Opening a CANDY STORE In Minecraft

I’m opening a candy store in Minecraft from selling the best candy hosting birthday parties and sabotaging mean dentists will I be able to grow so big that the other candy stores go out of business you know Guido it’s always been my dream to open my very own candy store what since when uh since about 10 seconds ago anyway I am going to purchase this plot of land for seven emeralds and the very first Steve sweets is open for business here we go oh did you make that horrible smell no it wasn’t me it’s the store it’s completely abandoned and it smells disgusting we have to fix this now H yeah you’re right because the first customers are the way right now okay first things first we’ve got to get rid of this smell weo destroy every single one of those rots and cookies on it but the smell is still lingering and gotcha a you the smell is still here a and the Villager is just around the corner I’ll deal with the smell you make some candy good plan Guido you blow all of that stinky air out of here in the meanwhile I’ll see if I can buy something to help me make candy oh a candy press and of course if our first customer wants to buy that we’ll need a cash register and there it is the candy press machine how the heck does this thing work it it doesn’t really seem to be weo is the customer pleas serve them some candy yeah but we’ve got absolutely no ingredients it’s only a matter of time before they get bored and leave we need to make them some candy right now ah let’s see here I can’t see any ingredients anywhere we might have to go back outside come on Guido there’s got to be something out here we can use ha we can make candy out of trash Oh what are you expecting me to do it’s only a matter of time before the customer leaves wait look over there oh that little girl’s got an ice scream are we seriously about to do this if it stops our first customer from leaving then yes Guido Boomerang mode I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry nice job Guido now put the ice cream in the candy press crush it and we should have our very first ice cream flavored candy wo wo W sir are you got to leave my fine establishment without trying one of my world famous ice cream sunde sweet go on give it a try oh I sure hope he likes it yeah me too Guido on come on just have a taste guo he loves it five arrows for one piece of candy that’s incredible oh guo and he’s just said he’s offering me a bonus if I can bring him more time to pay another visit to that little go hey again I’m really [Music] sorry here you go another ice cream sunday suet coming right up oh 10 emeralds bye-bye now tell all your friends about us uh wait there’s someone across the road just observing us get away cre no no no quo don’t get us attention there’s something not quite right about this wait where did he go oh I don’t like this neither do I Guido but we have more urgent Mets to attend to let’s use our 15 emeralds to get a general clean of the store itself some brand new windows and some brand new decor and in the morning Guido we’ll get this candy business up in action Steve Steve you should really see this wait what what what could it possibly be I was trying to get my beauty sleep but oh I guess that might have to wait what is this quido what did you do quido you told me to get the ice cream well thanks to you Guido we have an angry mob of villagers heading to our store right now they’re going to ruin everything unless I turn this bad press into good press press we need to make more candy but we still don’t have enough ingredients don’t worry I’ve got a plan by my calculations that truck is carrying a bunch of sugar now it’s just the case of blocking the truck and then you can get over there and steal the sugar for yourself yes nice job Guido we’ve got enough sugar here to last us for a lifetime hey how the trer go go guys I don’t have time for this that angry mob are going to get to my store at any second oh stop cut it out don’t make me yikes Guido we’re Square now Guido now that we have the sugar we have so many more possibilities for candy making we can purchase this gingerbread men machine wo wo wo where did you get the money for that from those guys back there were carrying some loose change oh behold my gingerbread making machine is ready to go so the sugar gets fed in this way uhhuh then it gets fed through into this Blaze engine is that gu going to be here the whole time and then it gets spat out and stamped by this press turning it into delicious sugar gingerbread man because nothing calms an angry mob down like candy let’s get to the Roof oh no Guido they’re just marching out front of the store oh this is so embarrassing hey guys calm down please just don’t do this oh you guys just don’t understand once you have a taste of my sweet sugary treats then you’ll change your mind about my store come on catch yeah there’s enough for everyone well Guido they seem to be enjoying it I’m actually quite surprised considering there’s 9,000 g of sugar in each gingerbread man 9,000 g of sugar oh they’re having a sugar rush just look at the gy Y well as long as they stay far away from my star dude we’ve got cars swerving out the way look out we’ve got a car inbound and oh it’s swabbing dude that was insane wait who is that it’s the manager of the candy store across the road and he does not look happy well that’s not our problem welcome back Steve I actually served some customers while you were away check your phone see how much cash we have now oh dude perfect that means I can replace the floor I’ll also get some new plants and now I’ll check out some reviews uh wait what star reviews looks like the customers are pretty disappointed with our star yeah they say it’s impossible to get the sweets they want well without ingredients how am I supposed to W hey there neighbor I can see you’re struggling a little let me help you out I got plenty of ingredients at my place wait are you saying you don’t hate me I mean I did cause that accident are you not angry of course I’m not angry why would I be angry it’s not like you nearly destroyed my business anyways come on let me show you around um okay wa Guido look at the size of that menu I’m more interested in those shakes orange Justice apricot Ace oh P that’s my favorite candy so how exactly did you want to help me Guido Guido where are we you fool you really think I’d let you take my ingredience after what you did you’re going to rot down here while I the king of candy weo I can’t move let me out I think we’re in the basement of a star SE wait no come back please wait did he just pull that leave oh my gosh oh no no no quo this isn’t good wow they’re close what a shame say I uh hear there’s another candy store just across the street why not go check it out guys I just can’t move a there’s got to be something I can wait is that popping candy Guido overcharge your circuit set off the popping candy nice job go down now and timey nice job buddy now let’s get out of here okay it should be through here wait oh no no no no quo he locked the door and wait is that oh Guido he stole all my customers don’t worry we’ll get our revenge huh what do you mean check out this vent it’s connected directly to the store which means we can send some of our rotten ingredients up there oh that is such a good idea Guido and check it out I’ve still got some of those rotten cookies from earlier let’s see how the manager enjoys [Music] these what that’s never happened before I I must have left the wrong cookies out apologies I have some free candy ooh free candy huh I wonder if we can replace them with something exactly what we’re going to do Steve I can hack this vent and change the airflow so it doesn’t blow stuff away it’s f it in O look weo chocolate coins maybe I could recreate these in my own candy store anyway let’s send them something back something like spider eyes [Music] ooh that’s not a good look oh I know I’ll just move these bodies to Steve’s store he’ll never be able to open again quo did you hear that oh enough is enough come on how did you get out zip it you now you are going to give me both your menu and your ingredients or else Guido is going to make this image of the bodies go viral your business will be ruined say cheese fine take it thank you what do we got here we got the menu we got oh my gosh so many ingredients what the heck are you keeping all that in your pockets how is that even possible milk brown sugar pink sugar butter oh my gosh this is amazing thank you very much well pleasure doing business with you as long as my store is still standing you’ll never be the top candy store in this town Oh I thought you were going to say something like that don’t worry your store isn’t going to be standing for much longer go go go go go go holy moly quo that was intense but that pesky manager won’t be bothering us anymore and now with his menu business is better than ever so many CH now we’ve still got the fan favorites like the gingerbread man but thanks to those ingredient s we got from the manager we got some new cakes we’ got gumball machines this guy is going nuts for the gumballs we’ve got cotton candy trees some cookies which aren’t actually rotten yep I’d say things are going pretty great right now and look that fix the reviews yeah we got from a one star to a two star it’s still not great yeah this one says the store is great and everything but I really wish I could bring my kid wait I just don’t understand why can’t they bring their kids here uh because I kicked one in the face well yeah obviously there’s that but this is a fine environment there’s lots of bright colors lots of interesting things going on uh wait unless one of our competitors is much more appealing to children oh I see how it is the children of this town would much rather go to the candy Kraken I mean why weren’t they everything is pirate themed and they’ve got a huge play park out back and guess what Guido we are going to sneak inside to see why everyone thinks it’s the best candy shop ever but wait apples aren’t allowed in without a kid oh come on now no Guido just relax you’re just going to help me out this one time you’re my son now you have to do everything I say I hate my life Steve it’s that strange guy from earlier yeah and it looks like he’s sneaking into the wreckage of the opposition candy store maybe we should go ask him what he one no Guido we need to hurry up before the candy Kraken closes aast ye scurvy dog to enter the candy Kraken ye must be accompanied by a child Widow that’s your queue H welcome Bo yo what’s up epic Chris Sky toilet that’s how kids talk nowadays that’s lny for real for real I don’t get kids nowadays anyway let’s see what’s going on in this adults area huh looks like it’s relatively calm everyone’s just chatting reading newspapers kind of nice wonder what it’s like in the playground okayo stay Cal you got this oh I’m this sounds like weedo’s in danger okay I’ve got to figure out some way to sabotage the candy Kraken right now uh let’s go ask some of the parents here hey what’s one of your favorite things about the candy Kraken huh okay interesting what about you oh we’ll see about that okay I’ve got three things that appeal to the adult customers of the candy Kraken so all I’ve got to do is flip that upside down I’ve got to catch the staff being unkind I’ve got to make sure that the kids are not safe and I’ve got to make sure that the parents have absolutely no peace and quiet that way the parents will be more inclined to bring their children to my store quo did you get all that I’ll sure that the kids are [Music] unsafe sounds like we can take one of those tasks off and now we might be able to catch the step being unkind what are you doing kid why does everyone say you’re chasing them take me L Boomer that does it come on you wa the management here have totally lost their core and me where my father here then wow Guido’s really getting into it I think the staff are bringing Guido to that room this is my opportunity to catch them being mean let’s see let’s see okay we got some kind of Janitor’s Closet and I think I should be able to hide right here to catch them being nesty to the kids I better get this on camera you’re in big trouble young man this is supposed to be a friendly place for children and a relaxing place for their parents and I won’t let you get in the way of that now you scrub this floor until it’s squeaky clean or else great now all I have to do is show this to the parents and they’ll finally know the truth now I’ll just swiftly and sneakily sneak out of here oh uh hi hey I’m try and quo the pirate is fast okay out into the playground well excuse me look out coming through oh my gosh I Don’t Want To Tread on any of them wa okay uh okay I’m on the ship and I’ve got these cannons this is the perfect way to ruin the peace in quiet stop no nuh-uh it’s off to Stevie Jones Locker with you now do you see parents they have your children playing on a giant replica pirate ship with cannons that surprisingly work great job Steve now all of the kids and their parents are leaving and they’re heading straight to our store that was the plank Guido and it looks like it’s PID it off check it out we now have two floors to our sweet establishment and inside you can see that business is booming just like in the candy Kraken we have all the parents down here doing their thing browsing the various candies that we have oh and I even made enough emeralds to hire these workers oh great I was getting bored at having to talk to everyone all the time oh and check out this revolutionary idea I had cake turrets watch this wait a second what’s that sound oh did I forget to mention we can host birthday parties now happy birthday to me happy birthday to me and all of this is netting me so many emeralds but we do have a slight problem people aren’t really staying for long they’re saying that the candy in the store is kind of boring boring no no no come on now my store is completely EMP again after all we’ve been through let me just check upstairs is anyone else left up here come on come on it better be full of customers everyone is gone Guido there’s only one thing for it we have to visit the oldest sweet shop in town Ye Old medieval Munchies they been open for years how are they doing that’s what we’re going to find out help what the guido what in the Multiverse is that it’s those kids what are they doing oh it looks like they’re bothering that poor old man he doesn’t deserve this he’s been running the store since it opened I’m guessing they’re bored because the Candy cracken shut down which was totally our fault yeah that was kind of our bad anyway let’s see how we can help I’ve been running the store for 70 years and this has never happened well why don’t you you know fight back with what none of the props I have even work props hey Steve over here maybe we can use this stff to fight back against those kids yeah these weapons should scare them away we’re going to go restock on ammo when we’re back you’ll have to rename this place Ye Old mud evil Munchies quido this is our chance let’s move all these weapons let’s mine up all of these weapons and then we’ll place them out front the battering ram go with the front we don’t have long until the kids come back on The High Ground we’ll put down our ballista and we’ll put another one up top at the back of the store we’ll put this catapult right about here we’ll use this empty space over at the candy Kraken put another one down boom and last but not least all the way in this corner we are going to place the treuchet this is a lot of effort for a few kids yep well they need to learn their lesson now we’ve got a little bit of time left so I’ve got one less surprise for them I’m going to tame my own Mighty Ste and now I am ready to charge into battle okay let’s see uh oh here they come Guido fire the C I just missed them don’t worry I’m mning the ballista come on come on come on come on oh they’re just too fast Miss I’m running out of options here Guido H there’s got to be something we can do I got it oh yes quido that’s it you dumb kids get out of here and don’t come back well that should be the end of that wait a second oh there’s one kid left you know what I’m going to deal with this guy personally let me go no way not unless you leave the owner of this store alone fine we only picked on him because he had one stupid candy it’s not even that nice yeah you better run get out of here go on scram we sure taught that lesson yeah but did you hear what he said somehow this business keeps plying customers despite only having one item on its menu you it must be good and it might be exactly what we need Let’s go ask the old man about it it’s my world famous bounty full bubblegum those kids might not like it but it brings people of my age back to a simpler sugary time oh interesting I mean I’ve got my own recipes for the adult customers the entertainment for the Youth and if I could take that Bountiful bubblegum recipe I’ll have something for the older audience too do very well I was thinking of getting out of the business anyways retiring and going somewhere Sunny the recipe is all yours thank you so much okay uh let’s see what this recipe is all about so for the Bountiful bubblegum we’ll need sugar well we’ve got plenty of that honey and the secret ingredient lapis lazuli [Music] and now we’ll just take the ingredients back to our new and upgraded store check it out Guido looks like we made a lot of emeralds while we were away and we’ll bring the stuff over to our faithful candy press I’m so proud of us that’s right buddy as the rest of the store became upgraded we stuck to Our Roots lapis sugar and honey and the Bountiful bubblegum is ready to be served now who’s ready for a taste sensation wait Guido where is everyone no no no no what’s going on H wait what oh no the people of the Town they’re healthy now healthy you there what the heck is happening he showed us how unhealthy our lifestyle styles were we ate his candy and became better versions of ourselves wait whose candy I shut down every opposing star in this town There’s no one left to sell candy unless no Guido this cannot be has someone sabotaged me I mean it looks like we’re still stocked up with candy but wait I haven’t stocked up this candy before what is this stuff uh Dental deliciousness H let me try wait no quoon chries carbohydrates tmills glutes this is not good quo’s got Fitness crazy snap out of it dude sorry what was I saying wait a second Guido I know who did this to us the person that’s been watching us all day that’s me sneaking into the other stores it’s the dentist he’s made a candy that brainwashes people it’s a quen candy then we’ve got to stop him uh not another step closer I’ve been watching the way you operate and this town deserves better this is a normal villager and this is a villager after eating your candy you see the issue oh yeah that guy didn’t pay for his candy C kill him w you know what of the Multiverse is there I don’t know Steve but the dentist is sing to kill us well clearly this guy can’t be a very good dentist just look at the state of those teeth oh what the oh what in the multiv uh you you you saved my life even if we ain’t friends we can’t let those pesky dentists ruin it for all of us the dentist controls 100% of the candy production in this town right now we need to burn his entire Factory to the ground ooh I’m down up in everyone okay this Dentistry is at full production capacity the more I destroy the less that number’s going to be there we go we did a little bit of damage no but these dentists are all over me guys I could use a little help wa okay perfect you be the distraction I’m going to go destroy the rest of these barrels yeah uh okay we’re actually not doing that much damage to the production capacity here um that machine over there is theed it controls the entire production line then that’s where I need to go next hey let’s swap weapons you take the lens I’ll take the gun all right come on come on come on here we go move out of my way all right up the stairs we go onto the catwalk just got to get to the machine oh quido it didn’t work fool you and your candy crazies are going to be locked up for Life I’ll make sure of it oh my God this isn’t good steal I’m being chased by an insane dentist of course this isn’t good but there’s got to be another way to destroy the machine let’s see here do I have anything that can the popping candy if I throw this inside of the machine I’m going to bring this Factory down what have you done I think it’s time we go out of here Ste I was thinking the exact same thing dude let’s move oh Guido we did it and look everybody loves candy again and we’ve got plenty for everyone come on in guys

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This is Minecraft, but I opened a Candy Store! When Steve buys and invests in an abandoned dirty plot of land, can he build the best Candy store and become the best Candy Maker in the Dimension? We need to upgrade our Candy business, evolve our store, and get more customers than the competition! Can Steve learn all the secrets and abilities of the biggest and best candy stores, candy makers, candy taster, and candy factories and become a CANDY BILLIONAIRE? This is Minecraft but I opened a candy store!


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Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

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