Juniomos Are Actually Puppies

junimos are puppies confirmed he’s getting tickled by the junimos got it wizard with an S rasas modus magic I was trying to cast a spell that would help me commune with more of the Sprites of the forest and ow are they like puppies are they biting his legs it seems to have stop it it seems to have backfired somewhat you kaer would you be so kind to us as to pick up that spell book and read the three lines on the bottom of page 53 [Music] aw keep this one to yourself won’t you I don’t want to become too much of a laughing stock I mean who knows you what are you worried about your reputation in town that’s like non-existent

The Junimos in Stardew Valley Expanded behave very much like puppies! When the wizard in town casts a spell to attract the Junimos he ends up attracting way too much of them and they start tickling him and biting his legs. This adorable cutscene makes the Junimos easily my favorite creature in all of Stardew Valley!


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