Dating My CRAZY FAN GIRL In Minecraft!

SS you know what I’m going just say it what you’re going to do it right here and right now in front of all of the girls yes sski let’s cut out all the games we all have crushes on each other so let’s go on a triple date oh my gosh Roxy he actually just said it we just folded we’re never going to get girlfriends uh bro is crazy you know what that actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea what did Alexa just agree to that uh yes what do you think Crystal yes of course that would be so much fun Lily do you agree with us too no way we have two out of the three girls saying yes to a triple data yeah I want to go so bad I’m going to have so much fun on this triple day what Luke you’re hit for that bro you just got us on a triple date with the girls yes sori you miss all the shots you don’t take and we made all the shots you just took Roxy this is a huge moment in our lives we’re actually going to go on a date but before I date guys I really need to use the bathroom I’ll be right back all right Lily enjoy your bathroom break cuz we’re going to be so hype good job Luke you’re actually a g for that where is the bathroom and this establishment I heard she’s hair what you heard who’s here and Christina what are you doing here none of your business a Beau never mind that where’s the bathroom oh the bathroom’s right over there it’s weird that you’re going to the bathroom right as Lily’s going to the bathroom I just really need to use the bathroom stop looking at me t uh okay well anyways that’s weird that Christina happens to go to the bathroom at the same time as lillly bro you’re thinking about it way too much but are you excited about our triple date dude I am so excited for our triple date Crystal me and you are going to have the funnest time of our lives and Alexa you and ly you’re going to make it official cuz I feel like you two already have a little thing going on oh my gosh don’t even get me started let me tell you about me and Luke uh why did it just sound like Lily just scream from the bathroom forget that Alexa was about to say something really important this is more important Lily are you okay in the bathroom over there uh hey stop looking at the bathroom what are you doing I’m leaving oh uh we thought we heard a scream in there is Lily okay I I don’t want to go check cuz I’m a boy yeah don’t worry she was just doing her makeup am I right um all right Luke is something weird going on dude uh yeah that’s weird but oh Lily’s right there look oh hi L Le wait what weren’t you dressed in the bathroom a second ago how did you you come from outside I was just taking a walk you know girlies like to take their walks every now and then am I tripping or does your voice sound like you ate a frog let me hello um I sound like Lily now oh okay dude something weird is going on Roxy do you notice something weird about Lily yeah she’s looking beautiful Lily can I get a hug ew get away from me huh a lily what do you mean ew get away from me isn’t Roxy your crush that’s who you’re going on a date with today I mean um Roxy hold my hand oh okay this is weird and guys there’s a slime trampoline outside Alexa do you want to come bounce on it yes that would be so much fun hold up a slime trampoline uh what when was this here I’ve never seen this before wo it’s lie like it was made for me or something uh Lily when did this get spawned in I didn’t see this ever in my life oh stop running my plants I mean Alexa keep bouncing on it yes look at you go uh Alexa I have a feeling something weird is going wrong with Lily like something happened to her get off of that trampoline area right now no way I love doing gymnastics and jumpies okay I mean it doesn’t seem too dangerous it’s feeling a little shaky what Alexa just fell in the trampoline I knew something was sus about this Li okay what what is Emily doing here move out of the way I’m trained in saving people I got this uh okay well I better watch you saving her Emily cuz you’re super sus don’t look at me it’s personal turn around uh Roxy are we going to just trust Emily to save Alexa I don’t know but she did get suuck so we should uh okay Emily save her please Perfect go get her girl huh H what is going on I got you girl let me just grab you real quick what’s going on Alexa are you okay down there gotcha uh Alexa Emily can I take a Pete now hi guys it’s me Alexa and I’m totally safe and sound okay Alexa well where’s Emily Emily are you are you down here hello where did Emily she just went back home after she saved me she’s like a superhero uh uh okay this is getting really weird right now what’s the next part of the Trap the movie theaters what was that am I the only one that just heard that o I have a great idea let’s go to the movie theaters all right I guess that would be a good place for the date dude I can’t believe this is actually happening we’re on our triple date yeah but don’t you think something’s off about Lily and Alexa they’re acting super duper different different ever since we said that we were going to have our triple date and then Lily went to the bathroom and then somehow teleported outside and then Alexa fell into that random slime bouncy house why would that even be there dude you’re totally just overthinking it come on lock in on the triple date PW mans um okay I don’t want to ruin your date anything but Crystal am I tripping right now or are the other two girls acting super wonky yeah something seems off about Lily and Alexa that’s what I’m saying girl we have to initiate the plan to get rid of the last one what uh did you just say something Alexa are you okay uh um it’s nothing I just really had to tell my girl something oh well uh okay guys let’s just sit down and enjoy the movie everyone look over here there’s only one drink and one popcorn we need some more oh yeah there is six of us so Lily can you go and grab us some please I’d appreciate that oh yeah I’ll grab it but Crystal has to come with me what uh how about you just take Alexa can Crystal stay cuz me and her why we we were going to smooch you now we wanted to like continue our date well we weren’t going to smooch but I didn’t want to start talking to Crystal and you know enjoy our date just like what this whole day is set up for so can you just go with Alexa Alexa you wouldn’t mine would you uh that’s not part of the plan we have to get Crystal to go uh Luke something weird is going on right now dude bro they’re just nervous let them go dude nervous about what what do you mean do you not see my jaw I’ve been Mee okay Luc is being so unserious right now come on crystal I’m taking you with me it’s can only take two seconds fine well Crystal just be safe and call out if anything happens you know I got hands like that and I’ll protect you from anything okay I’ll scream super loud oh all right well hopefully nothing happens to Crystal and we can just enjoy our date right guys uh don’t do it please what uh Luke did you just hear that oh gosh you might be right we have to check them out crysto are you okay oh my gosh what happened finally it happened uh Crystal we just heard you scream are you feeling okay what just happened uh yes babes I’m feeling great now let’s continue our day uh Luke Roxy can I have moment with you li Lily go inside I need to talk with the boys real quick uh whatever uh dude something weird is happening that is not Crystal’s voice Crystal sounds like butterflies and rainbows and that girl sounded like Monsters and salt and stuff yeah and they both look different yeah let’s look at their faces H Crystal has purple eyes she doesn’t have purple eyes and Alexa has light blue eyes look does Alexa wear light blue contacts or something no her eyes are always green yeah and Lily is never having that mean of an attitude she was just super rude walking in almost like she was a bully H something definitely weird is going on now that other boy are distracted it’s time to go to the evil crazy fan Girl Club come on girls what evil crazy fan girl club guys we have to follow them keep your eyes peeled bro I don’t know what’s happening h Huh what wait what the entire movie theater is empty guys spread out and look for Clues they walk down over here this way do you guys see anything out of the ordinary over here H the whole screen looks good Roxy do you see anything dude uh no but I’m still checking H what about you Luke did you find anything Bingo there’s a trap door oh my gosh they have a secret trapo over here we have to get to the bottom of this who’s jumping in first this is a deeper mystery than we know I will all right I’m right behind you Roxy let’s go ly my gosh what the what is this place and guys do you see these colors cyan pink and lime those are our dates colors Alexa Crystal and Lily huh what they must be here yeah and I see Alexa and I see Crystal over there there and I see Lily are you girls okay what happened help us they’re not who they seem what okay something super weird is going on we have to save the girls come on let’s go to Crystal maybe she could give us some answers come on dude it’s urgent I’m going I’m going Crystal 360 yo I still got a flex even when I’m saving my girlfriend what’s up Crystal hi that’s your girlfriend it’s not my girlfriend but what is going on right now who trapped you in here Emily and Christina oh my gosh do you guys even understand what is happening when Lily went to the bathroom Christina went to the bathroom too and she kidnapped Lily and then replaced herself that means Roxy technically has a crush on ew Christina no I don’t ew and you also gave her a hug I won’t tell Lily though and oh Luke that means when Alexa fell in the trampoline Emily replaced herself yes how did you guys not realize that girl is so ugly oh my gosh she kind of does sound like you though and Crystal when you went to get snacks it was all set up so Heather could replace you yeah doesn’t it all make sense now yeah and we’re breaking you out Luke go for Alexa let’s go save them I’m going for Lily yo Lily check me out I’m doing some crazyy Parkour right now yo yeah on the cakes with it on the cakes with it hi yay get me out of here boom Lily Luke how saving your girl going home slia bro I just fell I need a little bit of help oh my gosh don’t worry Alexa we’re coming to your rescue Y and waa it’s a giant slime yo save me it stinks in here all right I’m doing some insane ladder parkour watch me go crazy and wait uh lowy I want to bounce on this Crystal let’s have a little bounce party right quick yeah wee are you serious guys I’m in here all stuck oh oh wait there’s two paths Crystal you want to take the down one or the up one uh I’ll take the down one all right I’ll go for the up one yeah hit the jump all right Alexa we’re coming from two ways to save you 360 OHS was goody with the hoodie girly Papa I’m finally afraid thanks you everyone no problem but guys we have to investigate this grave over here does this say all of the girl his names oh my gosh does that mean that they were going to bury them oh my gosh guys there’s dirt and Crystal this is your grave they’re about to bury you no I have two young to die please we already saved you and then this one over here is LLY don’t overreact like Crystal please I don’t want to die I have too much to live for okay Alexa I’m going to show you your grave but don’t do the same thing check it out it’s your grave over here oh my gosh that is making me so emotional I’m just going to tear up right here okay but Luke this must be the evil crazy fan girl club we’re inside it right now but what is our master plan just to kill off the girls but what would be the point of that H maybe we have to do some more investigating yeah seriously and hm look over here it looks like a fenced off area why do they have a fenced off area what could this possibly be for well well well it seems you found out about our plan oh my gosh blue roxia turn around I it’s all the girls oh what are they doing here ah what are you guys doing here well our plan was to kill all your girlfriends what Heather you’re like basically a part of the oh crew what did Lily Alexa and Crystal ever do to you well they always get to be near you guys and I know Crystal really likes you a lot and I like that so you’re going to kill her over that why not just like try and be nicer to me so that you would get me to like meet you more than Crystal instead of murdering her SS that’s not how things work in the girly world what Luke this girl is the Lulu yeah that’s not your man’s for real for real and wait why is Emily and Christina involved Emily you have a crush on who would that be you have a crush on Roxy oh no I have a crush on you what did you say Emily you you have a crush on Ms uh yeah Heather she’s been annoying like for a few days now and Emily you have to chill out cuz I don’t have a crush on you at all at least Heather is like somewhat part what are you do why did you just take off your helmet what is that parer those lips boy what is happening no you don’t uh Heather did you just hit your own teammate she was supposed to have a crush on Roxy not you huh uh this makes no sense I said I had a crush on Roxy so I could get close to my baby ohy Heather come over here what they’re fighting oh my look my money’s on Heather who’s your money on who’s your money on I got my money on Heather too she cray cray oh my gosh oh she’s oh my gosh oh my gosh this this is crazy wait your armor is [Applause] breaking now Puck her up sweetheart ah I really don’t want to stop cuz I’m not here for L what come on wait what Christina you’re also here for me yeah I just lied cuz I wanted to be close with SH Ms are you serious come on Luke Luke has w r yeah come on bro I’m the one that set up the triple date in the first place shut up everyone you lied to me Christina die oh no it’s the CR oh my gosh this is wow w this kind of entertaining though wait who’s your money on L my money’s on Heather again Heather’s just a try hard with it yeah she was really in love with you any last words Christina you’re not going to do it you’re a weak Heather 360 combo bye oh uh so Heather what are you going to do now either you f in love with me or I kill all of you uh Luke how do I respond to that but I I don’t I don’t I don’t love at all dude the graveyard we could trap her in there oh that’s a great idea Heather um come follow me if you want to get our smoo right over here we could do it on top of Crystal’s grave cuz you know like um we’re not a thing anymore so just like let’s stand right over here oh my gosh I’ve been waiting for so long let me touch up my hair okay yeah yeah just uh just touch up your hair just take take take the armor off just go inside over here just like that mhm mhm mhm and now let’s do the smoo are you going to come inside with me of course I’m going to come inside with you SL SL a place near T that’s made out of stone into lava all right have a good day yay we did it ly we killed Heather is it safe to come out now yes girls you can come out and we destroyed them and wait a minute now it’s just Roxy and Lily and Luke and Alexa and SS and Crystal and Loki this place looks like a super duper awesome date spot we can even grab the cak up over there and oh oh we could chill over here in the grass area yeah it’s picnic day all right everyone let’s enjoy our day lily grab the cakes and let’s sit down yay and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are seeing Omz Dating My CRAZY FAN GIRL In Minecraft!


  1. Omz and Crystal sitting in a tree k I s s I n g. Lukey and Alexa sitting in a tree k I s s I n g. Roxy sitting in a tree k I s s I n g first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carrier

    Who likes the song give me a tumsup

  2. 😂😮😮😮😮😮😅😮😂😮❤😮mmmY 😅🎉😅😅😊😮😅😮😢😮😮😮😂🎉😂😮😮😮😮😮😮😂😮❤😮😮😢❤😮🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  3. 🧡💛💛🧡🧡💚💚💚💙💙💙💜💜💜🤎🤎🤎🖤🖤🖤🤍🤍🤍💘💘💘💘💘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️❣️🐅🐅🐅🐒🐅🐅🐅🐅🐸🐸🐇🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐕‍🦺🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸

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