Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds to Prove they’re Fake…

I found what might be some of the scariest and cursed Minecraft seeds of all time starting with seed h350 sounds like a nice body wash or something in seed h350 there are giant and almost blink desert areas some say they even saw Herobrine here people even said this was by far the scariest herobrine encounter they have ever seen making them delete the world and never playing it again I’ve seen some spooky things in Minecraft but I’m not buying it let’s check it out okay well well we are certainly in a desert this doesn’t seem so bad dude we got cute little Cactus hello Cactus oh they hurt me oh no that’s oh yeah that’s what uh that’s what Cactus always do hello there cow good to see you little buddy oh gosh he just he just disappeared okay that’s a little weird all the cows are so still Mr Cow hello oh gosh oh no they do like a little Shimmy Shake before they evaporate into nothingness why cows hello why this is so weird dude it’s not like I mean it’s kind of eerie but it isn’t I don’t see Herobrine or anything yet they’re all looking in like that direction though a nice little abandoned Village we got going on here okay this is not weird at all and these torches they’re like burnt out torches or something very strange nothing much else to report here though uh let’s Explore More of the seed let’s go let’s do a good old creative mode shall we we got disappearing cows it’s basically like Perpetual desert there’s something over here oh snap it’s a glorious Little Flower what does it mean weird it’s gravel and little Rose you should not be on top of gravel huh what happens if I break this oh no oh gosh okay okay that’s fine that’s fine yeah of course that would be a trap that’s fine oh my gosh it’s a giant crater oh um uh what is this Mr Temple you look fairly normal but this does not uh this this this should not be here I don’t like this man this is giving me the creeps dude it’s what I get for being curious about a rose huh oh I don’t like this at all I don’t I don’t like this I’m going to make this even scarier back to survival mode we go okay well here goes nothing I guess uh I think it’s just the player head there there is a rose here yeah yeah that that’s no here oh who whoa whoa whoa no I I I totally saw Herobrine here dude no no did you guys see that I turned around and he was gone am I going nuts uh tell me you saw that oh I don’t like this at all I don’t like this at all come on crafty be brave dude be brave there is this head here and I might as well break it right if I can break the head does it uh nothing happens okay well we got the head database’s head it was a red herring that’s not Herobrine but if there’s anything I know about desert temples there’s got to be something under here right something cool or spooky okay that’s fine that’s fine um oh that’s uh that’s lava great great great great great great let’s get out of here let’s get out of here no wow okay okay well I spawned back to the surface but everything is now Soul Sand oh I really don’t like this dude there’s a chest here with a redstone or apple juice or something a a black cat over there that’s fine I’m stalling I’m sorry all right what’s in this chest oh it’s all the stuff to spawn herobrine okay well I can’t see can’t say I didn’t see that coming uh well might as well right we’re already here I lay down like this I put Netherrack in the middle I put Redstone torches across it but before we spawn here Herobrine let’s check out this NEX seed V1 122 six a bunch of other numbers and there is said to be a mega village where multiple bioms meet ooh spooky I guess the villagers here are said to be evil and cursed I don’t know how bad it could be but I’ll be interested to see if I can find any clues to get to the bottom of this scary seed well here’s our Mega Village it looks fairly normal so far it is strange I guess that they’re right next to each other it’s like full desert right next to snow so sure but that’s not that weird hey Jeremy buddy how you doing oh black emeralds that’s uh strange white dye for black emeralds I don’t even think that’s an item in the game you want what you can’t have my boy oh gosh this roof is doing a terrible job that’s the creepiest thing I’ve seen all episodes my greatest nightmare a roof that doesn’t work honestly this is less creepy it’s actually kind of cool you know like I would live here this is awesome anything else strange Ranger creepy around here uh oh my a sleeping man it’s a sleeping man with his eyes open creepiest thing I’ve seen since the rain in the roof uh some more more burnt T more some more burnt torches oh the the Torches burn out when I get close to them I guess it’s cuz I’m so cool huh oh a black bed that shouldn’t be there right can black beds even spawn in Minecraft villages well here goes nothing the best curse sleep of oh my life no stop stop go away go away oh wow I didn’t like that at all oh no no did you guys see that did you see that was that you dude somebody’s playing tricks on me I saw one of the evil villagers dude and I did not like it okay well I guess just the normal everyday day huh just trading black emeralds for chicken just doing what normal villagers do well I haven’t found anything more interesting yet uh everything’s been kind of calm in like a normal village dude is there any secrets around here my boys any Hidden Treasures a chest okay just bread all right well that’s not necessarily spooky or anything oh uh that door just opened was that you buddy um no I don’t see anybody in here uh oh there’s numbers 4702 call it see what happens don’t do that 4702 let’s keep track of that I don’t know what to do with those numbers just yet but let’s just keep looking okay anything that door opened I see a 70 in there yep uh 70 all right let’s keep track of that number well we have two numbers there’s only a couple more okay well that door I was about to go into this door but this one just opened mysteriously for me is there anything here 309 Oh weird a negative number that makes me think this is probably what uh coordinates sure let’s try it oh interesting looks like those coordinates are inside the village itself cuz -3 uh is it this direction it’s like right here is there anything cool about this spot we got some ice here a trap door oh snap I found it I don’t know if I should be celebrating this actually might be terrible but sure why not I’m brave don’t question me on that one evil Argonauts have stolen the mob armor defeat them to collect new armor sets with crazy Powers Blaze armor Creer armor Enderman armorer armor uh chicken armor can you collect them all that mob armor DX available now on the Minecraft Marketplace this is the longest ladder of all time are we going down to bedrock dude this is very long it’s getting spookier the further down I go it’s kind of cold too oh it’s getting drafty in here oh I don’t like this at all I don’t okay uh we’re just going to be on a mine cart deep into the caves this is cool oh oh no no oh I don’t like that I don’t like oh there’s there they there they are no no no please please this is so creepy I I wish they would just attack me it’s weirder that they’re just watching me oh no oh gosh I am so Disturbed I’m just waiting for them to start sprinting at me or something we have a chest here what’s in this black Diamonds oh oh that’s where the villagers trade we can trade up some of the oh no oh God dang I knew it I knew they were going to come after me sorry I stole your black diamonds my guys okay while this seed is true and scary let’s move on in this seed R3 D6 the cousin of R2-D2 not really a strange mob has been rumored to have been found the red Golem although you have to spawn these in by building them so we’re going to see what happens when I build it although I don’t actually know how to build it so we’re just going to go in creative and we’re going to try it huh grab a bunch of pumpkins and then red what red block there’s so many Red Blocks dude I guess we could try red stone Some solid red should we try it with red beds okay got a bunch of red items let’s see does that do anything yeah nope red stone would make sense for red Golem right nope red beds I I kind of did this as a meme uh dude imagine he spawns okay how about candles nope no not candles Redstone lamps normal redstone come on man do something awesome just going to make the skiest Golem ever it looks like a red sign or something come on come on it’s the Golem that skipped leg day nope well we tried a lot of stuff oh Netherrack we haven’t tried that yet I have a sneaking suspicion that this has to do with something right we’ll toss down some Netherrack and go a I thought something was going to happen there I’m running out of ideas oh gosh oh oh it worked it worked it worked there’s the red Golem yes hello my boy you’re creepy but I like that your little ballerina you’re very cute with your spinning you got going on uh do you do anything oh gosh he exploded okay and now the sun is red now everything is red and now the world is getting eaten oh gosh okay I did not expect that that’s not what I was expecting come on dude get me out of here no no no Run come on water come down I can swim up there please please no it’s deleting the water no oh I’m going to fall I’m going to die I’m going to die oh wait I’m in creative mode I can just fly away oh wow that is not what I expected I’m sorry buddy it was your red Brethren that messed this up goodness gracious dude giant crater in the world that was unexpected and a little spooky I’ll give it but yes this is a real true thing this poor guy’s house he just comes home after a long day of work he’s like ah time to hit the the seed o00 or as I like to call it ooh is rumored to have circles pop up around the world in mysterious ways which is weird because Minecraft doesn’t have circles it’s all cuberos maybe that’s why this is just a myth or theory of Minecraft Theory Okay Okay so we’ve got um I don’t know if this is on purpose or if this is yeah yeah all right there’s like circles inside the blocks if you’d even call them circles this is kind of ridiculous honestly oh wow terrifying Circle this horrifying there’s some mob up there hold on let me check that out hello oh there there’s a guy up oh he disappeared what wait why does every mob disappear dude he had like circles on him or something okay so far pretty normal I don’t know about you but I wasn’t that afraid of geometry class anything else weird going on oh no it’s a square Oh wait we’re looking for circles right oh no a triangle oh no it’s the Subscribe button better press it yeah weird okay is there anything there’s a chest here I I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for there’s a grass block that’s not supposed to be there right heya M oh something did actually happen oh it’s it spawned a wooden Circle wow incredible so terrifying is there anything at the core of this thing hello uh no there’s nothing there’s nothing inside of this thing all right great well oh wow it SP it spawned a giant Cobblestone Circle well we’re getting bigger and bigger a little closer to circles anything inside this guy glorious Circle tell me your hidden secrets uh oh oh gosh the the lighting is changing the most giant oh my gosh okay we got a Rock Circle now why I I don’t understand well well I guess this is a pretty nice looking Circle oh wow connection lost circles shouldn’t be in Minecraft great I broke the world I broke the seed well lesson learned circles are bad I guess for this next seed S5 S5 is said to have an extra item in a starting chest that will eventually steal the soul and identity of the player take that player oh wait that’s me I doubt it but you know let’s check it out well there’s our starting chest shall we check it out this extra terrifying item uh oh gosh the one an axe uh no it’s just probably this player head huh oh okay well I’ve got a player head here it’s in my off hand it’s making creepy noises maybe it’s cuz I’m holding them from his hair and he’s unhappy about it well we’ll grab these other items in case we need them don’t worry Mr Steve I’ll put you right down um no wait I can’t take them off I can’t I can’t take them out of my hands you’re stuck on my hands my boy what can I say can I swap items with no it just deletes the item well I guess our boy Steve is going to come with us huh what do you think Steve shall we play Minecraft together oh a mansion what might you have in store for me terrifying Mansion oh oh my oh that’s heroBrine okay no hello buddy how are you he’s gone great I love I love when Herobrine’s here and just evaporates on command okay okay everything’s fine everything everything’s fine everything’s fine H I don’t like that every time I walk by a torch it just burns it out I hate this dude they’re everywhere Steve are you seeing this buddy uhoh for a second I thought his face was Herobrine or something maybe I’m just seeing things at this point they seem relatively harmless but they are literally everywhere dude okay okay uh just a whole room full of beautiful blue blocks hey matches wait hold on I I’m not as blue as I used to be wait wait is that just the lighting hello oh no I’ve got like a weird gray color to me now what happened to my glorious blue color oh no I no longer match the crafty plushies available at crafty dot store a I’m joking but that is actually quite concerning okay okay everything’s fine now I’m just completely gray okay perfect just go in color blind as we do what is this oh this doesn’t look suspicious whatsoever I mean I got to go in now right I can always just delete the seed if something goes crazy uh but yeah let’s just trap ourselves in a cage sure might as well can I just spit through the this thing oh gosh where am I oh no oh hey it’s me a what’s up dude how you doing oh gosh oh wow I’m I’m gray now hey did you steal my soul dude give it back hey no give it back he’s going to take my YouTube channel for himself if you see another crafty he’s an impostor come on come on come back to me dude please please come back I’ll do anything man give me my skin back please I’ll get my skin back I’ll break through the I can’t break anything okay great well I’m just going to disconnect and connect that’s how you solve every problem in Minecraft right back to normal I can break blocks and everything you can’t touch me you can’t steal my soul the seed t3m 9 some stuff apparently has a cursed Temple that is said to be super scary and one that no one has ever gotten out alone have they gotten out dead does it turn them into Undead people apparently if you use gold to break into the temple it’ll happen let’s try it well here’s a temple looking very temply as ever my boy looks fairly normal I guess there’s nothing nothing strange happening here all right let’s give oursel uh let’s give ourself a golden pickaxe and let’s break into it Haya why did I give myself a golden pickaxe in Creative hold on I’ve broken in boys yeah loot looks pretty normal to me except my gosh dude that’s lucky as ever is that the whole seed I just get a bunch of money and and a golden apple I don’t think that’s what was supposed to happen H maybe I’m doing something wrong here here’s another nice looking Temple hello my boy they wanted gold we’re going to get gold we’re going to get everything we can we already have our enchanted golden apple we’ve loaded up our inventory with every golden item let’s see if this works now huh did I break it did it do it oh gosh oh oh gosh I’m falling I’m falling I’m falling hello what just happened wait wait wait wait wait what I just fell into another Temple I guess it’s like three blocks tall now this is strange I I feel weird well at this point no place to go but down so let’s just keep going shall we I go down oh my oh my and I’m getting smaller too either the world’s getting bigger or I’m getting smaller this is weird dude am I going to go all the way down to straight Bedrock okay there’s a whole new place what does it say you weren’t supposed to see that what was I not supposed to see the sign what was I not supposed to see you can’t tell me to not look at something a wa oh gosh I’m falling I’m falling in the void I’m falling in the void okay well that’s why nobody makes it out alive huh they just get too curious and then fall into the void well uh rip diamonds it was fun while it lasted well I did make it out but technically not alive so I guess that theory is correct seed m122 is rumored to have been played by a player already but the player has gone missing deep in a cave it is said that he and his work can still be witnessed but even scarier stuff has been said to be there too two looking for a nice cave to get lost in I love looking at caves sometimes they just get lost in them ah this is a nice looking cave let’s try this one shall we this a nice looking oh there’s a guy oh my was that him was that the guy that was lost took me 6 seconds to find him that really wasn’t that hard to find uh but he’s pretty good at playing hide-and seek we’re in a nice little spooky mind shaft and uh looks like all the ores are missing so I guess he mined around here huh I’m on his Trail the the cave dwellers been here I can’t tell by licking the wood that was that was irrelevant ooh little chest over here what we got nothing yeah nothing in here the spawner gone yeah this is definitely the cave huh must have gone missing somewhere around here looking for Clues maybe there’s a oh a little strip mine maybe is he here oh there’s something what is this it’s a pickaxe it has it says help it’s named help dude that’s so scary oh I don’t like that at all it has durability taken out so this definitely had to have been a player to name this Oh that’s oh stop stop stop I don’t like that dude was that him oh gosh oh gosh I don’t like this so much no no no I don’t want to go further man I really don’t like this dude I’m pretty sure I’ve already been there so only way to go is down no no no don’t look at him just just just don’t look at him oh don’t look at him they seem to only jump scare me when I look at them right in the eyes we’ll go down this little path here hello oh my we have a non-lit nether portal oh maybe he’s stuck in the nether don’t worry buddy I got you I have op Flint FL nailed it I achieved this naturally okay let’s light this portal and let’s go find our missing friend shall we or maybe he’s supposed to stay hidden I don’t know is he a good guy he sounds like he needs help I’m always down to help people you know how we go well here goes nothing I guess into The Nether we go hello Mr lost Miner Guy what’s happened to the world oh I’m stuck in the gosh dang it no my stuff is gone I can’t even like the portal no dude that’s it I’m just stuck in the nether now now okay well that was exciting I guess the seed 5 h33 P like sheep I guess is said to have good sheep that will haunt you if you shear them oh no sheer Terror what is this but by the way there’s a sheep here he’s looking kind of casual and we just have a bunch of floating blocks did you do this buddy did you do it did you put them all up there why would you do that like like wool why wool do you do that okay I’ll give myself some shears and here goes nothing I guess hello sheepy boy it’s time for a little haircut you cool with that yeah all right well um if anything he just looks cuter if anything I like him more still guy don’t worry I’ll keep you warm during the winter with fire I’m not I’m not going to cook them I’ll just put them you know what I mean I’m not seeing anything weird about this how about I mine all the Sheep I shall Shear all you boys there we go shearing all the sheepies they do follow me right after I Shear them which is kind of weird they follow me for a second that’s it all right I don’t know man I’ll call this one a I’m not seeing anything weird or creepy happening with this one so wait wait what they just transformed oh no they’ve got big mustaches now I think it’s supposed to be open mouths but it just looks like they have giant mustaches if anything I like this seat even more not scary very cute I like it well here goes nothing I guess enough stalling it’s time to spawn herobrine three 2 1 yeah oh gosh what happened hello hello I don’t see Herobrine yet I saw like darkness and sounds hello I don’t like this okay I there he is there he is herob bride okay okay what do you want my boy what do you want from me I’ve got a flower would you like a flower my guy you want to be friends with me oh no I did not like that oh no okay okay yep I’m deleting the world I’m deleting the world that’s gone forever that’s gone forever respawn uh no thank you

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Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds to Prove they’re Fake…

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


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