Saying GOODBYE to my Friends in Minecraft!

yeah that was such a good sleep well time to go make breakfast ooh I wonder if my friends already made anything good like maybe they made bacon or something and what happened here oh oh good morning gosh what the heck is this guys why do you leave so many dirty dishes here could you guys not have cleaned up after yourselves oh yeah um last night we were up playing video games pretty late and uh we kind of got a little bit messy we it was mostly you you K on eating stuff what okay well hold on guys I have to eat breakfast right now how am I supposed to eat breakfast in this mess of dishes it’s like a jungle in here I don’t know just move some plates around I don’t want to clean right now I I’ll clean it later what do you mean you’ll clean it later I have to eat breakfast now I don’t want to touch your dishes what even is this I mean at least the oven and the stove fore there’s nothing on there just use that Ruby there’s literally a stack of dirty dishes next to the oven look at this we got 1 2 3 4 five six dirty dishes how did you guys even use six dishes in one night well we kind of use more than that it was pretty crazy we had a lot of pizza but oh I’ve got stuff to do I’ll be back in uh later and then I’ll clean it up there’s no way you’re leaving right now there’s no way you’re actually leaving me with all these dirty dishes hey come back I’ll be back in like 3 hours dude I mean Dash I can help you clean it later what do you mean later when is later Ruby uh I’ve got to go too actually but um seriously just use the stove it’s it looks clean from here are you kidding me you’re leaving to Ruby there’s literally dirty dishes all around the entire stove dirty dishes here dirty dishes here dirty dishes here yeah but did you already go you’ll be fine just cook your eggs what the heck oh my gosh I can’t believe my friend just left me with all all these dirty dishes are you serious oh man okay well hold on I can’t really even get close to the ovens right now there’s dirty dishes and a dirty mug on the floor blocking it you know what I got to clean all this stuff up oh man I can’t believe I have to clean up after my friends this is such a chore and okay there we go finally I finished cleaning up all of the dirty dishes man Cam and Ruby ate so much last night that was crazy okay well anyways I’ve got a chicken for myself cooking in the oven over here it’s pretty much lunch time by now so here I guess I’m just going to eat this all right here let me just sit down on the table and finally sit down and relax and eat this chicken for once ah that was some good stuff all right well anyways now that breakfast is done what else should I do today and wait a minute I should go work on my new Farm I recently built this new Farm in our front yard that way we can have food whenever we want and ooh it looks like all of my crops are finished growing okay okay well here let me go ahead and grab my hoe real quick and okay it’s time to do some harvesting let’s go oh heck yeah we’re going to have so many crops by the end of this I’m going to be able to make so much bread and ooh it looks like all of the carrots are fully grown as well here I’m going to grab all these I can’t wait to start making some carrot cake with this that’s going to be so tasty there we go let me grab all the carrots and nice this Farm is looking awesome I got three stacks of carrots almost wow all right well here now it’s just time to plant all of the crops back again this Farm is so awesome there we go that’s all the carrots down now let me just go replant the wheat there we go just got to plant these last few seeds Okay this is going to be so sick once I harvest more wheat from this Farm I might even be able to make donuts with it it’s going to be so awesome D Che out what I got check out what I got huh what did you get K whoa whoa whoa dude wait watch out watch out watch where you’re walking you’re stepping all over my farm dude dude I’m sorry I’m sorry get off the farm I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh my gosh dude what was that for you just destroyed like half the farm I didn’t mean to I just wanted to show you what I bought oh my gosh okay okay well H I guess this is fine I can just replant the seeds but what did you buy cam what is so important that you have to destroy half my crops look check it out it’s a bouny ball whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that dude it’s blowing up the entire Farm yo dud dude dud wa keep it out of the farm keep it out of the farm you just blew up like half the farm bro oh oh oh I didn’t realize I was blowing up the farm I’m sorry pull that ball out again it literally had a TNT picture on it what did you expect well I wasn’t expecting it to blow up your your farm dude it’s literally a TNT bouncy ball what was that why did you have to do it in front of my farm a man couldn’t you have done it like over there near the water well I wanted to show you what I bought I’m sorry oh my gosh okay well um I guess this is still kind of fixable I I I I can still fix this Farm all I got to do is just uh replant all of my seeds and O I can use some bone meal to hurry everything up here let me go check out my bone meal chest real quick and um why is there nothing in my bone chest huh there used to be a bunch of bones in here oh uh I’m pretty sure I seen Ruby taking some of the bones what come here doggy dog Junior who’s a good boy who’s a good boy you are there’s Ruby right over there hey um Ruby I have a question for you have you taken any bones out of my bone chest by any chance oh yeah they were great thanks for letting me borrow that Dash well Ruby those bones were not for borrowing they were meant for my farm wait are you holding one right now here you go oh um is isn’t that yummy oh you’re such a good boy you really used all my bones on a dog Ruby I was going to use it on my farm you realize could you not have gotten your own bones or at least asked me before you taking them oh well these bones were for all of us right I just saw them laying around so I thought I could no they were not for all of us Ruby you don’t know how many skeletons I had to kill to get these bones and hold on do you still have them left how many do you have um I have like uh five left if that’s enough for you five oh my gosh I grinded for like a stack of them did you really use the entire stack well uh yeah I kind of did he still doesn’t like me can you believe that you really wasted a stack of Bones on a dog Ruby that is the worst use of Bones I’ve ever seen in my entire life and yo yo Ruby get your dog under control it’s eating my crops dude oh I get it he didn’t like the bones CU he’s vegetarian what the heck hey get him off of the farm yo dog you are not allowed to be here I need to build a fence around here so these dogs stop going on my farm go away oh wait he was just hungry let him here you can have these bones back don’t be so mad Ruby five bones for my entire Farm getting destroyed is not a fair trade you guys are being so annoying well it’s not that bad doggy spit out one of the carrots spit spit spit out that is not a carrot what the heck why does your dog have that in its stomach oh my gosh you know what you guys are actually being so annoying you know what I’m going to move out why move out why we’ve just done what we normally do you War live together I’ve been thinking about this for a while and you guys are always super messy leaving your plates around and U Ruby you’re always bringing weird animals to the house like this dog and cam you’re always doing weird stuff like blowing up my farm with TNT I think it’s about time I move move out on my own well I I’m sorry about your farm if you’re really going to move out cuz I blew up your farm I can help you rebuild it yeah and uh we can clean up the dishes uh now I guess uh no it’s too late you guys are probably just going to put more dirty dishes on there tomorrow you know what I’m moving out right now let me go grab all my stuff from my room wait what seriously no dash don’t go well Ruby you should have thought about that before having your dog destroy my entire Farm let me just grab this there we go Das it was just an accident don’t be so traumatic Ruby it’s not an accident if you do it all the time this is like the 50th time your dogs have done something bad well you’ll feel better if you pet them come on doggy go to dash I do not want to pet that dog dude it’s just an accident and you just need to relax damn like I said earlier it’s not an accident if it happens like every week you know what here I’m taking all of the stuff from my room there we go let me just grab my shelf right over here and H wait hold on a minute I also got to grab my saved up diamonds maybe I could use this to buy a new house when will you be back dash well probably never you guys have been too bad of Roommates you know what I’m leaving right now I’ll see you guys later wait really I I thought this was a joke we’re sorry actually it’s too late I’m not putting up with your guys’ nonsense anymore I’m leaving right now I need to go find another house to live in wait what no come back I bet moving gu is going to be so much fun I’m not going to have to deal with any other roommates it’s going to be so awesome I’ll be able to do whatever I want in my house all I got to do now is actually just look for another place to live hm maybe I can find like a village or something around here wait a minute I see a bunch of buildings over here maybe there’s a house here that I can move into wo all the houses in this neighborhood actually look really nice okay I’m definitely down to move into one of these it’s going to be so awesome to live in my own house all by myself but first I actually need to find a house that I could buy hold on is there any for sale signs around here hello wait a minute what about this for sale let’s go this is exactly what I’m looking for are you interested in buying there oh am I interested and buying kind of can I see the house I’ve kind of only seen it from the outside right now oh uh sure I can give you a quick little tour of the house just follow me this way oo all right all right let’s go my first house tour all right let’s see this as you can see we’ve got an open floor Design This will be your living room you have your kitchen over here and your bedroom back here it’s not that big but it’s big enough and finally you have your bathroom and whoa wait my own bathroom all to myself I’m never going to have to wait for cam Ruby to get out again y it’s a pretty small home but it’s great for one wo yeah this house is actually awesome okay hold on let me inspect this corner over here um yep it’s looking pretty good this house is definitely a bit smaller than my old one but there’s not going to be any other people living here it’s going to be all mine mhm so what do you say on by you know what I’m in here I got 20 diamonds will this cover it o that’s unfortunate uh the price of the home is 53 diamonds and what 53 diamonds okay well um you think you could do 28 diamonds and a stack of carrots that could be a good deal nope I only take diamonds as payment I don’t take carrots gunpowder or deeds to other homes what are you kidding me okay well what about uh what about my gaming computer yeah I don’t need this like I said earlier I only take diamonds as payments so a man are you serious okay well you know what fine maybe I can go look for like a cheaper house in this area or something uh excuse me can I buy the house and a what that guy’s buying the house now oh man I guess I missed out on this one okay well let’s see is there any other good houses around here hold on maybe I can check at the end of the block over here maybe there’s another house that’s for sale and no I’m not seeing any for sale signs are you serious any other houses that are for sale around here no I’m not seeing anything oh there you are uh I wanted to talk to you real quickly huh you wanted to talk to me what is it well the person I just talked to about buying this house doesn’t have enough diamonds and you don’t either so what do you say about you guys combining your diamonds and then buying the house and sharing it hold hold on hold on you mean like having that guy as a roommate H I don’t know about that I kind of moved out to not have any more roommates well was it stands right now you can’t really afford this house so either you get a roommate or you get money oh gosh you’re right okay well um hold on let me go look at this guy maybe this guy is going to be a better roommate than Cam and Ruby hold on I need to ask him some questions first hello there I need to do some interview questions to check if you’re good for a roommate oh um sure what questions do you have for me all right um well first of all what’s your name my name is Dash uh my name is Eugene okay okay that checks out that’s a pretty um normal name I guess um what do you do for fun I like to uh look at birds in the window and I like to lick glass wait wait did he just say lick glass uh I don’t judge I’m just here for money um okay well hold on licking glass I guess um I guess that could actually be a good thing right you could like clean the windows okay um what do you do for a living oh I’m a glass licker oh wait do you mean like a like a window cleaner uh yeah sure I guess you could say it’s that okay okay well I guess that seems like a pretty normal job you know what fine I’m in let’s split the cost on this house I’m pretty sure you’ll be a better roommate than my last ones oh awesome okay I have 27 diamonds how much do you have oh perfect I’ve got 28 you know what hold on let me give this guy 26 real quick and then you put in 28 and then that should be enough to cover the cost all right well I’ll just go ahead and give these to you Mr guy all right thank you guys so much and I’ll see you all later and let’s go wait hold on did we just buy the house is this our house now that’s what it looks like I think we own a house now let’s go this is awesome okay okay well anyways so I guess now we’re roommates how about I get this side of the house and you get that side over there we can split the house uh okay what are we going to do about the bathroom cuz it’s kind of on my side and hm that’s a good question okay how about for the bathroom and the kitchen we both share it ooh it looks like there’s um three kitchen sinks and two stoves over here so how about I get the kitchen sink on the left side and I get the stove on the left side and you get the ones on the right side uh okay that makes sense with me all right and then the bathroom we can just share and other than that it seems pretty good you get that side I get this side yay this house is awesome let’s go here I’m going to put my uh ooh I’m going to put my gaming setup over here there is going to be a really good spot for it let me just uh put down my monitor and then my computer and then where’s my chair there it is O Let’s go this gaming setup’s looking sick oh you’re already stting to unpack up would you mind helping me unpack I’ve got to move a few boxes in wait you got to move a few boxes in huh okay I guess I can help yeah they’re outside of the truck I just got to move them inside oh oh all right uh in that case I guess I can help hold on how many boxes do you have this house isn’t that big uh it’s just a little bit oh oh I see okay um I guess this is the few boxes uh sure I I can help you carry these I’ll just move them over on your side of the house awesome thank you so much there’s so much stuff I need to move in yeah yeah no problem hold on hold on question what’s inside of all these boxes what is all the stuff that you have to move in oh I have a precious mineral collection and these are a bunch of rocks what the you have a bunch of rocks you’re just bringing a bunch of rocks into the house wait hold on something in this box just moved what oh yeah I also have a rare bug collection oh a what rare bug collection yeah I mean it’s that that’s it it’s just bugs wait wait wait wait hold so you’re saying there’s like boxes of like mosquitoes and like ants and stuff in here what mosquitos no I don’t collect mosquitoes I collect like butterflies and uh and uh uh dragon flies and stuff like that oh my gosh are you serious My new roommate has a bug collection okay well um I’m sure that’s not going to be too bad it’s probably better to have a bug collection than a than a dirty dishes habit of leaving dirty dishes everywhere also be careful moving one of these boxes there might be a knife poking out what the heck okay um yeah I’m being careful I’m just going to be really careful touching these boxes there we go one of them also has my fart spray in it so be careful what the why do you have fart spray I’m kind of a little bit of a prankster oh oh um all right well anyways I think that’s all your boxes moved from the truck I’m going to get back to unpacking my stuff just got to put my beds down over there there we go ooh I’ll put my oak desk here with my book pile next to it oh yeah that’s looking nice H where should I put this bedside cabinet I don’t really have that much room here I guess I can just put it uh right over here yeah I think that could be a pretty good spot spot ooh my bed is going to be so cozy it’s like a little like a little Fork all right well anyways now that all the important stuff is unpacked I think it’s time I play some video games oh heck yeah you know what I’m going hop on the gaming setup right here this is such a good spot for a gaming setup I got my monitor right here and then I can see the sun over here and huh did something just punch me what the heck is that yo Eugene I think we have I think we got cockroaches in the house what is that I’m sorry this a little bugger got away from me huh wait wait wait what what do you mean little did you just pick it up dude put that thing down what here’s my pet really you mean wait wait wait what you have a pet cockroach oh gosh dude keep that thing on your side I’m trying I’m trying he just got away from me while I was unpacking that’s all what the heck is that that thing is massive I didn’t know you had a pet cockroach collection yeah I have to have a pet cockroach collection I collect bugs oh my gosh you couldn’t have told me this before we became roommates remember when I asked you those interview questions I didn’t know it was going to be a big deal I did know you did like cockroaches what type of person does like cockroaches okay you know what um I have an idea how about we build a wall in between the house we can have just one wall going down the middle of the house and we can have like a like a door in between it for when we want to go to each other’s side that way none of your bugs will get to my side yeah that sounds like a pretty good idea but uh I don’t have any blocks do you um I’ve got a little bit of dirt but we probably shouldn’t build it out of that you know what hold on I’ll go look around for a store there’s probably a store somewhere around this town maybe they’ll have some blocks there okay I’ll be here unpacking all right all right I’ll be right back just got to look around for a store I got to look around quick I don’t want any of Eugene’s bugs to get in my bed or anything all right all right let’s see I’ve got got two diamonds left this should be enough to buy a few blocks I just got to look around for a store where I could actually buy them from is this a store over here hold on what is this oh this is the fire department all right never mind that is this the store over here no there’s the post office hold on hold on hold on there’s a sign right over here what does this say shop okay perfect this is exactly what I’m looking for now I know where the actual shop of this town is perfect all right I guess let me head inside hello there I’m looking to get some blocks you wish to buy some blocks huh yep yep yep I just want to get some blocks do you guys happen to have any of those around here any blocks and oh you guys happen to have a lot of blocks yep we carry every type of block imaginable go ahead and take a look at our selection oh wait you guys got Twilights and everything okay okay this is actually a pretty cool store this is perfect for just moving in well grab whatever you want okay okay well let’s see what type of block would make for a good wall in the house um maybe I could just use some oak or ooh what about some oak logs that could look really fancy looking or wait what about jungle logs or you know what actually hold on ACAA logs ACAA logs are the one uh I’d like to get a stack of Acacia logs please Casa logs okay one stack will be two diamonds oh two diamonds okay perfect I’ve got exactly two diamonds right now here you go all right thank you for your diamonds here you go youra logs let’s go thank you very much all right pleasure doing business with you shopkeeper guy I’m going head out now yep I’ll see you later come back for more money I’ll see what I can do and okay I’m pretty sure the house is back over here this way and huh wait what are those yellow things on the roof over there that wasn’t there before ooh wait maybe my new roommate added some lights ooh o that’s actually a really nice thing of him to do and what the heck is this oh you’re back welcome back what in the world is all of this dude did you build a whole bug enclosure in the middle of our house yeah there’s just a few bugs here but I figured you would like it look there’s my bugs what dude no I do not like this why would you think I would like this after I didn’t like your bug earlier the big one that crawled up on me well look they’re all in a cage so they can’t hurt you so I thought you would like it yeah but dude it’s in the middle of the house do not remember we were going to build a wall in the middle of the house now there’s a big bug enclosure inside of it and what there you have a fish collection too are you serious well I mean they technically count as bugs but this shouldn’t be that much of a problem dude this is a huge problem the bugs are taking up more space in the house than me what what is all this you got to move this what no where am I supposed to put my bugs um I don’t know maybe like down the drain I’m pretty sure we have a Twilight over here too maybe you can put them down there why would you say that about my bugs these bugs are disgusting and oh no you’ve even got jars in the kitchen what what is in this one I’m guessing it’s not Jam is it oh that’s uh cockroach doooo feces what dude okay you need to move all this stuff out right now remember we have to Build That Wall you can have this on your side but not on my side well I fig we could just push the wall a little bit it won’t be that much of a problem dude if we push the wall over here then I’m literally going to have no space look the wall is going to be cutting off my gaming setup well I guess I can try to figure out where to move my bugs okay okay good wait hold on how long do you think it’s going to take to move them uh if you don’t want any bugs on you probably like an hour or so oh my gosh an hour are you serious oh God it’s already dark I’m already getting sleepy it’s a delicate process I can’t squish any roaches I DED them all oh my gosh okay you know what fine fine um how about I’ll just take one of my beds and I’ll sleep somewhere else tonight but tomorrow by the time I get back I want all of these bugs gone okay okay okay I’ll I’ll have them G tomorrow okay okay that sounds good I’ll see you tomorrow Eugene this house better be super super clean tomorrow yeah yeah don’t worry I got it I’ll clean it out okay okay see you later Eugene I’m going to go find somewhere else to sleep sleep and oh man okay I’m starting to think that this new roommate might be worse than Cam and Ruby are you kidding me you know what actually no it’s going to be fine it’s going to be fine he’s going to move all of the bugs away and uh everything is going to be all good and what the heck is this office huh can I sleep in here oh wait it’s just a little office okay well it looks like there’s no one else around here I guess this will be my home for tonight here I’m just going to put down my bed right over here like that all right yeah this should work well I guess it’s time to head to bed all right it’s the next day and oh gosh I think my neck is cramped oh man that was the worst sleep I’ve ever had why did I decide to sleep in a small shack like this oh oh right it’s because my roommate put a bunch of bugs everywhere but okay hold on a minute now that it’s the next day I’m pretty sure Eugene said he was going to have the bugs moved out by now okay let’s go all right here let me just make my way back over to the house all right time to move back in and what the heck is all this Eugene what happened u u come here oh um sorry while you were G last satday they kind of uh they kind of had babies the bugs had B what they’re everywhere now oh gosh hold on you what the how did you allow this happen how did you get them out of the cage and have them have babies um so I I opened the cage last night cuz I was going to put them away but then I got really tired and I was like I’ll do it in the morning and then they had a lot of babies over the night you’re telling me you opened the cage and then went to bed what yeah well I mean they won’t hurt me while I’m sleeping oh my gosh but dude now they’re all over the entire house this house is unlivable we need to call like an exterminator or something my gaming setup no there’s a cockroach right next to my monitor are you serious I’ll try I’ll just try I’ll just try and put them in a case just relax dude oh my god dude that is not going to work there’s so many of them they’re probably having more babies right now no they’re not hold on one second let me just try to fix this hold on oh my gosh dude Eugene this isn’t going to work this is actually horrible you know what I’m out of here I’m not dealing with all these car coaches you got to have my gaming set up and everything I’m leaving oh gosh this place is gross fine I didn’t know you hated bug so much what in the world was that that was disgusting oh man and now I’m down 28 diamonds and all my gaming equipment a man at least I still got my bed maybe I wasn’t ready to move out in the end you know what I think I need to go back to cam and Ruby honestly they were better roommates than this Eugene guy I’m finally back and huh wait what happened to all the Farms these were destroyed when I left last time wait what hold on hold on did Cam and Ruby decide to repair the Farms this is kind of weird everything is looking good now I guess let me make my way inside I bet there’s probably going to be a bunch of dirty dishes and stuff though and oh wait a minute uh everything looks really clean oh hi guys oh it dashes home wait it’s St yeah wait a minute hold on guys what happened to my farm it was like destroyed earlier oh uh yeah we kind of repaired it we realized that we weren’t the greatest so we repaired it and also grabbed some bone meal and grew everything I felt really bad that my dog ate your carrots I’m really sorry Dad oh oh you guys repaired it thanks I guess that’s actually really nice of you and wao wait there’s no dirty dishes either yeah I was also just doing the dishes just now just getting a few couple extra spots see and wa wow yeah Ruby was just finishing those up and uh the last load of laundry should be done soon oh okay okay hold on you guys have really changed as roommates you guys are are looking a lot better now how how does me moving back in sound oh I’m down for that where’s your stuff that sounds awesome we missed you oh um about my stuff uh I’ve kind of only got this bed left wait what do you mean what happened to your the rest of your stuff oh um it’s a long story that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Saying GOODBYE to my Friends in Minecraft!

This video Dash is LEAVING his friends in Minecraft to move out on his own! But turns out moving out has some troubles of its own… How will Dash’s move go? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me

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