I need more GOLDEN WALNUTS!! | Stardew Valley 1.6

w w hello hi how do I sound can you hear me hi everyone hello hello Dev Ruby hello Alan Yer Jazz zesty Dalia maor hello everybody Welcome to the Stream how’s everyone doing usually coming out the gate with just a compliment is usually not very welcomed here why don’t you get to know me first oh my Lord what a start let’s give CH a little refresh here we go all right how’s everyone doing how are you doing um I’m good sorry I’m like I feel kind of out of it today like not like out of it like like in a bad way I don’t know I just feel like tired a little bit but I slept good so I’m fine I’m just strange I’m just strange and unusual um I wanted to show you guys my junimos that I’ve been crocheting I’m making Pride junimos I’m just quirky I am okay so the first one I made you might have seen it on Twitter or in The Miz cord is a bisexual junimo I haven’t named any of them by the way if you’re going to ask that um this is the first one I made and it’s really cute it was the first time I’ve ever like like switched colors with junimos and this first one it it’s a little rough on the color switch um on the back but we’re learning so bye the next one I made was a pensexual junimo I wanted to start with um three color Flags um pensexual junimo the color switch got a little better a little bit it’s always going to be just at least a little bit like off just because of how it works I think um but we’ll keep that in the back this one’s really cute and then yesterday I made a trans junimo and I got the colors a little like they’re not even I need to work on that with more there’s five Colors 1 2 3 four five they’re not as even as I would like them to be um so I got to work on that but the color switch where is it it’s pretty good pretty good not bad so we’re working on it I’m practicing because I think at some point I’m going to open up like an Etsy shop or maybe even like a Tik Tok shop for these um but I’m just practicing and getting them to where I’m like feel good about them so let me put them back I think the unevenness makes it look like it was made by a human so I think that’s great yeah I agree they’re all just a little like they’re all unique none of them are exactly the same like this one this yellow one that I made just for comparison it’s so small it came out so small for some reason I was actually going to ship this one for my mailing Club um but it started like coming undone on the on the antenna and it’s also just really small so I was like let me make another one this one was going to be um Miranda’s but I made her a blue one instead hi Purple Rain so yeah shout out Miranda I don’t know if she’s even here um yeah I don’t know what else to say for this intro um so I’m just going to jump into some stardo how about that how about that I’m also not a fan of how my hair is looking today so don’t talk about it don’t talk about it even though nobody did um you’re playing Minecraft hell yeah also on Tik Tok I now have a little overlay thing I don’t know why it starts off by saying Christine but um if you give me a little gift on Tik Tok your name will pop up on the screen it should at least we will ignore that you have hair noted you guys are funny um what’s funny is last night I was literally looking at my hair and I was like oh I like how my hair looks right now and then I slept on it and now I don’t like it anymore it’s just not sitting right but it’s fine it’s fine that’s just what happens with curly hair it’s just what happens I’ll turn the sound on when we’re in the game um this joa Farm I’ve been playing for a YouTube video a let’s play we’re on we’re in Fall we’re in Fall where are we what are we honeymoon I think we’re honeymoon your gold pan is ready hold on I’m going to um I look so dark witch Farm yeah that was for my um I made a YouTube video I’m just trying to adjust my lighting I made a YouTube video about uh witch core mods if you want to check that one out Out Feel Free I feel like my light I was messing with my colors on my face cam and I’m not sure if I like it let me turn the game music on there we go so we’re approaching fall I’m just messing around with I I can never get my like colors to look right no matter how hard I try I think it’s just honestly the camera I’m using I want to get a better streaming camera but you know money also if you haven’t liked the stream feel free to give it a little like helps out a lot I’m still waiting waiting for this guy this guy to do anything do something how was I turning it last time I don’t remember drop the Amazon wish list maybe one day I don’t know I don’t know Miranda hello welcome here’s a food for my home that me and my family enjoy hope you like it boy by Boy but boy Leo is a minion confirmed Mir we were just talking about you actually we were I was talking about um I was showing off my junimos and I made a junimo that was like it was for you for the mailing Club it was a yellow one but it turned out really small and the antenna was coming off so I had to redo it I had to blow up my cured mannequin because it moved and blocked the door that’s so funny blob fish row I feel like oh let’s do this what floor in the mines can you get the aridium you have to go to skull Cavern in the desert to find aridium it doesn’t spawn in the regular mines I love that I would have taken a baby one yeah but his little antenna was falling off so I was like let me just make another one sorry I like burped mids sentence it was an inside burp though why do I look so yellow it’s because I’m a minion we so twinning because I said that oh my God you guys are twins Leo and M minions confirmed we are but boy I don’t know what I am up to right now get this tree out of here I can’t bring myself to choose the fruit back cave I’m going to try I always choose fruit back cave fruit back cave Main I do like um about the mushroom cave that you can like decorate in there because it like the mushrooms are always in the same spot but I don’t know I like the fruit Batcave better personally I’ve done both fruit wins for me yeah I’ve also done both I prefer the fruit it’s also like with the fruits like you can let it kind of Stack up a little bit but with the mushrooms like if you’re not checking it you’re like missing out if you’re not like checking it and like Gathering the mushrooms they just sit there damn in Spring of my first year is there any tips you give a beginner sty player um I actually have a video on my YouTube channel I talk about this like every stream whenever someone asks um I have a video on my YouTube channel that is specifically spoiler-free tips for beginners um so if you want to check that out I recommend it it’s my most viewed video by the way which is crazy because when I first posted that video it flopped like it was like one of my worst like viewed videos and now it’s literally my most viewed video that I have which is crazy so if you ever have a flop of a video um it’s fine just give a Time I found this cool app called stard to assistant that reminds me I saved I bookm this stardo website that apparently you can upload your save file and it’s like a Perfection tracker thing um I don’t know how to do that I’ll figure it out one day talking about u a video flopping my witchcore video is kind of flopping so go check that one out um I just posted it two days ago so if you have not seen that one it’s a really cute little video video of to Showcase of some witchcore mods and I think it turned out really cute and I am proud of it it is a keep you thank you also welcome in spinach let’s make one two three four more CS or maybe we should just upgrade the shed maybe that’s what we should do what do we need for that shed 20, 550 wood 300 Stone yeah we can do that to Robin oh we also have to pick up our pan right Viv thank you so much for a gift I’m not sure which one it is cuz Tik Tok is not telling me but thank you okay let’s go to Clint I have a I married Abigail I’m on my third year congratulations we love Abigail I keep forgetting about this dude the missing bundle I’ll do it one day she eats amethyst yeah she does I was just saying um I was playing stardo with um some friends and I was like what if in the update concern date like if you gave Abigail any like Crystal like she did the eating animation that would be so funny concerned ape I have an idea for you I think I need I so I need to make 12 more beehives we also okay I can only make S I need more coal maybe let’s go to the Quarry see if there’s any coal things there I married Harvey in my 1.6 playthrough do not recommend he’s boring as [ __ ] staying married and having two kids for the steam achievement then divorcing him and sacrificing the children you know what sometimes you got to do what you got to do sometimes you got to do what you got to do fixing I’m messing around my colors again on my face cam uh how do people people get their freaking colors so good coal oh yeah we Enchanted our pickaxe last stream so we have an efficient pickaxe now so we can hit things and break them with less uh hits let’s get these trees this joa video that I’m working on is going to be a very long video I might have to do it in two parts yeah how did here I think is definitely going to be the next thing that concerned a drops but who knows I’m literally so excited for that game video essay incoming pretty much except it’s a let’s play it’s because I never um I never went through with my full joa run that we were doing before 1.6 so now I’m I’m committing we’re doing a JoJo run and I’m going to try to pay my way to Perfection any tips for starting a new game and sticking with it no restarts I Used To Be A Serial restarter myself and I’ve learned that like honestly the thing with stardy is that most of the time people go through phases with it um like you go through your face where you’re like literally obsessed with stardo and like dreaming about stardo and all you can think about is your stardew farm and then you get a little over it and then you stop playing for a little and then when you come back what you do is you just start a new farm right don’t do that just go back to your old farm and just even if you don’t remember what you’re doing just play it and then eventually you’ll remember what you were doing that’s my face I do love restarting I’ve played the I played the first year of stardew so many times and honestly I haven’t really played a whole lot of the last like not last of the late game I’ve watched other people play it so I know what goes on but I haven’t really played a whole lot of it myself um how’s our Greenhouse doing walking too slow I’m going to need another sprinkler in here soon all right let’s throw some stuff in here maybe I’m restarting a farm right now maybe our trees are growing in nicely let’s throw in these too why not hurry up three do one here and that’s a full sprinkler so let’s just put these other ones over here and then I’ll just dig up these spots too just so that we have two we got two sprinklers going in here let’s talk to our wife hi can’t decide if I’m craving chocolate cake or ripe strawberries or maybe both be honest am I gaining weight Maru I don’t give a [ __ ] that’s not something you need to worry about what the hell you eat your chocolate cake and your strawberries and you enjoy it Maru stop this you’re perfect literally literally what’s the difference between stardew and Harvest Moon um stardew was uh in inspired by Harvest Moon Harvest Moon inspired stardo Valley um so yeah that’s the difference they’re different games but stardy was inspired by Harvest Moon kind of hate the fact that dialogue is a thing yeah that’s weird I’m going to put tappers on on the Fiddle Head stocks um I think if tomorrow is another good luck day maybe we’ll go to Ginger Island Dev I see you playing stardo Valley I just got a little pop up I have two hearts with Vincent I want to see actually I don’t know it’s probably too late I was going to go try to put the strange bun in his room yesterday my uh my family and I were watching the UFC fights I was checking for cameras and that [ __ ] is so crazy camera in the Juno that’s crazy oh my goodness how do you say your name tenjiro thank you so much for the $10 donation this what is that a super sticker that’s so cute thank you so much I really appreciate that thank you thank you I love that sticker I do not watch anime no I’m sorry I’m going to go to bed why is one of my things fish pond one of my to-do lists why did I write that do I want to buy a fish pond or cuz I have one I’m going to take that off the list sorry I got distracted sometimes I just get distracted by chat I’m like oh what are y’all talking about do something how do I spin it like I was doing last time maybe it has to be naked whoopsies apparently in the wiki it says if you spin it a bunch of times it’ll jump scare you useless have any of y’all been jump scared by your your cursed mannequin please stop playing with fire like that well let me wait for Mario to come to bed coming to bed sweetie yes dear get in there thank you hi Scutter welcome in watch this even on Tik Tok y’all can’t see it moonman we made hella money it’s another good luck day queen of sauce today roasted hazelnuts cute yummy how do y’all feel about hazelnut creamer in your coffee you’re scared of cream oh it’s the Moonlight jellies tonight I don’t think I’m going to go does Willie I don’t know if Willie is going to be working today to take me to I use hazut creamer daily me too that’s what I have right now I love hazelnut creamer I used to be a vanilla creamer kind of girl and then for a while I was a pumpkin creamer gal now I’m Hazel ning I’ll probably go back to Pumpkin around fall just for funsies we want cookies do I have an extra box somewhere box chest I have five in here okay perfect o caramel sounds good do I have cookies blessing of friendship lame we got to get on our crystarium [ __ ] more or our pale L is done we can probably start making some ancient fruit wine just get it started where’s Robin let’s do a couple then we’ll do the rest paleale paleale have you guys ever seen I think it was a tweet or maybe it was a Tik Tok speaking of creamer it’s like it’s a creamer bottle and it says use the hashtag cream nation and then they’re like I am not using that hashtag that’s the funniest [ __ ] ever that’s all I think about cuz my my creamer bottle literally says that creamer Nation I am not using that hashtag all right let’s go to Ginger island or let’s try I don’t know if Willie is working today but we’ll find out I guess uh last time I went I forgot my watering can so let’s not do that bring some bombs green gang I’m dead what else do I need no now I’m going to bring a half spicy eel on me cheese cheese hi Charlie welcome welcome thanks for popping in what happened to all my berries I just bring some cave carrots I don’t know um oh I forgot to check if I have cookies for my fishies I do y’all want cookies soggy ass cookies two more do I have any more you playing on Steam yeah I am all right so I’m not going to use a warp totem to the beach just because if Will’s not there I don’t want to waste it or actually no I can’t I can’t I don’t think because the beach is going to be getting set up for the event so we’re not going to Ginger Island today sorry sorry maybe tomorrow if it’s another good luck say oh I have these squashes on me okay put these cave carrots back since we’re going to stay here I’m going to go to the traveling cart and buy our last rare seed for next season star poo Valley got him I’m buying it star poo valp whoa oh my God that’s too wild what are the sweet jamberries for after you give one to canoli um they just make a lot of money okay I’m going to donate a mon Monster dinosaur Mayo I need to so don’t let me sell it capish we have to go hang up our Maru portrait I actually don’t have room for it uh let’s take down this one a how cute think I can throw this in the bone Mill yep wa all right we’ve got 15 rare seeds for next season oo apples and peaches oh yeah we built this I think we’re going to during Maybe winter I’m going to move my animals over here instead there’s one fiber I’m going to take these down get it ready for next oh it fell in the water water wow that’s [ __ ] up I’m going I need to put a sprinkler in there how do you show the ranges it’s uh UI info Suite the mod so 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 we need 11 more I think I related so much when you talked about creating new saves new save files it’s my guilty pleasure have you tried any Legacy mods no what are the Legacy mods like startu expanded I’ve tried stard expanded a couple years ago though so I think I will eventually do a playthrough because there’s been a lot of updates to stardy Valley expanded since I played um I’m going to put these fruits down here in my fruit chests everybody’s going inside tree fertilizer all right now what I guess maybe let’s just chop some trees until the Moonlight jellies yeah anyways I was I mentioned this a little bit ago I was watching UFC fight the UFC fights with my family last night that [ __ ] is crazy you have to be you have to be like a messed up person to like willingly just get the [ __ ] beaten out of you like for fun it gets so intense like I can’t I have to like look away sometimes I’m like uh too much I’m scared of fighting me too dude I can’t even go in like mosh pits I’m like what if I get hurt all right let’s head over to the Moonlight jellies oh we got a golden mystery box look through the garbage can I still haven’t gotten the trash catalog I in the middle 12 something oh Robin wants my hardwood it’s the final day I’m not doing that Robin wants my hard wood you know what I’m saying what’s the luck on the catalog I don’t know um s Little Acorn hello welcome I don’t know if I have one of these but I’m gonna buy it anyways because it’s cute let’s just get this [ __ ] started actually let’s talk to our our wife do you think I have enough time to grab my telescope from The Farmhouse probably not I don’t want to miss this actually they don’t they have new dialogue let’s let’s talk to them with each passing second my anticipation Grows All right every year I make sure to inspect the candle boat and Patch any holes imagine if it sank during the festival there’s a different kind of jelly that Anglers sometimes pull out of the water despite the name they’re very different in nature yeah yeah yeah yeah I know there goes Demetrius mansplaining again I’m kidding or am I Hey kid you’re a farmer so tell me can you make jelly out of these things save me a lot of money if I could top my toast that way chilly Breeze mhm um it’s an Old Fisherman’s rule if you ever fish up a moon Moonlight jelly you got to throw her back into the sea respect didn’t have time to put on makeup do you think anyone would notice in the dark Haley you’re literally a [ __ ] Barbie doll the Moonlight jellies possess a deep blue aura of mystery there’s more to them than meets the eye you’re so right we should be able to catch one we really should that would be so cool wonder how many will show up this year can’t go any further on the dock the sounds of creaking wood is causing me to tremble when I was a little girl I felt through a rotten dock once and it traumatized me mar Lord drop Mary Lord drop how do jellies know where to swim they don’t have eyes that’s a very good question Jaz she’s asking the real questions apparently there’s a rare green jelly I want to be the first to see it tonight just stand right next to me it’ll it’ll show when you stare into the ocean there’s a chance something down there is looking back at you all right summer is drawing to a close I’m going to miss the long days I touched a jelly once and it stung my hand okay Vincent got big plans for fall the full moon will guide the jellies to our shore happy the jellies choose to visit us during their trip South it’s a magical moment our community can share together mhm mhm hey y’all the candle lights shimmering on the water are simply breathtaking it looks like a painting coming to life have any fun plans for the fall season I need to decorate my house soon is the wizard over here he is here’s Marlin I may only have one good eye left but I assure you I will spot any F creature lurking in the dark all right all right you guys remind me next endgame day I have to change um the Tik Tock um text that says What season I’m in the glowing eggs of the Luna L make for a potent re ra Regent I love Hazel knut creamer it’s my go-to creamer same Clint got too close to a wave and it soaked my foot wet socks the fresh smell of the ocean never fails to satisfy it’s a shame that summer has to be over but I guess that’s life that’s life back in the old days we used to scoop them up and put them in jars times have changed times have changed I’m dead George George and I have been watching the jellies come and go together for decades now that’s beautiful all right I think we talked to everyone I hate summer it’s too damn hot yeah it is too damn hot launch the boat do it oh me and Maru I was hoping we would be next to each other can’t wait till winter to buy some fluffy jackets I feel that I do the one thing I do like about summer is how long the day lasts like how long the sun is out but it’s just so hot like you can’t even do anything this is a really cute little Festival how cute I need have space for all this stuff that I bought oh I do have a Moonlight jelly Banner I’ll put it right next to my other one um put the rug there for now this I’ll just throw in here I keep forgetting to buy a fish tank I should probably get a house upgrade first because I don’t have space in here tomorrow if it’s a good luck day or at least neutral we’re going to Ginger Island we’re starting fall let me update the Tik Tok text I remembered I just hiccuped sorry I’m going turn on my ceiling fan to untangle myself first okay the plushy reveal when I when I roll away wife with every season a new section of the night sky becomes prominent it’s fascinating to witness wow you’re so smart oh my goodness oh my goodness I forgot that I have to like plant new crops today I also forgot that I have this aridium Scythe to harvest crops and I’ve been doing it manually I know I said I was going to go to Ginger Island but I might have to do this get my crops planted sorry a farmer’s got to do what a farmer’s got to do Oh I thought it would the Cucumber frenzy how are these guys doing with grass doing okay I’ll plant some more I have a lot see I would really love the reason why I want to go to Ginger island is cuz I want to get more golden walnuts as the title says of the stream and I want to open up the Walnut Room and start get that getting that going cuz that sounds fun right nice meeting you I’m heading out over some tuso Ramen yummy thank you so much for hanging out and for this super sticker earlier I appreciate it very much I hope you enjoy your Ramen that sounds really yummy blessing of waters h so how many crops do I have in here 15 uh we have broccoli seeds we can plant these and then these broccolis we’re going to have one extra extra so I think I’ll just put it with the rare seed yep so we need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 groups of eight crops stop telling me how to live my life cut it out we’re letting you live here free of charge until you finish school seems like you don’t appreciate that at all letting you live here free of charge that’s your daughter that’s your daughter what do you mean letting her live here free of charge stop trying to make me feel guilty I appreciate that you and D help me out but expecting me to dress the way you want is ridiculous absolutely not a little girl anymore mom you’re right I’m sorry someone there uh no this house is haunted another cut scene God I have just a thing for you I’m all yours it’s a bundle of locally sourced organic heirloom veggies these are handpicked and sorted to ensure only the very finest in quality and taste this is a once- in a-lifetime kind of offer my my veggies that sounds pretty good I could use some quality veggies for the saloon how much does it cost only huh what was that for a moment there I thought I heard 25,000 gold that’s right really is a bargain isn’t it what are all the platforms you stream on uh YouTube and Tik Tok Pierre are you crazy there’s no way I could afford that I’d have to sell the saloon I overheard the price that’s outrageous you should be ashamed you tell them jod how about 10,000 then no way I’m offended they didn’t want my veggies you should be less greedy oh my God Pier all right anyways um I think that’s everything all right let’s get all this planted I think next season winter we will um make in a rium sprinkler layout I wish that the idium sprinkler recipe like used the quality sprinkler because I’m going to have so many extra quality sprinklers just laying around let me see if I have some speed grow for this OMG thank you so much for gifting a membership I’m not sure how to say your username um let me know but thank you so much tofu congratulations I’m becoming a freak show thank you thank you I appreciate it very much all right is it too late to go to Ginger Island I think we opened the house there another one thank you so much shout out thank you thank you foxy congratulations I’m becoming a freak Show welcome to the freak shows another one I think I might have hold on hold on hold on at least I used to have the I used to have another one thank you but I don’t know if I have that sound anymore that’s the best I got thank you another one oh my goodness gracious thank you so much I’m trying to find it can I get a hell yeah can I get a hell yeah I’m flustered I don’t remember what I was up to thank you let’s grab some bombs can I make more Beach totems I can Farm totem I think that’s all we need cheese leis what the hell are you doing here lisis jump scare oh my goodness thank you so much for the donation can’t respond because I wasn’t a subscriber well welcome thank you for subscribing and gifting three memberships that’s very generous also bye Dev Leo no everything okay yeah how are you I’m chilling I’m chilling let me eat this all right so I think the last time I talked to the parrot that gives you hints it said that there was one more uh Walnut in the volcano I’m going to go to the jungle and talk to the parent again see yeah streamlabs is slow five grow on the farm to the West okay that’s for crops I am growing some crops but I remember last time it said that there was one more in like a monster in the volcano to like kill monsters to get a walnut I forgot to check how many we’re at in total for the Walnut Room I’ll check later if I remember going to lose the triple shot speed you’re off bye thank you so much for um all the gifts I really really appreciate it Journal scrap okay give me your walnuts you got the mod to work yay animal cracker let’s go oh we got it we got it but I’m kind of having fun in here now I’m getting a lot of prizes I love prizes also the song goes crazy Dragon tooth yeah UI infosu is literally like one of the best mods first Stu quality of life wise so good so much helps whatever that was not a coherent sentence sometimes I just be like that though sometimes I just can’t make coherent sentences and that’s okay not like I’m streaming or anything no my pineapple seeds fell in the watch in the lava I feel it you guys um two days ago I went to a Cava bar by myself which was kind of a crazy thing for me cuz I I struggle with social anxiety kind of a lot um I’m trying to work on it it’s really hard though but I went to a Coba bar by myself for a little bit I was planning on staying longer than I did but the Vibes were kind of off there it’s it’s a Coba bar that I usually go to with my partner um and it’s usually pretty chill there but they were doing like an event and I don’t know it just wasn’t really the vibe for me but I went and I played a little bit of Animal Crossing on my switch and I was sweating I did it getting a lot of Jade that’s good thank you guys I appreciate it social anxiety is weird but it’s definitely a thing where the [ __ ] is the door oh it’s over there Jesus time I went to a cafe on my own for the same thing and this guy next to me was doing a job interview it was wild yeah I usually like if I’m like going out to eat something for some reason I feel okay doing that but I don’t know something about like going to like a bar and just being alone was like really intense for me it wasn’t like super intense but it it was something that I don’t normally do I need to like get out of here but like I feel like if going out like to just eat something like at least there’s like something I can be doing and then when I’m done I can leave but like at a Cava bar like I’m even I’m sweating right now thinking about it like where do I sit who do I talk to do I talk to anybody how long do I stay are people looking at me does everybody know that I have social anxiety oo the music stopped and I’m sad I’m one of those grabb what I want and sit in my car to eat oh I I I know about sitting in the car to eat let me tell you that um back when I used to work retail um I used to eat in my car all the time and people would be like why do you eat in your car and I’m like because it’s chill in there I just want some piece for a second there a chest over there ouchies sword level 13 sword 6080 it’s about the same but it has defense slower speed it’s a good sword but I’ll probably stick with the Galaxy sword such a strong personality at work then I leave and I feel so small anxiety is wild like that it is it’s so strange so strange I got to go no no I’m going to throw this animal cracker in here beautiful I got to get more staircases it’s time for that post day stretch post stting Valley stretch I think I might do a little bit of a BRB just to stretch my legs and all that fun stuff empty the bladder drink some water um so yeah I’m going to take a little break and if you also need to stretch your legs grab some water grab a snack I recommend you do the same my camera’s dying sorry I’ll be back my camera’s frozen hold on hold on I turned it off during my BRB let it charge a little hi I feel like honestly my camera might die and I might have to switch to my webcam but I don’t know if my webcam is even on so if my camera dies we’ll we’ll I’ll deal with it when we get there I might have to go like no cam I’ll try to figure out my webcam thing but if I can’t figure it out we’ll go no cam I have to leave for work soon I’ll see you tonight I’ll be thinking of you didn’t we weren’t we supposed to do like a heart event how do I trigger that mini shipping bin thank you oh we have to do some reorganizing also hello Henrietta been seeing your content for 1.6 can’t wait for time to switch me too might be late night 8:00 p.m. at the mountains I think so yeah event lookups helps so we’ll try to remember to do that tonight hello welcome in welcome in welcome everybody we’re going have to make a lot more kegs and stuff all right so I can actually put these back like this this is the middle so it’s going to be like like that yeah it’s the best tool to upgrade first I usually do my pickaxe just because I don’t know to me it makes sense because like that’s what you used to get the the materials to upgrade your tools so like if you’re using that and that’s your strongest thing you’ll be able to upgrade your other tools faster infinite energy today wow crazy six damn I’m going to wait I think for the rest of this before I pick it all up this might be enough maybe yeah okay so what should we put in the preser probably blueberries no no no no no no no not Coffee espresso hi LF welcome in also re decorate the walls here maybe I can grab some of my other stuff thanks all right so what’s the plan it’s a bad luck day um oh let’s go check the quest board like the stardew scenery me too fall is the best when it comes to scenery 100 ter Roots I just I just that’s such a big thing I don’t know if I’ve ever been able to actually do that but I’ll try I’m going to move this stuff around there we go um I guess I can put this like there sure all right I’m going to check my Greenhouse Mystic tree we got to tap that ooh nice nice nice nice give me two okay let’s make a Topper slam it on this Mystic tree wow so cool and we also have to go put these beats in Mary Lewis’s fridge Lego pick these hazelnuts up and these what are we at with Mastery almost halfway to the next one I want to get trinkets my trinkets another box for my trinkets give the sand dragon his final meal all right if you say so where am I at with the wizard when’s the Wizard’s birthday it’s in winter um let’s give him a vo Essence let’s go give the wizard a gift wizard birthday is winter 17 okay I have a purple star purple mushroom so I’ll save that maybe for his birthday I’m trying to I need to unlock this how have I not done that yet I don’t even have the quest yet how do I unlock that the Talisman Quest maybe I need to go up up by the spa let’s get comfy go to the train station yeah let’s do that cuz I’m trying to get bisks think we’re also supposed to go up here for maru’s event but not till later what the flip didn’t trigger oh I did it already I just never went here whoopsies void Mayo think we can catch one I do have some don’t we also need a gold void salmon regular hornest hello welcome in I’m going to go try to trigger Mario’s 14 heart event nope let me look up how to trigger it Maru part one okay Enter the mountains between 10 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. on a sunny day I’m not sure if it’s a sunny day but we’ll try again at 10 p.m. why do I feel like I always struggle to get the gold void salmon it always just gives me normal ones maybe I need to wait till I get the blessing of waters come here so it’s easier so I can get a perfect catch I lose me job bro which Farm type is your fave I’m a big fan of the forest Farm hi where you made it just in time the comment’s about to appear this is so cute beautiful night isn’t it remember the first time we did this it was a while ago it almost revealed my truth I almost revealed my true feelings on that night but I was afraid you’d reject me oh who knew we’d be married so soon after who knew it’s time so there’s a chance to see a certain someone in the sky here and it’s new and 1.6 so let’s see whoa that’s beautiful a Maru that’s so sweet after seeing a comment it’s customary to make a wish what will you wish for a new baby for us to grow old together or more money for us to grow old together that’s really sweet oh her little oh she’s so cute I have the same wish oh look there it is it’s merilda oh my goodness that’s a new little Easter egg in the update hold on I’m going to fix something with my camera real quick one sec it’s like upside down for me the viewfinder it does this sometimes there we go that was so cute How come every time I want to go to Ginger Island I have bad luck but every time I have things to do I have good luck make it Mak sense VA always reminds me of going out wood cutting with my mom it might be that smell of freshly cut wood and sap okay we’re going to need more preserve jars out here for for this since we have an animal cracker in here let s some of these clams make some space in here um all right I’m going to grab my animal products hi Marie welcome in all right so I need to keep Dino Mayo for the missing bundle also I need to make void Mayo for the guy the guy Goblin hi Faith welcome in I always forget that I have this here oh no keep one um all right so let put this stuff away let’s go quickly donate this Dino Mayo to the missing bundle hello we need to get our house upgraded let’s go put the My Strange bun in um Vincent’s toy box I have to get my final statue which one is their house not this one I’m going to skip this cut scene can’t skip this one no way no way I’m skipping this one break it down Emily I am a married woman but I’ll watch you dance my camera’s going to die there going to go dude I just know concern’s going to get so weird with Honda chocolate here like like he had to tone it down a little bit for stardy Valley because it’s like like a regular town but with haunted chocolate here he’s he’s not going to hold back at all look at this [ __ ] she’s pooped that was amazing you got a gift sub congratulations I hope you enjoy your emotes and a couple members only videos I’ll put out more members only videos eventually I just always kind of forget this is not Binson’s house um my camera is probably going to freeze at any moment so sorry bogon no oh camera froze one sec let me see if I can figure out why my webcam is not on let me see if I can like plug it in or something one sec e for for yeah my webcam I don’t know what’s going on with it um it’s just not turning on um so I’ll probably just go no cam for a little bit while my camera charges maybe this might be like the last day that we play for today I don’t know why my camera does this it’s literally plugged in and it died make it make sense make it make sense um me one one second sorry are the shoes your character is wearing modded no they’re not these are I think I got these in the volcano the volcano dungeon let’s go put fogon next to uh his friends the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I think maybe I got them in a in a chest or something hey man one time I said that in a Tik Tok and people got mad at me I was like damn okay all right by the way if you haven’t liked the stream yet please feel free to do so it’s a free way to support your favorite creators all right we are pretty low on coal maybe I’ll just go buy some Coal’s kind of expensive though if I’m remembering I feel like it’s like 200 50 for one piece of coal which is a little cray cray nope yeah maybe we’ll get like 50 you know what I need to do I need to finish like fixing these paddings here let’s let do that do I have any extras going to make a little more I need to fix this and also I’m going to put pathing underneath these guys finally maybe I’ll just move them entirely they don’t even really need to be there anymore let’s move these guys um maybe let’s put them behind these trees is so now we can just oh move okay beautiful damn crystarium take so much Stone what was I going to make let’s make a couple more of these getting closer I’m just going to check this off the list because I want to you know what it’s going to be out of order anyways so I’m just going to pick these up kofifi wait no we’re good um that goes there I wish I could go buy um staircases today but I cannot what I will do though is bring a solar Essence to the what’s it called sand dragon maybe get some more spicy eels what else can I buy there I always forget can buy some uh totems and we could buy some espressos but I don’t know if we really need to by the way if you’re just joining uh the reason why my face is not here it’s cuz my camera died unfortunately I would buy staircases but it’s not Sunday sadly I do actually need staircases I only have like nine but I always forget this is what I’m really here for let’s give the sand dragon his final meal yeah I’m me check out the pile of lumber next to your house we do my current game gold junimo Hut in the garden make my sword look like meow hell yeah that’s a great goal you know what I saw someone do somewhat recently I think it was on Tik Tok um they made the tunnel just like a big furnace room which I thought was Genius Like that’s so much empty space that’s just never used they just filled it up with furnaces and like materials to like smelt stuff and it’s so close to the Farm too so it’s like it’s just kind of like an extension of the farm seen people fill up the area with crystarium ooh that’s a good idea too your loyal horse Waits patiently for your return a going I go to the Quarry see what’s going on over there hardwood trees I’m going have to plant more soon was going to blow this up but I put all my bombs away it’s fine it’s fine do all right all right literally the title of the stream today was any more golden walnuts and we got like I think one we really really grinded today huh think I could probably make some more kegs one is more than zero you’re right when you’re right you’re right no I don’t know what to put in my kegs I did everything but the tune puzzle I bought the rest hell yeah I’m out of stuff to put in my kegs let’s make one more make it even maybe I can get stuff from my fruit cave chest let’s check it out uh I don’t really have anything I don’t know what to put in there maybe I’ll just wait till I have stuff guess we could just do blueberries we have a bunch of blueberries missed one all right I think that’s going to be it for today I I grew blueberry okay that’s a tongue twister I grew blueberries for Keys color challenge that’s a good idea let’s try one last time for this jump scare yall ready it’s not working my cursed mannequin is not cursed all right y’all thank you so much for hanging out with me oh my god look how much money we made damn damn okay um so yeah thank you so much for hanging out with me um my camera is dead so I’m just going to end the stream um so yeah I’ll will be back probably next Sunday um and we will try to get more walnuts I really want to get into freaking Keys Walnut Room but I keep getting bad luck with bad luck days we don’t we do have a good luck day next time I kind of hate having good luck days it’s the very first day that I play but we’ll see we’ll see how it goes um so yeah thanks for being here bye n

Let’s discover all the new things in the Stardew Valley 1.6 update!

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