I wanted to ENT entally speedrun the early game of Minecraft since I wanted to get an elytra as fast as possible in order to explore everything added in this update soon I stopped collecting more iron so I could use my furnace to begin smelting up everything that I had already collected and now that was all complete I picked everything up once again and left the cave to collect some more wood and before I went back into the caves I wanted to go and loot the ruin portal that I found off in the distance turns out it was pretty bad besides that I crafted up an iron pickaxe axe sword a shield as well as an iron chest plate anyways now I could return back into the caves and start exploring around collecting more materials there were many mobs that I had to be careful of however besides that I just collected more iron and whilst running around looking for even more loots I was attacked by multiple skeletons and I was set down to one heart of Health super close to death I ran away and blocked myself off barely surviving I spent the rest of the day to collecting materials such lapis more iron even gold I watched a crazy intense battle between two skeletons and then I decided it was time for me to smelt up all the materials that I had just collected in order to complete my full iron armor set starting with leggings the helmet and then boots and finally it was time to leave the caves now somewhat prepared for anything now that I had all the iron armor and tools I now had one more objective and that was to find a village and whilst I’m running around consider subscribing only 3 % of my viewers are actually subscribed and I’ll be doing a face reveal at 1 million subscribers besides that during my exploration I also collected loads of food I also found a very nice location that would have been great for a house however because I was looking for a village I would have to put this area behind me and continue my journey and doing this was a great idea because not too long later I actually found one of the new dog types I used some bones to tame one of the dogs and now I had a friend to join me on my journey going through the ocean and the land eventually I found myself in a swamp and it started to turn nighttime however I wasn’t going to sleep because I wanted to collect some slime balls because one of the new potions added in this update requires a slime block to brew whilst running around I found one in the new skeleton variants this skeleton was called the bug skeleton or something which gives you the poison effect when you’re hit anyways eventually I found some slimes so I collected some slime balls fed my dog and then went to sleep I started day four smelting up all the food that I gathered yesterday I then trapped an Enderman in a boat However unfortunately I was unable to get the Enderman to drop an ender pearl I fed my dog some more rotten flesh collected all my cooked food and then continued my journey looking for a village right after continuing the exploration for a village I found a shipwreck looting the chest got me a diamond some lapis iron and emeralds that was a pretty solid find anyways I found myself back on the ocean water with my dog looking for some more land I found an ocean Monument on my way but ignored that and eventually land ahead yeah not too long later after finding this land I actually came across another dog type that now makes our dog collection two of size or something like that yeah by the end of this video I want to get as close as possible to collecting every single dog type soon the sun began to set and often in the distance I found a village so I ran over to it and slept the night away and in the morning I let my dog sit down whilst I went to the Rampage and took everything that this Village had to offer first I crafted up a chest to clear out my inventory and since I had some time I chucked the spare raw iron and gold into some furnaces to get that all smelted up then I crafted up an iron hoe now I could run around in this Village taking everything it had to offer the first house that I looted had a chest with some potatoes in it and now running around in the village I found literally nothing else I decided to let the Iron Golem live since I already had loads of iron and then putting the iron hoe to use I broke all the hay bales I also stole a blast furnace but that concludes the village robbery off in the distance I saw a lava pool so I ran towards it I then attempted to do the speedrunner portal thing which I kind of messed up oops anyways I now had to collect some Flint for a flint and steel I then lit the portal and went inside side it was now time that I did a little exploration again but this time it was going to be in the nether I also needed some blocks so I broke all the Netherrack and started bridging using these blocks I jumped over some lava and then soon I came to the conclusion that I probably shouldn’t be in here right now so I decided to start returning back home but first I was going to use a couple of attempts at getting the Return to Sender advancement anyways after that I finally returned back home now I wanted to collect loads of wool I’m not going to give away any hints on what I was going to be using this wool for actually you know what maybe I will give a hint I’m going to be setting up camp I spent a good portion of day six going around to sheep shearing them for wool and eventually once I thought that I had enough wool I started to make a build yep I was going to be building up a tent for now so I could just set up a temporary home now obviously later in these 100 days I will build a better house I just wanted to have something to call home for now I did end up running out of wool during this building process so I had to go back out shearing more sheep for some more wool however after that I finished placing all the blocks and used some fences as well to add some more decoration to this tent I mean how else is it supposed to stay up without these support beams I quickly made home by placing a chest and clearing out my inventory and began day seven by moving all the stuff that I had in the village over to my new campsite I also collected some more walls so I could quickly extend out the tent a couple more blocks and to further concrete this area into being mine I set up a few Farms I started with a wheat and potato farm I then moved onto sugar cane and also planted a few of the cocoa beans that I collected on a previous day back at the jungle biome now after this I actually wanted to do another smaller build I wanted to collect a bit of wood and then I flattened an area out a little bit I placed the logs down as if they were seats I then returned to the nether collected some Netherrack and built a small little campfire all right that was a lot of stuff to process in a short amount of time long story short we now had a decent campsite looking thing that would set us up for a little while it was also on this night that I realized the flaws of my tent yep an entire zombie apocalypse decided to come and attack me but I quickly dealt with all that I started day eight by clearing out all the other mobs that survived the night today is the day that I got full diamond armor or the beginning of getting it at least I crafted up a new IR pickaxe since my current one was about to break and then started searching for an entrance into a cave I instantly found a giant cave entrance but it led to absolutely nothing so I left this place and continued my search eventually finding another massive hole in the ground so I jumped down and started exploring these caves this time we were actually going to get somewhere I thought of multiple skeletons and not too long into my mining session I found my first diamonds obvious obviously I had to fight for these Diamonds though why would it be that easy this diamond vein had five of them which was a great beginning and this cave was actually really good because after this I found even more diamonds in the first 10ish minutes of this mining session I had already collected 15 of them actually hold on hold that thought it was now 17 going around these caves were absolutely ridiculous having to fight off like a billion mobs all to just get one single diamond from this vein at least the cave had something good to offer though because not too long later I actually found one of those spawner thingo which the first chest had a cat disc inside as well as some Gunpowder but the second chest however had something amazing a density 5 enchant book which is one of the brand new enchants added in the 1.21 Minecraft update I ended up running around for a very long time without actually finding anything ending this day off by finding literally one more Diamond this single Diamond V are absolutely awful but I think you kind of get the point here I just ran around in the caves looking for more Diamond veins so I could eventually get enough diamonds for full diamond armor and tools I eventually collected way more diamonds that I would actually need so I stopped what I was doing to craft up a diamond pickaxe and then collect 14 obsidian from a lava pool that I randomly found obviously I would be using this all to get a Nether Portal and enchant table and day 11 was going to be one of the last days that I was really going to need for the majority of this mining session you see now all I really needed to do was collect a few other random materials this time I was going to be collecting some tough blocks obviously since the new tough blocks were added in Minecraft I was kind of obliged to do something with them so I spent most of this day mining up six full stacks of tough blocks yep and then when I got back up to the surface it was raining I found a ruin portal which had literally nothing that I would need so I ended up ignoring it and instead I found a village but it wasn’t the village I was looking for anyways as the night was almost over I found myself back at my actual Village I started the following day by clearing out my inventory and then I went running looking for a cave with some copper however I quickly decided to return back home so I could craft up a diamond chest plate helmet leggings boots axe sword shovel and I also crafted up an enchant table which I used to enchant everything oh fine now I can go ahead and collect all the copper and if you’re wondering why I’m actually looking for copper right now it’s because the brand new 1.21 Minecraft update has also brought some new copper blocks to build with so I thought it was going to be a pretty fun idea to go around collect a ton of copper so I could use it to build I continued the copper collecting into day 13 as well until I decided to return back up to the surface and since it was night time I could Now kill some skeletons for bones you see I wasn’t going to sleep this night away because I also wanted to collect as many bones as I could get my hands on considering soon I also wanted to collect as many of the new dog types that were also added in this update so I was going to need quite a lot of Bones anyways I ended the night with a few extra bones than I originally started with and then left day 14 to be a chill day I used this time to smelt up all the copper that I had mined up in the previous 2 days also I guess something else happened on this day a wondering Trader decided to show up and I’m not too sure if these trades were any good so I just decided to leave them be well most of them at least I kind of needed a lead and yeah you get the point I needed this lead because I saw in an sp737 video you can out tow boats using leads in Minecraft that was a pretty cool feature it’s like I have a trailer or something now I started day 15 off by doing a little bit of farming since I noticed some of my crops had started to grow it was also around the this time that I wanted to start looking for the mobs and animals that were added in this update mainly focusing on the new dog types and since I had a very limited amount of time I decided to do the/ seed command and put the number into a seed map tool which would show me exactly where each biome was located some of you may think this is cheating and to all who think this all I have to say to you is uh oh well I wrote down the coordinates to every single biome that one of the new dog types is spawn in to prepare for the following day where I would set out on the water to run towards the coordinates of every biome that I just wrote down however I quickly changed my mind and returned back home because I kind of forgot one crucial item the bones eventually after running through large forests I finally came across an old growth Pine Tiger Biome which is actually the biome where I’d be able to find the black dog I ran around for quite a while until eventually I found a pack of black dogs surrounded by loads of free food as well thanks Don’t Mind If I Do I also have noticed people are saying this dog is the rarest but as I continue my dog exploration Journey further in this video I quickly start to believe otherwise on day 17 the Epic dog and myself got in a boat and we went out exploring until I realized I was literally right next to a Tiger Biome just before which is another biome where a different dog type spawns so I quickly turned around and spent quite a surprisingly long time running around looking for another dog this is kind of a repetitive pattern throughout the Journey where I just do loads of running but eventually I found the pale dog type which is the original so I tamed it and then I made the decision to return back home and now I could easily do this by putting the two dogs in a boat and using a lead to tow them along with me now returning back home that puts our dog total to four we’re making pretty good progress anyways now that I had brought the other two dogs back home it was time for me to go back out exploring this time I wanted to head over to the Savannah biomes since I could find multiple new Mobs there first I could find the new armadillo and I could also find the new spotted dog type which is found in the savannah Plateau I spent quite a lot of this day sailing over the ocean but eventually I found some land and continue my journey however this was promptly interrupted by me finding a random Woodland mansion inside of a mountain this was a very interesting find but I would definitely be entering it because I could now get some totems of undying very useful to have I spend a 19 going around inside this Woodland Mansion fighting off mobs I also had a few very close calls to death I also took a few things from the Mansion including bookshelves for books that I would take home later for my own bookshelves I also got a second totem barely surviving on half a heart and I just ended up spending a long time running around in this Mansion the layout of it was pretty strange I also let all the elays out because why the heck not and whilst I was looting a chest I got snuck up on by a Vindicator which unfortunately popped and wasted one of my totems I only had one left now screw you Vindicator I also stole an anvil but that was honestly about it for this loosing session I mean at least I came out of this with one totem the entirety of day 20 was just spent continuing the whole running theme I also took a little break so I could cook up some more food since I was definitely slowly running out of all that I also continued this into day 21 where eventually by the time the moon started to rise I finally found myself in a Savannah Biome now all I needed to do was find the Armadillo and dog simple right right not too long into the day I actually found an armadillo which tis off one of the mobs that I was actually looking for and wait hold on what’s with the music huh wait a minute are you telling me I went to exploring for the next 5 whole days without finding a single dog whil exploring multiple wooded Badland biomes Savannah Plateau biomes even snowy tiger biomes and I didn’t find a single new dog type no way yeah honestly I don’t know what to tell you all I just ran around for such a long time in all these different biomes trying to find at least one of the dogs but I could not find a single one of them I literally nothing was spawning there is absolutely no way the black dog is the rarest whoever commented that on my videos you might be a bit crazy unless I’m just super Lucky in the wrong ways so yeah now I just had to return back home without any more dogs quite on fortunate that was definitely a waste of time besides that now that I had finally returned back home I could actually go back to doing a few productive tasks I started digging a hole into the ground and clearing out a room because I wanted to make a quick storage area since the tent definitely wasn’t going to be good enough to store all my chests especially once we start getting way more loot later on in this world I plac down my furnaces crafting table and then using all my wood I crafted up a load of chest to place down in my new storage area I also crafted up some more furnaces and placed those too I quickly sorted all my loot into different chests depending on the type of Loot and also moved everything from the chest under my tent into this new storage area finally ending the day by digging out another little area in the storage room for my enchant table since I now actually wanted to do another feature that was added in this update I had to start preparing I chopped down loads of trees for wood and then crafted up some bookshelves to allow for level 30 enchantments at my enchant table I then spent the rest of day 29 collecting even more wood from trees and you’re just about to find out the exact reason for this on the morning of day 30 I turned all my wood into sticks and then crafted up both a cartography table and a Fletching table both for villages obviously to give them new professions I turned one of the villages into a Fletcher and then traded all the sticks that I had just crafted over to them so I could get some more emeralds thanks Bob appreciate it yeah yeah his his name’s Bob if you didn’t know I also noticed on this day that my village now only had two Villages left and I guess they were the chosen ones well kind of I mean they’re just going to be trapped for the rest of their lives now since I didn’t want them dying to any mobs we can’t lose these villagers now otherwise I would have to transport new ones from over thousands of blocks away and that doesn’t sound like fun if you ask me I traded more sticks for more emeralds and then I went back to the farmer villager where I broke the composter and placed down a cograph table so I could change their profession to a cartographer or something like that I was looking for a specific trade right now but I also did notice that this villager now traded paper for Emerald so now knowing this I decided to go back over to my actual base area and start making a decent siiz sugarcane farm continuing this Farm into the next day I then planted all the sugar cane and then spent some time expending it out even further I wanted a pretty big sugarcane farm so we could trade loads of paper for loads of emeralds also sticking to this Farm theme I decided to make some more wheat potato and carrot Farms telling the dirt and planting all the seeds and then finally decorating the new Farms using some Cobblestone walls wow we’re getting really fancy out here now since my sugar cane also wasn’t growing fast enough I decided to spend this next day running all over my world collecting all the naturally spawning sugarcane that would spawn near rivers and large areas of water just so I could bring it back home plant it in my sugarcane farm expanding it out even further but now all I had to do was wait but during my waiting time I wasn’t going to do nothing you see I was going to go out and explore looking for a Pillager Outpost sure I could have just waited for pillagers to come to me however we don’t have time for that that would just simply take way too long especially since I now needed to defeat one of the bner pillagers for the new ominous bottle thingo I needed this before I could end enter into the trial Chambers whilst running around I also remembered that I previously saw a Pillager Outpost when looking for the new dog types earlier so I decided to run in that direction eventually I found it off in the distance so I ran closer eventually making my way to the Pillager Outpost and surprisingly I couldn’t find the ban dude anywhere actually you know what I couldn’t even see any pillagers so I decided to just go inside and loot the chest where I got a ghats horn I don’t think I’ve actually ever used one of these go horns as well despite them being added like multiple updates ago but eventually some pillagers decided to spawn so I defeated them all still no ban dude though I let the trapped Iron Golem in the Lay free and then decided to start searching for another Outpost since no Banner pillages would be spawning in this current one I used boats to cross water I searched far and wide even finding another Village on my way after an extensive exploration I finally came across a second Pillager Outpost like the first one I looted the chest I got some armor trims and killed a Pillager but it seemed as though this Outpost also had the same issue as the previous one no more pillagers were spawning not even a banner one I had no idea what was going on I thought that maybe the giant stream of water coming down from the mountain may have possibly been preventing them from spawning so I went up the mountain and removed that but still nothing else was spawning I decided to go AFK in the mountain wall just for a little bit to see if any of them would maybe change up and actually start spawning but still nothing I thought I was just out of luck and wouldn’t get an El minous potion I let the LA out of their cage and I was just about to leave to go back home until I turned around one more time and there it was a banner Pillager they had finally decided to spawn so I defeated it and got the ominous potion yipp and now I had the potion I could return back home passing by the original Pillager outpost on my way back home as well and conveniently just standing there was another Banner dude and I was able to get a second ominous potion Thing If Only They had spawned earlier I wouldn’t have had to run so far to go to another Outpost despite that I finally got back home planted more sugarcane that I had been collecting and made another Farm now bringing along some creativity to this world or well trying to be creative at least I wanted to make a dog house for all my dogs so I decided to go around collecting loads of w chopping down many trees and then I started building up a tiny house for every single one of the dogs nothing too crazy I just thought it would be pretty funny giving them all their own houses boom this is what they all look like now something unfortunate was about to happen though I started this day by trading with the cartography villager leveling it up to the Village level I would need it at in order to get an item I was looking for I was currently looking to get my hands on the new TR Chambers map trade and un fortunately this villager was not willing to trade it with me well besides that I went ahead and started making the storage room entrance way cooler making some Hill sort of thing yeah I I don’t know and then I also moved on to spending some time decorating the interior of the storage room as well and since we couldn’t really waste any more time I simply just went ahead and used the seed map once again I wasn’t messing around using the seed map I located the nearest Trail chamber near me and dug straight down into it but to my surprise I also found a skeleton spawner right next to the chamber as well that was pretty interesting however besides that I entered into the chamber and obviously had to drink the ominous potion as well now it was time to get some awesome loot inside we found a breeze which is yet another one of the new 1.21 mobs that we could take off our list I couldn’t simply just skip over these though because I actually had an advancement to complete I now had to defeat The Breeze by deflecting its wind charges straight back at it and trust me when I say this it took so much longer to get this advancement than I originally thought it would take but finally I did it and these trial Chambers were pretty repetitive I just went around defeating mobs moving on to new spawners and getting loot from them I also completed another advancement by using an axe on a copper bulb block I continued going through the trial Chambers got some pretty useless items for defeating the spawner things but actually eventually I got one of the ominous Tri Keys finally I used uses key on the first ominous Vault of this world and in return I received a new Banner pattern some wind charges arrows and loads of emeralds not exactly what I was here for but I’ll take it anyways I used another one of the ominous keys on another Vault and got emeralds yep literally just emeralds nothing else which is kind of crazy to be honest besides that I went around de feeding way more mobs and got zero keys from an entire room after defeating all the SP things what a scam so all I could do now was move on to another room in this one I got extremely low on health so I quickly blocked myself off from all the mobs in order to heal myself up so much stuff was happening all at once in this room but the worst part about it was the fact that none of these vaults were giving me the keys to use it was actually unbelievable but with my persistence I finally got another key followed by another and even a third whilst I was running around in the chambers looking for another ominous Vault to open with my newly obtained keys I broke a few pots and actually obtained one of the new music discs that was added in this update which was really cool besides that I went around and used another ominous key at another Vault and got a second music disc this was another unique music disc and it was also followed by some more emeralds and TN charges whilst running around I opened up another chest and inside was a normal trial key so I used that but got some random loots nothing to too crazy I continued my journey around the trial Chambers used another normal key again got some pretty useless loot from it I used another ominous key as well whilst getting absolutely destroyed in the process like damn please just let me use my key in peace and unfortunately on this day I also popped my one and only totem that I had left definitely not the way I imagined this day going the following day I found myself using another ominous key this time in a new trial chamber since I had completely looted the other one I decided to come to a new one again I got some random loots that I really just did not need I used another ominous key but this time I actually got something pretty cool I got an enchanted golden apple it was also around this time that I realized I needed to drink another bad Omen effect because I lost my previous effect when I popped the totem the other day yeah I just went around these Chambers further used another normal key and used another ominous key as well just to get even more trash loot again I continued going through the rooms of the trial chamber until eventually I actually decided to return back home since all my armor was starting to break and I was at the point in this world that I was not willing to die because of some stupid mistake I cleared out my inventory crafted up new diamond armor Enchanted it all and then dug straight back down into the trial Chambers honestly I think I’ve showed enough of these trial Chambers in the last few days so let me just start skipping over the majority of everything that happened surprisingly I actually came across a skeleton spawner it was pretty random finding this but cool either way besides that on day 44 I finally got the heavy core from the ominous Vault let’s go this is when I finally made the decision to leave the trial Chambers to go home and then I decided to craft up the mace finally 44 days into this world we now have our hands on the brand new weapon added in this update and obviously we had to test the weapon out boom it’s honestly such a cool new it item but also at the same time it is pretty random compared to the other weapons in this game I also tried enchanting it in my enchant table but none of the enchantments were worth taking so I crafted up a grindstone and then used the enchant table because now if I got an enchant that I didn’t want I would be able to remove it despite that I ended up settling with a density 5 and Unbreaking three enchant even though I already had density 5 in my chest this next part was written by Chad so if it sounds weird that’s that’s why day 45 to 46 found me surrounded by The Towering giant spruce trees their thick canopies shading the forest floor below armed with my trusty axe I set to work cutting down tree after tree filling my inventory with multiple stacks of rich dark Spruce logs the rhythmic thud of my axe against the wood echoed through the Serene Woods as I gathered enough resources to fuel the next phase of my project anyways now that that I actually had some blocks and stuff to build with I used a stone cutter to turn all the tough blocks I collected a while ago into blocks that I would need to complete this house build mainly stairs for now though I started working on the entrance of the house using the stone cutter again for other tough blocks and eventually I finished the roof shape adding a door to the entrance and then I started clearing out trees in the surrounding area to make room for the actual house build I started working on the walls of the house stripping all the logs as well since I I thought that would look better for this build and then I used the tough stairs on the walls as well to change the blocks up a little bit anyways let me quickly summarize this the walls were now going to be built out of spruce and oak logs combined with tough block stairs I also repeated the wall design on the other side of the house as well day 48 I started stripping more logs building out more pillars for the walls as well and spent quite a while chopping down more trees both for wood and to also clear up extra space for my house buildt and because I hate chopping down those giant trees I ended up just using flint and steel to burn those ones down it saved me so much time but there is one thing about this house build that is very clear and that is that it took an extremely long time to complete by day 62 it was eventually complete meaning this build took like I don’t know someone do the maths however I can’t just skip over the entire build though I will summarize it quite a bit otherwise it’ll get a bit boring at some point I did also enter back into the trial Chambers to go ahead and start collecting some of the copper bulb blocks you know the new lighting block since at the time I didn’t actually have the materials to craft the block itself for some reason it required a blaze rod to craft kind of strange but oh well I wanted to use these bulb blocks in the roof I thought it could be an interesting way to incorporate the new blocks into my build I also spent quite a while working on the roof I wanted to make sure it looked as good as possible for my standards at least I don’t know I’m not great at building I’m still working on my building skills but I’m sure this is going to be good enough for now I also spent some time going out collecting sand to smelt into glass to get glass panes for Windows on my house but now it was starting to come together quite nicely I started adding more random blocks like trap doors and buttons to add more details to my house build and whilst looking back on the house something seemed off I wasn’t quite happy enough with this build and I think it was mainly the roof that was turned P me off from liking the way it looked I ended up going back down and making my own mine staircase down to deep site level so I could start collecting Cobble deep slates which I would then turn into stairs to use as an outline on my roof kind of switching it up from the large amount of tough blocks on the roof I also realized that the roof was like completely offs scented as well on the side so I had to remove all the progress that I just did on the sides of the roof and spend way more time rebuilding it back up I can’t believe I’d make such a silly mistake like that it was so ridiculous but besides that I filled in the floor and the ceiling and the roof and finally the house was complete after an extremely long time of building but I mean hey at least we can do some other things now well that was after I did a few random tasks around the base area starting with this pathway then moving on to the new entrance to my mine that I created a few days ago farming all the sugar cane that had grown as well this day was kind of just spent making everything look even better than what it was already starting to look I also built up a nether portal on this day even though I did have that nether portal at the lava pool a little further away from my base though I just wanted to build this one since I could now get a different nether spawn location I started day 64 by crafting up another diamond pickaxe I then Enchanted it and then combined it with my other diamond pickaxe whilst at the same time giving it a very unique name now it was time to enter into The Nether where I instantly started getting attacked by a ghast but now my objective was to find the nether fortress to get blaze rods and there was only really one way to find it and that was by running around and exploring the land of the nether Dimension I had to defend myself against some hoglins that would spawn in the Crimson biomes but I promptly dealt with those as well since it’s just simply too easy I bridged across a pool of lava more running and even more bridg yeah this was a pretty repetitive process I’m not even going to lie again I found myself running for such a long time CU I just could not find the nether fortress something I did find though was a Bastion which would allow me to get something very important I very carefully looted all the chests getting some all right loot from them and then I went into the Bastion further looking for more loot to take whilst in this basion I also got the hot tourist destination advancement but putting that aside I accidentally fell off one of the floors so I had to quickly build up to safety I looted another chest which gave me a netherite upgrade template and a silk touch pickaxe which is actually all I needed so I left the Bastion and continued looking for the nether fortress and whilst I was exploring I also found myself in a warped forest biome so I decided to start my 2-day ender pearl collection process right now yep that’s how long it actually took me to get all the end pears that I probably need to get to the end later on in these 100 days and the beginning I defeated around seven or eight Enderman before I actually got my first ender pearl so yeah maybe you could see how it took me so damn long to get them all I was extremely unlucky with these ender pearl drops now equipped with 10 extra ender pearls combined with the six or seven I already had back at home I left the warp forest biome and instead of finding a nether fortress I actually came across a second Bastion where I got Pig step from one of the chests which is actually really cool definitely one of my favorite discs not going to lie besides that I just ended up leaving this fashion instead of actually looting everything else because I just did not want to deal with all the Pigmen simple as that and not too long later I actually found the nether fortress now I can actually get all the items that I came to the nether for I took some Soul Sand and Nether wart from The Fortress but besides that I just continued looking around for a blaze spawner I found a random naturally spawning Blaze just chilling but I decided to ruin their day poor Blaze man I’m really and in return I got my first Blaze Rod not too long later I also found a blaze spawner and started collecting all the blaze rods for everything right how many times did I just say blaze I collected all these rods for everything I would need them for later on in these 100 days that includes both Eyes of Ender and even a little bit of potion brewing that I would end up doing later yep you heard that right anyways now that I had all the blaze rods that I would need I started making my way back home eventually finding the nether portal so I could head back over to the Overworld so on Day 70 I could actually start using the materials that I had just collected I began by Brewing up every single new potion that was added in the new 1.20 Minecraft update they all required some pretty random materials to brew but oh well this update has brought four new brewable potions infestation which requires a stone block oozing which requires a slime block weaving which needs a cobweb and finally the wind charging potion which requires a Brea rods and now the potions were brewed up I could test them out starting with the oozing effect which I couldn’t quite figure out how to actually use it but as it turns out all four of these potion effects only work upon a player dying so they’re essentially completely useless in hardcore worlds I drank the other potions but again they were all really useless in my world right now despite that I guess it’s cool because I could take off all four of these potions off the list though getting closer to completing my goal of collecting everything added in this update all I really had to do now was actually prepare for the ender dragon fight I crafted up a new bow and Enchanted it and I actually got pretty good enchants on this bow as well so I will definitely be taking it I then crafted up the Eyes of Ender and threw my first Eye of Ender marking the beginning of my next exploration which was going towards the stronghold and finding it I threw multiple eyes and eventually the Pearl throw went into the ground so I knew I was finally above the stronghold and now I could just dig straight down eventually I found the end portal and to my surprise it was completely filled in this must be super rare no I’m just kidding I I found it earlier and put the Eyes in myself besides that I jumped through the portal and started shooting at all the towers destroying every single Crystal eventually though I thought all the crystals had been destroyed so I started shooting at the dragon with my bow but instead the dragon started healing its Health back yeah I forgot got to destroy one of the crystals my bad so yeah I I kind of wasted some time there oh well eventually I got the Ender Dragon extremely low on health and of course you already know I had to Tower up and use my mace to finally defeat the Ender Dragon I collected all the XP as well as the dragon egg and now I had to go and pillar up to the end Gateway in order to start running around in the outer end Islands looking for an nend City to loot for an elytra when I got close to an nend City I attempted to kill the ER at the entrance however annoyingly it teleported away but I wasn’t letting it go anyways I then went inside and tried looting the nend city however I got ambushed by many of the shulker bullet thingo yeah those Cube things I don’t know what they’re called I looted the chest but skipped over most of the end City so I could Pearl onto the end ship kill the Shuler and loot the chests I also crafted up a Shuler box so I could put everything inside it and now I could take an elytra for myself the first elytra of this world I also took the brewing stand and whilst I was taking the ender dragon head I noticed another n city off in the distance so I flew over to it and then went inside now I obviously could have looted this end city as well however I didn’t I just went straight to the end ship because I could not be bothered dealing with those annoying shulkers once again speaking of shulkers I killed the one guarding the elytra looted the chests and then obtained a second second elytra in this world now I could finally go back home and going through the end portal I now realized I had to run thousands of blocks to get back home yep I completely forgot that I messed up my spawn location so now I was back at the world spawn running all the way back home and it was not close whatsoever so this was going to take a very very long time to get back if only I brought fireworks with me to the end that would have been useful eventually I finally got back home so I started digging out a new secret room in my storage area this room was going to be dedicated to brewing potions I also plac a painting to cover the entrance of this new room you know just to sell the whole idea of it being a secret room but speaking of paintings on this day I was also going to be doing something with paintings but first I actually wanted to listen to the new music disc and this music disc well let me tell you it was awesome created by Lena rain or however is pronounced is such a great new addition to Minecraft but now back on the whole painting topic I actually wanted to get every single painting that is now in Minecraft especially since this update has brought a whole lot more paintings and some of them look pretty cool so obviously I had to craft up loads of paintings and then I built out a massive wall and now that I had this wall I could start the long and tedious task of getting every single painting that was now in Minecraft this wall was definitely starting to look pretty cool and by the end of this process I had managed to get all 46 of the paintings I’ll definitely have to fill in the gaps with duplicates at some point in the future but I won’t be doing that now because I wanted to add a few more enchantments onto my elytra so I could start my journey once again collecting even more of those new dog types now I’m not going to lie to you all I could not be bothered editing all this down so instead let me just show you all the dogs that I managed to get first I got the new Ashen dog from the snowy Tiger Biome and then I got the spotted dog from the Savannah plateau and I also tried to get the snowy dog from a Grove biome however that attempt was unsuccessful unfortunately but after all that we’re only missing two of the new dog types now so we might have to do that in 200 days but only if you guys want that though after that I made my way back home now that I was back at home I started chopping down loads of trees for wood and flattening out a bit of land near my base so I could start building up some fences to remove loads of animals for a massive Animal Farm I wanted the best animal farm in the world okay maybe not quite but next I wanted to build up some more dog houses for the new dogs that I got from the previous days going out and exploring after that I went running back to the Savannah Biome because now I wanted to find some more armadillos I then trapped some in a hole where I then went to AFK in order to collect some more skes which uh I I did kind of go AFK way longer than I thought I would um yeah but despite that I then returned back home and gave each dog their own different carpet using different colored carpets for each dog and now using the scoots I crafted up some dog armor and then went out exploring for some dogs this time I actually wanted to use the armor on these dogs so it didn’t have to be a unique type I ended up taming two default pale dogs and then gave them both some blue armor I then used some wind charges to jump eight blocks high which gave me another advancement and finally I spent day 100 doing a couple more 1.21 features I used the new crafter and then using the crafter I got a brand new advancement by crafting a crafter using a crafter how many times did I say craft yeah I then spent the rest of the day doing a bit of farming and that was it that was 100 days in 1.21 Minecraft hardcore if you want to see 200 days let me know in the comments down below and by the way I now stream on Twitch so Link in the description go follow me on there anyways thanks for watching watch this video next

I Survived 100 Days in 1.21 Minecraft Hardcore…

Today I attempted to survive 100 days in 1.21 Minecraft Hardcore, Hardcore mode in Minecraft is the hardest difficulty of the game, so why not try and challenge myself to survive 100 days in the hardest Minecraft difficulty Minecraft Hardcore, making this video 100 Days in 1.21 Minecraft Hardcore! I survived 100 Days in 1.21 Minecraft Hardcore and this is what happened, how much can I achieve in these 100 Days? What crazy builds and farms will I make with-in these 100 Days in 1.21 Minecraft hardcore?

🔴 WATCH MORE TRIOS VIDEOS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kK6TNaqLl49ElMs-tnwp4BiMkcBeuoN

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🎶 Music:
All music from the Undertale OST, Super Mario Odyssey OST, Terraria

Epidemic Sounds:

World Seed: –3988767387026451219 Version: 1.21

Animation Credits:
@Dizzilyybrb @gamerclickss

#minecraft100days #minecrafthardcore #100day


  1. I've been playing minecraft since about 2016 and just recently got java and have did hardcore/ my first hardcore world was mid I had full diamond armor and tools but while trying to make a xp farm two creeper spawned and blew me up now im on my 9th world and had some success but have always died im started to watch these 100 days videos to get a better understanding what to do

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