Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 104 – The Final Bundle

hello again everyone welcome back to a stardew valley it is day 11 of winter uh my idium hoe is ready we got squid Fest coming up which would be a good time to get a squid to give to Willie because I still need to do this from last year weather report welcome to K 5 and number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow bundle up folks is going to snow tomorrow and our special forecast of the fern islands is going to be clear and sunny all day oh I see a glimmer within my scry or A Shard of Knowledge from the future Spirits are very happy today they will do their best to shower everyone with Good Fortune all right definitely going to the uh Minds today welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another tip for yall now listen up fish Focus catfish is relatively rare fish comes out of hiding and when it rains you’ll find them living in rivers besides towns where they enjoy feeding on whatever scraps you end up in the water they don’t like hot weather so don’t bother fishing for them in the summer a 23 crops already in the greenhous 23 did I mess something up there ween nothing’s ready yep right inventory is full right I do have two propeller hats kind of surprised that things don’t uh emerge up together in here like there’s no duplicating [Music] all [Music] right get that in there [Music] [Music] is that regular speed grow that’s regular speed grow you know what I don’t care about regular speed grow how much does that sell for 300 ah dang it I missed one okay how about [Music] pomegranates there we go all right sell off the apple jelly and the dried common mushrooms get you in there get you in there there we go all right so the hoe is ready but I think we’ll wait a little bit as well to uh redo some of our Fields okay there’s our dinosaur mayonnaise now I think it’s going to quickly get to be a point where um it’s actually better to sell the um the eggs unless they’re like zero Stars kind of thing [Music] Oh I thought you guys uh I thought they ma eventually maxed out on hearts and didn’t need this clearly I need an auto patter that is clearly what I need all right so first that um [Music] grab that and what eggs do we want to do I think duck eggs get the cheese in there all right now I’m getting pomegranates here now that I don’t actually need them okay I think there was something that was not I’ll have to keep an eye on on them oh duh there we go okay put you away put you away youu away and nope stop it there we go you away all right speed grow is done there we go do have a lot of speed grow all right yep got some things done very [Music] nice no don’t drink the maple syrup going to use that for other things [Music] okay oops [Music] okay so um I’ll go ahead and crack open the geodes as well cuz I want to try to get the [Music] um I want to try to get uh the Petrified [Music] slime what do we got here six red slimes I can do that getting in my way dang it all right first thing to do the missing bundle dinosaur mayonnaise there we go no actual reward all the others made it back except me now I can go home too thank you thank you bye-bye a bye-bye so many stars something good will happen soon all right let’s get my iridium hoe very nice you received an aridium hoe all right let’s go for the idium pan thanks I’ll get started on this as soon as I can it should be ready in a couple of days and process geod nope nope [Music] nope nope disappointing all right well I got these I might as well uh I’m not sure if you can get the petrified slime out of these [Music] oh well all right donate to the museum [Music] H all right let’s put the dolls over [Music] here right new [Music] reward didn’t mean to pick that one up all right what’s our reward burnt offering all right y prize ticket time fancy house plant oh one fairy dust all right so we’ve got uh almost all aridium equipment there’s a strange doll all right to the mines I’m going to put this in here give here you got get a little color in here ah this reminds me of home you’re not a spy sent by the shadow people are you I’m keeping my eye on you miners treat sure let’s just have that the idium slimes in the Skull Cave do count for this do need Stone let’s go down oh golden Mystery Box nice another golden mystery box [Applause] all right three out of six four out of six all out of six a shadow dagger don’t really care about that oh six bat wings that’s pretty good [Music] all right I think that’s going to be our last uh slime let’s just grab things up here yep there we go y I suppose I could go uh turn that in right now uh in fact I probably should because I do need to see Abigail at night [Applause] let’s just go ahead and use this bomb okay let’s go ahead and leave I mean it’s a lucky day but I don’t know can I get into the house not sure if I need to be in there before 8 or not but I guess we’ll find out hey was hoping you’d show up I want to show you something see this it’s called a spirit board have you ever used one actually have never used a Ouija board put your hands on the plet planchet with me now the spirits will guide us toward a look it’s moving [Music] first letter is I next is heart wow look at it go it’s spelling out Elman iHeart Elman oops I accidentally knocked over the board it’s just a silly game it doesn’t mean anything oh I mean we’re we’re you are my girlfriend so I um have something to do you’ll have to go sorry okie dokie I don’t have my mermaid’s pennant I do have something else nope not in there where is she H what am I going to make for dinner tonight maybe I’ll just take get take out from the saloon I’m going to surprise Caroline tonight with a dinner and a bottle of stardew red don’t tell anyone just showed him my sword wow H I wonder where Abigail is I don’t know can I still get in here I can good evening ah I’m Anda you helped us with our slime problem thank you I hope you didn’t go through too much trouble I know it can be really hard to get that sticky slime out of your clothes I’ve definitely ruined a few good pairs of pants trying to catch those little squirmers I can remember Papa going into a rage after I got rainbow slime all over my brand new twill pants well anyways enjoy your reward there we go all right well since I can’t find uh Abigail I don’t have the uh other thing on me anyway that I might want to give her so I think we just go back to the mine since I have time for that all right let’s look for uh Prismatic [Music] slime here a little slimy here little slimy oh little [Music] slime where are you I’m not seeing you I just want to lightly murder you is that so wrong it really isn’t I don’t know if this is the best way of doing it or not all right another dwarf scroll I got a cherry bomb get that dwarf scroll out of there well I might as well take this okay now down to 40 now down to [Music] 50 I’ll go on nope I me if I get another uh in Ed layer then that would be helpful 60 well might as well use these cherry bombs don’t care about the shadow dagger and I don’t really want to go sell it manually all right let’s go down to 70 I don’t know if we get uh do I have any other bombs I do not all right this is a lot of goodies so I’m going to take them uh uh what is up with this I don’t think I’ve ever seen that lay out before all right but it’s about time to leave all right back to the bus stop come along horsey let’s go home okay uh I’m going to need more copper bars so let’s go ahead and get those in those put away and go to sleep go to sleep for the night all right junimos are doing something to the old joja Mart day 11 of winter year two so we got uh 200 for the speed grow and a fair bit for all the apple jelly and dried common mushrooms and everything 11,000 all right another day of trying to uh find the Prismatic slime I suppose uh squid Fest and book seller that’s right I do want to do squid Fest maybe I’ll do squid fest tomorrow welcome to kou 5 number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecaster tomorrow it’s going to be clear and sunny all day yeah and our special forecast of the fern Islands reging it’s going to be clear and sunny all day welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future while you’ve come to the right place Spirits feel neutral today the day is in your hands okay I do need to get some more hay pretty soon 24 crops already in the greenhouse 49 machines ready squid Fest has begun nothing’s ready there hi um I just wanted to say sorry for acting so weird yesterday you probably understand what happened uh okay bye I do need to reme remind myself to check when the weddings occur [Music] all right so we’re up to nine aridium bars um got some quality fertilizer okay I do have some for there I don’t quite have enough fiber yet mainly just because I haven’t been uh working it okay get bait in there let’s see the best things for for uh my Advanced aridium rod don’t care about the sonar bobber increases the bite rate all right let’s take the cork [Music] [Music] bobber but sonar bobber in there I don’t remember what the rewards are for squid Fest but I do know that you need to catch a lot of squid for [Music] him okay they’re still not asking for anything all of that is ready all right so I do have enough of these go and sell that [Music] all right let’s go ahead and pet all of our animals make sure that they’re staying happy okay what do we want to make um I think void mayonnaise regular cheese I’ll take that out I don’t want another tree growing do need to get all that there we go and I do need to uh redo the stuff in there soon as well all right I don’t have my thing nothing’s ready there we go all right now time to head down to squid Fest once I drop off a few things here helps if I put something in there doesn’t it all right uh I can put these back inside later let’s get to squid Fest wait it’s Friday there two things that I need to [Music] do go too far that way [Music] apparently oh my Lord help us and I’ll give you something nice snow yam juice and pickled cave carrot okay I will keep that in mind hello um fried eel is plus one luck I’ll take that [Music] nothing [Music] else oh the book sellers in town today you know what maybe we’ll do squid fest tomorrow I’ll focus on other things today we’ll see how it goes we shall see how it goes you in there as long as I’m up and around here oh missed a phone call I don’t know who was calling me why can’t I get an answering [Music] machine all right uh book seller think these are the only books that I have right as long as I am doing this [Music] um room rid’s pendant is it 3 days [Music] [Music] H okay so it is 3 days let me see what day we want to do that that’d be at the night market um I think Thursday the 18th would be the best so we want to do that on the 15th there isn’t really anything going on that day okay get on my horse I’ll come back for the [Music] okay I heard you 15 iron ores all right well I will need to actually uh visit you tomorrow probably ah we now have a movie theater nice let’s trade in [Music] books so we get some stuffing and 20 coal that’s fine all right seven mystery boxes for a mystery for a book of mysteries which I’m not sure that I’ve read yet no I have all right so I don’t know what these are wonder if I can look that up CU I would like to know um okay so this one only shows up in year three so that’s good to know okay this one I can get from the uh the dwarf in the volcano dungeon and this one I can go buy from Marney anytime so we can get one of those pretty easily can enter the theater without a ticket oh get your movie tickets right here give one to a friend to invite them to the show I’m going to hold off on that for [Music] now guess I will to go do some uh fishing for squid Fest are there any other fish that I need wonder One octopi show up winter during Night Market okay so we can get it at uh the night market we can get it uh at Ginger Island as well so that’s good let me see what else we need to get are these in order these do appear to be in order all right but we can get the octopus and all seasons on uh the island so there is that uh this one I can get at any time basically wait these are not in order that is the one it looked like it was in order and then it decided not to be okay so that one we can get in the mines this one we can get in the [Music] sewers uh looking to see if there’s anything else that I don’t recognize yeah all right these are out on the uh Islands this one this one and this one and this one Are all uh the other legendary fish okay but I do need another squid so oh don’t mind me I’m just here for the bulk squid prices I just walked right through [Applause] you okay I can’t really see what the uh rewards are [Music] perfect see cucumber seaweed come on squidy there’s [Applause] one that’s not a squid game okay that’s two so I need to get eight if I get eight then I will quit early there we go and another Elvish Jew all right a four halfway there I imagine you could get like 16 and and get two of the rewards but I don’t think I need to do that sardine another sardine I don’t remember what the rewards are for this one [Applause] red mullet come on squidy you’re not a Squiddy you’re just a sardine I want [Applause] squidy here squiddies you are also not a Squiddy [Music] here squidy squidy [Music] [Applause] squidy work you are not a squid I demand squid getting a lot of sardines here fishing tackle worn out which one can’t go and get more [Music] so our bite rate has decreased because of this I wonder if the four carries over till tomorrow probably not squid I demand that you appear get into my my fish P Pocket we’re not a squid red mullet row a geod two rubies it’s not too bad that is not what I want come on red mullet [Music] yep another red mullet [Applause] yep getting a lot of seaweed it’s not what I want you tricked me sardine no halet I guess we’re just doing it for the [Applause] halbot this might be a squid uh probably not I don’t think it’s moving enough oh alore my other fishing tackle has worn out fishing tackle really does not last very long does it nice perfect albore this might be a squid there we go there’s five so three more and looks like another one not very good at fishing these guys up but that’s six this is going to be seven a scuppered me probably not although it’s uh no okay Alor just need two more this is not one hering a well I should have uh let it get a little bit higher a little too greedy albore I think maybe halit albore [Music] [Applause] there’s a halban [Applause] oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no yes stay there thank you there we go that’s seven squid R I’m not sure if you can actually get squid row any other [Music] way DOA another Herring feels like it might be a squid that is it all right got our squid get rewards all right [Applause] all right I can come back for them [Applause] I’m going to need to come out here one day and uh clean this out [Applause] again we go I got space all right then I can decide what I actually want to uh take back with me that should just be right in there there we go all right got it all perfect very low on energy for the first time in a while all right let’s put everything in here that I [Music] can all right things that I definitely want to take back [Applause] to the [Music] farm I need to give Willie a squid and the gold star squid is probably the best choice um Alor can get can start getting [Applause] uh worked on let’s take the uh red mullet row okay I’ll to come back for this [Applause] stuff right why did I leave my horse all the way down here come on horsey all right seafoam pudding is uh pretty good for stuff for uh fishing though might want to use that next time I’m I’m planning to do some hey bunny I know it’s getting late next time I’m planning to do some uh um legendary fish fishing dish of the sea is pretty good too all right I only have the one uh one thing to put on at the moment so I just kind of feel like using them up anyway um go and sell regular speed grow sell the nautilus shell don’t need that we’ll keep that around what do I have in here squid wise I have just a regular squid on that case give that to Willie start smoking some fish powder melons in there and we just go to sleep there we go more triple shot espresso I need to make some more uh coffee all right let’s go to sleep for the night all right day 12 of winter made a fair bit of money 15,150 11760 and 100 for 27,000 so dried pomegranates go for quite a bit duck mayonnaise Jee our nautilus shell aged blobfish Row for 11,760 and then of course just the speed grow all right but that is going to wrap us up for this episode when we come back next time uh we are closing in on um the end of the uh well not the end of the season uh on the night market uh which will have things that I want to uh purchase um I should probably make another seed maker because I want to make a bunch of strawberry seeds uh I do like planting those in spring so that is something to uh to do but that will be for next time I do need to reorganize my um my fields and that is something that I definitely need to do maybe that’ll come up I also got to try to find that Prismatic slime only have a couple more days for that but I’ll see how that goes next time see you then everyone

Let’s complete the final bundle for the last remaining Junimo!


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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