I was being stupid and careless, i planted 135 blueberries all in one place without any sprinkles. And i dont have sprinkles that are able to water much of the place (i only unlocked the starter sprinkle and i didnt even craft it, because i didnt like mining copper😭😭). You can already see the bottom left corner was growing later than the others, because i didnt have time to water all of them (i bought the blueberries seed at 5.00pm and spent hours in game to just fertilize and plant them, it was like 1:50am then)

The bad thing is, i have to plant more hot pepper (for Shane:) and the blueberries had already exhausted me

What should i do? Should i eat crops to get energy to water them or should i get sprinkles😭 a moment of stupidity and now im overwhelmed

by Murky-Influence-84


  1. I would go the the spa personally as it’s free. You might have to just take the L and not plant peppers this season.

  2. Make field snacks early game for extra energy. I never use any regular sprinklers. I prefer to rush to farming 6 with just a watering can and then I make quality sprinklers.

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