Testing 100 Minecraft 1.21 Myths in 24 Hours

everyone knows that the warden is the most powerful boss in the game and even with a sharpness 5 netherite sword killing it is extremely difficult but by jumping from a height of 75 blocks with a fully Enchanted mace you can kill the warden with just a single hit everyone thinks that these Ms are fake clickbait but did you know that you can now wall jump using wind charges apparently you just want Face Clan into a good looking wall then R It Up by taking that Crosshair and pointing it at the bottom corner of the block before jumping and using the charge no way I’m bouncing between walls like Sonic there are terrifying faces the trial Chambers except I hate seeing them what a bunch of baloney nonsense what is that y That’s a giant spider face and herob Brian himself does that mean moyang is finally confirming that Herobrine is real what is that face I’ve never seen this before guys comment down below what do you think this is the new heavy core block can’t be exploded but I’ll be the judge of that fire in the hole huh all right but that was just a couple of TNT it’s time for a TNT bomb but if this does actually work then we’ll no no longer need ugly obsidian walls to protect our bases okay the lag it’s still there it’s surviving the lag you can freeze time man I sure hope this is real right now/ tick freeze dude that arrow is just like midair this is actually overpowered I can use this to get out of any situation and while time is Frozen sit back relax kick up your feet and enjoy playing today’s fun Infinity Nikki of any device PlayStation PC Android or iOS say goodbye to stress and join Nikki and her adorable kid Momo in this bright and dreamy fantasy open world game filled with Incredible and rare creatures that you can endlessly explore for new adventures I hope your fit is immaculate though because clothing is more than just R it completely changes your abilities from gliding to floating to purifying and shrinking adjust your fashion to your environment to find hidden secrets in every corner chill out with cozy outfits to fish catch bugs collect wool and every material you find you can use to craft new styles to take on the world’s puzzles and joys including funfill dungeons that will test you in New and unexpected ways mix and match different pieces to create the perfect look for every Challenge and the perfect look right now is to click the link in the description to pre-order and play and don’t forget to follow Infinity Nikki’s social media for the latest updates survive levitation with the wit charge what a buckets are so last year guys I’m assuming we need to line it up the same way as a water bucket though literally a cushion this is the brand new mob found lurking only in the swamps known as the B look at how well he camouflages into everything other than of course uh the giant mushroom fungus throwing out the side of his armpits making him really stink yeah come at me bro what you got an arrow you think that’s going to hurt ow what he poisoned as well get n in front of me boy did it work did we share him oh he dropped his mushrooms hey I did you a favor you don’t stink anymore can you can you stop shooting me please good day mate we’re here in the Australian Outback with a couple of spiders which are scared of my boy the armadillo at least apparently armadillo’s do eat spiders but not giant spiders right yo uh uh boo vaults which usually require a brand new trial key to open up can be glitched open using a piston okay let’s see this in Action Baby Boom bro the Piston didn’t even move maybe I got to have the Piston up here maybe it’s a sticky piston hey yo I’ve been click baited looks like the only way is still with a trial key trial Chambers have secret rooms is that up there oh yes behind the Copper Door this is exactly what the tutorial said and of course I’m not saying anything but I guess it’s supposed to be secret apparently it’s behind one of these beds wait yo what is that there’s something back there is it behind this wall look at that you can see through the vent but what’s so special about this room wait a minute is that a super rare pot design is there some sort of loot inside hey yo nice wind charges extinguish candles that was satisfying baby wait did those candles just ignite and burn out really quickly or am I losing my brain rewind the video and let me know guys that’s kind of creepy I don’t believe that this block is real I’ve been asking for this for like 10 straight years the crafter apparently allows you to pick a crafting recipe here in the slots then just put the items you want in so sand in gunpowder in let’s say I’m trying to make some TNT set the recipe there and all I need to do is input a redstone signal here goes nothing guys set the clock look at it it’s just pooping out he’s so cute too as long as you successfully hit a mob you can completely negate your fall damage with the mace just make sure there aren’t other mobs coming to kill you normally when you kill a mob you only get its XP so that filled up what 3/4 of my bar Chuck on a few splash potions of infestation and this apparently says we can get Triple XP but not just from the mobs themselves but from the silver fish they spawn when they die yeah you do get Triple XP if you’re running a farm but just make sure if you are fighting infested mobs you are well good cuz silver fish are officially the worst kind of fish you can actually craft wolf armor by killing armadillos I just don’t believe this cuz I’ve seen so many clickbait YouTube videos over the last 10 years there’s no way moyang has actually added this so apparently we put a line down here then around the side and it’s real it’s real wolf armor all right come here doggy boy best friend forever now wear [Music] this I shall name you Iron Man or armadillo man to craft a mace you need a heavy core from The Trial Chambers and a breeze rod from killing the brand new Breeze mob but what happens if you use a blaze rod one provides air so the other does fire well once again I have been fed I really wish this was real Mojang please add this keeping things Breezy you can craft a breeze Banner actually not just one but there are two new designs the gusta that looks literally just straight up like a breeze and then the flow which I think is like the wind chant the breeze shoots out that looks scary the bad Omen effect that is gain for Pillager outposts and by starting a raid in a village can now be remove by drinking milk this would make things so much easier so that I don’t kill all my villager friends hey the particles they’re gone and no effects you’ve always been able to send entities through the end portal but never through the nether portal except apparently in this update that just disappeared it just disappeared it might actually work okay jump to the nether let’s see it in action wait there’s an explosion here was that from the TNT that we just launched or the new one I honestly don’t know oh there it goes okay don’t uh go through the portal while trying to launch the TNT then you can have a few Pi UPS the mace has the slowest attack speed in the game so first off we have swords which take about a second to get and then reload the attack and it seems to be the same across every type of Sword even all the way to netherite how about axis what’s their speed okay they seem to be also exactly the same speed as our swords but the mes is supposed to be more powerful surely it wouldn’t be slower yo did you see how long it took to recharge that I can’t even use it after I’ve hit it once then it’s totally unusable the ominous Vault always gives diamond blocks now this is different to the regular Vault that you’re going to find around the trial Chambers you can only get the ominous Vault by coming in with the bad Omen and with an ominous trial key so let’s give this a go and open it up baby come on are we getting diamond blocks got some wind charges out here couple of arrows and there it is that sweet good old D say goodbye of fireworks the wind charge can be used for elytra I just don’t know how can we like click here and then nope that did not work maybe if we like Run and Jump how do you do this okay maybe run jump and then oh we got a little bit of air there okay and jump oh that was so close that was so close all right this has definitely going to be possible surely and jump oh yes now that’s what I’m talking about can I charge up again oh I can I can just keep going oh no no that will take some practice people keep telling me that the best music disc was added in this update so let’s see if they’re telling the truth we’ve got Aaron Sheriff Prince the peipi I don’t actually know how to say that how does this sound all right some cool Christmas bells going on but I would to call this the best thing in the world U I give that about 6 out of 10 now the next one there’s two versions of it Creator and then Creator in music box it got to be pretty good if there’s two versions of it right guys oh yo this is creepy dude I actually feel like this’s a scary myth about to sneak up on me this is good wait why is it slowing [Music] down okay dude this is a jam a Minecraft song should not go this hard dude what there’s electric guitar too Yep this is objectively the best disc ever it’s fact wind Chargers break decorated pots like ninja stars oh oh dude that’s so satisfying what can’t these charges do there are 40 new uses for copper Yes you heard me right literally 40 because there’s just so many variations of each block the main five being the copper bulb the trap door the door the copper grate and then the chiseled copper then there is slightly modified versions of these blocks with just slightly different tints depending on how oxidized they’ve been so you can see Expos copper bulb trap door door great and then you have the oxidized versions of these blocks as well 1 2 3 4 4 * 5 is 20 and we’ve got two lots of that so that’s 40 brand new blocks from just copper and that’s not all that’s new there are 20 brand new paintings that have been added to the game yo is that Jesus outa this is insane except one of them is really creepy what is is that thing hiding in the shadows it’s called Owl Monon that’s at least the name of this painting which I don’t understand at all so guys if you know what this means please let me know in the comments below you can turn the new ominous potions into slash potions which makes sense cuz you can turn all potions and the splash potions don’t really see how this is a myth but if it does work you’ll be able to prank your friends by giving them a raid whenever they visit a village so of course we need our gunpowder in and then is my game glitching wait try a normal potion okay that’s going inside why why is this not guys look at this it’s not going inside oh cuz it’s not a potion it’s a bottle you can find new Pottery shirts in the trial Chambers including our axe also known as the scrape Pottery shirt the breeze which is called the gusta I don’t know why they use such fancy complex names when obviously this is a Wich but it’s called the flow apparently different trial Chambers have different floor designs for this spawner and each of them a specific mod so if it’s a mix between mossy cobblestone and Cobblestone it’s baby zombies that’s just pure reil but if it’s all mossy cobblestone then it’s just zombies then if it’s ice it’s a straight if it’s stone bricks it’s a silverfish I guess there’s only one way to see if this is right so then these should be silverfish right let’s find out switching to survival they’re spawning and this is a great way to be prepared for these things the breeze can knock back Fire chargers I’m sorry my old friend this is for science well I called him my old friend but I only met him yesterday on the new update so I guess he’s kind of my new friend but not for much longer they’re just bouncing off they’re bouncing off I am making my entire base with these guys the bogs shoot slower than skeletons why would that be the case all right both of you guys shoot me wait they hate each other okay that’s something I didn’t know the skeleton definitely shoots faster than him look he’s still bro’s still charging up and the skeleton already has a new shot wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait just cuz you killed your friend doesn’t mean you have to kill me too you can trap Breeze with cobwebs allegedly hey yo the minute they go in they’re totally stuck look you can see him trying to push forward but he keeps getting glitched backwards wait that one’s getting pretty close but he can’t no matter how hard he tries wind Chargers can be deflected so if your friend’s shooting these things at you or you’ve got a random dispenser firing at yourself like I do you should be able to hit them with your hand wait and it copies the direction as well I can literally just use my bare hand and avoid all damage well just as long as you don’t miss them like I keep doing I do not have the Star Wars force there are three new enchantments exclusive to the mace breach which allegedly reduces someone’s armor Effectiveness then density which increases the damage per block of fallen so the higher up you are the more damage it will do and finally wind burst which will give you a wind charge when you hit something I I actually don’t really understand what that last one is but we’re going to try all three here so first off breach then we have the density and finally wind charge all right let’s see this thing in action all right Mr zombie hey he’s got golden armor if we jump up and hit him and I don’t even take fall damage decorated pots in the trial Chambers hold loot no way dude I mean I know we found some in the secret room before but there were just so many here like I could just break pots for days dude why even bother mining when you can just come down to one of these so many emeralds trading with villagers suddenly became cheap now it used to be that if you walked into a village with bad Omen it would instantly start the raid but now it changes from those green particles to these weird skull red particles to give you a warning and as long as you drink milk to get rid of it no raid starts it’s a great way to protect your village buddies except he doesn’t seem to thank me BR vaults can be opened an infinite amount of times you just need lots and lots of keys let’s give it a go here’s our first Vault oo couple of arrows some emeralds I like it and then let’s try it again another key H give me more loot give me more loot what if I switch into creative mode no I can’t even open it in Creative look at that creative mode kind of washed bro trial Chambers can be found using a map that you can get from Trading with a wandering traiter let’s just see if they’re accurate they have this brand new icon it looks like some sort of alien civilization all right so it should be about here they a liar just kidding they’re underground guys let’s have a look bro these things look even Doper in spectator mode I don’t believe this cuz if I turn on a redstone L with a button it will turn off afterwards so we’ve got an oxidized copper bulb here click it’s still on it’s still I mean I you have used a lever and kept it on but a button too does this work with all of the different bulbs hold up let’s try a couple of other ones here this is the most incredible light source ever look at that they have a little red icon when they get clicked and it turns them on and off but then after that they just stay what they are caves have new scary sounds now this is just messing with me guys all right Minecraft is some of the scariest cave sounds around if we do ambient docave and then we put that to the ambient track for all players right in this location I don’t believe it who what was that okay is that that was definitely new and way scarier but is that the only one are there more what’s that oh sounds like a breeze it sounds like a breeze going through the caves what else what is that someone running oh I don’t like this I don’t like this get me out of here animals just Panic less when they get attacked so on the left side here I’ve got the last version of Minecraft I hit this pig and he just starts jetted it he’s off and running freaking out dude and then on the right side let’s try the latest version of Minecraft here guys we hit the piggy he runs and oh he’s literally done bro he barely even ran Jeffrey here is ready to die that’s look more realistic dude that’s so cool look at us kid his ears are guys and in a Chuck up an image of an old bat this guy is legitimately the Sigma version but also his face kind of looks like a mouse witches now drop Redstone Dust when killed which makes sense cuz you use Redstone Dust to brew better Potions all right let’s see it w that’s actually a lineup glowstone potion bottle sticks and Redstone this theoretically means you could Farm Redstone and never mine again the mace deals the same amount of damage as an iron sword here we have a Zombie 1 2 3 four hits to take him down now with the mace which is supposedly the op Weapon 1 2 3 4 huh that’s identical but I feel like this is kind of a lie yes it’s true but if I drop down from the sky here this Zombie’s absolutely done for instant death this is the light level of a torch then the slightly brighter Lantern looks like this before going on to what used to be the brightest thing fire except that’s been replaced by the copper bulb which has four whole levels of brightness the highest of any Block in the game which now means you can use these in your base to create different lighting effects and moves the old highest jump you could possibly make in Minecraft was five blocks but now with the wind charge people are saying you can jump a whopping 11 blocks here goes nothing Sprint run and jumpo I made it to about nine but that’s not 11 maybe we need to have the timing right I’m not giving up on this just yet and okay that that was two blocks and jump oh come on guys come on maybe we don’t run at all maybe if we just like jump here nope how do you do this man and jump oh that was so close I made it 10 blocks that time and jump okay that was that was so bad in comparison the trick is to jump and use the charge at the same time this is the one I can feel it jump oh I think that was more than 11 I think I might have actually done more than 11 thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan

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Only 1% Know These Viral TikTok Minecraft Myths that only Mojang Employees Know Are Real!

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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