Hiding Under My Friends House until we get Caught…

my friend Linux is currently streaming while playing on his Minecraft world and I have somehow convinced two of my dumbest friends to hide with me in his house trying to complete challenges the harder the challenge that you complete the more money you win one problem if at any point Linux catches you inside his house you lose all the money you collected and the video is over let’s finally figure out which one of my friends is truly the dumbest let’s do this so this right here is my friend linx’s house and it’s currently 2: a.m. so nobody is on the right now the perks of being a British man but this is a house that I’ve only ever seen once before and I refuse to believe that Linux built this beautiful house cuz he’s terrible at building and I guarantee you somebody helped him with this but the size of this house actually comes in handy today because if you come down here into this room everything looks normal but if you throw these goggles of true Vision on you notice something that’s going on below the stairs and if you’re crazy enough you can walk through the blocks leading us into this room this is where I’m going to set the spawn of my two friends lier and bionic and they’re going to come and help me in a challenge room under linux’s house and as you can see there’s all these boxes and if you right click a box it will give you a random challenge so if I click this one here there we go it gives us a CH okay that’s seriously messed up whoever made these that’s so messed up and then if you complete the challenge that it says you get $250 added to the total but for every challenge I complete the money comes off in instead so they’d lose 250 If I complete that challenge I’m going to disable name tags and see how long we can hide under his house completing random challenges and if someone’s dumb enough to click this 5,000 box the challenge is impossible if you get caught by Linux at any point the challenge is over and you are out you go away with nothing now all I have to do is wait until a good time and everyone’s on the server to let the games begin this is going to be so good Batman and hello my friend hello give me my cooked pork chops so I’m thinking we get gold diamond I think that’s best case scenario okay let us see do I have a water bucket on me no but I have ender pearl so I can get up and down um I can grab that iron but I don’t really need iron bro I just need diamonds I think I need to start a forest fire there’s a bit too many trees all right guys here we are and we’re Linux is above us but we can talk as loud as we want because he’s mut dude he’s mut that was so scary don’t sorry all right who want first he’s right okay Li go on you go first then go ahead wait I want to go first oh my God God okay so like what what is this I can you right click right click any of these boxes and I get the money that’s on the box but you have to complete the challenge that the Box tells you to H is there diamonds down here is there diamonds probably not no all right so bro um where have I not been where have I not been what are you doing down here is there any like difficulty level like the do the 5,000 one oh he the 1,000 SP and kill a creeper with wooden sword in his house in his house so there you go for $1,000 that’s your challenge bro I wanted that one that was easy all right fine I’ll grab the okay cool now just one iron cool um oh and he’s not allowed to see me right if he catches you you’re out you’re finished okay okay cool cool cool M up oh this is the Batcave the actual Batcave right here this is nuts oh my brother don’t worry about it at good all right all right all right so make sure he’s not here Place him down and then oh my gosh get back in get back in get back in I’m trying I’m trying work but I did he did wait does that mean I fail you didn’t but now he’s on high alert you idiot why would you do that I’ve not gotten all the iron yet from here cuz I got enough iron and now I’m trying to get diamonds but like bro what else am I supposed to get there’s no diamonds here okay I’m going to go check what that was it was definitely a creeper he didn’t say anything in chat though he say anything jaat exactly it’s fine put $1,000 on the screen bro who already had 50 why would it explode all right let’s go congratulations 10,000 and no it will be 1,50 there was 50 no I put that 50 there just so you knew the challenge okay do I want to get that no all right now it’s my turn let me show you how it’s done okay okay cool no I should go check on the house I should go check on Batman let me got b i I’m going to go I’m going to go I’m going to go for a simple one now that he’s on higher look thanks lier wait wait wait yo do you see him through the wall you guys see him where is he oh he’s right there he’s right there bro we don’t have to shift though right cuz our name tags are hidden yeah our name tag hid we don’t have name tags we go freaking out about that here we go I pick this one obious all the crops and replot them easy baby wait what that’s e yo I feel like that’s harder than the creeper no I feel like that’s way harder it’s not good luck my friend good luck he’s on that you got this John got this you got this you got this you got all right boys yeah he’s oh dear yo should we kiss while he’s G man you all right o de o de o de no I I don’t want to okay all right where is he he’s up here he’s up here where’s the crops where are the crops man good good good good good good good good are they out here I don’t know where his crops are oh my God I’m thinking secret chest put all my iron and gold into which one do you think I should go for what the yo get away from me bro yo okay chill chill chill I don’t know where his crops are guys where should I put it though is the question there they are they here they here they here I think you should go for the 5,000 this is it this is it this is how we do it make a crafting table we just got a put the crafting table right here make a chest okay secret chest goes oh my God I just heard him punch a stupid lagger isn’t it right there okay okay okay okay this is enough wait how do you open it this is definitely enough okay I make the rules here this is enough okay secret chest there just in case I break it why are they fighting they’re so loud boom look at that and I’ll put my iron leg leggings in there wait Unbreaking okay same thing all right we go there we go that’s enough look i’ I I’ve got 27 that’s more than enough all right all right all right all right now we got to somehow get back inside oops oops oops oops oops oops oops oops oops say chocolate but get away from me bro stay over there stay over there stay back stay back where is oh he’s up there Qui oops oops oops wait yo oh my gosh oh he’s back you made it you made it I made it that was easy that was it easy it was easy bro he was on say anything okay so of course you know what that means that means you guys lose how much was that $100 oh wait we lose money if he didn’t even tell us if I win you lose the money if you no we’re not a team here um we’re going to go to a different M this one’s horrible if you guys win you get the money what cuz I’m the one we can’t keep fighting about a poop sword all right we’re got to team up yeah we got to team up bro hold on all right okay you guys I’ve already been every everywhere there can you guys stop hitting each other when I’m upd you can hear the pow PW pow pow pow constantly oh we weren’t hitting each other yeah okay that is having fun but yo Danny get the red one bro all right my turn my turn yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I already have the no no no please please please and I don’t oh I didn’t even put the iron away didn’t even put the iron away what’s wrong with me oh dog do I have bones no I don’t sorry Mr dog you will not be tamed today you got to save the L please no come on oh my god listen up laging come on wait what when did that get there nah no chance these red ones on like I’ll I’ll go for 500 just to keep it safe just to keep it safe okay fine fine fine fine all right no no no no no Leer’s house is literally like right around the corner mey this one place down the water and catch a fish you have to place it down inside the house so bro that should be the 10,000 one this is stupid oh hey Mr B what are you doing unlooted bro bro I have a feeling wait dude I have a feeling Donnie knows all the easy ones bro no I don’t oh my God I think so too I I didn’t set these off I swear five armor eight armor I guess Diamond’s better prepare yourselves to see the best fisherman you’ve ever seen okay okay okay wait where is he got a golden ho this is like my third Diamond hoe that or gold hoe that I’ve had the other ones were stolen from liger okay okay I muted up this is it this is it see I don’t want to make a mine dude I haven’t even been like exploring this like house too much I I don’t know where we should do this I don’t have a pickaxe I don’t have anything oh my gosh my least favorite thing in Minecraft is creating on my own mind wait why would I create my own mind when there’s already mins dude I might need a pickaxe like how where am I going to unless I put the water right here oh my gosh wait low key this might be the best thing ever why would I want to spend an hour trying to dig a hole when there’s already holes all over the world and then I could lowkey hide right here cuz if he comes in through the front entrance he won’t see me oh my gosh wait this might actually be the best spot all right all right 3 2 1 boom okay okay here goes nothing here goes nothing go fishy go go fishy go come on gang gang I don’t have to crouch we don’t have to crouch is it just me maybe it’s just me and I don’t want to run 30 blocks in that direction so then I have to just come all or 100 blocks in that direction so I have to run 100 100 blocks back I want to be within like 30 blocks because obviously you know my name tag is hidden is that him oh that’s just a freaking wait where is he I don’t see his name tag anywhere did I loot this this looks familiar all right we got to keep her eyes peeled bro I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that’s ever meant I don’t think anybody knows who ever made that stupid thing about keeping your eyes peeled what does that mean no I don’t think I did I put torches everywhere but I don’t have any more torches yeah well the only thing I’m going to keep peeled is the water don’t know what that means either come on I just have to remember where this one is oh my gosh I’m so terrified now I’m so terrified right now come on dude I’m keeping an eye out for him but I also can’t miss out on the opportunity oh wait wait we might be on something to actually get the like the fishy come on come on come on my toes are tingling just iron no maybe I should break these shroom blocks to get like more water what do you guys think or as Donnie would say iron I don’t know who’s iron but no a lily pad are you kidding me bro bro bro bro that is so cheese that is so cheese what if I break this what if I break that okay okay yeah I might be able to see like uh like the fishes more right the the bubbles I have no idea dude if if if he comes back now I’m actually screwed I am actually screwed I need to I I need to secure this 500 bucks oh bro I thought that was diamonds but it’s just his sword don’t hit me I’ll give you permission let’s get a bite nibble on it please oh my gosh no oh my I have a stack already bro no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it’s over it’s over it’s over oh my gosh it’s over oh my gosh it’s over yo yo ain’t no way bro we already have an entire stack give me that um get that going boom do I have more lava oh my gosh no shot no shot no shot no shot no shot bro bro bro bro he is right there he is right there oh my nuts dude I might actually crap myself I might actually crap myself I swear lava bucket lava bucket and then yeah it should be fine you can put the gold in there I think we are in literally the best position right now and then can I cook anything yeah I can wait it’s a blast furnace all come on come on come on I need to get this fish AAP I need to get this fish ASAP I got a stupid Lily Pad before I can’t believe that um I can cook the raw beef right there how did he not see me moving back I’m moving back I’m moving back I’m moving back I’m moving back wait where did the beef go oh wait oh there’s iron in that one that’s why I was like bro why is it not going wait he’s actually a bot wait he’s actually a bot oh and I could cook this too oh I could cook all the food oh my gosh actually the worst man oh yeah there we go everything’s cooking I got the food I got the fish I got the fish I got the fish go how do I how do I go go go kind of weird you have to you have to cook everything now you have to smell everything maybe that’s a good thing though so so it’s not as easy cuz Minecraft used to be super Rel like relatively easy the hard part was learning the game now everybody knows how to play the game so now you have to make it a bit harder to do oh my gosh crazy we saw it that was crazy let go oh God almost had like 40 heart attacks during that but I got it I got salmon the salmon let’s [Music] go what do I need all right you know what I’m I’m going to go for an easy one you know I’m going to make myself 100 bucks let’s go you got this can I trade anyone gold or swap the painting with different paintings that’s the phot that you’re you’re going to have to change it with this so just don’t get caught putting it up fine so I have to find a painting right it has to be a painting it can’t be a so the paintings the paintings are on the second floor I think and there’s like a it’s like a big Square see have all Donnie says is shut up to me cool he just lost a trading partner wait what if he notices he’s going to notice yeah has to find him right yeah yeah yeah he has to spot him he can notice it but he has to spot lier doing it okay okay okay okay dude no you’re a little rat bro how is that $100 all right I see you there next I just got to be careful about it what in the world huh second floor real quick sweep up now where the flip are the paintings bro this is such a big house here they are how did this happen what the broi wait do I just break all of them oh he’s coming back he’s coming back that is crazy a comic in the sound that is crazy no no no get rid of them one by one that is H why is half of it grown and half of it’s not he’s not coming upstairs that’s good why are these two missing another one boom boom bro if another sheep somehow got in and just walked on it I think I’m going to cry all right place it down oh my God that looks beautiful all right let’s go back I have to make it back with I’m seeing okay oh [Music] Batman Batman Batman no no Batman I just made so much noise I just made so much noise help help I got you a fish where’ the fish go I have to dig down I have to dig down there’s no other way the there’s no other way okay I had you a fish go go go what he broke the what go oh my god dude you’re a psychopath you’re a psychopath my god did you put up yes bro he walked upstairs cuz I opened the chest by accident then I had to dig straight down oh my oh my god there you go 1500 let’s go 1500 good job liger did I not grab it maybe I didn’t sometimes they float away when you kill them what congratulations likeo so that’s my turn all right I don’t like how high this is getting so I’m going to go for one of these ones that’s a lot of squid um where’s a salmon I’ll take that back down no no maybe maybe you should pick a green one bro no no no no I think I know which one I want to pick um dude you’re being so suu yeah actually super bro you’re for Batman give me all right all right all right all right you tell me which one to pick then if you think I’m cheating pick this one okay fine you ready wait wait wait no no no no no no it’s too late it’s too late he chose this one what’s going no dude oh my God you actually threw why is there Bedrock over there oh no is so oh that’s actually pretty what happens if you get caught do we lose the money no you you you get all the money that is there you want it let’s go Batman’s about to be hype bro he’s about to be he loves Salon man oh my God pink okay which you Lu guys no no luck and in real life too Batman my cat he loves salmon was he about to spam me he also can’t have like normal cat food it has to be like let’s see this let’s see this oh Lis oh Lis uh is he here healthy and good for his stomach cuz he gets upset tummy so yeah he’s picky is he on this floor I don’t know if he’s in his house he might be out of a window hey where are the carpets hey Batman that his fault I get him the good I I get him the good stuff he eats well he probably eats better than me to be honest hey Batman you wouldn’t stitch on me right yeah you wouldn’t oh my God this is so loud oh my God I’m going to stand here I’m going to stand here if he comes in here first one stand here there we go look when did this get here when when did this get here did full netherite armor get here oh my God wait if he comes in here I’m actually finished I’m hiding in it did dony drop off a gift I can’t go in front of that doorway it will see me huh huh what all right sounds good sounds good bro let me put this on real quick okay now how do we get out of here bro I’m spending no more time we’ve changed these to Pink we just got to find a way that’s loud that’s loud but it sounds like money baby no no no no no yeah no no please please please no no no no stand inside this where is he where is he going give it give it please man is there any other carpets in this place I don’t know give me that golden apples bro they call me Mr power he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming please go downstair please please go downstair please I got that power please please please please please please please please please go downstairs please please please man why is he still here Batman shut up don’t snitch wait what who put that there wait that’s not me that is me when did I wear that shirt oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God that’s why he was standing here oh no these caret too raw card raw cooked okay so we got to cook all bro I don’t want to ever worry about food oh my God I stockpile I’m that guy there’s so many carpets in this stupid house I’m a stockpiler doesn’t go bad why don’t I have it already am I right or am I right oh speaking of bro I went and grabbed him s and I had raw card now we just got to get out is there any carpets in here Batman can eat raw card right is that the salmon I dropped no coppet in here that’s my fish bro no Sammy I told you I had salmon any coppin upstairs quick quick quick quick quick why was there raw salmon there no upstairs okay now we just got to somehow get downstairs while he’s right there he’s cooking it all bro look what you did man should I save him no he’s dead I have to get him back it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter at the end of the day I found it that’s all that matters Blast Furnace don’t worry I’ll get him back I’ll get him back are you’re going to get him back how about we yeah I’ll get him back I’m next right I hate organizing he’s right there guys okay yeah you get him back make sure he doesn’t take it out of the furnace though okay okay okay just open a door or is that me maybe it was just me oh my God I C see his name tag oh my God oh my God oh my God yo he’s holding it no way let me see going to eat him um okay wait no no no no no go okay Batman I’m coming I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry he’s upstairs oh God are you happy wait you ate one I just spent like 30 minutes getting you raw salmon and Rock God never mind abandoned abandoned what you guys oh we lost the fish he he cooked our fish bro he cooked our fish we tried saving him threw him out I did but what do you mean what happened to the fish if you’re happy I’m happy love you Batman bro the fish I threw him out there by accident he picked him up and he cooked him and I wanted to save him but it didn’t work anyways bro bro look look at this I take all of these to Big K why would we be happy about this we don’t win money we want them to lose I’m a okay let’s go come on deduct it then deduct it already bro deduct the money all right I’ll get you flowers too don’t worry don’t have to yell at me okay you don’t pay rent I pay rent yeah step aside pal money but I got the yeah which wa should I go for another 500 then or should two should I go 250 I think 500 of course bro 500 5 we need the money back that we just lost let make okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay 3 2 one if you don’t have to pay rent then you can’t complain what is going on what is this what is going on why is there Stone under these why are they growing on Stone what alternate universe have we entered light work bro oh my gosh I get the pee choer let’s go dude it was meant to be it was actually meant to be bro oh my gosh I just want to lick it already all right I got this what what what is going on it’s so cursed why did I never notice this is every tree growing on Stone now bro this is crazy I don’t see him I don’t see him I got to replace every single door all right go go go go go go yon okay Batman wants flowers he said to me he lit went that’s obviously he needs more from me I must provide Boom come on come on boom Oh My Gosh wait now the door see through that is not good okay go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my gosh is that is that it wait bro there how many doors does NERD have go there you go you don’t meow at your you don’t meow at your cat you’re sick your cat meows at you and you don’t respond with what are you doing how are they supposed to know that you agree with them uh don’t say anything about this little kitty cat all right if you asked your mom and dad hey can we get food tonight and they just didn’t respond you’d think dang they don’t care how do you think a cat fills there’s two more doors over here aaia dude there’s no way he’s not going to notice these aaia doors bro come on everything is nice and Spruce and then we’re rooting with some orange it doesn’t match wait whoo whoa whoa whoa whoo oh my gosh wait where does he have why does he have all this stuff okay I’m actually taking this I’m Al I’m also going to take his diamonds okay this is just crazy this is just crazy this is crazy what is going on in this world oh my gosh and some TNT dude d d dude okay I’m stealing this I don’t think I need any of these things but you know what you never know you you never know when the time is going to come why is there coal ah boom boom okay there you go two more doors is that it is is is that all the doors I think we’re good it’s not like someone’s pulling a prank it it’s like it’s just naturally happening I’m going to be a ninja go down here oh my gosh there’s two more doors over here bro there’s so many doors oh my gosh cuz why would they go all this way I’m so far where’s the house oh my gosh oh my gosh wait oh oh oh okay okay I don’t see him okay okay hold on hold on hold on Minecraft is destroyed right now where’s my house I got to make sure I got to make sure is that it yeah that’s that’s literally okay easy let’s go bro that was so easy I got this easy easy easy easy ch ch crazy oh my God I may have stolen this from Linux just in case he have steal or no uh whose turn is it my turn let’s go baby my lager you got wait wait wait hey hey he money the money you so quick bring me my money boy got to get a good stretch in you know boom empty an entire room good look at the tools you get y Chopper bro I need the better oh my good right let’s go let’s go be right back be right back be right back fart in your face go go go go go go go go go don’t think twice wait wait wait go take a left take a left lager out this front door oh my God oh my God okay time to go to town bro here just uh need a moment get a little stretch he’s not moving he’s on moving he’s on moving he’s on moving go go go go go go go go go he’s still AFK he’s still AFK move move get this as well go go go go go he’s on moving it’s all moving go go go go go go go go go go give me all of that oh there’s so many things I just picked up oh my God so many potions I got you bro I’ll let you know if he moves okay cool cool cool bro what do I do with all this stuff enchanted golden apples oh my God oh my God oh my God I got to keep going I feel weird seeing through the door cuz why would you have that imagine that in real life I have to pick up these items and as well oh where is he where is he where is he this is so dumb this is so dumb this is so dumb is this it did I do it I’m taking the lantern too bro all right let’s move move move wait I’m not done yet I’m not done yet take this take this I have to pick up the stuff bro chill chill chill chill chill chill chill oh my god there was so much good stuff in there bro holy moly be right back we right back be right back I feel like Batman would like this flower right here oh my God oh my God oh my God go go go go oh wait how do I get it we’ll get rid of that take this two take this two one more one more trip I was literally thinking a Wither Rose cuz Batman’s Batman right if he has a black flower he’d be hyped he’d be so hyped he’s here L is here I got it I got it shut up shut up shut up shut up he went straight up the stairs linman oh my God he just walked right by me it won’t Bast you how oh right there no no no you went up the stairs you went up the stairs you didn’t see me yeah why you getting so happy bro I you he’s an OP bro he’s an enemy I know he literally is I don’t care yeah you like it what’s your favorite part about it you’re completely right good job L you’re the goat how much was that let’s go oh oh oh 1,000 bucks I don’t think that was a th000 I think that was 100 it was it was like a no no no no no no no no no that’s so dumb man who empties that room oh my God maybe I should get a glass door maybe I should upgrade my left too goodness Financial stability stock market yes no sir are you strictly caveat I’m I’m feeling this one I’m feeling this one all right all right do that one do that one okay okay three 2 one bow come on come on Smash window okay there’s a lot of wait what dides it say locate in his bedroom there is a red stained glass you must break every red stained glass with just your fist okay oh wait so I smash smash smash smash oh while you’re inside his okay wow so wait he doesn’t have to smash all of them though just a red stained one correct all the red stained ones yeah all the red all right that’s easy bro well good thing lagger brought back there’s invisibility potion this you’re so smart this is the fourth time I’ve seen a dog maybe the last 20 minutes so I’m want to get bone okay dude this is easy this is easy unless wait can he see me I want to get bone dude this is like a nerfed invis potion no that is so bad okay and then I’m going to get a do it’s fine though according to the book we just need to do all the red ones don’t you dare even try to hit me don’t even think about it where is he where is he where is he he’s not here is he don’t even think about it okay I see them I see them okay I have to use just my hand oh my gosh this is so painful bro this is actually so painful I have so much netherite my kids kids will be using this netherite at least I’m in this like invis mode which we only have 2 minutes left oh my gosh oh my gosh we got to go we got to go we got to go I have generational netherite go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go why does this look like diamonds I got to watch out for his I got to watch out for his name why does it look so weird too it looks like someone placed that there this Forest is so thick too I love how I spent how however long looking for diamonds when someone placed netherite in my house that wasn’t me by the way okay yeah I don’t see him I don’t see him I think we’re good maybe someone just moved in ow I think he’ll still see my goggles though so we got to be Uber careful just kidding that didn’t hurt okay I think I got all of these is there anything else no okay there’s none over here close this wait so sometimes arrows don’t do damage if you have Unbreaking is there any in his cat room okay no Oho some things I just never realized in Minecraft ever yeah I think we’re good I think we’re good some things I just like I don’t even think about it just happens and I would never think twice oh my gosh hold on I got time bro I got time of an arrow falling off of me cuz I never pay attention but it looked like that Arrow fell off of me so for some reason now I’m paying attention like huh weird but I thought I had some sort of armor enchantment that blocked it should I do something stupid should I do something Uber stupid what if I leave a trap oh no I left all my TNT dang it okay okay okay okay easy honestly that was so easy yeah Six B yeah let’s go let’s go how can we the essential stuff how can we see you I don’t know see your oh it’s the goggles wait is it I don’t know I could just give liger the dog I have to respond right we go you do a I thought he was going to be stting get entertained you see he’s trying to help tell him like yeah but I’m out where I said where you I at you can say whatever you want oh no yo he’s asking for your location he said where you at just be honest with him bro just tell him you know we’re filming a video we’re under his house like yeah tell him go ahead does he follow no he doesn’t I’m trying to defeat the dragon I’m trying to defeat the dragon there we go bro there we go there we go maybe a dog would hope wait wait no I wouldn’t want him to die now please leave me alone yeah let’s just shut him up let’s go okay all right ly done now please leave me alone oh all right all right all right all right all right 500 bucks let double chest okay find out what the rules are though some a little hangry someone needs to eat to make this challenge more difficult you must only use his materials that you find in his house find his wood turn it all into crafting tables and empty a room uh empty a random chest and fill it up with crafting tables good luck okay also why have you not put a wait did you add the money that Danny just collected I just did I made 3250 good boy here take this take this the most passive aggressive way I love saying that people in their mad someone’s a little hangry when was the last time you’ve eaten lunch be fast be fast go go go go thank you go go go go go go go go go go go oh my God wait what was the challenge again I guess I’m just going to keep the bones I really don’t know if I I I want a dog right but lier he’s coming back hold on I got to go upstairs even though he’s being mean lier oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay now let me read I shouldn’t have a dog as well you must only use his materials find his wood why would I have a dog and a dog no a dog and a cat okay so in the chest right please tell me he has wood oh he does nice what’s in here no more wood bro no organization is I found his wood that sounds so wrong oh oh my God I’ll hide here go upstairs go upstairs go upstairs go upstairs L go upstairs go upstairs go upstairs pleas oh my God oh my gosh oh my gosh I can screwed I won the challenge I’ve won I’ve actually won let go let’s go let’s go oh my God oh my oh my God he’s right in front of me and then I just all like this all right I can dip oh this muffin’s delicious bro oh my goodness it’s fire I did it I did it I did it actually I did it it was so bro he I was opening the chest cuz I was trying to look for the wood and I didn’t think he was in the house and he ran upstairs so I quickly like made a little platform above and he didn’t see me no way and then I I I broke a block up and then I went out and then yeah bro he definitely heard me though he he definitely knows something things up but he didn’t see me okay well it’s my turn you ready I’m ready time we take some big bucks of this right take this one take this one you’re going to lose hey yo add the money add the money yeah add the money add the money what are you doing stop remembering how much was that one it wasn’t 500 there you go all right no no no it’s missing a couple zeros no it’s not okay all right here we go I’m going to take you down a peg no way turn all ores into shovels what oh my God my oh my godor for where am I going to put them where am I going to put all these shes thank you thank what did you just throw [Music] me there’s [Music] mold good luck bot I hope you lose oh my he’s stupid too here we go okay Batman listen up Batman I’m going to need you to do something for me here Cy shut upman please come on man do me a solid B where’s all the OES no OES in here no OES in here okay I just ate a moldy it’s moldy is there any ores in these why there were like two out of the 12 okay found them found some ores oh my now we’re going to have to make a crafing table oh my God I defeated the Ender Dragon but the XP isn’t here bro I don’t care I don’t care here we go okay bro am I going to die now y chat what’s the life expectancy how am I supposed to do this how am I supposed supposed to do that that’s impossible after eating some mold on a muffin Bic was slain by liger as cool this is impossible guys what are they doing what they just doing oh my God we go here we go here we go I’m so glad Linux has the sounds on low okay this is just this is torture there we go okay that’s all the that’s all the iron gone oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what the please go down please go down there we go p p oh my God that was a close one and then we’re just going to get oh wait no bro I actually there’s more iron ones Linux is running away Linux is running away okay Donnie’s definitely going to come guys I think he’s running away you guys saw the mold on it right it was like just starting yeah he’s running away he’s running away to where it’s like not noticeable I don’t think you guys understand how many oh my God why do those muffins go bad so quick I got him like 5 days ago his whole double chest is full of just iron ones muffins are the worst why is he here you actually they have a life expectancy of a fruit fly look at this bot bro what are you doing here you he did it go away back I’m back I’m go back I’m go back I’m go back water is your turn [Music] what this so annoying I could have got anyone for this video these two idiots here we go then we just got to fill these now all we got to do is just make the diamond ones there we go so there oh wait we still need to fill these up guys look how much ores we’ve turned into shovels oh my God he’s got an entire double chest full of shovels lier said Linux yo he said lier saying Linux oh wait and there we go old shovels sup brok skin be bini what is he talking about did did you tell Bic to come kill me no I’m at my house if I ever catch you doing some shady stuff I’m going to kill you he’s trying to pay me out he’s so annoying guys look what is it what is Li’s Vendetta against me I’ve seen this dog so many times liger come get this dog look at this double chest double chest double chest oh no I’m going to say liger have you eaten today there’s 36 iron in this one oh my God I’m actually screwed are you hry how this one is the impossible man if he comes upstairs right now I’m finished I love saying that to you it’s just the fact that how does anyone have inventory space for this leer is stacked he killed me Linux I would not leave your house now we’ve run out of chest space and I’m going to have to make a chest wait what is is liger going to my house wait how lier said no I am not angry I hope he’s got a chest in here please I want to eat your cat hello hello hello hello hello hello hello huh don’t you dare touch Batman oh my God oh my God here we go here we go you can’t make Lapis one so there we go put okay now I’m done all right he’s just got so many shovels in there and you can’t make these and you can’t these are ingots so these don’t count guys why does everybody say they want to eat Batman why it’s a cat these are in you can’t make diamond block shovels okay bro I can’t tell if my stomach’s hurting cuz of the moldy uh now now is we have to just get out dude he’s literally on his way no way perfect perfect perfect he’s coming speed we’re genius we’re genius we’re genius we’re genius I don’t know where he is he’s coming full speed oh my God and he’s going to are you stup if I was you I’d go check on him now no wrong he’s gone just know I will spend the rest of my days trying to destroy the server what is wrong with you wait till it’s your turn you have literally ruined this game mode for both of you you’ll finished both of you I promise lier oh he’s fine thought Batman oh catch I’m going to kill you lier is stacked he killed me look at this all this nonsense what do you mean lier you’re talking to him as well Batman Batman oh my God watch I want to eat your cat you can’t protect him forever because we wanted him to come back and tried like save his cat hi real Batman my boy this my guy what are they typing in the chat oh my God just but now it’s our turn yep and that’s ,000 this gone oh my God 27 bro always remembers to take off the money but never to add you’re like the government you’re like the government bro I hate sorry good luck okay okay okay I got to go for a big boy now should I should I just clear out the last thousand I feel like I feel bro I think so cuz we got to recoup the money invest but also also Linux is there bro what if we lose everything justed him you just alerted right now we do it together I got I got to do 250 bro I got to do 250 my God fine I’m doing it I’m doing it come on oh and you get Enis potion good luck what what what what that is pretty wait that might be good he might think it’s I don’t know oh my God just go for it bro just go just go just go just punch him real quick you oh my god little probably it doesn’t matter if he catches you he catches you oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I had the same happen I won’t let you sabotage up dude we’re being so sus now we’re being so sus now okay wait wait I got to take this off I’m going to take this off just in case okay okay okay okay okay I’m 50,000 blocks away I heard someone hold on a second how am I going to be able to do this there is some invis how am I going to be able to do this invis people this is not good bro it’s probably you no I think it’s a glitch this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good invis people watch out oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I someone walk oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m in Creative so I just fly everywhere who’s in here oh my go who’s in this chest why is it open okay okay okay okay okay I hit him I hit him successfully he can’t see me he can’t see me he can’t see me he can’t see me I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out oh my God he’s going to come he’s going to come go go go go go I can’t make noise I can’t make noise I can’t make noise I can’t make noise wait does it just make that noise oh maybe does I can’t make noise go go go go go let’s go that was so easy bro that was so easy I took off the goggles I am good go yeah add it up add it up add it up there more there no it’s two 250 okay fine fine i i d to do this one right here I D to do this one right here dude no I think you got to do the 500 Li rename is pet and when you rename it the animal’s going to go oh my gosh don’t place [Music] it I want to e it I want to [Music] e hello are they hi hiding upstairs I’m so confused what what did what did he name what did he name what did he name it what did he name I named a cat but his cat is called Batman okay fine I said at my house you could you go to where you want at my house I’m running back to kill liger I’m running back out to kill lier what I named a dog okay’s probably in trolling yeah thank you for helping me good boy you really believe me good boy good boy all right oh oh oh wait I did it I did it I TP to you look why is not working why do I see the name tag above him why do I see the name okay do it what the hello where’s your name how do I make him stand up let’s see where I think it’ll show me stand up you shut up oh why is every so mean to me today oh my God I just wanted to make him stand up I promise I promise oh my God oh my God oh my God all I do is keep to myself and try to talk to Batman my cat and suddenly I’m the bad guy I ate one moldy muffin and now I’m a weirdo what happened uh what happened you killed Batman listen to me listen to me listen to me I promise you I promise I promise this is what happened I put the name tag on him but then there was no name tag above him so I wanted him to stand up but he didn’t stand up so I kept punching him so maybe he would stand up but he didn’t stand up so he just died but I still did the challenge I think I’m going to start a forest fire I don’t think I have enough space dog was slain by L wait till daddy HS about this wait till Daddy hit Daddy yeah I’m going to do it what look what he did looking chat please tell me fire spread’s not turned off perfect he named it dog and then he killed it oh wait you he sees it in chat too he saw dog was named by L yeah he sees that oh I don’t see it either I saw Doug was slain by liger is coold why would you say was Al’s pet you are so evil you are give me a cat spawn egg right now give me a cat spawning right now back please please please please but you better hope a one so messed up this is so messed up hope is a black one of course bro uh give me some fish as well so I can tame it for him please good luck and then give me one more name tag I’ll name him Batman please it’s the only chance bro please everyone’s going to hate me please bro I need to give what if it spawns and it’s not a black cat it’s going to be a black cat bro trust me like a one chance I’m going I already St to defeat bro good one bro good one killing the cat was 200 IQ man you’re so smart I love you no no no no why is the burning this is devastating someone call Wendy’s oh my God the cat is running the cat is running the cat is running I got him I got him buddy move there goes my flint and steel looks like my job here is done he still has no name tag but follow me follow me follow me this this right here is a perfect place for a Chase Bank wow this is actually very forest fires are very efficient for making land brother get on the bed brother here on the bed actually kind of crazy oh my God look at how much land it just freed up okay you know what bro just sit on the flipping chest that’s fine okay let’s move okay that’s fine that’s fine no problem this is crazy he’s coming back bro it’s over it’s actually over bro all right problem averted problem averted we’re good adamon look at that it’s just so fun to look at bro what color was the cat black it was not black we saw it bro I hate you bro so much I I a sheep changing color oh God hold on I got I got this i got this yeah chicken is black that doesn’t mean there you go bro no there’s no shot if if a chicken can be black I cat can be white bro it’s over exactly exactly he said where my dog change color that is so fun going on check your guys’ pets there we go boom Donnie probably trolling Donnie probably trolling good good good wait oh did did you see his cat he’s going up right now he’s going up right now oh my God oh my God wait if animals are changing colors you’ll actually finish you know he’s on high alert now and it’s all your fault no I’m going to do I’m going to do an easy one I’m going to do an easy one okay gold pick it already bro you B why is there a hole I’m taking this one yeah yeah go go go empty furnaces easy wait I have this cat too I have this one in real life too I’ll show you guys there half of them are empty OHA I you I hate you bro I hate you I hate you where is he he’s on the top floor go go bro go go go I’m trying to go can you guys stop punching me there we go boom boom buckets in here buckets buckets there we go it’s that easy it’s that easy oh my God why are you putting balls in my hand has bro did you I did it bro easiest 100 of my life all righty bro fine look at this one it’s literally the same one these cats eat better than I do all right all right all all right yo I’m going to finish it off I’m going to finish it off I’m going to finish off to 500 yeah yeah go go okay 3 2 1 cou ammo they get five meals a day they have running water all times filter running water they get vitamins they go to the doctor more than I do they could be professional athletes but they choose to just eat all the time a room to his no no no bro a room could be anything a room could just add like dud this do this look go like this and then add a door room still you still got use materials in the oh my gosh you have to use all of them y yeah no not all of them Batman has changed must be lier it doesn’t matter because in the heart they are the same okay bro he told me he wants to eat a 15 Cy okay okay okay out of room out of room out of room out of room I’ll beat in my house the entire time okay bro look at this look at all this face dude there’s no way he built this house how is he notice the painting oh my gosh I’m so dude I’m so done wait wait wait this might be the easiest thing maybe like I have no idea I have no idea hold on I’m going to come up here maybe I don’t even know bro I don’t even know you know what you know what right here right here in it’s cat in it’s cat’s house in it’s cat’s house it’s cat I got this i got this i got this I don’t know what Donnie is saying he’s saying that liger hit him but then he also said that he was in Creative so I’m confused boom boom boom Oh my God break the stupid thing break the stupid thing there you go okay where is he how would he get hit if he’s in Creative is he around here no he’s not okay okay okay okay Danny said go to the spawn though earlier and said that sheeps are changing colors let’s break this let’s break this yes yes give me give me give me and I think don’t quote me on this but we saw Bedrock earlier in the middle of nowhere so maybe that’s where spawn is maybe Donnie just put Bedrock where spawn is okay what I can do is break this right here grab some of the wood dude I can actually almost like make this literally look as natural as possible I don’t remember where it is if I’m onest white cat you see nothing we kind of just ran and split up where the where was the okay okay there you go there you go there you go there you go was it over here oh maybe it’s over there 200 IQ I’m being so 200 IQ right now these $500 are mine and and ligers I guess okay okay okay okay here you go maybe we actually leave that there yeah yeah yeah yeah we maybe just leave the corner like this maybe like Spruce planks can go like yeah like right here is it gone did I go in the wrong direction why he trying to what’s he talking about okay that makes sense that makes sense yeah maybe it’s over here I can use the scaffolding which apparently I can’t place all right fine let’s place blocks right here did I go in the wrong direction I was so confident in my my ability right there boom boom boom boom this looks pretty real this actually looks so real bro and then go like that wait yo maybe we place this one right here yeah and that one right there boom boom boom boom boom boom Oh My Gosh yo this actually looks fire this actually looks so fire you can’t even tell oh I just broke something else I didn’t mean to bro I actually don’t know where spawn is it’s not z0 I think I think it’s changed yeah that actually looks pretty good boom boom boom boom Oh My Gosh wait no way I lost it I swear there you go there you go there you go there you go I walk that direction we can break this one maybe place that uh I need a crafting table right here bro that’s that’s crazy I actually don’t know I got to make a nice design there you go boom like that oh wait what okay you know what that’s perfect a little thing right here dude okay this actually doesn’t look that bad maybe like a little uh thingy I don’t even know yeah that looks like a little like like thingy a place to eat oh my goodness wait actually we can use a fence put this right here oh my gosh oh my gosh yes yes like a little table wait is ler coming is Linux coming back oh my gosh lenux is coming back okay this actually looks fire this actually looks really really good I think okay go go go go go go go that actually looks crazy okay I I don’t know where spawn is and I don’t want to leave my house unattended or Linux I don’t see him I saw his name and if liger comes in and starts doing whatever bro swear swear I would be super upset ah go go go go oh my gosh no shot no shot I’m insane I’m insane what happened when did you build it insane put it yeah dude just look in his cats room that’s all I’m going to say for C now you’re so cute you’re so cute you’re so cute give me my money yeah money I don’t think you guys realize how much I love my cats I think about it all the time if my cats got into a fist fight with like a wild animal I would imagine some rabid coyote fighting imagine he’s fighting C I’d be like who’s it is it it’s lag lag lag so I’m kind of scared of the last thousand so I think I’m going to go for the last 250 oh wait there’s another one oh place and M obsidian you got go put oh no I have to do with no it has to do with the iron pickaxe okay you got this you got this wait haste potion oh no oh no there is a one oh no booo oh my God shut up you got craft one boom boom oh fine bro fine love you got this brother what the he needs to see a doctor I swear if that’s coming out of him oh God no he’s he’s too smart Mo dude dud dud okay that’s fine that’s fine he cheated he’s such a cheater no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh he won right oh my God how did he miss I actually not see that oh my God that was way too close he’s genuinely blind bro go go go go bro how long does this take hold I want to see how it looks from the outside no okay go why would you sabotage it why would you sabotage it there was no point okay wait I actually dude you just look like a minion okay please bro just get back in bro please don’t block get back in I’ll get back in don’t don’t I found my pet and just sat on my bro look at how look how tiny this hole is wait this is crazy this is actually crazy Don you Donnie you w how long does this take is he walking back is he walking back no no no no no no no he’s not he’s not your fine just sat on my furnace okay I think I’m need down I think I’m need down PE do at my house good good good good don’t they literally do that don’t they Linux meet at my house I have a gift so close so close so close 10,000 so close I built a new one what are you tying to him you going 10,000 10,000 at 10,000 10,000 come on come on come on come on brother why is this taking so long actually oh my God oh my God he did it you did it you did it you did it tell him tell him just choking quick you got tell him just Tri he said there 18,000 blocks he said Linux shut up I said that’s 18,000 blocks away L shut up I you tell to shut up oh God okay that’s 250 congratulations what what did I do to this guy let’s go okay all right let me see jumps how it’s done you know what I’m saying Linux I will one shot you why is bionic coming at me wait he asked me where I am what do I say under under his house basement of course don’t lie to him don’t kiding kidding kidding kidding don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it you sure are you sure I shouldn’t do it I swear I will SK you alive oh I got I got change the color of his bed oh it’s a pink bed oh my God that’s so easy bro all right don’t try anything funny what I’m hiding in your basement waiting to kill you what like are you stupid he does it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke oh my God are you stupid look is it okay a joke he doesn’t have a basement he doesn’t have a basement just go go what do you mean he doesn’t we’re in it he doesn’t know he have he checks find he checks if you dig straight down you’re so stupid Oh My Gosh bro oh my gosh is this the way I came okay just go bro wait wait okay wait do I have any blocks okay I’m going to man up with dirt I’m going to do it from the outside God I hate D I heard that my God I’m going to use I’m going to use Daddy’s room that he built I’m going to go inside oh they going they’re going to try to do something look he said meet me at sandies oh my God this room looks good here we go here we go here we go I’m just not going to respond to him here we go here we go okay I’ll let him think about what he said and block this up pow pow jump down there we go oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I kind of have to pee now how do we get back inside I’m not really in a good spot to go pee when I don’t have torches and I’m in the mines I don’t know where Linux is I don’t know where he is I don’t know where he is oh let’s go wait why am I happy okay good luck guys all right it’s my turn um dude should I do the last thousand I think so I do the last thous I think so you’re so stupid if you okay cuz if I get it dude we’re we’re going to be at 4,800 and they’ll be we’ll be rich what is wrong with liger why is he all smoke I didn’t do anything to any of these guys I could afford like four new tires your tires go for a th000 each I’m just present in the moment I’m a lover of cats am I guilty guilty From Success boom look at L why is he underground I buy my I buy my tires from the scrapyard guilty guilty replace the whole floor he has to replace the whole floor in a room what yeah with Magma magma magma wait is there why is there why is there why is there cuz you said he’s under the house you’re an idiot like look what you did look what you done wa but this is my chance this is my chance go go go wait should I not go meet him should I not go meet him now Don to distract him oh my God he’s going to find the Redstone he’s I’m taking an executive decision I have to do it I have to do it I have to go meet no no no you don’t you don’t you don’t if you see him you lose okay okay okay okay okay okay on entire floor the entire floor it could be this floor it could be this floor oh my God block it out block it block it up block it up move man move move move like yeah yeah it can be this FL it can be this FL it’s going to be this FL what is happening oh no he’s not he’s not taking digging this way start digging this way go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my gosh bro does he not have a better like like a or something but just look up just in that just in case am I in my house just in case bro he saw look bro I’m in my house there’s no shot I might have to I might have to steal an axxe from him I might have to steal an axe from him please please please please please have an axxe what is that noise you have to talk to him in chat why did you say that D no no no wait he has this though huh what is wrong with liger Linux is coming stop telling it to shut up oh God what is this oh my gosh I got to get out of here I got to get out of here what is this open this lagger oh my gosh okay okay open this wrong block wrong block wrong block oh my gosh what is happening hello is it moving day bro bro bro bro bro L is right there okay okay okay hello what is happening remember you stole my money oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no bro bro bro bro oh my gosh oh my gosh dude because then you charged it back liar lagger is distracting him but not in the best way bro he’s not leaving the room liar he’s a liar I need him out of the attic Linux I say you go fight liger at spawn go go go go go he’s such a liar come on come on get out of there bro I need that axe L I say you go fight lier at spawn no and you should drop your axe no no I can’t say that what is happening okay okay okay okay okay okay why why is that broken why is this broken what’s breaking okay I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh wait is he going down he’s going down he’s going down he’s going down okay I can break this I can break this I can break this what is breaking go go go go go go go go go oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s at 0 I don’t think he’s in 0 I don’t think he’s at 0 wait like said he’s at 0 okay that’s only like a few hundred blocks away though so we don’t even have like infinite time doesn’t matter if he’s in I’m never finding him anyways why did you just keep put oh my God oh my God okay okay okay okay okay okay okay oh my god dude no okay this is this is it this is like the last one before he absolutely knows he’s getting trolled go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay okay okay dude I really need a better axe I really need a better axe dude I have a really bad feeling about this I have a really really bad feeling about this does this count as the floor too I think it does I think it does I think it does okay we got to make sure that we see if Linux is coming inside I don’t think he’s bro I don’t think he’s at 0 is my iron axe going to break no shot right I don’t think he’s there like I kind of figured but I don’t I don’t I really really don’t think he’s there I just imagine that he’s just invis maybe he is I’m just guard my house oh my gosh oh my gosh I see linux’s name I see linux’s name okay okay okay hurry up hurry up hurry up what’s inside of here pants if I see any sort of particles I’m smacking them up oh my gosh he’s running around his house he’s running around his house he said that’s enough wait Donnie says that’s enough no no no I’m almost done I’m almost done I’m almost done I’m almost done wo wo woah I do this for myself and for Batman I’m like a protection agency for my own house I got this i got this i got this i got this i got this i got this I’m a psychopath I’m a psychopath go bigger go home go bigger go home damage damage damage damage damage doesn’t want me to finish cuz it’s only going to make the job harder for him oh my God okay okay okay oh Donnie dude this is the most obvious thing ever where are you onic but for $11,000 I’ll do practically anything Niger except for a few things actually I can I can think of a few where are you guys okay okay okay okay I did it I actually did it wait no there’s one line over here last three blocks last three blocks last three blocks and I’m good oh oh okay okay okay okay sneak past sneak past over here go go go go go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh open this open this I think he’s here bro wait I can’t fit I don’t think he’s here boom boom wait wait BL blast what am doing I got I got to make it a run I got to make it maybe easier to protect from out here I need a bow that’s what I need L right there L is right there I need a craft a bow did he hear that he heard that he heard that did he hear that he’s going up he’s going up oh he’s oh my gosh oh my gosh wait did he see that did he see him no oh my oh my gosh no way no way I think we got it perfectly that was so close oh my why is he still breaking stuff then you was like a pixel from getting caught dude dude oh my God I did it I did it I did it I did it that was so much more than I thought you were going to do that took so long as well holy moly yo bro I didn’t blink I didn’t blink here you go 4,800 there we go okay we got this we got this and because it’s my turn I’m going to go for the 5,000 to make you guys no no it’s my turn it’s my turn bro wait no it’s not wait it is it’s your turn wait so it was your plan to go for this or this super easy bro it’s no it’s not I’m taking it boom okay I need a shield I have a spy glass I need a bow spawn and defeat the I could go get all of the stuff I told you not to click it idiot my my goggles just broke go just idiot what is happening give me the bow what the that was perfecttiming is this the just un breaking three I literally have two arrows better than nothing that perfect timing whatever I don’t think you’ll need anymore bro we’re cooked bro I’m going PR I’m going to prepare going deat the in the living room please let me at least utilize the materials it was IR those diamonds please take it no there we go I cleared my inventory you can take anything you want from any one of these here take that I’ll make I’ll make you a weapon right now I got you I need a shield as well I need a shield as well that’s the main thing I got you I got you here take what am I supposed to do with this this chain arm here you want some I don’t know what that challenge is going to be though but you might need that for the challenge taking wait what okay did yeah I think he’s cooked I I need a shield I need a shield please please why does it look like that I don’t have any iron bro okay fine give like a shield one there you go wait what thank you and now all I need is a weapon please that’s only thing I need I fine I get to choose your weapon I get to choose oh you okay that is just so messed up you know what I’m going to go in the house before I spawn in I’m going to loot his chest and steal something from him go good luck go for it yo he’s CED he’s CED it’s all over BR let’s go spectate bro let’s go let’s go spectate got get out’s cooked he’s cooked oh my God bro he’s cooked he’s cooked you guys are going back down to zero it’s actually over where’s Linux you idiots broke it I want to throw that out oh my God that thing doesn’t even work break out here is broken cool where’s Linux now here Kelly there’s a rock cod wait L where is the room where he keeps all his armor he’s upstairs he’s upstairs it has to be in his house where is the room where he keeps all his armor oh my god oh no he’s right there he’s right there oh my gosh oh my gosh slide here bro he’s crazy he’s actually crazy oh oh my god dude no he just said hello I think he got caught before he even placed it hello dude dude I can see yo yo sorry bro I just came here to visit you real quick um oh my gosh it’s over what are you doing nothing bro how are you doing why are you hiding could I quickly have your armor no what no no no no no no no no no no no get back lier get back lier don’t lier chill bro you don’t have a third one you did defeat him defeat him defeat him are you stupid I’m with you I’m with you go defeat him together I can’t do it now you and me you and me you me baby what is this what is this huh wait does that mean I don’t get the money does that mean you flying oh my God bro bro we’re cooked he found everything found it all hello fine bro fine I’m sorry okay but that was a stupid challenge anyways what wa ly I’m here what happened what are you doing what happened I just came here to see you what happened there’s a Wither I’ll save you bro don’t worry where is it I saved you I killed the Wither I’m the hero where is it I’m the hero where did you come from I just who what’s that over there what Harvest all the crops and replant them he found it all now it’s time to hide under the house but this time anything you steal from his house you have to eat and the more you eat the bigger you get making it much harder to hide this is going to be good Len bro I can stare at this for days it’s a new and improved Linux right here all right don’t talk to me unless you got a ceiling with amphibians in it if you don’t got amphibians above you right now look up if you don’t have that don’t speak you’re not allowed to I don’t speak broke okay so here I am under linx’s house getting ready to go up there with steing stuff he can’t see us but he’s right there and of course I’ve brought dumber and dumber with me come on out boys y we got paintings got a knife this is more for what the intruders are actually going to get my good knife all right I hate this video already man okay listen guys I brought you your own goggles remember just like last time oh yeah watch out bro I want I want you want to go first you go first Mr dmer me yeah oh my god look it goes over the top looks like it looks like a man go man smooth listen once this wooden sword breaks you know then we’ll get rid of it it’s like shoes why would you ever buy more shoes shoes until the ones you’re wearing are just completely destroyed it makes no sense they work bro all right Dum stay here you go up there you get grab something bring it down you have to eat it in front of us okay wo World border okay I have to eat it wait I can grab anything and eat it anything you want grab it from his house he’s up there he’s up there be careful okay okay okay oh sorry oh so we have to go around okay I see if you get scuffs on your shoes then you’re like oh no I need to go buy more don’t lesson number one of how to become rich by Linux write this down everybody take out your notes app now that he’s gone are you excited like are you excited what are you going to steal uh I’m going to steal you because you’re here and I want to kiss you please hurry back okay wait so I what what direction do I go can I go through here first thing you do never buy shoes never oh this is to get outside the house hey yo if you buy shoes you’re going to go broke dude we can duplicate our viewer or view I don’t know what I just said actually okay wait so the go up here is this just his house wait oh this is part of his house okay I see so he’s expanding downwards lesson number two by Linux invest in yourself okay bro I don’t know Donnie just invited me here and now like expects me to do this stuff you at your Peak is what makes you money therefore make yourself a coffee bro invest in yourself wait a second hold on there’s a brewing s right here hey yo I want to Y this I guess I’ll y the trip wi hook I don’t want to steal too much coffee is good for the soul wait oh my God I can see their usernames yo they need to be careful I’m no doctor but I would recommend like around three four cups a day you can kind of space it out into 2 to 3 hour intervals and that will keep you going something that he won’t notice maybe this trapo yeah I’m going to start off small oh God wait the lava might be obvious cuz I feel like yo will that slowly burn down his house I have no idea bro go for three runs now that’s very specific that’s very important go for three runs hold on what if I like break this Barrel Break The Cauldron and put yeah he ain’t even going to notice yo when does this end bro listen I understand I I put my house here I understand this okay I know there’s ice but where’s actually the end of it this is insane bro okay yeah I have four things I think that’s pretty good o I can make this like a into a guard Tower that’d be so sick oh my God wait I just I think I just heard Linux I have no idea I’m going to go I’m going to get out I’m going to get out and I going to have like a little thing like a little elevator theme and it makes you go up to the top and you can see everything bro 100% that’s that’s that’s a millionaire idea right there hello meow Yow Yow Yow all right you Ste I got four I started off small I started off small what dude shut up dude it feels so good to be a millionaire in Minecraft I can’t wait to be one in real life like that guy like bionic that guy all he ever talks about is like supercars and stuff and like I’ve seen super cars before but not in real life I’ve seen them in the movies like Transformers and I’ve seen them but I haven’t seen like actual like the super cars in real life I started off small okay I got cauldron I got iron trapo I got trip wire hook and brewing stand so like all little you know decorations basic sto his toilet yeah no I don’t it wasn’t his toilet good good okay now now you have to press R eat it and you get bigger and bigger oh my God what eat okay I ate it I just eat everything consume everything where’s my house oh there it is my boy hting the gy I got a little thicker you look at this oh my God he’s taller than us oh my God yeah yo you guys I hit the gym bro I got a little fatter let’s go you okay chill chill chill I’m I’m go I’m go get out of here guys stop hitting me I’m going chill okay I’ll see you in a bit okay peace peace peace all right boys now all we have to do is steal something from Lin’s house seems simple enough now let’s see if we see Linux anywhere over here I don’t see his name tag so we are good to go okay okay uh invisible wall over here what does this lead to oh outside interesting okay very nice let’s go back in let’s see if we can go up here there we go now I don’t have any tools so I can’t really uh steal anything oh I saw his name tag I can’t really steal anything valuable uh let me just quickly walk past do you see no door’s closed okay we’re good we’re good uh now just keep going here just going to take a couple bookshelves maybe who’s in my house hello yeah take the bookshelf he’s just standing in front of the door let’s see what else ooh should I take one of his axelos I can’t I don’t have a okay hello okay it’s fine we’ll take his arm stands of course who’s in my house bro let me make of course I can’t break him can’t break the arm stand just make an extra pick real quick bro chill I have to have two of everything all right oh my God what type of sorcery is this I can’t even take the enchantment table they’re going to bully me hello hello this is the worst Heist ever who’s walking uh oh I’m just going to take his paintings uh uh hello and then take off the goggles uh okay um hello yo what are you doing yo man sorry I was I think he’s lost it feeding your aot like you said remember peace peace peace okay he said please wait please um sorry I was feeding your Axel what do you mean feeding my Axel walk away Don’t Go Near my Axel he’s looking at us there we go all right now let me pull on the goggles why is he bro if he hurt my Axel or took him I think I’m going to lose my mind there was an entrance somewhere over here I’m pretty sure right over here okay we’re good we’re good okay good they’re all still there I’m going to add a shark at some point to this made it through made it through how did lier even find this place I’m like near nobody oh my God guys guys I’m like the only one on This Server that’s actually progressed that’s done anything with our life where all right guys I also I also got a couple of books um o but that’s that’s about it so I’m just going to eat the books I’m very sorry eat the I try to be a better rber guys iied to be a better rber okay I P I’ll eat them I’ll eat them I’ll eat everything I’ll eat everything Pizza it’s Pizza did it work bigger eat it hey yo you got a little bigger oh in the gym baby you got me okay y portal go to the portal all right you go you go listen here bro let me show you how the boss does it all right you guys sit down here wait here for me and I’ll show you okay okay okay okay okay relax relax get they call me the trolling goat bro thinks he’s Invincible cuz of some lagger Army it’s like he’s defense every single time he breaks into someone’s house oh well I have the lagger army so uh I get the pass I guess no okay buddy sure sure sure don’t get caught noob NB I told these people this is dy Bob’s hour this is what I do baby stop touching me this will never get into the video anyways this is why I steal for a living Unbreaking three golden helmets might three axe bunch of iron I can’t let him see me why did these idiots leave the doors open I guess lyx wouldn’t be crouching around so if I see his name tag then I know I got height not bad fire charge pretty good I think it’s yeah yeah golden helmet’s definitely better let’s take that first things first these barrels I know they were empty cuz I saw him when he finished building the house already can this work H we can take this as well for some reason didn’t even see it no I I got a little bit Insight I know they’re empty I know this one’s empty too let’s check is there any other gold yes it’s still it I’m told you can the gold just be spawned randomly around it I don’t know is he anywhere close to the house I don’t know where he is I have no idea I’m trying to listen out I wish more of those spawn that’d be really nice I guess you just have a ton of gold though there we go we got these invisible walls right here so we can see outside there’s nothing okay good we’re good I’m just going to eat this plot here boom boom wait really makes sense but like it really would make me happy that makes sense it’s PL mine too then let’s take this so far am I spitting right now I feel like I am let me cook real quick guys hold on hear me out doesn’t make sense but it would make me happy right this is Myer now there anything upstairs uh oh God wait I just don’t want him to catch me if he catches me this early I’m screwed why doesn’t the government just pay me for being me I got some good jokes hear me out he’s got a again didn’t he learn from last time I promise you guys I will eat you guys I promise stay strong it wouldn’t make sense for them to pay me but like it would make me happy imagine just like President Obama wait who’s the president right now who builds this close to ice spikes anyway I don’t know President Obama right or Michelle Michelle Obama who’s the president don’t see his tag anywhere might be out of his house he the perfect all right I want one more thing say Michelle she’s just like bro that Linux guy he’s so funny let me put him on the payroll yo Biden honey no Brock honey put I don’t know I don’t know forget what I’m saying one more thing uh I’m going to eat this light here wait there we go this light and it’s like all the LI in this room mine now get me out of this Ravine I don’t like it why is there so much Ravine not enough something there’s not enough something give me down here get me down here right down here listen bro I know some of you guys out there watch bedw War YouTubers and they do this really really fast but at least I’m efficient hey buddy you made it back how how you doing how you doing what did you get let me show you what you get what you get I got not one barrel not two barrels three bars too many barels Five Barrels I got oh wait let me get one oh yeah let me get one as well you guys want one eat one of them and then uh I got another dead Bush there we go wow this is some great stuff dude W I want a sign that looked good that look wow you’re actually amazing dude wow you are the best bank robber of all time and then two lanterns oh wow that’s insane D you you got the craziest loot out of lines house I’m proud of you all right who next F it’s your me me me me me go go go let the pro do it let the pro do it who left this door open I don’t leave doors open like this hello H get H get iron pickax do that give me one as well go shut up man getx I don’t know what to do with this yet I don’t know why are these doors open liger definitely left him open he was going through my stuff that little rascal oh no wait Linux is Right Lin is right there oh my God why do I have to be the is he coming down a little rascal I don’t leave doors open do you know why who went here oh my God he’s coming go go go go go go who in my enchantment room tell me okay wait what where am I oh my God oh my God wait I’m in like some sort of chest room okay he’s above I’m going to go and just mine this pillar oh God he just said liger he just said liger okay while he’s talking about liger or whatever I’m going to go and just yo his okay do not step on the pressure plate oh he said why did you leave all my doors open I thought it was over bro I thought it was over okay I just stole dude I just stole so many chests bro all right let’s go back through wait oh my God oh my God I can I can hear him I can see him maybe this guyy is saying better intake of oxygen why he needs doors open okay okay okay go go go go go go go go go intake of oxygen where go go go go go go go oh my God oh my God okay okay he says love and live breathe air I’m going to yink this Barrel I’m going to yink this Barrel we got to make sure the doors the closed the door the doors are closed we got to make sure they’re closed yep that’s what I’m saying he he just says random things and I don’t see Linux anywhere around here that’s good liger Army just collaps every time he he says he literally says better oxygen more life love and live breathe air he could tweet that right now they’ get 100 likes and people would be like oh my God lier they’d give him a round of applause they love go back inside oh God I’m full from all the burgers I ate oh my God these are where the actual lles are I didn’t even see bro armor stand yo I got to steal one of the armor stands probably this one there you go yo all right I believe in the liger Army cuz I’m a part of it all right low key can’t tell him that though if he ever finds that out his head will get too big and he’ll be like okay can’t take the enchantment table yet because that’s like way too obvious I feel like so yeah I think one armor stand is good only because of his nice beard his well-kept eyebrows that smile his laugh what’s inside this room okay oh there’s nothing wait maybe I can steal some of his fences would he even notice oh my God thought that was Linux well Linux is the goat so okay I’m honestly just going to take all of these fences bro I don’t care i i d GF I don’t give a fridge yo this this snow is infinite get me out I hate it oh an anvil that must be tasty yo okay wait we actually stole a lot yo I’m trying to like not get caught though oh he’s back he’s back and he’s ready to [Music] attack red I me oh sorry sorry sorry check back up my okay okay show I show I show I playe I got some chest you know the main course some wood as the main steak then we got a side of Barrel wow there’s some fancy stuff right here a little side of oh wait I tried stealing the armor stand but it didn’t let me break it how it okay okay sorry back my then then listen this the second course meal is just a nice salad of spruce fence how did where did he get that from was that from outside it’s from the outside yes and and oh no y’all thought I was done I just I just want to explore get more wood y all thought I was done no I’m getting fat baby p h a t dinner what dinner broke got an A whole Anville baby watch and learn Gamers how do you want to know what he’s going to transform into I got to finish everything cuz you know like last time I had to get wood I traveled in the opposite direction this direction just sucks I guess I just have to to go in that direction only there’s just too much ice I feel like I’ve been running in this all day think about it the more you eat the bigger you get he’s going to spot you if you’re huge oh wait that might be dumb I don’t care it’s so good I love your is going to be huge here we go I’m all the chest there’s a reason why he’s called the dumbest you know no I’m I’m Dumber I’m not dumbest so rich listen listen I’m eating a salad Donnie I’m eating a salad all right of spru fences it’s good it’s good leaves where’s the Anvil I want to see the Anvil watch be huge I I I eat a lot I have a lot of we can tell man a village how did I miss sis oh my and now for the dessert I thought it was dinner I’m getting bigger oh my God hey yo Roblox freaking B baby you look like a Roblox character he going to catch you looking like that no no no if he catches me what is he going to do huh what is he going to do I could just one punch him that is the weirdest arrangement of bread I’ve ever seen in my life who does that that that has to be fake right Donnie had to have change that don’t tell me you put that there you put bread like this I’m thick baby go go lier go I know I’m beautiful right now one cares the gym buddy okay okay I’m lening no one’s listening okay wow these guys are so oh my God he’s huge what did this why is the bread like this it’s just a seven lucky number seven it’s my lucky day you look H dude I look cute as hell bro okay let’s go back up I really don’t want to get CAU by Linux so I’m just going to take this one which leads me to the outside and then I’m going to do something devious the number seven was a sign that it’s going to be a good day for me it’s going to be a I am going to steal his door yep that’s right boys I’m going to steal his front door it’s going to be a good day bro let me just make sure Linux isn’t around I don’t see his name tag anywhere so let’s just take his door and take a while cuz I don’t have any tools that’s fine there we go all right I’m also going to take this Barrel is there anything in the barrel no sadly there isn’t okay that’s fine let’s just take the barrel I’m also going to take this door come on man why does it take so long to break a flipping door are you kidding me get this one as well okay and get this one as well he’s not going to have any doors left baby he not going to have any door cuz now the air intake in this house is supercharged hey no door here oh two more doors here nice this is going to be a nice nice meal what do you do when it’s like your lucky day when you’re having when you’re supposed to have a lucky day what do you go do run down and flight of stairs and see if you trip I think there’s a few more doors upstairs so I’m just going to go ahead and do it because I am the most devious thief of all time right I’m not I’m just I’m not just only going to steal your front door I’m also going to steal like you know all the doors in the house everything cuz I don’t care oh I see L’s name tag oh snap oh snap I got to watch out bro I have to pee so bad I’m actually going to die oh snap okay let me just quickly jump down I’m going to pretend to come to his front door I have to pee yo Linux I’m here to close your doors where are they though LOL why is he not responding to me bro you just standing that AFK L what the is he is he okay is LX okay lenux if you read this I came by your house to tell you that your doors are missing if you need my help let me know XO XO XO okay now anyways good day did you steal my wait what just happened someone’s been taking my door oh snap oh snap oh snap I’m going back inside oh Snapp d d who took my doors tiger invisible door over here okay don’t even need the goggles 360 into here okay where’d he go okay magician I just went pee came back and my whole entire house is missing all right boys your boys back your boy lier on the beat Li all right listen up I am the most devious thief of all time I stole all of his doors to be exact they are eight eight doors eight doors I’m going to eat them now that’s one bro no way I have to go make new doors now he didn’t take every door um oh my gosh how much wood do I have okay three is that why you were talking in chat what are you say bule my two three 4 give me some more I’m sick be thick with me liger become thick wow dude I shouldn’t have gotten dark oak from this far away this was the worst decision I ever made I’m doing it only because of my love for Liger if I really wanted those doors back I would just go take I’m pretty sure it’s that’s actually different what it’s not dark oak but dark oak will fit the theme what happened what happened look like baby hey give me a high five buddy okay you two ab ridiculous yeah baby yeah yeah all right all right small boy go go go go go go go go go go I’m eating Burger in real life I’m getting F in real life look at them they look ridiculous down there look at the size of them they ate to too much they they like doubled in size I’m not going to do that I’m not going to go that crazy um oh this is one of those cool places right how do I uh get inside I’m going to eat a little bit okay cuz I’m still trying to be smart I don’t want to get caught and the aim of the scheme is to not get caught so I’m only going to eat parts of this house like tiny bit there it is a secret layer I may even eat some while I’m walking around like this piece of wood here okay it’s take for I ate it bro you see that hello friend I will be taking this weakness potion and this golden apple and this emerald and these apples I’m going to take this thing here I’m going to take the water cauldron oh he’s definitely going to know stuff is missing now man peace out make sure you guys like make sure you guys subscribe and I’ll see you guys on the next video peace oh we’ve done this to him once before we didn’t eat his stuff remember guys we’ve done this sort of stuff for me this what is how did they there we go I don’t how does that work I think it’s this way I’m just going to eat the enchantment table it’s not a lot but I’m going to eat that enchantment table baby have you guys seen the goats just jumping really confusing cuz I don’t jump that high in real life so I don’t know why they made them like that you guys get it cuz that’s me referring to the goats as me Linux because I’m the goat I want a few these books too me the books right here he he shouldn’t know these are missing wow I’m really far away from the house okay it’s not a lot I took I’m only going to take 12 12 books enchantment table two armor stands and cold and two Oak planks that’s nothing man come on that’s not even that bad where is my house I think it’s actually that way oh a chest you’re back already w I only went for a little bit cuz you guys are stupid you ate so much that you’re huge I’m only going to eat a little bit so I’m not that I’m not as big as you guys so I still get Nimble and get through doors and stuff I don’t think that that’s how it works look you guys a fit through here look at this yes we can yes we can it’s it’s a bit tight it’s a bit tight but you know it works it’s just the B let me try let me try see I told you okay so look I got God I got two pieces of wood one two easy peasy and I got this cauldron that’s a okay that’s not bad that’s not bad that’s not bad I got and I got you did not take the that has to have a lot of 10,000 calories yeah exactly bro there we go look at me wa okay I’m not as big as you guys wait you don’t have the stomach bro you don’t have the stomach I know cuz I don’t eat as much as you guys excuse me bro you guys bully me for being bul pushing me to the corner pushing me to the Corner Middle bro yeah yeah get in the middle bro all right lier you handle this little skinny peasant oh my don’t worry the Roblox character deal with this touch me touch me I’m SW you leave me alone touch me all right Gamers it’s Roblox Bonk time ninja uh big boy man oh enchanted golden appleo I am taking that all right let’s go back to the house for real for real I’m actually eating a burger so you know I’m getting fat in real life too got a bit worried that I was lost but at at the same time I wasn’t worried deep down I knew that my instinctual instincts were there I’ve got good instincts st stop stop stop don’t touch me touch me oh you think can hide in there just because you’re a tiny bit skinnier than me oh my God you are so lucky that don’t F I can barely squeeze all right guys honestly I’m starving IRL that’s why I’m eating right now bro I’m taking all of this I don’t even care I’m taking all the smelting fences furnaces there is they have leftover grease from all the cooking Linux has done oh my God wait he actually took all he actually took out all the doors bro tiger is dumb bro this looks tasty yo this looks tasty yo this looks tasty yo M some books you know to like wash down all the the furnaces wait what oh yo oh my God oh my God I just squeezed outside I just squeezed outside yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo oh my God he’s in the other room what the lier bro I might have to go down I might have to drop down dropping down opening this so I can fit through what oh my God I’m insane oh my God I’m insane oh my God fit through fit through bro oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what is going on what what why’ y’all take eight furnaces but not all 20 of them huh oh my God I took a lot I took a lot wait L just ask where’s his table my table dud I took a lot I took a lot that was you but I took a lot bro I took a lot I have throw with you n blast furnaces mut what did you get I have nine blast furnaces three furnaces levers cauldrons trap doors why said where’s my it’s going to make it harder for you nerds I’ll be bigger but you guys will have like you guys will just have to be way more sus oh my god look what he’s doing wow it has to be has to be more of them has to be multiple there’s no way liger right no I don’t believe it to eat I’m eating everything bro I don’t even care I’m eating all the leftover grease in the furnaces you’re going to be huge you’re genuinely going to be too big to get through that door I’m getting hungry just watching this I was always bullied I was always bullied for being scrawny not anymore oh my God hold on let me talk to this link guy what do you want no one Li situ wait what there you go I just threw you under the bus I just threw you under bus I don’t care he just threw me under the bus what is this don’t get caught wait what I should be able to see their name tag if they’re near type so I can see your name tag hello he can’t see our name tag anyway is he stupid wait what guys W this I ate too much wait what yo yo wait they have to so when you crouch you can’t steal their name yeah back up BR I might eat y’all might I might eat you guys next I’m still hungry so I should and then when they have to type they have to uncrouch all right I’m I’mma go I’m a go I’m going go therefore if they are typing they cannot be crouched so I should be able to see their name oh wait before I go can you give me your tools please please only only if you kiss my cheeks okay no not those okay there take these on no no no are you kidding me that’s crazy yeah thank you thank you okay peace wait what are they on my house no he said wait he said y’all are here right no no okay so wait he just said y’all are here right what what is this guy talking about bro I’m mining I think liger is mining too liger is sussy Baka oh snap okay got to watch out he’s right here oh snap hold on I got to take off my goggles all right just talk to him just going to walk past him he’s apologizing no suspiciously I don’t know bro when you have trust issues like me uh wow that guy is very stupid so I guess I’m just going to walk into his house right over here and put my goggles back on interesting okay let’s see what we can steal um everybody always says that Linux you have trust issues you should go see a therapist you think a therapist could unravel this for me I do want to take his Axel but I need buckets for that bro there’s no way this guy doesn’t have buckets lying around for his axelos maybe in the barrel are they in my house right now I would see a name right my God yes I should be able to see a name if one of them’s in my house yes 16 buckets right they turn off names how do you turn off name tags why is it over there why would you put your buckets down there okay that’s fine I don’t think that’s possible no way right let’s just break this and let’s just collect them all all right let me swim in here all right buddy you’re mine you’re mine you’re mine you’re all mine okay there we go let’s just put these in our hands there we go now collect this collect that collect that collect that this this one as well and that one and I have a few more so let’s just heeld up on that there you go more there we go oh oh buddy come on you’re going to be my dinner tonight okay this one as well I don’t care that I’m dying bro whatever I have I’m I’m thick I can’t die I have too much food in my system bro I’m just going to keep regenerating all right there’s two more all right take this one take that one and I think that’s about it yeah we got all the axelos we literally have every single one oh my God I can’t fit through here I can okay we’re good we’re good we’re good woooo all right let’s go back down to the basement where was it I don’t even know where it is so I’m just going to dig straight down baby here we go hey I don’t see one bro hey boys boys boys boys red man all right you want to know what I stole look at my hand let see all right okay so apparently I’m so thick you don’t even see what’s in my hand but this is what I stole and not just one not just two not just three not just four not just five not just six or seven or eight or nine or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 I’m going to eat every single one of them I’m going to go to the other side and see if I can’t maybe they’re hiding on the other side are they using portals Portal guns that would makes sense how they could get in and out really fast right I’m becoming the axelos yes yes if they’re using Portal guns right now then they’re Geniuses cuz then they could just literally teleport away basically it would just make a portal into my house and then disappear then maybe lier doesn’t have a portal gun that’s the troll lier has to not use a portal gun which is why I saw him yes more more more I’m eating all of them oh my God I remember those videos LS made by ax lotos I’m I’m eating all of them I’m eating every single one okay boom bab what do I look like what do I look like oh my God you look like pic but you’re tweaking like shaking sugar woo wooho wait sugar I ate Ro aotos that was pure protein okay dude all right dude’s go all right buddy try one up me boys I’m the captain now okay you are the captain go all right guys welcome back to the Dy show guys are just mean to me that’s what it is you guys just don’t want to see me happy I’m going show you guys how it’s done I don’t want to see no dony thick on Twitter please if I see one Dy thick Tik Tok then my whole Tik Tok is getting shut down I’ve come to that conclusion okay I’m sad heartbroken by this guys I think everybody owes me an apology everybody I just realized guys I forgot to eat the books if I eat the books I’ll probably be as stick as though I’ll probably have the big belly too even anybody watching this you guys all owe me an apology and I want you to type it out and it needs to be three paragraphs MLA format it needs to have an intro an outro and S your sources please because if you don’t s your sources then I’m just going to dislike the comment what happened to the water he stole it by just swimming up he didn’t even he didn’t even fix it he ate them all oh no s 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I’m leaving for a second and I’m going to come back make sure that there’s no names cuz one of them has to be watching me right how do they get this spot on when I walk away 26 bookshelves I got them all now I just didn’t want to break it cuz I didn’t have to if I get back there and there’s not a single name I think I’m going to lose my mind I think I will lose it and then you know what I’m taking this whole room this whole room now cuz at that point they’re just too good they’re just too good you’re telling me not a single one is UNC crouching the entire time and I don’t see a name oh my God I don’t care I want to be fat like them now I’m sorry guys you’re joking I’m sorry I’m breaking the code how I’m taking it oh baby let’s go my God oh my God my God someone broke the water and none of them are here I’m going to lose my voice run run run I’m going to lose my voice I’m going to who’s walking I’m going spectate run run run run run run run I just heard someone take a step bro who took a step oh my god did you see how close I was to be caught I went spectated to go through the wall what is this what is it what is it what is it what is it he’s back he’s ready guys guys guys guys yo yo yo yo yo chill chill chill what’s going on chill chill chill chill oh my God chill chill chill what’s going on he was so close to eating me okay but look all right first of all 12 books all right I told you I don’t play no games 12 books 12 book that’s like 6times two yes that’s exactly what that is okay look yall didn’t take the tree it took my bookshelves let me guess you guys took the armor stands too but you didn’t take the tree oh big surprise armor stands are gone axelon are gone my pride and joy look I got the belly like you guys thinking you got the belly now this is you after you eat no I still 26 he’s going to become one of us Baby Woo look at my boy I’m going to grow up to be like you let’s go join us join us will join us join us join us join us be out of breath when you climb upstairs be out of breath when you climb upstairs I want I want you guys to see like a reveal okay wait outside there I’m going to finish eating these e everything that I got so I got all B okay baby okay baby then I got 160 trap doors too wao I can’t wait to see how you look after you’re done eating all of that that’s like 12 * 5 that’s like 5us two what happen man that was just bad this a bad math and I got eight eight what what big chump what you looking at leave me alone man why do you always have back chill chill back up yeah yeah that’s right I’m the real big G here okay man chill chill you better you better watch out bro oh for what hey you better watch out you better watch out bro what I’ll eat your arm bro I’ll eat your face I too are you still eating bro what is what are you eating I can’t even fit through oh my God I can’t even see what I’m eating bro I’m actually stuck in the wall just get out bro just get out bro I still got six more six more trap doors three two finally all right you’re one of us now you’re one of us come out come out you’re going to be one of us you’re going to be one of us wo oh my oh my God I ate too I think you [Music] out yo I got I’ve never boobs now oh my god I’ve never seen such a beautiful specimen in my life thank you guys smash let me Smash I’m going to have a heart attack I think that’s what it is I’m going to have a heart attack bro I don’t understand this game mommy momy mommy sorry Mommy okay you guys your turn who’s next can can you give me can you can you give me milk wait wait wait he’s talking why do I have while he talking bro oh my God I’m sick and tired of this it’s it’s all gone oh no dude I have to go as soon as he’s oh no bro you don’t have doors there are new mob that steal your stuff lier is in the snow biome I just saw him so you need to get doors again ASAP I’m spamming it I’m spamming it I’m spamming it oh my God oh my God okay fit through fit through why you blaming it on me I’m sorry Li’s in a snow biome okay I don’t know oh my God Linux is right there Linux is right there I got to steal this I got to steal this I’m trusting you bionic I’m trusting you bunk oh my God like I said I am snowman why are they all on the same page that’s my only concern okay okay he’s dipping he’s dipping okay grab this grab this grab this grab all the smokers or whatever they’re called are they smokers yeah they are I would see a name if they were all together that’s the only reason why I’m going over to make sure that he’s not over here I’m y I’m I’m Ying the furnace they could be all together working together talking and lagger took my doors and other stuff to surprise me with a new house even though I just got a new house I have fer ey f for fer ey dude I’m taking these lamps these must be super tasty no I’m drinking this destroying the plant I don’t even care if I don’t get it D I’m stealing everything I’m stealing everything the next person to go has to get caught there’s zero chance I really don’t like the snow biome I will be honest with you even want to eat all this stuff bro I’m actually full like IRL I just ate like an entire McDonald’s burger bro this video should be sponsored by McDonald’s man maybe not they’d sue us cuz like you know like they probably don’t want us like marketing their company like this I don’t bro bro he’s not here oh my God oh my God wait is b a gaslighting me right now dude he was there he was there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah B question marked me he was there I’m under the snow okay okay I’m I’m going to steal this I’m going to steal this I’m going to steal this where under the snow what oh my God I’m going to steal all the lamps bro I don’t even care all the lamps nobody’s going into spectator not following me you’re not allowed to go into spectator sometimes I don’t know if Don actually abides by that role these are like chips these are like french fries the lamps are french fries hold up let’s break some of this let’s break some of this like I would see these things these are things that I’ve learned over time I’m going to clean out this freaking yeah y I’m going to grab everything from here I’ve adapted and become smarter every day we got to get our vegetables Gamers we can eat all the kelp if they’re working together then theyve they’ve done an amazing job I don’t understand let’s grab the pink blocks they’ve done it they’ve done it swilling and the only thing that this should prove is that it takes multiple people to troll me now oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die and Donnie is no longer capable of doing it by himself because he is not good at his job okay okay okay wait where’s where’s Linux I don’t see Linux I think he went over there if it’s liger doing a troll and he’s having other people in it then he’s doing a horrible job okay go go go go go go go f through here oh my God oh my God if it’s just liger and not the other two then he’s doing a great job I’m I’m going to steal these I’m going to steal these dude I don’t even know what they’re going to steal bro there’s a lot of there’s a lot of angles of this honestly I’m just going to have a hole in his house I don’t even care yep leaving a hole in his house I don’t know which one it is I don’t see a name straight up bro I don’t care I’m stealing the outside right here these campfires cool okay I I dropped some stuff but it’s fine I’m going to Y the carpet oh the Melatonin is kicking in bro he said it keeps you really focused and ready to go bro why do I feel like I want to rest my head this is like mayonnaise this is the mayonnaise I love Mayo all right go go go go go go go go back down go back down I’m I’m going to steal some of this oh my gosh oh my gosh why what why is there one oh God no you go down the water’s all broken man the water’s all broken he’s back he’s back what up Flubber boys yo I’m just letting you guys know uh you guys are screwed I got so much stuff yeah I also like broke everything I just I I was just a did you leave anything for me can I have like rest over there’s just pieces in my house missing they’ve lost it they’ve lost it they’ve lost it can I have the rest overs like I also want to be as big as done join me join me I have so much that I got bro oh my God bro you are literally like beautiful let me eat in peace shut up man okay sorry sorry I have insecurities I got bullied in school hey what if I eat you stop no get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away it’s okay protect me you’re W you’re W you’re wa you’re wa you’re no no no no guys I don’t think you understand I have a lot to eat bro from vegetables from vegetables there’s no way oh wow vegetables that cond cond cond to whatever Tomatoes blocks he is so fat that SP I’m eating all of this I’m eating all of this I don’t even care that’s going to be humongous I hope oh my God that’s going to take so much time he’s going to eat for so long the tomatoes I want to eat your Tomatoes now for the lanterns french fries now for the mayonnaise to wash it all down mayonnaise to wash it down yeah that’s so disgusting and finally guys you know some veggies veggies going to make you skinny oh my God oh my God my stomach is coming out of my freaking uh stomach look you brother you have a you have a back stomach bro you have a back St SP him SP him why chill why me why me chill leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone okay going no no that’s weird no no no actually ah okay too late too late peace peace PE a okay awkward all right guys this my mission to become as big as them so let me just uh get my trusty tools out again here we go now let’s see what else we can eat uh wow this house is pretty pretty empty but maybe I just eat his floor yeah I think I’m going to do that I’m just going to take his floor I’m just going to eat his floor actually no no no no no no no no no no we need something more valuable there’s no way this guy is not hiding anything valuable bro what can we take here oh the iron doors I forgot I can take him now nice oh he iron doors guys there’s not much left to steal I’ll be honest we literally took everything there’s something on the roof maybe that I can take no no wow these guys really have left nothing for me okay cool I guess that’s it let’s go back uh put the goggles on okay there we go boom boom all right guys you guys left nothing there for me okay what do you mean it was you guys I took I took I took some of his floors I took his some of his floors I took I took his two iron doors he had left his two pressure plates to go along with it some charcoal and uh that’s that’s pretty much it that’s all I’m having today because you guys ate everything else okay okay oh my God I threw it out okay okay okay give it back I’m sorry I’m sorry oh thank you for the extra food [Music] one of us one of us one of us one of me one of me one of me one of me one of me all right guys time for the iron doors oh snap oh my God they’re going to be super heavy all right there we go put my belly Buton put in my belly Buton quite a long time to eat one no no no get get out of it this is my food okay time for the pressure plates and there we go baby oh my God go yeah grp baby grp belly touch belly touch belly touch belly touch belly touch belly touch hey belly for this next part ready ready ready [Applause] yeah listen listen what guys guys okay now now you can go up to blocks and eat them like by looking at them right so what we’re going to do we’re going to go upstairs we’re going to eat the entire house okay oh my god let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go remember guys if he sees us we’re all finished all of us at the same time okay okay it’s fine it’s fine fine go go let’s eat his house let’s eat his house go go go move go go go oh my God it’s getting it’s getting pretty hard all right hold hold on I got a pickaxe I got to pickaxe relax okay there you go there you go there you go oh my God yo you guys are in my way bro please I I’m going to break this eat your way out eat your way out you know I’m eating my way out yeah I’m eating I’m your way out ch ch chill n all right bro give me all the food this all I have is the cookers and that’s about it bro give me all the food I have 10 cooked mutton left I’m eating my way through eating my way through this wall eat the floor eat the floor guys there’s tons of chest over here we haven’t even touch guys eat eat eat I can’t kill the donkey that would just be sad okay so I just need sheepers and a couple of pigs and some cows that’s all I need all right I will take your guys’ lives goodbye eat eat eat wait I my pickaxe on action we got sick eat eat eat eat everything give me the meat Now we move next eat I’m going to eat my way through into his house I’m coming I’m eating through the chest room whoever gets caught first loses right guys come look at me wait what yo hold on I got to eat more I got to eat more hold on hold on hold on where are you and now we cook them okay our final supper in our house I don’t understand I’m going to burn it that’s what I’m going to do I’m eating more I’m eating more right inside I’m a biggest w a biggest W oh my god oh snap keep e all hold on I’m going to eat some more chest I’m eat some more chest going go go I’m eating chest they got bigger eat all the chest baby my final supper before I burn this entire house and everything with it everything along with it oh my God what is that y oh my God wait I just got hug I can run I can run wa Niger I’m dying I’m I’m too F I’m stuck guys I’m stuck guys I’m what is happening Y what are they doing I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m stuck I’m eating Lin oh my I can’t get out no get out of my is that Bion they’re all here all three I’m going to kill you eat him eat him eat him he’s becoming smaller we getting bigger let’s all run let’s you took a b out of me bro I’m going to kill you guys I’m going to kill all of you I’m going to kill you guys he’s killing me he’s killing me he’s a maniac I can’t see anything oh I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m at the house I’m at the house oh I’m as big as a house they’re ginormous on it I’m as big as a house look at me look at me oh my God are they eating me are they eating me I’m eating I’m eating him I’m eating him him we ate his armor look he’s naked he’s naked I’m eating his armor I’m eating his armor they just ate my armor they just ate my armor his his eat his eat his but eat his but eat his I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to kill him got kill us e him let’s go I ate him you I won I died B ate me did B just eat me I’m the winner subscribe can’t take this now it’s time to build our own house underneath his one problem you can only build a house using blocks you find from inside his house so his house is slowly just going to get more and more empty this is too easy oh R’s house is fixed I fixed it see I told you all right so here I am under linux’s house and look okay it iy exit in case we need to leave but right here if you go up this little water spout here you get all the way out here and right here if I take these glasses off for a second you’ll be able to see that no usually this look completely normal but because I’m wearing these special glasses I can see now that behind this wall it’s a completely fake wall look I’m inside linx’s house I’m outside wait he’s coming in listen man who thinks it’s actually my fault cuz I know it’s not mine bro so I’ve set the spawn under linx’s house that the next person to join the server no matter what is in my video against their wheel are lying to yourselves you guys convince yourself of things and you guys just believe them for some reason you guys are crazy I’m gaslighting you guys right now so we’re going to be sitting here taking turns to take off the shoot put the glasses on go steal an item come back down here and we’re going to K out the house I can hear him inside his house look there he is he’s walking around inside his house what is he talking about you really think about it these Axel are kind of like dancing they don’t really move they’re all just kind of doing the Tango you know I would have to tell the person that joins the crouch crouch crouch it’s usually people on and off all the time on the server so we’re good I was there wait for someone to join so I can force them to steal with me and boom it happened bionic joined I told him the plan and he was ready to steal it’s never a good idea to join Don’s Minecraft server the profile picture of the server is literally him controlling the world all right here goes nothing bro if Linux disconnects by the time someone joins I’m going to scream this guy’s been playing Minecraft for the last three B what oh my God message Bic crouch crouch crouch oh my God wait why what what is going on he’s ping he’s I what wait hey yo what is this man you crouch you’re not crouching said we’re under linux’s house we are under Linux house let’s play a game okay I play a game he said yes he said yes we actually are basically out of food got to go trade too it’s never a boring day on Donnie’s stupid server go steal something using these glasses without getting caught what glasses bring it back to furnish the downstairs of bit what you talking about I’m such an idiot I feel like we’ve merked all of these cows I feel like we’ve merked all of them the fact that there’s animals on this server is a miracle take these and go oh my God these goggles take these and go Goggles of true Vision what the heck is that oh my God yo I look so cool yo look at these glasses look go up go up okay okay okay so I have to go up here oh my God oh my God oh my God hey yo hey yo okay all right let’s see how good he is wait what is this what oh look you’re going to be able to see him walking through the wall okay any second now he comes out here do I just go inside you know what I probably should just made a cow Farm now prob won’t matter bro bro bro bro bro bro okay okay oh where’s ly oh my goodness he’s inside his house oh my nuts oh my nuts I’m supposed to steal oh my God bro so does a smoker cook faster 1 2 3 4 5 took 5 seconds I’m literally in his walls that sounds sus okay okay wait wait wait so uh his chests are all downstairs no oh my God okay I’m going to go through okay okay oh there we go oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God bro bro if he turns back I’m actually screwed go go go mine this oh my God that was so close he stole he stole the furnace oh my God oh my God oh my God go go okay come back down come back down it’s my turn I’m good I’m good I didn’t take any of the chests it’s fine I got brewing stand and Anvil okay yo he’s back all right what’ you get us what did you get us take it I can’t unshift let’s go we’ve got F and we got Anvil and a water table I don’t know what they called the BR stand let’s see dude you’re a psychopath wait do I go again let’s go give me the glosses give me the glosses he said watch this I’m the best okay bro wait what is that emergency exit okay you got this Donny Bob I need a cow Farm I don’t have any we right now here we go we going up baby should I do this in survival mode I feel crazy being in Creative I could wait no kipley has some no kly has carrots someone that’s what I thought things were going smooth boom lier joins so now it’s a thre Man game whoever gets caught first loses H do I join Donnie’s server or do I join Hypixel do I join Hypixel to have fun or join Donnie server to get tortured I want to get tortured let’s go on Donnie’s server let’s go baby oh my God liger lager’s on the server oh no liger shift okay what’s going on today wao this isn’t where I logged off what a flip am I what’s going on what’s what’s B doing here good good good yes Crouch bro crouch crouch crouch we’re good we’re good we’re good Crouch yeah yeah I’m already crouching chill I always crouch in unfamiliar places you think I’m stupid Hey I’m going to take this plot here three wait so Donnie wait how did he spawn here too I take the plot there we go we go daddy oh quick quick this way do you think I’m stupid of course I would crouch in a unfamiliar place he took his plants what is that why is there just random this world is horrible bro what is that oh my gosh the lockness monster bro that was like a year ago right what’s going on what’s going g y shut up wait let me get into a call with these two idiots unmute you are dumb shut up what guys guys guys guys dude why is liger talking the crouch crouch crouch w y holy listen we’re underneath L’s house okay we’re taking turns to go up and get one item and bring it down okay we’re Furnishing this our place with his stuff what okay but to see the invisible doors you got to see this you got to use these okay take the goggles put them on put them on got the water you have to come back down and bring God yo he actually looks sick actually looks so good let’s go okay okay okay so just one item yeah I’ll be right back got the Gucci the the Louis Vuitton glasses thank you thank you we have more than 16 not bad not bad that’ll going to be 24 which should last at least today we could trade then we got to go trade then we’re going to make an iron golem Farm cuz I’m not going to be lazy on this game anymore oh sir why can I never oh Linux is right there oh snap wait what did they say again what did the goggles do am I invisible bro I don’t know if lier is going to be good at this Donnie I don’t know will dude I don’t know man he’s not like sneaky ninja mode like us him they said something about invisible doors so I I take these off oh okay okay okay that’s what it is for oh my God I have to crouch um can’t see me it’s mission impossible oh snap I feel like James Bond oh whoa whoa whoa whoa M wao I kind of want to troll him a bit as well is that bad better stay crafted there buddy woohoo yeah okay what we taking what we Tak it I think I’m in the bathroom right now let’s take his toilet all right okay okay okay I took his toilet boom all right now we just got to get back without him noticing okay boom I’m going to punch him and go in LOL did he notice me look at that he doesn’t know he doesn’t know what a noob lol l l okay let’s go downstairs I was watching a Tik Tok what just happened way what did he get what did you get what did you get all right what’s up boys so I sto his toilet dude dude you let’s go bro that’s too big hello someone not just hit me we need we need a toilet bro we need a toilet down there you know yo honestly honestly I agree yo w w w all right my turn my turn all right here go here go here go here go here you go go okay I’m going in I’m going in baby now we trade look G Good Luck Good Luck bonic all right good luck love love love love love Li said in the sky lier on my house yo Bon yo lier you want to see like disgusting punch me okay wait I think Linux is far oh my God I’m in survival mode oh my God wait did he just end a PE or was that was that them taking damage I have no idea okay hold on I on my house no wait is he on my house no I’m going to go I’m going to go crazy I’m going to go crazy I’m going to go crazy I’m going to go crazy someone hit me there oh my God what is this what is this wait what what is this this is the bathroom got to catch another flight Apple botom make you want a bite I don’t even know if that’s the right words bro oh my God oh my God oh my God okay what’s inside of this chest nothing I’m going to steal this bed I don’t even care bro yo I’m going to steal this chest too yo dude I don’t see his name wait is he up here bro where is Linux I don’t think I’ve ever been in this part of this house before Oh my God oh my God I’m going to take his gear wait what the heck the door just closed behind me hey yo okay there’s nothing inside of here I’m going to take maybe his iron and his armor yeah I’m just going to take his armor I’m just going to take his stuff yo guys someone made this and tagged me in it just now wait it was a it was like January but someone just tagged me in this maybe should I leave the brewing stand no no we need it for our base okay okay okay okay okay I’m going to like take the chest and yo just as a little like 200 IQ distraction there go toggle sneak and let’s say I think some stuff rolled back weird that way when he goes inside of here and sees his stuff gone maybe I don’t know you know what I’m saying look at this why is he being so nice yeah he D let me get let me get some faces for the SM for the yeah okay let’s grab this let’s grab this there you go enchantment table’s ours dude I do not know where he is I think I should be good let me get some for the fans okay honestly with the armor and the enchantment table I think we’re good POV you’re walking behind me at a movie theater oh is this you you oh you sit here oh this your seat no you can have it that’s all you oh no I promise man bro someone should steal the axotal try not to make too many Tik toks out of it I don’t want to annoy people what did got we got armor we got armor baby hold on hold on we got charm table you know what yeah yeah yeah let’s let’s read let’s read and poop baby read and poop oh you’re genius wo genius give me the go my turn got fresh drip oh he he didn’t steal just one he stole all of them wait did you bro I actually yeah to much he’s going to know no no it’s okay I said I said the thingy you know like the the RB back I said I think some stuff rolled back I lost stuff he did he did he said like it would roll back so it’s it’s good yeah it’s cool it’s cool it’s cool it’s safe bro trust actually insane my turn I think I have I think this is lager’s crossbow pretty sure I stole it from him let me find him and give it to him all right let’s see what the the monster ton yeah yeah what do you mean I’m doing insane come on D you don’t think you can top that you don’t think you can top that dude watch this yeah I think this is I think I’m pretty sure this is his crossbow he’s outside this house I think I have your crossbow oh no Linx please get out of me where is he should I go to make it Les B oh my God you don’t have the glasses though you might have to like when you get the glasses go yeah say likees oh my God this is so annoying go away I didn’t even trade I didn’t even trade I was looking at the Tik toks I was supposed to go trade with villagers and I forgot okay I’m going to say who put this TNT on the bridge stop trying to blow up Linux house we put this TNT on the bridge stop trying to blow up Linux TNT on the bridge he said question Mar now he runs where is everybody hey yo here we go me all right what should we steal what TNT on the bridge all right here we go I don’t care guys I do not care a bit I’ve God all I’ve actually going crazy mode they’re not even here they’re actually just messing with me you guys suck man look at me look at me in survival I feel disgusting let’s take these barrels I don’t know what’s in them there’s nothing in them this is fine we take the bar oh okay there was books in there enchanted books oh my God we’re rich how is there four people on and I’m the only one in the village I’m going to use this bow for some some really bad things man he said like got have your bow where you have I’ll be there in a bit I’m far away okay there we go okay nice good save good save thank you I’ll be there in a bit I’m far away there we go and now we go back you where are they give me a map now now give me a map where is he I think we’re good I think we’re so good here we go I’ll talk to your mother I’ll do it give the map hey guys let’s see let’s see what did you get what did you get hey yo shift bro shift sh Shi relax I know what I’m doing okay oh my God he got three barrels four barrels St got to catch another flight Apple botom Mak want a bite I just want to have a good night bro he’s broke he doesn’t have look at look at what I stole out of the chest oh my God death Strider one sharp then you think that’s it wait look please tell me I got some diamonds oh bookshelves for the enchantment table you are such a smart human being put around the toilet hold hold on Jiggy there is put him around the toilet like right here like right here isn’t that pretty like messed up though you can read guys you read and poop read and poop hey all of these I stole from him bro who tagged me in this someone tagged me and said at linity this ain’t me cuz some white guy with blonde hair that’s swooshed to the side is on Tik Tok doesn’t mean that that’s me stop tagging me in that this is like our man cave right we going to share this at the end yeah yeah yeah we’ll be living under linux’s house forever everybody tags me constantly I get like 20 Tik toks a day sent to me Y is this you shut up man it’s not me it’s not me bro that was him I I that’s he spawns you’re insane we better just hope he doesn’t die yeah no no no bro if he dies he doesn’t respawn no I come up here because I have the armor and the the stands either someone took it or the roll back I think some stuff rolled back okay y I’mma go I’m going go good Lu all right Lago you know what you need to do he’s expecting you yeah just take them off yeah okay cool take the gos off before you see him yeah yeah yeah peace peace peace all right good luck Donnie’s doing something and he wants me to to second guess but if it rolled back a version it may have or the old yeah the old server I just placed those the other day so it may have rolled back before I placed all right so there are two things we need to do first one is we need to meet Linux so that he can give me my crossbow and then the second one is I have to steal something yeah yeah yeah okay so let’s just quickly just run out of his house all right take off the goggles you guys are so stupid what is this why still his b that’s the one is bright orange I don’t know it smelled nice love talking out of you what you talking about I came farted on there oh he’s here’s here all right cool cool cool act normal act normal like you can’t walk in there we go thank you Aras AR goai peace I thought it was his the thing is if you keep something with liger then he’ll hold a grudge against you why is he still looking at me he genuinely is a little like Box Troll the Box Troll movie he like lives under the bridge yo can I use your bathroom real quick oh he likes the bathroom he’s like can I use your bathroom yes someone likes my bathroom Okay uh okay I talked about in the last video and people are giving me crap they’re like he it’s two graphic LS bro it’s a bathroom man what do you think happens in a bathroom whatever anyways I don’t even need the goggles bro who need go who needs goggles uh okay let’s see what we can steal should I take his paintings yeah let’s take his paintings boom what else can we take I have to top the other guys you know let’s go upstairs let’s see what he has in here just cuz it’s called a bathroom you don’t know what happens when you go in a bathroom people do that bro they say I’m going to go to the bathroom that doesn’t mean they have to go to the bathroom that means they’re going in there to take a dookie oh I want to steal an axel that would be crazy a juicy wet dookie okay let’s see do I have a bucket yes I do okay so now we’re just going to unsuspicious break this oh oh my god oh okay I got it I got it oh my God I broke too much stuff oh my God I broke too much stuff I’m got to go back put on the goles where’s the wall I forgot where it was I forgot where it was where is it here it is oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God peace peace peace go in go in go go go oh my God what bro bro what is wrong with you what is wrong with you I stole chill chill chill I stole these two things and then and then check this out check this out I like how Donnie tried to save the village by turning on no fire spread and then just forgot about fire spread great take this out I stole his ex yes let’s go W all right all right here you go here you go wait I have a water bucket I’ll probably take one myself too I I made I made a bit of a mess try clean it up yeah what wait I have to clean your M oh I hate you dude I actually ha please you stole his pet this is not normal bro said he’ll sell me emeralds for beetroot and he’s literally oh this is carrots never mind bro what did he what is he talking about a mess he made a mess and I have to like clean it I broke the aquarium and the whole room started floing I had to go I had to run bro I had to run why this is so stupid I’m just going to steal this cuz I don’t want to get rid of my emeralds I literally had a plan what was I going to do Golems Iron Golem Farm I just need a bunch of iron okay Linux is not around I don’t see any like mess okay I’m going to try and steal another Axel honestly bro I think we need some carpet I think we need some carpet I’m just going to take all of this go go go go go go go go go okay okay okay let’s be smart let’s be smart here okay everything seems normal here maybe we could use some you know some lighting some nicer lighting there you go maybe we’ll steal some more carpet you know what I’m saying just maybe like shave off just like the edges just so that he can’t actually know okay dude I’m so scared I don’t see his username bro how do you make bread go go go go go go go there you go yes okay we got all of this I’m just going to like type some random stuff in chat OMG I almost died did Reaper I’m scared okay okay okay I’m going to go up let’s go up let’s see bro made a mess oh my goodness okay you know what I’m just going to steal this one hold on I have an idea I’m going to I’m going to grab this Edge there you go and then play it on this side since I guess I don’t have any glass there you go bro oh my gosh I’m actually 200 IQ what are they actually doing right now some people should not be allowed to type in Minecraft they should be allowed I don’t think there’s anything else in this room honestly yeah what was that oh that was this door dude oh my God bro no way wait we actually just got a stack of white carpet wait yeah yes sir 45 oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m actually screwed I’m actually screwed if Linux comes up here I’m actually screwed bro 45 pieces of bridge now where’s my horse oh he’s going back out he’s going back out don’t tell me the horse got rolled back bro oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I have a lead oh my God he just missed me um excuse me sir what are you doing what are you doing out oh my nuts GG I’m actually insane what are you doing out of the cage I’m actually cracked I’m actually cracked I’m actually cracked what you get what’ you get what’ you get Gamers Gamers I literally stole perfect amount of carpet I got a stack from him I stole literally a stack of carpet from him F carpet I I skinned it though it’s like I didn’t I didn’t just steal all of it you know what I’m saying like I skinned it I skinned it how do I get you back in there’s no way you you glitched through a block right my move bro move bro yeah what you mean let go okay this was your idea bro this is too much bro I genuinely think it’ll be worse for me try to get him back in if I had a lead what oh and don’t worry I cleaned up your mess you idiot I had to stripped okay listen I can’t even describe to you what I had to do it was 200 IQ but uh let’s just say I got number one oh my God number two wooho all my all my stuff man what do you mean everything rolled back wait a second hold on how far did we roll back you guys are absolutely mental okay give me give me the glasses I’m going where’s my chest and stuff oh no he’s idiots guys this is why I troll alone everyone in the comment section wait don’t please troll with other people this is what happens they take it too far they don’t know how to troll a little bit yeah I’m not I’m sorry bro you’re going to have to pass away it’s easier to get him in from the top but I’m pretty sure you put a lead on him and throw him in look my chest armor I’m missing where y’all at if I find water I can get him back in like oh my God he’s asking about his chest my chest armor Etc are missing oh my goodness no that’s not good shut wait watch this watch this shut up bro you forget a lot of things look there he is look see him look he’s right there like I said shut up bro you forget a lot of things oh my god look what they’ve done okay I’m going to get out some furnace he’s not lying I literally forgot like three times in the last 10 minutes about what I was doing he’s not lying should I go get my own aone he is not lying my attention span is so minuscule this guy is in his house too much what am I supposed to do he no way liger took liger used my restroom and took this he said did you take the lava cauldron toilet off you used it wait Li did you take the lava cauldron toilet after you used it dude what dude what are you talking about the lava cauldron what can I steal what can I steal I’m taking this one Whatever whatever man taking this cauldron I’m taking everything in this room I’m emptying this entire room guys said I never came to your house what is bro talking about there we go I emptied that entire room oh my God yo there’s a whole empty room this is all guys I can’t wait to tell them Y what do you have for us today welcome back brewing stand I got another brewing stand for us and you know how he was complaining about one quadrant gone I stole the other one oh my God that whole room is stole his sink I think that was his sink yeah oh God and then I got us a nice little dining table right here we could just you know do stuff on the side you know I did a bionic I saw carpet oh nice or Donnie Donnie Donnie it could be a couch oh nice and then you know lier lier loves like sticks he could play with this one you know what was that was that Dam oh my God are you guys shifting oh my God you he us that was actually like way too close guys if you ever if we ever get scared right behind the emergency exit we run for our life okay if he finds that what that says I couldn’t I can read that okay if we if he finds us we run for our life okay okay okay all right who’s next oh oh my turn okay let’s go let’s go oh my God you drop him all perfect safe now we want more a you you want his door okay okay more a oh no he actually Rin it all right time for me to go back out the house is covering together look at this dude it actually looks like really good it looks like yo Linux I’m here for the crossbow come yo Linux I’m here for the crossbow wait what what’s this guy doing bro why is he just standing there on the bridge wait what I’m going to gasl him into him thinking that he didn’t give me the crossbow and then I’ll be like wait the crossbow is right there right there what he didn’t you didn’t give me anything bro wait what did I not give him it I gave him it there you go there you go that that has to clear all of the doubt all right peace peace peace okay cool cool wait what cool cool cool cool cool now we just unsuspicious walk away wait I’m so confused right now we just unsuspicious walk away and then we walk back but then this time I put on the goggles all right what’s this ooh thanks for the crossbow XD wait what bro there’s nothing in here this guy’s poor what am I supposed to steal just a test yo okay you know what I’m taking every single one of his chest bro I don’t care bro I don’t understand right now so someone’s disguising as Donnie actually I’m I’m getting bored I have to steal something more insane and more crazy oh snap he’s coming oh snap oh snap what is liger doing all right now we just quickly upstairs oh snap bonic said he wanted his door getting the door I just I just saw him walk in what is he doing I’m taking all the doors in his house taking this one taking this one as well I was just checking to make sure you’re good all the doors are gone are all the doors gone I don’t have doors unless it’s the front door oh my God I’m such a bad Thief oh okay I have to I have to figure out a different way to get back downstairs to the boys oh snap oh snap where are the doors I don’t understand what’s happening so someone’s robbing me right now all right I got to dig down they have to be here right they have to be here yo my enchantment table wait oh let’s go let’s go I found a different entrance I’m cracked I’m cracked back boys boys boys I’m behind you I found a different exit I found a different exit chill chill chill can you stop blaming everything on me please okay okay here you go so you went to the doors here you go bro here’s some doors here’s there’s another door and then and I stole all of his chest every single one I stole every single chest he has even got anything the downstairs chest oh my God it’s whatever bro I know it was empty I felt bad for him but whatever he broke it out there oh go up go go go I swear the upstairs was empty all right wish me luck wish me luck dude this is not good this is not good oh my God this is actually not good why do I have to go now oh my God okay wait he’s going upstairs he’s going upstairs I’m going to take this wait bro I’m confused man I’m going to take this I’m going to take this I’m going to take this oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go I’m going to take this I’m just not going to take the smokers for now what is that noise what are those noises right now oh my God just grab everything grab everything screw it screw it what is that noise grab these grab these grab these grab these grab these grab these grab these grab these he said what is that noise I’m out I’m out bro I’m out bro I’m out bro oh my God I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out he’s back already that was Gamers no no I I had to I had to try and one up you lagger did he get are we getting trolled no I’m not trolling anyone bro what bro we cooking my furnace are [Music] gone get your booty out there bro hello look oh no oh no oh no he’s upstairs he’s upstairs someone has to be in the house someone has to be in the house someone has to be in the house look at this room who’s here I just heard a door open and there’s no doors here he’s look he looks lost I going to say we’re at the Village come talk to us you’re at the Village there you go he’s at the let’s go to the Village am I going to see a name pop up oh god let’s go talk to a yo this is outrageous guys look what I’m taking in my house I’m going to wait a sec would I be able to see a name from this far I think so there we go we got the fireplace that villager scared me bro I thought that was someone there we go we got the fireplace the villager oh wait they’re at the Village right now uh should we just should we take the stairs is someone pretending to be liger and then when liger went in that one time it was Donny and he’s rolling back the server wait no we can’t take the stairs okay we’ll take this we’ll just assume that we’ve taken them every single life on this floor I want this entire floor gone I’m going a bit crazy guys I can’t lie this is this is not my most discreet work Donnie’s at my house Donnie’s pretending to be all three of them I’ve only seen one at a time there we go there we go there we go oh my the amount of stuff that I’ve just taken this give me some more lights so bionic and liger aren’t actually on that’s Donnie typing for them that’s him trying to pretend and then they’re gaslighting me I’ve gone crazy oh my this floor is just look at this floor bro I don’t see any name names though that’s the thing the second we see oh there he is there he is there he is there he is there he is there he is we stole so much we stole so much here we go okay someone left evidence oh he’s back he’s back hello what what what’d you get what you get guys I’ve done the worst thing did you do the most devious St in history you do not understand what I’ve taken look at this all right is this floor first of all that’s his whole fireplace okay this whole fireplace gone okay this is more of the fireplace all right then bro just play everywhere look look juke box you can play music oh snap there’s cobblestone on the floor ain’t no way this is rolling back I got every single light in his house God every single one my God right this is beautiful that is actually beautiful then okay every single barrel we’ve now got more okay we stole every piece of cobblestone look this is all part of his right and then I’ll put this in the chest here boom rest of the stone brick rest of the carpets books sign I stole his s for every pot has in his house oh my God everything bro if you go up there look at that second floor okay is it all right give me the goals give me the goals it’s lagger it’s lagger go go go what’s happening doesn’t the server need to reset the roll back I like how everyone’s just ignoring him let’s leave him let’s keep gaslighting him it’s okay all right yeah yeah yeah you know what I’m going to take off the goggles I’m going to pretend to be the normal lager I think that’s a move I’m just a friend I’m coming to check up on him yeah I’ll I’ll give him like steak eat food man stay healthy if you need anything let me know love is this actually lagger I’m just going to walk outside very nonchalantly should I just follow him I’m looking at him he’s following me why is he following me I’m just going to follow him why is he following me I’m just going to follow him why is he following me is this liger or is this Donnie why is he following me what is going on yo chill why is he following me is is Donnie pretending to be liger why is he following me bro what is this NPC walk stroll through Minecraft bro what is this why are you following me where’s liger going bro I have to run I have to run I have run after run after run go go go go go go go I’m stealing his stairs bro I don’t care it’s the only thing I don’t know what else I can take yo yo yo bro my God I’m so sorry yo he’s on to me bro he started following me as soon as I left the house but yo we saw we were watching dude the whole house is empty I didn’t know what to steal so I just stole his stairs I stole all of his stairs wait how is he going to get to the next floor and then and then I also I stole this and then uh I don’t know how you like put that on top I don’t even what I don’t even know what that is I stole it as well the his whole house empty what else are we supposed to steal bro I got an idea we’re all going to go okay yeah let’s go let’s go raid ninja raid ninja raid ninja raid ninja raid if something happened to my house I’m going to lose it guys no no no we can take this spred where he puts his b barrels barrels barrels barrels barrels barrels he he’s he’s com he’s com he’s barrels on me Barrel on me to theall to theall to theall to theall what oh oh no what is this yo I’m in the wall I’m in the wall I’m in the wall I’m I’m in the wall I’m in the wall I’m in the wall what the go get get go go go oh my god dude what what in that what go go go good on good on good on what in the alternate universe is that shift shift shift maybe he doesn’t know maybe he doesn’t know dude you’re pushing me you idiot sorry sorry sorry oh my God your off chill the bro just walked through the wall he’s stupid remember he doesn’t know he doesn’t know he doesn’t know what did they just walk through wait run oh oh my God kill him kill him kill him kill him him no no no no they’re going to kill me emergency exit emergency exit please I’m stuck what is this oh my God oh my God I’m blocking offer exit where hegen I see I see what is this oh my God I’m stilling I’m no no man everyone for themselves I escape baby the emergency exit doesn’t work if I’m looking at it I’m in the emergency exit with you where are you going see you nerd I can’t run where are you going I can’t I found your thumbnail over here now it’s time to hide alone but this time I have to survive for a 100 days and after every day the challenges get more and more difficult okay this is impossible whose idea was this him being uh on the tabl list is a good sign that means that he’s not in vanish which means he’s like invisible and is messing or like around the house if that makes sense all right guys and there is his house look at oh I see him yeah where should we put this painting okay I can see his name tag but he can’t see my name tag I’ve disabled my name tag it’s no longer above my head I’ve been putting paintings all over the place for some reason but look as you can see I can see it I feel like I want to just cover every square inch so you see his house this is his normal house I built this while he was Offline that weird random partt if at any point he notices wow why is he in a ball I don’t know yeah that looks a lot better okay we’re good we’re good is that King Kong if at any point he notices that his house has a roof extension okay what is this supposed to be King Kong and then a bunch of tables like you know that thing where he rolls the TNT we’re going to get cool out but okay I’ve been waiting for him to come online I need to somehow get inside his house but before I do that it’s time guys game mode survival look at me I have hearts on my screen play i d up BS look if I want to do game creative I can’t anymore it’s over from this point onwards am I supposed to do with this netherite scrap no wait how do I have netherite has to be from like an old video and Donnie gave them to me cuz how do you make netherite ingots how long will I lost inside his house without mods without game mode creative let’s find out now no way you need nine oh my gosh you need nine so we need to somehow get inside that room there I don’t know how we’re going to do that we’re going to have to maybe get inside the house we don’t have to crouch we just make sure you can’t see us how am I supposed to get nine netherite scrap and make something out of it look at all these paintings I’m actually kind of going crazy right now I need more though cuz look this entire area is all painting L I hear a villager inside his house that’s a stupid wandering Traer that he has captive I think it’s like is it down here what’s going on in this room why is there a days until I heard it this guy’s weird he’s weird I told you I have to make more oh is he on my floor oh no he’s on my floor he’s on my floor please please please I’m going to have to hide here oh my God please oh my God oh my God yo yo I’m crazy what do I need leather need more leather and then H look I built this area inside his house that you can get inside I’m in that little compartment and right here we have 100 D tasks build a house using only his stuff if I can get through every single thing here in 100 days I win but I won’t know what the next one says okay like I have no idea what that gibberish is maybe if I stand really far away can I make it out no I can’t okay never mind boom build a house using only his stuff so this place I have now turn into my house without him knowing oh my God this is horrible man I I’m going to go g him unable to switch game shut up got one should I just make a cow Farm nah that’s lame boom dead climbing down I don’t see anyone I don’t see his name t I don’t think he’s home dead oh wait someone has a cow farm right is this Donny’s old cow Farm okay first thing I completely forgot about no he didn’t have a cow Farm what do he have I don’t even know kill them all before removing all of my powers and my odd powers and stuff goodbye I have to get food somehow goodbye I know he has food in one of these smoker chest boom boom boom boom boom okay cook chicken you know what it’s a cow Massacre Oh I I probably should have left two shouldn’t I I’m a BD I don’t eat the birds so we’re good okay M there we go we now have infinite food for the whole time we’re here H it’s okay it’s fine oh my God I feels so weird I have to eat to survive what is this game I thought that was Donnie oh just a horse make sure we don’t see his name tag okay we have to build a house using only his stuff he does he have any wood down here we need a crafting table a furnace and something else okay uh Cobblestone that’s enough for a furnace and wood we need wood oh there’s wood here okay o clocks there we go wait I just realized we need a bed too oh my God does he have any wool bro I need to order food oh no no he doesn’t have wool okay random blocks okay there’s nothing in here this guy’s broke is a joke oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my God yo since when did McDonald’s chicken nuggets be $12 for 20 nuggets oh my God but then a Chipotle burrito with chicken is like 10 quick we need one string okay we we need to we’ll find one string somewhere you’re telling me 20 chicken nuggets are the same as a chicken burrito no way dude oh my gosh that’s crazy I wanted nuggets bro there’s a sheep here we should have stole iron because if we take the iron we can make a a wool with or the bed with the iron or like shes what do they call it I don’t know $10 for one Burger a fry and a drink one Burger I can eat that burger in three bites here we go sorry rage I’m going to have to borrow some stuff from here there we go the crafting table this feels disgusting who who plays a game like this nobody plays like this a Chipotle burrito bro that that’s like three meals I could eat a Chipotle burrito three times I could eat for breakfast lunch and dinner and still be full every single time guys white bed I don’t think Mumbo Jumbo’s ever done that okay what was I doing yeah we’re making more stuff for paintings what do I need again mumbo jumbo why am I sitting for mumo Chop all right I’m getting a Chipotle burrito bro there he is all right he’s on the second floor of his house we can get up we can get up oh wait I want to take those campfires as well at some point oh I haven’t even shown you guys with my house um there’s let me show you maybe we make ladders so this is Roger and this is like my little extra room he watches over my chests and also just to keep him safe cuz I feel like someone will walk by and just kill him yo he won’t notice that this is Linux we’re talking about he doesn’t notice stuff like this yeah this is the chest room it’s a little bit updated I added some stuff right here look at that looks cool and then we just do like p p and like boom then we just jump so there’s a secret room right here right here nobody sees this part of the house nobody sees this oh God oh God oh God okay oh no you’re going to die give me three more days you’re going to die another crafting table okay that this is officially our house now we have crafted my tables yeah I had one of them he was like my homeboy and then he dipped randomly one day so then he came back now I keep him locked away and I’m going to teach him what it felt like when he ripped my heart out we and then you could use this to make a furnace how do you make a furnace how does that not work furnace cut that part out of the video now all right I ordered it confirm Chipotle burrito bed you can go here there we go bed okay and then um what do they call the other block that you can put inside your house a chest that’s it okay one two three there we go and then boom and then chest oh my God we’re crazy um I think I’m going to get a Big Gulp from 7-Eleven as well or I could get a coffee maybe not probably not good for my heart there we go this is now legally a Minecraft house you can sleep here you can cook food you can craft you can put stuff away this is officially a thingy house but I need to fix this random block here that’s gone there we go okay I guess I’ll just get a Coke Pepsi no big gold Coke does root beer have caffeine root beer have caffeine oh caffeine free we don’t want that look he’s right underneath me and he has no idea how is this not legally a house it should be ticked by now oh it already is okay cool all right there we go the house okay replace empty chest slots with gray glass oh I know that troll it’s when they put gray glass here so everyone thinks that their chest is empty but really it’s full 30 Oz I don’t know which one’s bigger man all right we’ll just get that one okay how do you expect me to do that what is down there so we’re going to have to use the back exit I don’t know what’s going on here I’m scared now oh okay I need wool what am I doing so I have to get gray and I have to get Gloss okay I have to steal gray and gloss from him okay here we go all right we got to go back out where can we find wall okay there’s gloss here perfect I’ll take some of this and some of the paint and then gray it’s light gray there we go okay we’re chilling we’re chilling baby who says I need creative mode and mods huh Mr Sir uh uh hello there sheep I’m doing I’m in your house right now come on open up open up give me one second sheep I really want to eat a triip okay I don’t know how P are we got 24 p pain now and we do this and then we make it into dye oh my God oh my God Mumble jber maybe you’re better than me maybe you’re the b never mind no you’re not dude my brain just turned off I walked all the way back to the house I’m sitting here eating a chip and I forget that I’m supposed to be getting wall I got one wall and went back okay then now we need to oh no he right underneath me we’re going to have to take the other exit I just realized we’re going to have to make tools I forgot that that’s a thing in Minecraft it’s the hungriness talking my brain turns off when I’m hungry so there we go Stone there we go and now we can finally get out there’s like no sheep I know why are there so many donkeys wait wait why is there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 let me run away from the house real quick let me eat there we go eat eat eat eat eat perfect let’s go back in where is he where is he oh my God we’re going to have to okay we’re going to have to break one of these doors 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 donkeys okay now let’s fill all these chests up with stained glass there we go and we just do look at that they look invisible bro the Donnie do this there’s no chance there’s another one guys I just had a heart attack he said Donnie and I said yeah I thought he caught me I thought you going to say Donnie I know you’re here bro what is going on and he said I found 20 or donkeys all within one chunk okay with you in that chunk this guys said okay question mark it makes it 21 donkeys there we go we should have a good amount now I think we don’t need we’ll need a little bit more oh are these Kip sheep that makes sense cuz Kip’s house is right there sorry your thing chest now has this inside of it ta there we go all glass paines in there look you can’t play stuff in this chest anymore okay someone will respawn them one more chest surely that should do the trick there we go and then we just pow pow pow in your stupid like mob chest whatever that is and then this one you just okay I don’t know that’s it surely that’s enough I have no idea where he is let’s go up surely come on right there he’s right there get inside oh I think I’ll need more cows actually cuz that was a lot of um leather that I needed get inside get inside get inside get inside okay here we go let’s see let’s go replace empty chest SLS with the Great perfect craft invisibility potion and be in the same room for 10 seconds okay okay dude okay dude that’s impossible this is taking so long this is how long has this been there’s like hours that we’ve been trying to do this lookit we’re right on the other side but I’m going to only make six paintings are you serious we have to make this without taking fall damage ah Perfect come on here we go crafted invisibility potion hey there he’s got oh he’s got Bru SS right there okay let’s go we can go inside we can go inside we can take it you know what that filled up a good amount of space up here oh no oh no oh no that filled up a good amount of space I placed down six of them oh no oh no that looked pretty good now we need to go Massacre somewhere else oh how has that work twice how has that work twice yo okay where’s iron yo Linux is Rich okay here we go here we go we take this that’s all we need we don’t need that much there we go and then we make a pickaxe cuz we need to stop being able to dang I like did I kill all of them we need to stop being able to mine stuff here we go okay and you know what we might as well make a real ax that’s makes this sharp okay there we go give me give me give me give me give me give me some more there we go perfect and then let’s get upstairs Qui quick how do you get upstairs boom back into this room back into this room back into this room back wait wait wait wait wait here we go we’re good what is that wolf oh it’s a she perfect so how do you make an invisibility potion I know you need the award potion so we have to go down and I but I don’t know where he is how do we get a okay I forgot full damage is I think okay ow okay ow come here boy ow I think invisibility is the hard one because you need fermented spider eye right so yeah one of these okay oh okay I it I didn’t know I had gloss stained in my inventory Bow Bow Wow Wow Bow Wow Wow Wow so we take one of these okay and then we take the one nether W okay and then what else do we need anything here all right oh cows couldn’t see them for a second brain wasn’t functioning come here red stone to make it a long potion um you need mushrooms I know where mushroom is in case we don’t oh and we need sugar fermented spider eye and then we need a golden carrot okay he’s got gold upstairs let’s go okay look he’s Rich he’s Rich you rich you rich come here okay we know fluff tapes has there we go perfect even though he hasn’t been on the server in Forever have his carrots thank you fluff I will replot just in case you come back I miss you fluff please come back dang there’s actually a lot but I’m getting really far away from my house oh I’m so sorry then we could do this and then is it like this like how do you make a a golden carrot oh it might be go carrot golden nuggets I can’t speak English oh it is okay but maybe you’ll turn into like Batman I of all people would know cuz you guys didn’t know I am Batman part time the golden carrot so that gives us night visions carrots are good for your vision eat carrots guys do it eat the vegetables please no big deal it’s kind of whatever whatever mushrooms there were no mushrooms inside his house but I do know where there are mushrooms near my house oh my oh my God okay I think I have enough right how many walls nine we’ll get 10 right here and I should be good oh okay so mushroom and we can make fermented spider eye mushroom sugar and a spider eye okay then we got the F spider eye we put that in we make it a night vision potion after we make the night vision potion we make it into a golden carrot potion so that you can see in the dark wait no that is a night vision potion so I know what I’m saying cuz I don’t know what I’m talking about I’m like on autopilot mode sometimes it just be scrolling is he home oh L lyness is he home where is he is he going to see me running inside his house they’re preparing both orders and then he will come in and kill me eating I forgot this stupid thing a drink and a Chipotle burrito I’m going to so we make this and we make it awkward potion and so I forgot you have to get blaz rods oh wait bro this whole time it’s been sticks why have I been collecting leather he doesn’t have blaz rods oh where am I going to get blaze rods from I’ve never survived in the nether since when was it sticks how did I craft it earlier you’re telling me it’s sticks and not leather one of these chests has to have a blaze in it please wait how did I do it earlier I’m so confused maybe this one uhoh uhoh Blaze Blaze oh my God this whole time I’ve been collecting leather for no reason I don’t ignore that pretend that wasn’t there bro what how does my brain work I don’t understand why why don’t I realize these things why is it like take so long to like register we make it into Blaze powder oh okay and then boom then boom then boom there we go perfect at this point do I even know what’s real and what’s not real like do I like how would I know I wouldn’t know I wouldn’t think that deep into it invisibility potion be in the same room for 10 seconds we got this easy peasy easy peasy easy peasy oh my God this list is so long dude there’s no chance I’ve spent like so long hours if not hours looking for cows and I didn’t even need cows okay so now it’s an awkward potion then do we put the fermented spider eye or do we put this thing in now uh okay I think this is working and they should I don’t want it to become a null potion but I think it should become a night vision potion now please so you’re telling me all I had to do was just go like this and then take this and then boom I have all of the sticks I need more than enough there we go night vision so now if we take this night vision take it out uh wait no we leave it in then we put this thing in here boom then we get the mushroom that we got boom then we get oh wait sugarcane turn this into sugar I don’t know if this is going to work bro how have I been crafting them this long then I’ve crafted so many and you’re just telling me I had sticks in my inventory oh man can only craft 10 oh I dropped all the wool out of my inventory didn’t I my brain just doesn’t work right now man it doesn’t make sense oh look he’s right here he’s about to come inside okay I have to be lagging in real life it doesn’t make sense man all right all right relax D we got this it does not make sense okay let’s Place some more paintings there we go there we go there we go please please please please please P of invisibility nice okay 14 paintings but for us the last 10 seconds in there we need to get make it this one okay make it longer please okay here we go yeah this is a good amount in here boom let’s add some in here boom boom boom boom cool that’s a good amount right here we go here we go here we go 10 seconds Donnie 10 seconds 10 seconds we have this let’s figure out how to make netherite o can I just look it up netherite netherite ingots where is he where is he where is he where is he I need a block of netherite to make netherite ingots and we got eight minutes this is it okay how am I supposed to get a block of netherite wait I have three wait here we go and then we can break out I have three blocks of netherite and then we drink the potion of invisibility there we go okay oh my God he’s running away he’s running away I thought that was Donnie it’s another horse oh man which direction did he go I I don’t know which way he went where is he why is he so peaceful right now why is he not losing his mind being weird he’s down there okay 10 seconds I’ll stand next to him all right here we go 10 9 8 oh my God perfect now we’re now in an enclosed area 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero how long do we have 7 minutes left look at this I can even dance around here look I’m dancing I’m just trying to get XP right now okay quick let’s go let’s go back let’s go back please change please change all right rearrange an entire room inside of his house okay listen who wrote These rearrange an entire room I don’t know what the rooms look like ah no way you got away oh wait that’s water wait what I thought this wait I thought this was a Wandering villager this is water what room is there to entirely change up oh my God okay please this is it this is the room we can do he barely goes inside this room no don’t lie it literally looked like a Wandering V speaking of wandering villagers actually first things first change all these take this away and then I don’t know how to break this thing without it breaking and coming into a million pieces let’s see okay uh okay that didn’t work take off all of these posters all the banners we’re re we’re rearranging the room is that simple it’s okay I’ll leave him I’ll kill him later I’ll let him live for a little while I need to make some more food or something and then now this side is carpets only okay and then then there’s going to be one floating carpet that has one obsidian sitting on top of it like this and then the chest going to up this corner like this okay and then what else was in here uh the chest the thingy the thingy the carpet’s gone okay Roger you’re going to have to go to what a stupid name for a rabbit oh wait no Roger Rabbit okay never mind that’s pretty cool wow I actually have a lot okay I should get lava how long does lava lasts a long time right that’s the one that lasts the longest lava and a furnace and then Roger Rabbit you can go right here come here Roger there we go boom that’s completely rearranged that better work that better work where would lava be it’d be next to the nether portal all the way over there oh it worked there we go rearrange the entire room change the color of every carpet in the house what I don’t have carpets now we have to change every oh wait there he is how long do I have I still have 2 minutes of 8 minutes is a long time oh my God wait when we were hiding inside the wall we broke the chest and there was carpet in one of the chests was it this one here no there it is we can get lava from over there I believe here we go okay Pink Carpet he now has pink carpet in his house and we’re going to have to find out where to put all this Pink Carpet oh my God I just realized I have to change this carpet here too oh my God we just set this up there we go pink pig okay Roger do you mind oh my God there we go pow pow that goes there that just like that perfect that’s exactly how it was or is this efficient I don’t know I’ve been here before right yeah it’s already been robbed I don’t think he’s in here he has seen me okay so we’re going to do this carpet too oh my God this one is so obvious now I have to run all the way back over to the house but at least we have an infinite supply of cookers I don’t know what the word is for it this one is the worst one ever he’s going to know if his house was Pig oh my God is there any more carpet in here there’s nothing in here anything upstairs quick uh no carpet No carpet No carpet and then come on Polie and no carpet okay we’re good we’re good okay now we just th I hear I literally hear the wandering villager going oh my God there we go that’s is that easy replace all the doors in his house with a kitchen door we go boom there we go you guys are mental who wrote These now this should last a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long time aasa does he have aasa wood I still have invisibility no I’m not anymore now I actually have to hide while I’m doing stuff I kind of want to extend the house like last time I said that people got mad that I was trying to take up even more space with my house I’m like guys get online then get online don’t cry to me that I’m taking up space oh okay no there’s no C wood in here like right here could be cool add something down there add to the back here add to the right here wait there might have been a wood chest on this side I think there we go there we go Cas perfect okay more of like a farm I don’t really I just keep having to go kill things to make food and that’s really sad hide hide Cobblestone back in we’re back in we’re go back up to change my ways and become environmentally friendly in Minecraft C Wood time here we go and then we just turn it boom 12 doors 12 doors I think there’s more than 12 doors in this house as well hello Mr Sir oh excuse me sir I need that wall of yours okay door number one that door that leads into his weird little sell yeah get him for his leather for our paintings thank you sir here we Goa now Anda is ugly oh my God AA is ugly I didn’t know oh my God this is hideous oh sir did you just poop that egg right there there we go there we go okay there’s one more space for we have another door anywhere let me do the honors oops did not mean to hit you with that I’m very sorry there’s no doors here there might be doors upstairs wait I need to pick these up how does that work in real life you literally just grab a chicken’s egg and then you throw it at the floor and then the chicken spawns that seems a little bit aggressive that would be really fun though as like a job if you’re like a farmer final door please there we go and then like all right guys time to throw eggs and like you throw them at each other and then like a chicken sponge like oh my God imagine that being your gender reveal it’s just an egg and then you throw it at the floor and you find out if it’s a boy or a girl anym okay we’re good we’re good is there any dolls in here nope no no no nope this is my ladder there we go boom boom trap doors don’t count oh bunny you’re not like my bunny speaking of Roger I hope he’s doing well I hope he’s good he’s a good guy easy I told you they don’t count start a fire and build a chimney okay I I’m just going to make a hole that’s the chimney now I don’t get out no oh wait there was someone on the roof there was someone on the roof right shut out Roger it’s my boy out there he’s out there somewhere jumping around wait where are they they’re here they’re here okay cool cool cool we going to start a campfire how does that not work how do you make a campfire now is it with sticks like this okay no that don’t work okay I’m going to guess before I do this this I’m going to think I think this is how you make a campfire like this and like this or like this okay no bir oh stick more sticks cool oh okay that was close enough okay here we go boom now we got a chimney guys isn’t she beautiful oh isn’t she beautiful yo isn’t she beautiful so now we use these sticks and we go like that and then like that wow wait apparently if we put a hail block below as well will it go higher now will it go is that does that make it go higher that’s crazy now I have another painting let’s put it in here wow it’s King Kong oh so much more smoke that’s cool it’s definitely a favorite one okay start fire buil tick rename all animals in the house okay I know where there’s a name tag I saw the name tag down oh God I need a pee I saw the name the name tag was in a Barrel near the front of the the room please okay here we go perfect okay patches up there we go take the name tag oh wait he has an anvil where’s his Anvil oh my God his Anvil is below and he’s in that room I can’t go in there without I do this no no no no no hey and it was called Roger I’m going to call it Roger like that cuz it was r o oh no oh no okay kind of chilly in here that was big brain there we go don’t lie that was big brain wait we need to go rename oh God I named it like his name was Dodger you know but now it’s Roger you know okay that counts as renaming little what the it’s 66° in here oh my goodness hello Roger uh you’re now from Roger now roer okay that works that works yo why is it 66 in here let’s go rate all the animals in the house t Okay fish and catch that is not fish inside of his house oh no no no no we got string we got sticks so we can get this thing I don’t know what it’s called a fishing pole okay when did I get this we have to do it from inside the house so we can just like we shoot there any water close does ice turn into water when you break it wait he has the wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute he has right here wait I need to here we go here we go yes this is it this is it oh my gosh there’s even more wait so can I cook this so we have to fish something that is not a fish okay we have to catch something that’s not a fish okay that’s calm we can do this we’re chilling how do you make nether right man how do you actually make it Boots the first try you can’t make this H is too easy I’m good at this game I’m so good at this game oh I have diamonds what am I doing diamond sword no pickaxe diamond pickaxe I told you and to commemorate These Boots are now wear them for the rest of the video Place pressure Place full of potatoes in the house what does that mean okay let’s make another one just in case cool now we have two I think that’s the Trap where you have to get a pressure plate and then you you put it on the floor and then it makes it like you know like like wherever you step on it it does like a dispenser that shoots potatoes I don’t have potatoes I’m running straight down I’m a crazy person I know I know I’m crazy so I can go over to my new friend where are you love tapes and Ste potatoes from his house but sometimes you just have to live dangerously cuz right now I have two golden apples in my inventory which means if I fall in lava then I’ll be okay here we go potatoes uh can we get any poisonous ones please I want to poison my friend here we go boom boom boom perfect 37 potatoes that’s enough for us to eat how far do I have to go to get to the Earth’s core please man we need to make a dispenser which I have no idea how to make those it’s like Redstone and a and a bow like a like a Minecraft bow I don’t know what they’re called oh my goodness gracious me does he have any like please oh okay I think I just wait it’s got dispenser okay and then now we just need smooth Stone one two three wait no just two dude you’re telling me there’s not a single okay and then we can just build like we do on the front door first we need to go get our food oh my God I’m starving my stomach hurts H I have a dummy egg here we go okay perfect smooth Stone pressure plate potatoes everything we’re ready give me my food so I can eat all am in shock right now I’m in Shar I just realized I in his house and I eat super loud cool okay I’m not crying okay now his front door ah ah I’m going to do this here and I’m going to get this ah oh my gosh wait he left the game wait we got free rain for like 30 seconds before you rejoined there we go boom bo boom little bit of a problem okay then okay boom there we go okay get get get inside get inside get inside ah he’s back on he’s back on he’s back on I already I sat on the Trap I sat on the Trap when I’m dead when I’m dead wait he logged off we can test it again we can test it quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick if we step on it now potato in our inventory perfect take it take it back where are you there we go okay get out of here please I’m dead I think that should have worked that that’s a potato trap right my okay and he’s online okay cool I have one heart what do I do all right let’s see yeah there we go pressure plate okay now empty an entire room who do you think I am huh let’s never do that again literally all I had was a golden block who do you think I am to empty an entire room are you crazy is it just right here ah bro that Golden Apple saved me empty an entire room it’s 11 out of like 50 what do you mean empty an entire room how am I supposed to get down where’s a cave okay I don’t know where he is he keeps reconnecting and disconnecting so he’s probably dying somewhere I don’t like this game man what he doing that stupid glitch that doesn’t kill you Bedrock so wait we can real quick now okay he’s not here um wait what do we need we need to empty the entire room okay so oh we could do that room that’s at the front could do why did I come all the way down here this room let’s empty this room okay cuz there’s not a lot of stuff in here we can get away with this one is this empty oh do I have to clear this guy out order complete food’s here be right back guys D you know what I’m setting you free you’re free get out of here run run for your life go go go I know I know I’m your savior it’s it’s me Dr doy I mean dony BBS I don’t know who Dr doy is okay get out of here please here we go you’re free go run get out of me he’s going to kill you I’m the good guy in this story get go get out of me okay wait we need to clear the lanterns this C is not empty here we go and then one more Lantern here you go and you can have one of them sir goodbye okay okay bye bye bye oh my god it worked empty an entire room perfect create a sustainable Farm in this house is that like food farm is that what a sustainable means oh we can make carrot Farm okay we just need to collect some dirt okay okay that works yeah let’s never uh let’s never do that again okay you can even use the potatoes on the potato fairy or tree I don’t know what where did potatoes come from dude I’m like blending it with the background up guys and then inside his house we can also make a uh what do you call it uh a ho so there we go boom boom boom okay that’s not it there we go am I good now oh this is like a good distance and then we can steal more more of the fruits there we go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom perfect so I don’t want to hear any complaints about how this isn’t a sustainable F what is this oh my bro what is that yes it is we can just keep eating and then growing them why am I getting potatoes this guy Donnie is so washed man he’s absolutely washed and now we need to collect some dirt oh and we need to get a bucket with water in it too don’t we oh my God okay his trolls are they’re like negative troll what is this little handheld burrito I think we need eight pieces for it to be a full farm right seven then eight where do we get water from where On Earth do you get water from actually there’s probably water in this farm right where is it I’m so sorry these crops are about to die where is the water here what am I tripping hey you know what I’ll take it from here uh-oh okay that wasn’t me the best Mo had my life okay so how do we make a farm in here we have to go um 1 2 3 4 like this okay wait actually we can build it into the ground cuz we’re not Nut Cases no we can’t he heard that he heard that he heard that he heard that he heard that he heard that but we can’t build it into the ground apparently if we just do this there we go how is this going to look as like I told you do Big G and then we could just do this I think I mean it is a farm it’s just like a really bad one we can make infinite food here right we just have to put like this this this and then we just go there carrot carrot carrot that’s Farm that’s sustainable right yes sustainable Farm tck okay T an animal and bring your new pet home what animal are we going to get inside here I just get threee potatoes how are we going to what animal can we bring here okay I got an idea I got an idea only animal that can climb like these ladders and stuff a horse that can jump we need a horse why am I getting free potatoes man look at that I can just cook them I just get free potatoes we’re going to have the horse inside of a it’s going to sound like oh my God it’s going to sound like a billion ores in there this is dope hey how’d you get out guys don’t know don’t ask how I know this I saw this here a couple days ago you want to die you want to die I saw it a couple days ago I’m so sorry rage okay you’re not part of this TR and I’m still stealing from you okay I’m a bad person I’m sorry the neighbors hear this one I’m going to be in real big trouble come on my white Noble Steed they heard of anything what I just said you look like he looks like donkey when he turns into like a a horse you know like Donkey from Shrek you know and that’s funny cuz you look like Shrek I’m joking I love you I was joking what buddy no way it just disappeared bro everything’s disappearing cuz you broke it oh come on come on come on let’s go let’s go come on Donkey let’s go oh oops oopsie poopsie I accidentally murdered him oops here you jumped do you have hops to see okay your doooo cheeks give me more potato right now yeah this horse is going to be so loud it’s going to be so why does he keep going everybody keeps asking Linux why don’t you just use one of these bro then I’d be too op do one one and then uh like this I just I forgot I can’t fly I would where are you going what was that I don’t pay you to sit around something just fell outside I hate this horse I hate this horse I hate this horse get in please why do you take so long okay okay okay okay guys we’re going to pull a a devious lick as the kids say nowadays all right now you need to be quiet please just shut up and stay here okay do you I just shut up don’t jump no more making progress no more doing things that are making progress in the game time to start stealing can you stop jumping why are you don’t go near the fire man this is a chimney please we’re going to have to board this off aren’t we it’s against server rules but Don deserves it you’re now barricaded from jumping on the fire no fire for you I’m going to start breaking his barriers oh my just realized this guy used iron what is wrong with you give me all the iron okay is it can you move oh my God okay drink a room by three or more blocks what does that mean what oh wait we’ve already got the empty room downstairs okay we can do this we can do this we can do this we already have an empty room we could just oh no okay we need to break this I forgot about this he’s going to see this can you shut up up there he’s so loud what can I say I’m just a gangster I like to take stuff okay we’re going to have to let’s just trick this room by everything you know what I don’t know what free Block what counts as free blocks this room no longer exists now wow we’re already at like half a stack and bro I’ve barely scratched the surface here there’s still a whole another one there we go look I’ve ruined this entire room does this count look this room doesn’t exist anymore what do you mean look this room is in here please we’re going to have like 80 Blocks of iron oh my I scammed that one so hard drink a room by three more shut up drink a room find a villager and bring her to your house okay her bring her to your house okay I know how to talk to girls oh wow I already have a stack okay let’s get our second stack now of iron you can’t use a lead on a villager guys what do you expect me to do use a wall what do I do to get a villager home there’s the village right here what do I do with them how do I make him like go inside my house you know what do I do or Hur inside my house I don’t know why does it bro that’s what I’m saying you take all of this stuff away from him creative and whatnot and he can’t do anything at all cuz why is he building out of iron he doesn’t understand the value of it can we make it a guy so that I don’t get nervous talking to her actually there’s the rules okay I will call her where is she there we go he’s been robbed Donny Bobs has been robbed oh villager who broke gi’s house who did was that lier and Linux I bet you it was I’m going to rob this guy in real life at some point I keep telling him I’m just buttering him up so that one day I can really Rob him there you are hello my maiden I’ve come to save you you want to practice kissing more potatoes what do you know okay now get in the boat please get in the boat it works come with me my love I will save you from this thingy you’ll never have to work a day in your life when we get to the house you’re going to be doing a lot of work all right let’s put all this iron away in right here oh wow okay let me put like a bunch of random stuff in here and then wow wow okay edit to what I’m going to ask you to do cut all of that out that was the longest journey of my life cut it all out now or I cut you is this a better M to go in I’ve never seen a mine like this this is weird steal his pit and bring it this one looks promising who do you think I am am I supposed to steal that Roger dog where are you Roger is it here is Roger in here wait I’ve literally already been here how did I just accidentally find the same mine going a different way oh wow oh he is okay well I need you to trust me man I need you to trust me come with me let’s walk right there boom boom boom gold gold yes Roger yes let’s go let’s go finally somebody trusts me get on the ladder now I don’t want to choke you please get on the ladder please Roger don’t let me die please oh there’s actually a lot of stuff down here now don’t stay inside here okay now we can’t let okay listen this room’s getting a bit too crowded I need everyone to calm down boom boom let’s see Iron oh blood an entire room in your in the house what does that mean pleas be diamonds somewhere man why are you inside the okay you know what that’s probably for the best there’s six water buckets in here that is an infinite water source if I’ve ever seen one okay let’s get this where’s his infinite water source this bit works there we go pow pow pow now we have to go flood a room okay dude what I’m thinking I just get a bunch of iron and then I trade it with someone for diamonds someone’s going to need some’s going to need it right come on someone someone’s going to need it you know what this room this room I don’t know what his purpose is okay this counts as flooding all right going be like oh I have 200 diamonds can I have 200 iron at some point okay here we go boom boom boom boom okay I’m not cutting quarters I don’t want to hear no questions I’m so close to finishing this Tas it’s almost inevitable it’s like aliens aliens are inevitable to be out there and if any of you say there’s not aliens out there you getting banned cuz you’re wrong there is aliens oh my God there we go yeah let’s go baby you’re telling me there’s billions upon billions trillions trillions and trillions of planets and not a single one of them doesn’t have someone that can breathe come on bro tell me not a single singular ant out there you’re crazy you are crazy man collect five different animals and bring them to your house okay five different animals in this room what do you mean I am deep in this mind right now bro what is this this is a this is this place looks just so weird it’s just so weird hey I’m going to need you to come with me my fingers are oh what is that I still don’t know what this is I’ve been in one before I don’t know what it is though this is only going to hurt a little bit wa okay just come with me please oh this is the ones that make noise right they go ding wait why isn’t it working so that’s okay one two how many animals is in here wait how does it work you just jump on it wait we need to check we got 1 2 3 two more animals we can go get these wait what you break it and you you’re going to kill me you stupid cow if I die because of you I swear okay get over here where’s the lead gun come on wait a sec wait a sec hold on let him cook we just need one more animal we need to go get a pig or something dude this sounds like something Travis would be on about to come in don’t die don’t die Travis I left the city now stay here please so we need to get another block here perfect y my my bad guys my fault didn’t mean to show off my singing skills like it is it is frigid in this room right now dude it’s like 60 something degrees time to turn that bad boy off bro col like five perfect tick build a TNT cannon and shoot it once anyways oh it’s loud anyways what I was doing was looking for diamonds you’re joking you’re actually joking ever since I left the city you’re joking at this point surely joking time to go back up I guess I think you’re joking you’ve got to be joking reputation oh my God he’s right down there wait we’re going to have to I know how TNT C work we’re supposed to do this and then oh no no no no no what okay TNT okay and then that goes there why is there water coming down let me take a bite of my food first hold on then the TNT goes here like this okay I don’t know how this is if this is going to work or not but I think we could just do um boom and then we can put this here oh my God he’s right underneath there we go what up then if we just do this and then uh-oh uhoh uh-oh uh-oh I’m not in Creative yo what is that did that work no hello it didn’t work okay okay okay he’s he’s heard that he definitely heard that why is your a goat guys full red red code red chill out everyone yo bro I’m trying to eat why is there water ah my stuff why is there water let’s keep going hello hello wait he definitely own that keep going we keep going wait okay perfect build a TNT cannon and shoot it once perfect make a another port and bring something back from the nether okay we can do this he had NE he had stuff downstairs here perfect there we go come go go let’s go let’s go we can build it here okay guys I’m going to need everyone to calm down for a second what is this oh my God he’s right downstairs let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go quick quick quick we’re coming back guys everyone calm down we’re going to finish this video I don’t care bring something back from the nether we got this is that a nether portal what is happening anything back from the nether move okay bone blocks is this the nether only block oh wait no we just get Soul Sand we get Soul Sand or this one oh what is going 100 days task both of them only nether right I think they’re both only nether build a house start a fire build a chimney empty an entire room steal his pet Roger this works easy this is a charm here we go okay wait build a TNT cannon and shoot it once make a nether portal and bring something back from the nether is there anything close oh that block that you can’t get that you cannot get that in the Overworld I promise here we go wait that’s what he’s on right now number 20 Crimson Roots yeah I’ve never seen Crimson roots in my life okay I promise you that it’s nether exclusive so theoretically he should come through the portal in three come on baby come on two baby come on baby one let’s see you have to put it down I knew [Applause] it hey get back over here please he righty all right he’s in what are you doing oh my God oh my God I’m not great where’d he go okay okay where’d he go where did he go I’m not I’m what oh oh my dony BS hit the ground wait where did he die he was so close

Hiding Under My Friends House until we get Caught… w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft

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  1. Lynix is literally blind to bionic when he was fishing he didn't see bionic when he was invisible but you could still barley see him he didn't see bionic

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