I’m Spending an ENTIRE YEAR on One World | June Edition

I believe that terrarians often speedrun the game and never take their time on their worlds I want to change that so over the course of a year I will be playing on this one world with each stage of progression being blocked until the start of a new month I’m doing this so I can seriously take my time in each stage of Terraria Calamity mods progression and see what it has to offer so for the month of June I am only allowed to defeat skrum Prime calamitous clones and planta otherwise I can make no other form of progression this is what [Music] happened so I got a glimpse of what Skeletron Prime was was going to be like last month because the boss spawned naturally of course I didn’t fight it because the boss was not yet unlocked but it was definitely a a sight to behold now when I started this Challenge and made this world I decided to go for master revengeance mode keep in mind I had zero understanding of how these difficulties work together and chose Master thinking it’d be good for the relics and the pet drops turns out expert is what most people recommend you choose and last month Calamity had an update that evidently changed what the bosses are like in master mode revengeance I didn’t notice anything last month but this week I came to the awful realization that I may now be in way over my head there we go oh oh oh oh oh oh you oh whoa whoa buddy buddy calm calm down th oh this is not right the what the heck and why is he the twins now this is Skeletron Prime he shouldn’t be the have two heads okay I think we we we figured out how to not be just Spam attack so that’s good wonder when the next phase is going to happen that’s not going to be fun is it oh what the heck um oh oh oh oh oh oh that’s o why was the Destroyer here fellow YouTuber cataclysmic had warned me in much more colorful words that Skeletron Prime is actually unfair what is this boss what the heck it would seem he was not off base in the least every battle was going absolutely nowhere at best I could get to the point that the Destroyer would spawn but I was blown away immediately after okay hold up hold up sumon might actually be cooking oh never mind oh I tried summon her for a hot second but my class was not the issue okay it looks like my DPS has gone up and I fell down here again this is this is not how I’m supposed to be doing this hold up there we go ah but you see I didn’t really want to expand my Arena because the one consistency I did find with Skeletron Prime thus far is that going in a straight line is a good way to avoid damage and so I started making the great Railway side note uh you might have noticed the blood moon during the last gatron Prime fight well before testing my rails I needed to make it night again and well what do you mean a three blood moons in a row so I tested the rail but it was way too short to figure out if it was a good idea never mind me Skeletron no I’m pretty sure the Summoner class is also not the best choice for a railway strategy so I figured I’d return to the Rogue class but then again none of my weapons have the usability I need for the battle the only other weapon I’m considering is the Kelvin Catalyst not sure how it works but I could craft it to find out only problem is that I need two more drops from the cryogen to make the thing I killed the Ice Cube twice still takes forever to kill him and neither time did he drop what I was after so not interested farming the Ice Cube endlessly I figured I’d just use Mage we just need to make a longer Railway now but not fully commit as I need to figure out if it even works cheese cheese my way to Victory cheese you got to cheese my way to Victory ouch this is actually incredibly effective I don’t know if it’ll remain that way into the other phases that’s the big question okay we have the Destroyer here now how is he going to change things for us ouch that’s good enough I think with more Runway I could potentially put myself in a better position since Destroyer hit me on the way back so I extended the rail out to the sulfuric sea however that was not the solution Destroyer calm down calm down Destroyer so much damage oh right into the head that was unfortunate timing enacting Insanity mode let’s try it again with no adjustments to our strategy oh right in the oo okay so maybe the rails are a bust I tried the sulfuric sea Arena from last month as it allowed for more vertical movement but that did not help either returning to the rails I thought that maybe I could do a hybrid strategy using the rails to start off the battle and then Destroyer appears Dismount and use the arena this did get me farther than I ever had before but um what are you supposed to do against all this what the heck I had a new idea maybe I can continue to establish myself as the mumbo jumbo of Terraria like I did last month and do something with wiring I didn’t mean to do that leave me alone no no no no I didn’t mean to summon you go on and get there’s a thing called a logic sensor that activates whenever the player is above it this this is vanilla by the way all this wiring stuff this is vanilla the plan is to replace the current rails with booster tracks that way I can mount and Dismount the track at any point and benefit from the speed my current problem with the track is that once I Dismount I can’t get back on but if I can maybe I can win only problem is that the booster tracks cost a whole lot of money guess I’ll need to farm the brain for money and I was not ready for what was in store for me he’s been buffed wo whoo wao wao this is is not what is this I’m going to lose to the braed oh okay we live okay this came as quite the shock last month I didn’t notice much of a difference with the bosses but I guess I don’t know them all that well didn’t expect to see major changes to the brain either Calamity what have you done Master mode is a nightmare now I legitimately don’t know if I’ll even be able to beat the game if it’s going to be this tough I might not be good enough for it anymore I had enough money and so I removed all of the Rails I had just placed and conducted a quick test of the booster tracks and logic gate looks like it works as intended I’ll just change the wiring so that all the tracks change and I don’t end up bouncing back and forth like I was here so the booster tracks replace the regular rails had to then wire every single one of these booster tracks but then learned that the sensor does not work how I thought it did and it was activating every time I entered and left the sensors range I thought it was just that once you enter it and then that would change and not when you go back out so I ended up bouncing back and forth like before that’s what I’m saying okay back to uh something less fancy a pressure plate Minecart Track with a bumper at the end to ensure I only press it once I did that and rode all the way down to ensure it worked as intended and had no issues but then I tried an actual battle oh oh wait what but I literally rode along the whole thing and never ran into an issue what the heck and before we continue if you’ve been enjoying the video consider subscribing at the end of the year I’ll be firing One Mini n 2 from this rocket launcher for every subscriber that I have so if you’ve been enjoying the video and want to support long- firm content like this consider subscribing I flew along the track and kept finding random points where the booster tracks were not changing they did the first time but now every time I press the button it feels like it’s activating fewer and fewer booster tracks not sure what the problem is maybe it’s a limit on block updates or limitations on the wiring activating so many things at once as much as I’d love to troubleshoot I need to kill the boss eventually so this basically means I need to scrap the whole rails idea that was a long oh that took a long time I could have tested using more pressure plate rails and have them more spread out and activate fewer of the Rails at once but I thought I’d just try using an arena normally I did this also partially because I remembered this uh weapon called the wyvern’s call exists and it’s far superior against destroyer and so maybe it will work the answer yes it helped but not enough the arena is definitely still too small though so I expanded it considerably after so many battles I had an epiy it would seem that I don’t take contact damage from some of Skeletron Prime’s hands so I intentionally ran into some of them and the heads by the looks of it the heads only do damage either when they are spiky or at the very least spinning and then there’s a saw hand that also does contact damage I still have no idea if the grabby hand does contact damage and the saw hand looks identical to the one that shoots bombs or rockets and this this one’s case not the clearest what I can can’t avoid but not needing to avoid every part of this boss allows a lot more flexibility in where and how I move and Dodge one issue due to the massive number of lasers is knockback so I sacrificed some of my Mage Buffs and revive for knockback immunity which was a very big help I never actually survived the revive cooldown anyways even with some of these adjustments though I could not get much farther in the fight it was playing not improving not getting worse but I have no idea how to dodge the random laser shot all over the arena as switch to dataless armor which is about on tier with what I’ve been using not sure if it’s actually helpful but it’s a change what did make a massive difference was using the brimstone Rose weapon it has lower DPS to single targets but this turned out to be a massive help see the web of lasers did enough damage to the hands to clear them while not doing too much damage to the heads that Destroyer spawns because Destroyer spawn is linked to Skeletron Prime’s heads Health basically this allowed me to clear twice as many hands or more before before the second boss even appeared making that second phase much more manageable it’s still not enough to win but another small step laser hand bum bum who can shoot my Sunrise who can shoot my Sunrise shoot it really good ooh make me really miserable because you shot my son rise the laser can the laser hand oh the laser hand can the laser hand can if you can’t tell the laser hand was the ban into my existence always focused the hardest on that one and then the saw hand because it would always hover right next to me and was really obnoxious oh and I did get to the twins that time and yes once Destroyer leaves the twins decide to spawn not long after it’s stupid at the very least I was able to get a bit further into the battle than I was able to before primarily because more of Prime’s hands were gone so there were fewer projectiles to deal with during the Destroyer segment but it still wasn’t good enough I also want to make a request of the devs Prime spawns and rushes you to the point where you can’t even switch off of the summon like the mechanical skull before Prime is on top of you and occasionally the Destroyer was spawn directly on my path and hit me before I could even react basically could all the bosses just take like one more second to spawn so there’s time to well do something I always have to ride the rail when I spawn Prime to avoid being hit and killed immediately after spawning him one issue with the Destroyer after he spawns is the probes they don’t follow any pattern so you just have to rely on reaction speed while also dodging a million other lasers from the bosses so I used the shpc after Destroyer spawned and it does a splendid job at handling the probes but it also took 10 times longer to get the Destroyer to leave which isn’t sustainable when I did get to the twins though I no longer had a good single Target weapon at the ready the other bosses are like this I’m I’m just going to have to enable one of the cheat things or something that lets me lower the difficult y cuz wonder One World we’re not supposed to just be spending entire weeks just fighting a boss and trying to beat it here’s the full strategy spawn Prime while on Rails to get some free damage and not get killed on spawn use the brimstone staff to clear the hands without summoning Destroyer paired to the golden shower to lower defense when Destroyer spawns use wyvern call when the Destroyer is nearby and switch to the shpc when surrounded by probes use R Discord to get a around Destroyer when it inevitably pushes me off the arena when twins spawn use sething discharge for the remainder of the battle and finally pray oh it’s almost Day come on come [Music] on finally down that took 41 attempts just to kill that boss once now in killing all three mechs makes Hollow ore spawn in the hollow so I mined all of the ore my heart desired crafted armor for my Mage and Summoner as well as a few new weapons but I need Souls of Sight for two of the weapons I want and when I tried fighting the twins turns out they have seen a major upgrade as well and I’m out of time for the week so I guess I’ll need to return and see how to kill them here’s to hoping the other bosses in the game don’t give me nearly as much trouble the second week of June begins and I’m concerned once again I wanted to collect Souls of Sight for those aformentioned weapons but the Twins were not cooperating by kindly perishing instead they became a problem similar to the accursed Skeletron Prime I couldn’t put much of a dent in them at first but upon both of them entering second phase I quickly learned that if I focused heavily on my vertical I stood a chance at the very least but even then I wouldn’t stand a chance without the pilion mount this strategy only worked for so long and they’re still really hard to dodge they cook like they got no business to these guys are professional chefs they need to stop I just couldn’t get them past half Health without dying and I didn’t want to consume all of my potions after burning through so many against Kon Prime I don’t have quality of life mods that get me free or easy potions I got to actually fish for all my materials and I don’t have quality of life to make fishing easier either all I need are Souls of Sight too these mechs are having me seriously scared of the rest of Calamity because the point of one- year one world isn’t to spend entire weeks on beating one boss at a time messing around with the boss and doing silly things with them for a week sure but beating it for the sake of normal progression not so much I didn’t anticipate the difficulty having a ludicrous Spike midun if the other bosses are going to be as much of an issue as the mech I might need to use another mod to lower the difficulty which would really suck anyways I was told the drunk princess candles could be helpful turns out you need to have this thing called The Fab Souls vodka in your inventory to get her to move in the drunk princess by the way is a modded Calamity NBC after making the Vodka thing I also realized that I had the optic staff so I could Shimmer it to craft the other items I wanted with the soulsa sight such as the hollowed pickaxe that I need to mine Chlor ofy I also made two Rogue weapons that I thought would be nice but I don’t end up actually using them silly little me I’m also able to upgrade one set of terb boots into Angel Treads I could make two more probably but I need feathers and I don’t feel like in harpies right now I’m itching for chloride so I mine it all to craft full chloride armor for my Mage I’m also surprised clity didn’t add hardly any recipes for chlorop FY like why it’s kind of a cool ore the drunk princess spawns in this time and she works entirely differently than she used to you used to be able to buy a bunch of these candle things that give you passive Buffs like campfires but now each candle is super expensive and functions more as an enchantment table where you click on it once and get the buff on top of that only one candle’s buff can be active at once they’re all a little confusing exactly how they work if you ask me and their benefits might be mostly unnoticeable but I went with one that improves my regen still searching for ways to improve my chances against the twins I visited this one NPC who sells a mage weapon I hadn’t seen before and is perhaps one of the coolest weapons I’ve ever seen and you know I like something when I I got to use this weapon while farming a solar eclipse was hoping that the enemies would drop this Veil thing that I know know the eclipse enemies are supposed to drop at some points and I need those drops for the next Rogue armor and progression but none of the uh enemies were dropping the veil so I guess that’s at another point of regression maybe postplan Terror or something doing this did show me however that this weapon barfs so many projectiles out there that it’s hard to keep track of the enemies or their projectiles I am happy with the weapon it’s called a cryophobia by the way and I figure I’ll check out planta to see if she’s going to be a problem like the mech were had to mine out a path to this pre generated Arena really love it I also noticed that the chlorified armor step bonus is uh different in Calamity the leaf does not shoot it pulses and those pulses do damage it also heals me occasionally and this upsets me greatly I love my auto turret on the head gosh darn it Calamity devs your changes to the game are not making me very happy right now let’s see if my displeasure will increase with the pliner a battle I’m currently enjoying this and how it’s just shooting that’s a lot of shooting that was a lot of shooting PL plant raw St calm calm down I don’t think that first test really gave me a good gauge of what the boss will be like so I summon her again and managed to bring her all the way to second phase without any potions and that’s a very very good sign maybe only the mechs have been turned into hyper dangerous monstrosities so I figured I’d give the battle a real attempt after removing the the center Island because it kept blocking my freeze gun I love this Arena it’s super cool hate breaking it but it must be done this next attempt Tomy the pl dashes in her second phase oh what was that um plant raw plant raw what are you doing there buddy ended up losing kind of ashamed but the battle sure does have a whole lot more things to dodge than um in vanilla I lost again because apparently the clingers detach from the boss and Hunt me down and they kept doing a lot of damage without noticing I really didn’t think planta would be uh much of a problem okay we’re not doing so hot I must say um I would like to be doing hot because fire work good against plant Pokemon taught me this somehow I did end up killing the boss okay okay we got the boss and didn’t it didn’t take a million attempts woohoo one drop Calamity adds to plantar is this thing called living shards these allow for a bunch of different items to be crafted which would be cool a lot of recipes require ore called perennial ore so I checked out the recent text messages to see if it mentioned where or if the Ore had generated and saw nothing interesting other than that the Desert Sands shift intensely not sure what that means from here I need to spend a bit of time collecting materials to craft parts for different recipe trees or whatever they’re called also remember to clean up the hollow spread I missed last month and had to make a corrupted Sandy area for Dark Shard farming and of course more life shards are required and thus pla must be killed again uh was not paying attention there are clouds remember Thorin there are clouds they do damage you don’t touch the clouds all right die you stupid filthy cabbage my cabbage is stop it I’m trying I’m trying to farm you you’re a plant right you you should like that or maybe that’s why they don’t like me I don’t know do plants like being a farmed question of the decade thankfully I was able to actually kill the thing so farming is viable and I didn’t just get lucky got all the living Shard weapons I wanted which is what the green beam is all about it’s a weapon I made with the living shards and it’s stupidly good piercing infinitely going through walls and dealing a lot of damage oh hard mode dungeon is a thing now and I figured Spectre Armor would be great I love Spectre Armor it’s my favorite thing ever fed a few other things and open most of the dungeon chest was actually surprising by how there was nothing here I really needed spawn rates felt higher than normal and drop rates felt like they were also twice as high so I got everything I wanted in no time at all I also went to make Master ninja gear which I probably won’t actually use but learned that I only have one climbing claw and Calamity didn’t add a recipe for um more climbing Claws and shoe spikes can’t be shimmered into them so um yeah I only got the one both of those uh facts are a bit of a surprise colum has has a lot of recipes for several other early game accessories so I figured they’d add one for climbing claws I guess I can fish for more but I got Spectre Armor and this accessory called living Dew I’m building out a tanky Mage load out which feels weird but I want to see how well I can make it work a good test for it would be against the sand shark which I think is what the sand shifting thing was about this mini boss can be summoned after planta woohoo sand shark I’ve been wanting to fight this boss for the longest time we did infernum when I first heard that it exists what are these numbers on the bottom left of my screen um but also I I I I I been longing to fight this thing for so long it’s a sand shark shark and it’s sand I love it still excited about the mini boss but he’s a bit underwhelming all he does is hop in and out of the sand shark of the sand so cool sand shark oh look at the Relic oh The Relic oh it’s beautiful look at that look at the sand shark I love him I love him so much he is my favorite boyo oh wait I have confirmed Spectre Armor is a little transparent huh I did notice that the Spectre Armor healing also wasn’t working U normally occasionally it healed me but only occasionally the set bonus readed the same as it is in vanilla so as far as I’m aware it should function the same way don’t tell me the devs changed my favorite armor set no calamity devs please no I farmed the shark for the skills that it dropped and those can make a few weapons including a shark NATO reskin but it shoots dirt balls and not sharks there was also a magic Missile upgrade that was really funky because once it’s shot you can’t shoot it again till it hits something so I found myself launching it in a direction where it could feasibly fly across the whole world and sure enough I assume that’s what it did because I would shoot the thing and it wouldn’t let me use the weapon again for some 10 seconds until it presumably hits something it’s pretty silly it also doesn’t function like the magic Missile normally does seems to have a harder time targeting enemies when you let go that is a weird weapon I don’t like it it’s bad bad weapon all right the theme of this week I guess was just collecting things upgrading and gearing up and I finished the week doing exactly that finding and Mining perennial ore and farming planta just a little bit more stretching myself to kill the thing without [Music] potions before we do anything else this week um I can’t help but notice how the desert Scourge Relic is um a little different looking so I I got to figure out what it looks like now wo oh this is pretty cool and it opens its mouth and it gets close to you I love that detail it definitely matches the style they’ve been going for oh my goodness a big meaty chunks what’s the big meaty chunk hold on how does the big boss do that oh my goodness oh the chunks this is going to be is like R-rated now this week just might be the shortest in all of my one- your One World videos earlier this this month I expanded the arena in the skies but I only expanded the platform so I could focus on actually killing the bosses as I wanted to make sure I could actually you know kill skon Prime in the first place well I figured that now is a good time to actually uh Finish the build properly as I plan on this arena being the main arena for future bosses it took a good long time to place all the blocks and align all of the skywar lanterns properly when it was finished I thought I might as well fight the final boss available this month the cous clone hopefully it won’t be as painful as Skeletron Prime Bring It On Buddy boys I have peaceful music playing as I do this that means you’re easy we want to no hit this thing that’s what we want to do just watch it’s going to happen so going to [Music] happen oh wait what you transformed oh this is like bullet hell I don’t think I can do damage o oh let’s go wait that means that I use adrenaline right when he went to oh that makes me upset wait am I actually I have no hit this I legitimately no hit the boss so far right I don’t think I’m taking any damage all right we got the two fast ones now not H not yet hits there still haven’t been hits let’s go come on I I I I want this I want this so bad all right woo that was close I fought this thing in the get fixed boy and infernum and maybe I’ve just got so used to fighting it in those that I that this the actual fight the normal fight has become significantly easier I don’t know okay that didn’t hit that didn’t hit oh come on come on come on oh no no no oh I got so far I was right about to use a r of Discord to get out of there too no man that is frustrating I wanted to know hit it so bad maybe I’ll have to come back to the boss and no hit him just for the sake of doing it the boss dropped a new crafting material that could make several things but none of them would seem to be helpful for me other than this new Shield that combined The Shield I used for a dash and the en shield now this next part this is why the week is so short see I spent the next 3 hours on a single build underground what is the build for the Old One’s Army and event Calamity does not touch in anyway last I checked and uh none of the drops are going to be very helpful for me after all the Army does not drop any summon or Rogue weapons and the Mage one is just kind of okay I guess I can get my trademark Betsy wings but that’s just about it but whatever the case for some reason I cannot hope to explain I felt compelled to make this epic Arena this is the build that makes me feel the most like a builder than anything else purely because I spent 3 hours on it didn’t finish and wasn’t bored only stopping because time ran out for the week using cracked dungeon brick woo who’s ever thought of using this for a build nobody that’s who just me the thorban the ultimate Builder YouTuber 15 Minutes Alone was used just to figure out the lighting plan for the build this is always the hardest part of any build in my opinion and what I wanted was to have these uh braziers sort of things Illuminating the arena the first one looks awesome but I wanted to try out all the different colors to find what truly fits best there’s Canan fire but not cyan gem spark so I painted Diamond gem spark but the glow was just not very interesting looking green is pretty neat but I’ve used a lot of green gemspark in the past so I wanted to do something different oh oh my goodness oh this is just evil looking oh this could work so well with something I don’t know what but this is great for somebody’s build idea do you need something to look aggressively evil you now know how that’s all purple’s got that’s like a normal glow it’s hardly even purple oh that’s so weak I tried fusing some of the colors and learned something really cool the yellow lights from the living fire and the blue from the sapphire gemspark combined into a mostly white light I had no idea this was was a thing that the lights could combine into different colors I might have to play with this some other time after a lot of trial and error though I I settled on using Sapphire gemspark walls painted deep yellow with ior living Flames it creates a nice Golden Glow while also providing white light I set up this wall fence thing and platforms then added evanstone brick wall and chains for some more detail but now I wanted to add a sky beam to the central gem like it’s broken at all times basically this was like 2 hours into the build and that’s when pointed out to me that the gem holder thingy is not actually centered I didn’t believe it so I had to measure and make sure no no no no no no no no no no no no no I’m not fixing it I’m not I’m not going to fix it my main problem with the build at this point is adding a second layer the bra ears don’t lend themselves to expansion and none of the walls I had felt like they could make a convincing column from the first floor and actuating the blocks made them too dark as I thought of what to do with that I created this broken wall layer I wanted it to look like the purple sky beam was tearing apart the center of this castle-like structure and this is what I thought of I eventually thought I would suspend the second layer with chains I also used Demonite brick in it and there’s this faint purple glow created by that block which I think might actually work really well I just haven’t thought thought of how exactly I did want to test and see what the Old One’s Army would look in the build as well and it looks perfect but also causing something odd the portals are up two blocks like above I don’t know ground level and the enemies spawn in by dropping down those two blocks it’s funny and feels like it slows the Army down maybe this will work as a very very minor cheese but that’s all the time I got for the [Music] week now what what I was thinking for today is it might be fun I don’t remember what planta is like um you know when you bring her out the jungle but let’s bring her to the underworld because well I’ve been bringing a lot of things to the underworld but plant in hot place that just seems right obviously the first step towards the skull is to mine a hole down to the underworld so I can bring the sentient salad to Hell dragging her down there is still obnoxious because she’s so gosh darn slow and vanilla bringing the plant to another area on the map isn’t the worst thing ever but when she shoots a whole lot more seeds at you then it’s uh quite a bit tougher when I was able to get her to the underworld things didn’t exactly get a whole lot easier calm down here planty boy calm down here oh planty girl oh all right all right now she’s cooking now she’s cooking now she’s cooking with motor oil uh oh that’s so much damage I kept breaking bulbs and sometimes she’d flee other times I die I found a new lab and she killed me again it’s already become quite difficult to find some of the planta bulbs in particular ones near the underworld had me curious if Calamity happened to add a summon for planta okay this say yes yes there’s a porta this Mak seem so much easier well wish I had found that before spending a half hour dragging the plant Through the Jungle into the fiery hot place I also thought it would be funny to have the wall there as well so I grabbed this thing which I thought summoned the wall still had to summon plant in the jungle technically but the jungle is basically touching the underworld so I could get her down there easily now just need to summon the wall all right here she comes and get the wall G here oh I can’t summon the wall man I died and then realized the item I thought summon the wall um well it does not in fact do that so um once I got the right one it was time to get the two going at at the same time yes we got the wall and oh my goodness it’s fast ah back off back off oh my goodness see the see these two oh my goodness why did they separate what is this this is a normal this is not normal This is highly abnormal this is not this is not this not no oh planta is gone oh my goodness what is happening oh I’m trapped uh red there we go okayo no Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic what am I witnessing oh that must have come with the update that must have yeah that was the update when the okay okay okay now things are now things are making more sense I still found myself running too far away from planta during the battle in the Underworld it’s hard to keep her close enough to stick around while also not being blasted away as being farther away makes dodging her seeds much easier in theory that won’t be nearly as much an issue once I bring her to second form that’s just easier said than done no oh come on I got it so far oh oh oh hold up clouds do not touch the clouds we learned this last week do oh no oh no oh spiky spiky that’s very spiky Oh that’s oh that’s a lot okayo I’m too good I’m too good h ah wait I was on a plat oh I didn’t know I was on a platform no no no no no no no no where did the platform come from I did eventually manage to get her to second phase oh this is so much easier oh never mind I mostly need to avoid the ARA seed shot pretty frequently while also avoiding Pinter’s dashes watch those dashes oh we’re out of Arena actually oh wait we can double back we can double back go go go no play WR get back get back get back come on come on yeah yes yes we’re surviving we’re we’re surviving there we go there we go and we can heal okay okay we’re back in this ow and I immediately got hit Stay Alive come on come on there we go that’s some good healing that’s some good healing all right back to damage hit it hard hit it hard come on oh oh boy oh boy no what might be hard to notice is how hard it is to juggle staying far enough away to not be devoured by the cabbages toothy ma while also not being so far away that I have to fear her running away like the moment I’d slow down or move closer is the exact moment she’ Dash and be on me like glue it was tough but I am tougher we got adrenaline and rage go yeah we got her we got let’s go one thing I’ve been messing around with a whole lot more in Terraria is wire and I wanted to see what else there might be that I can use for more interesting designs two sensors I didn’t know existed are the day and night logic sensors these things activate once it turns to day or night so I decided to hook these things up to all of my lamps and lanterns so that during the day all the lights turn off and during the night all the lights turn on it’s only really noticeable early day and the moment Night comes but it’s super cool having all the lights turn on at night like street lights I was hoping I could use some of these sensors to get the waterfall thing working here it’s a very old project at this point but nothing I Tred to work just right pretty sure my main problem is just that I can’t leave anything running here while in other parts of the world because the world won’t load it right or something like that messed with a couple of sensors but I won’t go into it because nothing worked basically what it wants is actual water falling here constantly no hammering blocks or walls for some waterfall imitation I want actual falling water but have yet to find a way that does result in flooding when I leave now I had nearly no hit the calaminus Clone on my first attempt and I figured I’ll just do that now super easily but um turns out that’s not how things were meant to play out you like actually Focus up a bit though I already got hit flee F flee is it is it actually going to follow you can’t [Applause] flee fleeing was never an option calmly Dodge all of the things oh what do you mean that hit me let’s just do it again I I uh darn it okay I gave up and returned to building see the cavern Village has been needing some more love it’s always been meant to have at least two layers of of buildings in it maybe more and right now well there’s only one before building the next layer there needs to be supports built which include bamboo platforms a craggy stone wall mixed with living Leaf wall painted lime from there I expanded on the whole thing by making the small living mahogany bushes into small trees that held up the platforms and if fits the vibe perfectly from here I spent quite a long time just adding more of these trees and all that really amounted to was placing blocks for a very long long time you might be wondering how I move between houses with these trees in the way and well that was solved when I had the genius idea to set up pressure plates that actuate the trees when I need to walk through them and on the way out the actuators turn the tree back on I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before now I can use solid blocks more often than I have been using anyways this is the results of all of the building [Music] it looks absolutely stunning I can’t wait to keep adding more to this thing almost night let’s stick around till 7:30 so we can watch the lights come on I this just makes me giddy boom look at that I just about run out of time for the week but I did have enough time time to fight the Boss Rush once more and while I do that I just wanted to say that we’ve officially made it halfway through the year-long run thank you all so much who watch all of these videos especially those of you who watch it all the way to the end it’s so much fun doing another yearlong run there’s some of my favorite videos to make and favorite runs to play and I love taking my time in this game and taking it slowly so thank you your continued support means so much and justifies all this time that I put into this game so thank you very much and I’ll finally for the first time kill the King Slime with over 800,000 Health only to immediately die to the desert Scourge just just for you it’s not much but hey we’ve actually made some progress in how far we can make it in Boss Rush

I believe Terraria players often speed run the game and never take their time on their worlds. I want to change that. So, over the course of a year I will be playing on this world with each stage of progression being blocked until the start of a new month. Listed below are the progression locks I’ll be facing on this journey and come next December we’ll finally defeat the final boss!

January: King Slime, Eye of Cthulhu, Desert Scourge, Crabulon
February: The Hive Mind, The Perforators, Eater of Worlds, Brain of Cthulhu
March: Skeletron, Deerclops, Slime god, Queen Bee
April: Wall of flesh, Cryogen, Twins, Queen Slime
May: Aquatic Scourge, Destroyer, Brimstone Elemental
June: Prime, Calamitas Clone, Plantera
July: Leviathan, Astrum Aureus, Golem
August: Plaguebringer, Empress, Duke Fishron, Ravager
September: Cultist, Moon lord, Astrum Deus, Dragonfolly
October: profaned guardians, providence, Ceaseless Void, Storm Weaver, Singus, Polterghast
November: Old Duke, Devourerer of gods, Yharon
December: Exo Mechs, Supreme Calamitas, Adult Eidolon Worm
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*Download the world here:* https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3117395532&searchtext=
*Terraria Original Soundtrack:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBO2h-GzDvIazWs1jFf0QwzLjKqTW5w5a
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIkIdl6mePBshFxcxazePZxgBNq2oxWo2
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:* https://soundcloud.com/dm-dokuro/sets/the-calamity-mod-ost
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzKXyrhs_w8UC0yQ7p42XTwgAplYw4SnR
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDCZZR-i5z4
*Horizon Zero Dawn Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qscOSr5O12w
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion

Rocket Launcher Animation Created by: @Svings
#terraria #gaming


  1. 36:00 For the waterfall something you could do is pump from the bottom to a pump below the higher water pool. Paint the upper pump with echo coating. Water will never leave the top so it can't overflow. Water that leaves the bottom is instantly returned.

  2. Yeah, I've been playing Master Mode Revengeance too and yes, it's hell. Calamity also changed it so you don't take contact damage from bosses when they aren't attacking you.

    Honestly, some vanilla bosses are WAY more unfair than the regular Calamity Bosses. 💀I died to Golem more times than Skeletron Prime and DoG, that fight has this stupid projectile spam, is awful.

    You're gonna need a HUGE arena for later bosses, and Golem just put a long platform in the middle, and a smaller platform at the roof center. Just move from one side to another.

  3. Watching this series and the original has been a treat, even if I only just started watching at the beginning of this month. This series is actually partly what inspired me to try and do a bit more with making nice looking buildings in my own worlds, and I'd say I've been doing a good job so far.

    If I could make a request for a series to do after this one is up, or even parallel to this, there's a Youtuber named Fury Forged who used to do a SUPER modded series with damn near every big content mod out there and he planned to spend literal years on the world doing whatever he could and making every single part of the world a build. Unfortunately he no longer plans on doing Terraria content so his series has been defunct for a couple years, and I haven't seen anyone else do something like that, so it would be awesome if someone like you could take up the mantle. Though I'm aware something like that is a huge ask, but it's something I want to throw out there since I miss watching those videos and would love watching someone else do something similar.

  4. 17:16 yeah, this was my thought process during my playthrough in this update, I'm just not a fan of most the extreme changes they made to bosses, like the mechs and golem (have fun with that), like, it would take me forever to beat vanilla bosses bosses be then modded boss would only take a couple of tries
    Also, while I am a ranged player, I wouldn't be surprised if they chanced how spectral armor works

  5. I clicked on the video when it had a plantera thumbnail, and after I collect on the video I saw a YouTube created playlist that started with this video but it had a different thumbnail

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