I Survived 100 Days LEARNING REDSTONE in Minecraft Hardcore! (#12)

greetings citizens over the past thousand days or so in this hardcore World we’ve built plenty of farms that utilize Redstone as a part of their construction there’s only one problem I only have the vaguest idea how Redstone actually works most of what we do is from tutorials and it may as well be magic for all I’m concerned today that changes we’ll be spending this 100 days learning about Redstone and applying that to the various builds and Contraptions that we’ll be working on the goal is to understand why everything works the way it works and hopefully we’ll leave the video just a little bit wiser if you enjoy our adventures today hit that subscribe button to join the legion and help us reach our goal of 100,000 subscribers let’s get started and by the way I’m pretty sure I could get this to work okay great now it’s not even working out here anymore what did I do it was working before should turn that off ooh oo it worked we did it no no no no no no no he’s probably going to get me that guy’s going to get me oh no I hear his footsteps no can’t stop me from sleeping buddy you’d think they’d know not to follow me but the lure of a sing Le wheat seed is just too strong they must have it oh you absolute [Music] fools welcome back citizens we’ve got a lot of fun things planned today so I say we dive right into it you probably guessed from the title of this video as well as the thumbnail but today is all about Redstone if we’re going to be generous we can say yes I know the basics we’ve used it in some Farms but that’s mainly through following tutorials today is all about learning turning and taking control of the power of redstone so on that note what steps do we need to take what’s our order of operation for today and maybe editor Legion can help us out here why don’t we throw up a little uh you know text on the side over here so we can keep track of this stuff and I think we’ll be using this throughout as we look at the technical specifications of each of the Redstone components but there we go that’s looking better so I think number one we’re going to want to collect a lot of redstone for making components because last time I looked we were a little short number two we will grab all of the different Redstone components and kind of just go one by one learning what they do what are the limits what are the typical applications of each and then number three we’ll work on building Farms or Contraptions or something that can essentially show off the new found knowledge that we gain and on that note it might be a good idea to choose things off of here I don’t know exactly what but this is our to-do board so maybe if there’s something we think fits in with a redstone build we can choose something here and just build a lot of redstone into it but that is step three we’re going to start with step one and we got to throw this back on there we go so just to be sure I’m right we can take a look in the old storage room over here hello puppy dogs oh and by the way I think we have some naming to do today I saw all of your suggestions for different names for the uh the dogs and I think as well as the the cat you see on the bed over there so we’re going to get that uh to that eventually in the video as well so Redstone red stone yeah we did a bit of mining last video we got a bit that’s not going to be enough for what we have planned today and we do have a couple components but I mean I mean yeah we’re we’re going to need a lot more I don’t know if it shows oh it does it’s got a little Redstone tab here so yeah I mean some things I don’t even know why they’re showing up as Redstone like a a lightning rod or a honey block why would that be considered Redstone yeah we have a lot to learn okay so that’s our first order of business let’s get ourselves a goodly portion of redstone and we’re going to go on the move for that but it reminds me we’ve got one more mod to show off and this is going to be another thank you to all of you this was a suggestion in the comments everybody saw that I had the uh let’s see how do we there we go the zeros mini map here which has been helpful it’s been nice but I was let’s be honest kind of complaining that it doesn’t show the whole world just your local region and it kind of unloads and reloads As you move so all of you told me why aren’t you just using zero a world map then that’s exactly what it does so I installed it and I think if we open it up like this there we go that actually shows us all of the regions we have visited so far obviously it’s not going to show you places that you haven’t been yet which makes perfect sense but oh that’s a village okay but you could see how cool this is anywhere that you visited you could actually look around and check it out you could see the snow castle that we’ve got on the mountain over here the Woodland Mansion things like where I constantly would get lost like I could never find the Pillager Outpost when we needed to do the raid Farm I could just look here see where it is I could see how to avoid a village to get over to our raid Farm which is right here I can identify other Farms that we built if something looks out of place like this is our drown Farm way up here so there’s a lot of different things you can see that just makes it so much easier and also plan out future builds because you can see obviously where our main base is right here but then you can also see in relation where the trading Hall area is and the iron farm all of this type of thing as well as the sniffer Farm but anytime we want to build something new we can kind of just look at all of this and see where it would fit in so very cool mod I think I’m really going to enjoy using this but that’s enough about that for now I’m sure we’ll be opening this up and going through it multiple times in this video and future videos but once again thank you for that suggestion I’m going to get a lot of use out of this and the reason I say we’re going to be on the move is because we could just spend a lot of time mining for Redstone that’s doable to be honest though I wouldn’t prefer it I think it makes a lot more sense to say hi to our sniffer friends which I did keep working on a little bit so after the last video I was able to get now we’re up to three sniffers and one egg hopefully every time we’re here this uh works and we get more eggs and that kind of thing but either way the real purpose is to come over to the trading Hall and remember what we’re looking like over here with our CL we do have two I was worried I only had one that might be enough and something else I’ve been thinking about it usually takes me a bit to get to any Roman facts in a video it’s usually I don’t even know like 30 minutes in 45 minutes in I kind of want to start this video off with some Roman facts and I think the Cinematic we can use is just villager trading because all I plan to do is go through some of this wood to trade sticks with the stick boys use our automated Farms here that have been filling up these chests to trade with the farmers get a ton of emeralds and turn that all into Redstone so while I’m working on that enjoy a few Roman facts once we come back we’ll be ready to start our Redstone education see you soon citizen if I’m remembering correctly we might have talked about how purple was an imperial color in the past but I was recently reading some more information about this we know purple was reserved for Roman emperors and nobody else was allowed to wear that color unless they wanted the pretorians dragging them away in Chains but another interesting tidbit is how purple Dy was made to produce purple color the Romans used MX seashells which are really cool looking shell sadly it appears that the Romans and their neighbors went a bit overboard collecting the shells of these creatures because now they are extinct in most of the places they lived in ancient times also quick break from Facts to show that I was happily trading away enjoying some capitalism when I spotted this chicken lying in weight attempting an ambush but don’t worry I’m far too observant and its amateur attempt to surprise me failed here’s another fact for you while I wrap up the rest of these trades the Romans didn’t use soap apparently soap was a Celtic invention so most likely the Romans viewed the practice of using soap as barbaric we’ve all heard of Roman bath houses so of course they had baths but when they wanted a good watch they would actually cover themselves in olive oil and then scrape it off to remove the dirt and sweat all right I think we’re probably good with what we’ve got and as you can see that is quite a bit we condense it down I mean I kept trading I didn’t need this many emeralds as you can see we’ve got over a stack and a half of blocks with five left over so quite a bit and we did come up with a ton of redstone as well if we do the same thing we’ve got 37 blocks and three dust I thought I’d get Glowstone I feel like it’ll come in handy but with that I think yeah we’re ready to head back I did notice that other snipper hatched up here I what I didn’t notice is do we have enough torch flowers to get yet another or torch flowers seeds I should say what have you been digging up down here hello there you are and I think with that yeah we’ve got two more we can get one extra egg and I don’t know if I want to put it down here or maybe I should what I was thinking we could automate this in the future cuz if I’m not around their drops aren’t going to go anywhere I could set it up so that there’s a mine cart going beneath here that would pick up anything but they can get down there and that just really wouldn’t work well so it’s either kind of cut that off so that they have to stay up here or start a separate sniffer farm that just used to pick stuff up back at the base that might not be a bad idea if we’re being honest sniffer either way let’s get ourselves a new egg so you two go for it MOS do there we go thank you we’ll hang on of this one maybe we’ll do something back in the base who knows maybe that’s one of the redstone things we can build either way we’re ready to head back and it is a good thing I got more emeralds I mean not like I was running short or anything but I have a couple other thoughts of things I’d like to spend those on once we get home and I believe we’ll want to head over to the Villager house here cuz first of all I know we have extra pontif effect maximus’ in here oh don’t rush me come on but they were all broken last time are you still broken yeah like uh I mean I can buy some Redstone from them but for whatever reason they do not want to refresh oh boy showing emeralds in here is a bad idea it’s like Pokémon cards on Black Friday but we will do what we can I can’t see a thing who’s the you no we already did that you there we go get those never refresh again for the rest of your life it’s probably just there’s too many of them in here this is just a mad house uh that’s not actually the reason I came in here though we want to head to the secret basement not creepy at all hey boys and this is actually for the next step in my plan I want to see what kind of blocks they have like yellow terracotta that might come in handy as well as quartz let me do some shopping here and then I’ll tell you why I’m doing that and yes we’ll take a look at the Iron Golem Zoo while we’re here hey friends incredible how long they can hold their breath it’s just it’s nuts yeah I think we do want some of the yellow terracotta and who was the other one that had some you yeah kind of don’t want any of the other stuff it’s not it’s not calling out to me right now that makes sense so maybe we’ll let him refresh get one more round of the yellow terracotta and then the rest I could probably get out of storage I don’t go deaf from all the O I need to step away from that while they refresh it’s too much I have to hide in a corner there we go I’ll take a bit more okay that should probably do it let’s get out of here before I lose my mind hello boys woo okay I’m glad to be out of there where are all you coming from why are we getting more if you’re going to do anything go down into the zoo we don’t need you up here Iron Golems have feelings too you know yeah right okay so Hefty little addition to our Emerald chist that is looking a lot better to me now and thinking about it things like quartz for what I have in mind might be a bit too bright so we might just want to go with stone and why don’t I tell you what I had planned here if we’re going to be spending a lot of time working with redstone components and just testing things and trying to figure out how things work I want a test area not quite like a mad scientist left I’m thinking more like you know uh did anybody watch Mythbusters they always went out to that one uh Airfield or something just a big flat area to run tests on that’s what I’m thinking just a big flat area that we can show somehow that hey this is a test area keep out and then we can run all of our tests there that’s why I got the yellow terra cotta that’s kind of like the the color that they use for caution signs and things like that so we can use that I think it might be cool to use lightning rods for some aspect of this which why don’t we go with start with 16 that might be enough maybe some chains to block off certain areas and speaking of yellow how about something yellow that glows ah good idea we’ll actually grab a couple of these and then for the main portion I think we will go with stone just something kind of neutral looking but let’s see in fact we could probably go with the slabs I didn’t think of that until I saw those there we go come on there we go so that’s our building stuff for this other one why don’t we throw everything we have that’s Redstone related in there just bring it with cuz the assumption is we’re going to be using it at some point and let’s take another look what are some other red sty things we’ll want to bring I guess slime and honey that’s another one nether quartz oh yeah lots of Cobble too I don’t have a lot of Cobble I always forget about that but hopefully that’s enough don’t have as much slime as I thought we did we do have a slime farm but that actually reminds me we’ll grab some of the honey let’s run to the slime farm real quick because somebody also reminded me in a comment that I I think I did something wrong on the slime farm it’s been sitting out there for a while not working it has to do with tinted glass something I don’t think I’ve ever crafted because at the slime farm I didn’t use tinted glass I used uh stained glass assuming it does the same thing I don’t think it does I think stained glass lets light through whereas tinted glass doesn’t so on the way maybe we Implement a fix there oh boy I don’t have a lot of am with the shards honestly this is right on par for a legion video start doing something thing gets sidetracked 100 times before we get to it but hopefully you enjoy that I actually like getting distracted and taking care of little things so on the way we’re going to fix the slime farm but in order to do that we need glass but we also need amethyst shards something that I have nowhere near enough of so we need to remember what I did with my geode and I think I know but let’s take all this with I’m sure we’re going to be back we’ll have forgotten something as we usually do let’s go find a geode and I’m pretty sure way back when when the center of this was just a Stairway going down to the the mine it was somewhere on that stairway now we have these water elevators so I think what we need to do is head down and then once we get down to the bottom we find our old stairway which I think is over here and we head back up to find that geode I mean I’m sure they’re everywhere I’m I’m positive I run into them all over the place it’s just this is the one I remember that I know it’s there in fact I think I see it on the mini map we’re heading straight for it or we were did I pass it up or no there’s there’s another one I don’t know now the mini map is just confusing me we’ll figure it out uh should be maybe around here yeah there it is I see it down there man this is bringing back memories I actually remember this spot having to come down this water and before we had any armor or anything nearly getting killed by a skeleton here that is wild just coming back here being able to remember that and wow everything is overgrown I think this is within simulation distance of the base so it’s been busy which is a good thing and stop me if I’m wrong I think we would use silk touch if we want the Clusters or whatever but if we just use regular old pickaxe on these yeah oh wow I’m guessing they work with Fortune cuz we just got eight from that so this is actually going to be probably more than enough ding dong ding look at all this good stuff trying not to hit the block itself hex backck Margaret I think we’re going to have enough you have to just ever so slightly touch the mouse to get this otherwise you’re going to break something these are Beyond insta break no like that I I didn’t mean to do that oh it’s cuz I’ve got yeah I’ve got haston still from the beacon down in the mine that’s not doing me any favors right now I mean how much do I actually need let’s take a look at this real quick we take out some glass I think it was just surrounding it with these is that right that creates two so that’ll give us two stacks two stacks for four stacks of amethyst shards is that right yeah I don’t know how much I need but let’s Maybe let’s just get a little bit more just in case and be careful while we’re doing it okay hopefully this will be enough we’ll call it three stacks and just hope for the best if not we know where we have more or will shortly and now we can get out of here which is kind of silly because that’s our B doome right there but I don’t want to bust through the floor so we’re just going to go back all the way down and then take the elevator back up it is what it is to the mine and up we go all right we got what we need let’s head over to the slime farm potentially fix that I I know I was having trouble with it hopefully this fixes it then we can grab some slime and find a spot to build our test area here we go now who remembers which one was actually the slime farm cuz we did have a portal leading there as far as I remember no idea which one it was I’m I think it’s this middle one so it was near the desert which is that one over there so I think it must be this hey look at the big brain on Legion and we haven’t used this Farm a whole lot but it does work it’s just just I think this was the issue all of that red stained glass was supposed to be tinted glass and that’s a problem another problem is when we break all of the uh try to put this here there we go if we were to break that it might be a problem because currently that’s filled with brown mushrooms and if we let light in that’s going to be bad for the mushrooms so I guess we could try this at night cuz then maybe no light would get in I mean got the Torches but that probably shouldn’t get in yeah let’s just be double safe let’s get some temporary blocks and then we can build our way up here and I don’t know if this is going to help at all or not I’m thinking we just go all the way around the edge with the dirt just to block any light from coming in once we break all of this stained glass also not sure if we’ll be able to replace all of it this does look like a lot and I’ve only got what was it three stacks of the uh the tinted glass we shall find out come to think of it we’ll probably want a little pathway down here as well so we could actually replace all of this but yeah oh yeah I forgot we had our Iron Golem buddy in there didn’t even remember how I built this but if we break this now I think it’ll destroy a lot of the mushrooms that are in there because they need much lower light level so we’ll still do it at night just to be safe and we’re out of dirt hopefully this is enough oh and it’s raining beautiful well that help that might actually help less light I don’t know don’t ask me citizen what do I know there we go we are ready well nearly where did I put the stuff there it is so yeah my best guess is that this stained glass is blocking enough light so that it doesn’t destroy the mushrooms but it’s not block blocking enough light to allow slimes to spawn during the day cuz I think that’s the problem we were running into and they should be able to I I don’t think it has to be night maybe I’m wrong about that but either way this should hopefully help I’m having to watch the clock because now that it’s raining I can’t actually tell when the sun is down so we’re going to have to use that as an indication and hope that we’re right it’s kind of spooky scary being in a swamp at night while it’s raining fortunately We’re The Greatest Warrior that Rome has ever known so there’s nothing to worry about except maybe witches no no witches got nothing on us it appears to be night time because we are getting some spawns out here which leads me to believe that I can break one of these and it’s not going to destroy all these mushrooms right oh goodoo I was not certain about that but yeah I mean that’s the difference between these two hopefully it actually makes a real difference with this farm so let’s go through and is it breaking oh no we’re getting them back okay I’m actually hearing slime right now but they’re not in there so there’s something around here spawning slime not in my slime farm which is quite helpful and it’s getting quite busy down there so maybe we should hurry there’s the culprit honestly if you look in there I think that was the right move cuz look over there where there’s still stained glass you can see the mushrooms a lot better over here completely dark so I think that was an issue interesting well we learned something new stained glass does not equal tinted glass and yes by we I do mean I I’m pretty sure I’m the only person that didn’t know that also we’re going to yeah we have more way more than enough we only needed a stack and a half nice okay so let’s uh let’s get rid of the temporary blocks and we’ll probably make it day so we can do a test obviously slime can spawn right now but we want to see if they can spawn in there which wow yeah it looks a lot darker now jeez skeleton sheep party going on over here it is it is quite busy and did I say you could spawn there don’t think I did hey gu shooting at me down there ow leave me alone no wo okay yep we’re it’s a little crowded excuse me buddy yep move it move it no not the song don’t want you guys destroying the entire area though it’s kind of it’s preferable if you’d leave oo okay that was fun um let’s head up to the AFK platform and make it day oh boy there we go okayo fun stuff but I am ready for fewer mobs and there is a just full rainbow what would you even call that if you could see the entire circle because we certainly can either way I don’t think I want any of this junk we can clean up here a little bit and I guess we just give it a minute now because presumably now it is dark enough in that Spa uh spawn in that farm for slimes to begin spawning ow and I did check the uh chest beneath this thing was completely empty so if we go down there and check in a minute or two then that means it is working and in fact I really don’t feel like waiting a whole long time if it’s not working so let’s take a very quick look ah it’s going to be very difficult to see in there but I did hear slime is that out here or is it in there I know do you hear that slime too knew I heard something I hear him slip slapping around up there hey look at that it is working unsurprisingly you’ve saved me from myself again citizen by this uh tinted glass trick so let’s give it some time to work we’ll sit up here for a couple two tree and then we’ll have plenty of slime to use if we need it for our testing it’s been about a day let’s go down there and have a look still sounds noisy up there that’s good hey look at that yeah that’s going to be more than enough I reckon just give me one more stack there we go nice all right we’re ready we got what I presume I’m going to need which means it’s time to head back and I think I have an idea of where I want to put this man I love this thing it always looks like it’s on fire every time I come past here such a cool build one that I can’t take credit for obviously but I still like it I think I changed my mind we’re going to keep some of the stone but some of it we’re going to throw into the smeltery cuz I think I’d rather have a decent amount of smooth Stone and speaking of redstone stuff this is a good example of that the problem is I just don’t understand how half of half of it works and that’s what we’re going to be fixing today but fortunately this is still working so what did I do I did one two three four fiveish Stacks so once five Stacks come out then we’ll be ready fact I could probably do this in the meantime just talking about how we were running low on Cobblestone also in one of our videos recently we fixed this I don’t actually like how there’s uh chests on all of these it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me cuz what we could do instead of course I’m out of Hoppers let’s just replace those with Hoppers so instead of chests we just go one two three and there we go just consolidate it I don’t have to go through four chests it all just going to end up in one much better anyway sorry to distract you I’m going to do this we’re going to have our smooth Stone soon then we can get to work okay I know I said I was going to let you know when this is done but hear me out I don’t feel like moving the stone generator but the really kind of annoying thing is it’s just out of range of our Beacon which means we can’t use haste when we’re uh doing this I think it’s worth just throwing up an extra Beacon I’ve got so much stuff I’ve even just got a beacon sitting here so yeah let’s just let’s get one extra Beacon I mean what can I say I’m rich I got to use the stuff right such a flex I’ve got lots of stuff in Minecraft and if that’s happening over here somewhere we could probably put it right behind the spqr sign get a nice light shining up out of there hey buddy you are on Roman territory wow there’s a few of you are there you think I mean this is the GS thought they could do it too but my borders are protected hey yeah that’s right I what I that’s what I thought run run while you still can two in full golden armor what’s that about ooh wow he gave me all his stuff sweet okay um I do kind of want this centered I’m going to have to count aren’t I G 50 it is 50 blocks wide so we can’t perfectly Center it but we can get close unless I make it a double Beacon no it’s not necessary but I might do it 25 so right here and is it 9 by 99 I believe to make a full superpowered one I don’t know if I brought enough I never know how much you actually need H we should be okay there we go now hopefully this actually reaches I did not plan out trying to figure out where exactly it needs to go but if it’s for the stone generator we want haste and haste to do that now we’ve got it let’s just make sure it looks nice and pretty oh yeah there we go draws the eye to the glory of Rome and now if we go back to the stone generator and actually drop off this stuff cuz I have a feeling we’re going to need it later there we go now when we’re over here should still have that and look at that insta break wow that is nuts I could probably even increase the capacity on this I could make two rows wow that is crazy yeah I could go like bloop bloop bloop bloop and just take it out instantly why haven’t I been doing that this whole time do you remember all those times we had to sit here for like 20 minutes at a time just to get stone now it’s just insta break oh I’ve wasted so much time s in at least this is done now yeah I I no I I don’t think I’ll ever learn but that’s probably half the fun for you isn’t it okay either way I mean that’s an improvement as long as we’re always improving we’re good awesome okay uh happy with that I we need to finally get around to starting what this whole the point of this video is and this won’t be shocking uh a lot of the recent builds we’ve been doing I haven’t been doing here just cuz it’s feeling kind of full we’ve we’ve got a lot going on around here and that’s fine we could always add more but new things I’ve been setting up over by the trading Hall cuz it’s just such a vast area and it it feels like we could fill it up more we don’t actually need to worry about cramming things together like we have been there so quick check in here see if we can get our second egg and then we’ll also use this as high ground to take a look around although I guess actually technically we don’t need to do that anymore cuz we have this if I want a big flat area for testing and maybe if it was close to this we could keep it going cuz that way they’re in render distance I could build it right next to it I don’t know that I want it that close could be down here the same time though look at this big area right here that would be nice the iron farm would be running it’s nearer to a village too just in case we need villagers I don’t think we would it’s actually near a villager breeder as well so that wouldn’t be a problem I guess I’m not too concerned with the sniffers this just seems like such a big nice wide open area I think we’re going to do it there and I’m not seeing anything over here anyway so maybe we’ll just intermittently come by and check it out see if they’ve dug anything up ooh maybe I spoke too soon I think I see something over here it’s going to be what I oh no it is what I wanted okay great so one more of those then we’ll be good anywh who believe that area is over here yeah right next to the pumpkins okay let’s actually stop and have a gander and yes gander is Latin for for Iron Golem Slaughter don’t blame me you you break my farm I’d love to have you stay it’s just we need that iron farm to keep running okay so we’re going to have to do a goodly amount of clear out over here and flattening the area which isn’t a problem I actually enjoy terraforming this doesn’t look too bad should be fairly easy to do that it’s just a matter of how much space do we need I don’t think we need a a ton a ton of space but we’ll at least clear some of this stuff out cuz we don’t need pumpkins for this we don’t need extra trees we certainly don’t need criminals oh come on that was supposed to be a get get back here you are oh man see this is what I’m talking about they’re slippery slippery criminals anyway these types of situations look a whole lot better as a time lapse so let’s switch to a cinematic view what I’m going to do is terraform this entire area to flatten it out get rid of all of the weeds the flowers that kind of thing and then we’ll have a big flat area then we could start to think about building our actual test ground and begin looking into all those Redstone components so let’s do it I began by removing this hill by the water because I wasn’t about to build something here if my view to the beach was blocked can you imagine the impact on the property value anyway I knocked out the hill pretty quickly with my trusty netherite tools and then replaced the exposed stone with a new dirt layer as I moved on I encountered exposed caves that needed clearing so I greeted all of the mobs and then placed down some torches so I could cover up the entrance and not have to worry about constant mob sounds underground I continued flattening the area a bit and removing the native vegetation until I was rudely interrupted by a strange blue Vagabond with his two attack llamas he said some very unkind things about the Roman Empire and as we know there’s only one possible response to that after that unfortunate incident had been taken care of I decided I should Mark out the area I wanted to use because that would impact what actually needed to be terraformed after I finished clearing the weeds I marked out what I thought would be a large of test area and began to fill in dirt surrounding the slab border at the proper elevation once that was looking good the last step was to even everything out both around the border and on the inside of the marked area I think I actually explained some of this after the Cinematic but I enjoy watching these so much that I’m just kind of trying to talk for a little bit longer so we can get more of this stuff in I do think we’re just about to the point where I take a break in game to go over what I’ve been working on so why don’t I pass it back over to Legion to knock that out once he’s wrapped up we’ll get back to a bit more cinematic to complete this build all right one uh Wrath of Scoopy dooo later and things are looking a little different around here there’s more work to do but I wanted to take a quick pause so we can make sure we’re describing the thought process before we get on to next steps and what we’ve done so far is just marked out the area that I’m going to be using with these slabs and then terraformed everything so it’s mainly flat but as I was working on it I had an idea because I was going to make this one flat area but in case we decide there’s parts of the Redstone that actually need two levels I thought why don’t we make the top flat but we will leave the area underneath it open that way if we need to we can get underneath there we can set down more of the Contraptions or whatever ever we end up doing so I think it will be two levels and I’m still deciding what I want to do I’m thinking maybe half will be high half will be low stairway going down but then the other half will also have a basement I’m not exactly sure how to put it into words but as I mentioned we’re not done yet we’re still going to be doing some work and I am going to go back to cinematic for that just so that we can complete the rest of that portion and then we can get started and see basically what else we might need in order to continue with some of our Redstone experiments was thinking about what to call it and the only thing that came to mind was the Redstone lab I’m sure some of you have better ideas so especially if there’s something Roman themed nothing immediately came to mind so if you have any thoughts we could always rename this right now I’m just going to probably refer to it as the Redstone lab if you’ve got better ideas let me know and we could always rename that but for now let’s get back to the Cinematic and fill out the center of this thing and then we can get started yes I know I keep saying get started like we haven’t been starting for quite a while now it’s just my go-to transition statement so let’s get started and we’re back with more cinematics now that we had a solid area all terraformed and roughed out it was time to start making our official testing platforms after I began I realized I wanted black concrete to use in the floors because I thought it would contrast well with the other materials I used the nearby Pond to convert some of the powder into concrete and then got back to work I didn’t necessarily have a plan or a design set for this so I just kept filling in from the outer edges changing between the stone and the colored blocks in a way that gave off a Testing Lab sort of vibe once I had the top layer down I moved on to the lower platform and followed a very similar design I made small variation so it wasn’t too syy but kept with the sort of Crash Dummy theme we’re going for here either way we’re just about wrapped up so I will pass you back over to Legion so we can hear his thoughts over to you it took a decent amount of time but I’m happy with the results it definitely gives off the vibe that I wanted which is the kind of place you would have Crash Test Dummies no idea if that makes sense but you probably get what I mean plus we do have the multiple levels we’ve got an area up here for testing we have an area down here for testing and if we need to get under here to put some Redstone components underneath that layer easy enough but I’m happy with that we just need to decide where to start now with redstone and most likely it’s going to make sense to start with the basics and editor Legion this might be a good time to start throwing up some graphics that should give us a visual as we’re explaining but unsurprisingly we’re going to start with redstone dust so what is redstone dust according to the Minecraft Wiki Redstone Dust is a mineral that can transmit Redstone power as a wire when placed as a block it can also be used in crafting and Brewing but what does that mean we’ve used Redstone a bunch and you’ll remember a lot of it has to do with placing down these wires the way I like to think of it is essentially as electricity cuz that’s kind of what it is if we think of this as an electrical wire but nothing is connected to it like a battery or a generator nothing happens and then of course when we add a power source such as a redstone torch the Redstone Trail gets activated all fairly basic stuff I’m sure most of you know this already so what are some of the subtleties or the caveats the first is that a power source can only travel 15 blocks so if we look here it looks like it’s stopping right about here so if I were to lay down 15 blocks in this direction you’ll see that it’s exactly that 15 blocks and then the power stops and then you need a way to continue the power if it needs to continue going so for example for testing purposes if we use glowstone and Redstone Dust to make a redstone lamp and then we grab one of our repeaters we can see that if we wanted to power this lamp all the way down here currently not powered and that’s of course because we’re further than 15 blocks away now as I said I could just add an additional power source have this go here we’re powered good to go but sometimes that’s not going to work so if we grab instead a redstone repeater and right at the end here we get rid of one of these and place down our repeater that’s going to do just like the name implies it’s going to take that Redstone signal and right at the end it’s going to repeat it so now we get another 15 blocks which allows us to reach our redstone lamp pretty cool stuff so far so now that we’ve taken a look at that let’s pick all this back up and by the way I forgot to mention many of you out there are going to know a lot more about Redstone than I am I keep doing that but the reason I bring that up is because I’m going to be learning a lot of this video I hope some of you are learning with me but if you just happen to know everything about Redstone keep me honest leave some comments let us know if we’re doing anything a little bit wrong or if you could explain it better I’m sure everybody would appreciate the help so we could all learn more but now that we’ve done that let’s take a look at some other as we said caveats so if we were to lay the Redstone down that way and place a power source once again it’s only going to make it 15 blocks so last time we made it further cuz it was a straight line this time when it’s winding we’re still stopping after 15 and if we place the lamp down in the middle again you’ll notice that it’s not lighting up even though it’s technically kind of surrounded by different bits of power my assumption here is because we don’t have anything leading into the lamp itself it’s kind of bypassing it hello rain yeah the rain just wanted to make it easier for us to see the lamp appreciate it but one thing we can check if we were to get rid of this here and then place redstone again no it still doesn’t go into it so we’re right at the beginning and I’m already running into parts that confuse me because I have a feeling if we were to do it this way then it works so you kind of have to have it in a configuration that points it at whatever you’re trying to power and another way to do that if you’re finding that it’s you know close to it but not powering it you could put it right on top that’s also going to give it power now what if you wanted to change elevat let’s say you wanted a lamp all the way up here we just put our red stone down we can see that that actually works the red stone goes from this level all the way up without having to place anything at the level of the redstone lamp however if my research is correct Redstone won’t be able to pass through a solid block so if I were to place this block here that’s actually going to cut off the signal and stop it from traveling up to the lamp quick nap time then we can keep going now this one I’m not sure about apparently even though if we put a solid block here that’s going to to cut it off if we use something like glass it should allow it to keep going like that so you’ll see there are some exceptions to the rule another thing that I’m curious about because I think I did read something about this but I don’t remember the specifics is if we just Swap this so last time the redstone torch was down here power going up to the lamp if we were to put the redstone torch on top yeah that’s not activating anything so it does seem like Redstone likes to go up but not down although just to be sure we can double check by removing this place ing this here okay so that does go down so as long as you have Redstone that’s level with this it can travel down blocks if you try to have a power source a block up it’s not going to get detected by the Redstone that’s beneath it much of this is just based on my observations there may be ways around it but that’s where I’m counting on you citizen if I’m saying anything that’s incorrect or if you know a better way please do let me know so now that we’ve gone through some of the basics of redstone and just powering it let’s take a look at all the various components and what they do so we can start putting them together into some simple builds there we go so we’ve got a nice lineup of some of the basics so how don’t we go down the line here give a brief description of each of these kind of what it does and what it’s used for and currently I don’t even know the difference of a couple of these so we’re going to be looking at the wiki and learning that together but first of all what’s the difference between a sticky piston and a piston this I believe I do know we put a gold block here and then we activate both the sticky piston and the regular piston my assumption is that the regular piston is going to come back nothing’s going to change whereas the sticky piston is going to bring the gold block back with it that’s because of course it’s got the sticky adhesive surface so it’s going to pull it back whereas this one does not so if we pull this away nothing happens if we do this one it brings the gold block with it so think about these you could use this for something like a uh a hidden door because it could pull blocks away allow you to walk through and then go back so that when you reactivate it it’s putting the block back where it came from when you take that away it’s pulling it away so that’s what I kind of think of the use of a key piston for and you may think well what’s the purpose of just a regular piston then and that could be if the block was in front of it and you wanted to push it away and then when it retracts you have the block pushed and it doesn’t come back so pretty simple with those two the target block is an interesting one because I’m actually not going to look this up I want to try to guess and I think what it is you can activate Redstone components by hitting it with an arrow so for example if we moved this piston put this next to the Target block and then we try to hit that yeah so that’s actually going to activate things when it’s hit that could be an interesting one because you could let’s say have something like a draw bridge on one side of a ravine lots of redstone elements set up to uh activate it but if you’re not on the right side to press a button or something you could shoot an arrow across to activate it so that could be a pretty cool one but that works as intended and now we’re going to have those arrows there forever so that’s great next up the dispenser and the dropper we could look at these together and based on my research one of the big differences between these two is that the dispenser can actually activate an item that is inside it whereas The Dropper can’t activate it it can just as the name implies drop the item so as an example if we put an arrow into both of these I think we’re going to get a different result when we activate each one so for example if an arrow is in the dispenser because it can use the item I have a feeling this is going to shoot the arrow out so if we put this here we should see the arrow get shot out which it does the item has been used now if we do the same thing at the dropper we should see that it’s just kind of shot out as an item it’s not actually activated and it’s not used so we can pick it back up whereas this one we can’t or we can but you get what I mean now something else that’s different that I don’t know how to do but we’re going to test this I believe you can actually use a dropper to place items in a chest whereas a dispenser you cannot so let’s just try this again we’ll put a gold block into each one of these and then for the dispenser if I were to activate that yeah it just kind of shot it out and it bounced off it didn’t do anything if I try that for the dropper I didn’t see anything happen but if we look in the chest that’s actually inside the chest for us this is a new one that I didn’t know I had to look it up I had no idea what the difference between a dispenser and a dropper is but that’s interesting and it’s getting the wheels turning about how we could use these but again big differen is the dispenser actually uses an item The Dropper just spits it out the dispenser cannot put things into chests or other containers whereas The Dropper can okay good stuff so we’re going to have to go to bed in a second here but after we wake up let’s look at the repeat repeater comparator and then we kind of already did these but we’ll look again at the lever and the uh the redstone lamp Okay so I do think these are the ones that are going to give me trouble because it’s not just one configuration as you can see if you right click on these you can change the way they’re used or you know basically just change a configuration item of it for that reason I think we’re going to have to dig in a little bit further into these but let’s start with the repeater we did already use the repeater to show that you can repeat a redstone signal so if we have just about to the end the power is going to run out from that torch it’s going to lose its power at one more block then the repeater can repeat that signal and allow it to keep going for further blocks which makes sense because according to the wiki it says the redstone repeater is a block that produces a full strength output signal from its front when its back is powered so that’s what we’ve just done now when we change the configuration of this that’s actually going to be a delay setting and I think if we want to see that delay in action maybe we should use more than one so currently these are all on their default state if we power them we should see yeah you can see a little bit of a delay it goes 1 2 3 4 but it’s it’s pretty quick so if we change each one of these by one which I believe is adding a bit of extra delay I think that’s what we’ve just done but let’s double check that so if we activate them now you can see it goes a bit slower 1 2 3 4 then it moves on we go a bit further it should take longer I just want to double check that so now if we activate them yeah it’s definitely going slower now so every time we click that back it adds a little bit of time before it sends the signal forward then of course if we do that one more time this should be the slowest one so you’ll see yeah you can actually see them each going now so it just basically adds a little bit of a delay before it sends the signal forward now potentially one thing you could do with this I’m imagining you can use this to make an infinite signal and I’m sure that would come in handy in some places but for example if I put a repeater in here and let’s just delay it so we can see what’s happening and then we put another in here again we’ll delay that I’m wondering if we can get rid of this and it’s stays powered it does now out of curiosity if I take away power and then put it back yeah so we have to be kind of quick with that no I’m not sure what I’m trying to show right now I’m just kind of playing around with the uh the options let’s really quickly remove that okay there we go so I I put it down and picked it up quickly and now because of the delay it’s sending that signal through but after the delay it kind of turns it off momentarily and yes I can think of a reason you might want to do that if we were to put this down here grab our Redstone and do that that’s right we just set up a disco party so essentially if you wanted an intermittent signal for your lights you can do this and you know lots of lights on a wall make it go on and off I’m sure the Enderman would love that because we much we know how much they love to disco but that is pretty cool that’s just you know thinking about what you can do with redstone and having new things like this that could work for a build maybe you want flashing lights in one of your build this would work and I’m sure there’s an easier way to do it than this but just as an example that’s something that can be done with this so I have a feeling we’ll get into more complex type things with the repeaters later on but for now let’s move on to the comparator and figure out what that one does all right so for the comparator I’m I’m literally just going to read what it says on the wiki because it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me yet it says a redstone comparator is a block that can produce an output signal from its front by reading chests LEC turns beehives and similar blocks or repeating a signal without changing its strength that doesn’t mean a whole lot to me however it does also have two states so you can see we could turn on that light or we could turn it off and apparently when that unpowered it’s in comparison mode and when it’s powered it’s in subtraction mode so what does this mean well the easier one is comparison mode because I know we’ve used that a couple times before like for a chest or a hopper so for example if the comparator is looking at a chest it’ll essentially look at what is inside the chest and then output a signal strength between 0 and 15 based on how full this is so it’s a bit complex but essentially it’s just going to send out a different signal depending on what is inside this chest and actually if we move these things I think there’s a way we can see this visually we’re going to want a few more Redstone torches though or redstone lamp I I think I keep saying torches you know what I mean so if we put down our chest our comparator behind it and then we place our Redstone Trail behind that actually we might want to do it this way if we put down these first that way we can put our lamps next to that and obviously currently these are all turned off there’s no Redstone power going to them we place our Redstone next to it I think it will affect those lamp lamps hopefully anyway but we are not getting any power because this is in comparison mode and currently it’s getting a zero because there’s nothing inside the chest if we start to put items in my hope is it’ll start to activate these not maybe not one at a time but it’ll slowly move forward so for example if we put in our stack of gold that is one slot filled so that’s giving us a power of one which is lighting up our Redstone here if we put in the emeralds we’re still getting one and I’m wondering if that’s because there’s actually more than 15 slots in here so this is still out putting a power of one let’s try the chests still nothing with the chest so if we just keep adding things to this chest yeah there we go it’s going to start moving forward and then out of curiosity if we were to fill the entire thing each one of the slots interesting so that’s not all the way it might actually count the items rather than the slots that are full H let’s go to bed and then we can take a look at that let’s get a bunch of things that we have full stacks of yeah that’s a I’m pretty sure that’s it because I just took all that iron and took it out of the slots but put it right back in and we stayed at three lit up so it actually is the amount of items in here not the amount of slots filled so that being said if I start putting some full Stacks in here this should go up pretty quick yeah so it’s starting to move forward keep going adding a few more things now we’re up to eight and it’s about halfway full so that makes sense because we should be getting up to about 15 if this was fully loaded okay so that I don’t know about you but the visual here is actually helping me understand this a little bit more I when I initially was using comparators I thought thought it was like a Boolean or in simple terms a a yes or no answer true or false answer I should say so the comparator looks at something it says is there something in it yes then it sends a signal no it doesn’t that’s not the case there’s actually a 0 through 15 that it can send out okay so that’s good to know that’s the comparison what does uh subtraction mode mean cuz it didn’t seem to do anything different oh oh interesting I just looked it up a little bit more so this one you would actually need three chests like this and who boy I’m going to try to explain this but I don’t know if I’m going to be successful so if we take some things out of this one and we’re getting four blocks powered and that’s because this one has a certain amount of items in the chest that’s technically at the front or the rear I guess you would say because the front is going that way the equation this is going to follow is taking the rear chest which is this one and then it’s going to look at both of these chests at the side and subtract whichever one is higher I’m not 100% sure why it needs to do that either just trying understand what it does so for example if we just choose one of these and get enough in it so that it turns from four to three or I’m not sure if it would be the other way around tried a couple different things here and it’s not doing much so maybe I don’t understand this one okay I found another way to test this we’re going to try something else so if we’re still in subtraction mode and we want to have the rear signal power of 15 because as we know the uh redstone torch sends out a signal power of 15 and it’s one block away so this is getting 15 it’s powering the whole thing subtraction is going to look at both sides and whichever one’s higher it’s going to subtract it from this so if we say 1 2 3 4 5 we do nothing on that side so it’s not going to count it’s going to look for this one we should be subtracting 10 which leaves us with five 1 2 3 4 and then that counts as the five I believe so this is actually easier to visualize now because it’s going to be looking for whichever is higher if we do 1 2 3 this could change because now yeah I took away those two because now this is the one that’s higher I’ll be perfectly honest with you I think I understand this now I just have no idea what the practical application of this would be cuz you’re you’re essentially doing a math equation and then sending out a certain amount of power I mean it’s almost like you could build a computer within a Minecraft world which I think has been done before I just I do not have the capacity to do that but this at least makes sense I’m understanding more about what a comparator does but now out of curiosity I just turn that back off now if it’s in compare mode just to remind myself it’s not caring so much about the sides is that what we’re saying here so if I oh no it is caring about the sides cuz that works like that but as soon as I do this it turns off and it looks like if the two sides are submitting equal power then it lights up so it sends on the signal if they are equal if one of the sides is greater it also sends on the power if one of the sides is less it stops the power however if one of the sides is nothing it sends on the power so there’s there’s a lot of different configurations you can do here obviously and it’s a lot to take in so I think we’re going to move on I definitely learned a thing or two about comparators but I know there’s going to be more complex things you can do with them but hopefully we’ll get to that whenever we start building something the goal is now when we build things we should hopefully be able to understand why we’re doing what we’re doing and actually I was about to go to bed but I think we have time to just do this because the lever was the last one that I had in my inventory and fairly straightforward fairly simple if you have something like a redstone lamp next to it and you power that on it’s going to send its signal on and it’s going to activate it whereas if it’s off it’s going to take that away I believe you can do the same if you take that away and put it right on there yeah you can so essentially it could either be on or one away from that to activate it but can it be one Higher that’s a good question to answer so for example if it’s up here yes it can it’ll still activate it and if it’s one away in this direction yes it can still activate it I didn’t know that that’s actually good to know I did not know it would travel one block like that okay that’s why we’re doing this wait wait wait we forgot one we probably forgot more than one but I just remembered one that we didn’t do the Observer if there’s something that you can say about these all these different components it’s that they are aptly named repeaters repeat comparators compare and observers conspire to assassinate Julius Caesar okay sorry sorry it’s a sensitive subject I meant observers observe so as far as technical descriptions this one says you know you can see kind of a face at the front that’s the observing face so it’s observing the Block in front of it and if it detects a change it will send a short Redstone signal out to the back of it now what constitutes a change that’s the question and why don’t we do this so we can at least see that it’s happening I think we determined it could travel up a block like that will that work let’s find out so let’s say a block is placed does that constitute a change it does you can see it sent out a short burst lit that up and then I think the same thing will happen if we take this away yep it did that lit up so simple but a really useful one just detecting changes now out of curiosity cuz I think it said something I read something that these can make a short burst Loop basically if you have two observers facing each other yeah so you’ll see that they’re constantly observing change because this one detects the one in front of it sends off a burst that counts as a change this one observes it it sends off a burst that counts as a change so now we’ve got just a short Loop of going I’m sure that could come in handy I’m just not sure how like if we uh replace this with a repeater and gave it a delay yeah I mean you could have a blinking light doing that way good for maybe a lighthouse or something all these experiments with a blinking light gives me ideas I just I’m not sure how I want to implement them yet but that works neat and I think that’s most of the basic stuff I probably missed one or two we could always come back to it but I think it’s time to start trying to put together a couple simple Contraptions and in fact it’s probably not a bad idea to look at some of the stuff we’ve already built and really just understand it hold on though short break three iron golems over here that probably means this hasn’t been working so aerial attack oh what you want some no horse get out of the way then I did not mean to do that oh that was a very sad noise the horse made I feel bad now and PE PE there’s one inside too jeez these things are everywhere they’re like lice we’re lousy with them okay don’t hit the child yeah you can come over here buddy there we go okay with that important business taking care of oh cool haven’t looked at that from a distance yet that’s like uh you wouldn’t know what it is to look at it know what it is but I like it that’s all I have to say about that oh wait before we uh before we do that I want to look at these things over here ow ow ow cuz we do have a little Redstone Contraption here I want to see if I’ve learned enough to actually know what’s going on here get get out of here trying to be merciful get out of here okay so we have a dispenser a comparator and a repeater we learned that the dispenser will dispense obviously ly so what’s going on here the comparator is looking into the dispenser when it’s empty no Redstone signal when it has something in it it puts out a signal to the repeater repeater sends the signal on behind that signal is picked up by the dispenser which then dispenses things inside it the reason that it continues to go until it’s empty is because the comparator will continue to give out a signal until it’s empty so that Loop just continues I I have that right it seems fairly simple but I still am not sure if I’ve got this check my work citizen I think that’s right and now that we know what these do that does seem incredibly simple this was basically magic to me before okay when did it turn nighttime I wasn’t paying attention and uh-oh I not a lot of this area over here is not lit up hopefully we can get into bed quickly there we go no harm no fall okay anyway though um how did you I have lights under here and ah how about the Apparently not enough lights I mean I thought these would do the trick but I guess they’re not doesn’t matter what I was thinking a way we can test a Contraption right now this is just open to the under level of this testing platform what if we created a wall here that just looked nice and natural and then without looking at any tutorials we attempt to make an automatic door that opens for us and reveals this layer underneath so let’s grab some material hopefully this is a pretty easy one to start with but we’re going to find out and I used up pretty much all of my materials building materials that is so let’s take well move some of this stuff and then we will take you back to base and just grab a few more things to build with is it worth getting a nether portal set up over here to get back home quickly usually just fly back and let’s check in on these guys I kind of don’t think it’s worth it it’s not that long of a flight anything anything just picked up something two somethings nice and by the way I didn’t show it I had two torch flower seeds I tried to breed them it didn’t work I don’t know what happened but they just took the seeds and gave me nothing in return very kind of them ooh are you getting me something again oh that was another one okay so is it going to work this time cuz I mean you look like you’re you’re ready to give me an egg would you okay this time it’s working I don’t know what happened last time there we go okay now we’ve got two eggs we can at some point set up a different sniffer area that’s more of a uh a torch flower seed and piter pod collection area more than like a habitat this is more of a habitat but that is now an option to us speaking of the nether remind me to heal up Scoopy dooo it’s not looking great I used a lot of stone and I want to use more but I don’t want my chest to be empty remember when we talked about upgrading this it wouldn’t take long maybe we just upgrade this really quick yeah let’s do that can I do it without destroying everything I think I can cuz really all we need to do is is get behind here and I remember I mean we’re here to get stuff don’t let me forget that we’re here to get stuff but does anybody know why this is happening I like to search for things when I search for it it doesn’t come up even though if it’s not there and I just look it’s it’s I mean obviously obviously it’s a thing here is it because I’m not capitalizing it no what if I take that off and do show all Hopper yeah it’s still not coming up I think maybe one of my mods is messing with it doesn’t really matter but it’s just kind of super annoying need some more stairs some more of those that should be everything I need another sign let’s see if I’m thinking about this the right way is this going to break stuff if I do that no okay so that will be our second row which means that’s just all Hoppers we want to lead it into these Hoppers here who I either forgot or didn’t know that there was a cave right behind here either way we want let’s see actually I didn’t mean to take those out we should have left them or o this is going to be difficult cuz we need to get stairs here oh okay I can do that there we go like that and oh wait I needed to have some blocks under there there we go and I think it’s just water on each of those which is probably going to spill out everywhere but that shouldn’t cause too big of a problem so can I get it all the way at the back there yes I can and it didn’t spill out I hope I’m doing this right and then last one here that’s going to spill out yeah and then we want to cover you up cover all of this up get a new sign right here there we go appropriate I think that’s it cuz the lava is on top of this row but it should spill over to that side I might need to go up there and open it up actually see what’s behind door number one wait where’s the lava I thought okay there it is um so actually I need to remove these then it goes across I don’t know if that was right let’s cover it back up and just hope for the best so now if I were to do that that that and that we need more lava okay I did it right though for the most part yeah yeah okay you’d think I’d start trusting myself at some point but no no also concerning lava that’s another Redstone machine I think I want to build oh come on not worth it I’m not trying to get that getting a new piece of glass that’s another reminder Remind me we need um need to build a lava Redstone machine actually can I do this from here would this be risky ooh that’s probably risky having a piece of wood there we don’t want to start more fires in here so I could probably just put the lava down right here and that would work please don’t hurt me just put that there okay I think we now have doubled up I think it’s good Let close this back up uh do one of these and now if this is empty and we go Blue take them all out at once jeez that is just that is so nuts we just have to click left and right and just instantly takes everything out that is a lot more efficient that was almost a stack maybe I don’t know three seconds stack of stone you can tell I’m a fan of this but that wasn’t for no reason we’re going to collect some Stone we’re going to bring it back use it as building material and then build our hidden door it doesn’t even have to be hidden just an automatic door I could even just move the mouse look at that just a little bit takes it all out instantly yeah that’s like 1 minute 1 minute of mining if that I think we’re good all righty there we go I can hear that it’s raining outside so that’s lovely and that should be better better there we go got to do chores while we’re here of course yeah I thought so give me those poppies you didn’t know horses and llamas love poppies yes I know I could compost them I don’t need to rather give them to my horses to show my love there we go bring these over to the chest or chest I made a mess of things there we go how many poppies are backed up in here jeez get rid of this garbage and then we drop these off and we will be good to go I mean actually iron blocks might look nice as a part of the build why didn’t you think of that citizen that was me having to come up with these things I’m joking you come up with plenty okay enough Dilly dallying let’s get going Bonk okay now as far as what we’re going to need a couple stacks of building stuff we have a sneaking suspicion we’re going to need sticky pistons how do I make sticky pistons probably need Cobble for that no all right we’ll go to the mod over here oh need to make a piston first makes sense let’s get four if we can we can there we go and then we shall need a button or maybe two not sure and I don’t know what else I need to start thinking through the process before we know and I could do a simple door that just kind of opens from the sides but wouldn’t it be better if we tried something a little bit more complex just to see if we actually know what we’re doing so let’s cover some of this up pretty inconspicuous so far that’s what we want and let’s see 1 2 3 4 5 um I usually don’t have to think this hard cuz see I have the idea in my head but I’m not used to having to Think Through Redstone I’m so used to just following a tutorial but this this is good this will be good for us because what I want to happen is for these iron blocks to move backwards and then to the side because if they just move backwards that’s not going to do anything we’re not going to be able to get in which means the sticky pistons I think would have to be that’s not going to work okay before these are even in place I want sticky pistons here and here so that would pull them backwards and then I’m hoping I can use a sticky piston to pull a sticky piston I don’t know if I can but we’re g to find that out so that means these would have to be here and here so you get what I mean first these two would pull the iron back to here and then these two would pull them to the side so I could get through so it probably warrants a test before we try to start wiring everything up so if we put these back in and we’ll light it up a little bit for safety’s sake let’s see if we can go manual with this yeah I was afraid of that so we got to do that there we go then same thing manual with these two so that would be what it’s like when it’s closed hopefully I can get rid of these two it pulls the iron with it that’s what we wanted great this is the part I have no idea about will getting rid of these two actually pull all of this to the side oh so close it didn’t take these with them um okay I don’t know what to do about that off the top of my head quick research break I don’t know that slime would make a difference but I think it’s maybe worth trying okay it can’t even push slime that doesn’t sound right what if it was here can’t pull slime interesting I thought I had seen that done before okay doesn’t really matter I had another idea you guessed it more sticky pistons cuz why not so everything starts off wait no uh maybe probably depends on the order here so for example these that top one’s not going to go interesting okay so if we start with these two that pulls the iron then I’d have to redo this one why isn’t that that going there’s something blocking it I mean it pulls the iron that’s doing what I want it to do I just don’t know why that top one isn’t activating cuz then my thought was that could pull the Pistons the other one could pull the iron I just don’t know why that one isn’t receiving a signal something to do with these no they both have a sticky piston there so that shouldn’t be an issue see I work myself up thinking that I’m learning and then it all just proves me wrong what is stopping that from pushing out cu that one works this one does not is it the slabs no I’m perplexed why won’t that thing go out is that the iron block no this it’s just like broken what if I place it again like that no wow I am I am so perplexed is it because there’s an AIR block above it or you know like a half slab I don’t see why that would make a difference but I just put two next to it that also doesn’t go out something something fishy is going on here okay new plan we’re going to try building this out in the open no other variables and by the way I’m pretty sure I could get this to work okay great now it’s not even working out here anymore what did I do it was working before I broke something I can’t get a sticky piston to activate anymore when it’s on top of a block I don’t think I did anything differently am I losing my mind okay there we go it worked before didn’t it why do I have to now put a block there and do this I swear I before I could just put this on the back of the piston and it worked fine what changed ooh I am I am so confused this is supposed to be about learning Redstone and I’m just confusing myself more okay well whatever say that’s the case that we have to do this then yeah that works pull it back what I was going to say is that I know we could do this that’ll work where we just pull the iron blocks away that what I don’t like about that is it means we’re going to have to walk in go and just have sticky piston in our face and then turn off to the side I don’t want to do that I’d rather have it where these get pulled back and then along with this they get moved off to the side so if the only way to do that is with two sets of Pistons whoops I’m not opposed to that we just need to make it work so for example if this was the initial State and we Oh what now one does both is it because this is powering that block oo okay I’m we’re going to just say I’m learning I’m I’m not losing my mind we’re learning hold on I got to look it up I need we need to understand where the whole whole point is understanding why this is happening cuz that was just that was just one and I don’t get it hold on let me look it up okay so it’s a yes I looked it up and this will power the block above it so that’s why this is happening I must just not have done it in that configuration before so fine you know we’re fine with that we learned something new a redstone torch will power the block above it but not the block it is attached to so this one isn’t getting power but it will send power out to adjacent block so that’s why both of these are powered this is sending power this way because it’s adjacent and it’s sending power to this block because it’s adjacent which is powering this block this piston which means the same thing should happen for these and this one we would initially want there this one’s a bit more difficult because there’s nothing for it attach to yet but I think it’s worth testing if it starts in a position where it’s out and then in sequence we take this one away that pulls the iron back and then we would need to pull the Pistons back that leaves the iron and then we pull these back that’ll pull the iron that’s what I want except now this block is in the way I didn’t think about that we’re just making it worse oh I kind of have an idea maybe okay so same order has to go like that then that then that oh it can go there uh I don’t need more confusion let’s put it right there okay hold on I need to go to sleep and then I I have an idea since we don’t want that stone block to stay in the way we got rid of that yeah we expected that it would do that I’m wondering if we can use a slime block there instead that works because then same thing it transfers the power to this piston that’s what we want but now I’m wondering if these Pistons get pulled will it take this slime block with it because it’ll stick to the sticky piston I know there’s a lot of sticky happening right now but if we take power away here good we pulled the iron back we take power away here I’m hoping it pulls both the Pistons and the slime block please no would it work with honey maybe it would work with honey let’s go grab our honey blocks I can’t just keep adding sticky pistons there has to be an end to it let’s try it with honey and the Honey does not take on the Redstone signal so it doesn’t even matter yeah that’s that’s not going to work it’s so strange uh out of curiosity though would it pull the honey no it wouldn’t even pull it so it doesn’t matter okay back to the drawing board you could probably tell things are going well yep that’s sarcasm all right okay new plan because this would have worked it was just because had these here and one right here what if I put it off to the side over here will this power both of them of course not oh that’s confusing too this is powering that block which means if I put that on there it’s going to turn that torch off takes away its power interesting uh anyway that clearly won’t work wait a minute did it work oh it did I don’t know why I didn’t okay I don’t know I don’t know what I missed there that does work so if all of them are powered we take away that power pulls it out we take away this power pulls it out take away that power we’ve got our entrance okay that should work okay let’s not get excited yet it still has to work in there and then we have to actually wire the whole thing up okay so couple right here few more over on this side block over here a couple on this side and those there so let’s check one more time we want to make sure this works so that should power both it does whoops yeah doesn’t matter okay so order we should take that out pulls the iron blocks then we pull the Pistons away that looks good then we pull that we have our entrance and we could pretty things up and it’ll look pretty good all right we’ve confirmed that works now we need to power it to a button so if we put everything back oh whoops there yep okay would it be as simple the answer is going to be no but would it be as simple as that and just using a button to turn it off I don’t think it’ll last long enough but for example the button would be on the outside but if I had one there and I pressed it nothing I had one there I can’t have one there about there nothing and by the way yes it’s very embarrassing to admit I don’t even know how buttons work so don’t give me a hard time I’m trying to learn here no I think it doesn’t it potentially doesn’t make sense to have these as torches I think instead of torches we probably want repeaters except that’s not going to power both of those I do have a thought about that if we changed the configuration so that it was like that yeah that would work okay the same thing over here temporarily just give this some power it breaks it because they’re together okay this actually seems to work I’m I’m doing some playing around just just so you know we’re all on the same page here when I had uh Redstone Dust up here it was connecting and it wasn’t doing anything it wasn’t making these top ones go anywhere so I thought how can I keep those disconnected with redstone torches and that means that the whole thing is powered when the system itself has no power the way to turn off a redstone torch is to power the block that it’s sitting on So currently this redstone torch is powering both Pistons because it’s powering the adjacent block and this counts as adjacent block which is sending on power here which means when I add power to the system that will power this block this block and this block using the repeaters I don’t even know if I need those right now but I might want to delay so we’re going to leave them that turns off the Torches but will it open all of them I don’t know because it might just power this block and only turn off one of them let’s let’s find out hold on yeah so that’s what I was worried about back to the drawing board it’s actually very helpful knowing what these do surprisingly cuz it means I can troubleshoot and I at least half understand what’s going on on so if we go back to the original configuration the Torches down here power these blocks up here everything is activated but I put the repeaters down here now because if we activate this Redstone signal it activates the repeaters which power the block beneath here which affects the Redstone torches essentially to turn them off but shouldn’t affect the Pistons if that makes any sense at all so that’s my my thought let’s see if it works so we turn this on it should turn all three of those torches off it does but it happens too quickly which means these don’t pull back this stuff over here so we need a delay and we know how to make a delay now and I’m out of I’m out of repeaters yeah I’ll be back oo it’s night time I’ve been in there a while whoops ooh I was about to get in bed I’m glad I didn’t can you step away from all my expensive stuff over there thank you ha who else wants some uh are we safe we might be safe please woo okay let’s get a few more of these just to be safe there we go you better not be taking my stuff oh he saw me get out the axe he ran for it okay let’s go back inside and what we wanted to do was have this one go first and then after a short delay these two go so if we do this I think that’s the way we want to go and let’s add a bit of a delay if I then power things from over here the hope is that this torch turns off which turn end would pull the iron blocks back there’s going to be a delay then it sends it off here these turn off they pull the other stuff away so should turn that off ooh oo it worked we did it I should not be so excited about something so simple sue me I’m excited it worked oh okay um I mean honestly still a lot of things that could be better I mean this Redstone is just like right in the way I’m wondering if we could send it more underground so you didn’t see it also we don’t know if this works in the other direction so if we remove that power oh it does it actually does the same thing that’s great okay all right so it works uh can we get all of this Redstone underground so that we don’t have to see it let’s pick it up hope we remember what we have to do and we will test that so let’s say we’re going here and we run into a spot we already covered up great okay now is it as simple as is just doing the same thing adding our repeater setting the delay bringing it across here and connecting it there but we won’t be able to put a dirt block here because we learned that would cut off this Redstone so I think we’ll have to put it here so it can still get through should be able to cover up all of this and then I just can’t put one there I could always do trap doors or something though um now we need a way to activate it will this yeah that’ll come up here okay now will the same thing happen will it all still work if I put this here no it will not what went wrong I shouldn’t have covered this up yet oh that looks good oh I know what I did BL think what we actually want is this to come up here and do that right yeah let’s try that there we go yeah that’s what it was had to power both of these and they weren’t powered okay I’m pretty proud of that and believe me I am sure that there is a better way to do this a prettier way to do this but this is what a redstone novice can come up with and I am pleased with it it’s not done though we need to actually use a button and not a redstone torch which is kind of the final boss fight we need to learn how a button works and okay so that actually works it’s just it goes very quickly and we’d have to get in and out very fast and come to think of it a button might not be the right tool for the job what if we had a lever instead so did one of those that’s going to keep it in that state which is actually what we want and then um if we put one here would it do the opposite or turn that off I don’t know that it would thinking about the way that the power goes through we might need to use another redstone torch for this okay what did I do why is it just oh interesting so it does work oh it does okay so that goes through the wall it’s just two levers yeah cuz one is always going to be activated okay out of curiosity would a a torch change that and I might be stopping myself from getting back in there no it’ll hold Okay so we’ve got a torch there instead now if I were to then turn that torch off can’t do that from here okay you know what I think we’re just happy with the this solution which really just means when we’re inside we do whatever we need to do and then when we come out we just have to remember to press that and then it’s going to close it back up I mean honestly I think that turned out pretty well I’m surprised I was able to get it to go in two directions and it actually works so I think we’re calling it I think we’re saying we’re happy with that I I learned a bunch and I didn’t have to use a tutorial so that’s kind of what we wanted hooray so if we’re saying we’re happy with that then I think it’s time to move on and try something new now that we have the door in place I do have an idea for something else we’ll need a few things though need the Redstone lamps I might need more of those we’ll definitely need more repeaters oh yeah I forgot I can’t search I was thinking wouldn’t it be cool you know how I said earlier this is almost like it looks like an Airfield or it gives me that kind of vibe and airfields have those blinking lights that kind of go down the strip so what if we put them on the sides of the or no maybe it makes more sense to go this way but it might get in the way of what we already have there yeah let’s do it at both ends let’s say for now it’s just these spots so one two three nope four same thing over here here we go and then if we hook all this up and we like it could probably do the same thing down there but let’s start here because of course we have access to the underground so we want these to activate in sequence and first question how can I activate these if they’re on the ceiling essentially for where we are now cuz we can’t put a redstone torch there but will it activate if there’s one adjacent oh that will probably make things easy just thinking it through I’m wondering if it would be as easy as having it kind of go in sequence where it’s always powered and then something comes around to deactivate those which Powers it briefly let me test something with all four of them so in that state everything is off or you know what I mean the lamps are off but I would need a way for them to go on on on so basically like on off on off on off on off that might mean another set of repeaters probably inefficient I get it bring it back around this way and Lead back then if they all have a delay I don’t know if this is going to work the way I want it to that’s more to have them all lit up I mean it kind of is doing what I want what if there was more delay on these that doesn’t really do anything for me how does that look from up there I mean it’s cool but it’s kind of the opposite of what I want I’d rather have a quick flash blink rather than they’re all on and they quick turn off so how can we reverse what’s going on there um what happens if we get rid of you that’s not going to power that but what if it was red stone it Powers the red stone but not the lamp ooh actually would this be simple can I reverse the output of this by doing that no that just sends power in turn okay can I reverse this by doing that no that just just completely turns it off cuz it’s both trying to affect the same type of power here okay would it break everything if I sent another pulse through here oh that’s weird it kind of just changes the sequence a little bit ooh that is a little closer actually wait that’s what I wanted I think one light on at a time so I just powered more of the sequence so there’s only one if you watch the Redstone Trail only one is dark at a time I powered the other ones not necessarily unintentionally but I wasn’t sure if that was going to work oh it’s night time again great yeah I mean that’s what I wanted it kind of was like going from one to the other it would be nice if there was only one at a time that was on there’s kind of two at a time on right now but I don’t think we could change that cuz like I said there’s only one bit of the Redstone Trail that’s dark at a time I have a feeling it’s going to break it if I power that one oh maybe not does it do anything if I just leave this here it’s always off and then it’s always on yeah that breaks it okay so if we do that nope not fast enough that or slow enough I mean now there’s three on at a time more difficult than you would think I think that’s as close as I’m going to get it there’s there’s probably a way to do this maybe maybe I look it up to see if there’s an easier way to accomplish that I tried my way and my way will most likely always be the inefficient one no no no no no no no he’s probably going to get me that guy’s going to get me oh no I hear his footsteps no can’t stop me from sleeping buddy confirmed that adding more repeaters does slow it down my concern is that this is a very expensive setup and I don’t think it needs to be I think I’ll leave this for now but on the other side I want to try something a little bit different so same basic setup except that we’re going to try to use a comparator cuz I saw something about using Hoppers where if the Hoppers are facing into each other they should just you know send an item back and forth which means when this one gets something in it this will send out a signal that then should activate all of this but I think what it’s going to do right now is just kind of light them all up at the same time so if we look at that uh no it’s not sending enough what if we did this oh weird it’s sending it through that don’t think it’s sending it for long enough is that what the problem is I’m not 100% sure what if we add a repeater ah there we go so that’s a way to make them all blink on and off at once not exactly what I want oh and I guess you don’t even actually need a repeater there Redstone Dust will do just fine okay which means the repeaters can go here and that’s too much DeLay So I broke it apparently what about like that uh same thing too much delay it works on one tick two two two two kind of just random flashing now interesting so this kind of works it’s just I’m not really able to control the sequence because every time the stick goes between these two the comparator sets off this repeater which sends a pulse out that activates the subsequent ones but actually I wonder if if we just start it over would it be more controlled something tells me it wouldn’t yeah still just kind of disco lights I guess the question is which one do we like more also I want my repeaters back if I don’t need them here so on this side we do have the sequence it goes 1 2 3 four then starts over this side it’s kind of just Madness they’re just flashing and I don’t really see any sort of recognizable oh wait no they’re just going super fast but that is it’s how did I not see that when I was down there that’s actually pretty recognizable once again though it’s the opposite we want a single light going through not a single Darkness or light out going through how do you reverse stuff like that that’s what I can’t figure out I’m just sitting here staring at this but I canot think of a way to reverse this by which I mean whenever a torch is powered I actually want it to be off and whenever a torch is off I want it to be powered I’m making this overly complex but currently it’s the only way that that makes sense that I can think to do it because if I want all of these default state to be off I have to power this block so that’s what I’m doing and then I’m going to use this pulse to change that one instead of this one so instead of this pulse directly affecting this torch and this block I have another one to basically reverse the result I don’t know if this is going to work though so we do that okay don’t know if that’s reversing it or just making it take a bit longer no I’m already I can already tell that’s not working it’s an impressive light show but it’s not working this is probably a good time to apologize to anybody that knows what they’re doing with redstone because this has to be so painful to watch I do apologize yeah I don’t know um I think this one over here is just more expensive it I mean it gets the job done this one seems to be a little bit better it’s got more of the speed that I want on the lamps it’s just like I said they’re reversed from what I actually want and I can’t figure out how to change it we’ll leave both of them though just as examples in case I need to remember or know how and why I did that but once again that’s what that looks like from up here slower but at least kind of one is lit up at a time really it’s more like two whereas excuse me spider this one definitely going much quicker it’s more the speed that I was looking for but it’s the lamp going out that looks like it’s moving rather than a light looking like it’s moving if that makes any sense that’s what I actually wanted so if you have thoughts if you know how to reverse that I just couldn’t figure it out for whatever reason I’m sure it’s simple but like I said we’ll keep them we’ll have them there there’ll be examples if you want to do something similar elsewhere but for now I think it is Betty by time and because this place has been so frustrating over the past few Minecraft days I think what I’d like to do now is take these sniffer eggs and maybe I don’t know if I want to build something around here or if we should do it back at the base I’m kind of thinking back at base cuz there will be some Redstone elements to it so it’s not like we’re abandoning the whole Redstone Quest it’s just putting it into something a little bit more practical so I don’t know if we’ll need this stuff but just in case let’s bring it with and don’t you worry we will be back I’m sure we’re going to be doing more testing in a bit for now let’s head back to the base and think about what we want to do for a sniffer collection Farm kind of it’s going to be a torch flower farm let’s be honest as usual the question of the day is going to be where are we building this thing cuz it would be nice to have it be visual not visual uh VIs I cuz you know it could go behind the sign or somewhere over there but then we wouldn’t be able to see it but kind of every other spot is already taken up we look at the map and zoom in um I mean yeah there’s space back here we’ve got our beetroot our Auto beatroot farm right here we could build it next to that it might be semi visible but I intend on building a larger panda sanctuary that’s probably going to go over the water a bit I don’t necessarily want it to get in the way of that it could be underground I mean I just said I want it to be visible that wouldn’t help with that could be over at the Forum there’s technically space there but I don’t necessarily want to do that this is a pickle honestly it might look good over there we wouldn’t always see it kind of blocked by the trading area over here but it’s kind of the only area that I’m seeing that would work it could go next to the doggos but no not really interest in that and something to remember too there’s going to be a mine cart Contraption with this and I don’t want to be hearing it everywhere I I am and we don’t ever really hear that one so we know that this is far enough away to not Annoy Us essentially so if we just did kind of what we did here something very similar but up here that’ll probably work we just have to do a little bit of flattening out over here that just goes right down into a cave did I know that did you know that why didn’t you tell me about that holy moly yeah that just opens right up did we know this was underneath our house I mean we must have cuz it’s lit up interesting I don’t know maybe we do something with that someday I’m not not right now okay so we need enough room for a sniffer Farm don’t necessarily want to get rid of this super large oak tree this is is this even a tree one little log down there okay that’s weird yeah so let’s uh let’s just flatten it out from maybe this point forward I think that’ll be plenty of space yeah and then we can get started from there can you handle this scoop do are you going to be able to do this I don’t want to push you too far keep an eye on that durability definitely going to need some healing up after this okay now let’s just join this up and then this one has item Transportation I’m wondering if we should do the same thing or if we maybe not to such an extent like we might build a farm here and then maybe the items just get sent out like right over here just so it’s easier to grab and we don’t have to maybe come up here every single time that should be enough room I think that’ll be good all right so let’s grab some materials what we think we’re going to be using for this and then we can get started we got the goods now the only thing we need to determine is size obviously the first part is going to be our rails with the mine cart and I should have brought some of those redstone blocks I prefer to use those I mean you can just put a lever underneath the ground underneath the powered rails I just like using the blocks it’s kind of a waste but just don’t tell anybody it’ll be fine and back up we go okay so it’s going to be pretty similar to that and actually did we determine we know how this works Hopper with a comparator so this is checking if there’s something in the hopper when there is comparator sends out a signal here which oh it just happened it deactivates this torch which turns off the repeater which turns off the powered rail which stops the mine cart okay once again now we actually understand this stuff we don’t have to it’s not a just big Enigma anymore but it will be something similar so we want a bit of space this one’s going to be longer it’s not going to be perfectly Square we want space for designs though actually what side do we want the drop off to be at over here or the other end it honestly doesn’t matter I think if we eventually want to send the items that way probably be better to have it over on this side so yeah let’s let’s do that that should be plenty of room let’s say that’s the halfway point right there hopefully there’s going to be enough power just having one of the powered rails right in the middle so that it can make its way all the way around and not get stuck and then let’s stop it right there so I didn’t think this through we probably should have done this first these all need to be redstone blocks then we can place these down and they will all be powered actually we probably don’t need to do that here because we can just have some Stone and think I’ve got yeah torches I believe this will power that no actually it’s really hard to tell there we go so we know that’s powered that’s not huh part of me thought that would send it through I guess not eh whatever okay so that should go all the way around we’ll need to build something just like that on this one which means actually that should be a hopper like that there we go get out of the way Iron Golem I’m trying to see what I did over there I know how it works but it doesn’t mean I have to recall it perfectly from memory you shouldn’t have been in the way really I didn’t bring any building blocks I thought I didy wherever will I get more Stone oh no there we are and now that we’ve got that we need to build it pretty similar to what we did there which was repeater comparator beneath okay hopefully we’ve got enough for all that I think we do repeater there redstone torch under there and comparator checking the hopper and that’s backwards it that way yep I think that’s it yeah so this is powered it’ll turn off when the hopper has something in it and just a oh wait a minute uh the hopper is facing the wrong direction whoops for now we’re just going to get a chest take that out we’ll put the chest down right here Hopper facing that and then we can put the rail down that should be what we want yep and now just to double check if we put stuff in there yeah the rail turns off which is what we want soon as it’s empty into here turns back on perfect and I think that’s the majority of the Redstone component now we just need to build the area above it and decorate it and then hatch our sniffers let’s go grab some Dort and you might have noticed when we were doing terraforming I stopped collecting it and the reason for that is because I now have three double chests that are entirely overflowing with dirt so we have quite a bit but that will of course go right on top of the rails and I think we just cover everywhere that this Minecart will be traveling yeah that should work oh you know what we didn’t actually check to see if it can make it all the way down and back we should do that so we put you there that should be enough power to keep you going yeah I don’t think it’s going to be a problem we just want to make sure that it comes back when it hits that one over there and there you go on the way back yeah that’s fine that’ll work perfectly so we just cover the whole thing up and in case you were wondering I did come prepared we have a couple grass blocks so we can make sure the sniffers don’t have to just trudge around on dirt they’ve got grass for their little toeses but I’m also going to do a moss patch in the center so we always have that for hatching new sniffers cuz if you remember from the last time we were in this world we learned that putting a sniffer egg on Moss cuts down the time it takes for them to hatch by half and that is what we want also I think I only brought one piece of moss I don’t really want to turn everything into Moss so why don’t we go up here and then make ourselves a little dirt area then I think if I put that I forgot the bone meal didn’t I yep okay now we get to try to land on that shouldn’t be a problem right nah we’re good so now when we bone meal that everything turns to Moss which is what we want and that should be enough for our purposes and the reason I came up here is because I didn’t want to turn a bunch of my just regular base area to Moss that’s 18 Moss that ought to do it and we can fill out that much space that is perfectly fine the rest will turn into grass and everybody will be happy Okay so we’ve got that there’s still a lot of decorating to do but now we can at least put down our sniffer eggs get those working on hatching cuz we don’t want to wait forever let’s put them on each corner with the Moss there we go okay so we’ll work on letting those hatch but in the meantime we need to fill all of this in so that they can’t get out before you say anything it’s not a prison it’s a sniffer Resort so first we’ll fill in all the edges and some something I was thinking about did we ever use an actual tree as a support for a build like this because I kind of had an idea for that like what if we put saplings on each of the corners and those would grow to be the support I don’t know if they’ll grow this close to a wall but I want to give it a shot will this grow if I do that there might be too much in the way I probably should have done this part first okay there we go that should be high enough that is probably not high enough let’s try that one again you better did it not drop me a sapling okay let’s go get another sapling I was actually running kind of low yeah low on Jungle saplings maybe we’ll do something about I mean we live right next to a jungle biome I am not worried about it okay let’s try this again are you kidding me this one’s even lower than the first one and I think that one maybe give us one sapling I don’t know uh we can probably make that work that’s annoying though they’re not not growing as tall as I expect them to also I think we need to remove one more layer here if we want these to grow oo I hear those eggs cracking they’re going fast okay now will you grow oh wait I forgot to take you out so apparently that’s a problem yeah okay it grows then and okay good those are all tall enough I hope the sniffers appreciate it that we’re trying to make something that looks nice for them okay so next I did bring some bits and Bobs to try to make this look a little bit better and first up I’m wondering if we can just cover the bottom layer with trap doors just because we don’t necessarily need to see the mine cart under there and Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip there we go maybe some fences on top of that yeah that looks pretty good actually come on now let me sleep I don’t want things to start spawning there we goopo bloop bloop bloop there we go now we do want to be able to see the sniffers so of course that means we’re going to go with a glass layer or two I suppose woo they are still cracking we got to hurry they’re they’re hatching a little bit more quickly than I uh anticipated there we go now they should at least be trapped in here and then this is going to shock you but I want to use leaves as well I know I don’t use leaves for anything jump boost is saving me right now because I don’t need to try to build my way up I could just go bling I don’t think it necessarily needs to be covered like over the top yeah I mean I think this looks good I brought signs cuz I never really use those for anything but I’m wondering where I could use them it was like uh something like this going around the edges of those and then same thing at the bottom just like that something you know just a little something extra that we don’t usually do I think that works also let me know what you think about using trees as support structures I’m kind of a fan of that it’s a little bit weird cuz you have to get them to grow the way you want them to like this one kept being difficult and it’s still kind of difficult cuz I don’t think we can put signs where I intend up there but I’m curious of your thoughts if you ever use this kind of one hesitates to call it a strategy but kind of way of building personally I’m a fan although one thing you forgot to remind me about was lighting this is going to be entirely dark but I have an idea of what we could probably do about that yeah let’s go get some glowstone we use that a lot around here anyway 52 left that should be plenty we’ll just go inside of here hey they hatched welcome to the world my friends I know you’re going to take your sweet time I’m growing up so we’ll try to hang around a little bit and give you the time to do that but for now we’re just going to replace the corners with glow stone that should keep things from spawning inside here but actually should probably put some in the middle too so uh one two three four let’s say the fifth one one two three four number five M that’s probably far enough yeah three four number five don’t fall down there please I think you’re too slow to get in there before I could stop it to be perfectly honest but what do we think I think this turned out pretty good and once they grow up the idea here is that they’re just going to be sniffing around and they dig things up I don’t want to have to come by and pick it up every time they do that and that’s kind of what’s going on over at the other place here whatever they dig up if it lands on the floor which it will the mine cart’s going to pick it up and put it in that chest for us so anytime we’re at the base this will just kind of be collecting for us and I don’t have to manually come up and do it as we get uh torch flower seeds I think I’m also going to breed these two and we’ll get a few more in here so that’ll increase our rates and then we could also use it to bring it to the other one fill it out more with more sniffers and we could also start planting some of these things around the base just so we’ve got you know something new a new design a new type of flower that we have around here so I think what I’m going to do is AFK for a little bit I just want to give these fellas a chance to grow up and then once they have we can test the farm make sure that it’s actually working oh hey they big guy how it going yeah I know I haven’t I’m sorry I haven’t washed this armor in like over a thousand days anyway though yeah let’s get him to grow up then we can test to make sure that the farm is actually working and we can start collecting some of the good stuff so I’ll see you in a bit citizen are you kidding me guy I know okay I said I know we’d be back but look at this wender he’s I I tried to go to sleep and he’s just sitting here grass block inside my my glowberries I don’t want to hit him cuz he’s going to knock it out okay you know what we’re about to give the uh the pets a show come on come at me can you get out of there or are you stuck like a what an absolute fool I think he’s stuck in there I mean can I get you there we go no come on come back out come back out this is ridiculous I don’t want to hit the glowberries there we go at least he teleported come on come back in I’m waiting for you oh you you picked a fight with the wrong guy usually that’s me well I guess appreciate it I had it I had it covered though I didn’t need your help anyway now I’ll see you later citizen all right so we are back and the good news is the torch flower farm is working the bad news is sniffers take a long time to raise so I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting I’ve been waiting for a long time it’s been a minute it’s it’s been a 100 minutes I don’t know what it’s been who keeps track of that kind of thing but the good news is if we look in here we now have three adult sniffers and two snifflers I think we’ll probably end up getting more than that I mean it just it takes them so long to dig things up I you’ll see that I planted a few of the piture pods out here there’s a couple things still in here so it is working it’s just this whole process it takes a long time so for now I’m done waiting it’s definitely working so we’re we’re happy it’s just it’s a lot of waiting in fact we may as well use these just you know make sure that anytime we’re around here things are still happening you know eggs are hatching these things are growing up they’re getting me more stuff so who wants to give me an egg looks like yeah I think you two should be able to yeah there we go and get it before the mine cart does so there we go and we can just place it wherever right there there okay good so things are happening we’re good with that we can now leave it and just like I said every time we’re here things will be happening good thing is I got a lot of chores done around here while I was waiting I don’t ever like just sitting and afking I kind of was you know emptying out the iron farm getting pumpkins and melons I think I bred the bees a couple times just to try to fill up all of these hives in here but we’ve been busy and things are looking good we’re generally in a good place that’s what I’m saying what it does mean is we can move on to whatever’s next next and I say that for your benefit because I actually know what’s next you don’t mwah anyway it is another Redstone type farm and I need to gather some gear to get prepped for that as well as choose a place where it’s going to be and this one doesn’t need to be out in the open I’m kind of thinking it would be more fitting in a cave type situation oh yeah I put these in too speaking of redstone kind of technically maybe counts as Redstone these pressure plates so now we can actually walk out and not have to open the door every time when we walk in it closes it’s not actually Redstone you don’t use Redstone but it feels like it cuz it’s automated anyway I’m going to put together some materials then we’ll find a place to build this next build and then we can get started off we go and there we go we’re nearly ready this is just about everything we’ll need uh there is something missing though we need 29 pointed dripstone I have seven um I remember that we saw some recently I just can’t remember exactly where it was we are going to go on an adventure we’ll find it I have to get used to that closing automatically I keep want to close it but I also remembered uh we need to heal up our tools so let’s go to the gold Farm heal up all the tools then we’ll go on the search for dripstone it might have actually been over by the trading Hall area cuz I think there were all those open caves here and I think I would see dripstone in one of them so I’m pretty sure that’s it but first let’s just go heal everything up ah there she is are they still mad doesn’t look like it so we’re going to have to upset them ow hey fellas you interested in coming over this way I don’t want to kill one with one hit cuz then it doesn’t work there we go let the experience drop begin ah yes feed Scoopy dooo feed Scoopy dooo with your life force that didn’t take long at all we are all healed up let’s do the rest beautiful I think that’s everything right there perfect and just a double check yep looking good this is just such a fantastic Farm I love it out of curiosity huh not as full as I thought they would be I guess because it just works so quickly these never get a chance to fill up but doesn’t matter that works for me off to find dripstone and like I said I’m pretty sure that we ran into some over by the trading Hall and keep an eye out it’s going to be in one of these not immediately seeing it in here oh yeah there is some actually okay pretty sure one of these had a lot more but I mean we don’t need a lot a lot 29 total so does this give me more than one oh yeah definitely does that is a big boy that’s going to give us a lot don’t think this will do it though actually yeah we’re going to be just short okay let’s check the other cave this might be the one that I was thinking of yeah that’s more like it look at that hey who’s that you you shooting at me not here for you I’m here for the dripstone hey you hear what I said to the other guy there we go oh yeah there is plenty I will take a few of these thank you very much and I mean we’re here we may as well stock up just in case we need it later and there’s a stack we’re happy with that let’s head back and now we can double check all of the materials that should be good going to bring a couple extra things just in case then we’ll grab you but I don’t think we’re going far so like I said this one doesn’t have to be outside in the open we’ve already got a lot of the industrial type stuff over here like you know our Stone generator the sh smeltery this doesn’t look great if we’re just being perfectly honest it’s just a kind of hidden area for all this type of stuff but I’m wondering if we kind of opened it up over here I don’t know if I’m going to run into anything but could we make an extra room back here and you’ve probably guessed what we’re going to be working on I mentioned earlier I wanted to do a uh a lava Farm that’s what I’m thinking for this and it does seem like we’ve got plenty of room back here H okay here we go we run into something here what do we got got a creeper up there I see that much this is that cave yeah I remember this so it opens back up into that it might actually be kind of neat this is like our Escape Route hey buddy did you discover my brand new Escape Route you know just in case like Carthage strikes or something it could happen I don’t actually know how much space I need so for now let’s just open it up a bit I will be following a tutorial so I probably should have watched it already but I’ll give it a watch and I’ll see how much space we actually need I think that should be enough space and it gives us enough room to go around it I think this will be good so I’m just just going to fill in the center with a few of these everybody loves the x pattern why does it keep freezing like that that’s bothering me my computer is struggling and I’m not sure why okay so we’re ready for some of the materials and I collected a lot of stone ah this is actually larger than I thought it was hold on one second here think I’ve got it now at some point in my life I did know how to count just don’t know when that ability left me there we go now we get to move on to the Redstone part which it looks is just like having Pistons like that and then if I keep moving around and placing them on each of the corners like that last one should go here there we go I think that’s right I’m not exactly sure why I’m doing this yet but I do intend to try to understand it what what are you doing up there before we finish yeah I do intend to understand it and I better make these all match that’s supposed to be here and you are supposed to go there I do think we’re going to need a bit of a taller ceiling in order to accomplish what we’d like to do here next up we are going to build what I presume is going to be the channel holding lava above this entire thing so we’ll bring this all the way around and close it off up here we are going to have to open it back up if we want to get the lava in but that seems like a future Legion problem just like getting out of here ooh he pulled it off yeah cuz eventually the area inside there I believe is is going to need to be filled with lava but we’ll get there all right next up a collection system and that’s what it is I’m trying to guess what’s going to happen here comparator is looking into the hopper so when that’s uh when that has something in it that’s going to activate which activates the dropper that’s going to drop something in this direction not sure yet might need to see it in action oh I see we need to get it running first and then I think it’ll make a little bit more sense so for now what we can do first of all we could add some light then then we can put our drip Stone in don’t know why they’re dripping water there’s no water above this hopefully that doesn’t fill these with lava cuz that or lava with water cuz that wouldn’t be great but that is the last step we need to get 20 buckets of lava and I just happen to know just the place or wait no would it be 20 might be actually more than 20 so we’re not filling up the cauldrons we need to fill up that area up there so it would actually be 24 right I think I think 24 so let’s bring one of you just in case off to the [Music] Nether and fairly straightforward we go find a lava lake and we fill up and then everybody happy and I believe we can go down down here it’s lava all over but where’s a Lake Aha can we just kind of gingerly go down here yeah of course we can all right let’s get what we need oh no I just threw a bucket into the lava I didn’t mean to do that that’s why we brought this I think a shulker is 21 or no 27 so we’ve already got 25 we’re good I think we’re good extra one for luck now how do we get home I think it was over there where did I come from where did I go no we’re not doing that how do I I get out of here where are you blocking my okay I know it’s up there but I’m lost let’s just do that okay that works whatever okay so now back to the smelter room Cavern room Stone room I don’t know what we call this back area back here it’s looking more impressive now though that’s for sure we need a way up there to fill it all up and this looks like a convenient entrance so if we dig our way all the way around hopefully we can fill it and kind of just run for it before the lava we pour down catches up with us that is my hope is this whole thing needs lava so let’s start maybe in this corner then put it there it’s going to catch up with us isn’t it oh no it actually doesn’t go that far okay so that’s good this is going to make it difficult though when we get to the corner eh you know what we’ve got good armor I just want to check we need right there okay right there and we keep it moving don’t know why I’m not doing more in the hot bar I really should be nope I did not set myself on fire again it’s all an illusion okay so this is the only spot left we should just be able to fill it from here did I get the right amount of lava yes I did look at that with one leftover perfect now hopefully we can just kind of put some stuff right here like it never happened you might be thinking why do you need a lava farm when you can just go to the nether I don’t want to go to the nether I want it conveniently easily available for me right at my basee wouldn’t you okay so those should all be dripping lava now it looks like I mean I can see the majority of them are so I think we’re ready to boot this thing up and this is the part that worries me but we should be able to put a coldron here cuz this is where we’re going to start the whole process off and then put a button on the side of this that’s going to give us our first pulse of redstone when I do that this uh piston is going to push this cauldron which is in turn going to push all the rest of them this Observer is going to pick up the movement and activate this piston now this cauldron will be here which pushes it that way and it just continues to repeat like that the Observer sees that the cauld RDS are moving so this piston goes off and pushes the next row as you’ll see they’re actually filling up here and that’s going to make sure that if these are dripping at different rates or if we want to get to this extra one here it’s just going to keep dripping and filling them all up and it’ll do something else as well but first we have to make sure this works so Moment of Truth cross your fingers this should start everything turning oh no it didn’t keep going I mean it worked once something went wrong though it might be because this is too close to the wall I’m wondering if that’s interfering somehow cuz it looks like that’s where it’s stopped well nothing one more layer out can’t fix if that’s the case okay let’s try that again do this with you yeah it keeps getting back to here and then it’s oh I see what’s wrong I got this observer in wrong you see that you my friend are supposed to be facing that direction red button at the back there we go silly Legion okay so now if we go there we go that’s what we want Isn’t that cool it just continuously pushes them all the way around that’s so cool it’s incredibly loud so if I’m shouting that’s why and now if we get our buckets back and then put some of the buckets into this dropper and then also just cuz it’s easier to see if we fill up the rest of our inventory with whatever so now everything’s full if we hold the buckets right here and then if I just hold down right click when I see lava it should pick it up and get thrown into that Hopper that activates this comparator which activates the dropper The Dropper throws me another bucket and that means I can just stand here this whole time collecting and it’ll just automatically refill my buckets for me while the buckets of lava land in this chest so let’s just try it for a minute or two here and here comes one there we go gave it right backo there we goop it’s kind of silly but I mean it works it’s really cool really cool design very quickly collect lava so if we ever need it you know it’s here for us and in fact I’m just going to leave a lot of buckets here in case we need to do that but I’m I’m happy with that I think it’s a really cool thing so nice we’ve got a new Redstone Contraption back here I’m a bit worried I didn’t think about this it’s super loud let’s go in here I really hope I can’t hear it while I’m over here um I can hear it a little bit that’s where I sto hearing it so if we’re working there or at the schmelter we’ll hear it a little bit like yeah I hear it here but in most cases we won’t I can’t hear it once I get back here so that’s good news very cool I’m happy with that so we’re just cleaning out the shulker boxes and then we can decide what we’d like to work on next and actually we will do that but I want to go quickly check on the uh the sniffers hopefully they’ve been doing some good work this whole time ooh they might have all grown up yeah they’ve all grown up pretty much there’s something on the ground so hopefully that gets picked up it just did and our egg hatch so that’s our last one that hasn’t grown up but I can already tell this is moving a lot more quickly there was just something there this guy’s digging something up and if we look over here nice 11 of each that’s doing much better so yeah I grant you when you’re actually working on something and this is just working in the background without me having to think about it it does seem to work a little bit better but that’s not the way my obsessive mind works I’ve got to just sit here stare at them and then be angry that they’re not going fast enough oh I can’t stay mad at you anyway yeah on to next steps all right I’ve actually got an idea for one that we can do back at the uh the Redstone lab as usual though we’re going to need to build a few things and shockingly I think we’re at actually going to get some use out of our criminal Factory here cuz I believe there’s a way we can get some use out of these eggs and we did this a long time ago but this carpet there’s actually Hoppers beneath all of that I’m pretty sure every single Hopper is filled to the brim with eggs cuz I never empty this so even though I’ve taken them all out these are just going to keep filling back up but anyway that should be what we need so let’s head back over to the lab okay so I’m thinking we can set some something up up here and then also down there okay let me let me do a little bit of prep and then I’ll show you what I’m thinking about okay so here’s our setup I got everything Redstone wise set up here anybody want to guess what it does fairly simple you’ll remember earlier we learned that if two observers face each other it causes a loop a redstone Loop and it just goes D and goes back and forth and keeps sending off a signal at the front we have dispensers and on the back we have sticky pistons and they’re all wired up to this lever so obviously this is just loads of fun but also it’s kind of like a an auto Cannon anything that goes in dispensers we could just shoot it out of here so there’s there’s two reasons I have this and you can probably guess why I brought the eggs now but first I don’t want chickens everywhere so I think we should probably put up a temporary fence down here I have literally no idea where these things are going to shoot so hopefully I brought enough wood yeah just what I’ve got on me okay well there’s stack and a half let’s see how big a fence we can make with that don’t know if it’ll be enough one imagines though that these would shoot a decent distance well hold on let’s just test this good to make sure that it actually works too before we do anything but only one egg we don’t need to be overrun by chickens so one egg in the center dispenser if we turn this on we should be able to gauge about how far it goes oh wow yeah so that went out there quite a bit further than I thought it would actually so why don’t we let’s just start here and go across at the back hopefully it wouldn’t go any further that way hopefully it doesn’t go any further this way so we can bring this forward and then I doubt it would get anywhere up here so we should be able to close it off there okay are we ready I I really don’t want chickens all over the place I I really hope this works and actually we could probably automate this one step further because if I got up on top of these put a hopper going into the dropper Hopper and a dropper but it’s not a dropper it’s a dispenser we know there’s a difference now and then look at that I’ve got three chests put those on top of the Hoppers you see where I’m going with this then we bring all of our eggs over there we can try to evenly distribute the eggs into these so let’s see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 so there is 10 in each chest those should be going in here they are so we’ll wait for that to fill up we’ve got some extra so actually yeah we can put three more into each one oh man this platform has no idea what what’s in store for it okay these are now full The Hoppers are filling up so as these shoot out eggs the chest is just going to continue loading them in I really hope we don’t miss the fence but we could just always turn it off if we need to and then adjust things woo okay are we ready for this I say we just go for it so hopefully we can just get everything inside that fence we’ll get ourselves a ton of chickens and here we go look at that it’s definitely working oh no some of them are going pretty far but it is filling up we’re hitting the chickens with eggs which I love to see that is already a lot of chicks these things are great though look at that that works so well it actually looks pretty cool too that is awesome this is just beyond obnoxious like this is one of the silliest things I’ve ever set up it kind of has no purpose except for my amusement and yours of course I hope this is amusing cuz it is to me oh oh are we out already wow that went through everything all right I mean gave us couple two tree chickens and don’t worry I’ve got another plan for these bad boys that’s we’re not just you know putting chickens in here and actually there’s a few more eggs so let’s finish up with these put them on through there we go uh oh I turned it off there we go get rid of the last few eggs and that’s it that just goes through them so quickly that’s incredible oh man this is like the yard at a prison you see all these convict out here all right so I think when all of these fellas are taking the time to grow up we should go to the trading Hall and check on something cuz we’ve got all these Fletchers over here and out of curiosity do they sell arrows oh you do you do sell arrows well that’s good to know h i mean we’re here we may as well sell some sticks get some emeralds here we go that’s two stacks of emeralds I mean I wonder what what would that be if we you know grab some arrows oh we could get quite a lot I mean we may as well just keep buying them there we go that’s probably a good amount hey I want those emeralds back oh you’re going to make me jump in there with you aren’t you oh there we go okay so I mean we got a we got a bunch of bunch of arrows what could we do with that hey I’ve got an idea you probably got the same one once these fellas are all grown up I have a sneaking suspicion they might want to be used as target practice they want to reenact a battle with Hannibal or maybe julus Caesar versus verson gut yeah I think they’re up for it so just yeah this is off so we can actually load this up oh hey fella where’d you come from come to watch the show oh I guess not ah you must have come from in here didn’t even know this was here that goes down a ways so we’re just going to light it up a little bit waiting for chickens to grow up I don’t really need to I don’t need the drops or anything just seems kind of unfair like I should at least let them grow up first ooh hey we’ve got visitors they heard I needed something to do these are the kids from the wrong side of the block hey buddies we’re going to just put the uh the captain right at the front and then yeah let’s see if you can do some target practice no I don’t want to join your Club you guys are really giving it to him I think you’ve hit me a couple times and you’ve hit each other so many more okay I think you’re getting me now would you get out of that hole it’s hard for them to hit you when you’re down there there we go any day now any day now there we go that’s what we were waiting for my turn goodbye goodbye goodbye you think they try to make it Challen in and once again I was too fast they couldn’t hit me not even once I’m just that good oh I think they’re starting to grow up yeah they’re starting to rush the adults I don’t know why they do that but bloop bloop bloop it’s all happening at once bloop yeah there we go the transformation is nearly complete I think we got it I think they all grew up except for you because I found another egg so I chucked it in and it hatched so you’re going to probably not make it all right and the Sun is going down this is probably appropriate let’s see if we can get you all to stop going for the fence maybe if everybody comes towards the center and then I will Rush up there and turn on my machine maybe right back here and then yeah you’ll be able to spread out a bit when I move there we go they’re going to spread out are we ready citizen we got to be fast yeah they’re already spreading let’s do it attack yes no no the arrows aren’t going as far hey look look what I’ve got everybody look what I’ve got yep come on over this way this way this way yeah yes yes no they’re going around it don’t go around the arrows we’re going to run out no no no no no no no no I don’t want to go in by the arrows look look everybody come this way I’ll take a hit or two yes there we go that’s what we were looking for beautiful you’d think they’d know not to follow me but the lure of a single wheat seed is just too strong they must have it oh you absolute fools ow ow ow ow yes come on come on come on we might be able to get them all aerrow machine gun ooh so close so close so close yes we’ve done it our wrath knows no bounds well that was a lot of fun and actually look at that we can pick them all back up I didn’t know you could do that oh man that means we could go for round two if we need to look at all that well that was incredible let’s load them back up we’ll have it ready if we need it but overall that was a lot of fun and I’m happy with that uh design this type of build well now that we’ve had tons of fun with that and probably abused enough chickens for this video every time I get out the axe he runs oh you’re not got a way oh did you see that he knows you can only run for so long do they do this normally do I always look at them first I think they might just run away am I going to have to look you in the eyes buddy cuz I don’t want to there we go that’s what I’m talking about ow there we go anyway yeah so on to the next idea that I have and I think for this one I am going to need to go back to the base momentarily I believe because we did yeah we put some trip wire hooks in here I never got around to looking at those so I want to try a build with that and let me explain what I’m thinking on the way back to the base so essentially When I Was preparing for this video I went and I watched a bunch of tutorials like Redstone builds and redstone contraptions I looked at screenshots there’s one that I remember that I didn’t fully look through or I don’t remember how to build it I just remember what it was as a way of checking my progress on if I’m learning anything or not I’m not going to look up the tutorial again I’m just going to go by memory and see if I can build this myself knowing what it’s supposed to do but not having the direct help of like this is the step-by-step guide essentially so we’ll need more of those trip wire hooks we’re also going to need string I’ve got 54 I hope that’s enough if not we could probably get more how do we make the trip wire hooks out of curiosity oh that’s pretty easy but why don’t we start by making a goodly portion of these let’s say maybe 32 and then we’re also going to need a bunch of sticky pistons how do I keep forgetting how to make these okay red stone just put away the iron and I left all the Redstone there okay we can make those when we get back we’ve got the string we might need more but let’s bring this back now actually all this travel back and forth it raises another question that I’ll I’ll ask for your feedback on this I had an idea to connect up the base and this other area the trading Hall area with a transportation system easy enough to fly fly there and back but we could make like maybe an aqueduct system that has a rail system in it so we can ride that there and back there’s also the option of mods we could add the uh the Waypoint mod so we could just teleport there and back but what do you think would be better for this world just keep flying building a rail system of some kind or using mods to teleport let me know in the comments what you think about that but we’re going to need our Redstone and I’m going to need decent amount more so now yes we can make our pistons and actually that’s probably the perfect amount if we got 32 of these we do 16 Pistons we can then turn those into sticky pistons okay and now why don’t we test what I’m thinking first before we do a full build because the idea is I remember when I saw it it was like there was stairs on both sides like this those were connected to sticky pistons on each side and then we want to get them to push the stairs to the middle it’s basically like if you just walk at it the stairway gets built at as you go up it which I thought was pretty cool that of course is going to be driven by the the trip wire hooks I just don’t remember exactly where they are or how they work so that’s the purpose of this as well is just figuring out how these trip wire works hook how these trip wire works hook how these trip wire hooks work man talking is hard I just started recording for the today I I only had one cup of coffee sue me okay so there we go we put down two string you’ll see that these are now connected and you’ll see these in jungle temples they’re usually used for traps like if somebody were to walk walk over this string that would activate the hook that sets off a trap somewhere like firing an arrow at you I want to use their purposes for good I just don’t know how they work like if it’s attached here will that send a redstone signal to that sticky piston if this is activated like if we to oh okay wow it does that’s uh fairly simple then it’ll go back nice in that case I think this is going to be pretty easy cuz we can just build up this exact same thing not like that going all the way up this is going to be I think a lot easier than I thought it was going to be let’s keep going with the same design putting those there putting these here this actually might be a neat one to use for other builds just a more impressive stairway one that builds itself as you walk up it and down it one would hope we’ll actually need to bring these out one cuz we’re going to want a sticky piston on top of each one of these and hopefully I can do that from here yeah I was worried about that we need it to be facing this direction okay good that works rain again beautiful does anybody know of a mod that just turns off rain or like if you could change the chances that it rains like I get some rain but it just seems like it does all the time so if there was a way I could change that i’ I’d love to do that luckily it’s getting close to night time though let’s just sleep away the rain that was the name of my first album by the way sleep away the rain was my emo phase there we go actually that was really close to the amount we had we could just add one more layer and that will be all of our sticky pistons and one right there nope thought I had that down I guess not how do we like that there we go there we go okay then up here is where we’re saying we have gotten to the Finish Line there we go now let’s make the rest of these blocks a little bit prettier stone brick should do so that looks pretty good we have to finish it up though we need now all of these on top all the way up cuz that’s going to be where the trip wire hooks are attached there we go then we put one on each level then the question just is going to be do we have enough string I actually don’t know okay so now we’ve got everything in it’s just these aren’t attached so it’s not going to send any signal because it can’t detect when we are coming across these layers but now it should be able to so for example if I go here then step here it still it keeps this one activated that’s good that’s what we want so let’s connect the rest and just make sure this works okay I just went down those it kind of feels like I’m going to get crushed but it seems to work so let’s try it out essentially as we go past each one of these uh bits of string that’s laying there that’s going to activate the trip wire that’s going to activate the sticky piston the stairs are going to get built so as we go up it seems to work pretty well they get built and they get taken away as we uh continue to move but I’ll show you what I mean when I’m going down they kind of just barely activate as I’m going like that it feels like we’re going to get crushed but we don’t we just get pushed a little bit so it does work I’m wondering if we add one more at the top like if we just put one here I don’t know if this is going to going to do anything actually it might not reach so that’s in if we step on that yeah that doesn’t do anything even though interesting it’s these string it’s hard to tell but they’re actually connected to that so you’d think they would send the signal all the way through they don’t ooh now I just made it get stuck how did I do that I don’t know I mean it works you see what I mean though that just seems a bit strange that they’re just catching me as I fall okay so these ones aren’t doing anything we don’t need that I mean it works we don’t it’s there’s such a thing as being too nitpicky about it I think it’s fine just that that freaks me out a little bit either way though how cool is that that’s really cool building it into designs I mean there’s probably a way to make these a little bit more hidden make it look a little bit better like you could probably push everything back a block so the sticky pistons wouldn’t be visible they’re just like maybe pushing to or maybe not maybe it wouldn’t take it with you’d have to use slime or honey I don’t know either way I think this is a really cool one that’s nice I think we could use that in future builds oh okay yeah not perfect you can’t go too fast or you can go too fast and then you’ll fall through so maybe worth putting something beneath this didn’t work that time I don’t know you get it it’s not perfect but it is pretty cool there’s ways we can probably change that around so that it works a little bit better let me know if you have any thoughts on that by the way it’s it works well going up it’s just coming back down that’s a little bit strange either way I’m going to leave that one here I think that’s cool we might use it for future design so I’m just going to leave it so we remember that it’s an option and speaking of things I wanted to try there was another one that I saw and this was was just from you know my general Minecraft watching routine it wasn’t in preparation to this video I just remember it from a while ago oh hold on a second let’s bring some stuff with us you are coming with me because I would need something for this next one that I don’t know I actually have and if we don’t it’s something that’s kind of scary to acquire you’ll remember that I’m constantly saying we’re going to eventually fight the warden and I just never get around to it well that’s not the only thing or the only reason you might go to an ancient city there’s also those other things I can’t remember what they’re called like skull sensors or something I have no idea if we’ve ever collected any of those in this world and just at a glance at storage I don’t think we did because first of all I don’t know where we would have put them and second just out of you know thinking through it I I just don’t think we ever collected any yeah doesn’t look like it so I guess the next question then is do we remember where the ancient city was and are we brave enough to go try and collect a few of those just so we can try a redstone build I’m going to clean up a bit of the storage and then I’ll I’ll see I I’ll think about it think if I’m brave enough to go try that okay so these are kind of cleaned up now a little bit kept some of the stuff I think we still might need I’m going to take a few of these with me in fact we’ll take them all with us just in case and then what I’m thinking is it doesn’t hurt to try to remember I know we found one at one point eventually we’re going to need to know where that ancient city is so we can at least try to prepare ourselves and find it I am not fighting the warden yet we’re going to make a video out of that a whole video but let’s check up on these guys maybe we make a few more eggs then we’ll at least just we’ll see if we can find it we should know where it is oh yeah there’s a lot of you now let’s see if we can collect some more eggs and we’ll be able to get two more it looks like there’s one who’s giving us the other one there we go okay so let’s put down two more of these we always want to be adding more whenever we can excuse me excuse me there we go then we’ll put these back in here for now let those hatch and grow up and then as far as preparing goes why don’t we head over to the snow castle because if you didn’t see that video first of all how dare you go watch that video oh yeah that doesn’t work there we go watch that video but if you didn’t see it then you probably don’t know that this snow castle is not just a very beautiful build it also has a farm inside it oh I forgot about our goat hey goat hope you’re enjoying yourself here but yeah this is also our wool Farm actually we haven’t checked in a while I also forgot this place is really not great for lag but yeah the shears are still fine I was worried we’d be running low on those but nope but I thought if we’re going we may as well bring some Wool with us it’s weird that the white wool seems to be collecting at a faster rate or is that just my imagination maybe we just haven’t used it as much I don’t know either way we’re just going to grab a few of these because I believe if you’re walking on wool it doesn’t summon the warden so in case we want to be careful we’ll bring just a a few stacks of this okay there we go that should be plenty and now that’s really really all I wanted uh to prepare we need to try to remember where this thing was because I’m pretty sure it wasn’t far it was like underground somewhere surrounding the base and the snow castle like in this jungle somewhere I’m pretty sure so maybe we just fly above the area and take a look into some of those it was a cave that was already open so this kind of thing if we are able to look down in oh that looks like it’s fun I do remember we just kind of looked down and we were able to see it oh yeah I I see you friends we’re not doing autographs today unfortunately maybe if you know check in a year or two then maybe and bring cash for now though I am just going to need some space oh jeez okay I did say a year or two not now so let’s take a look around I’m like 90% sure it was this area and I remember the caves were pretty interconnected can he do it oh yes he can perfect shot like always oh hey friends oh yeah you can fight each other if you want you don’t have to fight me when will they ever learn violence is not the answer he says as he attacks a Skeletron anyway I’m not seeing anything here so we might want to just look around and check some of these various caves see what we can find so let’s see if we can nope that didn’t work get out of here there we go and it looks like we’ve been here before I remember well no I don’t remember doing this but if we’ve been here that means we could have seen it down in this cave is this the same one were we just in this one I think this is yeah this is the exact same one we were just in who hey fellas no not interested so we need to find a new one you know what I didn’t even think to use the map while we were down there let’s go one more time the map is probably helpful oh my goodness gracious do you see all these why why did it spawn so many you see all that just we we’re just here as soon as we come back there’s about a thousand mobs out of curiosity do you do anything if you’re in water oh yeah you do goodness gracious back back up back up oh jeez okay is this this feels a little bit cheaty but I’m seeing I can’t tell are those M shafts or that that looks like a mine shaft I think they’re all M shafts I just need a minute to look so why don’t we open this up okay relative safety for a minute this is wild being to able to see like everything that’s underground but I’m also not really seeing anything which makes me think it’s probably deeper than this I also don’t know exactly what it looks like if I’m being perfectly honest on a map that is so new idea we need to safely get out of here here and we’re going to head down to the mine because what would be really nice is if it was near enough to our mine that we could just dig a path to get to it from here rather than flying over somewhere every time we needed to get to it okay so here we are what I’m thinking if we now open up the map wow that’s a lot of lava so probably not down at Bedrock level I didn’t notice that look up at the top it tells you what uh ooh okay this says deep dark I did not notice that if you move your cursor it shows you what biome you’re in and apparently oh wow there’s some right here some right over here but I can’t see it so that’s not super helpful what happens if we were to go up the stairs a little bit I am loving this world map by the way for anybody that recommended that to me thank you very much because that is such a cool mod okay so up the first little flight of stairs there that is definitely oh yep that helped a lot and jeez look at this stuff like what is this that might just be like a little mine area this looks nuts whatever this is probably more mine shafts and just opens up to a big cave there jeez this is yeah that is wild but mainly I you probably noticed this as soon as I did this is 100% an ancient city and honestly it doesn’t look like it’s too far so if we just dig North in a straight line we’re probably going to run into this and it looks like come out in an area that does have probably a lot of uh like I said I think they’re called skull sensors and that’s what we need also might be able to find an enchanted golden apple there I remember we need one of those from the achievement video oh boy okay so I guess let’s do this let’s dig uh North which looking at the mini map is this direction and let’s just do it right here and actually we should probably get some more torches cuz we’re going to want to light it up along the way always got to be safe oh perfect I really hope that’s not a lava pool we just started yeah it is isn’t it but how much is it it’s it’s enough okay so we’re not going to do that let’s try it up here maybe I mean this to be fair this is the area that we went to collect obsidian it was a lava pool so I probably should have expected that but I kind of just expect everything’s always going to work out for me I am blessed by Jupiter after all oh wonderful blessed by Jupiter indeed yeah this whole thing that’s just a big lava pool okay uh head to the right and dig okay let’s be smart about this we are going to dig so that we are out of the way of the lava pool which we are now and uh okay we’re going to run into that one this seems like the safe bet right here so let’s see if we are correct so we’ll try to use the map sparingly when it comes to underground stuff it feels a little bit cheaty to me but honestly it’s kind of just taking the guesswork out cuz I’m sure nobody really wants to see me dig just for like a couple hours just to find something if we just need to use it for a general direction or something that’s fine I think but we’ll we’ll use it sparingly we’re not going to do that every time and we should be coming up on what looks like our first bigger cave yep we certainly are look at that oh hello friends I don’t really want to light up this entire High cave but maybe just about where we’re going to be kind of passing through and then we’ll do some clear out after that oh boy we’re already making friends nope not yet not ready for you yet please wait your turn okay that’s decently lit up let’s clear out our new friends and yeah they’re already getting into fights with themselves don’t mind me goodbye goodbye goodbye I said also I just noticed look at that I can see some deep dark over there maybe we don’t need to go into the actual ancient city we can save that for the warden video oh hello oh come on I was not close enough to necessitate blowing up it probably is a good idea to like sufficiently light this area up because I don’t want to be trying to do something in the deep dark and then you know I’m just ambushed by mobs they’re setting off a bunch of the sensors and summoning the warden for me we don’t really need that so that looks pretty good over here though this still appears to be a problem ow ow ow there we go this kind of just keeps going I don’t know that we need to go all the way through here but yeah we’re not doing another cave that is yeah that’s too big ow that guy’s got flame so we’re going to call that good enough I don’t think we’re going to be going over there too often come on but this area should be sufficiently bright so that we’re not going to get a lot of spawns I hope also yeah you’re crazy if you think I didn’t see that diamond over here and we aren’t taking it come here you of course I’m out of space we’ve entered porcupine mode okay anyway we did see a little area where where was that over here so let’s actually get out Cleopatra I think that’ll come in handy now is this just a whole bunch of nothing in here yeah I think it’s a whole bunch of nothing there’s no sensors or anything we’re going to have to go to the actual ancient city I mean we knew we were going to have to eventually so if that’s the case and we came in over here I’d like to keep it a nice straight line so we’re just going to build this straight across and then we can keep going and then in a second we should emerge in fact we should have emerged already yeah I mean we’re in it is it below us is it above us okay yeah definitely should have hit it by now so since that other one was lower I’m guessing this one is going to be lower so let’s start digging down yeah it was definitely lower okay oh no that is this just freaks me out look at all of that this seems so so scary and there’s just this stuff all over the place those are what we need though those things right there ooo okay okay I still don’t fully know the rules of this place but for safety sake we are going to switch over to our Wool Wool Wool just because I I know there’s something to do with this and I I just want to be safe one would think if we only ever step on this we should be all right so we’re just going to inch our way forward stay on this and then we’re not going to have any troubles right I see a chest up there we might have to get that before we’re out ooh sneak now I think if we kind of just surround this stuff we might be safe so I’m just going to cover all of this in fact I’m I don’t even know what I’m I’m covering that that’s a shrier is it called right and then I think I I really hope I’m right I think I can just take this cuz it’s surrounded by wool I I don’t know we’re going to have to try though so I’m just going to try to take that did I get it oh no do you need silk touch okay now can I break you cuz you’ve got wool around you nope I can’t oh no no okay that’s mistake number one we get a couple more but we now need to be very careful and I’m just I’m no longer touching these things I’m just going to put wool all around him and hope that that does something now let’s do the same thing here just cover each one and now my axe has silk touch if I use this I I don’t know let’s just see if we can get this okay I think we got it yeah we got one okay so we have a method that works we can take these and I don’t appear to be setting anything off so we will get what we can using this method still got a few stacks of wool so I think we’re doing good wow there are so many of these things okay let’s do the same thing here and then I think let’s work our way toward that chest I am this might be a curiosity killed the cat type of thing but we want to grab what’s over there anyway except that stinking thing that is there and I don’t know what to do with it especially cuz it’s right next to it I think that means we just don’t take that uh sensor next to it we’re just going to cover it all cuz I don’t want to mess with that you should be fine we should be able to take you okay now are we safe to use ladders I hope so and we’ve got a chest up here just going to keep doing this and then this should also make a noise but if we’re clever and we surround it with our wool I’m hoping that means we can open it without incident so let’s give it a try ooh this has some neat stuff yeah you better believe I’m taking all that look at that take some candles I’ll have some coal why not Soul torches that’s apparently a new thing to me the soul torches I don’t think I need those okay neat no uh enchanted golden apple that’s what I was hoping for but some cool stuff in there how do I get down now I guess just like that yeah I didn’t mean to do that I am definitely sending off sounds now okay let’s go grab these things over here and then we might be good we might be ready to call it a day once we’ve gotten all of these I mean we barely scratched the surface in here there’s going to be a lot more to explore but like I said I kind of want to save that so that we can make a whole video out of it and then finally take out the warden okay hopefully we’re good oo we’re not good let’s just be fast I’m actually wondering if you can duplicate these that would be a good thing to know maybe once we get out of here I I look that up and last one there we go so I am ready to get out of here and we just use our path of wool to get back and now at least we we know where it is and we have a path to get in here so easy enough if we need to come back but I’d be lying if I said I was s to go I mean it is it’s a cool looking place it’s just it’s too spooky for me there’s another CH look at that chest they they surrounded it they did that on purpose not worth it we’ll get it next time we got 12 that’s pretty good so let’s head back I’m going to look up if there’s a way to duplicate those once we do and then we can give it a shot the the Redstone build I’m thinking about that I believe requires these and up we go and actually I think it’s worth starting a chest for deep dark type stuff and I filled up pretty much everything over here I’ve got a couple empty ones but I wanted those to be honestly like my extra dirt chests and things so maybe it’s finally time to go up here and start using some of these so no idea what Echo shards are but it looks kind of cool so we’re going to use it as the display and for now anything we pick up I’m just going to put in there until we could sort through it we’ll also keep some wool in there just so well no we’ll make our own wool chest and we have a smithing template chest so for now it’s kind of non deep dark stuff really to be perfectly honest but we’ll use it as a placeholder for when we collect more armor trim we’re going to put you in here so now we have the ward armor and the coast armor trims oh yeah and the eye armor trim this one the smithing template for netherite upgrades we’re going to want to duplicate that eventually when we need to the rest of the stuff we can just put away and do I already have I do I have a wool chest over here I guess I could have just collected from there but now we’ve got extra and I guess that means we’re good to start collecting some of the other things that we’re going to need we’re actually going through a decent amount of those blocks of redstone so maybe well we shouldn’t have to refill I think but we might I don’t know all right we’ve done our cleanup we’ve got some stuff in here and I just thought of something else we’re probably going to need and that is observers okay I think we’re good actually nearly we are going to need a bunch of glass too also as a side note it looks like you may be able to duplicate the uh skull Sensers probably have to build a farm for that you can have the skull sort of spread if you kill a mob near it and I believe that gives you the ability to generate new ones so we’re not going to do that now but it’s good to know that might be a farm we build whenever we do the video for the warden so stay tuned for that anywho though the farm we’re going to be working on I think we want to use this very large wall over here that we created still looks a bit Bland to me so I think there’s something we can do to make it a little bit more interesting and also fortunately it’s fairly Hollow in there so I think we already have the setup or it should be easy enough to just go in here cuz there’s going to be the Redstone component is going to be inside and this is if you had whoa jeez that scares me every time you didn’t see us set it up this is where the bamboo Farm is Works kind of slowly but we don’t need it that often so I think it’s fine anyway yeah it is it’s pretty open in here and this should be enough space to set up what I’m thinking cuz yeah I saw wax fraud do something similar he made a a disco actually with this but I want to make it something on this wall that just has lights that go off in a semi- random fashion and I don’t want to use the whole redstone repeater thing like we did back at the lab so before we actually start with that let’s do a test out here because something we know is that observers can power Redstone lamps that’s because if it observes something back here actually it’s backwards right now there we go if it observes something back here it sends a a redstone signal out the back that’s going to power this lamp and I believe we can use skull sensors for this so if it was here when it when the skull sensor gets set off that’s going to be observed which is then going to send the power now can that be anything it did just light up so yeah basically anytime it hears a sound I think or detects movement is probably a better way to put it then that’s going to make that light go off so that’s great that works but also remind me we need to make sure we silk touch this thing every time we pick it up but that does work so now we just need a configuration we need a way to set these up and a way to have the skull sensor detect something and I think I’m going to do that the same way that wax fraud did so I’ll tell you all about that but first we got to get this set up also just so we’re not ruining everything in here maybe we leave this for now we’ll just put a door there but we’ll set up everything over on this side which for Now is really I think just going to be maybe we do it at this level that way we’ve got a full sort of layer between the wood layers and we can do something semic consistent I was thinking about doing it one layer down but that’s already got so much going on we’d have to clear a lot of things out so we’ll do it this way and I just want a place to stand for now so let’s do this actually second thought we should do this with glass and I was thinking ahead I brought tons of glass I don’t think I need to keep you in suspense either about what we’re doing here especially if you saw wax Fraud’s video he used Axel Ladle to set off the skull sensor so I’m thinking we just make a tank in here and go collect some aelott and then just by them swimming around they actually set off Those sensors so if we say that’s the size of the tank and let’s actually build it a bit back here as well and the red Redstone lamps are going to go in this wall so we’ll replace this with a lamp or you know throughout then there’s going to be an observer at this level then a skull sensor at this level then we actually need one more that’s going to be where the Axel are swimming around oh by the way if you’re curious uh somebody asked in the comments about this connected glass texture basically asking if it was a part of the Shader pack or how that’s loaded in in my case it is a resource pack but it does use uh some of the mods or the shaders in in tandem I guess you could say you could use OptiFine but I was having trouble with OptiFine it was uh causing a lot of lag so I use something called fabulously optimized it’s actually a mod pack and then once you have that in place you can get a resource pack so you’ll see over on the right I’ve got a ton loaded in I think it’s this one clear glass pack so just in case you were curious that’s that’s how I’m getting all of this to to look like it’s connected rather I just don’t like it when you can see the Blocks individually but I think that’s good for the size that direction now we’re going to need to do the same thing leading up here as well as across the top and there’s not going to be a lot of space to do that is there that’s all right we can start down here and actually maybe we should put the other stuff in first cuz I don’t want to have to well I’m fairly confident I’m just a little bit worried if it’s wrong we’re going to have to remove all this glass so yeah I guess before we do more let’s just add a couple of the other elements to this just to double check first up I don’t have enough skull sensors to do like as much as I’m going to want to do long long term but at least we can get it in place and then I can add more later but for example I did something like well no actually it is going to have to be one to one isn’t it hold on going to go to sleep and have a think about this actually it’s going to be kind of a pain anyway because I have to find a way to place the Observer so it’s observing the right direction which I think that is like if I get this out yeah that’s correct which then means we would have our redstone lamp like that and then can I place you right right here yeah and then it’ll pick up movement okay so that’ll work and I’ve got 11 more so basically we just Place 11 at random intervals throughout here eventually I’d like you know more than that so you can actually see things moving around but let’s go through and I guess just pick our spots there we go that’s 11 now the more difficult part we have to get all the observers facing the correct way actually isn’t too bad I thought it would be worse but they’re all typically going in yeah the way they’re supposed to be except for this this one does not want to go the right way why is that do I have to be higher up there we go that noise still freaks me out even though I know we’re not like in the deep dark and nothing’s going to happen hearing it go off is like hitting just something visceral in my bones and it’s freaking me out and here’s the last one so I think we’re good now with observers which means we should just have to get in the skull sensors finish the glass fill this up with water should I have filled this with water ahead of time yeah that might have been a mistake that I made here let’s not put the call yeah okay we’re we’re not going to put those in yet we should complete this fill it with water then we’ll put the rest of the sensors in eventually I mean honestly it might just be cool to have this uh completely like this whole wall just completely filled like this that would be a lot of resources but then if we only had one or two Axel in here you’d be able to detect their movement from outside the wall you’d be able to see where they were just by what lights were going off which I think would be pretty cool I am going to run out of glass okay let’s run back real quick get the glass we need then we can wrap this up actually we should grab a couple Axel while we’re out three maybe three seems like it might be the magic number so we’ll take the rest of the glass and we’ll take some buckets I’m not going to steal any Axel from our tank because I want to keep those there I could breed them and get more but I kind of I think I know didn’t we I keep forgetting about the pressure plate yeah didn’t we find hush cave and we set up uh like isn’t it that I thought we set these up to determine that something was here like what’s what’s this this leads to something I put that indicator there it leads to something I just have no idea what it is this might be the Lush cave uh no this was the M shaft so maybe the other one the other one was a lush cave so we go back up actually I think these need to have water in them anyway maybe that’s what you are or no this yeah this led to that nether portal that’s right this one is just the nether portal that was linking up the wrong way so where’s the Lush cave I know we found one maybe it was in with the m shaft cuz there’s no other indicators around here and I know I found one okay let’s go back down in here it’s the downside of having a world that spans thousands of days or at least over 1,000 days you do so many different things and then you forget where other things were yeah that doesn’t make much sense but you you probably get what I mean yeah I mean I think there’s there’s got to be a lush cave around here somewhere aha I knew it yeah this is what we’re looking for and hello you are what we’re looking for there’s two of them would you like to come power my lights for me oh I know you would so what do we say we want three that’s two anybody else want to join us and usually Rome doesn’t ask we just tell you you’re joining up but Axel they get special dispensation dispensation dispensation yeah see you we don’t ask don’t even want you to join forcefully will tell you you’re not joining but one would think there’s got to be a third one around here somewhere there you are yeah you guys take care of each other I’m busy hey buddy you want to come with me to it’s it’s definitely better there’s no skeletons where I’m going no zombies always stepping on you this is getting old though you guys can just I was about to leave but then you you forced me to do it however that is three we’re pleased with that which means we can head on back also this reminds me just being in a lush cave if you haven’t checked out the cave only world I think that was what my last video took me a while but we finally got out uh 200 days in that so if you want to check it out we do now have the second video for that out so go ahead and check out the 200 day cave only if you’re looking for something to watch and that also reminds me if my videos are sometimes uh titled a little bit weird just trying to figure out the YouTube algorithm it’s kind of you know I wish I didn’t have to do that but I do so the easiest way to check in on those is definitely playlists I try to keep those up to date so if you’re wondering where a certain world is you could check out the playlists that I set up because that’s always going to be accurate on you know the progression of each World also out of curiosity wow did they all grow up those two that we just planted I don’t even see the eggs I don’t see any sniffs it’s been longer than I thought since we’ve been over here but wow that is that’s really starting to pick up I love it anywh who now we can see from the outside these lights pretty soon we’ll be able to get a light show okay let’s fill in the rest of this I probably should have gotten more water it’ll be fine we can do Infinite Source oh kelp should have gotten kelp let’s get kelp all right I got kelp now we’re ready all right so we just finished this make sure it’s all enclosed because we don’t want the Axel atle to escape and you know not not that they’d want to it’s just I worry that if they get out of the water you know they might dehydrate or I am a merciful Emperor there we go now let’s have our entry point over here oh that’s glass so we can do this there we go it actually might not be a bad idea to keep that there I think it’s safe enough to just put a door that way if we need to get in here we can nobody’s ever going to see it so it doesn’t really matter and if we make a little Infinite Source over here we can then use that and I think I think what I want to do well actually I need to test this I don’t remember if I put one up there can I then put kelp at the bottom or justes there also need to be a sort no there doesn’t so I can just put it all yeah all the way along the top that should work then so let’s do that I hope I’m not forgetting something with all of this cuz this is going to take a while and I’d hate to have to redo stuff actually since it does that I probably don’t have to fill in all of these I don’t know let’s I mean we can honestly just go through and probably fill the middle layer with water and then put kelp at the bottom and then see what is not a source block or what didn’t work then we’ll just go and fill it in afterwards easy enough I’ll admit it’s kind of difficult to tell what’s going on here I’m just kind of you know placing these where I think I need to and then hoping for the best good news is this is still working even though it’s underwater and I’m noticing it’s not water logged I don’t know if it needs to be but it’s good to find out if it can be yes it can be so I guess we’ll just do that just in case [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay it’s definitely coming along in here we’ve got it all filled in with water all the kelp has been put down and I cleared these two because I used bone meal to grow them all at the top cuz I ran out of kelp but now all we need is the kelp to grow up because in case you’re not aware the kelp growing through water that isn’t a source block makes it a source block so it just means I don’t have to use a bucket to fill every single block I can use the kelp instead so I could go through and bone meal the rest of it kind of don’t feel like it I might just see what waiting a little bit does and then if there are any that are a little bit stubborn then we can just go through with bone meal so I might give it a little bit of time let the kelp grow and then I think all that’s left is putting in the skull sensors that are remaining and putting in the Axel atle and I think we’ll be done so I’ll give it a few minutes and then I’ll let you know how we’re looking this will shock you citizen but I’m getting impatient so I’ve got extra kelp I’m just filling them out all the way to the top and then if you go down and break them you get the kelp back and you can kind of just move forward that way we can go through the whole thing make sure that everything is a source block and then we should be good to go I also added it on top of the uh observers for most of them I don’t know if I need to do that just again making sure that everything is a source fortunately this is pretty straightforward pretty easy because it’s such a small space there’s only three you have to go on each row or so I don’t think this will take very long and I think we’ve got everything on this side so now we just need to do where the turn is and over to the left that is a lot of kelp okay that should do it why are there always skeletons waiting for me out here get out of here with your fancy gold armor trying to upstage me I will take your golden boots and pants though thank you so once we get rid of all of this I think we are all set which means we can go through and put these in which is fairly straightforward everywhere there’s an observer we’re just going to put one of those they actually set each other off off too I didn’t think about that whether it’s going to be a problem probably not I don’t know we’ll find out why do I have one left over 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 no that can’t be right 11 why do I only have 11 down did I just only place 11 could have swore it was 12 guess I forgot one okay congratulations you get a new spot right here ooh I didn’t think about the fact that that water’s going to get out and probably Crush all of our plants whoops we’ll take a look in a second new Observer and last one right there okay did I destroy stuff out here no I think I’m safe I think the leaves blocked it good job leaves okay now all that’s left is adding the Axel lottle and then doing a test all right here we go be free my Beauties explore your new tank set off my skull sensors I didn’t even think about trying to get different colors but we did get three different colors so I don’t know we’re never going to see them but I like that for some reason cross your finger citizen we’re just going to really hope this works we should see lights going off at random hey look at that nice so they seem to be hanging out around here when they move this way we’ll get those set off let’s check the front make sure those are working yep absolutely those are working as well and you can tell when they’re hanging out there going around the back now one of them is over there cuz those are going off that is so cool take a look from further away and then you know we’re going to have to check it at night as well right there we go look at that that is so cool and and like I said you know once we get more materials that might be just really cool to have these like all the way across there maybe like three tall that way it’s just constantly like bouncing around you can see when they’re going in certain areas oh man that is that is really cool the sun should go down in a couple minutes so let’s just wait I want to see what this looks like at night I think it’s going to be really cool I don’t know about you I’m a big fan of that I think that just adds a lot you can see that over the shoulder there it’s a decent amount of work to set up and especially cuz of those skull sensors but if we had an abundance of those I think that would be I mean I could think of a lot of places we might want to put something like that cuz one assumes it would work with other things like you could put it with the pandas anytime they move then lights go off you do it over here with the uh the horses and the llamas I mean pretty much anything that moves you can have this kind of setup but I love it I think that is just awesome nearly night time and there we go nice so similar effect you can see they were just over here it looks like they’re starting to move over in this direction the thing I’m that’s making me think of as I look at this at night I’m wondering if we have some neighbors over here somewhere like you know always gazing at the glory of Rome and they’re used to solid lights but now they’re seeing these blinking they’re trying to interpret is this a message are the mighty Romans sending us coordinates to something or some message also that’s a bit weird you see that shadow moving that’s me standing on top of the nether Tower that’s my mighty shadow cast across the entire place but that’s pretty cool hopefully we’re not sending any uh strange signals to our neighbors but I I just I’m a huge fan of that I just think it was really cool and I mean it is it’s definitely something to look at from out here but if we go inside here it’s also just kind of neat to see him moving around what are you doing are you stuck I really hope they don’t get stuck oh hey buddy oh I didn’t think about that either I guess mobs set it off too that kind of worries me though do they get stuck because the glass is a certain way or what’s going on buddy can you get out of there or what’s going on why do you want to be right there what are you trying to get at keeps going back to that one spot I don’t get it what is there that you need apparently cuz even if we push him away yeah just goes right back to it I don’t know what’s going on with that one and now you’re doing it too well that’s not great do you guys need something out there wait do they they might need oxygen do they I don’t remember or can they stay underwater the whole time what if I open up an area I don’t think that worked hold on no I just double checked they don’t need air they they need the water they can be out for a little bit but they definitely need the water so I don’t know what they’re trying to get at out here they’re just trying to escape but I the point is to kind of have you guys always be swimming around the only thing I’m thinking is it might have something to do with this connect between the two glass blocks maybe that’s doing something weird to them so maybe if we just go around and cover it like this maybe that stops you from getting confused I don’t know see now there’s nothing there you just got your head in glass yeah they’re still doing it if there’s any um Axel AAL Wranglers out there that knows what’s going on with them I’d be interested to know because the point is that they’re supposed to be swimming around the whole area and that they are not doing they keep going back to the exact same spot oh no okay wait maybe I got it if we move him now was that it you going to just yeah okay that might have been it they just keep wanting to get up above the water but can’t and maybe they’re getting confused I I don’t know at least they’re moving around now but yeah let me know let me know if you know about the Axel AAL behavior that and why they’re doing this kind of thing CU you two kind of are acting like you’re broken the other one is doing what he’s supposed to be doing just kind of having the time of his life you two not so much either way I’m pleased with how that turned out and I think we’re ready for a little nap right after we remind this skeleton that this is Rome and its borders are protected well citizens I think it’s about that time again and unfortunately that’s the time that we start thinking about wrapping up but don’t worry luckily for you there are a couple things we need to take care of first and the first is I didn’t forget we are going to name the pets and I actually chose six from the comments so we are going to need six name tags and I have one so we’re not even going to bother with that I think we can spare the emeralds ah hello my good sir I’d like your ripoff trade for name tags please and that a to do it let’s just we always run out of these let’s just get as many as we can there we go now hopefully next time we look we won’t be disappointed we’ll have six extra in there so I’m going to do some naming and then I’ll tell you what the names are that we’ve chosen for both our cat over my shoulder there as well as some of the dogs ah no wait I was wrong it wasn’t six it was five so we only need five but I am taking a suggestion from one of the comments that’s the sixth thing okay got all those names so why don’t we start with our cat and of course this was the cat that we bred from makavelli and Garfield the cat and I got a lot of great suggestions for this one and I have to say I really enjoyed all of them a close second was things relating to lasagna or just calling the cat lasagna really appreciate the Garfield references there so that was a near second but because the cat does look like makavelli I thought this one was a bit better so we are going to take tea addict’s recommendation and call this cat Prince which if you’re not familiar was the book written by makavelli the prince so I think that’s a great one welcome to the family Prince keep hanging out with makavelli here I appreciate you guarding my bed and now for the dogs and we’ll have to be careful cuz a lot of these are already named so we’ll have to find ones that aren’t so we’ve got dog Tavia julus Caesar who else is over here ah there’s bark Anthony and there’s Maximus okay maybe you guys could spread out to make this a little bit easier for me okay that’s a little bit better and why don’t we start with you and this first one is a suggestion from Evil P Mia and that is Cleopatra oh yeah you love your name don’t you good Cleopatra next up this is one from Union maid and that is Claudius and that is of course a reference to the Roman Emperor Claudius and I grant you the name was spelled a little bit differently but hey so was uh Julia Caesar’s name so I think it fits this next one was from Sparky in the snow but I also had very similar ones from uh Robert B so this one is going to be Marcus aulus of course a reference to Marcus Aurelius and finally let’s go with you this one is from Haunted spirit and that is Cerberus very fitting interesting note about this one I knew there were two spellings Cerberus and Kerberos with a K what I didn’t know is the one with a K is actually the Greek one Kerberos is Greek Cerberus is the Roman spelling I thought it was the opposite so I learned something with this one so welcome Cerberus and thank you citizens for all these suggestions they’re great I I love the pony names so I really do appreciate those and welcome to the crew newly named pets ah and also over to the other thing I said it had another suggestion that wasn’t a name suggestion and that was to add dyes to the uh dog’s collars that was a suggestion from Candi skull so we’re going to do that in fact can I make purple dye yeah I can I want purple dye that’s the Imperial color and we do have some Imperial doggos so we’re going to use that but say gray that’s probably a good one for bark Anthony or no actually red is good for you you’re a military dog how about Maximus are you okay with gray there we go let’s give you a gray color let’s go doct Tavia can be yellow I think Cleopatra would probably appreciate the pink I don’t know why maybe one of the randos can take the white collar that just makes it look like there’s no collar at all same for light gray you don’t have a name yet so we’ll give you that now purple this is a little bit difficult I think Julius Caesar needs purple because let’s be honest that’s kind of one of the things that got you assassinated was being too overt with your power so we’re going to give you a purple collar and then Claudius and barcus aulus they’re both Emperors honestly I like them both for different reasons I think we’ll leave barcus aulus red because he spent most of his Reign uh unfortunately on military campaign so very military dog but Claudius I believe you spent most of your time in Rome raining over everybody so yeah we’re going to go with purple for you which leaves light blue and why not curus you can have the light blue orange I think I might be out of dogs to use it on yeah yeah maybe we’ll save this one for later but I have to say that does add something doesn’t it they’re not all exactly the same anymore they’ve got their colors they’re easier to recognize and it gives you all quite the flare especially you with your Imperial flare julus Caesar so great suggestion love it I think things are looking a lot better in there oh hey kitty cat there’s another kitty cat back here do we have one that looks like that yet I don’t think we do where’s our fish um maybe in here yeah where you going kitty cat I just want to be friends look what I’ve got okay he just keeps walking away we’re going to have to do the run for approach love me I demand love there we go we got you I knew that would work so hey we got a new candidate let me know what you think what should we name the new cat that was a good bit of serendipity right there anyway though that was number one on our list we do have another thing immediately we want to check out and I need to make something I’ve never made before and I don’t know how to make it but I have an inkling think we’re going to need the lecturn a feather a book and think I need black dye or an ink sack do I not have any of that okay very quick Expedition we’re running out of time here pretty sure squid like to hang out here somewhere and you know they’re not safe from us so it’s only a matter of time I see you I knew it I require your ink and what are you doing there that is not the zoo not in this right spot unbelievable here we go that ought to do it six of those and this we just cannot stand for you are out of place you’re supposed to be in the Iron Golem Zoo so we’re just going to do this because as far as Emperors go I’m I’m Fair but I can dish out punishment you know we got to keep order and you are breaking order goodbye all right thank you Neptune’s Boomerang so now I think if we just put these things together does that give me yeah it does book and quill don’t think I’ve ever crafted one of those before okay now we just need a nice place to put it and I’m thinking it might be a good well either by the legionaries or the Forum maybe over by the Forum so we got the to-do board on this side maybe we put this over on the other side just get a new little stand over here make this look nice there we go that looks pretty good and what we’re making here as long as I’m right about what I can do with a lecturn and a book and quill is something that’s new for the channel and that is because I let’s see I don’t know even now a couple months ago I think I enabled super thanks on my channel and I just thought hey why not you know may as well have it as an option didn’t really think much of it and then I was blown away by the response so many of you out there in the legion are just have been extremely generous and I you know I don’t want to say surprised or anything like that but I just I was I wasn’t expecting it and I’m extremely appreciative for anybody that did send super thanks not that you have to I’m appreciative of all of you being here but I thought it might be nice to commemorate those that did send them in so I thought we’d start a little book for uh the the names of the citizens that were kind enough to send me something so assuming that works I’m hoping I can put this here and then we can keep a record of all the citizens that send in a super thanks and I can’t stress this enough I am not expecting anybody to send it super thanks I just want a way of commemorating it I appreciate all of you equally so that being said okay yeah you can do this I’m going to try to figure out if I can do this can I maybe I have to take the book oh yeah there we go okay so I’m going to fill this out and then we’ll have a look at the names okay I think I got it figured out so let’s take a look and to be clear this is you know just as of the time I’m recording this so this book will change just like the legionary platform we update that with the subscriber counts I’m going to add new names to the book as we release new videos so this is as of uh end of June 2024 so if you think your name is missing just let me know I can get it added in the next video but I will be updating it every video that being said look at me I figured out how to use a book and quill and this is what we’ve got so far no particular order I’m just going to kind of put them in as I see them in the uh comment section but once again wasn’t expecting it just really appreciate all of you here I appreciate everybody out there honestly just watching the videos is re reward enough for me seeing all of your comments I always love to see that and this is just you know the sugar on top as they say so really appreciate it again we’re going to keep this updated and every week maybe at the end of the video we’ll take a look and just make sure we’re adding any new names in here and keeping this as up to date as we can so once again thank you very much citizens I really appreciate it so there we go that was number two on the list and of course we already kind of just mentioned the last one we need to take a look at the legion platform and make sure that it’s up to date I think I count 77 does that sound right being a census taker is very hard but it is an important position in Rome so you know I’m I’m appreciative let’s call it 77 I think that’s right and at this 2 as I’m recording we are at 81,1 121 subscribers which means we need four new armor stands okay and let me just check thought yeah I sometimes keep something in here okay couple things not what we need though so let’s go make some new stuff and bring it on back and by the way we are getting a little bit cramped on there which is a good thing but I think my plan what we’re going to do when this reaches 100 once we’ve got 100 of the legionaries on this platform I think at that point we’re going to expand it so that’s one of the things for 100,000 we’ll actually probably build up around it and do some other things but I think we’re going to try to get all 100 on that first platform how do I never remember where I put stuff thought we had an armor stand like chest or maybe we used them all I I don’t know doesn’t matter we have plenty of these that’s what I need let’s just make extras that way next time we do have them I thought we did probably just not seeing them though so that’s fine we’re going to keep them in here but I need four of them we’ll take all of you and then we’re going to need to craft a little bit extra and I’m really literally literally one iron short leave it to me to do that but there we go that’s all we need let’s go get them set up attention they’re always at attention I got to give it to them they’re they’re really good and no need to complicate things I think we just start filling in this area here between these two rows BL bloop and then making sure that we equally distribute the shiny stuff so everybody gets at least one gold and one of you can have the helmet cuz let’s be honest it’s just boots and then we can fill out the rest make sure you’re equ equipped wa did equipped it sounded like it was the wrong word to use there but it’s not equipped you ever do that where you say something enough and the word just like stops having meaning anyway though there we go ready to go on campaign and we are officially up to 81 legionaries and I’m confident we’ll be at 100 in no time especially if you subscribe no now you behind no the right yeah you you yeah click that button subscribe what’s wrong with you there we go can I have that back there a way to get that back can you give that to me do I have to give you something else oh you like agripina somebody’s got a new best friend and I don’t even care you can keep it I don’t need it not like I’m in charge or anything and I do what I tell you not like they care I’m fine I’m fine but anyway with all of that I think that’s what we wanted to do I think that was it we took care of naming all of the pets we set up our new super thanks book over there and we’ve got our Legion platform updated and through all that I didn’t even mention I mean we we did a lot this video at least it felt like we did I certainly learned a lot I don’t know if most of that was just recap for you guys or you know things you already knew we didn’t get to the more complicated stuff I I don’t have much of a gauge because that was all pretty much new information to me I am just such a redstone Noob I I don’t know so to me it was helpful I hope it was for you too we’ll be back again in a couple weeks I do think I’ve got an idea already of what we are going to be working on in the next video I do think it’s going to be back in this world so I hope you’re looking forward to that I’m looking forward to seeing you then leave me all those comments don’t forget to subscribe as always thanks for watching and we will see you in the next one citizen [Music] I

#minecraft #100days #1000days #minecrafthardcore #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftbuilding #minecraftasmr

I Survived 100 Days LEARNING REDSTONE in Minecraft Hardcore! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!

This is the 12th video in my original hardcore world (1200 days).

If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Legion_Vee

Complementary Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

Lava Farm Tutorial: https://youtu.be/WHPz-pjOUhs?si=kP-QaI-GY6fWi2gR

Minimap: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-minimap
World Map: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-world-map
Trade Cycling: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/trade-cycling
Apple Skin: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/appleskin
Falling Tree: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-tree
Just Enough Items: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei
Elytra Slot: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/elytra-slot

Fabulously Optimized: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fabulously-optimized

00:00 Intro
01:11 Day 1
20:28 Day 11
35:52 Day 21
54:49 Day 31
1:11:21 Day 41
1:26:34 Day 51
1:44:47 Day 61
2:03:27 Day 71
2:23:36 Day 81
2:41:28 Day 91
2:48:30 Wrapping Up


  1. Two of my favorite people drop videos on the same day!? I am lucky today. Great video, glad to see you messing with a something I won't touch. Also, the thing with not being able to find stuff when you type it in is a vanilla glitch. It happens to me all the time.

  2. You should name the new cat Domeowtian. It’s a play on the emperor Domitian’s name. Or Domeowtia, a play on Domitian’s wife’s name. I spent way too long trying to think of a punny name dear jupiter 😂

  3. I loved the video Legion! I am definitely a redstone novice too. Thanks for sharing your learning journey. A suggestion, because I’m dying for you to use Romulus and Remus, are those llamas still there by the creeper farm or did they finally bloop? They would be so old and deserving of those names!

  4. Please please please can you play cottage witch mc mod? It is my favorite and I've never seen any boys playing it and I think it's because boys don't think they can be witches, which isn't true! Please and thank you I love your videos

  5. I still know nothing about redstone, my brother got really into it and was fantastic but I could never figure it out. I did make a firework show once haha. I've been watching your videos for a while and wanted to finally comment bc you deserve more subscribers and interaction!!

    I'll be watching for as long as you continue posting! ❤

  6. Yeeey, discovered your channel like month ago and watched already all videos. Happy to have 3h of legionVee.
    Also a have slight feeling u played league of legends. And no wonder if ur mane was pantheon

  7. I love this video! I too have vague understanding using red stone. Sadly I am on bedrock. I have found configurations with red stone builds that work for Java tend to not behave the same in bedrock. Thank you for this video and helping us to further understand redstone! I’ve learned a whole lot!

  8. I love this video! I too have vague understanding using red stone. Sadly I am on bedrock. I have found configurations with red stone builds that work for Java tend to not behave the same in bedrock. Thank you for this video and helping us to further understand redstone! I’ve learned a whole lot! My favorite simple use for the lamps is putting a daylight detector next to a lamp if you set it up during the day make sure the detector is switched to be in the off state. This way the lights will automatically turn on as dusk. I use this for my trails in my world.

  9. I cant talk right now im watching new Legion’s video❤😂 btw you should also do a place for cats, dogs get their private home but what about cats😢

  10. building a working piston door with no prior redstone knowledge is awesome man! dont feel bad that ur behind sethbling or something like that. Feel good cause ur learning a new skill and by my account at least doin a fine job at it.

  11. Just a thought on how to maybe simplify the “airstrip lights”, maybe using the observers somehow?? For the record, I enjoy watching someone else struggle with red stone. 😂

  12. Redstone clock? Wrong! Disco party.

    Edited: Not sure if Wax made a similar one, but the original dancefloor design was by Magpie for Love Island. 🙂

  13. When a new legion movie comes out nothing else matters. Ive actually taken some farms and other build designs from you and they surprisingly work on bedrock too lol😅

  14. You could always turn off the lava farm when you're not using it, it'll still fill the cauldrons at the same rate. The loop only really helps you to not have to run from cauldron to cauldron, filling one bucket at a time.

    As a side note, it's next to your super smelter, lava buckets make great fuel, one bucket of lava cooks way more than a piece of coal and now you have a handy, renewable source for it.

    Your smelter should already be set to dump the empty buckets into your output chest, in case you wanted to switch fuel sources.

    Thanks for another fantastic video! Your hard work is evident and I really appreciate and look forward to your content!

  15. Hey Legion you're gonna be pretty excited about the next minecraft update, The next update has a few new things like Trial Chambers and Wolf Armor and a few new mobs

  16. Yay, you used my name suggestion. The reaction my son had to you saying my username was priceless 😂 mummy is cool now.

    Also if you breed Machiavelli again, you should name the offspring Cesare after Cesare Borgia, who he wrote The Prince about.

  17. Hey legion, love the videos! Your laidback style and editing has personally become my favorite on YouTube. I also just wanted to say the skulk sensor build using axolotl that you mentioned seeing in waxes video from his old world was originally done by a player named magpie. She is a great builder and I just wanted to make sure she gets some recognition. Keep up the great building. o7

  18. I actually had a question for you, since you have a love of Rome. Did you by chance catch the Spartacus Series they did on Starz! and what were your thoughts? and when you do these, I adore watching them. I make popcorn and chill happily. Keep up the good work Imperator!

  19. I wasn’t expecting to see my name in this video, but it was such a nice surprise! Thank you for being such a wonderful Minecraft youtuber.

  20. For the secret door, if you are updated to 1.20 you can use a calibrated sculk sensor to create a door that responds to a specific action. I've done it a couple different ways, but I like having it set to open when I put armor on (signal strength of 7 I think), then all you need to to is swap elytra/chestplate and it opens the door.

    You can set the signal strength by just setting a book on a lectern with a comparator going into the sensor.

  21. Axolotl's like to jump out of the water. While they dont die if they cant they do intentionally jump out of the water for it.

    What probably happened is, due to the lack of a corner block, which is generally recognized by minecrafts coding to be an "adjacent" block, they detected an adjacent air block and begun the "jump" behaviour.

    Unfortunately the air blocks were obstructed, and they were unable to complete the behaviour. This begaviour apparently does not have a response if its obstructed, meaning they are unable to cancel it. Leaving them stuck in the behaviour.

    Placing the corner glass cannot cancel a behaviour that does not get cancelled; but moving them seemed to partially kick start most of their pathing. Though they seem to be stuck in the animation still.

    You should be fine if you pick them up and place them down as long as there are no more adjacent air blocks.

    Keep in mind im not a dataminer or expert ive never actually looked at their coding. I know the fundamentals enough to estimate what causes what behaviour which is what im doing here.

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