Terraria #1: Starting anew

no no oh he what’s up we’re back I just got to do something oh yeah look at that Terraria starting a new world I need to adjust the sound a little bit that’s better so just normal Terraria playr you know I’m hoping that by the end of today we can get through at least the eye of cthulu oh there’s a cave right here that’s good I’m going in oh I need to turn off auto pause oh of course I got a tiny copper shortsword just my luck okay climbing closet is nice oh bombs those will be good for getting a demolitionist to move in wand of sparking that will only be useful if I’m going to do a mage play through we’ll have to see I am kind of feeling like doing melee cuz I have not played the most recent update of Terraria and I know there’s a lot of melee changes so yeah why not I’ll do a melee play through o Minecart Track right away that’s nice don’t kill me I’m going to pick up the mushroom no that’s fine everything fine ice I mean okay give me an ice Co sword or whatever it’s called dang guess we’re going back the other way I just remembered I need to set my heys accordingly I think that’s good it looks good to me got to hold the Torches I saw something back there that I want oh yeah that’s the good stuff hello there the Russian Empire is in in my chat that is crazy oh desert this is good if I can get a thunder spear immediately that would be nice no wait wait wait wait don’t do it okay this is not the best situation I have some recall potions so I can get home if I wanted to I’m not a coward uh I’m going to go melee this run so I don’t even think I need these fossils but I’ll grab some hungen I should get some of that I don’t even have any stone I got to go break those pots got them um that’s not not nice yeah is there anything in that room even nope looks like I’m going to keep digging down oh oof maybe I can like throw a bomb just going to throw a knife real quick oh dang I timed that terribly oh well this works never mind I’m just gonna dig around I don’t want to deal with these guys right now I just want the loot without any of the challenge I probably should have mined some Stone so I could make a furnace but that’s in the past now nothing can get to me in here got to use these for better torch oh no it’s over it’s over yep all right I’m going to go and make a campfire I need to go get some stone for a furnace before Night hits just going to go a little bit deeper in the cave I am a little sick right now but I’m still here for the the content grind can I wait can I get back yes there’s a rope I have rope okay this is not not going to be good it’s about to turn night time and I don’t even have a house built um I’m just going to go and build a house really quick I’ve got to make at least look good um yeah I need to start building this is temporary house get in here guide putting doors on Sentry going up and it’s officially nighttime whoopy let me go and start M shaft right here wait wasn’t oh that’s amazing I yeah I have not played most recent update so that’s news to me okay here’s some Stone that’s what I’m looking for zombie over there is I mean he’s chilling he’s in the cave go your Yap Oh I thought he just let something in that could have been bad there’s a dude just chilling outside my door I’m just going to keep digging down during the night because there’s nothing else I can do actually wait I need to kill some slimes for their gel Yi now I can make more torches my inventory is getting quite full I’ll make a second floor for storage I’m not going to have everything on one floor going to have a one big storage room rope done not yet oh free lead re Le is nice right now what I’m trying to do is get enough lead for an anvil or find an anvil in the wild there’s a couple of caves like this one over here and then I think there’s another one further along I want to go check those to see if they have any underground cabins all I have is the one accessory right now I hope there’s no slimes waiting for me there are two slimes waiting for me three slimes now how nice yeah I’ve got a strat for this it’s called whatever this is okay now that all these guys are trapped it’s time to go sio mode on them going sicko mode got him and now I can just keep mining like nothing ever happened and I did not just commit genocide on a race of slimes is that a boulder why is there a boulder I hate Boulders if you’re a boulder consider yourself an not much what’s up with uh with with stuff chilling here right now ooh this looks promising here maybe oh no the boulder is going to get me I was wrong oh cave this one’s a little bit bigger and this is slime of course got to beat him to death I can barely see what I’m doing but I can tell that I’m winning going to make some more torches chest chest that’s the good stuff oh no wait I did not mean to fall there not po0 come on yeah you can’t get me you can’t hit me oh I was wrong not a worm oh I hate worms sniffer okay I got some good damage on it that’s good okay that that one that was entirely my fault daytime now that’s good envil time that’s a better weapon at least beat him up got him teamwork Okay so I should make more floors of this house hello wait no rope there there platforms yep just regular terara I have not played the most recent update despite it coming out over 2 years ago so that’s what I’m doing right now sir please die if this series gets enough attention I might end up doing a Calamity mod playthrough as well but we’ll have to see about that I’m going to make the guide live here no don’t don’t do it smart guy he won’t be smart forever now the guide has moved in or he will at least I don’t like that okay I need a spot for chests I don’t even have quality of life mods I’m just raw dog and Terraria Terraria in its purest form I’m going to put all my chests down here I love breaking walls going crazy I’m getting the the ultimate combo on these walls definitely okay that’s good enough for now yeah that’s what I was uh I was down there mining a little bit ago I’m just making a chest room right now so I can store the stuff I get I’m not going to bother sorting that much I’m going to sort the Dy materials at least that’ll be useful for fishing I’m going to sort the Dy materials and the potions and the potion okay maybe I will do sorting wait that’s that’s a weapon I forgot about this yeah that should be good I need to go get that gold chest I saw I’m going to make this the potion stuff chest I to put potions and potion ingredients and their seeds and here this will be the D chest and now we go uh this is Master mode I’m no coward I’m I don’t play on those those peasant modes oh no the worm’s back is that oh I thought I saw another cabin down there but no I was wrong come at me worm you can’t beat me me okay I got some good damage on him there oh look an enville I wish I’d known about that there’s two anvils are you kidding me there’s two worms not not good yes I know that there’s a legendary mode I’ve beaten a four the worthy world before it was not easy whereas Master mode is a fun challenge for the Worthy is agonizing pain I might do that at some point but uh no oh yeah get fixed boy I know too but uh for the Worthy is also technically legendary mode just get fixed boy is insanely harder hopeful yes okay it hits them this is good I’m going for melee this time because I have not played the most recent update and there are substantial melee changes so that’s what I’m doing you know what I’m just going to H get the YY spinky head back to the surface I need my wood yeah teror blade goes crazy now so that’s what that’s why I’m doing melee I usually play range because range is my favorite but not not today what was I looking for I forgot oh yes platforms CU I need a chest here for ORS there we go cobwebs nice I think I’m going to do some surface exploration that was or based based slime I’m going to do some surface exploration right now if I had to fight one boss from Terraria in real life it’s a hard question cuz I definitely wouldn’t want to fight a giant eyeball with teeth but also like I don’t know I feel like I could beat King Slime pretty easily but then again like it’s a slime it’s going to be nasty there is there like a easier h definitely not the worm or the brain that would uh that would not end well for me oh an aglet it’s good I’m drawing a blank right now on bosses but uh not the Wall of Flesh honestly probably King Slime is the best bet for first or for a boss you fight in real life cuz I doubt I doubt King Slime could handle a double barrel you know what I’m saying like you just whip out the Remington and uh he he don’t stand a chance also it’s becoming nighttime I don’t even have armor I’ll keep going until uh until it hits Knight at least and then I’ll just recall back home jump now that here skill no luck also pure skill Trust got to grab these so I can take them home and use them there also in the boss fight Arena okay all right let’s go I want to get some Cactus armor Cactus armor is going to be a great early game thing come on down there we go Cactus armor and a cactus sword maybe if this broadsword isn’t already dealing more damage than that rip scorpion just kidding I don’t care got him maybe maybe there’s more Cactus yeah there is okay this might already be enough for the cactus armor but I’m not taking any chances I’m getting it all I love deforestation come on you must die wait a minute has the game been muted this entire time hold up let me OBS isn’t picking up any sound on the game there we go that should oh yeah is that good can that be heard yes okay I wish I’d noticed that sooner but I have fixed it which is the good thing I’m just going to run past here’s a cave might might want to check it out later date I’m just going to oh logs logs are good and it’s now night time what what did I what is that oh it’s a firefly oh the jungle oh I’ve fallen into a hole you know what I’m going to test my luck I am going to see how far I can get in the underground jungle this is the very edge of course no no I’m F okay maybe maybe we go home the second we hear the sniffers we we just we we dip I hate those darn sniffers I don’t like those guys Cactus armor and 10 v9 I’ll take it I’ll get a pickaxe too oh yeah oh yeah yeah I’ve got all got more chests actually I’m going to take everything from here I’m going to leave this top row of chests as like my special chest that I actually sort and then this bottom row will be everything else wait I need those I need these potion ingredients oh I didn’t mean to press that button this should be fine cuz I can put all that in there desert torches need to go here I have a gold coin I don’t want to lose that I need need to build another house for the merchant so that the merchant can move in the blade of grass early would be really good I think I will try to get that I just need to uh get the merchant to move in first because I would like to buy a piggy bank I’m going to go and build a second house during the night time I hope I don’t die if I die that would be less than optimal let me grab this star okay and put up the walls now I may think I can make stuff look good but in the end they’re all still wooden boxes the hardest challenge I’ve done in Terraria I attemp atted to get fixed boy run when this update came out but it did not follow through so I’d say the hardest I’ve done in vanilla Terraria is probably for the worthy for the worthy was pretty difficult um the hardest thing I’ve done in Terraria overall is the Calamity Inferno mode mod that that was a true challenge this is valid house right yes they’re chilling they chilling I need to keep stars for an enchanted Boomerang maybe I should okay yeah I’m thinking now I should probably get an enchanted Boomerang before I go to uh to the Jungle because I need some sort of ranged attack I’m going to go continue the mine while it’s still night time I can’t believe there were two anvils in there I’ve never seen a house with two anvils in it before that was no not cash money oh sand is this a desert no this is just one of those sand patches die I mean he listen I don’t want to drown so I’m going to go with yes this is a crimson world all the harder I love Crimson Crimson is the better evil biome but corruption you know it’s corruption you can’t talk corruption I’m going to beat this guy beat him up get the crap out of them I’m going to go back up to my dig shaft and dig there because this cave has gone down far enough here we go going down to the deps I feel like the mining sound is a little bit loud right now yo I see topz I need to get the topaz grappling hook here I come not yet obviously I need 15 topaz but we chill it’s okay I’ll get the rest of the topaz later I love falling block physics they don’t make me want to tear my eyes out sometimes if only I had a mining potion yeah I love when you accidentally killed the Voodoo Demon 1.6k Health that’s quite a lot for the Wall of Flesh wait no yeah you he had 1.6k when you got him down low enough right right the Wall of Flesh goes so fast in master mode oh Merchant that’s what we like to see that means it’s daytime oh there’s more Sapphire here let me grab that and I’m going to go back up why use a recall potion I can just do this Up Up and Away there’s the merchant hello sir can’t buy that yet oh the windy day we’re going to buy a piggy bank maybe I can make a lead sword and it’ll be be more powerful than a cactus one let’s see oh I can make a reinforced fishing pole I love fishing oh yes this sword is better than the cactus one and it’s Savage that’s great going to put away potion going to keep bombs on me just in case a demolitionist wants to move in I’m going to go back to the underground jungle now I can handle it yeah Voodoo Demon spawning is the weirdest crap ever cuz you always want them when the uh when you always want them when they won’t show up and then when you don’t want them they’ll show up in droves it is actually insane he’s running he’s a coward he can’t handle me bro thinks he’s safe okay he he’s escaped this is so sad oh I heard the balloon pop all skill no luck ah vultures I can just take them both out at the same time whoa rip off there we go I’m going to the right this time cuz why not wait no I need to go to the Jungle yeah I’ve got a lot of arrows that I could sell for the merchant I hope there’s not 70 more vultures to kill me I’m fine wait I don’t have it on the right Health setting I like the classic heal yeah Nights Edge I’ve heard about that cuz but if you get the golf cart you can you can just stay at the same distance from it go crazy h b I’ve got an easy solution as long as I don’t drown I will kill it I hope that doesn’t spawn a ghost that would not be good if it spawned a ghost and there’s another vulture of course okay oh got him all skill no luck the jungle is just ahead if I remember correctly how did I oh right umbrella chomping yes cuz this is the cave then the jungle is just over here right I think so maybe I honestly didn’t play enough of the get fix boy seed to uh really have anything to dislike about it but I think probably the upside down world was my least favorite part H I hate these guys so I’m not dealing with them I I just don’t like the flipped world seed in general it’s annoying I tried doing a play through on the uh don’t dig up seed yeah it’s just not that fun cuz the whole world is upside down not the jungle bats not the jungle bats please not the not the jungle bats not the not the jungle bats I hate jungle bats o a radar that is nice oh no here comes the jungle bat no no piranha I need to get jungle spores and Thorns Stingers they’re called Stingers right yes I did not get far enough or meusa but I’ve heard it very hard so I don’t want to deal with that ooh there’s tungsten I should get that yeah I know what mcus is but I’ve never fought it before okay now time to dig down to the actual underground jungle are you kidding me more water no no no oh that was easy enough my favorite oh easy okay my favorite thing in Terraria is the chain gun hands down the best weapon in the game no competition chain gun it’s just so it’s just such such a nice weapon you know it’s got the it’s got the highest fire rate in the game it just it’s it’s beautiful what you can do with a chain gun especially a chain gun with chlorop FY bullets too come on buddy come on on I don’t want to hurt you I just want to talk I’m allowed to cheat with the knives right now because I don’t have a boomerang trust me it’s a valid strategy oh I don’t like that come on come on back up buddy come on he’s not coming yeah come on if I get down here a little further Maybe I can get some hits oh my help oh that was close that could have easily killed me right there okay I’ve got a little spot where I can fight him now okay now we Retreat we wait for him to come back up beat him up beat him up beat him up this is how we’re going to win blow up blow up yes that was beautiful blow up come on dang I missed this one will get him for sure I was wrong but now I can use the knives this is such a hard boss yo I beat the Eater of man that’s crazy moon glow dungle torches we’re going to switch to those now because torch lock I see a hornet not good I don’t like that don’t don’t do it don’t fire Stingers at me it’s very rude all here’s what I’m going to do kind of missed that’s okay oh that was a good hit that was a good hit that one was close Okay I hit the man eater that time took out the tree okay oh yes great hit okay once the things get stuck in the hole that I’m making there we go now he’s dead no way he survives best aim of 2024 is right oh oh I was going crazy on him for a second I’m going to drop another bomb poov America 1940s colorized now we’re going to do the safe method that guy’s almost dead dang oh that’s a little too close for comfort right there yeah he’s definitely going to be able to hit me if I go any further down I see a stinger maybe if I go a little bit this way first that was close too close favorite accessory it’s a hard one there’s just so many accessories come on come here oh yeah beating them up beating up a child for Content okay that was a little close I’m going to move over here a little bit if I had to choose one accessory in all of Terraria to be my favorite honestly I don’t remember a lot of accessories but probably if we’re talking tinkered tinkered accessories it’s going to be the uh The angk Shield because it’s just the best accessory in the game pretty much immunity to Mo most debuffs is nice but if we’re talking non- tinkered accessories probably the any of the Wall of Flesh emblems they’re just really nice to have I like those and they’re like you get them at the start of hard mode but then they are viable for the rest of the game also I’m low got one step stool is a pretty good one too the strongest accessory in the game how many stingers do I need for the blade of grass I don’t really want to look at the wiki right now but if I must then I must well okay that is a lot that’s three Stingers oh another one coming sir please let me kill you come on come back I need three Vines too okay well I’ve got two so I just have to kill this guy and then that’s it come on I’m running out of knives don’t I also need jungle spores for the uh the blade of grass got him okay I’m going to take a risk here and I’m going to go out into the open that was the risk I took was calculated but man am I bad at math oh no this is so sad Alexa Play deathpacito I Was herniated excuse me blade of grass okay good to know okay I’m thinking that maybe I need to take a different approach here I’m going to keep everything I need importantly in that chest I think I’m going to go try to get like platinum or gold armor and a wooden I need a woman wooden woman I need a wooden boomerang right now so I’m going to go to the right and I’m going to look or a wooden boomerang because that’s what I need right now I need me some range damage oh what is this no he sees me yeah got him it’s a big hill it’s nice if only there was a pyramid if I had something that gave off Sparks like a uh a wooden not a wooden but Enchanted Boomerang I could check the ground for Sandstone bricks sadly there was I do not have that yet that’s what I meant to say oh I can get nice Boomerang isn’t there a new Boomerang added in uh 1.4.4 the triang right that’s pretty good early game and the ice Boomerang is one of the ones you need to craft it so I might might go for that real quick no no I’m going to go for a wooden boomerang first I just buy on the scary early game I mean everywhere is scary early game when you’re playing Master mode but ice and jungle are especially scary I just buy them less so but you know the Vikings are is still dangerous yeah and you need the shroom ring too the shroom ring being the hardest of the three to get because it drops from bats and it’s in those chests oh I forgot the Ice Water debuff exists oh cave type thing ice torches are nice for uh exploring I’m just looking for a wooden chest no oh he’s leaving me alone good job what a nice guy rutro got to stop the spread yeah Master mode Destroyer goes wack wacko ah yep yep this is this is not going to end well unless I go up dang yeah no way I’m getting past the crimson I just don’t see that happening unless I like go over the whole thing so oh I got some of these mushrooms Cactus are technically a potion ingredient yeah I think I’ll just head to the ice and I’ll go down I want to let me build another house real quick for a demolitionist to move in where there sand to what huh I don’t get it ter rare set terar is that an arson joke I love arson demolitionist what no that it can’t be I had no idea that Terraria was a 2d game no this this changes everything I’ll give the guide some windows too yes that’s who we wanted to see sell me bombs ow okay I am going to the underground ice biome now yep why am I going this way I have easy access to it under my base right here don’t break the Minecraft trap there we go ice biome switch to the ice torches yes it is nuking time we’re going to go crazy but not yet the bombs come later patience patience patience the bombs will come in time pause man I wish I had a spelunker potion maybe I should make one of those I do need some more Life Crystals yeah I haven’t even found one yet I mean what do you mean this is the 1 HP hardcore Master mode for the worthy get fixed boy challenge oh you’re talking about a different kind of Life very funny there is a single cobweb down here oh there’s more I lied end was wrong water chest okay bye-bye torch I will go check the water chest I mean I got a pet also this is a weapon pretty useless though I was kind of hoping for a trident more than a breathing read but I can’t see anything I need help oh ice slime jump scare kill them kill them all there’s another one he came in the wrong way so sad one item from terrarian in real life ah I thought of saying uh the chain gun again but like you can just get that uh if I had to choose one that I could get in real life if we’re talking one item then in probably H oh Terror spark boots that way I could run fast and I could walk on water and lava no one would believe me and then I would go do it and then they’d be going crazy over the fact that I can walk on water in lava I could sell it for millions of dollars also this is quite the large cave everything’s fine there’s some topaz here that is nice yeah and then you could sell the teras spark boots themselves for like trillions of dollars once you get bored of doing the whole no oh saved it there’s a flanks oh no not the ice bat not the ice bat I need blocks if I could get a helmet off of a Viking that’d be pretty sweet you know what I’m saying there we go now I can hit stuff through here come on get in here come on Ice bats there are five ice bats that is is crazy I hate bats every Terraria player’s worst nightmare bat no come back you deserve to die come on come on back that was close it’s just me no not the ice bat not the ice bat okay I am safe Viking helmet maybe so true Golem easy except in forther worthy he’s actually quite a hard challenge in forther worthy I should probably put down a campfire what what happened why that was so sad guess I’m going back on the road again bats are the worst Skull emoji angry Emoji I need some Hermes boots or some flurry boots or something oh I should grab this I hate it bro came out of a crevice to kill me got him there’s a ruby right there grab that for King Slime Summoner ow ow I need Life Crystals and I need a m yeah I died right down here I’m not even in the underground ice yet I’m just in the uh the top layer come on come on down there we go they got me money back y I’m going to go and get this campfire placed oh no looks like he’s coming come on come down here buddy you know you want to you know you love me wait isn’t is that you could fight bosses what no impossible that is absolutely insane what is bro doing can you just like come down here come down here now I hate that come on come here oh no there we go now we’re good and now we stuck in the water man I wanted to chance at the uh the Viking helmet no no come back down oh there’s some amethyst up there I should grab those okay I’m going to grab those amethyst and then I’m going to keep going I need to make some platforms there’s some Crim Tain yeah that’s the gold oh I survived was not expecting that here comes a new sussy boy for me to dog on you can’t get up to me ha uh now he’s in the hole we’re going to wait for the Slime to get in the hole RIS I took was calculated but man am I bad at math oh I always forget about the uh the ice physics or that not physics but the ice breaking and way we go here we go almost back you know what I think I’m going to add a uh little tunnel here so I can not have to go through the water I see that slime up there I don’t like it and I’m on the move I’m still going to Nuke those guys once I get there they’re getting nuked no matter what cuz they’re not going to despawn cuz they picked up me money ow yeah I should probably put in a safety mechanism here all skill are you kidding me he’s the smartest Viking alive maybe not though he survived oh here comes the second Viking this is the turet oh there’s a flinx down there how nice there he goes ooh die got him right I need to go get that huge gold vean before I do anything else cuz this is a lot of gold it’s a lot and I need that gold armor got to get up here we’re going to make so much money our we are eating good tonight boys just in case favorite cartoon I don’t know I don’t really watch TV recently I’ve been watching some of those YouTube animated cartoons though that independent creators make all of those are good at least the ones that I’ve seen no no I don’t want to be in the water please please no sir please back off kindly thank you there we go your brother hates onia for no reason not a sigma male give me a helmet give me a give me a sick ass helmet I want the helmet give it to me give me your helmet dang it brimson alter just chill 44 gold is a lot but I need to keep mining no let me guess he only plays games that are ultra realistic yeah they all say stuff like that what does he think Minecraft has bad Graphics too what what’s even the point then it’s like the same thing Minecraft is even lower resolution though if anything Terraria looks better than Minecraft but that’s debatable I’m glad I got the ingredients for climbing claws early on or for the uh climbing gear cuz it’s good and also it can be turned into Master ninja gear which I will need late game for that Dash it is what I mean it’s definitely slower than usual but it’s not three frames per second that gold o explosives my name is my name is heavy weap no that doesn’t work it’s the demo man that does this am I a far enough distance away from the explosion probably not but I’m doing it oh yeah that was a nice explosion got to make some torches and some ice torches he what huh oh okay yeah most most Brothers annoying my brother says stuff like that to me too oh ice bats how I hate you I just want a little house with the the frost blade or something with the ice no I don’t watch anime I’m not one of those I don’t really watch anything I just play games ice bat what to do about ice bat no there’s one coming from above bro thought he was going to get the drop on me wait what do I do now I can’t wait no he’s trapped I can just go to the side and then continue to go down oh yeah didn’t the lights Bane and blood butcherer get Buffs too like the lights Bane got a cool little animation and the blood butcher has like a debuff now or something something like that I don’t remember nice blood butcher will probably be a good investment there an eyeball statue no ice bat that’s a lot of gold yes sir oh Minecart Track Minecart Track is huge oh it’s less gold than I thought w w yeah the uh the rotted Fork it’s what it’s called right yeah once I get good enough armor I’ll have to go into the crimson and just get one of those real quick the first one always is a gun no matter what so I’ll have to break at least two but it’ll be worth it give me a little house I want to see a house finally I can get a life oh I dropped the Torches I’ve gotten life finally NOP that didn’t work okay I’m just going to grab this gold there’s a lot of gold which is a lot of good why is it taking damage there’s a skeleton Merchant over there don’t die I want to buy from you no this is so sad Alexa well desac though oh no I’m just going to have to Ram this guy with my car uh he’s one hit I was one hit I forgot to I forgot to heal W wamp yeah I have most achievements in Terraria I think I’m missing like five or six of them and they were all all introduced in the latest update okay I think it might be wise to make a gold pickaxe and then get the Crim Tain that I saw oh and it’s Speedy cuz if I get that crimtan then I can make a blood butcher really early so I’m going to go ahead and go get that here we go we’re off music oh we got to go see you later then it was you’re great great viewer see you later Bas oh no I don’t want to die oh Dart trap how have I never seen that before okay got to go get the Crim Tain now just this down here right yeah that and then that Epic Undead Miner maybe I could get a mining shirt or pant that’s just the Crimson alter over there right that’s not or I’m pretty sure okay I got six crimt ore is there another undead Miner over there there is it’s crazy just bombs just bombs I’m going to go kill that one too but I’m going to grab the crimon first no no I’ve fallen in the lake there’s topaz down there I’m going to grab that one step closer to a grappling hook getting that Crim this is the good stuff I definitely wasn’t going to say something else there oh how am I not dead got to get the regular torches back out so sad this pickaxe is so much better than the other one oh that’s a normal cave fat I’m not even like on the edge of the ice bi right no I’m not yeah no I’m not near the edge I guess he just spawned oh and there’s a Flink I’m going to get you I’m going to do it oh look at that some free emeralds if I could get an extract donator that would be very nice okay oh there goes the flanks down the Sha I got a mining helmet for tree no come back no come back there we go now you stuck I going to beat you to death he just looks at me like what are you doing man cool oh a viking eh not worth it that’s gold need like gold okay I’m not dead we’re good so Minecart Track is that a crimson alter is that or it’s an alter no no no not the bat that’s an alter not the bat not the bat not the bat please I can’t see anything this is a bad idea I lived I did it oh this actually gives me more defense come on okay I’m going to grab this Emerald got to move not going down there I’m just going to go the other way this is not where I died yet yeah up here it’s where I died there’s some more CR uh this really isn’t going to be enough to do anything with at the end of the day but you know it’s I’m going to have some of it oh I summoned a ghost well might as well go home that the ghost can despawn this should be good let’s see I can make five critin bars which means nothing gold broadsword it’s a material I did not know that a gold broadsword was a material what’s it a material for the FL Li me I didn’t know about that I’m going to put my money away money money money it’s not worth selling it oh look at that I’m not going to sell the Fallen star I’m going to buy a bug net uh I’m going to make some gold wait where’s the rest of the gold bars oh right I used them ha a mine cart this one will go faster than the other one I don’t want to I need some sort of double jump item right now and I also needed Frost ice I need like a boomerang back to the underground ice but wait can you craft wooden boomerangs I don’t think so I think that was a Calamity mod thing and I’m confusing it with reality oh well going down this Minecart Track goes into the desert too that might be worth checking out out sometime just going I probably should have brought the cactus helmet but bye stupid slime that ghost should have despawned by now I’m hoping I can get an early Goblin Army so that I don’t have to wait for one ooh dead Miner oh crap all skill no luck I’m just too good at the game okay bro just came to scare me I guess I mean it worked no come back in the hole get back in that hole aha now I can beat him to death mining pants that’s what we’ like to see at this rate I’ll get the full mining set what’s down there oh there’s more critin I’ll go grab that for a thought I could make the jump I can I got to get out of here I just hit that B with my car gas gas gas I’m going to step on the gas that was a close one got him did I pick up me money arar garar Mr Krab’s reference okay oh wait I went back with my money right I’m just here to explore well oh I survived what do I do I’m going to drown need a drown I survived the drowning I did not drown I survive uhoh there’s a viking coming over here that’ll stop him give me your helmet give me your helmet dang it give me your helmet give it to me give me that helmet dang it no helmet ice chest I swear if it has a snowball cannon in it I will be angry because I do not need a darn snowball Cannon oh it had I needed woo let’s go ice Boomerang oh yeah now I’ve got range now I can take on the jungle but I’m not going to yet no no know I’m going to keep exploring cuz I also kind of need a grappling P before I go to the Jungle yeah it’s just a nice okay got him he didn’t give me the helmet though which is sad I’m just going to go dig down over here yeah over here yeah there was pretty darn useless Oh Oh I thought I saw an undead Miner because of the light mine cart track huge does this thing have a high crit chance no this thing is my most powerful weapon now except for the uh the Recall come on get over here why so many bats nice now we move we are going to find something useful oo a fairy that’s nice oh what did you find oh look at that the regular underground and we’ve got a skeleton Merchant here bread consumed to permanently increased crafting station range I want that man I really want that but I don’t have the money I wasn’t paying attention and I died story of my life not enough caran how much critin do I need that’s the real question massive umbrella it’s it’s just it’s massive what how many do I need 10 oh I’m actually quite close the meatball okay yeah so I just need three more critin bars or nine ore epic so I guess I’m going to go back to the underground ice biome I want to get my money back that M carart track might actually go all the way under my elevator maybe I don’t really want to dig the elevator right now I need blurry boots or hermy boots or something the fairy went and it told me there was something there also so I need to check on that Dart trap thought it could kill me hardly o a new fairy is it coming oh yeah there it this I’m just too fast for the fairy to keep up where do I go down over there right oh it see something what’s it trying to tell me oh there’s a chest right there oh it but it’s taking me to the life crystal that’s right next to the chest Bas based Fairy Oh and there’s a skeleton Merchant oh yes a double jump and a magic mirror let’s go second best double jump oh spelunker potions are nice I’m going to sell no I’m not I’m going to keep those for potions of return right these yeah they are material get our fish from San Diego ow did I kill both of them yep yep that’s that’s a sentence give me your helmet oh oh a hook that’s a grappling hook for free right there don’t even need to use gems Epic no sir please back away oh rubies nice for King Slime thank you Joshua I Know Who You Are it has it has been pretty good I got to beat this guy senseless oh I got the helmet I look sick as hell now oh that makes sense ow I need to uh I need to rope down I wish I would stop being poisoned no The Miner no let me back I need to go kill that guy he fell down my my large hole please don’t have despawned no he despawned no I’m 10 seconds away from a for a potion so I’m going to sit here with a campfire for a minute Miner with an E with an E I say there’s that darn bat that stole all me money this thing causes Frost burn now I didn’t even know that surely the fairy wasn’t just taking me to this big gold door right surely okay I’ve got to remember that I have this or cave or cave is good I don’t have any torches Diamond like diamond Minecraft this would be enough emeralds to uh get me a grappling hook but I’m just going to make a grappling hook with a hook oh no mother slime bogus Emerald is right hey he’s back nice there’s a life Crystal I need the life life finally I want to go down there why am I using rope I have an umbrella maybe I should have used rope not the mother slime if you’re a mother slime consider yourself an OP links based that is so true no I’m stuck in the calypse not was that could be good rust is always popular I have no need to kill you anymore I already have your helmet I’m doing melee this time because 1.4.4 big melee um I’m going to go follow the Minecart Track actually I would like to follow that more than what I’m currently doing well mine cart Tru give me some Life Crystals that’s what we need that’s what we want to see oh that’s the good stuff I need that I need crimon oh and there’s a mushroom biome here didn’t even notice that the the jamming music started playing there’s there’s an ice back I hate I expect no I’m not gang turns out when you’re moving in a month it’s hard to get a job I need some of these for potions oh shroom ring I need to get a shroom ring from here I did not I don’t like talking about politics I think they’re funny but I don’t like watching them I just look up the funniest moments on YouTube today after I love my country okay there’s a bunch of bats here maybe one will drop the shroomer rang not the Family Guy funny moments okay I’ve got to kill two bats I can do this I’m not terrible at this game oh look at that first drop shimmering based now I just need an enchanted Boomerang and I get the triar ring wait does this one oh this one does more damage but it doesn’t do frost burn so that’s the tradeoff I don’t know it’s got a higher crit chance I think I’ll use it Life Crystal very based and a chest and another life Crystal another chest I don’t you uh call me you can drop the S cuz I never miss a beat there’s another life Crystal oh giant Shelly moment dropping I do need to get on that fishing grind at some point I’m like 10 quests away from completing the fishing achievements so I need to get that we don’t eat any more Life Crystals now ow ow not good not good I never thought that the enchanted Boomerang would be the last one I get the trang Cash Money green chest another mace okay I’m going remember 99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big I might go back up to the surface now yeah I’m going yeah that getting a little too chaotic I just need four more crimtane but sadly I don’t have four more critin Godly mace I’ll keep this I got to make it flaming you know I’ll I’ll turn the other one flaming just in case it gets a uh a bad modifier I need this in here um I can make a diamond hook maybe I should a diamond Hook is the best one I can get right now I mean yeah yeah flare gun useless I don’t need that anymore D yes Diamond like Minecraft I was going to craft something with a potion oh my gosh yep oh yeah I’m going to make healing potions ah I’m just that’s too high up and move the piggy bank then piggy bank where piggy bank go I’ll just make a new crafting table here and put it on that got to get them healing potions torches now this mace is going to get flaming okay is oh my gosh is it worth kind of it’s kind of worth 1,000 Subs by end of year maybe we’ll have to see is this better or worse is two damage I mean fire is kind of better also it’s a light source so I can switch this now I can have the the sick ass helmet all the time I’m going to put this in here that’s a lot of money time to go to the jungle and I’m also going to need to stop and to look for wooden chests along the way for an enchanted Boomerang well not an enchanted Boomerang but a wooden boomerang that I can turn into an enchanted boomerang whoa that’s crazy yep and this is not a bit definitely oh my maze went out I’m going to use this instead this is better bbo of a lifetime I’m just moving yeah thanks for that oh look a turtle I got a turtle consumable I know what I must do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it oh I don’t have the umbrella anymore I can’t do umbrella strats this is a total jam this is a certified Hood classic all right this is where I’m going down go down right here got to get a lot of stuff but especially jungle spores and Stingers I just need 15 jungle spores nine stingers and one Vine that should be fairly easy it’s going to be killing stuff that’s where I died last time I was here there’s our Vine die not Carter dude he’s too young he can’t be doing that whoa that’s too close too close for comfort oh no I just summoned bees no okay there’s a stinger this is not the best situation to be in right now you always do I want to get that life Crystal got it got to get to the safe spot I’m safe easy clap okay I’m going to dig down now I’m going to dig to the left now hello giggle lary with the top hat not buo man how dare you I didn’t even make a grappling hook why didn’t I do that I may be stupid beat it tomorrow morning jokes on you I don’t I don’t stream when days okay that’s on me and I’m not beating it by tomorrow that’s just it’s not happening I got to farm it for Content you know I got to I got to farm the content got my grappling hook got a chest plate I’m dripping absolutely dripped out of my mind dude wait can I make a thorn sh room look at that there’s an owl on my roof that’s crazy I cannot make anything yet colag has been hard as always you know how it goes I need I can make the bow but uh I need the sword I just need four more of that or I’m not using Life Crystals yet because I have good through Lo spawn and that’ll just ruin my day I should make a bed Sawmill Sawmill I’m just leaving this in his house making the loom there uh there’s no server this is just me playing you know what I think the guy deserves a it’s not centered sorry guide but the Merchant’s getting the chandelier instead no one can join it’s just me chilling here I’m doing a solo playthrough right now maybe at a later date I’ll do Terraria with viewers but not not today I need the cop webs that’s what I need got to make a bed going to make a make a a bed there’s a bed now I’m going to sleep here until day these owls are annoying I won’t euthanize them yet is it daytime yet the world’s getting lighter it’s daytime ooh copper watch ah I need one more gold bar and I can make the the better watch okay you know what I think I need to get a wooden boomerang now the tarang would go crazy I think I’m going to look in caves that I find on the surface like that one but I know there’s another one further up and I’m going to check that come on yes they must die I’m moving there’s one enemy nearby not any more apparently traveling Merchant okay let me go check for this stuff and then I’m going to go check his stock no don’t do a devious diabolical activity I’ll see you later okay I’m going to go down here oh step stool minute it’s too bad it’s not menacing step stool oh this is the wrong type of torch no come on give me a wooden boomerang one Boomerang not another step stool that one’s violent though ooh that’s actually good I’m going to put that I’m going to put that on cuz more melee speed is always appreciated mine cart try I mean there’s not going to be any wooden chests here but I mean it leads into the desert maybe there’ll be a desert chest around here that I can loot whoa whoa that was close oh oh this is the same Minecart Track huh this is a long Minecart Track like holy crap scare bombs nice I’m just going to keep moving moving slime rain okay time to go home I’m going to talk to this guy what’s he got really nothing useful wait no these are good but I can just make a keg yeah I need to get on building an arena because this is King Slime I think I’m ready for King Slime probably I need to make a better axe let me just make a better axe real quick gold no gold is useful for other stuff we’ll do a lead axe it doesn’t need to be damaging wow this is barely faster King Slime is going to spawn and I’m not going to be ready oh that guy’s got money money man my spawn is just Boxed In by these two caves which is not great for a king slime Arena but you know it’s oh I got a banner blue slime Banner is actually going to be really helpful for King Slime because he summons blue slimes I got to get these trees chopped down so I can build the arena I don’t think I’m going to get an Arena built I’m just going to have to do it normally by normally I mean without an arena I mean I can at least fill in the holes in the ground money and a slime there Kill Them All this sucks I need to get campfires down King Slime is bound to summon with any of these kills at this point it’s going to happen soon oh another blue slime Banner I’m going to put this one over here so I can get the Buffs when I’m over here give me the money give me the money give me the money yes money good oh wait I actually need the traveling Merchant to die maybe this is good thing I’m going to go fill this area over here in with dirt perfect amount and there’s King Slim yes kill the traveling Merchant that’s not the traveling Merchant yes die okay he died that’s good we’re going to wait for him to teleport and then we go this way sick hat I’m going to put it on oh I get so close not really I wasn’t really that prepared for it I could have done better if I had an actual Arena hey I got this sick hat though oh the Merchant’s still alive that’s okay it wasn’t for very long but he was still alive there’s a nurse now I’ll start building an arena after I get priming the Slime range should stop soon there is potential for you to be able to get multiple King slimes from one slime rain but it’s uh it’s not very common I hope that doesn’t summon a ghost hey green slime Banner another blue slime Banner step stool step stool I’m going to keep the defense it is now night time I need to go to sleep I got a mining potion slime rain over maybe I don’t know I’m just going to sleep yeah slime rain over oh that slime just got nailed by a falling star that’s crazy there a lot of stars is this a meteor shower now probably not I’m just sleeping so that’s probably why they’re falling so often look at all the stars oh that zombie nearly got nailed I’ll hop up and get get the uh the Stars here in a minute I want to make a clock I cannot make a Lo that was definitely intended hon me me me me me me hon me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me oh that zombie just got nailed give them free torches a what is this nurse doing looks like it’s almost daytime now back to the Jungle actually no I need to get a wooden boomerang so I’m not going underground jungle but I am going in this direction sir stop jumping I hope there aren’t any vultures that are going to kill me oh man it’s okay I have shroomer in got him a not another one I am the fastest I’ll ever be money nice I don’t know what hat is cooler feel like the Viking hat is cooler wait there might be a wooden chest down here no grappling hook the diamond Hook is the best of the gym hooks because it has the fastest die die already die already thank you what is that I’ve never seen that before oh a oh I got feral bite that sucks I just need a wooden boomerang oh no I’m confused or I was for a second okay this looks promising for a wooden chest maybe no really oh oh it’s just a spear oh but it’s Godly though okay I’m too far down now Steve the guide wait a minute I don’t have my texture packs on right cuz I had a texture pack that turns the guide into Steve from Minecraft and he would always be named Steve I mean it would be funny if I had my texture packs on but I don’t think I do wait can I just check no got to check on the main menu rude rude mother trucker please just have a wooden boomerang one of you warding climbing claws heck yeah it’s way better than Hasty please just be a wooden boomerang why is it got to be a guide to plant fiber corded you can call me you okay I’m Mr your beast but you can drop the S cuz I never miss a Beat this is a sticky situation I can just jump him woo got oh no oh and it’s right next to the Jungle of course it is just give me a wooden boomerang please that’s all I’m asking no guess I’m going to the Crimson this probably isn’t even original Crimson it probably spread all the way to here I hate Prim ARA come on just got to make it through I’m not going to go down in that cave to look it ain’t worth it okay I might go down in this one though okay I’m not going down there now I’ll go down this far okay there is nothing good to know I hear spiders e spiders oh yep I love sunflowers H crimson I’m making it oh no there’s a face monster in front of of me it’s fine I’m out yes this is oh no but I still got the dude following me maybe I’ll find an enchanted sword out here oh this is the ocean hello angler I’m going to drown down here unless I find an inner tube be an inner tube not an inner tube oh but that’s a gills potion oh he SE now flipper okay I want this back home so mostly unsuccessful but I did get a flipper which I can switch out for this that’s menacing I think I’ll keep the menacing but the flipper no I’ll take the flipper flipper is a little bit better oh I have two of these okay because I definitely needed two of them he drowned all right I’m going to go to the right now maybe I should sleep through this night first just going to chill and sleep through the night for the nurse still can’t get to her house and she’ll never be able to sleeping through the night that’s a cool Moon I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that Moon before okay night’s halfway done let me grab the Stars I know I’m a monster that won’t stop me that one’s too far for me to be motivated this one so it’s right here actually going to change this cuz I saw that the fancy one and the bars actually kind of like bars but uh I’m going to go with fancy to where it has the text once the owls get up and fly away it is daytime it’s pretty close to daytime though there they go oh yeah I never miss are you kidding me I never miss this guy’s going to follow me forever never mind whoa Russian or so some language like derivative of I I can’t read that du that duck is loud is there anything no o okay I’m going to turn down my ambient volume because it’s a little bit too high that’s why the duck and the birds are so loud oh okay hello in what language though what language is that it looks like Russian or Ukrainian or something like that to me but I would have no idea if you ask me to identify it I don’t need the sunflowers okay the Crimson will be just ahead there’s the Crimson ooh a traveling Merchant he’ll be here till the end of the day that time chest wooden boomerang dang it blowpipe wooden boomerang dang it radar usually I would be excited about a radar but not today I’m looking for that boomerang okay Crimson desert if a pyramid spawned here it’ll be easier to spot trying to send some Sparks down into the ground it’s not working okay here here’s the edge I’m trashing that oh hey the dungeon hello old man can’t get Water Bolt early anymore so sad oh rain come on wooden chest please be a wooden chest it would really suck if there was not a single wooden boomerang at the surface of this world even though it’s a large world that would just it would suck I’m getting so desperate I’m checking these little caves now nothing can wooden boomerangs come from the wooden fishing crates that’s a good question to ask cuz if they can I can fish if they can’t I’m screwed oh not the sandstorm I love to Rude sand storm this is not the ocean yeah this is not the ocean this is the last forest biome for oh crimson and that’s the start of the underground layer I guess I’m yeah this is like deep I guess maybe there’s a wooden chest over here nope and I’m not oh there’s a gold chest riveting okay based holy based what are these are warding okay um we’re going to get rid of the aglet base heres boots hell little flying fish he drop glow sticks now I did not know that pretty cool I’m gone O Okay tree also this is the only living trees I’ve seen in this world step stool umbrella okay that one goes down that’s good there’s two that go down okay this is my best best chance to get a boomerang Boomerang dang it useless tree I needed the Torches okay this tree is surely better surely oh and there’s another one oh nice dang it oh they’re connected stop giving me useless stuff and give me a dang wooden boomerang already sure why not I’m going start trashing these oh wait I need that Loom it’s a special workstation it’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later oh I hear the ocean all right this chest is my last chance to get a wooden boomerang Last Chance dang it it’s an a what’s a guy got to do to get a wooden boomerang around here did they change it in this update or something not the crab bro inner tube more useful than a step stool real oh but this is violent but this is funny look at it it oh I got to talk to this guy before he leaves oh a katana a weapon me take it that’s pretty cool wait these are potion ingredients so are these oo a gold worm I need that actually to throw into the Shimmer so I’m going to put it in the important stuff chest all right I’m looking at the wiki wiki wooden boomerang oh you can buy it from a skeleton Merchant during a full moon okay but yeah it is found in a wooden chest only dang it so yeah P this sucks um oh this thing is auto swing I just realized that nice the guide has lost window privileges so what do I do that’s the big question because I need a wooden boomerang I mean I could go to a different world and look for a wooden boomerang there you know let’s do that real quick ignore my other character that’s from when I was a child we’ll put this yep we’ll leave it as a handsome torch all I’m doing here is getting a dang it wooden boomerang which for some reason did not generate in my main World almost done here we go and we off what’s the guide’s name Levi and of course there’s a corrupt desert right here I’m not going to take anything other than a wooden boomerang back to the main world maybe one down here nope no in here maybe in here I love not being able to find wooden chest CH loot oh also they can’t be found in wooden crates from fishing so that kind of sucks chest dang it Steph St dang it umbrella I’m not going to bother going down there if there’s nothing oh this is a tall Hill come on I’m pretty sure they don’t generate here in the ice biome unless they do and I’m just being stupid NOP looks like they don’t I’m so slow it’s terrible not even anything got to find a wooden boomerang you wouldn’t think it’d be that hard and yet here I am like 30 chests in and no boomerang back to corruption dungeon no fall damage for these this is great best purchase I’ve ever made my pet is lagging behind oh right I left the inner tube on not even any chest in the ocean I don’t even remember what I had on in place of the inner tube at first oh was a step stool yeah a menacing step stool oh trees close unheard of dang it just give me the boomerang you know you want you know you want to give me that that boom what it gave me a finch staff before a boomerang isn’t the finch staff like one of the hardest things to get or something like that from one of these trees there’s another tree perfect going down taking the money and of course there’s not even a chest room in this one I am zooming oh look at that underground desert moment nothing got him there’s a pyramid here I’m going in I drink a mining potion cuz I ain’t dealing with this crap I can drop the S cuz I never miss a beat I hope it’s a magic carpet and not a pharaoh set or Sandstorm in a bottle I would take either of the items over the pharaoh’s set finally and it’s straight into the loot room how nice and there’s money on the floor Magic Carpet epic I wonder what’s at the bottom will there be anything useful down here of course not what would there be oh wait no I saw some silver bars in there though I wonder where this came out at at the top like if the pyramid is exposed or not it’s not even a little bit exposed oh it’s night time that’s sucks and I don’t have any shine potions zooming just please not even a chest I do not care for this world oh nearly died all right this thing just please no jungle at night time at least it’s not hard mode jungle at night time just please give me a wooden boomerang please I just need one wooden boomerang just one just give me a chest already hello chest please just give me a wooden boomerang so I can be done no no okay guess I’m getting out of this cave I’m trying to get a wooden boomering right now because my main world didn’t have one so now I’m in a different world and this world doesn’t have one yet either like this game hates me or something oh no it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine all right guys just give me a wooden boomerang why are you being so crol to me no I’m trying to do everything at least semi legitimately on my my own oh chest oh and I got there’s one finally after like 50 chests finally oh it’s so good that was so worth it okay now back to the main world this one that’s the world that was my excitement sound okay I got I got a little excited nice thanks do my alerts work if my alerts work which I hope they do it should show up on the screen but if not I need to fix that because I should have that working where are the worms I had more worms here they are yeah okay let me let me let me just go fix that real quick because it should show a little thing for when people subscribe let’s see if I do this it should show up on stream it did so something’s just not working maybe it’s just maybe it’s just really far behind I don’t know do I have alerts muted surely not okay it’s got to work it isn’t no but I’d like for it to work because I spent a lot of time making it work and now it just doesn’t work I’ll figure this out between streams I got to play the game now I’ll figure it out at a later date probably between today and the next stream got a lot of worms this going to be the fishing chest now I’m going to make Enchanted Boomerang there it is and now dry merang oh yeah and so now I need some better armor and then after that it’s I have Lulu time I’m going to go crazy on that eye I do need to build an arena but I think Trang is definitely going to help a lot I’m going to start building the arena now I need more Life Crystals probably I have uh one eye Summoner and then I’ve I don’t actually have any more lenses cuz I haven’t killed any demon eyes on this world I can just do it in one Summoner though I’m just I’m built different I’m the best best all all skill no luck I need to go get dirt so I can flatten this out hello there oh yeah that’s pretty good there’s a lens just five more of those oh no only four oh yeah I was going to try to get a blade of grass before fighting the eye do that yeah I could probably do that also I should probably eat these Life Crystals so I can get get natural spawns to happen but I’m going to go and build the arena so that I’m not caught off guard when it does end up showing up I can’t be caught lacking I foru ain’t going to catch me Laing you used to be able to eat goldfish now you cannot the funniest weapon I don’t really think of them is well okay there’s one that I think is kind of funnier than the rest kind of it doesn’t really I don’t really think of them as like funny but uh the only one I can think of right now is the uh what is it I don’t remember what the name of it is it drops from a boss it’s oh yeah the um oh no I lost it what is it called jeez it’s like it’s like a staff it’s a magic weapon I think I’m pretty sure it’s a a magic weapon I need to tear down this mountain at some point oh I hate that um oh the no it’s not from a boss it’s the uh it’s a staff and it’s got a hand on it the slap hand slap hand that’s what it it is yeah slap hand is funniest weapon hands down especially when you use it against blinkx just giving him a nice big slap that yeah I feel that I have tons of Worlds because I just start a new one whenever I I play till I beat Moon Lord pretty much and then I stop I don’t really do anything anything past Moon Lord but you know sometimes I do like I’ll usually try to get the uh the ingame armor at least I should put my money away yeah so good idea fun to start over trust I got to add sunflowers over there I got to add campfires sunflowers this one platform could probably get me to be king slime at least but okay one block up from where I’m currently at so there oh a rain hat I think a three platform Arena can probably beat the eye oh back to just normal rain now I like Crimson more it’s extra challenge but you get better loot so this world is a crimson World you’ve never played give it a try Crimson is lowkey better it’s harder like no doubt about that but it’s it’s still better it’s built different yeah crimson’s the red one nice where there’s the Stars so the arena is done now free to do a boss whenever I think I’m going to go get a blade of grass so I’m going to drop some stuff in the chest real quick and then I’m going to oh I forgot about this you can hanging stuff from platforms now maybe I’ve I’ve thought about maybe doing a Terraria with a viewers stream at some point but that’ll have to come in the future very far after this run is over it is still a possibility though no enemies one enemy oh easy enemy to deal with I need some better accessories too like feral claws uh uh so what got me in was I had some friends invite me to a Minecraft server for streamers that got me into it I’m taking a break from that right now because I just lost everything in that to a dumb thing so so that’s why I started on Terraria doing a nice little Terraria playthrough to take some time away from that I’ll come back once I’m ready to face the consequences of my non-action that caused me to lose everything I should get a star Fury oh yeah that usually happens to uh servers with other people come on nice you remember your guide’s name I saw uh something about trick where you can use to find your Shimmer pool if you remember your guide’s first name your first guide’s name I mean Life Crystal we’d love to see it Jake remember that write it down on a sign or something Prim Rango is crazy real I have not found any jungle spores yet which is strange bees hate everyone because everyone hates bees okay I’ve got nearly all the stingers I need whoa whoa whoa whoa back off but I think I do at least I think I’ve got half The Stingers maybe something like that I need jungle spores now there’s some I need 15 jungle spores oh that’s not jungle spest that’s potentially feral claws if it’s feral Claws and I’m getting rid of climbing claws or shoe spikes whichever one has the worst modifier think that’s a crimson alar down there hello to heal I’m going to go in here Boomstick if only I was ranged but I’m not please get away from me sir I do not wish to be eaten Maneater implies that man can be eaten crian okay I can make a blood butcherer now so if I don’t end up going back with enough jungle spores I will have enough crian or I will have enough critin for a blood butcherer four PIR five piranhas that is insane jungle spawn rates be crazy come back coward I see some spores over there maybe I should pay more attention to what’s over here how did none of those hit him die die come on die there we go oh I got a Cobalt chest plate that’s better I mean I don’t need the Mana but it’s better on defense and it’s kind of drippy not going to lie I’m dri out okay I don’t want to fight now I want to fight come back here coward I’m going to drain the lake down into this cave okay there’s some jungle spores down there there’s some jungle spores over here I’m going to go get these first cuz it’s not in water give me my torch back man it really drained there’s some more okay there’s a lot of jungle scores over here that’s good yeah sometimes that happens I have four crimsons in this world which sucks I’ve got six Stingers I think I need like four three four more something like that not the jungle bats all right okay there is some more down there and there’s a piranha guarding my way back over there so I’m just going to go down instead of to the left yep double spores epic oh and maybe feral claw how many jungle spores is that 13 jungle spores I only need two more and then I can make the blade of grass oh pants those are good I’ll put those on I don’t need the Mana but it’s pants for free that are better than mining pants there’s a mother slime yep there it is okay I’m just going to go through I can take them got him anklet of the wind I’ll take it also a be Minecart baste I’m just going to grab all the jungle spores here I mean why not right that is exactly more than enough actually now oh shoot they’re killing themselves on the man eater based based bees I’m going to keep looking for oh the temple temple is there I want barel boss oh chest that is so true golum is one of the easiest bosses I’d argue that King Slime is also one of the easiest bosses don’t be trapped yes it wasn’t trapped also we’ve got a tree here give me feral Claus hey it gave it to me we’re going to replace two spikes I think that’s it I’m just going to go home now make a blood butcherer and a blade of grass plate of grass I got to put this away running out of chest space okay and chest spaces not for long to put the cofy away got to put these away that that that I think that’s it I keep the bombs on me oh yeah wait you got molten gear before oh yeah that yeah that’s possible okay time to make blood butcherer oh it’s unhappy well not using that now I’ve got blade of grass oh my gosh this thing shreds that’s pretty based I’m going to fight King Slime first actually cuz I feel like I can take on King Slime now with this and the trang so where’s the closest Crimson alter probably this one yeah so I can just go down here and ride the rail all the way to it be Minecart I love be Minecart I just hit a pedestrian wait do these go towards enemies are these little leaves homing that would be pretty based if they are pretty pretty based if I do say so and I do say so 29 defense is quite good all right I’m going to do a little sleep then I’m going to fight King Slime sleepy time me me me me me me oh no I just realized I’m gonna have to get another wooden boomerang for a flamarang that sucks oh well how to make a furnace you need torches wood and Stone okay daytime King Slime let’s go come on fight me man he’s going to do he’s stuck in the floor uhoh he’s not stuck in the floor anymore I’ve got four seconds until a potion we going to kill these things oh no I nearly died we’re going out of the arena for this one all right I’m going to take some time and I’m going to kill these little guys while I heal oh no can I get a nurse heal off nope he’s stuck in the ground I can get a nurse heal I love healing with the nurse during a boss fight got him yippe I did it oh Town slime I forgot those things existed oh yeah what do I get oh I got the mount yippe I got the hook wait wait wait wait hold on let me check the range of this okay let’s go under the end of the platform there whoa the diamond Hook is way better also this is kind of good I’m not going to use it though epic epic King Slime kill I got to find somewhere to put the relics at I’m going to go ahead and buy the pylon for the forest I don’t have any more pylons set up yet but I will eventually and that’s what matters okay now I’m not sure I can beat I if I could barely survive against King Slime I think I need some more Life Crystals specs of my PC I’ve got an RTX 4060 and Intel i54 400f and then I’ve got 32 gigs of RAM and that’s pretty good I got to make some better potions hell yeah it’s almost kind of funnier with the little accent over the a it’s like d it’s giv it a nice little inflection okay now I need I’m going to bring mining potions and speelunker Potions I’ll bring these two didn’t I have something else oh yeah mining pants and the helmet where’s my mining helmet there it is I’m going to bring them just in case I can get the uh I’m just going to keep mining the elevator out I figure that’ll get me stuff eventually right yeah look Life Crystal right there oh I I boo up I think these leaves do Target enemies oh mushroom biome I’ll just dig to it I got the speed I don’t think my elevator goes through this on my way there might oh mushroom chest oh ploud in Bottle that’s pretty darn good I’m going to need a star Fury at some point oh the shroom cart the shroom goes vom what kind of painting is this nurse Lisa I’m not taking it hopefully a life Crystal no just statues wait but that’s a bomb statue right yeah that’s free bombs right there I feel like I should put on the cloud in a bottle over the flipper yeah that seems right back to the elevator I’m going to have to dig some pretty big elevators at the start of hard mode or at the end of free hard mode rather cuz I don’t want my whole jungle getting corrupted before I can even get a steampunk and a contaminator that up I started droning not good there’s got to be some more Life Crystals along this path right right surely there wasn’t just the one and that’s all I’m going to see I hope no h please don’t oh no skeleton the Slime Bast and there goes my potion I’ll go ah and use another one or not okay there we go o there’s a uh cabin right there probably not Wall of Flesh today I’m thinking I get through the eye and that be where I stop band of regen pretty good but I don’t really have a spot for it ooh that’s a spider cave doesn’t look like there’s a spider chest in the spider cave though yeah I always play on Master mode there’s no speedr running master mode you’ve got to make sure you build your Arenas and you get your Buffs there’s like no Life Crystals yeah it’s not torture if you enjoy it what’s that red glow I don’t know let’s go find out my heart track oh it’s just Crim we’re going to follow the mine cart Tru never mind we’re not going to follow the mine cart truck cuz there’s a mushroom biome down here I still haven’t seen any more Life Crystals yet I’m going to put put these in my vanity slots so that I can have more inventory space Oh I’ll I’ll probably be 69 years old and making making more Terraria worlds I mean it’s really a best game ever oh I’ve been in this mushroom biome oh We are following the Minecart Track we are not following the Minecart Track hery boots no warding better take the gold though yeah I’m not even going to bother picking him up because I don’t want my inventory clogged oh no a boulder oh yeah I haven’t played in actually two years this is my first playthrough since uh 1.4.4 came out which was September 2022 I think so it’s been almost 2 years Life Crystal up there okay I’m going to have to take it in oh and there’s one down here too don’t want to fall in the lava yes that’s yeah fair enough Minecraft does need a break sometimes I think I’m going to stay in the uh the underground desert for a little bit so I can look for chest I don’t see anything I’m going to go a different way I’m invisible maybe this was a a bad idea I can just do this to not be invisible oh it’s fine oh that was a lot of damage I get a campfire down so I can heal for a minute I have not beaten Terraria hardcore it is way too hard Terraria hardcore is way harder than Minecraft hardcore and it’s not even it’s not even a challenge crap got him and of course there’s another one immediately I’m potioning and I’m running I see a sand chest over here oh Giant oh blood zombies are getting spawned somehow where’s the pressure plate at I’m breaking statue okay Thunder zapper useless to me we got to put some stuff away like that I don’t need that away the mud I don’t need copper yeah that’s a bookshelf that’s actually pretty useful cool I mean only for magic playthroughs but still you know I’m going to I’m going to take it cuz it means I don’t have to craft one for myself oh yeah like I remember watching those when I was a kid like the the St playthroughs where you build a big tree house it’s pretty epic pretty epic epic okay chest is that another Thunder zapper it is wait didn’t that other chest have an eye in it I have oh wow I almost just got o golfer this is good I need to buy a lawn mower and I also need to buy a golf club and a hole and a ball you’ll see why in a little bit we’ll go with a putter I guess we’ll go with a cup and then I need a ball to what do I trash for the ball I guess the dirt oh I found what was summoning the uh the zombies yeah there’s an eye I’m at 340 health I only need three more Life Crystals to be at full and then yeah I tend to make my titles reminiscent of old YouTube titles I just like doing that I need to chug this it’s William the golfer William Will I you say they’re quite quite the partitioning there’s another chest down there looking for a bass statue hey there’s a storm spear I mean it’s not a material teleportation potion should I just use this I’m going to use it oh worth it where am I oh I’m actually kind of near where I have been before I did not really want to be in the jungle but you know that’s okay there’s a life Crystal yeah Boulders suck and Turkish government I do not care about politics oh shoot two life crystals in a chest what’s hitting me I can’t see see anything please I hate the jungle die die die die oh okay I lived I’m going to grab these Life Crystals I’m going to loot the chest then I’m going to get out of here extractinator so worth it so worth it base extractinator pole oh now I never have to go back to that jungle again at least not for a little bit and I need to show the golf stuff eventually for now I’m not going to worry about it I’m just going to leave it in here but I will come back to it at a later date I need to put these relics somewhere I put it there I am full health maxed out maxed out of my mind uh I’m not streaming tomorrow but I will be streaming on Tuesday it won’t be a Terraria stream though it will be a variety day stream game announced on that day so we’ll have to see and uh probably won’t do webcam streams at least for a little bit I might but I don’t have a good webcam so uh and we’ll see I do stream I’ll be streaming terrari on Thursdays and Saturdays Sundays I may continue doing but this was just a delayed stream my webcam sucks it’s so bad okay I’m going to fight I have cthulu to end out today’s stream because I’ve been streaming for about five hours now and that’s when I tend to stop so I’ve got three Summoners this will be easy I’m going to use potions and by potions I mean beer literally I’m going to make beer and I’m going to use the beer because we love beer 5 Hour W is true it’s not my longest stream though I streamed for 10 hours once I do not know how I did that but I did do it this has actually been my most successful stream like ever it’s crazy there’s beer mugs we love beer we love beer it’s called ale but we love beer yummy yum I don’t want to use thorns uh I’ll take Hunter potions cuz I’ll be able to see the eye a little bit better yeah yeah I’m going to light this thing up I should I’ll make it a sub goal when if I ever get that far all right I’m going to go sleep now until night time and then we’ll fight the eyeball oh I need to switch this back over uh let me go check if I can make a better helmet right now actually or just like better anything gold helmet for defense this is for defense and these are six defense so I mean that’s pretty good current setup is pretty darn based if I do say so I think I have I don’t really use this that much but this this is going to be these are going to be the main weapons I think yeah that should be fine I should be able to do it like that I’ve got two double jumps on right now I’ll probably replace the cloud with the shield of cthulu once I get that cuz the dash is necessary Shield of Gulu is one of the best accessories in the game no contest you beat the first boss in Elden ring I don’t even play elen Ring not I don’t it’s not that fun to me but no you do you congrats on the win I’m going to chug so much beer before this boss fight and by so much I mean one full thing of beard oh I need a clock there’s our watch now I can see what time it is yeah oh I should light up the uh the ground part you never complete dude you should play synotic you should complete it based game one of the best games of all time all right we’ve got 30 seconds until the eye will come you heard me I’m ready we’re about to hear the Banger music I got to give them poison cuz that’s where oh yeah look at that big damage okay he’s about to switch phase I think he might be about to switch phase yep there we go get some three hits I’m saving that heart for later oh oh oh okay we got some good hits in there on that last one oh I accidentally picked up the heart it’s okay that’s okay this is where it starts getting difficult potion oh that was some big damage from the boomerang sir e easy boss put those shades on oh oh it’s beautiful oh all right refight Easy Money true ow doing a quick refight so I can get a better reforge on that Shield of cthulu probably should have put the money away just in case but it’s okay I’m leaving hearts all over the place so that I can have them in second phase I definitely need more room in the arena but uh you know I’m kind of limited by that big ass Mountain over there let’s get some free Hits free Hits free hits need to grab some health y he’s going crazy mode he’s getting crazy he’s going Travis got sicko mode indeed all right he’s about to be in the phase where he just goes crazy sickle mode yeah he’s about to go absolutely crazy easy oh I got the trophy hard I mean maybe a little bit we’re just going through all three of these right now he’s got red Travis Scott dread lock yep that’s definitely what that is free Hits free Hits free hits Boomer get some good hits when you throw them like this oh look at that oh that was great that was amazing hits from the boomerang there I should try to keep him on the top layer just on the off chance that a star hits him I’m going crazy beat him up I’m bullying this kid beat him up risk okay I didn’t oh I got the pet though that’s what we like to see okay I actually like uh not camera mode I like the Viking helmet more so uh I’m going to leave the Viking helmet on I’ll put one of these the away but uh I did have a fish but it gave me baby shark pet which is ew stinky I should go to Sky Islands but I did say I was going to end after I got the eye of Pulu so just give me a second to look through stuff I don’t need another one of those do need one of these I might do some off off stream fishing everyone loves fishing we’ll have to see if I do actually need to go fishing or not but uh for now I’m going to go ahead and call that I’m going to sell some things real quick free money free money stick this in here put the money in the bag put the money in the bag and I’m going to go and call it there so thanks for watching that was my best stream yet 5 hours longest one in a little bit hop out the whip hop back in hop out the whip that’s my [ __ ] so true and thanks for watching see you guys on Tuesday goodbye

Here is my tipping link on stream elements: https://streamelements.com/im_a_fish-cf9cp/tip


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