Can You Beat Terraria Legendary Mode SUMMONER ONLY? (For The Worthy)

thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring today’s video look at this poll this is insanity Summoner is easily the best class in Terraria and I will not tolerate this slander and to prove it I’m going to beat Master mode on the for the worthy secret seed making it legendary mode A Step Above Master mode and adding in new Ai and sizes and on top of that many difficult World Generation changes and I’m going to do it all as a Summoner the whole way through and not touch a single other disc disgusting weapon so please sit back relax and enjoy the painful experience of Summoner only legendary mode also quy please subscribe it’s free and I’m really trying to get to 100K by the end of the year please please please please please so the first course of action in this world is to cut down some trees sometimes when you hit a tree a bomb falls out it’s a little inconvenient but it does break the tree instantly and then I killed myself a bunch of times this is to get a bunch of tombstones to hopefully spawn Abigail’s flowers now also and for the worthy most times water on the surface is replaced with lava so that makes traversing a little more difficult and after creating a liter graveyard biome with how many graves there were Abigail was not spawning so I decided to Splunk into the caves now the stuff down here wasn’t too helpful I found a mace which obviously I cannot use I then died in the caves and then died by a raven that was chasing me because of the graveyard I then used a gravity potion to hopefully find something like a living tree so that I could maybe get a finch stuff but then a cria killed me so I just went went further into the caves found some emerald and made an emerald hook which will help with traversing this world without a weapon I then found a magic mirror and I just kept mining finding Life Crystals platinum and getting one or two shot by enemies legendary mode is brutal and even with full lead armor a piranha does 120 damage to me but I was basically just killing time until Abigail shows up just hoping for it and I teleported home because I was terrified of a Spore bat and I was greeted by Abigail’s flower right in between two gravestones and now I finally have a summon that can do damage for me I can’t do any damage myself but Abigail will do it for me now the problem though is that Abigail sucks because every time she hits an enemy she has to stand still so the enem is already moving away so Abigail has to catch up to do any damage so I try to Traverse the world with Abigail at my side but she just cannot keep up she can’t kill any of the enemies so instead I head east and I do find some living trees almost at the end of the world and there wasn’t a single living chest inside the trees so considering I have full platinum armor and Abigail there’s not much else to do but head into the snow biome in the snow biome I could find flinx and it was a long and excruciating task to kill them I had to box them up and let Abigail do one damage at a time to it considering it has 280 Health it took forever but finally I got two flinks forur and after a bunch of farming flinx I was finally able to make the Flink star which is a much much better summon than Abigail I also made the flinx fur coat which is the only summon armor you can get pre- boss and it gives me an extra summon so now I have two flines but I still don’t have a whip so I decided to build some houses to hopefully get the zoologist and she does move in and I’m able to get the leather whip which does summon damage so I’m finally able to inflict some damage myself and now with what feels like a thimble of damage I’m able to head into the jungle maybe I can actually kill these enemies an atrocity that they made in for the Worthy is that Hornets explode in stingers and after dying a few times and heading back to the Jungle killing all the enemies I needed I had enough ingredients to make the snap thorn the snap Thorn is considerably better than the leather whip it does more damage has more tag damage gives a buff where whips attack faster when you hit with it and can inflict poison now if you don’t know why whips are so good for a Summoner it’s because if a whip has six tag damage that means that every summon that hits the enemy that you hit with the whip will do that much extra damage and what’s really important is this stacks and since the leather whip does Four tag damage and the snap Thon does six that means that my minions will do an extra 10 damage I smash a crimson heart to hopefully get the Goblins to spawn and then I feel an evil presence watching over me and I’m not prepared for the eye of cthulu but I’m going to fight it anyway now I would have liked a summon potion and I definitely would have liked a platform of some sort but with hermes’s boots it could be possible but I’m doing good damage the snap Thorn and leather whip with the flines is doing a lot especially considering this is legendary mode IE of cthulu once it starts dashing at me like a maniac it gets a little scary what the I cthulu does differently and for the Worthy is it’ll do a spin attack where it sends out a bunch of servants but really my whips and flinx is took care of them easy so it really was no problem at all I’m still hanging up in the like 200’s Health it gets down to under 500 health and it’s getting a little crazy now I get to about 150 Health but I get a heal putt off and just like that the eye of culu has been defeated without even a platform I then fish for variegated L Fish I then decided to challenge the brain of cthulu now nothing prepar me for this because it’s considerably bigger than usual which meant that I was getting tossed around like salad and they did so much damage to me that I just got rolled so quickly but then the Goblin Army arrived I kind of just used the flines to cheese it mostly I managed to not die during the whole event I then opened up the brain of cthulu Arena a bit more summoned him again hoping to just get some tissue sample I wasn’t expecting to win but I got smoked before I could even kill a single creeper this time around I’m full buffing if you didn’t know the Reds potion on for the worthy gives three random Buffs for 30 minutes and I managed to get The Inferno potion the other ones were useless but and I was doing a lot of damage really quickly but once again I got comboed and died in three hits but there was a good amount of tissue samples that dropped so I fed again not expecting to win but I got the broken armor debuff which really hindered me cuz that lowers my defense by half and once you’ve killed all the creepers it flips gravity and suddenly I’m upside down and I get destroyed but with those tissue samples I was able to make the deathbringer pickaxe with that I got a hell Forge and now I can make obsidian armor which I could only make make the helmet and the leggings of and now I cleared out a much bigger area for the brain with a good amount of platforms and hopefully now we’ll be able to defeat it it’s going a bit better this time I don’t want to get hit because those debuffs can be brutal but then I get broken armor and just die instantly I then walk into my own house which is my first mistake one of my flinks has collides with an explosive bunny which insta kills me yeah if you didn’t know for the wey replaces 2/3 of bunnies with explosive bunnies and then a Blood Moon Rises now with the blood moon I can actually get a new summon so I use a magic conch to go straight to the ocean and I start fishing I then pull up a zombie Merman and this is not too hard to fight I just fly over it when it gets close to me and just like that it’s been destroyed and the vampire frog staff drops first try and now I have a new summon I then start shimmering lightning boots to recraft it and hopefully get warding obviously I wanted warding because menacing doesn’t do that much early game plus for defense would be much more useful but now with hellstone I could make the Imp star which is really nice against the braon cthulu because it full pierces and inflicts fire on the creepers and the creepers went down so easily it just made the biggest difference in the world but as soon as they’re dead I get flipped upside down now I prepared for this with the platforms because all I need to do is grapple and then let go and with the featherfall potion I can just Glide and get a bunch of distance on the brain and my summons Auto Target the right brain which makes it super easy it’s also burning so I know exactly which one it is and just like that the brain has been defeated finally I then found the tavern keep which is really help helpful because I do want to fight the Old One’s Army so with a grave digger shovel I terraform an entire mountain and spawn in the old ones Army I wasn’t quite able to beat it the first two times but I decided to switch to the ballista Rod which helped a lot because of their Pierce and I was able to kill the dark Mage boss which meant that the ob’s Army had been defeated it also means that I got the war table which increases my permanent sentries by one and I also got the apprentices scar which increases my summon damage by 10% and increases my sentries by one I then spent a while clearing out a big area for the queen bee it was really annoying because the jungle enemies would keep spawning and attack me while I was trying to mine and build then another Goblin Army spawned so I had just show them whose boss this really showed how good the sentries are at clearing events and waves of enemies and then finally scoured the desert for a bar statue and finally got it and then with my completed Arena I spawned in the queen bee and with my one vampire frog star two imps and three ballista sentries hopefully this is enough to kill the queen bee now the poison is pretty annoying but luckily I do have a bizard to negate it I do get kind of low at one point but it’s no problem I regen it back up i h in my strategy a bit more I am using the feather F potion for the wory adds a lot of changes to the queen bee it basically adds up to it being half enraged and just a little bit amped up I get down to 1 health and I look over at my health and I realize I’m about to die but by the time I realized it I was already dead and I had failed the queen bee fight but now I kind of know what to expect so I fight it again with the same Buffs and same strategies but this time I’m just going to be a bit more weary of of the queen bee’s dashes they still catch me off guard though and do like 100 damage contact the queen bee is also considerably larger than usual which makes it much harder to dodge and without a shield of cthulu I obviously can’t Dash into her to negate the damage I have to use my grappling hook to get a lot of acceleration which I’ve gotten very used to and just like that a legendary mode queen bee has been defeated I then fed again because I do need a lot of beeswax and I did get the honeycomb accessory which is pretty nice because I can turn that into a stinger necklace which I then shimmered to at wng and found a golden bunny which I then sold to the black market trade and now that I’ve beaten the queen bee the witch doctor Moves In which means I can buy a pygmy necklace at night time and an imbuing station for flas and also I made the be armor and the Hornet star now with the hive pack the Hornets actually shoot much faster which makes them actually a viable summon I then decided to fight deerclops but real quick let me tell you about something more fun than deerclops today’s video sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is the best vehicle combat game on the market and it’s avail able on PC and consoles right now you can command over 2,500 tanks planes helicopters and ships of 10 major nations from the classic propeller planes and armored cars of the 1920s to the modern fighter jets and tanks of today personally I love the aviation combat it’s so much fun to just fly around and shoot 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content to discover there’s nothing that comes close to War Thunder for fans of military simulations and history and best of all you can use the link in the pin comment or in the video description to sign up for free on PC Playstation or Xbox if you make a new account or you haven’t played for the last 6 months you receive a huge bonus pack filled with things that give you a head start in the game including multiple premium Vehicles the exclusive vehicle decorator Eagle of Valor 100,000 silver lions in 8 days of premium account time that’s over a week make sure to be quick because it’s only available for a limited time thank you so much to War Thunder for sponsoring today’s video this couldn’t be possible without them and make sure to show them some love let’s get back to the video now the only reason I was really fighting dick clops was hopefully to get the centry I also use the explosive mine Sentry for this boss because deerclops is always touching the ground so so he’ll be constantly walking over the mines doing a bit of extra damage and yeah deerclops is really no problem especially with the warmth potion it really does not much damage at all and then fought deerclops the second time I ended up dying right before it died but it doesn’t matter cuz deerclops sticks around and I just got another pumic horn which is completely useless so I didn’t get the entry and I just gave up on it then randomly while I was on the outer third of the map the King Slime spawned and he was absolutely massive it caught me so off guard and he did 120 contact damage which is a big deal I was taken big damage I took refuge on a living tree but the King San teleported into me and did a lot of damage so I was really close to dying so I had to bait his teleport to fall and then dodged an attack with a brain of confusion which was really lucky and luckily the King Slime reduces in size as you damage him so he really shrinks down and the King Slime has been defeated and the real reason I was there was to set up an arena for Skeletron and as soon as it takes over to Knight I select the curse of the old man and summon SK skon now skeleton’s head is huge which makes it really hard to dodge it’s actually a miracle that I didn’t get hit as it spawned but yeah I’m using the Hornet stuff with The Stingers are doing a good amount of damage I have the ballist rod shooting some balls at it as well I’m doing good amount of damage to the hands but Skeletron does big damage to me I need to be really careful any contact damage with the head is like 140 damage and considering it’s massive it’s really hard not to get hit I then grapple straight into it take a bunch of damage then the hand hits me and I’m under 100 health I just destroy one of the hands and now there’s homing skulls and also dark casters are now spawning which is another addition of for the worthy but I’m getting a good amount of regen grappling to dodge the second hand still hasn’t been destroyed but finally it goes down and now it’s just the skull but it’s shooting homing skulls at me and there’s dark casters also shooting projectiles at me and without a dash it makes it really hard but I just keep circling around dodging the Homing skulls keeping my distance from the dark casters honestly they weren’t really that much of a problem they spawned in they teleported towards me and then I just kind of moved away from them they were really not that much of a problem I didn’t even see their projectiles much the sentries were actually coming in clutch because they were hitting the dark casters before they were able to shoot at me which stun locked them which meant I didn’t even have to worry about the projectiles so I’m now basically on full health which means we basically got this in the bag homing skulls really don’t do that much damage to me they do like 30 damage the main issue is contact damage with Skeletron skull and right at the end of the fight he trapped me inside of his spinning attack but luckily I was able to get out of it and quickly killed Skeletron first try as well so now I headed down into the dungeon I quickly find a bewitching table which gives me an extra summon which is insanely helpful and with the bones I acquired in some cobwebs I made the spinal tap whip now each whip has its own special property about it the spinal tap performs better against multiple targets and most whips the SP tap also does seven summon tag damage so that’s another whip that we can use to whip stack so now we’re up to Wall of Flesh and with for the worthy Wall of Flesh it is extremely difficult you need a lot of preparation to defeat it typically you need one of the two strategies you need imp banners or else the imps will utterly destroy you or you need something that will stun lock the imps so that they don’t shoot at you so my main strategy was going to be the funnel strategy I use this in my pickaxe only playthrough basically the idea is that it’ll funnel the Wall of Flesh into a small area you have two thick platforms on the top and bottom that keep the Wall of Flesh in that area and then you have two in the middle to block the lasers something annoying about the underworld in for the Worthy is that demons have a two and three chance chance of being a Voodoo Demon which means I need to be very careful that I don’t summon the wall of flesh upon killing it I also created a Minecart Track in the middle of the funnel it should allow me to keep good distance from the wall keep a good acceleration while not even needing boots but the mine cart track is also to avoid the dart trap now you might be wondering why do I need Dart traps now they are strategically placed with two timers one to activate the bottom Dart trap and one to activate the top Dart trap and they’re activated at different times so that they alternate shots now you’ll see what this does shortly I spawn in the Wall of Flesh I quickly get to my funnel and as you can see the imps are deadly they shoot fire that is very fast moving and you can’t destroy them with a whip or anything but with my Dart traps going it means that they can’t sneak a HD in they get hit by the dart trap and they’re constantly stuck in a stun lock so they can’t shoot me with their fire the only time they can is if they spawn on top of my funnel or below my funnel but my funnel wasn’t working the Wall of Flesh actually broke free from the funnel which was really bad because it started shooting lasers at me the imps were also able to sneak a shot in because they teleport they shoot the shot and then get hit by the dart and it does like 130 damage which is really bad now I didn’t know why my funnel broke I didn’t know what was the problem in my pickaxe only playthrough this is exactly how I built it but then I realized I didn’t make the top part of the funnel two blocks thick so I spawned it again and the funnel broke again it was going straight through the funnel something was still wrong with it also I only got the Wall of Flesh to like over 3/4 Health before I ran out of funnel space so this was clearly not enough funnel so then I thought to myself maybe the legendary mode Wall of Flesh with the eyes and mouth segment being smaller than normal the funnel needs to be three blocks wide so I went to work doing a three block wide funnel on the top and bottom I spawned the wall again and sure enough the Wall of Flesh was correctly funneled this time around someone count how many times the Z funnel in this video so it was going really smoothly the imps were mostly getting Sun locked the wall got to under half Health but I ran out of funnel space and suddenly the Wall of Flesh was shooting lasers at me and it caught up with me I got stuck in the houses and died so obviously I need a lot more funnel space which was really annoying to do there were all the legendary mode enemies attacking me and at this point the funnel was huge so I decided that that was enough and I spawned in the wall of flesh but I forgot to set off the dart traps I teleported home and died so this time I spawned it with the dart traps and then I got stuck while trying to spawn in my summons and die brutally okay this time I’m actually going to summon it and hopefully beat it it’s all going pretty smoothly I’m about 300 health burning but it’s fine I’m I’m using my whip stacking to do as much damage as possible the wall gets to under quarter Health but then I run out of funnel space again I need an insane amount of funnel space for this fight so I go and dig a bunch more mud spend like another hour and a half building and now hopefully we have enough to defeat it once again it’s going smoothly nothing’s going wrong I’m basically full health here a legion a couple imp sneak hits in on me so I get pretty low and the wall is getting much faster the wall is getting very low here I don’t know how much more funnel space I have the wall gets super f fast it only has 2,000 Health left 1,000 it gets blitzing fast and just like that the wall has been defeated so hit that sub button for that epic display of gaming but I didn’t get the firecracker from the wall of flesh so I afford it again if I could beat it that time I can beat it again which I do but again I don’t get the firecracker I then fought the worldall of Flesh multiple more times getting breaker blades and laser guns and Clockwork assault rifles until eventually I decided to change course and fight some black recluses in a spider biome now one of them hits me with contact damage and does 499 damage to me that’s what we’re dealing with here I use my sentries and summons and cheese it a bit to kill the black recluses after some farming I get the Queen Spider stuff which is a new Sentry now this Sentry is really good it inflicts Venom and does a bunch of damage like you can see the damage it’s doing and the fact that I get three of them is really nice and eventually I make the spider stuff and the spider armor so now I got spider minions which honestly they’re not great but they’re better than what I had and with all this new equipment it has made the Wall of Flesh fight much quicker so I fight it three more times and finally get the firecracker now the firecracker is only really good with certain minions and one of them is Abigail Abigail actually becomes useful again once it finally started raining that means the ice Golems spawn in the snow biome and after three ice Golems I got some Frost cores and the ice feather the Wen was a piece of cake I mean Abigail just destroyed it it was nothing then while I was lava fishing in the Hallow an enchanted sword dropped a hallo key what am I supposed to do with that the hell chest contains the rainbow gun which I cannot use It’s Magic the only biome chest I would theoretically want is the desert chest bro and my line broke on a hellstone crate and then R slime the King Slime heard about my plot to kill his wife so he attempted my murder but I just left behind a pool of jelly in my wake and then after farming the underground H enemies and Crimson enemies with the souls I made the Cool Whip which I then made legendary now the Cool Whip does give tag damage it also spawns a snowflake when you hit enemies and acts as if it’s like another summon but the firecracker actually doesn’t do tag damage what it does is it causes your summons to explode when they hit stuff and one night while I’m fishing in my artificial corruption biome it tells me that it’s going to be a terrible night which means that the twins are going to spawn now I didn’t buff I didn’t think I was going to beat it because I don’t have the right summon for this boss and I was right I didn’t do too much damage to it and it killed me then one night it’s a blood moon so I decided I’m going to try try to fight dread Nautilus now I don’t know how to fight this boss I’ve barely ever fought it and I don’t know its attack patterns very well my lack of knowledge with this fight really showed because it panted me but I mean Abigail just kind of sucks for this fight the actual boss I’m going to fight now is the queen slime but I spawned the queen slime and it just wasn’t showing up and she teleports inside of me and does half my health so I’m already half dead I have to pop a heal at the start of the fight but yeah the fight’s not going so bad these things do a lot of damage like one projectile does 60 damage to me and any contact from the queen slime does over 200 damage now Queen slime doesn’t change too much in for the worthy she more so just moves around a lot faster and eventually I get to the second phase now it’s just flying around the firecracker does make Abigail do quite a lot of damage but in second phase four the wory the queen slime shoots more projectiles which is really difficult and I end up dying when I got her down to under 20,000 health I fought it again and got her down to under 10,000 Health before dying to more projectiles and then the air starts getting colder around me now if you’ve seen or played any for the worthy you know what’s going to happen I didn’t so once Skeletron Prime spawned I was completely shocked to find out that his cannons destroyed tiles luckily I didn’t fight it completely over my base but Prime just started bombing my platform destroyed a bunch of my planner boxes which luckily protected my house it could have been much worse and now I know that that’s a thing but yeah that caught me off God now I’m getting a bit more used to the queen Slim’s attack patterns the slim attack sucks and for the Worthy there’s like not a pause she like jumps over you and then slams right down which is really hard to dodge especially without a dash but then Queen slime gets his second phase I’m playing it more safe but Queen slime is kind of just a bullet hell there’s a lot of stuff going on I have to make sure that I’m killing the servants or else there’ll be too many projectiles but that’s hard to do when I have to run from the queen slime so hopefully my sentries are taking care of them but eventually I was able to keep my distance enough and I was on basically full health when the queen slime died and from the first first treasure bag I get the blade star thank goodness I don’t have to fight it again so right now I have Enchanted dagger summon the blade staff is a fantastic summon and it is a testament to how good whip stacking is this is because the blade stuff does a really low amount of damage but it attacks rapidly fast so I’m just going to use the Cool Whip spinal tap and snap Thorn as my three main whips so with all this I challenge the twins the blades should tear through the twins pretty easily but the thing with the twins is they space themselves far enough out most of the time that I can’t hit them with my other whips the Cool Whip just reaches but the other ones don’t really but I mean the twins a pretty textbook there’s not much different in for the worthy the twins are smaller than normal which does factor into the fact that I can’t hit them as easily they have a bunch of other changes but it really wasn’t noticeable eventually spazmatism gets to second phase and starts spewing its Flames at me and because I don’t have a dash I got stuck in it and just died and then it was a blood run so I fought dread Nautilus a couple more times with the blade star but I’m just not used to it attack pattern so it did kill me and then fought the twins again and this time as soon as spaz got to second phase I switched to the Obsidian Shield just to make sure I don’t gets stuck in his Flames again red dashes into me a couple times which hurts but I’m just keeping my distance as much as I can and just like that spazmatism has been destroyed and now it’s just red ner Now red ner is completely fine very easy to kill it gets a second phase and starts shooting a bunch of lasers at me but really the blade stuff is just tearing it apart and pretty easily the twins have been defeated so now it’s H bars I can make the durendal which is a new whip this whip is really nice because it gives a 25% attack speed bonus for 3 seconds I then used the worm food to spawn the Eater of Worlds now this thing is massive I actually almost died to this thing but that was all for a worm scar for 177% damage reduction I fought dread Nautilus some more this time I realized what was ruining me the most I was moving too much when dread Nautilus did the spinny attack when it does the Spin Attack you got to stand still it just spins around around you that was kind of hard to do when it had its minions out but it wasn’t that bad and it dropped the sanguine stuff now I didn’t really need the sanguine stuff but I like never use it so I thought why not it’s supposed to be the best against the Destroyer So speaking of the Destroyer it’s time to fight it the firecracker works really well with the sanguine staff I completely decimate a quarter of the destroyer’s health really quickly but I then take 200 contact damage with a wraith so now I’m kind of on the Run making sure that I get my regam back up the probes are kind of over in they’re really big and so is the Destroyer their size change is kind of crazy and then almost get hit by the head of the Destroyer but I purposely got hit by its tail so that I wouldn’t get hit by the head and it’s just more the same the damage is kind of crazy so the Destroyer Falls to me pretty quickly then the Pirates invade which was pretty annoying legendary mode as a Summoner for events like this hurts a lot a cannonball does like 380 damage and after a lot of deaths the Pirates have been defeated I then thought to myself where am I going to get some blocks that won’t be explo by skeleton Prime’s Cannon and then it occurred to me that dungeon bricks can’t explode so I farmed a bunch of dungeon bricks set up a nice platform I also replac my wood platform with dungeon brick platform in the hopes that it’s also indestructible and then I spawned the final Mech boss turns out that the platforms are destructible so that strategy is completely out the window but hopefully some of the platforms will remain the cannon can’t break them all surely and uh it started pretty badly I got comboed real bad took a bunch of hits but my blade star is doing a ton of damage to it because of the whip stacking but I get down to under 80 health so things are not looking good but then I got a while without getting hit keeping my distance to make sure I’m not taking massive damage I’m not really targeting any of the hands I’m mainly just going for the head destroying the cannon would be nice but most the platforms are destroyed at this point anyway I’m just mainly letting the blades destroy the head I don’t need to destroy any of the hands if the head’s destroyed and yeah because the blades just targeted the head and did massive damage to it skeleton Prime Was Defeated without destroying any of the limbs with the H bars that I acquired I was able to make a full set of summon hallowed armor now this is really good armor it gives me good damage bonuses and the Dodge that hallow armor give I then realized the Skeletron Prime completely blew up my entire Village in the desert which was really rude now I could have used the optic stuff against the Destroyer it is pretty good against him but instead I’m going to use it against planta I then spent a long time scaming the underground jungle for life Fruit and now I have full health and the ages fruit so now I spent a while making a big arena for PL Tera and then spawned her in now with the optic stuff am using the firecracker as it does lots of damage so the explosions really benefit from it but planta is big now they made planta way bigger than she was she also does a lot of damage to me now I’m doing a lot of damage very quickly to her and first phase was really no problem but once she gets to second phase that’s when her tentacles come out and things get really messy she takes up so much of the arena and anytime she latches she spawns a bunch of thorns which also do damage to me and because of her massive size I actually ended up dying to plant Tera and she unleashes this massive amount of thorns so with that information I opened up a bunch more of the Arena just give me so much more space and I also made an osag tunnel now the idea with this is that in second phase I can just keep dropping down keep going down and planetara can’t really get me if I just keep running away from her and that goes all the way down to Hell and then spawn planta again now her acceleration is also much quicker which makes it a lot more dangerous and she’s a lot more likely to hit me contact but I do have enough speed to mostly outspeed it but anytime she does a contact hit on me it does like over 100 damage it was just more of the same stuff until planta got into second phase again things were going kind of crazy so I decided to jump into the tunnel and this isn’t necessarily great for a Summoner cuz I couldn’t really get my whip hits in so I just had to hope that my summons would do the work and I could get some whip hits in every now and then and then after a bunch more descending almost dying cuz I got stuck in a cobweb toris almost hitting me planta Was Defeated I managed to get the pygmy stuff as well which is the summon that drops from planta now with planta defeated I can go to the witch doctor and buy the tiki armor and the Hercules beetle the tiki armor is great for whip range and has a nice amount of survivability so right now I can head down into the post planta dungeon and there are two main things I want from the post planta dungeon I want Master ninja gear for a nice Dash finally and The Morning Star which is a new improved Whip and soon enough the Morning Star drops from a blue armored bones and it does 239 summon damage without a reforge insane knockback eight summon tag damage and it gives the unique ability of allowing my summons to crit finally but the thing with the monar is it swings very slowly but luckily with the durendal buff it swings considerably faster and pretty soon after that I get a tabby and a black belt I then went through and looted the temple collecting solar fragments and with that I could summon the solar eclipse from the postplan Tera solar eclipse I can get a certain summon weapon luckily with my morning star the enemies weren’t too hard to kill but they did do a lot of damage to me so I did die a couple times na heads drive me insane I don’t know how these things haven’t been nerfed yet they are utterly broken like I’m almost scared of going close to a nail head then I’m scared of mothron and then after killing a bunch of enemies my summons killer deadly sphar staff off screen then a butcher kills me but the deadly sphere stuff rains from the heavens and that’s all I really wanted from this event the deadly spere stuff is a really freaking good summon and at this stage I could get the desert tiger star but I did not want to farm for the desert key it just didn’t seem fun to me it’s a cool summon and it worked really well with the firecracker but I wasn’t that interested and now I only had one thing in my sights and that’s the Pumpkin Moon the Pumpkin Moon is dinner on a plate for a Summoner this is like a feast there is so much to gain from the Pumpkin Moon as a Summoner and there’s literally nothing to gain from the frost Moon my deadly sphere stuff basically tears through all these enemies and the morning wood is pretty hard it always is pretty hard I mean I really struggled to take care of it but it’s no problem the morning wood is our main source of resources here it dropped some really helpful things but also the pumpking and eventually the pumpking does spawn it does massive damage to me but if I keep my distance and let my summons do a lot of the damage I do destroy it really quickly it’s just you got to watch out for those SES but pretty quickly the pump King Falls to me and I get the Raven star I don’t think I really use the Raven star but it is actually a good summon it’s really nice for sing single targets but unfortunately there is a better one that I’ll be able to get and then another pumpkin spawns and I absolutely annihilate it no problems and then that one drops the dark Harvest which is the only other drop I wanted from the pumpkin the dark Harvest is another new whip so I kill a bunch more morning woods and that’s the event done from the morning Woods I managed to get a witch’s broom I can also make the spooky armor now but I only had enough spooky wood to make the chest plate and the helmet the morning Woods also dropped a necrom Matic scroll which is a fantastic accessory but on on top of that you can combine it with a Hercules beetle and then it does 15% extra damage plus an extra minion basically the ultimate Summoner accessory and I spawn the Pumpkin Moon again cuz I’m not quite done here now the dark Harvest is really nice because it gives you another whip speed buff which makes your whips even faster makes the Morning Star even faster so I’m able to get the dendle whip speed buff the dark Harvest whip speed buff which both stack and make the Morning Star super quick which just does insane damage and the dark Harvest also inflicts a dark energy on enemies that explodes which is really nice and after a bunch more farming the Pumpkin Moon as if I got some more spooky wood and another necrom Matic scroll so now I have a full set of spooky armor and I have a necrom Matic scroll to put on in my accessories on top of the papy Scarab I then went and searched for a martian probe in the outer thirds of the map in the space layer before I realized that it’s a post Golem enemy so I make my way through the ginormous lizard temple it just keeps going and I finally made it to the Golem’s room with which is very small I was not given much space here which is really freaking annoying now I had heard whispers about the Golem on forw worthy I’d heard something about it shutting out the lights and being really freaking tiny but I ignored them the Golem’s always easy the Golem is no problem so silly me and my naive spawned in the Golem thinking that I’d be able to defeat it and yes the Golem is Tiny and jumps really fast and swings his things really fast and the fire moves really fast and everything is just crazy and I’m doing a lot of damage to him but I just cannot keep up it gets really dark I can’t see anything and the Golem takes me out so I didn’t know what to do I had no space to fight this thing so I went to Reddit and Reddit told me that I could use actuators on the lizard temple to open it up some more but that guy must have been smoking reefer because you cannot use wire on the lizard temple it just doesn’t place so instead I elected to a different strategy called hoing all I had to do to get into the Golem Marina was how platform into a stair and Hammer a block into a slanted block facing away from me and then I glitched into the lizard bricks and then I could do the same thing from the inside to get out of the Golem Arena so theoretically I could enter the lizard temple spawn the Golem and then hke my way out and lure the Golem into a much bigger Arena so I got to work on clearing a massive area for the Golem it was way bigger than it needed to be I hke into the temple spawn the Golem hke out and challenge the Golem and this was not exact ly easy the Golem shut out all the lights so I couldn’t see anything which made this fight way harder and I quickly died but I forgot to flatten out the area so I flattened it out and spawned the Golem again now I used the strategy of having the map on my screen so that I could see roughly where the Golem was even though it was completely dark I still couldn’t see his fist most times but it wasn’t going so bad my summons were taking out his hands but I went into a skeleton archer which completely ruined me but I managed to bring it back a bit and eventually the Golem fists were destroyed and now it’s just his body but he’s shooting a lot more lasers now and jumping like crazy so it’s really hard to hit him considering I need to hit him with my whips to do the most damage and getting close to the Golem is pretty difficult I do get the Golem to the next phase where his head separates from the body which now that means that the head is what shows up on the map and not the body but it’s going okay I’m really low though and then a random jungle bat that I couldn’t see killed me but I SW the Golem again do more of the same stuff this time it’s going much better I get the goem to its Final Phase again and with the use of my master ninja gear dodging the attacks where I can trying to make sense of this fight and trying to figure out where the body is and not going into it the Golem has finally been defeated and somewhere in that Madness I got a slime star which would have been nice early game but hey it’s nice to have now I guess as just a trophy I also got the Sunstone which is really the only drop I wanted from the Golem so funly enough the Golem was one of the hardest challenges so far they actually made the Golem pretty difficult which I commend them for such a glorious feet and now it’s time to fight the Martian Madness my favorite event of them all I’m being sarcastic now honestly it shouldn’t be too bad my damage is good and I do have a witches broom for Infinite Flight which should make the UFOs easier to beat I do die a couple times to the enemies and then a martian sorer spawns now the damage I was doing to it because I was on a witch’s broom and switched out my flight and movement accessories for Pure damage I was obliterating the thing and soon enough it got to its final death laser phase it acted really weird and hit me with a death laser luckily I tanked the hit which is crazy to say as a Summoner and the Martian saucer Was Defeated and I got the Zeno Star first try my luck has changed I finally got it first try I finally got the thing from the Marin sorer I wanted first thank you Terraria gods for blessing me this day I’m so grateful and now we have the Zeno staff which is an insanely good summon it absolutely obliterates everything in its path I then spawned in the Empress of light and I kind of forgot to put in my summons which was distracting me so I took a ton of damage but we should be able to bring this back hopefully again I was using a broomstick for Infinite Flight and swapping out my flight and movement accessories for accessories that do damage and give me survivability and real quick the empress got down to second phase like real quick the Zeno staff and the whip stacking was doing wonders the damage was insane I do get hit by the Sundance but it was no problem the empress isn’t bigger or smaller the only difference with the empress a light and F Worthy is she Cycles between attacks much faster but it’s really no problem at all and the emperess light has been defeated but unfortunately I did not get the drop I wanted so I fought it again and this time it was just as easy destroyed like nothing didn’t get it fought it again and I got the Kaleidoscope whip our final and best whip which I quickly made legendary and now it does over 430 damage and now I did the long task of making all my accessories menacing instead of warding now with a full menacing and damage build on this summon load out I only have 38 defense I am very very fragile a glass Cannon if I get hit I’m basically dead but none of that matters because the next boss I’m going to fight is the empress Al light again but at daytime obviously daytime Empress one shots you so I’m not worried about my defense only my damage I’m not sure how this is going to go but I hope it goes smoothly with Whi stacking my collidoscope attacks at a ridiculous speed I have her attack patterns pretty memorized so I’m able to dodge him with the broomstick and I just dodg her attacks with the skin of my teeth and very quickly get her the second phase now I’m barely dodging these lances very close to dying she’s getting super low now but unfortunately I led myself into her Everlasting rainbow attack which killed me instantly I try again and as soon as she enters second phase she kills me instantly because I was not prepared for it enough I once again got out to under 30,000 Health before dying again but this time I’m still alive I’m anticipating her attacks dodging them where I can I dodg the Everlasting rainbow she is switching between attacks really quickly because of for the worthy but she does a final Sundance attack I dodged between them and the Empress of light has been defeated and I got the teror Prisma the Ultimate Weapon with the Terra Prisma I should tear through everything this summon is my favorite summon in the whole game it’s so good and now with the terror Prisma at my side I guess at my back I spawn in Duke fishron this should be a breeze with the terror Prisma and yeah it basically was I absolutely teared apart Duke fishron I got him in second phase in about 10 seconds and in third phase it was super easy just Dash when he dashes i n makes a textbook and I mean that’s Duke fishron super freaking easy shocker that when you beat daytime Empress Duke fishron becomes a breeze I then fought him a few more times and got the fishron wings the King Slime decides he wants revenge on his Fallen partner but I absolutely obliterate his slimy mess I don’t know why he even tried and now I’m going to fight the lunatic cultist now it starts off pretty bad I taking a lot of damage here I do still have my full damage build which is a big Contender to that so I do get the lunatic very low but I do end up dying cuz the lunatic just kept teleporting into me which was really annoying the FW worthy lunatic cultist does cycle between attacks faster which was catching me off guard and that’s why he kept teleporting into me the Wy jumps in and decides to get absolutely mowed by my Terror Prisma I do have the broomstick build so I’m all good and now Celestial creatures are invading the first one I go to is obviously the Stardust pillar with the terror Prisma these pillars shouldn’t be too difficult I am weak so if I get hit I’ll take a lot of damage which is why I do die once but the terror Prisma is fantastic at knocking out all these enemies nebal pillar quickly gets destroyed and then I head back to the Stardust and finish it off and now with the Stardust fragments I can make the Stardust Dragon Star now you might be wondering why I got the Stardust Dragon when I have the terror Prisma it’s actually pretty good to mix the Stardust Dragon and the teror Prisma by using three dragon minions and then the rest teror prismas due to the Dragon’s range and its ability to attack from really far away it’s really good against moonl especially in second phase I could go all out on Dragon because this but the terror Prisma is just really good consistent damage so I wanted to use them both and now I decided to finish off the Old One’s Army now this was no problem I was mowing down these enemies my Terror prismas and dragon were absolutely destroying everything in my pth up until Betsy came along which I wasn’t able to kill her in time before the Old One’s Army destroyed the Crystal but I still did kill her so I got a relic and her drops but she didn’t drop what I wanted so I fought it again actually beat Betsy in time this time it was really easy bety is no problem with my strength right now now and with that I did get Betsy’s Wings which are my choice of wings against the moon Lord I also bought some Valhalla Knights armor pieces just in case I want to get some more life regeneration and defense I then went over to the vortex pillar now this one was probably the hardest out of all of them actually especially on the broom stick but I switched to the wings which made it a lot easier and the vortex pillar falls to me and now it’s the solar pillar now I’m not cheesing it this time around because Summoner actually makes the solar pillar easy I know right it’s crazy the solar pillar is nothing when you have the terror Prisma and the drag dragon that just Target all the solar enemies my whip keeps them at Bay and I was absolutely destroying all of them until a craw toed one shot me made me go from 500 health to zero but I quickly destroyed the solar pillar and now impending doom approaches now begs the question will I be able to defeat the moon Lord un for the worthy legendary mode Summoner only I start off doing massive damage to the top eye I quickly switched to the left eye and it is taking astronomical damage here I just need to make sure I’m not getting hit because I am on a damage build right now which means I can’t take many hits at all but I am using Betsy’s Wings which actually allowed me to switch out the master ninja gear as it has a hover ability and with the soaring Insignia I can fly forever hover forever and it makes my horizontal movement really good so I don’t even need a dash I can stay away from the Moon Lord and get far away from it with the Betsy’s wings without the need of Master ninja gear this does eliminate a Dodge but I think it’s worth it cuz I’m able to go straight for just more damage and you guys know my strategy soaring Insignia and wings just keep on the move the eyes were absolutely melting the top eye is almost dead at this point the right hand eye is quickly destroyed now one of the TR culas is out which means I do need to destroy the others pretty quickly the top eye actually destroys offscreen that’s all thanks to the Stardust Dragon as I was saying it has a lot of range so did that all on its own I quickly go over to the left eye keeping my distance cuz I know there are two true ey of cthulu out I get a heal and once again the left eye has been destroyed offc screen so now the core is all that’s left and it is taking massive damage here I just need to make sure I’m dodging these projectiles where I can I do get pretty far from the Moon Lord so it teleports to me which causes a laser to teleport right into me which means I’m now under 100 Health which is not good but I drop down and Dodge a laser and a bunch of eyeballs which was very clutch if I get hit by anything here I’m probably dead now I’m just keeping on the Move hoping a laser doesn’t kill me I whip it a few more times and just like that the moon Lord Has Fallen to me which means we have defeated for the worthy legendary mode Summoner only and to celebrate I hung up all the summons that I had found along my journey including a stardust cell staff that I crafted and a finch staff that I shimmered and the holy Terror Prisma on top so thank you guys so much for watching I hope this showed you guys that Summoner actually is a viable Class A lot of you seem to think it’s not but trust me it is it’s a good class as long as you know how to dodge and not take some hits the whips are worth it and very good the only real setback in my opin opinion is do take a lot of damage and the progression is basically the same every time there’s not that much variety thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video don’t forget you can play it right now on PC PlayStation and Xbox for free just check out the link in the pinned comment or video description and remember new and returning players that haven’t played in 6 months will also receive a massive Bonus Pack across all platforms including multiple premium vehicles and other goodies available for a limited time only so make sure not to miss out thanks again War Thunder for sponsoring this video go play as sum a play through and I’ll see you guys in the next video [Music]

Check out War Thunder and use my link for a free large bonus back with boosters, vehicles, and more:

War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2,000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.

Terraria Master mode is pretty hard, so why not take it even further? Today I am playing through the entirety Legendary Mode on the For The Worthy seed for the first time, and as a pure summoner, only using summon weapons throughout my entire playthrough. This is the true test of skill, dodging, and just getting good lol.

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  1. Check out War Thunder and use my link for a free large bonus back with boosters, vehicles, and more:

    War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2,000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.

  2. Funnily enough, my first playthrough of terraria where I committed to summoner from start to finish was also a master mode FtW seed, the only difference was I was doing it in multiplayer with one of my buddies

  3. You got some dark circles bro 🫤

    Not trying to $h!t on you, and I'm sure the lighting probably makes it worse, plus some people just naturally have darker circles, but make sure you're getting enough sleep and staying hydrated.

    I know it's sounds lame, but it's extremely important to your health, and to be honest, i want you in tip-top shape so you'll put out top notch content 🤷😉

    Love your videos 👍

  4. 16:20 It broke free from your funnel because you didn't make it out of ash, the funnel strat works because the Wall is coded to use the ash blocks as its top and bottom bounds so it doesn't leave hell. You CAN make the funnel somewhat work without using ash, but it's way less reliable, and ash is right there to grab, so… There's not really a huge reason not to use ash.

  5. 19:20 I take offense to the spider staff slander! They're actually really good, IF you bother to put down walls for them. Most people never bother with walls in their arenas, which leaves the spiders slowly flying after things and not really doing damage, which makes them look worse than they really are. Gotta have the walls for them to run on to see their full potential.

  6. Funny enough, I was doing a FTW summoner playthrough with my friend on ps4, safe to say that we didn’t get past Plantera bc of how bad controllers are on terraria. Kudos to you though, you’re the goat!

  7. I did it on Getfixedboi and mechdusa was INSANITY IN ITS PUREST FORM
    It took me so many attempts, and now I speak on behalf of everybody- WE want you to beat Zenith seed using only summon gear, join the club of like 3 people who are insane enough to do it

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