10 FRIENDS on one ROYAL BLOCK in Minecraft!

careful we don’t know who made that wait I thought you made the same why would I make this [Music] huh wait what am I wearing what was that guys guys there’s a thing there’s a thing [Music] everyone we’re all going to die Save The Peasant who’s the peasant stay away from it’ll get me up here wait who’s the peasant guys guys idiot not this way not this way oh no no no no no go go go every one of our friends are getting murdered get away say we sacrific Kim we need follow me come on no put down oh no no no no no careful I got it wait don’t C you did that actually did you knock off his head did that work it’s like a turtle now well whatever at least he’s not attacking anymore turtle turtle turtle turtle wait what do we do now I did find this gem here and since you’re the special dress person you probably need special dress for a gem let me see you g didn’t say anything what what the where everyone go it’s just us two huh wait I’ve got a crown oo oh that’s really nice for you congrats I’m wearing such ugly clothes what happened to me I don’t know good at style I guess wait you’re the peasant actually oh that’s so not cool I want it to be something amazing like a wizard or a knight or something a little bit better you can’t grow into anything amazing jeez boy calm down okay she find our friends now hang on I think I’ve got a key bind of some kind here let me try this out oh what do you what did the are you serious you got us a bunch of piggies CU I’m finding the food have food supply when I’m oh they exploded that was awful um dangerous that was dangerous yeah let’s just uh ooh a block let’s see if they can oh okay here we come oh oh what is that that looks interesting oh are we sure about this I mean okay we’ll just do you want to find our friend figure out as we go honestly no but wow okay KC yes I’d like to find KC okay I can leave you here all on your own if you’d like or you could be really sad and lonely and alone okay I’m coming with ooh it’s like an End Portal I guess all right let’s put the robo gem in hey a portal should we jump in I guess all right and woo H I guess it proba only one way I guess so let’s look around here look at that majestic stallion over there hey you C that’s that’s a Kim no it’s just Kim wait Kim what what are you what are you I was enjoying my horsey life but then the big horse boss said I had to get him food the big horse boss what he’s right over there don’t what happening what no they look very normal horses over there yeah those look very normal are you okay Kim a giant horse oh that is a pretty big horse it just a little it just looks a little bit large perspective he’s C I understand what’s your what’s going on I I I know you think it’s a large horse but also I respect your perspective of being a horse I don’t understand oh no he’s coming what do you mean oh oh okay maybe that is a big horse um get out my back wait what oh i r horse wa why don’t I get to ride the horse don’t pass fine I didn’t want to ride a stupid horse anyway we need to get the food and give it to the horse yeah throw it in his Apple take the Apple horse or I guess just anywhere how does this even work oh wait what if I made this do you think this will work yeah look the hunger see what you can oh jeez Kim I think the food’s getting stuck yeah sorry okay let’s see just try do it oh hey that works better yeah nice all right sorry about not being Royal Horse cam okay good call good call okay keep it up keep it up keep it up and oo okay I think we’re almost there let’s see keep giving it f how much food does this horse need I mean it’s a big horse wa I think that’s did it so hungry as a horse that will oh oh a portal neat all right Kim that should probably take us back to one block come with us oh hey look at me hey you look cute yeah I changed my Fork much better y all right come on our friends are waiting for us to save them let’s get moving all right just got to get this block and hey F do I just put this gem in here wait you got a gem and are you okay um maybe only Queens can use a gem yeah I guess so yeah here you go all right give me the gem you should have told me about the sooner there we go ooh that’s so cool maybe someone should stay behind just in case the other show up while were gone I volunteer wa wait wait wait I’m coming oh all left all right um see you soon Zane wa it’s a swamp right a swamp yeah ooh hey fireflies you would not believe your eyes with all the fireflies wait what do they do collect the peppers to save your friends o hey that’s what we want to do save friends let’s see oh I uh maybe these Peppers over here here let’s go I’ll R you peppers are normally red or green um oh these not Peppers it’s circles H oh hey I got a pepper from it oh neat each one does give a lot just put it right there pepper what does this have to do with being royalty though how do peppers pertain to this you know how going to go ahead and get all the peppers all right ignore my question then girl I don’t even oh hey this is cool um but seriously Kim how did pepper save our friends there’s a giant COC what a giant C okay that’s what you get for ignoring me see what happens when you ignore your royalty oh that’s a that’s a crocodile uh maybe we get it to let’s give the peppers to the crocodile take that woo spice and me the ball oh wow oh what the me noise what the what the saved us thank you hey took you long enough you’re welcome excuse me princess at least we saved you all right oh look you’re like a little prince and princess Peppers that’s cute what are these peppers for um I don’t know hey Yumm did you like any Gems or anything I mean yeah but you hey check it out there’s a b behind you no may I please have your gems I didn’t get them last time and Kim got shocked so please give them to me now fine as long as we can get out of here let’s get you guys back to the main group come on this way it kind of hurt what all right should be almost done there we go with some iron and stick iron pickaxe all right moving up guys hurry up noi a princess needs a tower yeah why should we be listening to you you keep telling us what to do and no one’s really paying attention uh because she scary that’s why her kisses hurt wa yeah I here let me demonstrate please don’t ier that almost I would keep working if I were you stop trying to kiss us oh why do you care are you like him or something no but I know what you can’t kiss oh guys guys guys guys guys uh we should need by example okay we ask for kisses and we don’t put our B but up okay people’s face that’s gross all right so nobody use your power to blow anybody up so you know speaking of good princesses and whatever uh how come noi gets to be the prince look just hand me the crown and I’ll take care of it all right just I don’t think hows it give it long legs give it my crown I a give my crown to a poer come on okay noise Zane calm down I just want to be something cool guys are going to be super crazy here I need to do this St luck buddy sorry guys I didn’t mean to make it but you must listen to your queen we should use these powers to grow up the base and not be mean to our friends got it what yeah me yes my try my best oh I did not mean to do that I am so okay that’s except R for right now because I didn’t mean to do it can you let us up now please fine thank you you do to me oh why why did this happen to me yeah remember the thing that happened in the beginning to that troll it happened to you but um you unblock yourself yeah that’s a good idea don’t look at me don’t worry besides being a horse I’m also a doctor BBE all right let’s use these gems to get to other portals cut it out shut up and stand still Adventure Time yep come on let’s go fine there we go oh it opened nice hey what the wait rise oh hey rise hey oh wait what is that hello there I’ve been uh treating my new Shield it’s remarkable but not great for a teex oh jeez and the timing is interesting do you need a hand there or something you know what that might be helpful yes uh rise or royalty uh let’s attack everybody um what do you mean it’s time for us to attack I’m a princess do something with your kissing Powers princess got it oh my goodness you got to earn your royalty you can’t just be bored into a CH all right there we go all right and I got this guy here and and my shield will protect me oh good perect good rise now my hypothesis is that this lever will unlock the window to let us Escape oh so wo uh no idea how that worked but it worked you’re always so smart Bry it’s a little too far down though well by my calculations a well-placed water bucket should be able to serve all the way down here and I found a few of them over here so um you feeling pretty uh wait R’s got stuff see this is a good night he’s got solution and of course speaking of which a tribute from thank you look at that he just gave me the gemstone you perfect oh my gosh all right let’s get moving come on guys grab a bucket we got to we got to we got to get down there all right watch and learn here we go and and Look Out Below nice Yow that’s great we really got to teach a world do better yeah they should really practice more are you kidding me oh hello zaye rise get some me something cool oh my gosh I’m going to go sulk about it not going to lie just going to Suk in here um don’t worry zay’s just really salty about being a peasant stop saying it like it’s a curse all right well let’s do the next gem we still got to find our other friends all right let’s put it down here and want to come with huh oh where are we wait is that camera over there still okay I guess they couldn’t come over guys hi hi hey it’s me seeing you guys here yeah hi hey hi are you a cage yep that’s me Pierce of a cage so you know it goes that’s a precarious situation how do we get him out oh I I think you got to put on a like a show like on the stage here if you make him laugh then uh you know I can go free wait make who laugh no but please laugh otherwise I can’t leave please okay let’s see if we can maybe we have to make ourselves the audience and entertain each other yeah but some props to use I guess we have to make people laugh ah prop comedy great you guys are going to stick with me until I get to the point of this you know let me draw it out for you real quick bill got it all right I’ve got this pencil all right what do you call a pencil that what the Prett good I like that I’m like okay I’m okay okay go back to what you were hey I guess pretty good pretty good I guess it worked all right someone else go oh okay what did you grab oh oh wow uh what got up there I think I’ve played this game before oh why did you have to do that I suppose is pretty funny stop it Channel stop it I am trapped up here for this okay let’s see what noise got uh let’s see what happens oh what the um oh oh I love that movie well I have a question for y’all do you have a banana okay it’s so dumb oh you dance look at you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh evil that is not good um I don’t like not entertained do you need more banana hey they’re building over wait are you guys are you guys okay yeah the portal wouldn’t let us come over I thought we were bored okay let’s finish this do not laugh all right let’s see Mei you’re next guys please you got to save Pierce by making people laugh I have no idea what I could fine let me see if you could please that’d be really cool hang in there minion there’s only minion goggles left let me see what these things do wait if you have goggles oh oh what the oh look like that why did we is that better yes princess I like the grp I can’t I can’t what is this anyway what’s happening never Fear The Peasants here H oh [Laughter] [Applause] check it out and we didn’t P any money for him cuz he was free it yeah yeah what I miss it’s been a it’s been a heck of a day let’s see oh princess and queen a w a lot of people lot of royalty except for Zan and the horse oh I guess I did it yeah I did it oh huh we’re back serce oh you guys got a whole thing going oh uh fow Queen fow in return for helping me I give you this thing I found in my pocket o thank you so much we need this actually put that down mhm and now we have a our turn our turn we’re helping I’m going to go help okay I’m you’re not going anywhere Mister what kind of Prince abandons a princess oh I’m going out of here W what w oh it bouncing oh what is this is it like a Jou okay you picked out jousting out of this this is just gross I didn’t pick it but why do we have brooms this doesn’t make any sense H all right oh that’s actually a mop I guess we got to get to cleaning yeah okay royalty doesn’t normally do that but I don’t mind let huh that’s the buffal scraps of Ian I know it anywhere what hello Ian Ian where are you where is he the black twine it’s gring okay so clean it up come on we got to clean this in all wait oh that slime’s leaving even more black slime okay there we go and yell at us if you wi need us know where you are I’m here right here he’s stop being descriptive literally can’t understand what he’s saying just follow the sound of my wait a sec oh that get it he screamed he’s probably close by you say so oh he’s in there you guys found me you’re a mid look at you oh you form wow you’re not doing a very good job Ian listen I I couldn’t see what I was wearing it was dark in there and I got this that wait wait you know do you have any power or anything maybe clean the mess around here it says clean power then do it do it so we don’t have to keeping this clean up your own mess come on clean so we go home you guys so owe me let me just go oh yeah there we go got rid of a lot of the grime actually did a lot literally you did actually really good hang on fine let me just get the rest over here then we can go and not talk about this again all right we’ll make sure all right back to I’m not using my PO so you guys can just have a snack but we’re hungry Zane it’s a it’s a l of pigs I’m so hungry I can e a horse uh oh Kim you you are herse girl not me all right Ian do you have any gem or anything that I can have what that that’s mine oh H we know if you don’t hand over the gym we may just have to talk about the outfit clean fine take it just just just take it all right thank you it’s for everyone sorry and your outfit’s actually adorable all right so let’s see we got plenty here and oh all right guys Portal’s ready I’m out of here I’m done I’m done I’m not giving you guys anything I’m going uhoh get back here you are take okay ooh good luck work are those two F would want to be you all right I got to go in see you guys in bed oh it’s just the three of us all right all right now we got to find out who we’re saving stay focused all right go your friend to free him it’s a dragon we have to fight a dragon I didn’t think we to do that delicious Zane it’s a it’s a chicken Dragon it’s chicken all right sorry bye oh it’s uh still here me alone leave me alone oh okay right here all right let’s get over here and oh got it you got it oh a golden egg all right it’s on my head um do we do we make do we cook it I guess so here goes nothing let’s see make them sety sign up for Kimmy okay let’s see how do we start it oh oh oh it’s actually working it’s working oh oh finally what the stuck in spectator the whole time a Aon you’re ruined my breakfast I don’t even care oh what your bre no wait wait what is where even am I you would not believe what we’ve been through we’re trying to save people we’re royalty and I think you’re a royal dragon or something are you like a poop or something excuse me a thank you very much look at my luscious me yeah she’s she’s a horse but we really need you okay we need you to build a house yeah actually I’ve been doing it for you I’ve been trying so hard Aon people are so ungrateful I don’t know how you do it it’s just we need some help B no no no I’m not building any houses okay build it please no no no I’m not building any stupid houses why are they standing on each other what is happening here it’s my secret power look it’s all I have power sucks and I’m not building he said it oh my God what am I even looking at here what do you mean come on also I have these in my inventory they look like the same thing zaye gave me at the beginning oh you got two gems looks like they’re for this thing probably maybe cuz you’re drag in let’s see there we go hey there’s another portal is this how you’ve been rescuing all of us yeah we got to go save Casey the lasto what why am I here I didn’t jump through either why was I teleporting where are oh that’s that’s why all right all right I like this oh no careful with the TNT run stay away from me my gosh oh my gosh please come on I’m I am profal I know how explosions no no no no no no oh be careful guys go go go go running and running and running run try to survive and we go oh how are we supposed to save KY I don’t know but that sus don’t die don’t die either I guess we’re not getting super hit it doesn’t matter to save casc wait casy casy I see her wait where I see her I see her I see her she’s over in the get out of there guys she she’s down a level okay this is great how do we save her hey there’s a key got to get the key got save her let’s um go this way TN careful what I’m just doing my best die it got it got it got it come on come on come on okay Casey you’re free just open the gate let’s get the heck out of here oh my gosh thank you you’re a magician a wizard wait wait do you have magic sorry I’m not very good yeah Kadabra do something come on oh all right well you know that sucked I don’t want to do that again is anyone here still ringing from the explosions what explosion sorry I can’t hear you Casey do you have the gem we’re trying to assemble this portal oh yeah oh wait if you only have one then we won’t finish the portal in time man o I’m a wizard so let me use my Powers really what the oh oh there you go girl we could have used this power earlier that easy good job Casey oh my gosh all right let’s see we go let’s see what the final portal brings us all right let’s jump in maybe there will be like a bonus royal castle at the end oo all right if get this out of here all right oh oh oh uhoh um okay all right come on we got to fight before we get eaten apparently complete with no you protect me f f come here I’m over here what is up I got my dragon power it’s time to teach this weird dragon you to do something give me a second oh W come on get on get on he get dragon and I have a duster yes sorry at least you have a duster I have PS got to take care of this I got split up and take it out well I got an idea oh je tiny dragon how D you cook my friend all right up up let’s go yeah I’m here I’m here well you got that one first okay never mind come on get off I ran out of blocks I can’t go any higher I don’t suppose anyone else has secret dragon Powers got that one cool and I’m going to need you to catch me okay who wait okay nice I’m not just your dragon B all right oh wait and then let’s see what’s left I don’t know I feel like they’re all taking care of I Got One ow wait did our friends do all that already yeah I’m a surprised as you are I am in awesome guys good job royalty stick together wo all right let’s get it a sorry Dragon we can’t keep dragging our feet there we go get it oh wait wait what the I got it wait nice what is that oh look there it’s just a little guy dragon is that you oh my queen you have earned the honor of being my beautiful bride what you um I think I’m okay I am a queen I get that you’re so glad I’m a horse um no thank you sorry there he goes come here yeah he’s cute but um I’m not interested I guess that means do you want me to take you out of here please take me away upy please thank you come on get on all right all right PE we’ll see you all later see a I got a ride we got to get back to the CH see you bye see you guys later bye all right I need a nap now

A Queen needs her Court!
💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/
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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ Ein: Chris Escalante
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg
★ Noi: Michael A. Zekas


  1. RYESSSSSSSSS❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  2. Hi, I am the sister I like your videos and I like your videos. They’re so cool.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤️‍🔥📙📙🖍️🖍️

  3. Aaron and Aphmau is so adorable, cuz i love when she become a royal queen and i love when Aaron become a royal dragon. I love them so much 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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