Stardew Valley 1.6 – Ep 14 I’ve Got that Summertime

well welcome back everybody I’m serom and we’re going to play some more stardew 1.6 which of course I’m very excited about it’s a green of sauce I have to say an omlet wonderful fortune teller says um Good Humor great get out of my head lady like psychomantis it’s enough for right now I think that’s not right let’s try this [Music] again where the chickens up today we got three full grown chickens that’s incredibly good [Music] news three eggs which means three mayonnaise that last EG they’re cooking [Music] the money just keeps piling in unless your those I don’t think they’ll propagate fact I don’t think we’re going to have a much watering to do at all cuz even if it’ be ready tomorrow it won’t be there see these guys showed up this was from a mixed seeds so don’t feel too bad um yeah sell [Music] those it’s quite closed today I can’t remember of course it won’t tell me because why would it uh maybe it’s never closed either way let’s take five of these [Music] and um there we go get this pickaxe going I think the pickaxe would be a great idea what do you want cat shh sh that’s man but I like to get that done and and start clearing out some of that [Music] stuff we’ll just kind of wrap up Spring here [Music] not the forge I was looking for that’s okay Tomato Seed like an expensive Tomato Seed one Cherry oh yeah I keep forgetting about that cave really we just like to find another D dandelion whatever it is that I need yellow one but not the one that’s not yellow a little [Music] yellow oh yeah that guy this is just about to say I don’t think we’re going to find [Music] one cross over we might be able to find some more spring onions too [Music] or not that’s [Music] okay well we found one we’ll take it very nice you’d love to see it that way in case we haven’t maxed out foraging by next spring we’ll be able to a lot of these guys that would be nice stick through the trash um let’s B around and see if we can find a SE urant cuz I would really like one actually [Music] it’s this guy not what I was looking [Applause] for stone fish bait is something I want that’s why I want the zuren the stone fish bait makes a tremendous amount of money [Applause] oh my looking there it finally happened this doesn’t even feel like real life this is big news very big news of true let’s dig through some more trash do you never know I might find something glorious sir uh actually do you sell anything interesting no really sells new things that are interesting so I figured why not it’s B possible it’s apparently not that possible which is what I expect from Clint not much let me into your trash please let me [Music] in another job if it’s the same job cookies oh my God delicious slay 17 of them for a grand yes sir I don’t have be this could be difficult long do I have to do this two days now that I don’t have my pickaxe this could be difficult see you hiding back there and those worms and this leak and that clay already make uh right now would you look at that would you look at that um just two I think it was that do one of those those and those very nice strawberry jelly um yeah it’s pretty good he three girls was very close absolutely wonderful it’s got a very lovely fish design on it uh fish let’s see how many I get for it I me that’s a gold one but still what else might want to I might want to throw in there oh I had a red mushroom damn I could have done that job didn’t realize oh that was very quick and I got seven of them which is about equivalent which is about equivalent uh despite what that says there he sold me a 40 of Pop 280 so no I lost out a little bit did you know what that’s it’s okay to the cave before I forget again very nice I got a cherry straight up Cherry up in here no don’t need the Blackberry cuz most of these aren’t going to be worth much therefore won’t be worth turning into Jam Wild Plum it’s a summer one isn’t it and that cherry that cherry is probably worth it I think I can’t remember if PL is fall or not same Blackberry too isn’t it I’ll de with those later I don’t have it in me right now to hello cat to emotionally be part of whatever that nonsense is you know I simply cannot I feel like I should deal with those dust Sprites not only will that get us coal plus it’s fun to kill them plus we need to kill them get us a grand which would be grand but I also wanted to go fishing stone fish so this is this is difficult for me okay uh crap I can’t even crack those open S them this so disappointing why you even down you’re just going to hello I’ve been looking for you just going to disappoint yourself come here also if you want to break open a bunch of rocks for me that’d be great maybe me squeeze through here God this sword is so good drop there it [Music] is okay been here for those things like leave me alone how many was that that I killed uh three of 17 okay 17 seems like a very strange number I’m not going to lie there they are come here bust this [Music] open I feel like you’re actually working to break that open oh it’s nice that gives you a little counter up there actually [Music] actually very nice not a thing that was there before these ores never again will I ever see these many ores oh very nice he uh effed around and found out so [Music] okay this floor was incredibly uneventful whatever I’m going to get a lot closer to doing this than I realized off [Music] bats of them well fair [Music] enough actually need those stones thank you and probably that [Music] stick some more gold or very nice and a wood Mallet which is actually not one of my favorites and I feel like what I have is stronger so interesting yes exciting no I of wondered if we would actually make it five levels without a pickaxe uh we were very [Music] close all right that’s all of them we just must visit the wizard I don’t have time for this baloney you already have it all right well I suppose we should visit the wizard get my money we will need it tomorrow did I miss that guy I say I feel like this has been a pretty good good spring for us made over 50 Grand according to the achievements oh yeah there it is about to be even more I feel pretty good about today we are going to be walking with a fair amount of money we got those chickens which obviously helped terms of making money I feel like I’m supposed to get one more Harvest of strawberries must have screwed the pooch on that when it came to the watering can all I’m a little upset about I think it’s because of that holiday I think one more day and we would have been fine so we didn’t really make much money on it but that’s okay then we had that back toback raining which would have been perfect how was I to know there you are sir there the elements are pleased indeed they are money please very nice and I got 12 coal which is also nice and some gold ore strange but very much nice my hopes is look it’s so nice you can actually see me in the dark soon maybe we can start making some nice sprinklers that would be lovely see we’ll go ahead and uh dump that in [Music] there very nice so close very so very close I’m to 19 that feels pretty good but not as good as Spring’s going to feel tomorrow by Spring I mean somewhere wherever we are I don’t know what’s real that’s the grand we made there it is I don’t want to go visit Pierre because I don’t like the man right now he does have cheaper seeds so it’s a neutral thing which I don’t care for [Music] well see how the chickens feel about this that grass is incredibly blue very nice going have to make another one of those and probably buy a new bag soon too we got some things to spend some money [Music] on shut that though get [Music] out very nice there is no I don’t think we have a strong need for yet that’s all right can’t break those guys open yet which is unfortunate but we still have a fair amount of room down here the real question is what [Music] for which I have no answer [Music] get some melon seeds L we [Music] forget any Forge up here for me that’s uh kind of disappointing so I would like to make those seeds we the recipe for y great sweet pee a spice ice ber like sometimes we see some of these things up [Music] here I suppose today’s not that [Music] day all right well so much for that another job a diamond oh you would have paid big money for that and giving me a movie ticket what ticket for something at nine of course you do the most important day of the year but whatever at least the most important day of the month we don’t have a movie what would that have been to how do you get in early what the heck H you want for this 10 grand well we have the melon seeds obviously the tomato seeds will make me happy blueberry seeds make me incredibly happy um see [Applause] [Music] sces oh man remember all the beer we were making in the modded series that was ridiculous I do that’s also great dehydrator right kind of forgot that it’s cool though I like it you like should buy more of those and probably more of those that’s going to be a lot of watering for us though I want to do everything in like a set of 10 cuz that’s how I can water right now I don’t know how long it’s going to be before we get a nice sprinkler going [Music] anyways sorry that’s a straight up tuna you just gave [Music] me got Ed up quickly a tuna feel like I’ll hold on to it someone’s going to want to tuna eventually got to It’s Only Human Nature grapestone nothing aable planting time I would like to upgrade that axe too it’s really just hanging on top of me there’s one I mean it’s the first day I get it but I want to get that um SC made as soon as possible oh that’s a nice one gold like can usually see grapes around here but maybe not you know what that might actually be more up in the mountains all right let’s see there’s a lot of clutter on me right now um fish in there some mixings okay [Music] he has to go [Music] obviously one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 so that won’t be protected by the Crome which is kind of ridiculous it means you probably won’t be [Music] either we’re just gonna have to make some more which it’s only a matter of time anyways right so [Music] [Music] these are like the most annoying things the mod that lets you walk through them is very nice it’s a very nice mod okay [Music] um do the peppers here [Music] why why is that a [Music] thing it doesn’t make any sense make it make sense right let’s down here three four of course that’s five I think the Scarecrow just might have to move and I can’t undo any of the Tilt soil of course because I don’t have a wonderful job sort of Wonderful sorry use the power of imagination to imagine that this is how I want it oh there’s one all the way over there kind of forgot about him thought I had made more but I couldn’t remember that’s okay 1 2 3 4 five so I do want to put the wheat here did I not plant the corn already I just thought about planting the corn that’s strange I suppose that is what happened take this guy then since he’s not really doing much at the moment gross good for you got a special assignment for you over here now going have Pi down this tree really expanding out this getting crazy not to mention them ex seeds um actually I was okay with them right there I think at first I thought I wasn’t than I was it’s enough for the which obviously need to get in the ground as it be let’s get things cleared up a little bit more and then watered or what kind of things we got here looks like those are corn that’s awkward nope better eat those cookies delicious trash cookies all right not bad full day work but it’s honest work [Music] back and those I don’t think we need these things either it just feels dirty to go to bed though with this much energy I mean it’s not a tremendous amount but we could and should be cleaning out something you know may this will let some more seeds drop too probably not grass is almost certainly going to like overtake everything but oh that’s a rock bad let’s see if I can get out of here without passing out now uh uh and hairy is there just a little tree okay it was like shake me and I was like I I don’t know I don’t know if I want to do that I’m sorry I got mixed flower seeds that’s awesome I don’t know what to do with that but yes please and I obviously I know what to do with them I’m going to plant them most like inconvenience possible you’re so cool it’s so cool when you have nice little additions like that the small things really is let’s talk more rock remind the cat how much I love it and go to bed I’m not the biggest Money Maker in fact we spend a lot of money but it’s an investment in our future just like a boat day two is here but so is our pickaxe but so is the end of the episode so I want to thank everyone for coming by it really does mean the world to me that people take time out of their busy days to watch my content to come by hang out post comments thank you so much for being a part of that I’m excited to get the pickaxe back I’m excited to get this Farm up and running properly it’s some big income do some big things and I’m happy that you’re here for too so please take care of yourself stay safe and hope to see you again real soon byebye [Music]

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Welcome everyone to the SDV 1.6 vanilla playthrough! We will be starting with the new meadowlands farm layout which I’m very excited for! I’m also pumped to see all the new content!

1 Comment

  1. Animals love blue grass. It helps gain their friendship faster, they eat half as many tufts and it gives 2x the hay when sythed. Only downside is it grows slower than regular grass but does stay during winter.

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