Can I beat Terraria with Minecraft ITEMS ONLY?!

Terraria and Minecraft are two games that have been compared and criticized endlessly and ruthlessly on the internet so what better way to bring the piece than by combining both games today I try to beat Terraria while using only items from Minecraft and I threw in a Minecraft texture pack as well for funsies I guess we can be Steve and I think Steve has blue eyes I’m just doing this all off memory now I think this is Steve yes sir we’re going to call this um beautiful all right Stampy Lovely World oh still got my zoom mod dang okay so oh no here’s a problem um Minecraft has copper but it doesn’t have copper tools no no oh that sucks all right so we have to start off with no tools Gung this one goes out to you in your playr of whatever you did I hope we get a good spawn with like chests and stuff dude I can’t make it over that I can’t get over this oh all right yeah this is not looking good this is looking very bad actually the vulture looks awesome though okay there is a cave over here let’s go let’s go come on all right I need to find a chest I got to find a chest ASAP uh oh all right what do we got what we we got shurikens can’t use those oh shoot where am I I can use my mini map to kind of oh all right we have copper I guess that’s the only well we got a swiftness potion too so we got two usable things uh great start guys we got swiftness potion and some copper bars before we get too deep in this playthrough let me clarify the rules this challenge real quick cuz they kind of evolved as it went on any item from Minecraft Minecraft dungeons can be Loosely translated into a Terraria item based off name looks uses my opinion and also if the Minecraft texture pack I’m using has a skin for it for craftables I’m mainly taking into account the validity of the final product so even though a swiftness potion in Terraria takes blinkroot to craft I can still make it since it’s only the final product that matters what I won’t allow is the use of special tools to obtain ingredients for a recipe those are my general terms for the challenge it would be really nice if I could get over this cave I don’t think I’m going to be able to though oh maybe yes okay there’s probably a crimson or maybe a snow biome I don’t really care shoot it’s a crimson all right we’re going to go down here hopefully get something we got nothing you know what we’ll just all right third time’s the charm wait can I I can destroy pots okay oh shoot I’m getting attacked by a red slime all right all right yeah I mean I can’t make it up there oh wait I have can I jump on copper I can dude I I think I’m genuinely one block away if I hadn’t used that copper on that pot I genuinely might have been able to do this uh if I can get something decent in this world uh I’ll go ahead and go right back to the lovely world just in cas in case you’re curious my main goal right now is to get bombs or wood from chests wood so I can make torches and actually see underground and bombs to well mine with yes thank you Levi 52 Green oh it’s experience orb so it’s technically wait okay grenades aren’t in Minecraft obviously does Minecraft have shine potions I think night vision gives such a similar effect to a shine potion I think I’m going to allow myself to use it oh nice yes okay this is perfect honestly you know what I might be able to actually just head back to the lovely world all right this is where we previously died at yep there’s our gravestone to remind us I am begging the M Minecraft Terraria gods for a chest shoot oh oh come on what kind of luck is that yeah I think I’d be well I don’t think I want to go back through that desert because I don’t want to risk dying again so what I’m going to do is use these lead bars which it’s basically iron so let’s see what do we got over here so we’re going to head down here oh why is this so deep what do you mean why is this water hole so deep there’s a chest over there that’s nice to know dude I cannot get freaking whatever to save my life I’m just hoping I don’t fall back in that water pit oh I fell back in the water pit oh here we go yes all right a ah come on dude this is a joke cuz now I’m either drowning or oh I’m caving we’re going to go back to insolent blink of whatever yeah I there there was nothing I could do there I got some torches okay those will be nice technically I can get bombs out of these so we are finally getting somewhere oh there’s a mine cart track down here all right see where this takes us okay now I’m mainly hoping for bombs a hopefully this is it right here literally one pot with bombs in our entire playthrough is changed okay there’s four here come on come on yes yes we got bombs okay this is good it’s time boys it’s right in the middle I don’t yeah all right two is fine I’m okay with that yes okay so now we have wood but I also want some Cactus cuz cuz then I can oh wait I can’t make a cactus pickaxe at least we can defend ourselves though cuz now I can like get up here and stuff the only issue is I can’t destroy my build so I got to keep that in mind as I go through here I don’t know what you are is that a life Crystal now here’s an issue uh Minecraft doesn’t have Life Crystals ooh a glowing mushroom biome okay yes there’s a chest I see it that has got to be the most useless dude actually the mace we can use the mace the the brand new 1.20 item oh and it’s Godly all right so now we got decent early game damage oh hello sir well uh I just trapped myself what can you even make with cactus in Minecraft like green dye yeah I I might have to start stretching like the rules of life Fruit and stuff cuz I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get away doing a whole playthrough without life Fruit come on N all right we got we got an Eye of Ender that’s cool okay let’s go over to that lead Yep this is it all [Music] right all right here we go uh uh Bonk Bonk Bonk seems like our slow start is finally over I think I am going to allow sticky bombs you can ridicule me and get pissy about it but uh you’re not the one doing the playthrough so I really don’t care uh money’s useless to me can’t use MPC I guess I could use NPCs Minecraft’s got villagers got our furnace and we have our lead oh my goodness gracious guys it is time oh and it’s shap full love that all right we got copper axe um yeah so we have oh wait I can’t use a copper axe that took way too long I think this mod plus the Terraria 3D mod would go so hard you know what let’s do it let’s do it now this this is what Terraria has been missing oh yeah this is this is this is this is just purely incredible cuz this is going to make the game a lot harder all right I’m going to take Life Crystals uh I don’t know if I’m going to use it or not but we’re going to figure that out later Crystal Apple it’s kind of like a gold Apple ain’t it it re it fortifies your health yeah I’m going to allow it a permanent Golden Apple how about it now this one was controversial even to myself uh realistically if I wanted to stick lore accurate to Minecraft the only way I increase my Max Health was life force potions since they temporarily fortify your health the same as a golden apple does but I also wanted this video to be more than one boss fight long so I cheated sorry so here’s the issue right now with this challenge uh I can’t really use accessories so what am I supposed to do I mean I guess potions are just going to be my best friend I didn’t realize how much I dislike Terraria sound effects until this terraria’s got Minecraft beat on the music unless you’re nostalgic for Minecraft music but Minecraft’s got Terraria beat with the sound effects man ah all right I’m just going to go down as deep as I can other falling potions those could actually be pretty useful wow yes magic mirror can’t use it but oh oh oh oh gold helmet chain mail Greaves let’s go so we got 16 defense and uh I need to see what items I could even use right now cuz I need some sort of accessory I could get like dun rider boots that’s like basically Soul speed that’s about all I got for Speed uh dun rider boots and it’s about it all right so uh we’re going to just pretend that this is Primm sand uh obviously we don’t have platforms so that’s going to be a bit of a struggle all right let’s see what these Dune Rider boots do oh yeah or sorry our soul speed uh diamond boots I mean I guess we can give the ikul shot sorry the Ender eye summons the eye of Colossus okay see what happens uh this is not looking very promising uh I don’t think this mace is going to cut it I mean we’re doing okay damage but he’s just absolutely shredding me right now oh okay he doesn’t seem too happy honestly I think until he starts dashing this phase might actually be easier I lied I lied I’m sorry for even speaking I’m sorry for having a voice I’m so sorry so the mace it does work that’s I mean obviously but we’re going to need some potions No Doubt so I can get swiftness regen strength I could get like a wrath potion I suppose so I get wrath potions regen potions and swiftness potions what do those need eban Koy awesome Minecraft doesn’t really have bait I don’t think I don’t think wrath potions are going to matter that much okay well I guess I’ll make my regen got go and make some normal healing potions as well like I said I don’t really care about what gets used in the recipe as long as the final product is what I want let me see what weapons I have available to me cutless okay Vine whip snowbow there’s a frost bow in this game Frost armor that’s literally name forame Frost armor so Turtle armor beehive armor that’s just be armor this is still going to be practically accessory lless practically potionless well actually maybe Maybe Minecraft dungeons has other stuff artifact quiver might be able to use the quiver buzziness summons bees yeah I mean it’s still not a lot to work with but you know what I’ll take it so yeah uh I’ve never played Minecraft dungeons so I don’t know what is in the game really that could be used in Terraria this is all kind of just guessing are those diamonds those are diamonds oh Diamonds oh we got diamonds guys oh we got diamonds guys let’s see does this go anywhere notada What If instead of jungle it was called Edge because they Edge you on where the Cave’s going to be 15 Stingers 12 vines or three Vines 12 jungle spores this is going to suck whoa angry angry bee angry bee they actually managed to make these bees scarier than the ones in normal Terraria there we go boom we have the snap Thorn probably going to be our most powerful weapon for a while oh yeah this is going to be good yep here it is oh wow he’s just going to spawn in on top of me that’s cool uh we are going to oh wait I can’t teleport home oh my god oh I can drink it yay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on let’s go that was a lot closer than it needed to be can’t use that can’t use that can’t use that can’t use that yep that fight was useless oh my God it’s a villager slime so for B armor we’re going to have to go back to the Jungle to kill queen bee a couple times on expert mode with no accessories gold armor and a snap Thorn I think I’m probably going to have to switch this play through over to normal mode I hate to do it but I can’t I can’t do this in expert mode but that’s how it is so now this play through should get a little bit easier oh here we go yes we found a beehive what’s nice too is that we’re actually kind of right next to a massive opening just got to build a nice little uh Arena oh wait I can’t use platforms I could use this Minecart Track though oh okay it’s just going to glitch me through the ground that’s fine I could put this up in the air now we can place these down there it is ow okay I in the honey well I mean I guess there’s no reason I can’t fight her there will be no better time than now I mean honestly I can just jump over but like when she gets up there and starts doing her bees there we go ouch yeah yeah no this would have been impossible in uh expert mode at least for me oh here we go yes yes yes yes yes yes yes big damage big big big big big she just going to do this for the rest of the fight I mean I’m fine with that that’s certain that is without a doubt not an issue yes we got The Beekeeper The Beekeeper is actually a weapon that we can use be Stinger can draw friendly bees Into The Fray to fight alongside you so that’s basically the exact same thing as The Beekeeper oh yeah that’s massive damage okay let’s see what is the set bonus increases summon damage by 10 so now we do 23 this gave us 19 and we sacrifice three defense all right we’re actually trading our armor for experience so uh bottled honey Minecraft does have bottled honey yeah um this is our load out for wall of flesh so we’re going to drink our feather fall potion or our potion of slowfall my bad we’re going to go to hell baby oh shoot I’m dead wow here we go the Nether baby we have made it dude it’s Minecraft I can’t believe Minecraft’s in real life so yeah the only thing I can do right now now is build a elevator or a hell Bridge oh there it is I was waiting for that there we go it’s like a little totem all right I feel like this should be fine I mean there’s no reason I can’t just fight him right now let’s give it a shot the barrier as awoken oh it looks cool healing some big damage the Unleashed ooh doing pretty good damage I’d say all right let’s go let’s go let’s go oh this fight is certainly not easy but it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever done considering I’m doing this with 13 defense and wall fles is down sorry the barrier is down uh bone Club so bone Club in Minecraft yeah bone Club okay well you you heard it here you heard it from the game guys this this is not the breaker blade this is the bone Club don’t I still have a magic mirror yeah I’m just going to keep it I know it’s not Minecraft but I don’t care I’m getting so sick of that Terraria dubstep theme I think like my eyes are going to be distorted after this playthrough like this whole game has been sideways what do you got Fedora maybe I’ll put it on as a notch reference yeah all right Notch there you go you know what I think I’m going to actually real quick go make that mine cart track in the sky all right what weapons do we got I have to beat the mech bosses with an anchor an ice bow and be armor I think ice bow is going to be my best bet we got to go to the underground ice biome and farm ice mimics which is not going to be fun at all guys it’s the netherite armor from Minecraft just going to find our way down here this 13 defense is really helping me out [Music] here all right I have a new idea that might just make things a little bit [Music] easier whoa guys the Ice Mimic spawned in oh my goodness gracious I don’t know where it came from it surprised me out of nowhere oh I got the flower of frost guys wao guys another Ice Mimic what is the luck Ice Mimic oh I got I didn’t get the the weapon I wanted wao guys another Ice Mimic I can’t believe this the Minecraft Gods love us today all right guys we got we got the ice bow hope you guys are proud of me I know my parents aren’t all right yippe so what we’re going to do now is I guess we’re going to go mining I can get a quiver oh my God are you kidding me wow all right I think however much lead I have should be fine we don’t need a m of Arena all right so this is going to be the start to our Arena right here now have a nice fat [Music] Circle boom all right now we got a nice little Arena but we can’t really summon the mech bosses because of uh we can’t get the ores so we’re going to use cheats all right I don’t think we’re going to be running out of summons anytime soon all right uh I think I want to do the twins first no Skeletron Prime I think oh I did not mean to do that oh I’m still in uh uh Center I did not intend to make it go like this but after a rocky start you seem to be doing okay you know things have gone much worse for me in the past uh that’s not good how have I not died yet I cannot explain how easy this would be if I had a mechanical mine cart yeah well all right so now we’re just going to I think this is probably how I should have been playing this whole time I mean I think we still have time for a second match up yeah I think that actually went okay h i me I guess I could try the twins see if they’re any easier all right rer uh or spaz uh spaz is not making this part of the fight easy wow we’re doing good damage though but they’re doing good damage too all right let’s see if we can just like generally avoid them I don’t know about this man I don’t think Destroyer is going to be much easier all I do is go in circles I basically run into them half the time I mean I guess I can try the twins again but I don’t know man I guess I could try just outrunning them like literally just keeping as much distance as I possibly can not on this Arena on this Arena oh shoot wrong way oh this is not good rough start rough start rough start oh well that’s not how I wanted this to go all right we’re just going to start moving spawn him in oh and of course I have to run right into him for three fraking minutes what a joke here we go this is looking a little bit better and once he starts charging keep my distance this is kind of a struggle Point here um okay yeah ironically I think the twins are going to be the easiest part of this dude he’s already almost dead okay if we keep Reaser like the perfect distance he just doesn’t shoot you oh spaz is angry yeah spaz is whoa oh Lord never get your hopes up in this game that’s how you die shoot like I said all right let’s see how Prime treats us yeah he keeps up no problem all right let’s try Destroyer hello there freaking probes yeah he keeps up surprisingly well actually oh yeah there he goes okay I don’t know that’s not terrible I have without a doubt fought worse than that I think I’m going to do twins cuz they were the easiest by far oh no he shoots at whatever range this isn’t terrible though Frick despawned [Music] him this boss fight is literally a joke anyways I’m just going to use this mod to change the time I’m going to be completely honest I was expecting this ice bow to be a lot better against the twins but you know that’s okay all right so hopefully I won’t despawn retin aser this time uh we’ll see what happens though oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh this sucks this sucks this sucks this sucks this sucks this sucks this s there are a lot of factors here that you got to think about oh no no please don’t despawn please don’t despawn shoot if I came down here in my house he wouldn’t be able to shoot me yeah uh we got to do [Music] that all right let’s go over here yes okay this is going to be insanely slow but it is 100% ah nope it’s it’s not it’s not very possible I mean we could even just like oh wait this stupid freaking villager slime is not helping me here yeah we do about 100 damage every time uh I think I’m just going to let this AFK I don’t got time for this that could be a small issue I’m thinking maybe like put a door here and then when I’m Healed up enough I can shoot him a couple times while he’s through here then we just so here we go w w w w w and then he goes down here all right uh we’re right back into the fight I guess oh shoot I the moon’s about to go down no oh shoot that was the worst time for that to happen all right I guess we’re doing the Strat oh my God you stupid MPC dude if this stupid guy does not move there stay right there no get back up there guide you want to sit in your chair oh you want to sit in your chair all right you useless m he see you’re an absolute waste of space and all right all right come over here come over here come over here come over here big boy come over here come over no all right we’re just going to do this let him go through me this is fine this this is exactly what I wanted actually oh my God it’s like it if it isn’t one of them it’s a different one oh this works there is genuinely no way I fail this I don’t understand a way I could fail this right now they’re just casually playing rock paper scissors merch’s going what a nice day guys didn’t just try to kill me the Redstone Watchers have been defeated Merchant endite bars I don’t have the hard mode Anvil so I can’t get turtle armor which means I have to do planta and Golem with B armor next we are going to try the Destroyer cuz he was pretty easy we’ll see what happens all right we are down 20,000 health and we are probably at 10:30 p.m. right now if I had like a homing weapon to deal with these probes dude I think it’d be game over yep we’re almost halfway through the night and we got 10,000 Health before 40K if we do win it’s going to be really close all right I’m done with the probes yeah I think the only way I’d be able to win that fight is with an archery potion which obviously I can’t use um I mean I could try to Destroyer one more time I suppose yeah I don’t even think it’s worth it to try to win this fight just going to teleport um okay well Destroyer is impossible so that means the run’s dead but I still want to try to beat Skeletron I mean I could try Skeletron on this platform I don’t think it’s going to work out too well but I mean I’ll try to like I’ll try to stay going at a pretty consistent speed keep good distance try to dodge you get your hopes up for a second when you start doing like decent Dam damage and then reality just hits you in the face like a truck like once he starts catching up to you and stuff you just kind of realize oh yeah I I’m actually really screwed right now I would have to say I’ve gotten pretty decent at dodging on a mine cart y be be careful pvping me in Terraria man I can Dodge on a mine cart like crazy health is not Health has looked much better in the past 3 2 1 heal heal heal he he he please please please oh the Laser’s down okay I am not against that at all oh it’s not down it’s not down it’s not down it’s not down it’s so close though come on I’m focusing too much on hitting the laser though not on dodging shoot

Minecart more like 3d terrarium amiright gamers


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