Building with BdoubleO 2 Years Later

would you believe it’s already been almost 2 and 1/2 years since I started this world I can’t believe 2 and 1/2 years already I figured 2 and 1/2 years is a good point to kind of go through and take a look at the things we’ve built in this time I have some ideas for some building as well today but we’ve built a lot of things all over the place and I remember at the time thinking man this is really cool the thing I just built but sometimes you do that and then you go back a couple years later and you say no that was stupid like this bridge for example let’s let’s just take a little once over of this bridge the Crimson brothers that’s what I name this bridge I think this is cool I think this shape is cool I think I could probably do better on this this looks a little jaggedy but overall it’s okay maybe a little more texture and and color and it’s a little too repetition too much repetition but it’s it’s good I like I like Signs could help bridge this gapff like if I put a sign on there it’ be kind of like a quarter block or a 3/4s block going down that could that could be cool but signs signs don’t render from a distance so hard to say okay now down into kind of the city area I mean this Archway thing we’ll get a closer look at that I’m still impressed with that oh and oh the floating ship hey everything went away oh there we go I’m in my cheaty camera my flying cheaty camera to look at the boat up closer oh I think this boat okay this I will not look back on and say oh that’s stupid I really like this boat every single block has like there’s like so much detail in this holy cow wow okay I was cool when I made this I’m proud I’m proud good job good job Little Guy where are you right there that’s a dual purpose too that that not only looks cool but if you go up there that uh activates my slime farm down below and then I start getting a lot of slime so I can just AFK up there that’s pretty cool also those birds that’s supposed to be birds flying off in the distance that’s an AFK spot for gunpowder that I have in this pillar here of course just some reviews for those of you that don’t know um this building I made this when I was kind of starting to use blocks block colors is like Shadow and light and stuff and uh trying to use more more of the luminance the light the lightness of blocks and less of like oh this is the exact same brown and whatever more caring about like the the lightness of the blocks to kind of create shadows and stuff like that oh everybody wanted overhangs but I think it looks good without him I’m really happy with that then we had this kind of this was like one of the early things just kind of like trying to pfy the Village it’s cute it’s cute it’s it’s uh I I you know I got to give myself some credit cuz this was like an episode two I went through and kind of like tried to make the village buildings that were originally here look a little nicer didn’t do anything to this one he’s still up there don’t do it don’t this it’s pretty pretty cartoony I like it I like it honey coming out of the chimney that’s cool just a beef farm right and then it provides bunch of Wheat and all that stuff I think I’ve got chickens in here that’s rather noisy that’s kind of a noisy build but that’s a little chicken Coupe made out of bricks for some reason uh I think we’re going to take this path along the backside here first cuz I think this witches hut I think this is good I think I did a good thing with this no chimney just like a broken open roof on top for smoke to come out I think that was kind of a creative idea good job beat ups oh right Nether wart in there that’s right I’m also familiarizing myself of you know everything that’s around here I think yes I do have some alls in here hey guys hey stupids stay here but this is good this is good interior good job all around good good good good good and then this is the act ual Brew Hut right here that Moss block seems kind of random but that’s okay good job good job putting that there um yes yes here’s my Brew space yep okay very cool I like this area I think that I did a good job with the with the witches area and then having it kind of off in the side here very good back in the village these custom trees are trash this just trees are trash I get it I get what I was going for but man oh man the size of that trunk the top of this tree needs to be like at least two times bigger and three times wider good try though it looks like a tree that was just like super trimmed and then it’s still trying to grow a little bit that’s okay we can fix those up maybe if we want to one day that’s fine that’s fine it’s fine holy smokes what are you doing up there we’ll get down there in a little bit okay this is the village and then down there there we’ll check all that stuff out but I’m kind of wanting to try to go in Timeline order of when I made things I think oh man this okay this was I made this early uh just like a generator I think I’ve got a couple of these or maybe I planned to there’s a cactus farm in here can I put my head in side yes I can and this cactus farm just makes Cactus like crazy how much Cactus is in here none cuz it’s all getting smelted right it’s all getting smelted and then uh I can lock this how do I lock this there’s a way aha right here lock it and then I can just pull a bunch of XP it’s running all the time I would I would like that in all my worlds that’s a nice smart thing spider farm that’s just a small early build uh but I can’t get over the wall this is supposed to be the industrial district now this is this is where we’ve got some problems we’ve got some problems this is you know as our render distance expands you know with mods and stuff we can see very far now 28 chunks away uh all of the sudden the world feels smaller so when I first made this I was like oh yeah this industrial district this is all far far away but man it’s close it’s close so I’ve got some difficulty in blending some of these styles but I’m up for the challenge it’s difficult I think there’s just a pumpkin farm chilling here we’ve got our mud making place and the iron oh right the Iron Works place right I mean this sorry no back on that yet but this mud thing’s cool this is cool this is cool up here it’s just a single mud maker right just a little mud maker right here and it pushes down and it pushes it underneath and ites makes this huge block of mud and then I can just uh mine all that whenever I want so that’s nice this place is cool I like I like this the two Sid this is a cool technique where it looks white on the front and orange on the side like cuz you use the trap doors right there I think that’s cool I hear I heard something happening underneath me it might have been zombies or something like that but this is cool I like this and then the interior yeah just tons of stuff and we’ve got a little bit of iron this thing’s always full I like this okay good good job on this as well this was old me um I don’t know what I would do differently on this build I think this looks really cool maybe no those well maybe those gears could be cleaned up a little bit I don’t know I think it I think it’s pretty good this one this one’s okay uh decent texturing and stuff I’m fairly happy Industrial District on this side pretty good this building is my Moss maker as well and I think this is a I really like this building it’s all kind of in that same style that kind of uh Renaissance Era brick style and I I think that looks cool the chimneys are cool the whole thing thing looks really nice but we had a big departure when we built this I had a a major itch to build like a brutalist style building I just had this idea to kind of do do it like this and then put like motherboard pieces as reference in here and I think it turned out so so cool but that’s the so it’s a bit it’s way different style than everything else it’s okay though it’s okay the the nice thing about building with bwo is what are we doing here we’re building and sometimes we make challenges for ourselves like finding a way to blend this in it looks really cool uh but it’s going to be difficult to make make it all look good next to this gothic stuff but uh we’re going to try SP I remember spending a long time on this covered bridge this covered bridge right here took me a very very long time because it’s not only on a 45 degree angle you know on one axis but it’s at a 45 Dee angle on the Y AIS as well or some kind of angle like 35 so this very tough build so sometimes I’m learning now if something isn’t working sometimes you just have to let it go maybe this let’s look at it from a distance yeah this this should be let go it’s too the very least it’s too noisy right too much too too much bright and dark blocks uh and then all the Shadows from it being on an angle make it even noisier so I mean the front shape’s not bad maybe that should that should have been a uh don’t do it don’t do it moment for those but uh down into the city now I know we used to have a tree right here kind of an old gross tree and I I I removed that and I’m glad I did because this is when we really started working with walls and seeing the capabilities of walls when using glass panes and stuff like that and the Cool Shapes you can make out of it before we move on though I should mention I the I have a build I’m not going to do it today but I have a build that I’ve been working on for months almost a year and uh I’m very very excited about it I just haven’t really had a place to put it and now I think I know now I think I’m going to put it here but it’s going to take a long time to get all the materials together for it and and whatnot but uh pretty epic build coming up so this is also serving as a refresher to me like where’s all my materials and stuff uh this is cool so I start I learn a technique and I’m like I have to execute it and then I force it into an area I don’t think that top should fits on this on this building I think it’s cool right the technique was glaze terra cotta for stained glass windows and I think it does look really cool but it if you just look at the bottom half I don’t think that top I think it’d be better if that top wasn’t on there but it’s there I think it’s pretty cool but this is our I think we’re storing all our glass in here we’re using that double layer of glass technique that works out very nice yes all my glass in here in order as well not fully furnished on the inside but it works this one I remember working a long time on kind of noisy colors huh I think we could clean that up with some of the new copper trap doors that are coming out but this is uh books yeah I spent a lot of time on this interior I think this interior is very nice looting oh I was getting ready for chisel chisel bookshelves sure enough there are some chisel bookshelves what book is this Unbreaking beautiful do I have any others oh goodness I did put this is looting and I okay very good very good I don’t need any of this stuff right now but this interior I like this interior I kind of went went uh a little hard on this but I like this I like this I’m kind of in the mindset now of like try to do the hard things if something’s like oh man this would be hard like I could just make this and and not put any signs and and item frames and all that stuff on it and just say yeah it’s supposed to resemble like some sort of drawer cabinet but the hard thing is do all these details so I’m happy to see moments when I did something like that uh across the street this was okay from a distance this is our like Greenhouse foliage place and I can say already and I had questions about this in my head what am I doing with that chimney I had I had ideas when I made it but that chimney needs to be a little cleaner too dirty on the chimney but the rest of it cool I like the rest the water wheels a little odd but overall very cool I like the greenhouse on the outside looks fantastic oh right I did some heavy details here as well that’s pretty cool I like that okay uh but the inside that’s where this Place really shines I like the coral on the side good job are there fish in here still there’s still fish in here love it okay this is where yeah yeah yeah yeah so this is where I got all my greens and stuff like that all my leaves are down here I got to replace that with the new Cherry leaves well they’re not new anymore but I got to get that in there and I got all my leaves in here this is cool and then all right there’s a lower level oh yeah this all feels good good job good job building beat ups very good is this supposed to be a video of just me praising myself no no not at all not at all but I am I I am uh there I’m making some excuses for some mistakes that I’ve made this I don’t know I don’t know about this one again really plain with those Gothic techniques here I think I did that and then this and this is my die shop or D building where I store all my dyes so this is all supposed to be like paint splattered on the side using some you know different glass and blocks to kind of uh show that off I think the technique is cool I just don’t know if it reads that great that’s cool though I think the inside as well yeah inside’s cool we got it stocked as well with all our dyes which is very neat these books are I’m a assuming yeah all empty that’s fine and then yep I did gradients on Armor to kind of showcase some different colors and stuff I think that adds to the detail in this place as well yeah I like it nothing up there should put some things up there but I think the die shop that’s cool that’s cool it’s just uh making this whole thing look cohesive cuz I’m wanting to make like a you know a bunch of buildings and treat them as my storage room you know each building is going to have the stuff um but it’s got to look cohesive so yeah we’ll see but before we continue on and I keep praising myself let’s take a quick commercial break allow me to introduce to you the inventor of the 14 pulley system a simple husband who needed to find a cheap and safe way to store his wife’s hard top but with no way to sell his genius ideas if he was a real genius he would make a website with Squarespace with their new blueprint AI tool he could enter a few prompts and Squarespace would curate prle layout and styling options he’s also using a cable management thing to hang long headphone wires on another genius idea that he could sell online thanks to squarespace’s simple and robust online stores tool and of course we know Squarespace provides powerful analytics that are going to give him insights on his top traffic sources so be a genius like me I mean him and make a website check the link down in the description or go to B100 to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain okay here we are now at the big arch thing the big arch bridge I I I I there’s Parts I like and parts I don’t like I think you know you can tell some there’s some areas where I was having trouble with shapes like I don’t love those roofs right there I think that could be a little better uh there there’s some shape problems the texture in is very noisy it’s very you know got some very bright brights and some very dark darks I’ve seen some Builders some builders that I know are really really good Builders Comon on this and say uh ew it’s very very noisy uh but I think that was the intention to start and I think I think I still like it I still like it for what it is it needs to be kind of tied into the terrain a little bit more the terrain’s got to come up around them but I think overall it’s cool and at the very top I don’t think I would be brave enough to texture this messy actually I think maybe it is a little messy but at the top very very top up here we have our dragon egg from when we slayed the dragon first try it’s very dark in here you can hardly see the dragon egg but I think I think this thing is cool I think overall like the art shapes kind of looming in the background of of the whole area is is very cool uh so overall I’m I’m pleased I’m happy with this build I think it looks really good and then inside inside of this one this green one here yeah this one with the Moss let’s just be careful when we enter uh y yes wonderful wonderful wonderful okay that’s all our gunpowder and then over here should be our sugar cane okay some sugar cane and that’s for the I need to put a door on that that’s for fireworks to be able to fly of course another thing I should mention about this die building it’s all walls it’s all the wall models so that’s why they look like that and I think yeah then you have some full blocks there there’s a lot of cool things you can do with walls I got to I got to do that a little more often like that that shape up there is very cool and that’s only possible because this whole thing’s made out of walls that’s that’s that’s pretty but the idea is and this is just a scary thing for me to you know lay out the roads and extend them all the way out past this bridge out to here and then fill this thing up with buildings oh but it’s raining oh atmosphere hello hello atmosphere maybe uh no we got to sleep now the building we’re making next episode I think might be taller than this it might be taller than this and I know it’s like four times the size of this one at there’s a ravine here it’s big the next build is very very very big but I think it’s going to be a really cool addition to our world I’m just trying to think is there anything else I know I’ve got the prismarine like you can check last episode last episode I made the prismarine farm spaceship way off of the distance but this was episode one this is where we all started right here and I built this building it’s kind of a landmark for myself to say okay come back to this from time to time and take a look at it and see have you improved I think the shape is very cool the shape I know this isn’t from my own brain it is from a reference image I know there was an artist and I I used them as a reference image and got the shape so you know I I I like to take a little bit more pride in making my own shapes right now but this is really cool really unique um I like the shutters I can see already from a distance the shutters I need to do that more with the signs on the trap doors that’s really cool looking but I will say this and G give myself a little credit because this was like episode one but it’s a little Bland I think signs in here would help it like hello donkeys hi anything any goodies no no goodies in these guys um signs they wouldn’t render in from a distance but that’s okay it still looks good from a distance but signs would help add some detail in here when you get closer up I think uh and the diorite looks unintentional I think I think now if I were to do this I would will there be more detail underneath the the roof Edge if there was a roof Edge but then the diorite I would do in more blob shapes like you know a section like this and then maybe dots out instead of just like random diorite here or there did I do that anywhere on this thing no I think there’s only like 10 pieces of diorite I think the whole thing’s mushroom stem see this is another thing too is like mushroom stems are so hard to get like I could have really saved myself if I used a lot of diorite on this side it could have been a 50 thing but that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay um overall I think this is cool I have to check did I do did I do the interior at all I did a little bit a little bit okay but I got real stuck on this interior I think like not sure what to do and then they just never did anything oh okay good try good try that’s okay I think I think I could figure this interior out established February 12th 2022 got to put that on there as a reminder to myself that’s when I made this thing pretty cool we can do uh an interior renovation established at some point if we do that but I think this looks good overall what I’ve been focusing on a lot building wise lately has been terrain and that’s a consist thing that I’ve noticed all over this thing is like I’ll make a ooh ooh didn’t finish the back of the mountain why did I do that to myself oh no so many backs of things not finished the back of that not finished the back of this not finished you selfish old bebs putting this on me oh that’s selfish okay all right sorry I’m I’m mad at me for that one but the thing that’s consistent throughout this whole place is the fact that I did not really put much care into like the terrain around the building I think with the with the greenhouse we kind of did that with all the trees and Koi pond around but I think that’s a very important thing it’s something that I’ve been really focusing on uh on hermitcraft lately and stuff so I think we’re going to do another landmark here just to kind of say okay we started caring about terrain now so I think this building could do with a very nice tree kind of like tucked in somewhere tucked in like here is or something that you could just see from a distance and it kind of just frames the side of the house and then this is just vanilla this is just straight vanilla going into the water here and this path I’ve been meaning to do for the longest time every time I come here I just Mark out the path that I walk on and we’ve got kind of a general idea of how we want it to go so really it’s not that hard I just need to do the path and you know add some little custom terrain things in here and and get this get a tree in maybe this is a good spot [Music] did a little job dur durability off the shovel and it’s repaired and my wings repaired and all my armor and stuff because of this wonderful thing making XP in the background all the time oh that was a fun project there a fun little project we’re going to go walk our way over there and take a look at it but I’m sure some of you are wondering what version are we on right now we’re not on 12.60 121 whatever we’re not there quite yet but I think next episode there’s a lot of stuff I got to get updated and stuff and back up the world and whatnot to make sure it’s ready o I got to clear out the rest of that path oh that’s kind of cool having another path there but all this view has improved I love it we got to continue the path I just don’t know this is kind of a steep hill here that we’re going up uh but I am anxious I’ve got none of the new tough blocks in this world which I’m in love with now uh and so there’s some big stuff coming the tough blocks all the copper blocks and the trial Chambers and stuff hey I went down the wrong way oh hello connect here okay well and this is just you know I just wanted to get kind of a simple path like just get it done right and then uh we could put some grass and stuff along the way to kind of pretty it up but here’s our tree oh it’s an interesting one I tried using some different kind of leaves and stuff but this is there’s an oak tree that uh I see downtown in my my city that it’s got some just really long branches here’s a nice view of it and I I guess it should be viewed from this spot here but uh yeah you can see these branches just going straight out way out like that uh so I was trying to simulate that a little bit and then of course using like some glass and some walls uh since I haven’t updated and don’t have all the tough new tough model variants I just use brick and that blends in real nice with this brown so this whole tree is a brown tree I’m in with the horses again June 26 2024 I try to I I actually did that wrong on purpose you know with the kerning cuz I want it to look like it’s just carved in carved in there little June 26th so I can remember that’s the day that we came in and we kind of showcased a little bit of our our Landscaping prowess not to the fullest potential I just wanted to get something in here just as a kind of a marker but oh I’m so happy being back in this world another reason why we’re why they hoes right there another reason why we’re back in this world as well is because BDubs oh do I get personal yeah let’s get personal that’s what we do on this series I’ve been this year really trying to I made an effort to do hard things you know when like I I kind of mentioned that earlier like if something seems hard Do It um the thing that I should also mention along with that is that it doesn’t wait what happening here glitch it uh comes at a cost it’s not free doing hard things isn’t free it’s actually difficult and it takes a lot of mental energy and um I think I’m hitting a wall I think I’m about about at a breaking point so I need to kind of calm down slow down a little bit and that’s kind of what this world symbolizes for me I know in my my hermitcraft videos I’ve been doing it kind of a slower Pace you know um but boy the amount of energy and effort that I’ve been putting in there is kind of high so I’m forcing myself Slow Down slow down enjoy yourself and uh this is all a marathon on I’m going to be here till I’m 70 so let’s make sure we can finish the race but ladies and gentlemen my daughters just got home from Humane Society camp and they’re excited to talk to me about it so I’m going to go chat with them but I love you guys to death thank you so much for watching thanks for hanging around around through this whole series I mean we’ve been all over the place but I hope you guys keep getting inspired and we’ll see you in the next episode f [Music] [Music]

Minecraft Building with BdoubleO Season 3 Episode #21. Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code BDOUBLEO100.

Today, we revisit and review the things we have built over the last two years and plant a landmark next to our first build in the world.

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Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta

#minecraft #bdoubleo


  1. I think with the crimson brothers I would let the hanging bits start higher, so that it mirrors the arches below. It will subconciously make it look more realistic as the purpose of those ‘chains’ is to help carry the bridge when the arch is insufficient due to the range between them 😊

  2. Love the builds and the dtailing… I am actually a fan of the 'nose' in the bridge, especially from a distance… it's hard to do stuff like that in a way that looks good and randomised but not distracting… adds some depth and variety rather than big plain stone builds

  3. Might be cool if in the top of that building with the terracotta stain glass building you could open that up and try and build some giant bells out of copper.

  4. i would just take the brutalist build down and move it further away behind the ironworks to get that distance you need and to get it out of the way of the mud maker and ironworks builds (at least its not a complete building lol)

  5. Has it really been that long already?
    Edit:Did I just hear bdubs refer to himself in the 3rd person? "Good job little guy! Where are yah?"

  6. I wish I had tuned in to this series earlier. I had to go back to watch the tugboat video and spent like 5 minutes trying to get a good angle for a screenshot of it. Love what you're doing bdubs!

  7. Bdubs, you're such an inspiration to me. That last bit about how you're taking it slow, and how it's a marathon – "I'll be here till I'm 70!"

    I'm wanting to adopt this mindset. I'm starting a new survival world, because every time I start a new survival world, I chicken out and turn off mobs. But this time I'm not doing that. I'm going to embrace the possibility of dying. Stuff can be re-gathered. Levels can be re-earned. And my building doesn't need to be perfect right now. This is a long project. I can't expect to have it done in a single play session.

  8. im so happy this series is back! the walk through your world was very interesting loved seeing ur thoughts on ur old builds. great video as always!

  9. I feel like the way different styles are jarring-ly next to each other and even the stained glass building feeling like someone’s put two together is a much truer reflection of how cities develop over time. If you visit cities in the UK like York the very centre has incredible old buildings but there’s so much all mixed together across the city, and often buildings do become kind of mish-mashed.

  10. The trouble with the air boat is that the anchor indicates it's stationary but the horizontal exhaust indicates it's moving. It would be harder to make the anchor drag, I think, so it can be fixed by making the exhaust waft upwards.

    That's the only feedback I can give. Most of this just floors me. I especially love the new tree and your choice of music while building it.

  11. Suggestion for the factory: interior that is defunct and falling apart, demolition crews (do you use armour stand mod?) going around, rigging it for demolition. Perhaps a demolition crane taking a swing at it on the outside.

  12. Your builds are cool bdubs but they look so randomly placed with bridges in the back and random builds from different styles so close together i am sorry but it doesn't feel immersive or natural feels like you had a build battle their and niw their are so many different styles so close together
    Would love it if you made a immersive environment
    And thank you for your love towards Minecraft

  13. It's crazy how bdubs has been constantly improving and pushing the medium for years and years! I still fondly remember things like the red keep, city of maybe… and it's only gotten better and better
    Which is not to say there's any pressure to keep doing that, I just think it's amazing c:
    In the town I live there are old buildings next to big ugly plastic supermarkets and shopping centres, I don't think it's that unusual a contrast for european countries

  14. The "Building with bDubs" world feels like looking through a Minecraft equivalent of a sketchbook. You can see so many concepts being experimented with that we saw in bDubs's latter works

  15. I feel like the main square having more modern builds against the gothic ones feels very realistic – it's like the world has history and the buildings have stood the test of time

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