NOOB vs PRO: ANT FARM HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

oh my goodness these guys are so cute and organized I swear ants are way more clever than your average human especially a little blue bird but I won’t say exactly which little blue bird die you py ants I will teach you for stealing my sandwich what Milo what are you doing no what have you done Milo these poor ants were just living their lives before you came here and ruined it Milo I wasn’t going to say it but you are nowhere near as smart as these guys what that is so good I am way smarter than an average Anton you know what chip what is it Milo I bet if I tried I could actually build the best ant form with the strongest ant army in the world what Milo you think you’re so much smarter than an ant that you could command a whole Army of them yeah I really could well Milo I could build a way better ant F and ant Amy than you could no way you just don’t have the brains for it oh yes I do I have a little something I’d like to show you you’re going to need to promise not to be too amazed by this Milo yeah probably I won be H well look at this this is my secret Lea that reveals my huge area for building my ant F in what the what chip this is crazy yeah it’s absolutely massive and very very tall it gives me so much space to build the best possible Ant Farm oh man I better get building real quick oh yeah you totally better my ant farm even has a little antill on the top which is perfect I’m going to need to start digging out the area that my Ants will actually live in fast order of business is to make sure there is a huge tunnel all the way to the front because I really want to be able to see the ant farm from outside that’s half of the fun with the ant farm the other half is keeping the ants which is so smart and very very organized this hallway will need to be pretty big this Ant Farm is going to be the fanciest Ant Farm ever it’s going to be so Pro that’s because every ant inside this Farm is also going to be a pro ant and I will be totally guiding them along I think this is a nice amount of space for the first room oh yeah this is going to be so cool first I’m going to make some sort of really cool entrance hall I think I’ll need to dig pretty far up to make it I think this is a good amount of blocks I’ll also make sure I dig equal amounts on both sides this entrance hole needs to be so perfect it’s got to look so amazing that the ants never want to leave we will also totally be able to see right into it so it needs to be pretty impressive hey Milo how’s your ant farm going that’s really good I’m just doing the maps right now for how long I want it to be what Milo you can only make it as long as your build area you can’t go outside that’s totally cheating yeah but there’s actually a certain amount of really good room that my guys are really going to want to have huh okay I’m actually excited to see what your ant farm ends up looking like Milo I have a feeling it’s going to look really cool but not as cool as mine look I’m going to have signs labeling every single room this is going to be the entrance hall wall the sign even looks really cool now I’m going to need to decide a couple of things before I make the rest of these rooms first I think this needs to be the staircase area let’s get some dirt and start digging down just like this hey this is going to be a really cool staircase I actually totally like this one then we’re going to need to make sure we dig the staircase a little bit like that and then H maybe we can make the staircase go down again oh yeah this is so perfect just look at that this ant staircase is so fancy these ants are probably so happy with it they probably would definitely want to use this staircase every single day and lucky for them they totally will be able to this ant fom has plenty of room for every single ant that wants to spend time here wow I can’t believe this is really happening I’ve always wanted to have my very own Ant Farm now I totally get one now here at the bottom of the staircase we’re going to need to have a pretty intense room this is going to be the soldier room it needs to be at the front where the ants can keep a close guard on anybody entering the ant an Hill the only way to get in and out of the anthill will be to go from the very top it kind of looks like a little volcano or a little mountain with a hole in the middle it’s pretty cool how the ants only have one way to get in and out and they never get lost or confused inside their own ant nest it is very impressive it’s because they’re so smart now this Soldier room I think looks pretty good actually wow I like this a lot the soldier room should go back pretty far but not too far it needs to be pretty close to the front so that the soldiers can leave and run around the ant nest that is because the soldiers are the ant colony’s first line of defense if anything goes wrong the soldiers need to be able to quickly run and stop the threat wo this is going to be so intense I just know that my ant farm is going to be the most Pro by far my ants are going to be really really smart because I’m going to design my ant farm in a really smart way that makes life as easy for my Ants as possible then next to the soldier room I think I’m going to need to make another room I think I’ll first lay this as soldier room first otherwise I’ll probably get confused let’s also make sure we label this as staircase so that we don’t forget that either then H what could this room next to the soldier room be oh I know some ants actually grow their own Farms it might sound a little weird because ants are so tiny but ants can actually grow their own crops it’s really cool that’s why my ants inside this Ant Farm will actually have a farming section it will be so cool and they will definitely be able to grow anything they could possibly want I don’t think we’ll clear out the whole farming section yet until we’ve built some of the other rooms but I’ll still make a nice outline for it then I’ll patch up these holes that I’ve left and I’ll just label this farming room oh yeah this is so epic hey Milo does your ant farm have a farming room yet no I haven’t even gotten to that okay what Milo you haven’t even gotten to the farming room no don’t make fun of me okay I won’t make fun of you Milo but are you sure you’re even making an ant farm right now if you don’t even have any rooms wait how many rooms do you have we haven’t done that yet chip you’re being really annoying wait Milo you haven’t even started on your ant farm yet I’m trying to build a struer oh is this because you didn’t have a lever set up already yeah because I didn’t know you were going to challenge me to an ant farm build Milo you’re the one that challenged me to the ant farm build well that is quite true actually now that I think about it oh Milo you’re so silly one thing that is not silly though is my amazing ant farm I’m building probably the most important room right now this room will house actual ant royalty now ants don’t really have kings and queens but they do have the queen ant this queen ant will be the most big ant by far she will have her very own room and it’s going to be right in the middle of the ant nest that way she can be kept very safe from anything that might want to destroy her or destroy the ant colony here we go I think this is a good amount of space this queen room is about to be so epic and because of that it needs to be really really big I think this is a pretty good size to have my queen ant’s room it will be so Grand I need to make sure I label it though otherwise I might forget what I’m building here this will be called the queen room it will stretch so far backwards into the ant colony that it’ll basically be its own biome it will be very very epic I really hope I can do that right but in order to do that right I need to make some other parts I’m going to build a normal ant living quarter zone I’m going to build it right next to to the queen ant’s place that way the normal ants will be able to stay right near their Queen and be able to serve her in case she ever needs anything it’ll be so cool the ants love their Queen so they’ll be totally happy to serve her whatever she wants all right now H how do I do this I think this is pretty good actually I’ll need to make sure that I dig this right on the other side too and wao Yep this is looking really really good I need to make sure I build these rooms very smartly otherwise they might end up really silly and I’ll probably be very embarrassed if they end up silly my antt Colony will also have a bunch of different shapes of rooms some of them will just be squares but some of them will actually be circles I think that would be a really cool addition to my ant colony they’ll totally like that now here we go we’ll add a couple more vs here just like this this staircase room is going to go pretty far up but that’s okay my ant colony is going to be kind of like a maze it will be very confusing to go through but not if you totally understand how ants work it also won’t be confusing for me because I’m the one that’s going to help build it by helping build the entire layout I make sure that it will not be confusing for me at all and that I will know exactly where everything is so I can totally be there with the ants they’ll be really grateful that I built everything as well ants are so cool they’ll totally get it I just need to make sure I build the final level of this room all the way up here but I don’t want it to actually touch the surface that would be a little bit too far because the closer we get to the surface the less secure my ant colony is if my ant colony was not secure that would be really really bad it would put the entire colony in danger of being attacked by either something dangerous or another ant colony that would be really really bad I do not want anybody attacking my ants they’re way too precious my aunt Colony will also have some really cool storage rooms just like this where we can keep so many items inside hey I think this looks really cool I’ll need to make sure I properly labeled this as a storage room and wait a minute I totally forgot to label the other room as the other ant room oh my goodness that was so embarrassing if I forgot this place I don’t think I’d be able to keep building it as well as I’m able to build it now that would be really really silly but hm this antill is looking pretty good but there is still more I feel like there’s at least one room I’m forgetting and oh I totally know what I’m forgetting I’m missing some kind of water room this room will allow all of my Ants to have infinite water it’ll basically be like a little geode cave hey that’ll be really cool I think having a geode cave might actually be kind of Epic well now that is what I’m going to do next here we will have a little pool room and then next to it we will have a geode cave we just need to decide what exactly next to it means H maybe we could have the geode cave be oh I know maybe somewhere down from the queen ant’s house we’ll need to make another staircase all the way over here next to the ant staircase that leads up to their bedrooms hey this staircase could be kind of nice and small but it also needs to be pretty deep all right I think this is probably a good level to end the staircase at now let’s dig a nice little tunnel area for the ants to walk through like this on one side we will have the geode room I say we build the geode room just like this I can’t wait to make an actual geode for the ants to walk through I wonder what they’ll use it for oh I know they’ll probably use it to make amethyst armor or some other kind of Defense to protect their colony from any attackers especially attacks from Milo’s ants speaking of Milo’s ants hey Milo how are your ants doing and wait a minute do you have any geod or crystals or anything inside your ant colony no not yet no geod here oh that’s perfect because I totally have a geode inside of mine and I don’t mean to brag but it’s going to look pretty cool wow that sounds really awesome but I’m feeling pretty confident that my ant farm is actually going to have do yours what no way Milo I don’t think that’s possible my ant bom will definitely be the best one it’s going to be so Hightech that’s a really funny joke wait what Milo it’s not a joke I’m being fully serious right now my ant farm really will be the most high-tech ever what but ants don’t know have use technology uh yeah my Ants will remember Milo ants are very very smart they know so many things and trust me if they get enough time they will totally learn exactly what technology is and how to use it wa my ant farm is looking so incredible right now H I still think it’s missing something though I need to work on all the different things I could possibly add but there are just so many options I have no idea what to choose because it’s all just so exciting I actually think I might even be able to move my pool room a little bit to the left because I’ve just come up with a great idea ants always lay so many eggs and the queen ant will never run out but it is very important that the eggs have a really safe place to hatch that’s why down the very bottom even underneath the queen ant herself we will add a nesting chamber this is where all the baby ants will be taken and raised until they regular sized ants that can work out and help around the colony wow this is going to be so nice for them I can’t believe that we actually have such a cool ant room like this I think this is looking so perfect here we might have just an extra little storage room I don’t know what we’ll put in here but I’m sure it will be really really useful let me label this place as nesting chamber and wa this totally fits on the sign as well cool we’ll add one storage room sign here and oh yeah I think my ant farm is totally ready to begin construction this is about to be so amazing now that I have my entire ant colony layout set up I think it’s time to check out the res that will be moving in hello ant wa look this ant is crazy except wait where’s he going hey maybe this ant’s just confused I’ll spawn some more over here wa look at all the ants I have this is so crazy they are so big this is actually insane how many ants we have in whoa hey they’re all spilling out hey these ants are all confused something is seriously wrong here it’s like they’re distracted by something wait a minute why is there cake here oh my goodness I can’t believe this I need to get rid of this cake now otherwise the ants are going to follow it it’s also in a trail and Milo what is this cake for Milo oh my goodness Milo’s not responding something is seriously wrong where could all this cake lead to and why is it placed right next to my ant farm that could be seriously bad now I need to make sure I destroy every one of these cakes and I can’t leave any crumbs if I leave crumbs then the ants will be able to follow it and then I’ll be in charge of an ant farm with no ants in it then it’s just a weird dirt box with a bunch of glass holes in the side what is that oh my goodness I need to get closer to this right now uh-oh this could be really bad please don’t be something strange please don’t be something strange and hey it kind of looks like a giant cake oh my goodness let me make my way closer to this thing there’s a bunch of cake in with the grass now and Milo why are you in the cake because I’m building it what Milo why are you building a cake over here shouldn’t you be building your ant farm nuh-uh I’m just preparing because we are going to have lots of birthdays in my ant farm what Milo is that what all the cakes were for yeah obviously um couldn’t you just store them inside your ant farm no oh okay well Milo I have really bad news I kind of got rid of the cakes because I didn’t want my aunts leaving and getting distracted by them you destroyed all my cakes oh no this is really bad I’m leaving oh sorry Milo maybe I can make a cake room for you in my ant farm to make it up I am not going to be spending time in your stupid Ant Farm oh you totally would will when you have to see it at the end to see that it’s better than yours no why H we’ll see about that Milo now that I can actually build my wonderful Ant Farm I think I need to start getting some blocks first some smooth quartz is exactly what I need then I’m probably going to grab some Spruce and I’ll just get rid of this orange sign I probably won’t need it anymore and I’ll just put this ant spawn egg in my inventory I don’t want to get rid of it because I don’t want to hurt the ants they’re too cool now let me see what rooms I can make this will definitely call for a lot of quartz and it will have to be very fancy H let me see all the different things I could possibly add here I think some quartz doors could be a really good idea and soir could some quartz stairs I definitely will need to be able to grab some smooth quartz stairs and some smooth quartz slabs as well that way I can build some seriously epic structures into this thing I’ll just make this roof a little bit taller because I do not think I’m going to leave this as dirt no way this may be an ant farm which normally has a lot of dirt in it but this is going to be a fancy Ant Farm after all no Ant Farm of mine is going to be covered in dirt no way it’s going to be super luxury instead first we’re going to need to add some quartz pillars in here just like this oh yeah this is already looking so fancy just like I wanted it we’ve also got to make sure we add some smooth quarts right around the front just like this this makes the front room look so much cooler wow I can’t believe this then we’re also definitely going to need to make sure we make the staircase extra fancy and I think we can even do that by pushing it one block backwards wo wo yep that looks way fancier this is a much better design than what I had before Oh yeah this staircase is going to be so cool it needs to go pretty far back as well because it’s going to need to carry all of the ants not carry like lift them up but it’s going to need to be able to hold every single one my ant colony will have so many ants in it because I’m super pro I can build an ant colony that can hold so many of them without it feeling overcrowded or cramped that’s a pretty important thing to make sure of when you’re building an ant colony this huge you don’t want it to feel all tied inside and crazy no way these ants would lose their minds that’s why my ants are going to be so happy and Kia they’re not going to lose their minds at all now what else can I do with this place oh I totally know I can use Spruce planks for the floor of this thing wo that looks so cool oh yeah this is looking absolutely amazing and hey maybe even in the bottom here I can add Spruce planks I can get rid of this entrance hole sign because I already know that that’s what I’m making here there’s no need to remember it because I’m not going to forget something like that that would be crazy now I can use smooth quartz blocks as this back wall here wo this already looks really fancy but I know there’s more we can add the first thing is on this back world there’s actually nothing here it’s kind of just blank and empty and normally that’s all right but cuz I’m building out of quartz it kind of needs a little something otherwise there’s nothing on it and it would be so boring to start I think we should just fill in these quartz walls before we make any changes otherwise the dirt from this ceiling and this last wall might accidentally get on anything we could add that would be so messy and it would not look pro at all the ants would probably be upset with me and it would not be my best work this on the other hand is looking amazing now I’m going to grab some paintings who look I can grab some seriously fancy ones this is a royal painting because there is a queen ant here after all we’re going to need some seriously good Royal stuff in order to make sure she’s happy I think we should also grab some white chandelas or maybe these little ones I think we’ll leave the big chandeliers for the Queen’s room herself that room needs to be the fanciest one otherwise she won’t stick out at all and it’ll just look like another common room we do not want that this needs to be so fancy now we’re going to add Spruce planks going all the way back to the front entrance we might also need to add some sort of soft Landing Pad otherwise all the ants climbing in and out of the antill will get really damaged I don’t want to do that to the poor ants that would be so mean I care way too much about these ants to let that happen because we’re so Pro we need to know how to build the most perfect landing pad for the ants and I think I found one if there is one thing about ants that they love it’s that they love honey they also love sugar and basically anything sweet that’s why my aunts were getting so distracted by Milo’s cake earlier oh my goodness that was really so crazy I can’t believe he did something like that now by adding honey to the very bottom we can help stop their fall and give them a nice little treat before they go out into the big wide world let’s make sure we add Spruce planks going all the way along along here just like this this can be the floor of this hallway as well let’s make sure we fill the entire thing with smooth quartz blocks too the hallway doesn’t need to be that big because one fact about queen ants is that even though they’re huge they never leave the colony the queen ant will always stay behind to try and keep the colony going it’s a really Noble sacrifice and she’ll spend her whole life underground it is actually crazy I’m pretty glad I’m not a queen ant because that actually does not sound like much fun at all how could you even go outside and do fun things like go-kart racing you totally couldn’t besides I don’t think they exactly have ant-sized go- cotting maybe they’ll invent it someday but as of now they definitely do not have it maybe I could build it h maybe I’ll have to see I don’t know how much time we have until the build competition is over so I need to go really quick and that means I need to focus on only the most important rooms just like this entrance hallway and this huge quartz hallway too then I need to focus on the stairs the stairs will help tie in this room room to the other rooms but how am I meant to tie it in if I don’t have rooms in the first place that’s it I need to start working on other rooms in the ant colony then I can get working on the stairs and stuff Yep this is going to be so amazing I wonder how well I can decorate these other rooms I bet I can decorate every single room just as well as this first room has been decorated I wonder if Milo’s decorating his rooms he’s probably adding something so crazy to them right now I should probably check on him hey Milo what do you want wa oh Milo you sound a little bit anty yeah I’m having a really bad situation oh no is something wrong with your ants or your ant farm well it’s my ant farm I just can’t decide how I really want to design it oh come on Milo the competition is moving along if you can’t figure out exactly how you want to design your ant farm in time you won’t have an ant farm to enter into the competition at all oh that’s actually really TR I need to be quickly yeah you need to be very quick mil Milo oh my goodness but if it makes you feel better my ant farm is coming along really well I’m already moving onto my Soldier ant room which will protect me and my Ants from any threat that could possibly come along that does not make me feel better what why wouldn’t it make you feel better it makes me feel better cuz I want to beat you oh yeah that’s a really good point Milo you’re probably going to need to try pretty hard to beat me this Soldier room for my Ants is looking so good I’m making the walls out of smooth stone bricks and I’m also going to add some mossy cobblestone and regular cobblestone on the floor it might sound a little weird to be deliberately building out of mossy cobblestone but it actually makes a lot of sense the reason I’m doing it in the first place is because I really think these Mossy cobblestones will help make this place nice for the ants in real life ants live underground where it can be really damp so if I make this underground area really damp as well then it can be just like a natural ad Nest these ants will not be able to tell the difference unless they’re deciding how Pro it is they will definitely know that this anest is a lot more Pro than the ones that they used to well chip I think you really believe that you’re the pro in this situation but it’s actually funny because you’re not what Milo I’m definitely the pro in this situation why wouldn’t I be well because you haven’t seen my Anon build yet and actually I need to tell you something oh what is it Milo well I actually spent a lot of time with the ants last year last year Milo were you Milo if you can’t even stop the ants from stealing a silly little sandwich how on Earth are you meant to understand them well enough to build an entire ant farm for them cuz I know how they talk what Milo the ants can’t talk they’re ants they don’t even have voices that’s what you think because you’re always loud and yapping but if you listen quietly they really have voices oh my goodness Milo that sounds terrifying I don’t think that’s right are you okay I’m really fine oh my goodness I’m getting really worried for you I don’t ants have voices but if you somehow managed to talk to the ants maybe you’re going crazy I’m not going crazy I’m just going awesome okay Milo we’ll see about that the only thing I see going awesome is my ant colony right now because it’s totally looking amazing I’m even adding some extra rooms this Soldier room will be perfect I’m going to add some chains in the ceiling and then I might need to find some extra creative ways to display armor ants cannot wear chest plates or boots or even leggings the only piece of armor they can wear is a helmet that’s why I’m going to need to do a helmet Armory in here for my soldier ants I’ll also add in some Target blocks so they can practice I’ll need to put them on the floor though because they are ants and they can’t exactly use arrows it’ll be very funny on the walls I’ll also need to add in some iron bars and hm maybe I can add in some cool ornate iron Windows wo this is about to look really good I can just tell wo that looks really really fancy actually it makes this entire Ant Farm look like it goes back way further that’s actually pretty cool I’m going to add some glowstone to the back of this this is going to make my entire Ant Farm look actually 3D or like it’s glowing from the other side oh yeah this is absolutely perfect maybe I’ll move this one block down and I’ll push the target blocks to the side Yep this is looking way better now it’s also a nice challenge for the ants because they’ll have to jump up to get the targets I think this will be totally epic the soldier ants will love the soldier ant room the next room that I need to make is the farming room and this room is going to be pretty serious first we’re going to make the floor out of Spruce planks just like we did for the entrance hallway except for this one we are not going to be building the rest of it out of quartz no way instead we are going to actually be using barrels not for the hall walls but for a pretty good partt of it if we place barrels just like this it actually makes it look like it’s part of the wood wall it looks really cool then on top of them we can place white terra cotta which looks so fancy this actually just looks like a lovely little room wow if I was an ant I definitely would want to live here because even as a human I want to to live here this place is so epic this farming room will have a bunch of really nice plant beds these plant beds will be how the ants grow every single one of their crops they’re going to really enjoy it they’re going to be able to get every single one of their crops and bring it over to the Queen the queen ant will need to eat a lot because she’s always laying ant eggs there are so many ant eggs in a colony there are basically Millions every ant colony has so many ants but because mine is so Pro it’s going to have the most out of any ant colony in history w look I’ve already done the ceiling and the walls now all I need to do is this bottom floor and I don’t need the farming room sign anymore it’s always pretty scary getting rid of the sign because I never have any idea how it’s going to go what if I forget then I won’t be able to use the sign ever again and I’ll totally need to guess what I had there that would be pretty scary but you know what I don’t think I’m going to forget instead I think I’m going to remember really well and be able to keep building such epic rooms like this one now we’ll need to grab some spruce doors and some composters these composters as well as the actual organic compost block will help us turn this into a farming Sanctuary let’s grab some Farm lens so that we can put it inside the planting boxes I’ll need to sneakily add in little blocks of water here but that’ll be totally easy because this is underground there’s no way for anybody to see in so all I need to do is add water here like this although wait a minute you can totally see the water underneath H maybe instead of just doing nothing I can remove these white Terra c a blocks and come behind here to add in Spruce trap doors this way it looks like the wall continues with the barrels now these farmlands should become more and more wet over time so that we can plant crops inside then we’ll figure out exactly where to put our composters too I think this composter location is great H we’ll need to put it right over here I think wo this looks so crazy it looks really messy right now but if I add in some Spruce trap doors just like this it should end up being really really neat we’ll need to make sure we put some on this side too and boom if we place more organic compost just like that it makes it look like it is actually being composted right now this is so cool I can’t believe we get to build this these ants are going to be so grateful now we’re going to need to grab our seeds and start trying to compost to them otherwise I do not think we’ll be able to actually plant anything in here we also should probably grab some lanterns instead of some glowstone that’s because the lanterns will actually light up the plants and allow them to grow crops yeah we’ll put wheat seeds here like this and wao that looks so good I really like that we’ll also fill this composter with wheat seeds as well Miler would totally freak out if he knew I was using his favorite food which is bird seeds to turn them into crops to grow for my Ants oh boy I cannot even imagine how crazy Milo would be now we can’t hide any water over on this section so instead of growing some crops we’re going to need to grow some flowers H what flower could we possibly grow oh I totally know we can grow some rose bushes rose bushes are really big and I’m pretty sure ants like them I don’t know what these ants could possibly use these flowers for but I’m sure they would really really enjoy them wo this is so cool it actually looks like the ant colony has just been sliced into I think I might even add a little bit of smooth quotes to the very front just like this wo this makes the whole thing look way cooler now there is a lot more we still have to do like of course making this storage room we’ll need to add one little entrance into here because I don’t want the storage room to take up the whole place that would totally suck we also still need to make a couple farming areas on the side I think if we grab some flower pots we can totally add a bunch more cool flowers into here I’ll grab some orange tulips because I really do like them and they’re my favorite I’ll also add in some corn flowers because I know Milo really likes blue flowers even though this is not his favorite shade of blue so I should probably add in his actual favorite we’ll use corn flowers for the compost and then we’ll add a flower pot with blue orchids inside these are Milo’s favorite by far we might even be able add some more barrels here with more flower pots this is going to be so cool I like this area a lot but there’s even more we can do still let’s add some more trap doors on this wall like this then we can add some over here wo these already look awesome but they’re going to look even better once we add more flower pots on top hey maybe we can grab a huge decorated pot and what plant could we put on oh I definitely know let’s get some bamboo and some leaves if we use flowering aelia leaves and bamboo and decorated pots we should be able to do a really cool building trick here instead of an orange tulip on that block we can place down a decorated pot then a flower pot on top just like this then if we place one bamboo and then Place some flowering aelia leaves on top it actually looks like a potted plant it looks so nice and so cool these ants will really like it and let’s also grab some ferns I think the ferns could look really good as little plants on this wall it makes them look like they’re little seedlings waiting to be grown in something else oh yeah this plant growing room is looking so epic and pretty complete honestly now we need to make sure we add a staircase going down oh boy this is going to be a pretty intense one actually I did say I’d build the staircases last and I’m going to stick to that this storage room is going to be what we make next and I think we can make it totally out of spruce wood we’ll use Spruce logs for the pillars that will balance the whole building up then we’ll be able to use Spruce planks and strip Spruce logs for the floor we can also use Spruce stairs and trap doors and as well as some barrels this will be so cool I have a very good feeling about this room we also can’t forget because it is a storage room we’ll need to get some chests too oh boy this is going to be so nice the storage room doesn’t have to be too big of course although H hey maybe we can do a cool design with the ceiling we’ll make it pretty tall maybe even taller than the planting room because plants underground don’t grow very big one thing that does grow very big is storage piles it can be so difficult to keep track of all the items you can get especially when the only way to expand your base is to dig around you get lots of dirt and I think the ants will need a safe place to put it luckily this storage room will be absolutely perfect for that Milo do you have any sort of storage room over in your ant farm yeah I’m actually building that right now wait what you’re building a storage room too no way yeah it’s actually so good what no there’s no way it looks better than my storage room though right well I haven’t seen your stinky storage room so I wouldn’t even know that’s pretty true I guess you wouldn’t have seen it yet but Milo you you can just trust me that my storage room looks so good right now it’s probably the best even if I haven’t exactly seen yours fully yet yeah yeah yeah I’m hearing you talk a lot you but I don’t actually think you have what it takes what Milo of course I have what it takes I’m the ant Pro remember I know everything about ants and ant farms and building with ants and just trust me Milo the ants are going to love the ant farm that I’m making for them yeah interesting interesting oh yeah it is kind of interesting interesting how easily I’ll win look I’m even going to build my chests going into the wall here this is a pretty cool build hack but if I place Spruce logs behind where I’m going to put the chests I should be able to place chests in here without being able to see the dirt oh yeah that looks so good now I think I can continue this same pattern on this other wall here oh boy this is about to look so incredible hey maybe I can divvy up the wall a little to make sure we have extra room for some extra storage okay this could be very very useful indeed H my I going to do this oh I totally know I’m going to place two chests here and then two chests on this side then in the middle I’ll have a two block strong storage Vault oh yeah this is going to be way tougher and wait a minute hey maybe instead of two blocks of logs I can have even more chests if I replace the back of this dirt wall with Spruce logs I should be able to fill the entire thing in with chests instead oh wow I can’t imagine how amazing this will look so instead of imagining we’ll just have to see for ourselves here we go now that we’ve place the final Spruce logs on the bottom we can add some chests in here and wo they fit perfectly I really hope they fit all the way up and wow that looks amazing now all we need to do is add in a little bit of a spruce log here and maybe some stripped Spruce lugs on this wall too we’ll just add one Spruce lug here instead actually wow this looks really good but here comes the final test I’ll try and put chests on this wall and oh wow the chest storage room is officially looking really complete now all we need to do is just add some upside down Spruce logs to the ceiling here and it should look so amazing wow I can’t believe I’m already done with it h actually I don’t think I am already done with it I think I need to do a little more I’m going to grab some classic torches and put them on the walls here hey this actually looks really nice I think I should also grab some Spruce fences just like this to really frame the room and give it a super interesting shape wow this is a super interesting shape I like this room a lot more now that we’ve added that cool little extra detail in I’m also going to get rid of this this sign too by storage room sign I’ll see you soon maybe I’ll added in a little carpet here this room would look very good with orange carpet but uh that doesn’t look very fancy you know what I think we’ll totally do it anyway orange carpet works perfectly in any room especially a storage room finally I will add Spruce logs here instead of spruce planks wow I can’t believe we’ve already completed four rooms how many rooms of your ant farm have you completed Milo um quite a lot Milo this isn’t your ant farm did you just come over here and set fire to my rooms well yes oh my goodness Milo that’s crazy you said fire to storage room number two and oh that’s how you’re doing it you’re using a flamethrower Milo this is the same flamethrower you used to bully those poor ants over there I wasn’t bullying them I was getting angry at them for destroying my sandwich Milo so then you burned them that’s pretty bullying Behavior if you ask me and hey stop using the flamethrower I’m going to do whatever I want oh my goodness Milo you’re kind of crazy are you sure you’re smart enough to run your own ant colony if you can’t even run your own emotions yeah really smart and I’m really really stable oh my goodness Milo I wouldn’t say stable but uhoh this is going to be pretty crazy if you don’t manage to keep your tber under control don’t worry Milo I can help if you like oh okay I guess I won’t help but H Milo all this fire was right in my geode room in order to make sure that I can make this before you manage to come here and burn it again I’m going to need to make my geod room right now I’m actually kind of kind of excited to make it thanks for reminding me about it Milo oh man I wasn’t trying to help you yeah I know you w Milo you were trying to be really tricky but it didn’t even work all it did was make me more and more excited about building this super cool geode room to help my aunt Colony be the most Pro ant colony ever in order to make this super cool geod room I’m going to need some equipment luckily that’s where all of these materials come in here we’ll grab some smooth base salt and we’ll just put it around just like this oh yeah this is starting to look like an actual real amethyst geode we’ll also put the smooth Bas salt in the wall just like that and perfect I think we’ll get rid of the sign right now we don’t need to be reminded that this is a geode room especially not when we’re adding in the geod to the room right now this is looking so amazing already and we haven’t even added the amethysts let alone the calite here we go now we’ve added calite to that edge of the room we can start pushing it further and further in the very next level that we place any blocks on will be the amethyst level this is going to look so amazing let’s place the amethysts all the way on the back here they sound so cool and so fancy when I place them down now once I place all these amethysts in this dirt I can start spreading it outwards this geode is about to be the most amethyst geode ever hey maybe instead of calside everywhere I can push the amethysts a little further now instead of Basalt on this level we can add more calide we’ll even add it in there so it looks like the antill is tunneling into the geode wow this makes the ant seems so powerful my Ants really are pro this is looking absolutely incredible I can’t believe how good this is all looking I’m even a little excited to see what the ants think of the geode I have a feeling they’re probably going to like it or at least I hope I think in order to make sure they really like it we should probably add in our amethyst clusters but we can even add in little amethyst as well look there are so many different sizes of amethyst there are even really tiny ones next to these really big amethyst clusters we’ll just place the regular large ones then next to the large ones we’ll need to place some medium ones oh wow this size system is looking really good let’s make sure we remember to place the medium ones on the bottom level as well just like that then on the very edge we’ll place the small amethyst buds a this already looks so cool I like this a lot actually wow this looks absolutely magical now we’ll just keep placing them around like this and oh yeah I think my geodorum is complete now we can keep adding even more and more rooms to my ant farm now I am going to make probably the fanciest room in my entire ad Colony this is going to be the Queen’s room and of course the queen will have a queensize bed this is so cool I think we’ll put a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room and H one doesn’t seem like enough maybe we’ll even give her two because she is so big she’ll probably need to stretch out across them let me grab another Royal bed single and put it in the middle and wo that is definitely a bed fit for a queen now we’ll also need to change the walls I think we can do a really cool blend of quartz bricks and smooth quartz blocks this is going to look absolutely incredible the Queen’s room is probably going to be the fanciest in the entire Colony it is going to be really impressive and the queen will totally love it I have a feeling that Milo will also love it as well he will be very jealous about how cool my queen room is if he does have a queen ant room it’s probably going to be so silly like a little dirt pit or something or I would probably feel kind of bad for the queen ant if she had to live in that she is so cool and oh yeah she’s going to like this now let’s just finish the walls and then I can decorate the floor wow that is looking incredible I really like it now for the floor I think we can totally use some Royal wool or HM wait maybe we can even use calside yep that is really fancy I think using calside and Royal wool is the perfect combination for building the floor of this place the queen ant is going to love this she’s going to look so fancy in this room we can even do little tricks to make this room look even fancier like at the back here right now it is just a big flat wall but I kind of want to make it look like we did with the soldier ant room where it looks like a big window up the back let’s add big windows up the back here of the queen ant room but I think these can be a little better this time in order to make the walls really cool we’ll first need to make these really cool quartz pillars they are going to look very fancy it’ll kind of look like a Roman Coliseum wow this already looks so amazing I’ve never seen an ant colony like like this I’m kind of glad that Milo flamethrower those ants earlier because otherwise we would have not started this at all and these ants would not have a home this epic now I’ll just do one last little pillar a little closer to the queen ant’s bed and then in the dead center between the two pillars we can add a super cool wall this one will be like a more detailed version of the wall we built in the soldier ant room we’re going to have upside down quartz stairs just like that wow that really looks epic now we need to make sure we do the same thing on the other side because if we didn’t the queen ant would be so snobby and she would not want to live in here no way she would refuse she is the queen after all she can live wherever she likes we just need to finish off these pillars maybe add a couple Royal wardrobes around and then this room is looking pretty good we also do need to still keep adding the floor I can’t believe I almost forgot that the queen would not accept any dirt in her royal palace that would be so gross imagine if she was walking around in her royal gown and slippers and then she just stepped on some mud ew the queen could toally do that because she’s an ant she has a lot of slippers she has like six legs and Chip I’ve just been thinking oh hey Milo what have you been thinking about well pretty much I feel like baking more cakes what Milo you can’t be baking more cakes right now the more cakes you bake the more my ants are going to try and leave the colony and go find where the source of the sugary smell is yeah but maybe that’s the idea Milo that’s so mischievous come on I haven’t even built the glass Dome that’s going to cover the front of my ant farm yet once I build that you can make all the cakes you like because at the moment I have no defenses against it okay well I’m putting lots of signs down inside my bed so you better do the same thing if you want to compete with me what Milo what are the signs for are you just putting down signs for the fun of it not telling you what they say oh my gosh Milo you’re so cheeky but okay I guess the game is on I’m going to add a bit more glowstone to the back of my build oh yeah this is going to be absolutely perfect I can even add some Royal floor lights wo these look really fancy in between the pillars and we can even add some near the front here just like this wo these look really cool I can’t believe how well these fit the queen ant room look we’ll also add some glowstone up the very back like this oh yeah Milo I’m about to spawn in my queen ant wow that’s going to be really cool oh yeah it’s going to be so epic and she is really going to like this Colony it’s going to be the nicest anest she’s ever lived inside chip what if she rejects your colony and comes to uh that would be terrible I really hope she doesn’t do that because if she does I’m totally toast there’s nothing I’d be able to do well I hope she does do it no way Milo that would be so cheeky I’m going to make sure she wouldn’t leave I’m even going to add some wonderful chandeliers look I can totally hang them up now the first chandelier is going to go right over here I think hey this looks perfect it fits really well in the middle of this very fancy Throne Room although I’m going to move it a little bit more down there we go that’s perfect we’ll also add some on the other besides just so that it’s not the only chandelier in the room that would look really silly and the queen would definitely have something to say about that this room is looking absolutely incredible Milo I think it’s time for me to spawn down the queen I’ll need to grab some yellow carpets because yellow is the closest color to Gold it’s going to look like she is actually sitting on a carpet made out of proper gold and it’s going to look so cool W that is kind of cool actually oh yeah you’re about to see the best thing ever Milo I know you can’t see this but I’m going to spawn down my queen ant in 3 2 1 wa the ant Queen looks amazing she’s really big and she has a huge body F laying the eggs of so many other ants I think she can totally chill in here for a while I’m going to continue making the rest of this super cool area but look Milo do you see the ant Queen up the top no cuz I’m not looking at your thing and hang on why is there a Boss Bar yeah that’s because my ant Queen is the boss of everything she is so strong she is actually insane W that’s actually really cool I think I have some respect for her yeah you better she’s the queen after all now Milo I just need to make my final few rooms and then I will be ready for us to judge each other’s ant farms a man I better hurry up yeah you better hurry up now I’m even making my stairs those are the builds I said I was going to leave for lost that should give you an idea of just how far ahead I am a rats yeah I guess you could say rats but I prefer to say ant instead this is going to be so good that was a good one thanks Milo I totally agree now because my ants are ants after all I don’t think they’re going to need to climb these stairs very often in fact they probably won’t need to climb them at all they are so talented that I’m just going to add a nice quartz pillar like this and they should be able to climb it with no problem I’m going to add some fancy brass Ladders because they look like real gold this Ant Farm is looking so fancy the ants will definitely be able to climb in actually you know what because my ants are ants after all they don’t even need ladders they’ll be able to climb any wall that they come into contact with this will be so perfect wow these ants are so smart I know I definitely can’t climb walls so the ants are already smarter than me now I’m going to build the pool area and nesting chamber I think I’ll even make them into one big area this is because they’ll totally fit together and maybe the nesting area for the baby ants can even have a nice swimming pool area for them too they’ll learn how to swim which is pretty important if you’re really tiny because when you’re as small as an ant even a raindrop can be a giant ocean to you you can’t even see over the top of it that’s how tiny some of these ants are by making sure we leave a bunch of room for these ants to learn how to swim we can keep them safe even if it totally floods oh yeah this is such a good idea I can’t wait for my aunts to grow up and learn all about how to swim from my epic pool room we’ll even have a storage room over here and in this storage room I think I know exactly what to put inside it first I will need to make this nest nesting room first because it is definitely the most important room out of the tour now my nesting area has walls fully made out of hay I think I need to add little beds that the ants can put their baby ant eggs in I’m also just going to grab some little bamboo Mosaic slabs because they totally look like they blended with the hay a it really does look like this little pouch is for the ants to Nest their babies in and have them grow up nice and strong and totally safe this is so amazing let’s also just add more hay bales around this place so it totally looks really natural we can even have some hay bales hanging from the ceiling wow this really does look like an amazing Nest area if I was an ant I would definitely want to raise ant babies in here here we go we’ll even have a little pool area over here with this hay let’s grab some water and make sure we can pop it in nicely oh Yep this is so nice look at that perfect we’ll also make sure we add a little bit more hay hanging from the ceiling and wo I think the nesting room is already done this is insane I did not realize we’d make this so quick now it is the perfect time to make this next room over which is the storage room and I think I have the perfect block for it this storage room will be a cake storage room there’s no reason for my Ants to run away and get Milo’s cakes if we have cake here it is a perfect solution to a crazy little Milo problem Oh yeah this is going to be so much fun now we’ll just need to place white terra cotta on the edges and even though these are cake doors technically I still think they really look like an actual cake room this is going to be one of the coolest storage rooms we’ve ever made this is going to be one of the coolest storage rooms in the entire ant colony here we go we’ll just have it go past the baby’s room and H I guess the baby ants might really like cake as well it’ll be perfect because I know when I was young I totally liked cake too wow this is absolutely perfect wow we can even eat some of the pieces of cake so it looks like ants have been in here now we only have a couple rooms left to make and then it is judging time now over here in this hallway I think I’m going to decorate it using some pretty cool blocks I’ll do the same hallway design we did in the other hallway but instead of using white terra cotta for this one I think we can use pink and magenta terra cotta and give it a cool stripy design this one is going to look pretty nice I think it’ll be a very important hallway because it’s going to lead into the most important storage room of all most of the other storage rooms just contain something fun or something silly but this storage room is going to have something very serious inside this storage room will keep all of the colony’s really valuable diamonds and gold because she is a queen ant of course she needs some Queen materials and one of the most queen-like materials out there is riches which is beyond anyone’s wildest dreams that is why she needs a whole room in order to keep it safe the queen ant can afford absolutely anything she could possibly want but her favorite blocks are diamond and gold she also really likes cake but she has plenty of that in the cake storage room that’s why this entire storage room is going to be full of cyan terracotta that that’s why this entire storage room is going to be full of diamond and gold oh yeah this is going to look so cool and very epic it’s also pretty close to the bottom and pretty close to the amethyst geod because it kind of fits in with it wow look how many Gold Blocks we could place this is so epic and now of course we need to add the diamonds too otherwise it’s not a gold and diamond storage room it would just be a gold storage room and that is nowhere near as Rich we’ll also need to add in some polished deep plate stairs here this way we can have some extra little benches to keep more of the diamonds and more of the gold on top of wow this room looks absolutely insane let’s also make sure we finished decorating the hallway I can’t believe we almost forgot that that would have been so silly of us this way instead of totally missing decorating the hallway we can make sure the geode goes back further and really make sure every part of this ant colony is perfect We’ll add Barrels in here and hey I think this stairwell can also have the pink and magenta terra cotta stripey design this looks kind of nice actually it looks really crazy it actually reminds me of a circus a little bit wao I wonder if the ant Queen likes the circus she probably does because going to the circus is something that kings and queens used to do a lot wa this looks so amazing now let’s also make sure we expand all this magenta and pink terra cotta all the way across the roof like this oh yeah this hallway is almost complete wow we are moving along with this ant fun build quicker than I ever thought we possibly could uh-oh here is where we we are going to have to stop the hallway otherwise it’ll just keep going and it’ll look so silly I don’t want the hallway to look ridiculous no way that would be so embarrassing here I’ll add more stripes to it just like this so it totally looks like it fits in naturally then we’ll make sure we expand these magenta and these pink terracottas going upwards oh wow this looks so amazing hey Milo are you excited to see all the things I have inside of my ant fom yeah I’m just talking to Michael what Milo who is Michael well he’s my guys of course oh Milo are you giving names to every resident of your ant farm that’s right oh that’s kind of nice actually wait what are you naming them well I’ve got Michael and Steve and Randy what Michael Steve Randy those don’t sound like very anti names they sound like human names no they’re not human names oh yeah I guess they could be for anything but Milo my ants are going to be called really ante names like Anton and maybe one of them can even be called Ant birt and maybe antweb antweb that’s S no it’s not it’s one of the ants names oh Milo you are so crazy trust me my ants are going to have the perfect names I think I know what I’m doing yeah you definitely do not I actually know what I’m doing what no way Milo trust me my ant farm is going to be the most perfect by far look I’m already up to the stage where I just have to make these staircases and then I’m totally complete all that’s missing off to this is building the ant bedrooms and that’s going to be so easy I just have to add some beds because ants kind of don’t really sleep actually maybe I can just add some empty rooms and that’ll basically be that you’re probably pretty jealous of how far along I am Milo not jealous I’m having a really good time H okay we’ll see about how good your time is when it comes time to see who has built the better Ant Farm because I have a pretty good feeling it’s definitely me um you haven’t even seen mine again chip you’re being really Rudd sorry Milo I don’t mean to be rude all right I’m just going to add some green concrete to the sides of my stairwells and then I’ll just be building the ant bedrooms and then I’ll be done oh boy this is going to be so good the best part about my ant stairwells is they don’t even need to make sense because every single person in my colony is actually going to be an ant that means I will be able to build the stairwells so that all you need to do is walk on the walls of course I won’t be able to walk on the walls but that’s okay this is not for me this colony is for the ants and as long as I can look into them from outside and see this awesome Ant Farm I’m totally going to be happy for them yes I did the staircase upstairs now all I need to do is the ant staircase in sleeping area and then I am officially complete Milo you better hurry up if you don’t want to be left behind I’m pretty much done oh my goodness what you’re already finished uh-oh that means I need to hurry as much as I can I don’t have a lot of time left and if I run out of time you are totally going to beat me and I do not think I’m going to let that happen yeah well I think you will no way Milo you just wait I need to go so quickly but I can place down a bunch of beds all around here because these AR ants ants can live in really small spaces that is why we can be very smart with this design this design is so cool it lets us fit in so many ant beds into such a small area making sure that every single ant has all the space they need still all right we’ll add some lanterns in oh these look really nice I also think we should probably add in some chests and some bedside cabinets underneath some of these bookshelf bed things oh wow this looks amazing Milo I’m kind of jealous of my ant fom what about you I’m definitely not jealous what no way I can’t believe that you must just not have a very good ant fom then no my an form is really good I just probably wouldn’t want to be inside it what Milo that means it’s bad huh I’m really confused I’m excited to see what you’ve done though maybe then I’ll be a little bit less confused about whatever it is you’re trying to say right now yeah and I’m excited for you to see my place as well oh this is going to be so good finally I’m just going to add some nice cozy paintings in here and uh I don’t want a skull painting or a Wither what or a creeper okay fire is I guess more cozy than those and spiders what’s going on here Angels that’s a lot more comforting than spider skulls and okay this’s Donkey Kong this is pretty cool my aunt living area looks so amazing I’m just going to add a little bedside cabinet here and maybe some lamps on top and I’ll add one last little cake okay Milo all I need to do is spawn in a bunch of ants and then seal my entire buildin with glass and then my ant farm is ready although there is one last thing I need to do but I can only do that with you watching don’t worry you’ll find out about it soon enough it’s a really big surprise and I think you’ll totally lose your mind over it a I want to know now patience patience Milo you’ll know pretty soon for now I’m spawning ants in every single room even the cake room in fact especially in the cake room there are going to be so many ants in here wow this is so cool once I spawn every single ant inside every single room this place will be totally ready oh I’ve so excited you have no idea Milo are you ready to see each other’s ant farms and decide who built the best ant farm out of each of us I am so ready to show you the winning Ant Farm just over here please Milo your ant farm isn’t that bad but wait a minute Milo why are there villages inside your ant farm that was my final prank I actually have villages in here not ants I hate ants what Milo why would you build an ant farm if you hate ants and wait a minute Milo if there are Villages inside an ant fom and they can’t get out Milo you’ve just made a dirt prison yeah they all work for me it’s really awesome oh my gosh Milo you’re crazy but um how do we get inside well if you come up here there’s a little l oh yeah and hey look it looks like there’s a God over there yeah he’s the god he’s going to make sure no actual ants come over here what Milo I can’t believe you made an anthill and then decided not to let any ants in um yeah well obviously well Milo what is this area this is work is is this the working area be it’s just the hanging out Zone if you look cool dude what Milo why are there signs that say work in all capital letters in their hangout Zone well I just got to remind the villagers what they’re here to do Maro this is crazy this is a horrible prison no it’s not it’s really good I know you’re just jealous this guy does not look happy and why are there buttons on the walls is this a bedroom hey get out of my way what Milo don’t yell at The Villages you’re already keeping them trapped you don’t got to be mean to them hey chip what down here oh okay I like the painting that’s nice even though there’s fighting in it and oh look Aletta what’s down here oh this is just another bedroom wow Milo there’s lots of bedrooms in here are you sure you’re not going to build anything else fun for these villagers like I don’t know maybe a pool no they don’t deserve anything fun when they have to work oh my goodness Milo even in the eating area it says work when did these guys get a break they don’t oh my goodness Milo and wait look there’s a farm oh this is a really nice touch Milo I bet it’s so Lush and nice in here look at it it’s really cool this Farm is probably just for relaxing right no silly it’s for growing crops and making money what Milo you’re so evil you’ve totally trapped all these villages in here I don’t think it’s evil I think it’s actually really smart oh my goodness Milo and what is this place why are these guys all Amorous because they got to work and make me good armor that’s how I’m going to get rich on the server wo this guy’s a butcher how on Earth does he get meat down here um I have’t really thought about that but look it’s the library oh Milo it’s nice of you that you added a library so they can read and relax in here yeah and all the books are about working what Milo this librarian looks like the saddest librarian ever imagine trying to read your favorite book and all the books pages say his work hey you stop trying to do sad stuff to Cher what Milo hey don’t yell at the librarian we would just talking he seems like a cool guy whatever we need to move on okay hey what other rooms do you have is is this it um yeah actually I think there’s one more down here oh my goodness Milo I really hope it’s a nice room and not a totally crazy one and wait a minute are you lost hang on a second I think I forgot to access some of the worms a chip come out here and have a look wait a minute Milo you’re so crazy hold on a second you made rooms we can’t even get to oh man I’m such a dam yeah Milo I think even ants are smarter than this huh I guess I was still totally right in saying that ants are smarter than well can I just say something yeah of course even though my ant farm is a little random I’m still going to beat you Milo you are so wrong if you think you can beat me because look here is my ant farm in all its Glory this is crazy chip it’s enormous oh yeah it is absolutely huge look you can see every single room and Milo Can you spot the queen ant yeah she’s right down here yeah she’s in the super cool royal queen ant bedroom hi clean ant hello hello look how big she is compared to all the other ants and hey they’re a soldier ant now wow I guess my Soulja ant training room is definitely paying off yeah that’s actually really cool chip I wouldn’t have even thought about building that yeah it was pretty cool to think about and hey Milo do you want to have a look inside yes I really actually want to right this way then over here is the entrance it’s just this little antill it totally looks not noticeable at all until you go inside that is yeah if I saw this I would be like um there’s nothing here yeah all right now that you po down boom you land on some soft honey and hey there’s a little nice ant to greet us I don’t really like his Vibe hey Milo be nice to ants they’re very smart now if you make your way through here you come into the entrance room wow this entrance room is really long yeah and really fancy now Milo you’ll notice that we don’t have many stairs here and if we do you can’t climb up them as a human that’s because this place is built for ants and ants can climb anything all the ants are touching me no they’re not Milo you’re in the middle of a room by yourself except uh-oh that Soldier ant almost got you come on let’s go through the farming area this is the plant area where these ants can grow all their own crops this is actually really cute I like it a lot thanks me too and here of course is the storage area we have lots of space to store items inside and look there are even two ants in here guarding it to make sure nobody takes anything well I might try and take something no way Milo leave the storage room alone and you’ll see here we have a staircase um I don’t actually see a staircase well mil Lord that’s because ants don’t listen to Gravity they can fall from an infinite height and not take any damage and because we’re inside the ant farm we don’t either wait that’s kind of op yeah it totally is look we can come down and wao Milo the queen has come out to greet us herself wow hello miss queen it is quite nice to meet you what Milo it’s not miss queen don’t dab at her it’s your majesty oh well I don’t really know how to greet an ant Queen oh my goodness okay don’t DB Milo okay over here we have the harvesting and growing Chambers for the little babies oh hello wo no Milo these aren’t the ant babies they haven’t been laying yet these are just regular ants that are guarding the babies to keep them safe why is this one spinning like a silly cuz he’s really excited to see us Milo and down here we have the area where the babies will lay to hatch and oh here is the best part this is the cake storage room hey I came up with the cake I do and you just copied me hey Milo you’re eating all my cake that’s for the ants and for the ant babies it’s for me okay Milo I guess now that you’ve eaten all of it it kind of is for you but over here if you jump right back this way you will see there are rooms on the other side of the Epic queen ant Throne Room W that’s crazy let’s go over there yeah we totally can here is the big ant bedroom it goes really far up because there are so many ants in here that need beds of their own a this is a really cute bedroom yeah it totally is and we have lots of paintings and and it’s very fancy coming up the top Milo it goes really really high wow this is smart yeah it totally is these ants are really smart I did help them make this of course but Milo you are going to totally lose your mind when you see the Epic rooms we have down here man I can’t believe there’s more yeah there totally is look over here we have the ultimate Vault this is where we keep all of our gold blocks and our diamond blocks because our queen ant is just so rich wow this treasure looks like a meant for me not you Milo oh my goodness hey maybe you’d like to hang out in this geode it’s not exactly for you but you can totally spend time in here and have fun yeah this is really pretty yeah it totally is now Milo you totally agree that my aunt f is the best all just based on that right n what Milo why not it’s clearly the better one hm I guess I’m going to have to convince you that my aunt f is really the best and I know exactly how to do it what how are you going to do it well I actually have a little friend and his name is Zach Zach what is he doing here I don’t know I think I saw him inside your antill Milo you know ants are smart but they’re also strong that’s why my antill is the best and your antill is full of villagers I don’t remember seeing a Zach villager in here hello Zach oh Milo Zach isn’t a villager what what do you mean Milo Zach’s not a villager at all he’s Zach the zombie what no don’t you D put zombies in here they’re going to infect my villagers oh yeah they totally will Milo it is zombie pandemonium your antill is not strong at all because your Villages can totally be gotten by my zombies oh my gosh they all turning into zombies what zombie Villages oh wow Milo your ant farm is not safe from zombies at all my Ants would totally destroy zombies chip you are the worst and I’m going to get you although Milo now that I’ve proven that your ant farm is not very strong at all and is actually very weak and is kind of just a prison do you agree that my ant farm is officially the best well I know it is yeah you’re [Music]

Chip and Milo are going head to head in a NOOB vs PRO ANT FARM HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft! But what happens when the Queen Ant ATTACKS!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. Hei chip you are the best and milo is funy you are the best ! Plise like and coment to me 👇🙏!this vidio is the best 🎉🎉🎉📱📱💻🖥📺🎬

  2. Correction: A bird like "Milo" would very much be smarter than an ant since an ant is very small. Although an ant is one the smartest insects, the intelligence of a bird would be more related to the intelligence of humans , apes, and marine animals, making it easy to see that a bird or "Milo" is smarter than a ant

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