Can I Beat Infernum Terraria as Rogue Only?

infernum terraria’s most grueling mod this mod is not for your average player it takes a person with dedication to sit down while not moving and fight the same boss for 8 hours straight and yes this actually happened and for this run I made it my objective to beat this mod with the worst class in Calamity the Rogue class while other classes like Summoner and Mage get massive damage outputs we get stupid little tiny stealth strikes which honest to God suck so this just adds another element to the 80 hours of pain I went through and no joke I think I probably lost around 8 lbs recording this I gave myself about a week and a half to do it and so that pretty much means I had to starve myself to get this done but first we start off at the very beginning of this run where things weren’t too hard yet so we have now spawned into our wonderful world and the first thing I do is Select The Inferno mode I then go ahead and open the goodie bag to acquire my first Rogue weapon the brick it’s pretty garbage but since we got the brick our top priority is to get a new weapon the crystalline that way we can get a little prepared for our first boss king slime also quickly get a house down that way we can feel a little safe and secure so now it’s actually time to head out and get stuff for the crystalline we are going to need Life Crystals falling stars diamonds and killing some wolf from Droids that way we can make wolf from knives so I set out in search of literally anything I can find I do find some resources and of course some Life Crystals on top of also finding a giant tree with some very [ __ ] ass Loot and we do thankfully come across a few falling stars laying on the ground we also managed to find six Life Crystals so it was pretty huge wait did I just get three out of that what the but the worst happens and we hit our first death of this play through and oh God will there be a lot more but I head back down because I’m determined to find what we need but I die and I die again I do end up finishing off My Life Crystals and I find a diamond scler absolutely perfect get four diamonds so we head back home and we finally craft our first actual Rogue weapon the crystalline now this weapon will be amazingly good against the next three bosses due to the new mechanic the stealth strike the crystallin projectiles should explode into little tiny cryst all over the new bosses we are getting one step closer to fighting our first boss but before we do that I also need to craft my first Rogue set of armor the snow Ruffian set this does require me to go find some flinks for which honest to God I hate finding these mother they suck to find but luckily they all just came to me so it made it an absolute piece of cake and now we have a full set of snow Ruffian armor [ __ ] is looking good but there’s one more thing I need before we fight this boss some gosh darn Hermes boots and so I set out once more searching chest after chest and eventually finding my beloved Hermes boots but starting now this is our first taste at The Inferno difficulty and there are some things you should know before we fight this boss infernum difficulty modifies the boss AI so you go from something like this to something like that it’s honestly a very crazy experience having to learn whole new move sets for different bosses but it was finally time to start our first boss fight on this playthrough bring it on you gelatinous the first seconds of this fight weren’t half bad King Slime was honestly just doing Lea frog over me so I just had to run left run right piece of cake stuff honestly and then I get big boy down to 75% health and nothing I’ve seen prior has happened like this his Ruby popped off and started shooting at me now this was going to be a big problem for me because my brain cannot process two things at once and I didn’t understand how to dodge the Ruby shooting while making sure not to get hit by him so in all honesty it was completely frustrating and I do die pretty quickly and same with the next attempt and the next attempt after that and on my fourth attempt I do kind of understand how to dodge his Red Jewel you pretty much have to jump right before he shoots you but this is the first attempt where I get him to his third phase and his third phase completely caught me off guard a ninja pops out of him and starts throwing shurikens at you and so this adds a third problem to the two problems I already had at hand but thankfully his stuff wasn’t too hard to master and I went into the god attempt with high hopes [Music] [Music] [Music] and after the tedious amount of attempts I had to do to dodge that stupid Red Jewel and dodging those crazy amounts of shurikens we finally did it this was one of the first of many but man does it get worse from here but next on the list is the desert scorge [Music] since I was already pretty much prepared for the desert Scourge I didn’t really have to do any grinding for any new items or any new armor like that I did however add some new houses because I did want some of the new NPCs to move in the next thing we had to do was to go to the desert to find the desert Medallion to actually summon the boss but before I could get too far I ended up just finding in a chest I then very quickly built his Arena and summoned in that very giant earthworm so while fighting the desert scorge for me at least the dust Sprites and the dust storms were a lot to take in for someone that hasn’t played Inferno I have to constantly be on the lookout for when he slams into the ground and shoots up those little dust balls while also watching out for the tornadoes on top of watching out for the dust storms and not to mention this guy’s going up down and around playing on my ass this boss was forcing me to multitask in ways I didn’t even know I could do but during this first attempt we do get sniped by a dust Ball but it does happen a few more times but enough times to get us prepared for the desert scorge [Music] and with that our second boss was done his fight honestly was pretty easy after your brain kind of gets used to all the attacks going on at once but yeah we did it now before we fight the I Gulu I did want to go down to Hell to mine some hellstone so make a quick hellevator and yeah yeah quality of life shut up I then head down to hell but I’m stupid and you can’t M hellstone with a platinum pickaxe and since there was really nothing else I could do it was time to fight the I cthulu and the fight honestly started off pretty good the only thing I really had to worry about where the stupid little demon eyes I mean you just jump over those [ __ ] and the occasional blood blisters he shoots off all of it’s a piece of cake and I get him down to his second stage pretty easily now his second stage is where it gets a little bit tougher because now he’s doing circles around my ass and still sending his children out to kill me while also raining bloody spikes from the sky and one of those spikes were the cause of my death for this attempt I do instantly start the fight right back up and I do pretty amazing for all stages his stuff honestly wasn’t that hard to master and the fight went well up until pretty much the very end I’ve got him down to a very nice 349 health and died and a total of 12 more attempts go by of me fighting him and clearly something’s wrong but it’s not the boss fight because I keep getting down to around 500 health so I come to the conclusion that maybe I need to make my Arena just a tad bit bigger and so I do that and making that Arena fixes our problem and we get this pretty nice attempt [Music] [Music] so now that we’re done with those three bosses we can finally upgrade some of our gear and the first thing we’re going to get is the sulfuric armor this armor will require me to go over to the sulfuric sea and hope that we get an ASD event right when we get there that way I can Slaughter all of those enemies for the materials and so we start venturing out into to the [Music] world we eventually did make it to the suurus SE and we actually got pretty lucky and had a toxic downpour start right away and all I had to do was just Farm the event for the suurus [Music] scales the [ __ ] are they doing we did complete the acid rain event and I got a [ __ ] ton of sulfuric scales and I also made sure to grab some of the sulfuric wood and now that we had everything for the armor I crafted that bad boy right up and let’s just say it smells like a brand new car in here I then thought it would be really cool to build a little armor room that way we could showcase our armor throughout the stage of the game just something light so I figured since we’re building anyway I might as well build some more houses because I need to get cooking on getting these NPCs in here and around this time I was kind of satisfied with everything I’ve done and I scad on over to the Crimson for some reason I wanted to attack the brain of cthulu so I broke the three hearts and got to fighting him and I died really really quickly what the just killed me so quick bro but I didn’t really have a choice and I kind of had to fight him because once I kill him I can finally craft that dumb pickaxe so I can go mine that stupid hellstone I tried mining way earlier and yada yada and so I get prepared the best way I can by building an arena setting up some campfires and some heart lanterns and while I’m doing doing this I’m also collecting vertebrae so I can make a spawn item and I was finally ready to attempt him again and it honestly wasn’t that terrible of an attempt but the little eyeballs that float around him and shoot things were really annoying and they do end up causing me the end of this attempt and just to feel a little bit extra safe I do build a tiny little house and then we start up the third attempt and I die really quickly and so on with the next attempt and then on the attempt after that I do get him pretty low and he pulls a doctor strange of my ass it’s really stupid and then he zapping me with lightning it’s definitely a strange attack but I do die again and I was having super high hopes and I went into this next attempt with my head up high [Music] [Music] now since the brain is beaten we can finally craft the deathbringer pickaxe I then jump down my elevator and I start going to town on the hellstone and I also make sure to grab the hell Forge so we can craft some of the newer things and now the next boss on the list is crabulon so I make my way down to the mushroom biome and I start making my Arena [Music] and holy [ __ ] that had to be the most tedious thing I’ve ever done the amount of skeletons and fungal bats blows my fing mind and after spending 30 minutes making that dumb Arena I head over to the crimson and craft the summon and before we fight him I do set up some last minute preparations like the basic campfire and heart lanterns and then I get the first attempt going anyway his fight does go pretty good you just have to watch out for the occasional far clouds and Spore spikes he throws down but me with like any boss fight I do die it’s just a reoccurring theme in this play through and then I head back down there for my second attempt and while I’m fighting him I’m noticing I’m not doing a lot of damage to him and then I remember that I haven’t upgraded my weapon one time yet so far and now I used a nice little guide provided by Maura and it said to use the infernal Chris with paired with my stealth strike will cause the second one I throw to explode on contact and basically set them on fire so I had that back to my base and thankfully I just went out and got hellstone ore and I crafted 5,000 of these things and I went ahead and I summoned up the boss again and I was doing loads of damage this time but I was still dying over and over and over again to these stupid little spores he shoots out so I took a step back again and I went back to my base and I crafted the Gilded dagger now when you use this weapon with the stealth Strike It causes it to attack other enemies in the vicinity and this will be huge for this boss and finally after around probably like 40 attempts this happened oh [Music] [Music] after defeating Mr Krabs I did get a really nice Rogue weapon from him called the M rout I don’t know how the hell you say it it’s a pretty decent weapon when you use the stealth strike with it basically summons homing spores but I’m not done with my bosser yet there is a tiny little side boss called the giant clam and he has fought in the sunken sea and you could find the sunken Sea by heading over to the desert and digging pretty much straight down getting there was a little bit of a struggle due to the fact that there are so many ant lions covering this biome but we do eventually make it oh this [ __ ] is beautiful what the and we get a semi first taste of the giant clam I am going to keep his boss battle a little short just because he doesn’t really do anything that exciting and he is a side boss but to keep it short you pretty much just have to watch out for these spinning things and when he slams down on you pretty hard for my brain to comprehend for some reason I attempted this boss probably like six or seven times before I actually got a good attempt in with also making an arena in the middle of his little sunken area I don’t fuing know what to call it but I do get a successful attemp and to be fair he was very very easy once you get a good Arena down all that jazz but the really good thing about me defeating this boss is that an NPC pops out of him after you kill him and he sells a pretty decent Rogue weapon called the sand dollar and this is pretty much the fastest throwing Rue weapon I can get at the moment and should be very very helpful against the next boss the perforators but now I head home I placed the Relic down and our little trophy thing is looking pretty good so far we’re 6 out of 47 bosses down but before we fight the perforators I do want to do some upgrades specifically my boots I think I’ve been stuck with Hermes boots for the last six bosses and it was finally time to try and upgrade them to the Terra spark boots and you know you need a lot of things to upgrade These Boots so my first course of action is the head of the Jungle and search for a jungle Rose unfortunately I do not find a single one very very unlucky and I figured since I was here anyway I might as well build a jungle house because I have no pylon set up yet this would greatly increase getting me around the map a lot easier and now don’t judge me on my builds because they are pretty ass I mean look at this crazy ass Masterpiece but anyways I head back into the jungle to search for it again not coming across it so I kind of give up on that task for a little bit there’s also another thing that is a super pain in the ass to get of course the Obsidian Rose I don’t know if it’s me but I couldn’t find an imp to save my life but on my searches for the I do go all the way to the right and I find this crazy structure that I have never ever seen in Terraria before and of course I’m assuming it’s because of Calamity don’t know exactly what it is yet but hopefully soon I guess but since I’m here now and I didn’t find a single imp I do go back home but before we fight the perforators there is a few more things I would like to do like build a forest house that way I can complete my little pylon system and this house does end up looking a little bit better than my jungle house and after finishing it up I do head to the Crimson because it is officially time to find the perforators and to spawn these guys in naturally you have to look for a perforated cyst on the ground kind of groy but after destroying it these bad boys spawn now for his first phase the only thing you really have to worry about is him shooting out iore for me this was a little tough because it was my first attempt at this boss and I kind of get bounced around a little bit and die but going into the second attempt I do kind of Master his first phase and I do get him to a second stage and he spews out a worm and the worm honestly just does squigglies around [Music] you but after killing that worm I just go back to fighting him kind of normally again and after getting him down another phase he spawns another Worm but with my god- gracious gift of being the best Terraria player ever I do knock him out pretty easily and then it’s back to him spitting out ior again and you’ll never guess but when getting him down to his last phase he spits out another worm this one a little bit more difficult and I do die but going into this next attempt with everything that I’ve pretty much learned from the second attempt let’s just say I knock it out of the park [Music] [Music] [Music] and after defeating the perforators a pretty nifty message pops up saying the sky is glittering with light and so I decide to check it out and it’s this ore that spawns on Sky Islands now and I spin the next little bit collecting as much airite as I can and after collecting this new ore I am able to craft the feather knives which is a new rogue weapon for me when using a stealth strike with the feather knives it shoots out a bunch that will explode on the enemies so it’s it’s pretty nifty and I use whatever air light I have left to craft Skyline wings and I’ve pretty much acquired everything that can get at the moment and so you know what that means we’re fighting another boss and this is one of the first progression bosses we are about to fight and of course it’s the one and only Skeletron so I head to the dungeon and I get a little house placed down and I start working on the arena it’s a pretty simple Arena you don’t need much and then we give it our first attempt and let’s just say it was God awful his whole boss fight was a cycle of dying sleeping fighting the desert Scorch so I can get money to get potions dying some more and sleeping some more and this was due to the fact we’re due to how much projectiles are on my screen at once to me this boss was the first taste of infernum I think at its fullest cuz I was having to run to the right while he’s shooting skulls at me and I was having to time my movements so precise so I didn’t get hit by these other skulls and then eventually having to break my ankles just so I could Dodge this and so a little bit of thinking hits my brain maybe I need to make my Arena a little bit bigger so I do that and with a Sprinkle of maybe 20 more attempts I do get his [ __ ] down and we have a pretty good attempt [Music] and now that Skeletron is defeated there is a really nice Rogue weapon I can get in the dungeon and it’s the Shinobi blade and the only way you can get this is from dark casters very disgusting very very disgusting and so you know I do what pretty much everybody else does and sit there and Farm for I don’t know like 20 minutes or something like that but we get it and oh boy is this thing delicious when I kill an enemy with it it spawns little healing orbs which first off very very op but this is where it gets very very juicy when I use my stealth strike with it it spawns around eight or so knives that rapidly stab enemies to death and of course I had to try this on a boss and the perfect boss for this is the Slim God so I head to the Crimson I craft to summon and we start them right up and watching those sweet succulent Shinobi blades damages boss is just pure Bliss but other than that his fight really isn’t all that bad he’s pretty much just King Slime just a little bit tougher the only bad things you have to look out for when he slams down or spits up this gooey stuff and then eventually his little brother comes out and does the same thing over and over and then even on his final stage you pretty much just got to run around that’s all it is and he’s he’s a piece of cake but I still do die a lot probably 30 times I think to this boss but after about those 30 attempts we do get a a pretty solid [Music] one and now that we’ve defeated the Slime Gods we can finally upgrade our armor to the statel armor we have been stuck with sulfuric armor pretty much since the beginning of this video and it feels good to finally have some new armor and thankfully this armor will carry us to the wall of flesh as well but as of now we are caught up on all the armor we can get for preh hard mode all the weapons and probably all the accessories so from this point on it’s just boss after boss after boss and speaking of we only have three bosses left until hard mode so let’s get cooking so I head to the Jungle I get some wood so I can make an arena for queen bee and then I head down into the underground jungle to find a beehive I do find one pretty easily but I accidentally spawn her and die pretty quickly but I did thankfully grab enough stuff to make her summon and then I head back down to the underground jungle once again this time setting up an arena in the granite biome and we get to work on fighting the queen bee to be honest she doesn’t deserve a whole ass section for a boss fight she was fine but God was she annoying with her poisons and her bees I do think it only took me around three attempts to beat her but we do end up beating her and thank the Lord and after fighting her I figured since I’m going for 100% completion on Inferno mode anyway I might as well do the dungeon defender whatever I don’t even know what the hell it’s called but I decid to do it and I do beat the dark Mage boss that’s at the end of it pretty easy and our next little side BS is deerclops and since I’m going over to the snow biome anyway I might as well build some houses that way we can set up our third pylon for our little pylon system once again not the coolest looking house on the market I went for an underground Vibe I don’t really know other than that and then we summon in deerclops and oh boy for a side boss that not many people ever fight on infernum he is a pain in the ass and I didn’t think he was going to be that much of a pain with the little tiny Arena I had set up for him the dude kept getting stuck he kept Fallen I had to worry about his hands coming at me from every single Direction but I died a lot to deerclops more than I should have honestly and so I do make some small changes like flattening out this little area that way he can’t fall down or I can’t get stuck on on something I don’t want to get stuck on it’s it’s quite the nice Arena but after I don’t know probably 40 attempts or something like that we finally beat his ass screw deerclops never ever fighting this boss again [Music] [Music] we are now on the final stretch one last boss before hard mode and there’s some teeny tiny preparations I want to do before we go fight this thing I mayhaps want to go look for a little rogue weapon called the lion fish and this is found in a new biome the abyss now I did not understand this biome at all other than I needed some potions to breathe for a little bit and I only went to like a really depth in this whole thing and I spent a good chunk of time there but I didn’t find the linefish I didn’t know if it was a spawn or if you had to find it in a chest but I kept looking looking looking but unfortunately I could not come across it whatsoever and to be honest there’s really nothing else I can do so I slide on down to the underworld and I use a very nice thing called an instabridge shut up once again quality of life boohoo and we give the Wall of Flesh a go and to be quite fair I was going into this boss fight fully expecting him to be incredibly hard but all you really got to do is just hit his eyes if few times they pop off start shooting lasers at you and then you just go for his mouth and this even caught me by surprise I beat this boss in three attempts and so without further Ado here is our god- gracious God attempt [Music] [Music] we are finally in hard mode and this enters a new era of my Inferno playthrough not only will I have to worry about vanilla bosses being a little bit tougher but I also have to worry about the mass array of new bosses with some crazy attack patterns but before we fight our first hard mode boss we could take a little break and see what hard mode really has to offer at the beginning and one of the nicest first upgrades going into hard mode is going to be the demon heart which if you didn’t know grants you an extra accessory slot and of course the pone Hammer but something that’s different in infernum than base Terraria is that the hard mode ores are locked behind the bosses so of course you get the basic first level of hard mode ores after just killing the Wall of Flesh and you get more and more after each mechanical boss you kill but there’s about two more things I want to do before we actually get started in hard mode and that is clean up the rest of pre hard mode bosses such as the hive mind which you can actually fight them in a crimson World cuz there’ll be a little corruption floating island so I head over to the island also collecting Souls of Flight because our first major accessory is also going to be the fairy wings which I think you know why extra health I do start the hive mind fight and I actually do kill him in two attempts so he wasn’t that hard and our second little side boss is the torch God you don’t have to do do this one at all but I just like to see that 100% completion so I get a little tiny Arena built out I die a few times but I eventually do get it and I get that torch God’s favor and so now we can actually start to get into hard mode stuff and our first goal is to craft this new hard mode weapon called the iore spear which is pretty much just a fast firing Javelin but when I use my stealth strike with it it sticks to the enemies and poisons them over a little bit of time so it’s it’s a pretty good weapon to get right off the start and detailed by its name the iore spear that means I do have to go to the underground crimson and fight iore stickers so I head off to the left and on my way to the underground Crimson I come across something that I completely missed my whole snow biome changed into a a whole new biome which at the time I didn’t know what it was and after a few minutes I figure out it’s actually called the astral biome and this new biome brings a whole new set of enemies items and this is actually where I’ll get my first hard mode armor but we’ll worry about that when it comes time I do end up making it to the underground crimson and I spend a good amount of time farming as much iore stickers as I can and thankfully I do get it to drop and boom we have our first hard mode weapon and now back to the Titan heart armor so in order to get this armor you have to defeat astral Titans in the astral biome they’re kind of a pain in the ass to spawn but I do eventually get the Titan Hearts needed to craft the armor and oh boy we look hella snazzy what the [ __ ] is wrong with me but we are ready to fight our first hard mode boss so I head to the underground Hollow pick up a little gelatin Crystal and I end up just using my old arena for the desert scorge and we start our first attempt on the queen slime but going into the fight it was nothing like what I was expecting I think this is where infernum really kicks in overdrive because while I’m fighting Queen slime she shoots out these little crystals and then ends up trying to slam on you and then does this weird little laser shooty thing which is just an incredible amount for my brain to understand and then right before I die she shoots this big old beam of light down which absolutely shreds me and at this moment I don’t even know what to do and about two attempts later I do get her down to her second phase and she does this really cool attack pack PN that is very easy to like Dodge I guess but I still end up dying on that attempt but after many attempts of practicing both of her phases I do eventually get it down [Music] but now that we’re done with Queen slime there are no breaks just yet we are moving straight into cryogen so I head over to the now Astro biome and try to farm as much Frozen enemies as I can because they’ll drop an Essence that I need to craft the cryogen key in order to summon cryogen so I kill kill kill and I eventually do make the cryogen spawn and we get started on our first attempt and let me just say cryogen had to be the worst boss I’ve F so far he took me well over 50 gosh damn attempts to beat and now I’m not really going to explain his phases because all his phases are pretty much similar you just have to dodge a [ __ ] ton of projectiles so getting the timing is incredibly important in this boss fight but after around the 25 attempt Mark I do decide to make my Arena an actual Arena I get it all placed out and then about 25ish more attempts I do get a good attempt [Music] [Music] and now that we’re done with cryogen I can craft a new rogue weapon called the Kelvin Catalyst and you need like four so different weapons from cryogen but I’m lazy and I didn’t feel like spending a [ __ ] ton more of attempts just to try to get another treasure bag so I spent a whole night farming up the I cthulu and then just bought his treasure bags and then eventually crafted the Kelvin Catalyst and now the crazy thing about this weapon specifically is that it spawns five eye Stars each and end up doing around 50% more of the base damage to enemies and this is where it gets extra good now when performing a stealth strike with it it will cause the weapon to stay in the position of the enemy and do loads of damage so it’s really freaking good but before we fight our first set of the mechanical bosses I do set out and get some of the new hard mode ore that way I can get a better pickaxe and an Axe and I do craft them up but now we’re ready to fight the Twins and now going into this fight I thought these bosses were going to be super super difficult the boss fight pretty much just consisted of dodging chaos flames and rizer’s Laser and to be honest the boss fight was pretty cool [Music] and now that our first set of mechanical bosses are defeated we have a new set of ore unlocked but before I do that I end up getting a solar eclipse and this was my first solar eclipse of this playthrough and to be honest with the weapon I had it was super freaking easy and so I venture to the underground collecting as much as I can and crafting myself a new set of pickaxes and axe but we aren’t done with our boss spree yet I have about three or four more bosses until I’m actually able to relax and our next one on the list is the Aquatic scorge so I make my way over to the sulfuric sea get a very nice Arena builtup and start my first attempt at him but something seemed really really weird and it turned out he was enraged now back back when I played this about a year ago you were able to fight the Aquatic scorge on land and I did not know that so I had to take time out of the way to build a big old arena under the water and then I gave it my actual first attempt and now for his first phase it really wasn’t that terrible it was just a lot of circling around him dodging his knives and dodging these little I don’t even know what to call them coming down from above you and it does take me a few attempts to get used to but I finally do end up reaching his second phase and nothing’s really special about this phase either he just gets really fast and start dodging at you and then a few more attempts go by and I get this really really cool boss fight during a blood MO [Music] [Music] [Music] and now that the Aquatic Scourge is defeated it unlocks the tier 2 event to the acid rain and I do actually get a pirate map dropped from one of these enemies so as soon as the acid rain event ends I start the pirate Invasion don’t get really anything crazy do destroy a Flying Dutchman and of course we get the pirate Captain MPC but before we start our next boss the Destroyer there is one teeny tiny thing I want to do before then and that is go and increase our health so I pop a Spelunky potion head to the jungle and quite quickly get all the life Roots I need and since there’s really nothing else for me to do I sleep through the rest of the day and it’s time to fight our second mechos going into the first attempt it really wasn’t all that bad in his first phase it was just a lot of making sure I don’t get hit by him and little orbs that shoot out and I honestly kick through it pretty easily and same with the second phase only big difference is he got a little bit faster and there was now a laser grid but as soon as I got him into his third phase I got smacked up and died and after a few more attempts of getting knocked around I decided I’d try to make a different Rogue weapon called the Blazing star and it throws up to three stars but when performing a steal strike with it it will cause all of the stars to stack and be thrown at once and it will do a [ __ ] ton of damage in order to craft this you do have to head down to the cck and farm this new material called essence of Havoc it’s kind kind of a pain but it’s whatever and then after crafting this new rogue weapon up I tested on the destroyer and it it shreds him for a little bit but I still die a good like 20 more times and then I go back to the Kelvin Catalyst and then unexpected to me I spend around another 25 attempts fighting him and he was by far the hardest boss I fought so far which is kind of unexpected but after getting time to learn his move set all of his phases we came out on top [Music] [Music] n [Music] and then I figured for the shiggles of it I might as well go ahead and fight Skeletron Prime and believe it or not I beat him in two attempts which is freaking insane and his boss fight pretty much just consist of running left to right and so without further Ado here’s my God attent [Music] [Music] [Music] and after defeating Skeletron Prime you do get a pretty cool cut scene with some weird ass alien looking [ __ ] I don’t know who it is but yay we did it and it was so crazy to me that I beat him in two attempts that I wanted to try him again just to make sure that I didn’t get Super Lucky and I ended up beating him pretty much again so yeah Skeletron Prime is easy when playing as Rogue but that now completes all of the mechanical bosses and we do get hollowed bars and there’s actually one new type of ore that spawns when you kill them that I had completely forgotten about and it’s the cryic ore and we can actually use this ore to make some pretty nifty new weapons and some new armor and you can actually find cryic or over in the underground snow biome and so that was my next objective and as soon as I get there I start mining as much as I can and then finally we have a new set of armor crafted the day dis armor but it’s now the time to fight our next boss and this one is the brimstone Elemental and before we can fight her I do have to craft her summon which requires me to go back down to the crack and mine this stuff called infernal suit I don’t know how to pronounce it and then I use this to make Unholy cores and then we can finally make her summon the charged Idol and since I technically already have an arena down there in the Underworld that reaches over to her biome we don’t got to worry about any of that and so I go ahead and I summon her in [Music] [Music] [Music] and I was starting to question if infernum was really that difficult because cuz I’ve pretty much just fought two easy bosses back to back and I mean to be fair all you had to do was just dodge your skulls pretty much the entire time and I was feeling pretty good so I went ahead and did the stupid dungeon defender I still don’t even know what it’s called that way I can mark off the ogre and we get it pretty easily once again and man we are cooking on these bosses but we’re not done yet but I went straight into fighting the clamus Clone and forget what I said about the past two bosses being easy this boss absolutely wrecked my ass and this was such a jumping skill because I was having to worry about so many projectiles all over my screen I didn’t know how to dodge her little teleportation thing and then even going into her second phase she does this little swirly thing which wasn’t too terrible to dodge but man that second stage she spawns two of these enemies that I had no idea how to like counter at first but it did eventually get easy when I figured it out and to be honest they didn’t have that much health at all but man that Final Phase kicked into overdrive it was once again a [ __ ] ton of projectiles but finally after like 2 hours of fighting I get a pretty good attempt [Music] [Music] and I know we’re kind of stopping without any breaks right now but there is literally nothing else for me to do other than to fight bosses so of course we’re going to move on to the next one and that is planta but thankfully she already has an arena kind of built in the underground jungle so I don’t really have to do too much work but before I do start my first fight I do destroy this little Bridge because I realize it’s made out of rope and I could easily get stuck on that when I’m fighting her so I do not want to do that and then with nothing else to do I break one of her big fat planta bulbs and we get down with our first attempt and to be honest it was a pretty shitty first attempt I don’t know if I got stabbed or if I hit one of our fart clouds but we did die and this was another Super difficult boss for me again taking around 2 hours and probably somewhere near 60 to 70 attempts it was horrible and she does this little thing where she almost turns into like a piece of pizza that’s what I’m going to use for it and you have to get to that position before she shoots out and the other horrible thing is when she plays for square with you and you’re trapped in a little tiny box and it’s just it’s a whole mess and also the amount of flower petals around the map is insane she is a boss I don’t ever want to have to fight again but after triy on air and many many attempts I finally get a good attempt in [Music] and now that we’re done with planta we can finally take a little chill pill for a little bit this has pretty much opened up a whole new section for unlocking new weapons new armor and even some new health upgrades and speaking of the new armor we can get this crazy cool looking armor called the umill armor which requires solar veils to craft and the only way you can get those is during an eclipse and so I go ahead I start up an eclipse I farm what I need and we can craft ourselves the new set and this armor is by far the coolest looking Rogue armor in this entire mod I mean just look at it it’s sweet and succulent and then now Health upgrades so the good thing about it/ infernum is you can go past like 500 health using like three or so permanent Health upgrades and after defeating planta we unlock our first one called the blood orange I do craft it up and we are sitting at a whopping 525 Health it isn’t a lot but the extra 25 could save us in the long run and with the new armor weapons and health upgrades I figured why not go fight the next boss but I make it to the beach set up a quick little house and I’m pretty sure her name is Anita or something and then of course you got crocogator the Leviathan in order to spawn this boss you do have to sit in the water and wait till she pretty much pops up it’ be like a little question mark and then I begin my first attempt and now her section of the fight is super super easy it’s just a lot of dodging these like weird little Spike things and then her blasting some dub step at you not really dub step but you know what I mean and that’s pretty much the easiest part of the fight but then you get big boy you know me I’m not the best at Terraria and this boss killed me tops probably like 50 times or something like that and the worst thing about him is when he dashes at you and he shoots out these little fart bubbles or something but God he is awful he was so awful to the point where I just went and fought the next boss astram orus don’t bully me I really don’t know how to say some of these names but this is the first boss you fight in the astral biome and to be honest I really enjoyed his boss fight even though I died probably another 50 times as well in his first phage is just making sure to dodge the things he shoots out and then he’ll eventually jump up in the air and slam down so it wasn’t that terrible and even going into the second stage it’s just that same stuff multiplied by three on top of him shooting rockets and stuff at you and even on his last phase multiply It Again by another three and you have a crazy Final Phase [Music] [Music] and after defeating astram Oris I was feeling pretty confident so I went back to fighting where I left off on the Leviathan and Anita once again just swooping through the Anita part but spending loads of time trying to fight the Leviathan but after around only 10 attempts I do learn how to dodge some of them and let’s just say I’m clean with it [Music] [Music] I unfortunately didn’t get anything good out of his treasure bag like the community and I’m like 100% sure there was Rogue weapon in there too that I needed and I did not feel like going back and fighting him again so I just continued on and decided to head to the Jungle because our next boss is Gollum and I do set up a bed next to the temple and get through that God awful temple with all those lizards absolutely horrendous and then I finally make it to his boss room set up a platform but unbeknownst you can’t even Place Platforms in there cuz he just breaks them anyway but man his boss fight was cool as [ __ ] even though it took me around like a day and a half to beat him his fight was just completely different than a lot of the other bosses I’ve foughten so far I mean he’s shooting his hands at you his head’s popping off and shooting down at you while lasers come down he’s slamming on you it’s just it’s different and I like it especially compared to the regular Golem and even at one point he makes these walls come out and you kind of got to play like a moving game with it at first it was difficult to understand it took me quite a lot of attempts to even figure out how to get through it perfectly but his boss fight was just so ultimately go did [Music] and now after defeating Gollum it does open up a new wide range of stuff for us to get pretty much just how anything progression wise goes in this game before we fight a certain amount of bosses I do want to get the hydrothermic armor which does require me to go into the abyss which I have pretty much yet to go into it all during this playthrough so this was all going to be new to me and we’re also going to need the subduction slicer and the duk’s decapitator but in order to get that of course we’ll have to fight Duke fishron and now before we do fight any I wanted to spend some time doing the events especially the Halloween Christmas all that jazz so I quickly go ahead just start him up get through pretty easy I’m pretty sure no one wants to see it but it’s pretty much the same and I figured I might as well go ahead and build another house because I still only have like two to three pylon system set up which honestly to my surprise looks pretty good but now it’s time to take on the abyss and on our journey down here we are looking for scoria ore this is the ore that is used in crafting the hydrothermic armor and I think you have to go to level two or level three of the Abyss so it’s not super terrible and I ended up getting it pretty easily and also fighting this new enemy type called a squid but my journey does come to an end pretty soon as I do die to a heat vent but thankfully I did get all that scoria and we are able to make hydrothermic armor and to be honest it looks pretty ugly but it does provide us with more defense and better Rogue damage and I also forgot to mention we can craft another Health upgrade called the miracle fruit this once again gives us another 25 Health added onto our base but we were’re ready for our next boss fight and of course that’s dookie boy and I’m not going to explain how you spawn him cuz everybody should know you spawn him idiots but yeah I head to the ocean re him on in and his fight honestly wasn’t that terrible I learned pretty quickly that you can just dodge into him to avoid him actually hitting you and it only took me around three attempts to actually beat him the only Parts you have to really worry about is when he shoots Bubbles at you throws up tornadoes which at some points can be a little Annoying and then has sharks that shoot up from the ground and then at his halfway mark he kind of goes Super Saiyan on you I just had to keep making sure I was dodging into him and things were looking pretty solid I do thankfully get the Duke decapitator off the first bag which was very nice didn’t have to fight him again didn’t have to buy any treasure bags but upon testing this weapon out it’s pretty [ __ ] so I don’t even end up really using it that much but I do think now is a good time to do another event of course the Martian Madness event cuz there’s one thing I specifically want out of there and that is the cosmic car key which thankfully I do get it to drop by flying saucer pretty quick and now it was time for one of the hardest bosses I think I’ve ever fought so far during this playthrough the plaguebringer Goliath I did end up fighting this boss in the same place as I fought plant at but holy good googly moly I had an immense amount of trouble fighting this boss and he ended up taking me around 80 attempts but going into his boss fight especially his first phase I was having to worry about him dashing at me occasionally shooting these rockets and then playing this game where I pretty much have to break out of prison is what it feels like but I was always always dying and I felt like I wasn’t doing enough damage at all it was tough and it just made me think into the future when I have to fight the devour of gods I didn’t know if I could do it but after after attempt after attempt of me dying constantly to the same things the fart clouds the missiles the little minions he throws at you I do try a new strategy which some of you might think is cheesy but I bring in the rod of Discord and this thing helped me a lot during the little Prison Break mini game he throws up for me I would have to just destroy the first one and then switch to my Discord and teleport out but it still wasn’t enough I just wasn’t doing enough damage but that wasn’t until I decided to try out that one weapon I said was super [ __ ] earlier the Duke Decap I don’t know why I tried it I think I was just angry and out of options but holy crap the stealth strike and the Damage that it comes with absolutely shredded the boss and I was feeling horrible because I just wasted 2 and 1/2 hours of my life when I could have just used a weapon that I’ve had in my inventory the whole time [Music] but for all you future Rogue players out there especially on infernum use the Duke’s decapitator trust me it will save your life and maybe a few broken controllers monitor desk you know what I mean but even after that headache of a fight I just had I decided why not just fight the ravager and believe it or not I beat him first try which was honestly the kind of Serotonin boost I needed right now and I pretty much used the same weapon the Duke’s decapitator it would stop his arms from flying out which was a big help for him and did still a massive amount of damage and then of course dodging his fleshy meat walls but we do thankfully beat him [Music] and I figured why not for the shits and giggles I’ll fight the Empress of light but I mean look at this move set I spent five attempts doing this gave up right after that she can wait until I’m done with the game but we are now in the final stretch of hard mode we just have the lunatic cultist Asam deu the pillars and then of course the man the myth the legend himself moonl Lord and at this point I was ready to be done with hard mode I wanted to fight the post Moon Lord bosses so bad so I didn’t even care about grinding for anything at the moment I don’t even think there was anything for me to grind for but I went straight in to the lunatic cultist fight and to be fair The Lunatic cultist boss fight was pretty cool we were just dodging orange orbs and some pretty cool lightning strikes and you know the man is Doctor Strange himself I still die a few times because you know that’s that’s just who I am I I die a lot in this play through and even on his second stage he does this really cool like pattern attack I don’t know what to call it but he’s honestly no match for me and I get him down and dead really quickly and of course the pillar spawn but there was one tiny little boss we had to fight before Moon Lord astram deuce in order to spawn this bad boy there’s a little monolith thing over in the astral biome that requires Titan hearts don’t know if you remember earlier in the video when I talked about it and it does this really cool Spawn animation when you do spawn them in it’s pretty sick and you start his boss fight by him pretty much dashing at you and then shooting meteors at you and then it’s a lot of a circular motion you have to do on him he does end up doing this really cool Orange Line stuff where he’ll teleport shoot out very very fancy and you do also have to incorporate dodging into him which will be helpful later on down the line I won’t spoil it for now and he does occasionally launch which I to be like some sort of Sun at you which first off is pretty pretty sick and then the dude summons a black hole that you have to spin around and Visually he is the coolest boss I think I’ve found so far [Music] [Music] and upon defeating astram Deuce you can now mine the astral ore which I do use to make a new weapon called the Radiant Star it’s a pretty sick Rogue weapon it’s pretty much a buffed up crystalline way back in the beginning but with nothing else left to do I go to each pillar destroy them and we get our first attempt on with the moon [Music] Lord and oh yeah he makes his own arena for you which completely [ __ ] up my first attempt and forget what I said about plaguebringer being the hardest boss I’ve fought so far during this play through the moon Lord was absolutely [ __ ] terrible the more attempts I put in I still could not understand how to dodge a lot of his stuff and even with the Rogue weapons I had I had to switch out a lot just to figure out which one did the right amount of damage it was just horrible and this boss took me around 200 attempts in over two nights of playing him and I even had some of my good friends like wild L mayo and I’m CER join up just to see me struggle with this boss all right putty all right all right yikes I’ve went through every [ __ ] like weapon that is like good bro too maybe you just need to get better but thankfully after 200 deaths I finally get a good attempt [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but now we were done with hard mode and of course the next thing is post Moon Lord bosses we are now in the post moonlord stage of Inferno and thankfully this is our last push toward W the end but there are still around 17 bosses I have yet to defeat for completion so it’s really time to focus it up and before we go fight our first post moonl Lord boss we do have some gearing up to do which includes making a very nice set of imperion armor and a ton of new rogue weapons for me to try out I do go ahead and open up Moon Lord’s treasure bag and it gives me a hefty amount of lumini ore because God knows no one wants to fight Moon Lord again or at least me for instance because I struggled with his ass but thankfully I can craft the new set of imperian armor right off the rib and I think this armor has to be one of the most unique looking armors in all of Inferno I mean look at my little feet dangle when I move around and I can actually craft this new rogue weapon called the elemental disc which of course is another Boomerang INF ferum loves their boomerangs for some reason and this weapon should be strong due to its stealth strike factor of causing it to pierce through enemies and spawn extra disc more frequently which is crazy to have going into the post Moon Lord stage of the game and I do craft some new wings called The Exodus Wings which gives me some crazy maneuverability and some very very nice life time and then I get caught up on all the accessories I need for right now and then I reforged a little bit and I also craft this new rogue weapon called the lunar kunai which this will be my new main weapon for a little bit mainly because it actually homes the bosses and enemies because Lord knows I can’t hit my shots and then I head down to the area where we’re finally going to fight our first post Moon Lord boss and way back at the beginning of the video I came across this place I had no idea what it was but we could finally enter it and it has this very beautiful scenery with this little bit of lore that I don’t really care too much to read and come to find out I can’t even summon the boss because I need a profane Shard but luckily I’m down here and was able to farm a few enemies and craft it up and we gave it our first attempt at the profane Guardians and the fight goes unexpected I wasn’t expecting this Flappy Bird scenario at all and completely caught me off guard and better yet I had somebody watching me is what it looked like as well so who even knows but as any of my first attempts go I do die loads of times but for the remainder of these bosses I’m not going to go crazy with showing the amount of attempts and little bits of me explaining what exactly these bosses do because I’m sure a lot of you are here to see the boss fight and just for further proof I’ll put my attempts right here [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] but since there was nothing progression wise for me to do I went straight into fighting the dragon Folly and it was just a game of going left to right across my map pretty much and thankfully I only ended up dying one time [Music] and now that we’re done with the dragon Folly I went back to the profane Gardens and went a little bit farther down and here you find a whole new Arena for one very difficult boss which of course is Providence the profane goddess and you guys don’t even understand the amount of struggle I had with this boss I mean you have to get extremely lucky with the first phase trying not to get hit by these things she’s sucking in and it’s just it’s pretty much all about timing that is all it is but thankfully after about 2 hours of fighting her the struggle was over [Music] [Music] and now that we’re done with Providence I open up the bag and I get this thing called the Rune of cost which will allow us to fight the next few bosses and then it was gear upgrade time but before I set off I did find out you can actually check how many deaths you have and at this moment in time I at a th000 deaths exactly which I don’t know if that’s a lot or very small you guys can bully me down in the comments it’s whatever but besides that we’re heading to the Jungle because I need to get this new ore that had just spawned called Ula Bloom this will allow us to make some very nice Teragon armor and some Teragon throwing darts which is of course a new rogue weapon so I collect as much uloom as I can go back craft up the Teragon armor looks absolutely beautiful so much better than the imperion Armor but we are now able to fight one of the bosses with the Rune of cost and that is the ceaseless void so I make my way to the dungeon go to his little room and this boss fight isn’t that horrible at all I did find a nice little spot I could sit in so I could avoid it shooting at me and I just threw them Teragon throwing darts like my life depended on it but I do eventually get it [Music] [Music] [Applause] and now before we fight our next boss it is time to build the biggest Arena I think I’ve ever built across any of my teria playthroughs [Music] and I mean look at the size of this thing it’s freaking massive and the reason I need this big of arena is for the final few bosses being the devour of gods yaron exox All That Jazz but now we can finally return to fighting some bosses and our first one on the list is storm weeper and I’m starting to think Calamity really loves their worm bosses because I think this is probably like the third or fourth one I’ve foughten so far and to be quite Fair he was a pretty cool boss his first phase you’re just dodging little things that rain down from the sky he’s shooting things off of him and cool little lightning strikes as well the second phase does get a little bit heated with some little spinny attacks and him shooting things at you and after about two attempts I do get a pretty good one in [Music] [Music] and our boss spre isn’t done just yet we’re going straight into signis this boss once again only taking two attempts for me to beat and his fight is pretty cool [Music] [Music] [Music] and I know these boss battles are coming back to back off of each other but we still have one more left before we take a little break and that is of course poter Gast so I head back down to where I fought this Lisa’s void got a pretty nice Arena setup and spent I don’t even know how many attempts fighting him it’s a lot of going around in circles pretty much making sure to dodge these little pink things and the biggest trouble for me was the skulls he shoots out I couldn’t figure out how to time it or Dodge it or whatever for the life of me it was just gut-wrenching and that freaking godforsaken Final Stand f he does absolutely horrible it took me a good a few attempts to get it down but I still died a lot but thankfully only after 20 attempts we do beat him [Music] we are now ready to fight probably my most anticipated boss fight out of this whole Inferno playthrough the devour of gods and before I get into anything else here’s what my first attempt looked like yeah I really could not comprehend this boss at all I died a whopping 700 times to this boss spending well over 10 hours straight without moving the occasional bathroom break but it was absolutely horrendous and this is the only time I’ll ever allow a skill issue because it really is a skill issue you have to be so precise with your timing on the Dodges because two hits and you’re pretty much a goner and it also didn’t help that I was doing his whole thing wrong as well and eventually I set up a system using a bed you guys might say it’s cheesing it but I don’t really care this boss drained every piece of Sanity I had left in my body but anyways here is my attempt that made me whole again [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] and after that disgusting amount of time fighting that boss I was finally able to craft some new armor of course being the godslayer armor looks absolutely amazing in my opinion the best out of infernum and it’s time to fight yon and once again this boss absolutely trained me as well thankfully only taking me about 50 attempts but the amount of dodging watching out for his fire tornadoes just every everything about him absolutely raked but we do eventually get it they have managed to demolish whatever we made but you’re failing to comprehend if they can they will easily P you home while you’re blinded by your depression I have gotten to the point where I just to Afra that you’re going to and then still with no stopping straight into the exox once again dying a gruesome amount of times but eventually getting him as well [Music] and we are now on the last boss Supreme calamitus also another grueling boss that I absolutely despise but I’m going to keep it short and just roll the boss fight [Music] but we were finally done and if you made it to the end thank you for watching I really don’t know what video I’m going to do next and if you did make it to the end comment mommy of light or something but anyways hope you guys enjoyed and I’ll see you guys in the next video

#terraria #gaming #steam #youtubegaming #youtubeshorts #shorts #terrariamobile
Today I take on infernum as the worst class in the game, rogue class… Will it be fun or will it suck? Who knows…

Music in Video
Profound Guardians:
Ceaseless Void: 2:59
Storm Weaver: 1:00
Signus: 4:49
Devourer of Gods:
Exo Mechs:
Supreme Calamitis:

Become A Member Today!

00:00 Intro
00:42 The First of Many
11:24 Halfway Mark PH
25:41 It only gets worse
41:40 Halfway to the end
57:47 Part of the journey is the end
1:08:18 The 4 Evils




  1. Funny enough, I’m doing this exact run with my brother rn, we’re currently on Yharon and he’s a huge pain on his last phase. Amazing vid tho, you’re a real one!

  2. Idk how much u can say u liked this mod but if u wnat a similar bullethell death simulator game I wou recommend realm of the mad God exalted. Same idea bullet hell but 2 key differences 1 it's Prema death 2 there is a instant home safe button. Just an idea if u like this type of torture (also it's a mmo so get to be social)

  3. Just finished my first infurnum run on ranger! This video came out with good timing. My run took 85 hours so I can feel some of your pain. Rouge is ass though.

  4. 1:10:12
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Something odd about this.
    Notice if you might that he actually gets hit with almost no hp by the devours jump from portal to portal, an atack that can almost 1 shot a full tank, the message in the chat box says he got killed but instead instanly respawns on the bed with full hp, he does lose the small tad bit of adrenaline, something that does infact confirm that he was hit and killed but was taken back to the fight with full hp, alowing him to finish what would have been just another failed attempt should this not have happened, and judging by how quickly he past by the last bosses, yharon, draedon and calamitas theres something that tells me thag either he didn't have the time or will to edit or show his deaths, or cheated by having an instant respawn and panickly tried to end the video.
    Of course this is just speculation but its something that my eyes caught.
    (Sorry if I repeat some part as I am writting this on a phone, its my skill issue of being broke.)

  5. Love how in the end we just skip yharon, draedon and calanitas, we don't get to see their fights in full like the devour or the moonlord, kinda dissapointing but oh well guess time awaits for no man, especially one brought to heel by this run.

  6. 1:11:52
    Now please i beg forgiveness but that looks like got hit several times by one of the twins show, he doesn't have a dodge or sponge to kinda make it look real.
    He is using invunerability here.

  7. Okay so.
    This is going to sound insane but given what I have seen with my eyes, something tells me those graves he placed in the fights againts the mechs and calamitas were fake, just to GIVE the impression that he did die a lot of times to take both of them down, notice how at the end of the scal fight gets hit in the desperation phase but doesn't lose adren or have a dodge.
    So the last bosses after dog were pointless and fake, if we don't include what happened in the dog fight of course.

  8. Brother I just woke up and saw your video btw. Why do you think rogue is bad rogue is really fun and powerful, it may seem he is bad near mid game but that’s it. ( the ranger class is agreed upon many to be the worst calamity class )

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