I Got Hunted by Minecraft’s Deadliest Players

[Music] this is the deadliest player in all of Minecraft not only is he one of the best pvpers in the entire world but he’s literally killed hundreds if not thousands of players but what makes him truly deadly is the fact that when he picks a player to kill he won’t stop until they’re dead which was unfortunate for me because I was his next Target yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a cool premise like it’s a weird premise but it’s a cool premise yeah do you hear I wait you have potions hello boys what the yo bar I bro why don’t I have my elra I’m run run run I how many totems do you have par you have enough dude run this is my last totem this is actually my bro I’m dead I’m actually can you can you big one more totem I’m dead I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die please I’m scared to go back I’m scared I’m get you get but to my absolute surprise instead of killing me clown Pier simply flew away telling me to meet him at his castle and knowing that I didn’t have much of a choice I decided to head there hello parrot and as we started talking clown Pierce began to reveal why he had just ambushed me there’s something I’m after what your life can I ask why why like what did I do to you oh no no you you didn’t sight me or anything no that’s just a lot of money on the line which meant that someone had placed a bounty on me but despite that I had an even bigger question you could have killed me and if you wanted my life so bad for whatever like the money or whatever why didn’t you kill me cuz that wouldn’t be any fun see I want to give you just the slightest f chance so what does that mean it means this conversation is over five 4 3 2 [Music] 1 cloud cloud just let me leave [Music] bro bro clap car CL just as [Music] [Applause] once all right I know you’re hiding in the castle I didn’t see you fly away so how about this let’s let’s have a fair 1 V one just you and me I’ll send the courts to the circus and I’ll meet you there in the end we’re not that different you and I I’ll see you soon and as I flew away I thought about what clown could have meant in the end we’re not that different you and I but I didn’t really have time to think about it because there were more important questions that I needed answers to like who had hired clown and also how I was going to survive him I realized that my best option was to actually head to this circus that clown wanted me to fight at but instead of coming alone like he wanted me to I was going to bring my best friend wefies to fight clown with me all right so do you think we actually stand a chance dude it’s a 2v one bro the last time I was going yeah we didn’t spend time preparing for nothing okay what in the world is this bro see not going to lie this is kind of sick but I’m also terrified okay what are the chances he’s in here bro 5050 I mean yeah I hope so okay let’s go the idea what oh my God this is actually full this is the whole thing what is the point of this that’s what I’m wondering there’s like no Farms also is he not here the door closed the door the door closed behind us he’s right there hello boys what do we do just we have we have to go we have to go for him there’s no yeah we can’t get out of here okay well we can just mine out right like we true yeah yeah yeah but not with him on us like okay okay yeah yeah drop them bro it’s 2v one we have yeah we got it we got we got this we win this we win this I just got mining fatigue I got mining fatigue bro we what do we do what do we do I don’t have why did I not bring ender pearls I I have like a I have like two pearls so I don’t know if we can Pearl out of here we win this right we’re winning we’re winning we’re winning we winning nice none of my hits are doing any damage cuz of this bro his shield that are crazy you break his shield I attack or vice versa [Music] I think we’re winning [Music] this dude my water just got wrong he’s better than me wait what what just dropped my water I I don’t know dude I can’t for out these CS though that dude we can’t lose a 2v one there’s no way no surely but if you have a spare water cuz I’m if he cover with me I don’t have a spare water bro dud I can’t every time I’m in a web I’m there for the next like 2 years dude if my water gets St it’s over wait can he even hear us I don’t know I can hear you guys oh my gosh dude that menacing point oh my God he’s Ming he’s just he’s I’m actually like he’s just going to out gear us I don’t have that much supplies okay we just have to kill him now bro get him in the corner get him in the corner he physically can’t take a 2v one bro there’s no way what I my water just got drained we I’m okay okay hear me out spam click him to drain his armor dude he there’s no way he brought that there’s no way he brought that many oh this really is the worst of your plans what there cover for a sec lock it lock it lock dude I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying dude what what do we do what do we do bar I’m sorry sorry sorry sorry should you really be leaving your teammate alone with me probably not bro spam click him spam click him them we them them we them yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get his other webs how are you placing so many webs bro are you good I’m going to die I’m going to actually die soon I’m out I’m running out of stuff like running out of what here take my XP bottles take some of my XP bottles uhoh he just got them is there any way out no ancient debris takes forever to mine bro ancient debris to M okay wait okay is the are the walls made out of obsidian too or can we just mine through do you have milk I don’t know I don’t know I don’t have milk even you have a second of mining fatigue how bro how do you what’s the fastest tool to get through this uh pickaxe pickaxe pickaxe do you have anything do you have like lava or something to bro uh no I don’t have anything I’m going to pop what got Lo we I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I have another Pearl this what you want wees I would to take it back I would love to take it back okay we can okay bro we we got to get out do you have Co fruit I don’t even have Co fruit I didn’t even think about this bro I thought this would be like the easiest our I didn’t think I didn’t think I tra in here with mining fatigue and a maniac bro it’s actually insane I I okay do you have anything that can help us get out anything that’s not H about related cuz I’ll tell you right now I have nothing I don’t know what to oh my gosh dude we dude I I I just got mining fatigue again [Music] bro I’m dude I’m actually fumbling are you good I I’m like I can survive for a few more seconds your helmet we I cannot survive for a few more seconds maybe you should run wees bro we’re dead Ming with the wrong guy get it back up bro actually get away dude I I okay you saved the rest of my armor but this get like without a helmet I’m actually going to be useless bro you look for a way I’ll hold them okay okay okay okay okay I’m so dead dude wait there’s people here there’s people here there’s people around here where I I heard voices outside what bro get I heard voices look around look around I hear voices I hear voices dude who’s yo who is that here is that Leo dude if he has backup we’re we’re screwed dude this is the second time we died in like got we got y we got Yo Yo who is bro we got to get out there there’s some there’s someone there’s people here I know I know there’s people here I don’t know do you know them per I don’t know I don’t know if they’re go go through come on come on go faster go faster Leo hello yo can you guys hear us yeah relax we’re coming bro help us help us now give us 30 seconds 30 if you guys on our side then get dude we doesn’t have a helmet okay go go go go get it go go go go go go go po me up PO me up okay we’re in we’re yeah po charge charge charge what is happening what is happening charge get him get him get him go go that your chance that was your chance yeah okay I don’t know I don’t know what is this lock in lock in now’s our chance now’s our chance come on what dud yo get away he’s going to tr to Target you bro what [Music] go here go here what is going on bro come on come on come on come on come on away yeah you see him but although we now heavily outnumbered clown he still somehow managed to get away I think he’s out guys dang up well I appreciate the resue yeah wait where are you guys yeah what’s going on guys okay so I see what is how did you yo come to the service come to the surface talk so what what is happening bro hey I mean I’m not going to compl again nice to see you uh so what is this this is probably less of a search and rescue than you think we’re really just hunting after clown Pierce this is you gave us the perfect opportunity to find him so we appreciate you guys actually Leo W the leader of this team explained that he had been hunting clown for ages hiring bounty hunters and setting up elaborate traps to try and kill him and as soon as I revealed that someone had hired clown to hunt me he started to ask some more questions that means clown Pierce is going to try to hunt you down right I mean he’s already tried multiple times continue to he’s going to continue to be doing that wait so all five of you are lit like your sole purpose is just to kill clown I mean very passionate about okay d d has a thousand yard stair bro seeing things is it just me or like the server’s lagging only in Australia Rapidash but knowing that Leo and his team of bounty hunters could potentially protect me while I could help them get rid of clown once and for all we began devising a plan I think it might be smart to um possibly either set up like a a trap or just wait him out wait till he comes to you and and Ambush him an ambush would probably work really well yeah just in an area where he actually can’t escape this time we just pull the same circus thing you think we should head to the base then yeah this would be best discussed in private okay yeah all right no come on all right we’re going to be working on again yes holy moly bro we are you seeing this Welcome to our headquarters oh my [Music] okay so you guys are like actually stacked what is this bro dude what a what an insane layer um would you would you like a a little tour here yes please all right wait you guys built all of this just so you could kill clown oh of course yeah Leo then showed us around the rest of his base which was filled with training areas storage rooms and even a massive meeting room where we started planning you guys want to kill clown mhm and I assume your biggest struggle is actually like finding him in the first place exactly if I’m bait what if we just make it as hard as possible for clown to kill me mhm yeah how would you what about okay Leo what is your budget for killing clown my budget you think I have a budget for this I don’t know are you kidding bro I don’t think you understand how rich I am par I started from the ground up I worked for everything all right okay this is this is all mine all you see here that’s mine and and everyone else here of course within the next two days I want a state-ofthe-art self-sealing vault created we can do that a vault that I’m trapped inside that clown is trying to break into because if I’m at the center of the Vault then clown is going to pull up no matter what and that’s like the perfect opportunity for you guys to to drop him [Music] okay we can do it so as Leo and his team prepared to begin the construction of this Vault that I would be trapped inside of Leo gave wey and I some TNT ordering us to go to Clown’s Castle as a means to completely blow it up we weren’t really sure what the point of this was but assume that we were trying to send a message to clown that we weren’t messing around like what are the chances that he’s just not in [Music] here possible [Music] I want to just nuke it oh he’s right there what do we do why dude why is he here I don’t know I just saw him unless that’s wait is that him wait hold on you want just yeah yeah it’s him that’s him oh did he see you did he see you he saw you he definitely saw you start nuking start blowing uping start pulling up start pulling up yep y yep yep yep yep yep fly around fly around smart CL Pierce Cloud Pierce bye-bye to your Castle buddy I can do it BL up BL up blow up up all up nice nice [Music] nice no teammates to help you no Castle either I mean I don’t need teammates against used should we get the back of his castle too I don’t have any more TNT do you oh my god really you rub that little TNT to blow up my castle yo dude this poor throne room this poor throne room what happened dud he’s going to have to repair all of this have you seen this thing I I just popped I just popped we help help wees help me I’m I’m chasing you I’m chasing you oh nice g fruit yeah that really worked out in your favor this way up up up where are you he he’s he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here where are you I don’t know I just saw him right where you left bomb the roof bomb bomb this like Red Roof right here right here right here right here did you really think it was a good idea bro did you really think this was a good idea what’s a good idea hunting me bro hunting oh parrot how long do you think it’s going to take to build this Castle huh days bro days on yeah maybe maybe a couple days how long is it going to take for you to get a how long is it going bro if that’s going to happen buddy if that ever happen happen that’s that’s cute that’s really cute where are you bomb this bomb this Red Roof this like the big one yeah big one big one oh my God bro he dides so much damage [Music] all right we this way this way yep follow me follow me where yeah yeah this way this way through here down down down down down uh B start get these get these pillars bro all of it all of it bro he doesn’t even care about his castle bro yeah I don’t get it why is he just hunting you I don’t know I don’t know weey I actually I bro I I actually need help bro okay I’m not joking he’s just going to chase me around forever okay talk bro what he’s just going to keep chasing me [Music] bro what dude wees [Music] bro wees I need you to do something I bro my boots are low I’m almost out of fireworks bro hello we bro oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] and by some miracle I managed to make it out alive and soon enough wey and I met back up we did decimate a large part of his well not even large but he justes made a significant part of his castle dude it’s just like he doesn’t care bro that’s the thing I don’t know what like does did Leo not know that like what’s the point we just thrw ourselves into danger if he doesn’t care it’s like does Leo even care about us bro or does he just care about clown I guess it makes sense what like what we grief him but like he didn’t care he didn’t and he’s just going to repair it bro like if he really got hired by some person with a ton of resources I mean it’s got to be Zam though exactly zam’s just gonna repair this in a day I mean I feel like it might be too early to say this but I just need a team who can like actually protect [Music] me but we’ll see when Leo constructs that Vault but luckily for me Leo had finished the construction of this Vault and without any other options I headed over there to lock myself inside holy I see lava where did Leo just go this was fast so this to keep us safe H or par safe I guess okay if we go in here Clown’s going to pull up at some point sure yeah and you can guarantee that Clown’s not getting in literally I I I like this is imperishable do you understand like the amount of layers of obsidian this is plus uh the Guardians and and and uh many more little surprises trust me this is impenetrable okay interesting do you want a little um look around it I mean it’s pretty much the same on all sides yeah let’s head inside uh wees you are not coming with me this time yeah I’m not bit no it doesn’t make sense cuz if something goes wrong you should not be involved in this okay it might okay wait Leo you left like Escape tunnels and stuff inside of there for me right yeah yeah of course yeah okay all right perfect trust me you’ll be fine okay okay lock me in bro don’t Dam all right so Leo brought me inside of the Vault and began debriefing me on how this thing actually worked all right welcome to the interior um we have some levers over here but uh something that’s important is there is three different layers to the Vault uh I I can’t exactly tell you how to get to each layer um trust me when it comes to it you’ll figure it out out but you never know who’s listening okay uh and okay so you and the rest of like your clown Pierce SWAT team are guarding this yes that’s correct we’re on the outs side so if you guys if something happens to all of you which I don’t think it will cuz you’re going to be 4V oneing him um there’s like a way for me to get out right but like you just like I’ll just have to figure it out I’ll I’ll give you a hint all right okay B5 all right D5 or B5 no B B5 B5 trust me trust me yeah you’ll get it when you get it okay and that’s it I just have to hope that yeah well um the last thing I can say is good luck and trust me everything will go perfectly all right all right you guys better kill clown bro I swear to God see you hello bro what are you doing in here yeah looks like we again I could have just let you be here alone bro what the heck I’m not trying to let you die okay so you overheard that whole entire convers dude how did you even do that dude I swear I heard like Vine climbing like when I was talking to Leo dude oh my God bro if they somehow don’t even worry about it the two of us is better than one if it at worst comes to worst I can hold someone up for a few more seconds but I still had no idea as to why Leo didn’t tell us exactly how to navigate the interior of this Vault and as a result we and I realized that we needed to figure out how this thing actually worked in the case of an emergency I thought I’d tell you this because I was looking around while you guys were talking and I noticed something okay kind of weird you see this these two odd dirt blocks in the wall and there’s a lever under like this Farmland is hiding a lever I don’t know well I guess clear they aren’t related but wait the lever this just seems a bit odd yeah it does nothing I don’t know something here is doing something wait so we genuinely just have no idea like we just have no idea about the situation outside yeah we just I mean we have to hold out hope that like there’s no way he doesn’t it’s a 4 one yeah and there’s no way he gets demo like you wouldn’t turn down the hunt he wouldn’t give up on killing you would he no no way okay all right so he’s going to he’s going to show up so Leo said oh there’s so much milk bro should we just lowkey try mining those blocks I kind of kind of want to just to see what like they’re so they’re asking for it is there anything there uh okay I think this went to literally nowhere yeah that’s strange though I’m curious if it has something to do with the the shulker boxes cuz you know that glitch where you can drop through yeah yeah you need a ceiling over it though so we’ I mean if he if he pre-placed it then what the is that is that the sign that he here me it has to be what else would it they’re in a 4v1 we should be fine we’re going to drop him they’re going to kill him they’re going to kill him this is easy bro come on let our chance look our chance okay wait where’s the horn where are they where are they where are they um they’re right they’re right here they’re right here they’re right here they’re right here yeah there’s three I said that’s what I said bro what lock in lock in this our chance come on go go go go go try tar right yep yep yep I’m on it we can’t let him we can’t let him kill [Music] [Applause] him on me bro today get him get him you you good I got [Music] you you [Music] good yeah I’m not I didn’t expect more than compers bro yeah realistically there’s no we just got to wait it out we’ll be fine few minutes and we’re out of here okay I clown did you hear what Leo said about how there were three different layers to this yeah I I think we should genuinely figure out how to cuz Okay worst case scenario bro if they somehow lose and we’re just stuck in this box we’re just screwed dude there’s just so much like milk and stuff that’s what I’m wondering I well it’s definitely good to like I highly doubt it it come to this but worst comes to worst it’s better to know the Escape Routes just in case get out of here uh okay so where could we realistically shter the what about here oh wait do you have any chus by the way I can drop you some in case we just we actually have to get out in a dire situation I don’t have any uh yeah there you go thank you five chorus fruit thank you bro well I got more I was being charitable there you go let good I don’t know what you’re trying to oh wait I found it what is this oh my I guess that that’s layer one yeah good find there’s a lever behind this iron door this is weird this is like a full out escape room is there a way for us to go back up there has to be right I hope so do you know do you remember the way we got in where exactly that was it was through some powdered snow oh probably this wait Pearl evacuation oh should we try this okay I guess so bro [Music] oh I’m I’m through I’m through oh okay so that’s how to get back okay all right good to know good to know I’m heing I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m xping I’m xping I’m just give me a second give me a second I’m xping there’s two on me okay I’m coming in I’m coming in coming in [Music] oh my God yo guys I think we kind of have to dip I’m going to be straight up you good is is everyone good is everyone good where’s wiie at is wiggie alive I mean I don’t know come on get him get him he’s he’s he’s go go go he’s low he’s low he’s low to I don’t just just go chance guys chance good here come cover I got him I got him you okay I’m going I’m going okay hold on Yo focus on focus on now focus on now where where [Music] at we know what these levers do I don’t think they do anything I think these are all decoys I’m going to be honest that’s kind of clever oh maybe that’s what this is maybe we should Pat just back up if you have the blocks and just lead them on a chase for no reason my question is he said three layers how do we get into the last nothing in these furnaces maybe like putting items in here maybe something with hit [Music] boxes uh it could be how do we get through here oh wait no that’s nothing yeah let’s figure this out really just in [Music] case there’s an Ender Chest there’s a button here there’s a button that I never realized we could just press where like into some trap doors right here like this pretty obvious button next to an under I just found something yeah oh that’s a boat get out get out get out okay so we can just milk and just yeah we go yeah I mean okay oh my I accidentally dropped I guess I can come back up but this is a you yeah wait what’s down here okay well it’s a pretty nice place all things keep obsidian on hands at all times to mask doorways bro he really went all out with this I was going to this is an insane build to pull off so fast think we’re good okay oh I see wait what do I do this boat cuz I can’t reset this hatch what we do do is we just walk through here and then we just patch it up okay yeah uh I I’ll take the boat though why not all right let’s go back to the Jungle Room okay yeah you know the three ways right uh yeah I suppose I do well I don’t know how to escape from the third one if there is a way out there’s got to be uh you have obsidian right yeah plenty okay okay Hunter same nice that was pretty close but pretty good as in pretty close not at all but well I guess we are we going to give us a signal or is he going to come break us out or what I mean that’s the thing we just have no idea bro like it’s like we’re completely isolated from the rest of the world yeah shoot it oh yo are we winning this guys are we winning this I can’t tell I’m going straight up I don’t know if we’re winning this guys I have no clue I’m on clown oh oh my goodness [Music] bro I said I’m I’m getting low yo I am running out of XP I don’t know for winning this straight up okay just keep fighting for as long as you can yeah we got lowkey have not been using strength I’m I’m dumb bro I am running out though I’m I did not expect the 34 this supposed to be a 1 V3 or one4 H okay I’m coming I’m coming give me a second L of XP oh no oh shoot give me a second okay oh my gosh I’m getting I’m getting I am out of XP in my boow okay just wait for as long as you can and then fly out okay Leo good to know shut up yo I got a skattle I got a skattle I’m getting out of here get out here out here okay it’s a 3v3 now think Leo left that’s just weird that it’s taking them long yeah I know so we just wait for the signal from Leah yeah I’m actually going to go and stay in this room okay my question yeah you want to go try to figure out how to escape the last one yeah I let’s do that whoops okay okay so where would we possibly escape from is this a this there’s two water breathing potions you think that’s oh gu was a clock what is happening bro is that is that our signal or is that that’s ours are we good I don’t know do you think it has something to do with this ladder remember how the other escape hatch yeah is this with the like a pear exit it seems kind of weird to have a random ladder yeah we can look around for a little and then if we don’t find anything and it comes to it then yeah I think that’s probably a safe B anything behind the painting is that’ be pretty old school okay what is going on out there yeah what is happening okay so at least two of them are still out there two horns that is it that’s concerning though if he dropped two of them that’s bad well we didn’t see any death messages so unless they ran uh where’s the r where is the r [Music] oh that’s not my youie boogie boogie God that is terrifying don’t say that again yie you need you need armor who needs armor okay now where’s my team that’s all right oh what is you’re lagging you die you I am I’m trying nice back up I think I think I got I think I helped him enough I don’t know I don’t know hold I might need to get out hold on wait okay dipping yo I don’t know but it’s not a I’m fighting dude honestly DP we can’t we can’t take this L we can not take this L I’m fighting for as long as I can I we just need to stall we just need to stall okay it’s just you and me wiggie I think we got CL we got CL oh my leggings are going to break okay low key wiie wiie wiie I need a dip my my leggings are going to break I need a dip I’m sorry okay if I thought the whole thing was let’s go back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um it’s all the way around just kidding I’m a bot this way oh it’s awfully peaceful in [Music] here it is it’s concerningly peaceful bro I feel like that is if clown actually ran away they would have freed us out by now maybe they just forgot about us I doubt they would forget with this giant thing reminding him that we’re here unless Leo’s just like yeah we killed him job done we don’t care about the anymore uhuh you ever you ever read I have no mouth but I must scream what you ever heard of that no literally a short story like I think 15 pages of tiny text about a computer this this computer by this is not like in the story like in real like our actual life like this computer has been called the most evil character in fiction like that’s it’s for in the debate he is an his name is am like stands for like Allied Master computer but not like he has so much he has so much thought he can think so much but he can’t act because he’s trapped in wires and circuits and so he absolutely despises human creators one of them is like the one who made him is still one of the four is one of the five people like he turned into like a a you heard [Music] something there’s someone there I swear to God I just heard what is happening bro I just saw a name tag I swear to God I saw a name tag sh sh I hear talking I hear talking oh careful careful we need to go down careful I think we’re going to have to go down oh okay yeah yeah I saw this I no to do [Music] this I know this I’ve I bought against this on on a super event stay herea stay here where clown clown you look for G will I do this uh yeah did you L see here or okay I got the M for I’m down here where are you guys I don’t see you I’m over here okay oh what’s it called fre just broke into it over here God knows where I think I’m close nice welcome we just need lots of milk yeah I can give some more if you need it wens are wens are like below us they’re above us they’re above us I’ve seen them i s 14 milk buckets if we need it okay okay I’m yo yo we made it oh okay there’s a choker there’s many chokers this their base there’s in base it is barrels it’s a lot of milk it is bro I think there’s some in here yeah do we have to go out wait is do you think the cod’s in this room or this feels too empty yeah it feels like someone was here and they had to go quick either that or they’re yo hold on here oh oh yeah this definitely something look at this you want to break through the levers and see the restone yeah that’s probably the best I don’t think we’re going to find whatever codes hidden no there’s nothing there there is decoys what about this though like if it looks like an elevator no thank you 5 course thank you bro well I got blocked I was being careful there you go let’s good I don’t know what you’re trying to oh wait I found it what is this H anywhere Oban above it is there anything there’s nothing below it Wait no that’s water yeah nothing wait the oh there’s something down here what oh wait what is this okay this is new cover with traps um portal evacuation you hear that portal evacuation yeah light portal at your own room risk should we no it’s it’s not they haven’t used it otherwise it would be lit there’s an e chest that’s true very good point do you hear that sound yeah y this looks like wait there’s traces there’s Tres here someone open this door come here oh I found the Guardians someone went through here I think [Music] someone do you think it’s a smart bet to I’m going to just bomb it see what happens [Music] yo yo wait there’s these lines huh there’s these lines of of Observer blocks oh yeah start taking apart the room see if there’s anything like KD in just looks like a bent to me something oh this is bringing us back to the the jungle I [Applause] believe what are we looking for tracus we’re going to point parrot okay yeah this goes all the way back to Jungle [Music] okay I feel like okay wait what’s what’s here have we been here what are these buttons wait no oh yeah [Music] what like decoys how if we go [Music] [Music] down wait wait wa wait where CL right here here where’s here oh I’m in the jungle again no wait look at my KN oh look at this it can bounce you see this not it looks like it doesn’t it wait what is it this there’s nothing on mine Nots [Music] yet oh I found something buch [Music] exit 82 8 you hear someone’s placing blocks yeah wait there’s somebody here with us [Music] what if we do what if we do what if we do I don’t know how out P up P up P up up P up straight up straight up straight up straight up straight up yeah yeah go oh my god dude there’s a crazy amount of wardens bro we Pearl what is going on I’m coming are you up are you up yeah I’m up yeah I’m up I’m up where are you I I I can’t see a thing oh my gosh I don’t know what’s happening uh there’s an exit exit exit exit exit what is happening are you here [Music] what the heck [Music] [Music] bro bro get out get out get out get out he know a team since when does he have a team dude I don’t know yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep go no what is this what is this go go go go go get get us out get us out get us out oh okay just just fly just fly away take the weirdest route you can find no chice type of deal okay there’s no way they find us bro yeah no 100% oh my gosh [Music] bro what dude he has a team that means that means Leo’s crew well they didn’t die they just dipped they dipped bro they PR they promised to that’s the crazy part so much for a safe billionaire budget unbreachable base dude I if B5 didn’t work bro we were actually doomed actually like shaking though so what are we supposed to do this guy he’s just going to be on you he’s going to be on you till the end of time I don’t know I am going to have to talk to Leo because that that was absurd like so much for protection I know these kids are going to get a Stern talking to I can’t lie bro when I get there I’m going to give him a piece of my mind okay so it’s actually kind of cringe to just leave like that though yo I can’t see hello dude what are these guys doing what can we talk about what just happened and why are there just random villagers in here now yo y chill chill bro chill okay so doing can we talk about the fact that we just got abandoned in a vault and that there were three of them like it wasn’t just clown bro n you were safe in there bro you were safe you were so safe dude they jumped us they bro what do you mean we were safe they broke in and you guys left without any warning they were on us you think we were expecting like three people to pull off we thought it was just going to be clown like yeah I really care have you ever fought clown Fay and mugam all at once you know no but that’s the promise you guys made us bro promise clown with clown yes we tried our best but like at a certain point like we had to go exactly no warning no warning we were like running out of food and stuff where is dapu bro I don’t know where he went like he just didn’t mean us back here I I don’t know why why why does it matter so much like we didn’t you know you guys were safe it was fine we were for like two seconds no we Wen we were not safe at all well we weren’t either yeah exactly we had to go yeah but the point is you guys like oh my gosh bro okay all I’m saying is that we Fe okay maybe not wees but I was promised that I was going to be protected at all all costs and that this was going to be like a seamless Escape which it wasn’t so what’s going on well there’s complications in that like it we were weed our best supposed to be clown we tried our best we fought like we used every single resource we hadie what do you think it’s better it’s better that we left silent this whole time die my mom said I did a good job what wait what so what is this guy on who are you would you rather have all of us die in vain or some people die I think overall I think it’s better we made it alive like if we if we went back in we would have just died like either way you guys would have been in danger it makes more at least made it out alive yeah it makes much more sense for us to leave and you guys die and us not you know all right I’m getting out of here wees you should get out if you guys ever come up with a better plan uh just hit me up but okay good good luck with whatever you’re going to do all right whatever bro bye guys unreal bro unreal I cannot believe that n it’s one thing to like not only make a promise break it and then leave without a warning we didn’t even know we there we got dude what did w even say [Music] bro yeah crazy also do they even get that without you their chance of killing clown go down exponentially cuz you’re the bait there’s no reason you’d willingly go to them anyway I know dude it’s just like what can we do bro what can we do maybe it was a one time slip up bro I don’t know but if they come up with a plan that doesn’t involve putting my life on the line for everything bro now they’re one time slip could have got you killed I know it almost did get us killed it almost did so I went back to spawn living there for the next few days and the truth was that I was still completely unsure about the true intentions of Leo’s team and if it was really my best move to team with hello yo yo give a second yeah I got to I got to show you something real quick that’s okay if you’re not busy sure yeah nothing to worry about for now just I I wanted to show you okay let’s do [Music] it should be coming up on it you can start to see I literally was just out I come yo what happened here Barrett yeah I was literally just out I come back to this and there’s just a sign just left a sign nuke the perimeter I don’t know this this is actually getting like I don’t know it’s supposed to be some kind of threat I can only imagine it’s clown he left a sign up here you got to do something your last warning and you just your perimeter yeah it’s it’s going to end up collateral if we don’t do something like not that this is the end of the world but more people will get caught up in it all right I’m going to I’ll help you rebuild this bro I’m sorry no it’s okay like again it’s not anything crazy it’s just you know I can do a little one layer yeah but you just nuke the perimeter and not I don’t know I just came back yeah I guess so it is definitely like this is not the worst of it I got to learn how to terraform and everything I know so do you know why he like why would he come here that’s why I’m confused cuz as far as I’m concerned he’s after you and like I’ve I’ve been with you but there’s no good reason to go after me as far as I’m concerned unless he knows something that I know maybe it’s just trying to get your attention cuz he knows I’ll tell you but this is your last warning like what does that mean where was my first few warnings yeah where was the first warning bro bro gave me one warning and called it my last so this just happened when you were like completely gone yeah no I literally just came back online and found it like this very strange I don’t know what he wants could just sent me a nice message we could have talked about it but I guess that is not how we operate oh wait par par par par Parr oh my God what do I do what do I do run run run run is he here how did he get here how did he get here I I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to I’m going to pop I’m going to Pop please help me we I’m in a I’m in a I’m in a cob oh my God bro I’m actually not locked in how did he how did you just come out of nowhere I don’t know what to do I can just fly away but he’s just going to chase me he’s just going to chase me try yeah if you can fly away dude he’s just going to chase me if I Fly Away dude he definitely has more Rockets what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do make me an escape tunnel make me an escape Tunnel right now okay if you can play seconds I can take down we help me where are you help help help help help help help y yep yep y y I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die bro he’s like full targeting me I can’t do anything he’s going to kill me Weepies I’m dead dude he’s chasing after me he’s chasing after me bro [Music] okay reies bro I’m just going to have to run I have to run bro I I can’t I don’t know where it is I can’t I have to run bro I’m sorry I I have to go I have to go I have to go I have to go dude right there yeah right there yes right down there down there’s a portal he’s trying to block dude what do I do what do I do run dude run run run fly away fly to someone else fly to someone else fly if you have any anyone else fly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello P you’re chasing an invisible player right now it looks like I am okay [Music] so entry not from mid hey guys entry not from okay what are you going to do stop me did you see which way he [Music] went area he went that way oh really really really I I don’t think so I don’t think he went that [Music] way who do you think what do you suggest any sort of brick maybe I don’t know uh I got if you like the brown color pattern yeah I actually that’s actually a great Point let’s use some mud bre I’ll get on it right now thank you for the suggestion sir I think we should get rid the signs guess not uh so so how’s your day going clown um you know so and so supposed to be killing this guy right now but doesn’t seem to be cooperating why are we killing this guy right now um just because oh okay so uh you know you come around here often um no not not too too [Music] of um there’s a tree over please help me guys please help me what the hell shut up shut up shut up shut up ghost ghost what can we do to help you ghost D this crazy clown guy is hunting after me oh oh tick his speed okay this does not help me ohaa oh no it’s just dropped on the floor oh my Lord is the afterlife real oh [Music] [Music] it’s have you happen to see parrot anywhere uh no not really great [Music] hello [Music] yo buddy help bro please please please wo what what are you doing here bro clown is going to kill me bro I’m not even joking why dude I don’t know I think Zam placed like a bounty on me or something but like he’s genuinely been like chasing me down to the ends of the Earth everywhere bro I don’t know bro come come me come with me come with me come come come okay just uh uh hide in the Villager [Music] Breer bro how do I get in this thing this the door the door oh my God bot shift bro drink milk I don’t have this is this is real cute you know yeah I don’t uh hi yeah that was that was cute guys but uh I see you bar okay so what if help me help me help me help me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is this screenshot EG toy [Music] bro he shot our villagers for no reason bro come on was like we like yo I don’t know why I lean forward my apologies bro if he Zam Empire like uh wait if he Zam Empire I don’t know Paris has per said he was like Zam Empire hello let’s just ask oh hey parrot wait I just heard his parrot’s voice it’s like he’s still with us is clown gone got in Spirit uh I don’t know I think he flew down to the town where are you some more where do you think I am uh probably underground no right on the my D cave okay par why why are you here bro bro this clown guy is like genuinely going to kill me okay uh here why don’t we talk somewhere that’s not on the outside of bar two block high wall okay here come come to the shed bro dude what is this place bro this is the shed come in the shed bro all we’re in the shed now okay so stop sry bro just please get me out please just save me bro okay you mentioned clown being Zam Empire yeah clown is literally higher by Zam bro I don’t know bro it’s like I’m like with Zam man Z’s my boy Zam oh I’m getting out of here bro bro what what did you expect that’s why just this one time please let me go bro Clown’s gone like do not say it wouldn’t even make sense if you said that you helped me bro yeah it’s kind of facts but why did you help me well I haven’t helped do yet what you told me to go in your villager breeder bro I mean how you how are you such a bot that you pick yourself out of bro all right you know what parrot I don’t I don’t need any more enemies than I already have bro I already have like flame frags who betrayed Zam apparently and like a bunch of his levels goons trying to kill me and blow everything up here so I don’t need any more enemies bro so you you can go do you okay thank you do you know anyone else though who who’ want to join my my civilization here cuz uh you know currently my roster is okay please someone not boted you could get faned come with me stop no no you’re not going through you’re not going through right this is possible bro this is it’s possible F stop F it’s not possible it’s not possible why are you doing it why are you doing this I just don’t I I don’t want to die I just don’t want so you’re going to chunk ban yourself instead feel free to do so hold up dude he’s actually baned all right this never happened okay all right you got it bro all right see it and to be honest this really surprised me Wu and I were never really on the best terms and the fact that he had protected me from clown made me realize that he could be a potential [Music] teammate you know I I guess that is a possibility around um that can work we’re trying to I was also thinking like is this yacht on the market for around like 200 mil and we could host yo what are you doing here bro okay so you can’t buy Yachts with Minecraft like items bro yes says who okay is dapu still not here bro I think he’s lost in the wilderness or something broen showed up to work in like two days it’s it’s not good I don’t care breaking in Tak job okay guys have you guys seen clown since the last time I left this place uh no which I apologize for like getting mad but uh this guy is like five times worse than he was before like skill-wise or like bombed we’s house like chased me across the entire server and now I’m here we need him to go dang okay you know I mean we’re still very much on that uh mindset that we want him dead also have you guys seen wey um know he’s always with you yeah yeah that’s what I was saying all right um you should know that right I don’t know I kind of just haven’t seen him okay I was thinking about this right mhm we don’t necessarily have to kill clown to get him off of the server yeah well okay permanently killing is more ideal but if there’s a temporary way that can at least you you know exactly constant danger what do what do you mean by that though what do you mean by that do you guys remember when um zam’s empire built a bunch of Prisons yeah yes I do remember that oh yeah oh yeah jumper I literally forgot yeah I I do remember that I was I was there thatu is not here either um yeah we chunkban clown off of the server uh-huh h h i mean that could work it depends on how effective it is though because like if we do something like very extreme like I don’t know how many people want to actually spend the time to get him out so it has to be actually very effective also I mean I love the idea of getting clown off off the server but like I hope you understand part of the pride in this is um actually killing him you know you chunk ban him and then you just trap the chunk ban area that’s that’s my end of the deal is like we just get him chunk banned off that’s what I need you guys for but he has teammates we found that out I know I know but do you guys really think you can’t take like a 2v4 or 2v5 I mean honestly if we’re leading him into a chunk B like if we get clown out then it’ll yeah it makes the fight a lot easier it’s possible that is true that is very true Leo what are the chances that you can grab some chunk band materials for us oh that’s doable yeah okay I can do it all right uh wiie and jumper how good are you guys at PVP pretty good all right all right I need some practice oh okay okay if you’re up against someone who’s a lot better than you there’s two things I don’t think you’re going to be able to kill him like like just hand on hand combat you’re going to have to get an effective kit for this so you have what you have now but there’s additional things you can get um if you want to try and lead him to a certain location you can stall Time by getting something like ice and a knockback sword so you can use ice to you know get ahead a little bit but you to knock them away so that’s something you can do um you can also get a lot of cobwebs hello what the what the dude what are you doing here bro where did you come from I didn’t even know he was here no I just I’ve been camping out on the fourth floor I have a little house but they have plenty of real estate so I didn’t think they mind it did you guys not know he was how long have you been here had absolutely no clue this guy was here wait wait you’ve been just living on the wait show me wait show us bro what here just come up the way up is a bit sketchy but that’s only so that I wouldn’t be found instantly I’m like I’m really sure I’m sure they wouldn’t mind but you know just be safe mean well it depends what you did to our real estate no I I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t even notice the way I do it is usually just mine a column and then go back to but teach the round uh so what have you been doing literally I’ve just been living at my here I’ll show you it’s right here it’s right on the right this is my home you can here wait what is this bro I love the doors are really effective yeah I no I just Farm up here it’s a nice life not not a lot happens no one really goes up here I think this is the the stacks the reserve but dude I feel like I’d pull something like that bro like if I ever just wanted to run away I’d go to some like random remote jungle and never come back bro you definitely just build some random uh house and the rest of your days fishing it’s a nice it’s a nice plan totally safe here I I think okay back to training bro what is this wait what are you doing here what am I doing here yeah what are you doing what are you doing here bro we’ve already established that what are you doing dude I’m here because I’m trying to ban clown off of the server okay what are you doing though all right just follow okay you have gear right yeah okay I think you’ll benefit from this too oh wait so this guy is going to fight clown Pierce yeah well I just need to be able to hold my own like that’s all that matters that seems K yeah exactly um yeah so that’s that’s basically uh what you’re going to have so just keep those materials surv see like it doesn’t do much because of uh netherite but it is effective effective enough okay so like here do you want to try like running away from me like yeah yeah right here let me let me pot up so I have like a realistic that crazy pot okay right so you’re you’re trying to run away yeah the punch does a lot is that actually pretty effective dude this guy is not bad but if I like hold up my shield at like certain point that come I’m good yeah okay you’re really good at the Bell that’s good that was good that was good you know how to run awesome move out the way move out the way see I can’t even catch up to you this is good and then I just lure clown all right we EAS want to try this bro what try running away yeah try it on wogie aren’t you the B guys BTSD yeah I got you the M yeah training run away aim wait where’s my that running that running away skills from parot was crazy yeah dude this is so annoying bro dude Clown’s actually going to be so mad bro all right now we just wait on Leo and wait so dapu is just gone I think honestly I think dapu a little shaking up in that fight that is true D had it like how he like made any contact with you guys we’ve tried but like no I mean I think he’s just like you haven’t seen him no okay all right like we said our goodbyes we said M me back here but me jumper and Leo came back andapt was nowhere to be found bro yeah hope he’s not being kept hostage or something yeah hope so while we waited for Leo to bring back the materials for the chunk ban we and wuggie decided to play a game of tic tac toe please wait what is this which one is which one is Tic Tac Toe I’m I’m about to go to the city I’m about to win I’m about to win and he’s obsidian no we wins oh my God oh my God look look look at me oh wait what you I know you’re talking what you’re talking about dude I think I don’t think I think it might be a drw hello uh do you have the chunk B stuff all right all right lock in I got all the stuff all right so here’s what’s going to happen we head to Clown’s castle and Leo you 100% have everything the quills the shulker boxes all the Redstone all right perfect we had to Clan’s Castle we build the chunk bands assuming that they’re all there I’m going to be bait again but I learned some uh strategies so we build this chunk band and we somehow lure clown into it and then game over I bet all right yeah let’s gear up and then we can head over but I made it clear to wees that I didn’t want him involved in this so as he headed back to his base the rest of us geared up and prepared to infiltrate Clown’s Castle once again just go just go invis all right let’s go let’s go all right we’re going H okay okay we need to find a good I know we have to find a good spot to put the chunk down um I mean where do you think they’ll be they’re probably in their Castle right now okay well then we should probably should put under that right okay well that’s going to be right outside it okay also but we also got to be able to communicate so like it’s true okay honestly right here does that work sure okay just got to lure them over here then yeah you just you just got to run this remember the spot yeah yeah okay someone someone start hollowing out an area like only like 10 blocks underground I’m going to mark this with ice 2 3 4 5 6 7 how big does need to be uh like 10 x 10 by 10 5 6 7 8 [Music] 10 I don’t know what you guys doing I I have I have ice or I have stone okay yeah keep mining this out honestly does do two of us want to go Recon yeah I’ll I’ll stay here and keep mining it out I can I can keep mining too yeah all right all right uh can we can I get some empty space like a chest or something oh my God you so uh how are we going to get out of here okay an Electra or water I guess hello hello all right do you have more inv um I have 8 minutes smash me Smash me here you next to me yeah all right bet all right follow me follow me this way this way following ni blck uh how are we going to cross this oh I have an idea here wait where’s my El [Music] are you sh no words from now on got it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Throne of yours is so small yeah big castle [Music] though oh Pop PVP [Music] oh oh my God okay okay so they’re there they’re there yeah yeah okay wait this way wait which way was the uh it’s marked with ice right yeah yeah yeah this way this way okay [Music] why are there so many Ravines I don’t know you can probably just Pearl right all the way [Music] over been insan hello we back we’re back we back all right Leo the the the Sher is inside of there right yep I got it perfect all right line up a redstone wire 32 blocks away and then we just have the repeater going to [Music] it yeah oh shoot yeah 32 blocks 32 blocks and with the chunk B fully complete the four of us began to enter the castle wait wait w you’re here too right boie yep okay okay all right okay we’ll uh we’ll focus for just get clown Chun B I’m going to get [Music] clown over the wall no no no no no I’m going I’m going I’m going all right are we potting I have to land okay where here come here we’ll po we’ll po right here right here ready okay I’ll pot are you got you got it you got it got it I only have one I only have five rest all right there got it all right are we going all right go full push full push Sound the Horn Sound the Horn Sound the Horn I got it oh yeah here we come all right push him push him push him where’s where’s your where’s your buddy bro uh don’t need to worry about that yo where’s clown where’s clown he’s busy oh my God what what all right oh my gosh he’s low he’s low he’s low he’s [Applause] low fight here where you guys do that I want to I want to right here where here from guys I’m getting cooked bro you are oh my god dude Clown’s full targeted me I’m good I’m good I’m good you guys are okay okay okay and by some miracle I was able to use the ice bow strategy to lure clown into the chunk B but by that point my helmet had broken and the rest of us were forced to fight for it Clown’s right-and man if we somehow lost this fight our entire effort would be practically pointless eventually he’s getting run out of pearl get him get him dude he had so many shers he just shers off shers take a peek in there I got it I got it I got it no way XP X me hooray it’s not even like an exp it’s a comb like two St [Music] yeah go f run jumper are you winning this I don’t know what does that mean I don’t know okay we’re cooked what do we even do about Clown’s chunk then bro he’s just going to free clown I don’t I don’t know I’m just trying my best but it’s right he’s better than me you sure that we’re not like combining our power and like beating him right now bro you are vo [ __ ] oh my God you good dude my helmet break was actually a fumble I didn’t even think about like durability watch out watch out watch out I’m good I’m good I’m good jumper yeah it’s okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine I I just ran out of XP actually yeah oh we’re cooked bro yeah sorry I I accidentally shot you at thought it’s it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine yeah dude he still has more XP yeah my armor is at yellow and I just ran out and and I got your Armor’s yellow okay okay I guess you need more chers of mine [Music] are you good are you still good yeah my helmet’s on red though I’m fighting as long as I can but I just don’t okay we should we just should I just run run sa give up dip dip dip dip di go go go oh my God bro we could have had that we actually could have had that dude what do we even do I I don’t know don’t go over the chunk B do not go over the chunk B yeah yeah you’re right you’re right this way this way this way okay I’m following and once we left I got a new helmet and we met back up with again with wees and the rest of Leo’s team heading back to his headquarters home sweet home bro uh guys wait is this UNR what what the heck what happened no dude [Music] what our base our our base this is insane our base bro lown whated we literally saw clown like 5 minutes ago bro yeah I mean no one else but him would do it right that’s insane that’s so fast how did they even find it wait no actually yeah for one that but also like how quickly do you have to be to blow up this massive base in 5 minutes what okay yo this is actually getting out of hand bro we got to stop this wait can we go kill this guy now okay well we just tried that can we go kill him [Music] again what about good idea what about the chunk band [Music] thing we just failed that I the better one I don’t like we can’t just not try again yeah but I feel like at this point it’s like dude dude how hard is it to ban one guy off this server like come on what are we doing bro I feel like that’s not even POS like does he have like a weeks like a weak point like in Achilles heel bro yes I think I I think I know something what I think we both know something yeah we both do we both do there’s a a player on This Server known as Bry craft yeah but it’s like how is that any different from trying to like Vince like f or Mugo is different what does that mean you know he’s special okay Bry has a lot of power a lot more power than you think in this situation okay so what are you proposing we do go talk to him I think it’s worth at least having a conversation with him let’s go visit him then let’s go let’s go all right bet let’s go all right I’m following youah oh yeah [Music] and this is br’s base uh yes it is here we are look at this oh my God I haven’t been here in a while many new additions to this kind of insane is he here right now oh wait I mean think you be over there what oh he can be anywhere I believe he should be in here yo Bry where spends most of his time Bry fry grab he’s not in here where are you really okay where is this [Music] guy [Music] gry gry [Music] yo did you guys find him where where hi oh oh hi guys we found him what’s up everybody where did you come from uh I came from the the canal of birth down there that I have crawled out of okay I found him and I let him over here where you guys are all right Bry I want to be honest bro okay we are here for one reason and you might know why I might I might I might I might have some idea I might have no idea what’s it to you clown Pierce okay I I I’m familiar I know I know the guy I know the guy I mean maybe maybe I know the guy maybe I don’t know the guy actually before we start this um can we make a promise that nothing here gets out to clown um I mean I oh that’s that’s that’s a real sticky situation there Big Bird I’m not really sure I I I can I can promise to do my best okay whatever bro we’ll just dip out before clown can even pull up so clown Pierce got hired by third party that’s presumably Zam to kill me at all costs tough situation and this is getting out of hand this is starting to affect other people on the server that did not ask to be involved yeah we need you to tell him to stop you think you think he listens to me I mean come on he does yeah exactly what’s in it for me what’s in it for me if I tell him to stop what do I [Music] get exactly yeah okay so tell him to stop yeah stick okay yeah stick me okay yeah okay may okay fine I can maybe say some words I can maybe sway a clown you know put on a little fun house little house of house house of Truth lay down the law see that’s not the only thing Bry oh God there’s always more okay go ahead we want to know why clown is the way he is what do you mean what the way he is what do you mean the way clown is okay so clown told me something thing the other day that I just don’t understand okay okay he said that he said that me and him are the same so I’m just curious like if you like know where he’s coming from the similarity between a bird and a killer clown yeah hold on hold on let me just let me can you just can you take your boots off I just need to check the length of your claws Talons excuse me yeah no not the talons nope not that um wait definitely I would say you know you’re both you’re both uh threatened to kill me at least once so that’s that’s cool um you both tried to hire me to do deadly evil things to trick other people uh that’s also cool very down with that and you both are much tougher and stronger than me all right just forward the message to clown because um if he continues with what he’s doing we are going to going to have to kill him yeah good luck with that of yeah you’re going to kill him good good luck you’re going to kill him yeah sure thing you’re going to kill him sure thing big guys yeah okay you kill you go kill the Killer Clown all right you have fun with that I go tell clown exactly what’s happening right now all right let’s get out of here bro get out okay okay go but it was then when I realized the gravity of the situation I had been right the whole time Leo and his team didn’t care about my safety instead they just wanted to kill clown and with clown truly beginning to not hold back I realized how much my life was actually in danger yo I’m going to be honest yeah yeah do we even have a safe place on the server right now any of us no no not anymore okay um yeah I think this is this is game over bro I can’t Li do me what right can’t just say that yeah why yo wait hold on hold on where did this come from where did this come from the fact that I’ve already almost died like four times like I just need a civil I need a team that can protect me come on you don’t give up you can’t just do that yeah come on we’ve all lost you much to no I I don’t I don’t care I’m going to be honest bro I just don’t want to die you ain’t dying bro come on and you think you’re going to survive by giving up yeah I just need to I just need a better team bro oh [Music] hello hello yo is anybody here hello yo yo oh good parrot is clown going to pull up and start uh murdering you again in a second he’s not coming yet but yet oh I’m going to be honest bro like I did not know where else to go like I’m I’m like if you guys can’t help me if you guys aren’t able to help me then I’m just [Music] dead what do you what do you mean clown literally nuked everything bro and I just found out that like the people that were supposed to protect me just don’t care like they they only care about killing clown they don’t care about my safety I mean okay last time I came here bro I came here because you kind of like extended the olive branch last time yeah and then clown like shot half my villagers and obviously now we have uh a lot more stuff here how big is this civilization this place how many members you have like six I think but online are [Music] three also I got fanc like you uh like you said you freed him from the jum yeah he’s down there somewhere probably all right woo I’m going to be honest [Music] bro this is the last team on the server that can actually like protect me hello hello sorry I got bored of doing the gold Farm okay maybe not dude what never mind okay what I was going to say is yeah but okay why why would we like why are we going to protect you bro we have like I can kind of who is we yeah exactly it ain’t me I can’t I got netherite on for the drip not for the not for the combat I’m just trying to think of like what I can offer you guys but from the looks of it you guys low key already have like everything like I’m just asking for protection bro that’s it like the next cuz Clown’s going to pull up at some point like it’s inevitable okay who who did you say hired Clown again said Zam Zam hired clown how do you how do you know this do you have proof of this he said it what when when I went to his castle he well he didn’t explicitly say Zam but like he said like a player hired me and who else would have hired him bro you that makes no sense and you also you don’t have the re bro you guys were like broke a week ago like you don’t have the resour Bro one of your members is running around with no armor on two of your members but I me name another person on the server who has the materials to hire someone like clown I mean I don’t even know if clown was hired in the first place well he said he was hired oh he said he was hired let’s let’s trust clown Pierce’s word without thinking about it but why else would he want to kill me I’ve done nothing to him I don’t know bro a lot of people want to kill you for a lot of reasons I think that is [Music] what is the goal of this civilization that that’s uh that’s not really your concern parent but no yeah but it’s like you guys didn’t have to build this well and you guys started from scratch basically now this all right look I’ll I’ll have you here we’ll protect you because I think protecting you I I want to I just I want to see what happens mainly but what does that mean I want to see what happens I want to now trust me I I’m but cuz I have a I have a feeling that these these two events are connected our events with flame his event with clown but what flame oh I I do want to what you flame flame betrayed Zam apparently and is now trying to kill me and egg you see okay if Zam actually hired clown Pierce like you said then Zam probably hired flame frags to kill me for whatever reason because he had a diversion of why EG and I need to build this civilization but I’m I’m starting to think that he just wanted us in one place place where flame cags could come and kill [Music] us soap yeah cuz it doesn’t make sense okay here’s the thing right it first off it doesn’t make sense for flame to betray Zam Empire like when you said that literally zero sense yeah it it made zero sense to me and second Zam is the the type of player to have a lot of power trips like whenever he thinks that a player stand in his way he just wants to get rid of them I think this all sort of this this all hinges on if Zam actually hired clown to kill you I think that if we tell zam’s guards that you’re here and then clown Pierce mysteriously appears here then that’s a very I mean that is an interesting that is interesting because Zam told me that he never hired clown Pierce really yes so I’m not just going to so there’s something going on with Zam there’s something there is there’s definitely something going on so if we Harbor you here and we tell murphin and Main pair that you’re here and then some sort of clown Pierce Force arrives then that’s clear as day correlation yeah it is but the issue and this is where the price comes in is that I before I kind of realized that that uh that the Zam guards cannot be trusted I showed them all of our defenses and whatnot so they would have a perfect idea of where all our traps are and I I’m pretty sure they were even sabotaging some of them so I need your help making new kinds of traps that they wouldn’t exp so that is interesting because I do have a trap design but I have pulled this before on on Zam people uh once on zam’s people once on clown but this trap is invisible okay um okay so this is kind of a tangent but have you ever watched the final Harry Potter no okay so basically Hogwarts had the spell casted around it that prevented anyone from coming in right so literally if you just went and crossed the boundary like you’d instantly dissolve okay okay so what if we created a fly catcher for you guys what’s a what’s a fly catcher okay so come down here each of these blocks is a chunk band okay okay and you can put these blocks underground so or you can put these chunk bands underground so the this dirt above is the surface right so chunk bands extend from the bottom of the world to World height which means if you fly over a chunk band no matter what why level you’re at you just get banned off and eventually isn’t that only just temporary it is only temporary but it works and it is very like hard to get around if there’s people guarding these chunk bands trust me I know yeah but the issue is that the people guarding those chunk bands would be uh uh would be it see those see those two guys in the lake over there it it’ be those two guys dude so well D’s been making progress okay no hate to him yeah use an iron chest plate now but the point is like what other ideas do you have because even if it’s a b even if it’s a temporary ban it still like gives you time I mean yeah I guess but you have the resources to produce a bunch of chunk bands bro you only need like three all if you have three okay well you need more to cover the entire wall but if you have three chunk bands this covers 192 blocks across I mean if we just if if it just got attacked and like we just set it up they probably one or two of them would fly in by accident get one or two of them would fly in and get banned then it’d give us like 5 to 10 minutes of like buffer room to prepare so do you have any idea like when these people are going to pull up or is it just I have no idea this this all hinges on the fact by the way that when I tell um murphin and Main pair that you’re here that they actually do attack just just so you know just for your information yeah so if they don’t then I mean if they don’t then this is just a safe place to hide from clown yeah but if clown alone pulls up like I have I mean look per I’m like I’m not going to risk everything that we have built here and like all the time that we spent building this Empire or whatever on on just like keeping you safe bro like but it’s kind of the blunt way to put it yeah um I don’t [Music] know okay so can you explain why Zam how do you create this place now um yeah so I mean that’s sort of part of the mystery but um there’s he basically he wanted us to protect a vault that was under here but the vault is this house but the vault is completely empty so you investigated it is this it no this here this is not evault think [Music] oh there’s there’s literally nothing in there [Music] though how deep is it how how thick is this just keep digging down [Music] Parr can’t see a thing bro and what did he say was in the vault uh he didn’t specify he just said that it need to be protected as a favor cuz you know he helped me do the whole spoke thing I got started on these chunk bands creating three of them in a row but after fully setting them up I realized how long this was actually going to take Yeah so basically the these already are stocked these are good to go but if I want to build like the 20 other ones M it’s going to take me like at least one or two more days all right I mean probably just start Gathering the the materials for chunk bands I’ll have some people help you I guess with that but just get the materials for the chunk Bens where you actually set do you want to link these first okay do you well no they’re not they’re not useless because if well without the the chunk B they are [Music] do you have more Redstone okay well I just turned all of it into repeaters oh my god dude and although I was making good progress the truth was that woo civilization could get attacked at any moment so once I completed the first three chunk bands and activated them I started Gathering the materials to complete the rest of them egg you have sugar also just as a heads up the first three chunk bands are activated okay they’re up but I’m just going to start building them off to the oh yeah okay let me egg egg egg don’t egg don’t walk into the wall like uh can you guys get me more shers for the the more shulker boxes and chunk band materials for the rest of them yeah we have shulker boxes what do you what do you need I need like 27 booking quills for each shulker box bro yeah all right I’ll [ __ ] qus yeah [Music] oh woo wo wo wo woo broo there’s people here there’s people here there’s people here like six people outside of the I think one of them got chug banned bro they’re bro bro there’s six people you can come to the outer wall but you just can’t cross it bro don’t cross the outer [Music] wall oh heck no bro yo we told him about the trunk BS what do we do we told him about the trunk GS wait I see someone W uh so yo we’re under attack bro what uh we need you guys to gear like right I don’t know where Wu went but uh gear up we’re about to fight yo Wu yeah I’m gearing right now bro can I get some stuff uh we just have building materials bro what do you not have any do you have like Brewing stands for potions bro we’re about to fight we’re broke bro oh my okay I I have five stacks of XP I had some dude about to pull up okay they’re literally right at the entrance they’re they think I think they think that that chunk B’s Y what is happening uh yo Wu you want to command your people bro yeah yeah uh militia why are you in the center Gates my bad my okay okay guys guys guys guys guys guys guys speak to the people all right the levels people are pulling up right now they’re probably going to break the chunk B and we have no real way of [Music] that’s so true tax I love that bro how will you pay taxes if the Empire do can we stop yapping how will you pay taxes if you die have you ever heard of a morale booster parrot a war speech all right what else are we going to do right now War we may be out they may have Flame TRS who’s like high tier 2 you guys may all be terrible especially parrot but we can still win specifically because home field advantage um and our traps may be sabotaged also but yeah now realizing that we may be a little cooked but is not motivating me Siege Warfare you know the lay of the Y yo who has yeah yeah yeah who has an Ender Chest yeah I got your chest I got put it down put it down yeah uh Flags stall it [Music] out he how many were there five but then there’s also uh the one that got banned Jaden got banned okay so 6 Fe 65 6 Fe 66 but they’re stacked bro they’re going to break in like they were getting really close to just breaking in we’ll meet them at the gate we will not let them we will not let them an inch into the Empire parrot I didn’t see clown though okay well that’s a safe spot right Barr yeah this is safe okay there’s an invis guy there is an in does no one have a bow I do I do oh yeah wait wait wait oh I set it off I set it off oh oh my God who shot me yo stay back stay back okay okay wait wait we could build our own Cannon do you have t yeah am I I have TNT in my inv yeah wait wait let’s build it yeah yeah yeah put to cover while they want anyone land there how many should I fill these with uh as many as you want Oh My go I’m putting I’m putting three each yo shoot the tower they have a TNT Tower I’m going to shoot that I’m trying is I don’t think I got it I hit it I hit it I hit it nice it doesn’t really matter there oh nice what what are they they’re building a is that a flying machine what are they making thank you they’re making something of slime I don’t know what that is done uh I need more TNT in this dis yes he’s down all right there’s a bunch in there go okay ready oh they’re about to get Beed three shots you have three three shots oh my god oh oh no so bad dude this is what I’m saying we can’t use a half slab it has to be a daylight SL they all climbing uping definitely trying to do something why did they keep just placing TNT there oh uh-oh what what they they have pearls guys they’re going to Pearl over the chunk B show one off show one off shoot him shoot him shoot him yo if they PE in if they PE in Jaden’s just going to get out because one person is just going to stick behind I keep making the wall bro egg bro keep making the wall keep making the wall shoot shoot that TNT shoot that TNT I can’t see him with the wall don’t shoot me yeah wait wait hey step back he step back step back oh we are screwed there’s one yeah thank you oh my god yo they’re building like go high someone someone should build up someone should start building okay hey get blocked get Block I’m going up I’m going up get blocks I got blocks I have wait yeah yeah go go start on the start on the castle pillar oh all right well that’s wasting resources oh gosh I’m about to fly off don’t don’t cross that don’t cross that spectacle just just start building up yeah yeah yeah the the crying obsidian is safe but oh oh Pearl Pearl Pearl oh one one of them they’re in one in they’re in oh it’s let’s start start destroying stuff okay ohot yes sir Oh My Wo bro what do we do I don’t have pots bro fight hey Lim yo who’s in trims who is this in trims go blink [Music] yo Target wimo Target wimo woo bro bamboo bro this is clown what what bro just cuz he has red and white armor to no trust me bro TR how do you know I don’t even have fire bro yo just go for chill bro chill 2 one I’m stepal 2v one this a no trying I’m stuck you’re bro I got you I got no dude I’m getting dogged up I can’t win this bro it’s over y we win no hey let me fight that invisible guy hold on I’ll take please just do not leave my side died bro bro oh my God you has God apples he has God apples too yeah bro are you good no this 100% clown bro dude my armor is on half I actually need help oh my I’m being on this is bad egg what are you doing oh my God bro I’m dead yo someone want someone else wants to egg please 3 one 31 clown bro this is 100% clown theb I’m I’m going who has XP bottles I need XP bottles now bro me me thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you this really hard thank you City keep Destro their City wind yo yo yo thank you egg X XP help me with help me with the like Target Falcon and lce okay thank you egg egg 2V1 2 one armor you how you guys thank you no we’re not going toop who has more XP who has more XP I I have more I’m 2 [Music] oneing guys guys my helmet’s done my helmet’s done no no no no no I got my helmet please dude clowns on me bro I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my God you’re good you’re good dude it’s just not going to my helmet yo stay on the water I’m missing I’m missing all my shots oh there okay I why you have Diamond chest [Music] plate is your H good all dude my boots now my boots my boots and pants are cooked bro okay oh my God yo guys don’t yo guys help help help thank you the fully fusing by the way dude it’s I’m just this get [Music] him that my last do you guys [Music] have what guys guys guys guys guys guys guys oh my go I’m done I’m done I’m done oh my God my Goan [Music] out oh my gosh yo invis on me invis on me guys oh no die unless you do something Noy I got I got you my boots are going to break my boots are help my God I don’t have anything else go okay so run [Music] awayo get egg get egg Target egg yeah yeah I need XP now BR yeah I got you you I got you I got you oh my God my boots are done my boots are actually on my boots are on nine help my boots get get up get yo EG EG someone get someone get more to make sure [Music] get stay [Music] [Music] back what the hell [Music] [Music] uhoh well I going to get help yo guys guys guys guys clowns on me clowns on me I don’t have boots I don’t have boots I don’t have boots we going oh my God I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead keep okay I’ll hold on I’m going to get boost I’ll be back wait take my thms bro take my thms y thank you bro oh my [Music] gosh you your people bro one with yo you R away bro my arm I don’t have speed I’m going to run out of fire all run just run just run where come him come come it keeps both from getting out keep it keep from getting out yo clown let’s go bro leave all right aot of aren’t those the yeah run get out bro wow the chunk so good I think they destroyed they blew it up that was so good okay I mean I wouldn’t take this as a win if you look behind you but oh my God okay well no one Dro that’s I care about bro remember I think I found my new combat calling what I think I think I’m like lowy and medic I feel like a Reser what is spectacle just you’re medic bro I was just going around like giving people like speed bottles okay guys I’ll be honest we kind of did we kind of won that like yeah they blew up this part but they really didn’t blow up anything important they didn’t blow up like the center the core anyways the core is the worst thinking part dude D and spectacle My Goats bro oh my actually like saved my life yo wait guys yo guys is like pull up to the tower my arm is broken no I need you I need a new set I Need Is it safe is it safe oh yeah it’s safe it’s safe it’s safe it’s safe I I I literally survived I’m like I I lighted away I was being chased in the water and they kept out swimming me but wait where did they go they fled they had to leave cuz they ran out of stuff dude that five more minutes and we would have been done bro yeah maybe is kind of like dude I was cooked bro bro I kept splashing you so much in that fight yeah okay so we can confirm that the invis player was clown yeah no noit flame said clown flame literally called why would he be INF though wasn’t he like I don’t know um I think I know why actually CI citizen CI gentlemen gentlemen yes we decide how want to a safy we want we want our glorious we had a glorious Victory today gentlemen today was a glorious Victory we protected our families our land our tax base and everything that we value in this country our tax base citizens you guys can go back to your houses and start regearing and stuff um we don’t know if they’ll come back but if they come back we’ll send them back home again um so I recommend you guys should go probably rear thank you I’ve tried my best we should have an award ceremony yeah not right now they come with me okay all right it’s low key lowkey confirm based off that that flame is working with Sam because the only logical reason for clown to be invis is if Zam didn’t want suspicion oh of them working with flame clown also never said a word bro yeah he didn’t he never said but but it was obviously dude the moment he started critting me out and like double cobwebbing me it was obvious bro yeah that’s true so Zam is genuinely trying to kill both of us is what you’re saying cuz they not once they weren’t even attacking the Vault they were just trying to kill us so like yeah you’re right they were just trying to blow up the civilization and drop it has to be it has to be they want to kill us I mean per you can stay here but like now they know how to destroy the chunk band so I point clown could just slip in again and kill you yeah and uh it was lowy a miracle that I survived bro I literally needed like three support units yeah you actually had the whole gang throwing thoughts on you I do you have somewhere to go parot I have a plan okay yeah well I kind of need to stay here cuz I also have an idea on how I could deal with flame yeah well uh I appreciate you and your your nation for saving my life on multiple occasions mhm thank you for the Chuck band walls since they definitely helped us win that battle of course I’m going to dip out I’m gonna this where we part ways yeah yeah all right all right I will I will see you guys around all right good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] Lees hey what’s up what are you doing what does it look like I’m doing I’m just fixing up the lawn what does everybody else up to I don’t know why don’t you ask them don’t you think though I just feel like I’m going to be honest bro I just don’t want to die you ain’t dying bro come on and you think you’re going to survive by giving up yeah I just needed I just need a better team bro oh is everybody still mad at me probably right uh a little bit I don’t know I haven’t talked to them like I I wouldn’t blame them if they were okay I mean do you know where I was [Music] no where were you woo civilization bro I spent like two full days there and get anything out of it I guess protection against [Music] clown well so why’ you leave then cuz I have a plan but really yes I do have a plan really but I do not want you involved in it so I’m going to Once yeah yeah so when I leave here and I start heading over to Leo yeah I don’t want you coming with me I don’t and you have to PR I can do that I don’t know if I can do that Sor no you have to promise that PR if you’re going to come over here if you’re going to if you’re going to show up after abandoning us for not being good enough you can’t just pull up and then say look I have a plan but you have to sit out on this one wait you have an in visibility potion on me yeah n but in my Ender Chest I do why can I have it yeah okay why did need invis potion I can I just have it I I just like to carry one on me oh I guess that makes sense there we go yeah so what’s this master plan I can’t get involved in why not because I can’t bro okay I’m just asking like okay well first off you’re not going to be involved in any more of this you have to make that promise I don’t know if that’s I don’t know if I can promise that that’s the thing do you understand what clown just did to woo civilization bro no I have no idea what and I don’t like that’s the thing I just don’t want you to get involved in this what did clown do to wo well he he came with a bunch of other people and like blew up his civilization um something’s just off bro I haven’t really told anybody this but when I first went to Clown’s Castle he said that he said that the two of us aren’t that different like you and him yeah do you know what he meant by that no you think there’s any truth to it it seems like you seem pretty different as far as I’m concerned I thought there was there’s no truth to it but I’m just like it’s a feeling the only only character flaw I can currently see in you is the constant running away but or not even it’s the it’s your insistence that you have to do everything on your own that you can’t take a few risks or trust in other people as far as I’m I just don’t want you involved in this wish me luck bro I’m going back to the headquarters wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what and doing what no no no no no okay okay that’s Uber cringe all right what are we doing what so here’s the thing I’m going back to the headquarters and you’re not coming with me okay so that’s cuz you’re not going to get involved in this bro I am going to get very much involved if I want to get involved well we uh I will talk to you later bro but um you’ll talk to me sooner than you think you will [Music] hello just all gone yo yo yo yo why what are you doing here are you what do you want bro bro I just came back where where’s everybody else why don’t you go back to your to your safe spot uh I mean I just came back from that like I just fought clown well Le me not dead that’s that’s good uh you said that you wanted a stronger team okay you said that and I got that I got that I ran to wo civilization and I stayed there and it was a strong team and I will admit they did more for me than you guys did which I know it hurts to hear but it’s it’s a truth because all you guys care about is killing clown which is fine and I respect that but I have an idea hey what is it where’s everybody else so okay first of all why are you here so this other team this idea doesn’t work with them no they have their own things to do I need um a couple of people if I want to pull this off and the end WBO team isn’t good enough for it um no doesn’t say it say that you need us that’s all it’ll take I just need to say I need you what need to say dud we put this whole thing behind us we can take out you’re really bro you’re that mad we we had a good thing and then you showed up and now look what happened okay well this happened before bro this is not even like my fault clown has brought us together our hatred for clown is the reason that we’re all working together okay okay I want to we I want to bring him down Leo everyone here has a reason to bring him down yeah not a reason to leave all that want you to say is that you need us to take out clown okay I Need You Now where’s everybody else all right now I know you were saying how you don’t believe there’s any safe space in the server yeah you were you’re a bit wrong about that well I always have a little safe space but uh I just can’t tell you where that is okay where you think they be have this giant base and not have a little little safety precaution follow right next to guys we have the yacht oh we got a little bit of a a little bit of a guest okay okay before you say anything before you say anything before you say anything okay stop stop get out of here bro get out of here actually hold hold hold hold hold hold you can’t just come back after all that let’s be honest come on come on Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo he said he needs us okay he’s apologized okay but he literally said we don’t need you anymore like just apparently apparently whatever happened with with I thought we were goodoo this could be it this could be it so we’re like the leftovers We’re The Leftovers per go D that didn’t work out want to kill we need as many people as we can Leo we can’t just pass but up on opportunity like this L said we weren’t good enough are we joking why do you want to kill clown this is not even about me bro do you want to kill clown or not I mean yes yes what what do you have to say about all what do you have to say okay I fought clown When I Was Gone we’re not going to be able to kill him bro well maybe we can but okay so what’s your idea yeah who is Clown’s weak point bryy and what happens if we do something to Bry I mean he’s probably going to either that or he’s probably going to do something to you know SP is something worse than what happened upstairs will you help me kidnap Bry I mean you have anything to say about what you did to us though before we work together again dude who cares bro who cares do you mean who cares We Care bro about what about what I don’t know that’s just like betrayal it’s not betrayal bro we were never teammates in the first place come on I mean you know we had a little something going on tiny bit bro tiny bit like I said dude come clowns brought us together we all want to kill clown you’re right I want them and I guess I guess like working together might make that easier and if you have some good ideas then my idea is we go and kidnap bry right now right now yes right now we literally show up to bry’s base we bring him back here one person stays with him and the three of us go to Clown’s castle and we figure out some sort of negotiation there’s no way this doesn’t work that’s the thing it’s Bry we kidna like bro if you guys are down I’m down I guess give one last shot we have to try it at least jumper what do you think I guess all right we’re in all right let’s do it the worst all happen let’s go let’s go team team um it was it was this way [Music] [Music] all right how are we going to pull this [Music] off to it I’m guessing it’s going to be pretty easy all right take a few fingers you know Ry we’re here to give you a present oh it’s a good one it’s a really good one a great one okay think you’ll be in the Factory this time maybe Bry could be anywhere though or yeah just keep keep an eye out yeah always up to no good Bry Bry oh hello oh Bry we have a gift for you we actually back put on a to put on a totem put on a to put on a totem right now totem right now totem on right now totem on right now uh hi totem off hand totem off hand uh-huh wait let’s let’s calm down let’s calm down let’s calm down let’s calm down let’s calm down serious all right okay all right let’s just talk about things all right all right stay there stay there stay there okay yeah no I like cobwebs they’re nice and warm go ahead yeah what’s up so it’s uh it’s kind of convenient that you’re a good friend of clown um okay conven sure you’re getting kidnapped see the problem Bry with being a friend of clown is uh no matter how deadly he is you’re always going to be his Achilles heel oh my God oh my God okay can my cow come NOP actually wait what should should we let him ring his cow I mean if your cow tries to pointy thing clown does wait what don’t that’s justy we’re serious all right let’s Go’s go let’s go okay we just we’re not playing around we mean business we mean I’ll off a lightra off give it to us give it to you God oh you guys are you guys are horrible all armor off oh my God okay fine fine okay fine I hope that this makes you happy all right are we are you guys satisfied away get away give me give me rest give rest F there’s the boots there’s the boots totems got it pickaxe oh God pickaxe fine everything that can help you escape in anyway water bucket I don’t have a water bucket uh I have help me I don’t he doesn’t have he I’m poor I have not just you want some string string all all right Bry yep all right you are coming with us this way okay uh two behind two in front all right come on go along buddy go ahead oh my God my poor cow okay yep no this is this is great guys this is exactly what I love to do on a pleasant Saturday the two behind me make me nervous honestly it’s like I’m trying to follow you two but then these two stop killing my cows we’re not uh we’re not doing any little messaging to clown right cuz that’s going to get you K why would I do that that would be complet keep moving keep moving no don’t walk at your normal Pace we’ll walk with you no I I am walking at my normal Pace I just St frame rate oh a lot of lag yo hey keep going keep going walking what are you doing I mean I’m just saying Bry if clown pulls up um you’re a quick drop so keep going keep going that is that is that is that is a solid solid Point okay yep I’m just saying you know we can probably get there quick with with with an elytra keep going about about the leather oh yeah actually let’s give him an elytra uh we we’ll just be following close behind uh here here’s your elytra oo thank you here’s some Rockets uh one in front three behind just to make sure he doesn’t try to pull anything yeah I he only has 10 Rockets so you know how old I am I’ll pull anything if I try to pull anything all right this way this way this way [Music] oh man it’s like being in like a like a like a like a Air Force formation a Flying [Music] V is he still behind Okay good blew up oh man yeah this is what your little friend did he’s not my little friend all right okay so what where is he oh he’s there don’t worry he’s right here hi uh where where’s the entrance there’s an entrance follow me follow me going down all right I’m trying uh just got to whoop excuse me there you go all right wow wow sure don’t leave this place is actually really cool is this where I get to I mean where I’m being held captive ow yep I think you take that as a yes okay okay cool cool cool it’s a cool base I Like It Cool ow so how do we want this to play out one person stays behind three of us go to Clown’s Castle yeah I guess that’s a I guess yeah here’s what we do so I if you’re staying behind wiie uh we’ll communicate to you through message and then if we manage to say the word yeah yeah so think twice before killing him uh we’ll send you a message if he needs to go and yeah um but after like a certain amount of time if I don’t hear message from you guys should I just no get out of here like what if you guys die and you can’t even send a message we’re not going to I mean you guys are heading there now yeah we’ll head there right now how about like how about like an hour if I don’t get anything notification yeah you have an hour left to live all right you you better hope that KH surrenders all right all right I don’t really have much more to hope for do I I hope you know what I hope I hope that you uh all right we’ll see you later hey have fun byebye uh which way was Clown’s Castle again was it this way um uh yeah left [Music] bit all right so the reality is that he physically can’t kill us my question is how are we going to be able to negotiate well if he really wants brand he’s going to why yeah yeah okay yeah just as I expected dude this guy just sits on his throne all day bro all right well well well look who it is oh it’s Cloud Pierce and forc no you guys aren’t even trying to kill us I assume you already heard then uh what we did to Bry where is he uh undisclosed location clown undisclosed location and um anything funny you try to pull you try to kill any of us you try to send Fay to go get him if Fay shows up at this location or you show up at this location and we still haven’t negotiated a deal Bry does not have any armor on so he is a One Tap that’s fine I I understand so no none of that today we came here to negotiate a deal with you we need you to put up the White Flag the White Flag yeah what are you guys doing what do you mean the white what is happening what is f doing oh a trap just going out it’s like you said he shows up at the location then Ry dies I just I’m going to message Wy real quickly I’ll message Boogie too I’ll tell him why is he portaling out what none of your concern this has nothing to do with the hostage situation so you want me to put up the White Flag yeah what does that mean huh it means you surrender you go to Zam you want me to surrender and you tell him that you’re done yeah permanently do that permanently you can do that you’re offering me though what am I offering you br’s life bro yeah Bry safety is one thing right but you don’t care about paid here so wait so if I send if I send wiie the message right now to kill Bry you don’t care you would be stupid enough to do that we’re negotiating here you want to jump the gun do you so what are you willing to offer bry’s life is on the table what do you mean what am I willing to yo it’s either Bry dies yeah it’s either Bry dies or you we know you care about Bry oh I do I won’t hide that I won’t hide that you know you don’t get anything else it’s Bry dies or he doesn’t okay like how much you really care he is our he’s the only bargaining ship we need bro okay and oh also also I forgot to mention this we did put a 1H hour timer on bry’s life and we’re about 40 minutes in like 40 minutes left so okay 4 minutes well that’s enough time to talk okay I’ll take a shulker of gold blocks and then I’ll surrender I don’t think you understand the gravity of this situation bro your best friend like one of the only players you care about who cannot fend for himself is currently no armor in our location one dm away from getting banned off of the server bro yeah and I also know you’re a smart guy and you wouldn’t jump the gun so well I will jump the gun if you keep yapping okay you want us to kill gry no of course not okay then surrender it’s pretty simple all right so you guys are talking about a white flag so I’m supposed to what are you stalling for bro put it up on the castle it’s not like you can find Bry like even if Wiki could easily kill him so clown exactly so why you guys understand why you’re stalling no it it is it is realistic for him to find Bry because he literally nuked the location but at he’s one tab yeah exactly I if for Ray’s heading to bry’s location right now I would genuinely message him because that’s why I’m telling you it’s not happening what are you guys and what are you stalling for it’s a very simple deal it’s a very simple you want me to raise the White Flag so what do you want me to do put a go to Zam and tell Zam that you’re done bro tell Zam that you don’t care about whatever he has to offer you don’t me to lie to Z what’s the alternative also 35 minutes left buddy time is ticking time is ticking w wow parro time really goes fast doesn’t it um you know Bry cares a lot about you bro I can’t lie wouldn’t you guys agree yeah well ain’t that sweet let’s think yo tell F to come back bro okay he’s not going to get a single finger on Bry wuggie already has the heads up wg’s right by Bry I get fre back no oh he’s back par wait what who’s that no hey it seems we are at an imp pass okay so how did this even happen we how did this happen bro I what what do you think happened I was doing nothing I was literally Lally just minding my own business and this guy jumps me out of nowhere and I can try to fly away but what it’s Fray like I’m getting shot down in the sky like there’s nothing I could do all right it’s been it’s been a few days he how about that stack of gold blocks huh okay here it’s your call what do we do now um okay right here okay okay well okay well think about this think about this maybe he’ll even get strength just for just for a you know just okay stop stop stop swing right here yo stop oh really stop [Music] stop one hit so is Bry Bry is also one hit okay so it seems like we’re in the same situation here mhm mhm okay how do we want to do this go to boie make sure you wo whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo whoo wo no no no no no that’s not how we’re doing this oh where’s I’m afraid that you’re out of Leverage parot right go make sure Bry gets out of L all right moment Bray gives us the clear you’ll let wickies go right I’m fine messaging wiie right now to let Bry out let’s do it okay break that Cobin [Music] thanks I won’t take that level of disrespect sitting down okay well I mean just just I’m not saying he’s right I’m just saying that you know it’s it’s an easy I think they’re part of the same animal family I’m you’re lucky you are very very lucky my friend you’ve earned your freedom I have I’ve definitely earn before before you run away you want your yes yes yes protect me yes yes yes you’re lucky that he you know he he you’re fortunate here okay I have never felt more happy and grateful to be alive in my whole freaking life I’m out ah I missed God hey you act up again though we’re coming back we know where you live you wouldn’t kill Wei for no reason right clown you’re not like that what do if I don’t get paid for it did you get the clear from Bry yeah they’re safe you did mhm so we can go we you can join them thank you now get out of here all right we should we should go yeah probably okay yeah you have lightra okay let’s just fly out we go go go go get out get out why bro all [Music] guys so how did we let that happen lra that was crazy can I get my elyra back yeah I’ll take boats you have a okay you fun swiming away in your chest [Music] St [Music] [Music] dude I feel like I’d pull something like that bro like if I ever just wanted to run away I’d go to some like random remote jungle and never come back bro [Music] our base our our base this is insane I’m going to I’ll help you rebuild this bro I’m sorry no it’s okay like again it’s not anything crazy it’s just [Music] yo chill yo chill chill bro chill okay so you’re serious all right let’s go let’s go let’s go okay we just we’re not playing around bro [Music] hello yo par you good bro I’m glad I finally found you it’s actually been a minute you okay what are you doing here bro how did you even find this place you were gone you said to look in the jungle right you said you’d be in the jungle say if you ever had to run away my god dude what what’s up are you okay you no why are you here bro why are you here dude cuz you were gone I my gosh D do you not understand this bro like what if you’re around me you’re just going to die bro like I don’t want to put you and other people in danger like actually leave bro get out n that’s actually stupid like at this point I’m not joking get out no no no okay wait wait wait wait wait wait there’s no reason I’ve already been through whatever at this point I just want to make sure you’re good I’m just looking for you cuz you gone I just want to make sure it’s fine yeah I’m good now leave bro are you sure yes cuz I do still hunting are you gone you think I’m gone look right there’s what dude this is actually stupid the I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish by running but realistically there’s nothing you can do alone that’s better than something we can do as two people right I run I just run on my own and never talk to anybody on the server again bro sounds miserable that is an absolutely miserable existence why why would you put like why would you actually want to play yourself there at that point you might as well be banned that way you’re not even like you’re not even playing the server I mean if I go back I’m going to get banned so does it actually matter bro well no that’s well it’s better than running away forever that’s like you’re essentially accepting defeat by running away forever like at least if we go back as two people as opposed to running away as one dude you have a chance a chance of what broo clown is like killable all right here come in I’m sorry thanks it’s okay n cuz like look there’s really there’s no reason to just we have to think of something one of the smartest people I know right and rolling over and just giving up is stupid cuz at that point you’re might as well be banned and then he wins [Music] instantly like you might as well I don’t want to say you might as well die trying but at this point you’re already dead [Music] yeah but at least like I can actually play on this server bro and yeah but are you playing are you having fun but it’s not about me it’s not about me it was never about me bro then what’s it about it’s about everybody what about everybody dude like you like wo I mean he’s probably still out a civilization but D putting aside Leo and his team the only reason I joined the server in the first place was to help with the with the secret hunt right yeah like if you’re running around for the rest of your life what am I like I’m not going to have fun just strolling go back to your house and like live out the rest of your time on your server in peace bro like that’s what I want to do right here no this isn’t this is a joke this is not even playing like what’s the what’s the point in even logging on if you’re just going to like flop over but like you bro like you don’t yeah like I me okay you can’t tell me what I want only I can tell you what I want cuz I’m me and I don’t want you to run around and roll over when there’s very much something that we can at least try to do about it I’ll we can think of some best option if you’re telling me you’re willing to think of something cuz right now even if I gave you I don’t even think you’d want to listen to it cuz you don’t even cuz it you got to think about it right I can’t whip something out out of my head just like that but if you accept that we can think of something and me actually try to think of something then it’s way better than just sitting here and fishing like a retired hermit unless I’m not going back unless I I’m not leaving here until we have a 100% dead set no failure plan bro yeah then let’s do that then let’s think of let’s brainstorm think let’s okay not I got a think or something no it’s not all me it’s 50/50 otherwise we’re definitely screwed if it’s just all me so Cod yeah I appreciate it some boots well we’re not going to be running so the only way out of this I’m not running I don’t consider this running bro okay I what you can consider whatever you want but I consider running I consider it hiding if nothing else which is boring but giving up against what bro it’s not like clown is like going to terrorize the server and like it’s not like this is a Ser okay I mean I guess it is kind of like a server wide thing but what I’m saying is like clown is not going to terrorize you and he’s not going to terrorize Leo and he’s not going to compromise the piece of the wo civilization as long as I just never like show my face again it wasn’t his order to kill you yeah but kill me disappear off the face of the planet like it’s the same thing bro Zam just doesn’t want me like he wants me gone what do you want screw what he wants what do you want I mean I just miss playing without having like the fear of clown I’d I’d imagine look at the end of the day I think that if you’re having a absolutely horrible time and you want to play on the server then do something about it act in your own best interest for once don’t worry about my best interest don’t worry about other people do something for you okay all right I’m still going to need some convincing I’ll still have to take some time to think about it but yeah I start brainstorming part of me really hopes that you prepped some giant thing underneath this knowing this would happen but uh nope now this guy really just made a Shack in the jungle yeah dude I was going to live out here peacefully so any ideas we have two options so one is live out here where Clown’s never going to find us okay what’s or actually let me rephrase one is live out here where Clown’s never going to find me and you go back and like live peacefully on the server and and you’re going to be peace some dude having okay sure and option two kill clown seems a bit more desirable okay put the sword away bro any ideas on how we go about doing that I mean we already tried kidnapping and that failed miserably I’m sure you can attest to that yeah now you know what screw all of [Music] this I need to One V one him you want to fight him oneon-one oneon-one I need to fight him do you think I could win that no no but I would need some sort of trick up my sleeve yeah so I have like no resources do you want to how much stuff do you have at your base quite a bit assuming it hasn’t been robbed okay do you want to go grab that and come back here and then we figure it out okay yeah what do you want what do we get everything everything your base isn’t safe bro get everything okay and also just please be careful yeah don’t worry I won’t die okay not yet all right in a bit yep don’t [Music] die and eventually after grabbing the materials from his base we made his way back to the Jungle Parr parrot parrot par par parrot where are you here wait come here for a second come here for a sec come here for a sec take off your armor take off your armor take off your armor I’m sorry dude I’m sorry just take your don’t hold and take out listen just take off your armor right now and hide hide I can’t take off my armor I can’t take off my armor what do you want me to do I I can’t get rid of anything coming they’re coming who’s I’m sorry I’m sorry they what did you do bro what did you do dude they said they would kill me if I didn’t give the cords hi he’s not he should be like he’s going to be super close I have no idea I think they’re they were following me I’m sorry parent my God what are you saying bro nobody’s here I they’re going to be here any second they have the courts they have the cords par be on the lookout I have another invas whenever do you see me flashing item are you bro yeah I’m right behind you I’m right behind you okay so wait wait wait what what are you saying bro do you not give them the wrong cords what I don’t see anything we you are literally bro nothing is going to they don’t care bro they don’t care about me now that I’m gone I they clearly do cuz they jumped me and asked for your coordinates they asked for where you were hiding I don’t know what they want but they clearly they’re not done where did they jump you at your base yeah they literally just pulled up out of nowhere while I was getting stuff I was trying to move out on everything and they just pulled up on me I guess they were waiting for me to show up I don’t believe you bro I just milk and go back to normal no no no cuz if you’re going to do that you’re going to die and that would be neither of our [Music] [Music] interest they go down okay okay okay okay okay okay bro you got it up here here [Music] [Music] [Music] if they were here they would have died [Music] [Music] [Music] yo Splash me with Enis right now thank you dude they’re blowing everything up oh my God they’re nuking the whole jungle this way this way just start start making this [Music] yeah where you go oh I see I see him dude how do I have so much TN what the hell dude all of it bro like what is the point of this that’s what I’m saying they’re clearly not done you’re you’re literally never going to know peace until we do something about [Music] it oh my God down down down down down down down down I’m down I’m down oh dude if one of them catches sight of us we’re dead yeah yeah yeah okay I realistically at this distance there’s no way they see particles yeah absolutely not everything bro they just NS like [Music] everything oh my God down down again that’s clown he keeps going up and down bro he’s like searching for us yeah he’s searching for you go dude that’s so much TNT is he making a point I don’t know dude let’s get out of here bro sa let’s go let’s go I’m near live this is arguably the last safe place on the server I think it got it was a little roughed up but wait what oh my God bro oh my god dude what safe place huh okay it was just not like this when I what holy [Music] crap woo Who what this was woo civilization yeah what happened here bro yo is anybody here bro hello hello hello I know a bit of the entrance got griefed when I fought here but I do not remember it being this bad bro yeah what could it even there’s a single block of TNT over there what actually happened one I’m boot beefing with someone who did it probably the same person who fire clown Pierce come up here [Music] what the what the Bucks what was that that was a lie what’s the favor this is a little oddly specific but I have a vault um and I need you to build me a colony of sorts like of the prince Empire if you want this Empire of yours to thrive you’re going to need to recruit people as well as build just general defenses I mean you can be a you can be a citizen you can become a citizen of our Empire here one of the citizens you recruited with squido I thought you built a prison to keep squido in there permanently yeah funny story funny story about that one um this guy paradex 2 you’re you’re pretty familiar with him I don’t I don’t need any more enemies that I already have bro I already have like flame frags who betrayed Zam apparently and like a bunch of his levels goons trying to kill me and blow everything up here so I don’t need any more enemies bro so you you can go do you okay thank you do you know anyone else though who who’ want to join my my civilization here you could get faned now okay dude this is taking like a comically long amount of time to despawn got any ideas oh wait okay despawn it despawn hello dog what is your mic bro I came here bro I came here because you kind of like extended the olive branch last time yeah and then clown like shot half my villager I mean you friends with parot during the whole prison breaking thing right yeah you know no hard feelings for chunk Banning you you know you were just kind of you were kind of messed up with the wrong crowd back then yeah I got that I got that yeah I don’t know do you think is parent trustworthy to you uh I would say so MH okay here’s the thing right it first off it doesn’t make sense for flame to betray Zam Empire like when you said that makes literally zero sense yeah it it made zero sense s to me and second Zam is the the type of player to have a lot of power trips like whenever he thinks that a player stands in his way he just wants to get rid of them sure let’s hear it what is actually in the vault that we’re supposed to be guarding cuz like uh that’s need to know Bas this entire time no one has ever tried going into the Vault none of the people that came here flame has never once tried going into the Vault nor has like the the levels people that came no one here has actually cared about the Vault they’ve just been trying to kill me this entire time and there there’s nothing in [Music] it okay so you figured it out mhm I I think I think you just wanted I think you just want to kill [Music] me you think I want to kill you u i I don’t understand what else has been happening yeah I mean I I I did I did I did tell flame to come and kill you um originally I did ask him the whole betrayal thing was completely made up no I I asked him to come and kill you um but then I realized that you’re you’re a little too pathetic to be killed wo I thought that you were going to betray me remember in the trial Chambers I thought you were going to betray me do something to ruin my Empire so I was going to have you killed but you are just like so unbelievably weak that I’m not even going to I’m not even going to try to kill you you’re not a threat to my Empire not even a little bit you think that I’m not a threat and yet somehow with your prisons you couldn’t even stop literally the most helpless player on the server parrot from from breaking into them and freeing everyone you couldn’t even hold spoke for like a week and this is your little sad attempt at having control over that sort of situation again that’s what you think woo that’s what you think that’s what I think yeah all right H you know what’s funny though yeah I don’t think you realize but clown has already failed to kill parrot really parrot’s a little slippery guy I’m not I mean like a little shocking that’s the opposite of the truth parrot parrot is the easiest guy to capture a trick and yet you you still are so incompetent you can’t even do it yourself I haven’t messed with you once Sam I literally you said you were going to kill me the second you got the chance when did I say that I was nothing but loyal bro every single day egg would ask me if we could break into the Vault because what you were saying made no sense and I trusted you you made a massive mistake here [Music] Zam I need to kill clown bro I’m with you it’s the only way I of this it’s not even that I just want to kill clown bro I’m going to destroy everything so I started heading back to Leo’s headquarters making Wei’s promise that he wouldn’t follow me there because what I was about to do was going to put the entire server in jeopardy hello hello hello hey what’s up oh yeah what’s up I want clown gone off the server yeah we we established that so many times banned and killed his castle like actually nuked to the ground bro what hey what everything bro and I want clown killed and I want to One V one him you want to One V one clown let’s go uh you guys have TNT okay um before we I don’t know how you’ve been surviving it’s clown all this time but let’s go oh my God okay all right you’re crazy bro yeah insane actually insane if you saw what I saw bro which way is this cast again left Leo you have TNT in your Ender Chest right yep all right whole lot I want every single last block used on his castle bro you say we’re blowing up all of this all of it that’s crazy here all right all right everything you’ve got bro this should help us out a bit I would say oh my moly perfect probably enough maybe we’ll see if we need more I have some I have some more in other places as well okay yeah we might have to restock but uh in the metime I don’t have flint and steel does someone have flint and steel yeah use your bow use your bow no it’s raining it’s raining I don’t the Ste either who one steel who has one steel uh I have I dropped I dropped I dropped whole thing leveled bro got [Music] it oh my run through oh my God all all of it all of it gone I’m getting it I’m getting it guys there’s people here I I know it doesn’t matter [Music] ready defend this place oh clown you messed up buddy stack grind a littleit okay I see [Music] [Music] come here P see foray the problem is you’re just not on the good side bro you’re blowing up my base and you’ve blown up hours 12 times [Music] oh my gosh this is beautiful this is beautiful bro oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] clown clown clown where do we even start no matter what happens as long as you try to kill me this is just never going to stop bro none of us are going to be safe I’m safe bar no you’re not buddy no you’re not because you know what the truth is your life versus my bills I build no you know who it is you know what this is about clown this is about it’s about my life or bry’s life and you already know that too it’s about everybody you care about on the server which sucks for you bro because um as strong as you are you’re always going to have an Achilles heal so as we blow up this entire castle and as we prepare to do it 10 times over and also as bry’s life is put on the line for the the rest of the time that you’re hunting me um I have a proposal that I think you’ll find quite interesting what is it tomorrow we meet and we One V one no gimmicks and we actually test who’s the better player well why didn’t you lead with that P because I kind of realized clown no matter what we do this is all just going to be an endless cycle until one of us agrees to put an end to it we’re not very different in the end what does that mean it means that what does that mean but without ever getting an answer from clown I knew that there was only one thing left for me to do but before I was going to do it I decided to go and talk to wey one final time hey nice of you to drop by as you do you’re still working on this yeah it’s ly hard to terraform CU it looks mad ugly if I do it all flat you know it looks pretty good what are you up to it’s kind of funny because you know how clown like this is all clown who did this yeah I mean you obviously weren’t there but like we just nuked his entire Castle bro all of it bro you destroyed the whole thing everything like like 10 times more than what we did when we first blew it up at least 10 times bro and it’s like oh my gosh dude it felt so good bro yeah just felt nice but I’m I’m One V one in clown really tomorrow do you have a plan that’s kind of why I came here kind of okay what’s up I mean I need a plan bro want to be one us tomorrow and we have no plan okay so that’s kind of dire yeah um all right well what are the terms what are the what’s the One V going to look like how’s it going down I did tell them no gimmicks but I mean do you want to try one V oneing just to Totem Pop I just feel like I’m not good enough you know what I mean I don’t know if I’m the practice you need but sure okay all right ready uh yep that oh my gosh I’m actually so bad bro dude I need I need to get a low fire on this is horrendous okay okay forget this bro I’m not winning I’m not winning so so that’s if that’s all that’s in the tank there definitely needs to be some I know you said no gimmicks but there has to be maybe to ban clown it’s just honorable or it’s honorable to Have a Gimmick cuz otherwise like chances are you know I mean okay I do have I do have some ideas that’s the thing like that’s good it’s can you go to Leo and get him to just plant a bunch of TNT under Clown’s Castle somewhere like a bunch bro like 30,000 you didn’t you just nuke it yeah but like what’s like like it’s already destroyed oh wait is like to kill him yeah oh tell Leo yeah plant a bunch of TNT under some spot in Clown’s Castle mhm and then tell Leo to mark it with two melium blocks like one above the other okay I think that’s step one right I like that yeah okay I like that at step one step two I hit clown like where it hurts even harder bro here you want to go inside your house yeah yeah yeah I I just don’t want to say this out loud fire and must be some plan okay you know Bry yeah the dude we swooped into yeah what about him right after we finish our little ation here I’m going to go kill him [Music] because wait you’re going to you’re going to go murder brzy yeah why what do you mean why bro what to what to get clown mad to get clown mad maybe he gets some like I don’t know maybe it impacts him tomorrow but like who cares bro bry’s affiliate with clown like at this point is he though oh like I know I know they’re typ but he’s not he hasn’t done anything it seems kind of like like don’t you think it sounds a bit excessive to just kill the dude like he’s already Clown’s already after you it’s not like okay it seems [Music] pointless and that’s like a pretty like it’s one thing to hold him hostage which I would before but it’s another thing to just totally kill the dude for like not a very good reason well the reason is that when clown finds out he’s probably going to fight worse tomorrow and also that’s just what clown gets for being clown like clown just needs to know like nuking his castle is not enough bro hit him where it hurts the even clown said it himself he doesn’t care if his builds get destroyed but you know what he does care about Bry okay but this is another like you’re bringing in this dude who didn’t ask to be brought in like you’re just killing him for not I don’t want to say no reason cuz like there’s a definitely a convoluted reason that You’ brought up but don’t it doesn’t don’t you think it seems kind of I know it’s clown don’t you think it seems kind of wrong to just bring in and end the life literally the worst thing you can do to a guy who’s not fighting not really really I mean look at what clown did to you bro are you not mad about that yeah I’m mad but I’m not going to take it out by doing the worst thing I can to someone else do you hear yourself that’s something he would do at the end of the day I don’t want you to die but I think you have to like take a step back even clown wouldn’t do this he could have killed me what to make you mad yeah but he did all these other things bro he nuked your base he’s killed me like almost five times he’s attacked people in the wo civilization yeah so you’re going to kill Bry I think you’re overthinking it bro I’m going to be honest I think you’re underthinking it like that’s you can’t take that back and I don’t want to say it’s wrong but like like it I’m not going to stop you physically but I will ask you to try to listen to yourself cuz this is not it’s not right and it doesn’t sound like something you would do doesn’t sound like you you definitely can win and this is not the way to do it I feel like you’re better than this I feel like you know that as well if I did this would you still think of me the same I’d still be on your side but obviously I wouldn’t think of you the same okay I don’t think that that’s you tell Leo to rig the 30,000 TNT double myum blocks um I will talk to you later don’t die stay safe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go there we go ah much better now please you wouldn’t mind follow me into the factory I got to to clean this up there’s mine carts they leave mine carts in my area like I’m not going to not uh run run just run run k run don’t even try okay hi parrot how can I help you um here you want to head into your factory sure yeah I I I’ve been cleaning things up getting things back to the way they should be to their rightful place uh replacing the cow that you murdered pretty good day how is your day strong strong silent type I let’s let’s calm down hold on you just calm you just you just calm down all right chill chill take it easy uh do you want to show me around this place um sure yeah I’d love to uh so I over here we have uh the flower it’s a Lotus it’s it’s a right Bry I’m going to cut to the point by the end of this tour that you give me I’m going to have decided if I’m going to kill you or not all right continue I said this is the Lotus of peace um if you if you over here we have a nuclear Refrigeration where I keep all of my specimens of of all my friends to to make peace for this world uh over here actually you can press some some levers you know it’s it’s a great way to blow off some steam if you’re feeling a little aggravated or or you can see that we have our our our cautionary rugs everywhere to to we we value safety and not murder here there’s there’s there’s a code to this door which does a really cool secret thing but I can’t get into that right now uh and if we come up here uh they have a beautiful spiraling staircase that leads to a phenomenal and I I say this with no uh no Gest in my heart a phenomenal pile of coal that I’ve been tirelessly working on is a t over this is my flower of please don’t kill me all right brzy follow me down here okay and the tour is 100% over that’s it um yeah yeah I think yeah no it’s that’s that’s pretty much it uh don’t just you know I think I want a nice little spot to talk about this here follow me and uh don’t try to run I would never ah yeah this is a great place to have a meeting I have a a question for you okay and I want you to answer this completely honestly because uh this kind of decides your fate okay honesty is is my forte let’s go if clown were in my shoes mhm would he kill you oh yeah absolutely clown would kill anyone and everything and anything that’s that’s just how clown is but he would never kill [Music] me huh I’m not going to kill you Bry I’m not going to kill you oh my God that was horrifying okay good good good good that mean can I can I why would you not kill me because CL and I aren’t the same person I thought about what he said a lot how he said that in the end we’re not that different you and I why is clown the way he is you mean a eventual murderous villain why is he that way I like to think it’s because clown is misunderstood what does that mean I think that clown all the clown really wants is not necessarily to kill people I think clown just wants to show that he is the most powerful person on the server I’m One V oneing him tomorrow to death oh my God good luck with that Jesus okay cool I I don’t know if you’re going to be able to pull it off if I tell you something or if I ask you a question is it going to get to clown today and today only mum’s the word bird how weak is he against some sort of preparation that we did beforehand depends on what kind of preparation 30,000 TNT and before you answer that question I want to ask you how okay are you with him dying [Music] because that’s what I wanted to ask oh boy you know I don’t want to be honest bro if I lost wees I would I would be pretty upset I can’t lie so I imagine you’d feel the same about clown I mean where would I be without clown am I okay with it never do I understand your situation I do and do I think that clown could withstand 30,000 TNT no no I do [Music] not all right Bry I um I appreciate your Insight and uh I hope we talk again this was a good conversation May the best player win [Music] hello hello [Music] rules as expected you didn’t bring any third party there’s nobody here but me no repairs to the castle I think this is a Fitting Place for you to meet your [Music] in and the best player win [Music] plant a bunch of TNT under some spot tell Leo to mark it with two mycelium blocks [Music] you know clown I could have killed Bry I went to his Factory yesterday and I’m going to be honest I am I was about to kill him bro I can’t lie really but if you were in my shoes I can guarantee that you would have killed you didn’t I didn’t I didn’t Ry still alive you know I’m actually surprised you didn’t bring any backup bro against you yeah really and I’m surprised that you even accepted this in the first place I can’t lie I mean you’re serving yourself to me on a silver platter so there’s a lot that we can uh talk about while oh my gosh while we while we fight think you should F no I don’t think I should actually I think that uh there’s a lot for us to catch up on like how you were hired by the sleaziest person on the server really you think I care about reputation I mean you’re an honorable figure right I think everything’s about reputation since when do you not care about honor clown long as I get paid no oh my God [Music] dude what even is this place [Music] [Music] bro all right all right so I have another question way I asked Bry the same thing why do you do what you [Music] do why are you who you are I want to hear this from you why am I myself yeah my God [Music] [Music] like any past traumas or stories that made you this way clown best traumas par I work a job here you do I intend to finish it [Music] [Music] but going back to what I said um why are you the Way You Are I don’t know for profit only way to get ahead of this world par I think it’s more than that what do you know about me what do I know what Bry told me you do this because you have an ego clown ego like I have a question when don’t you what are you going to do when I’m gone I don’t know maybe I’ll go for wo man and what are you going to do when Woo’s gone or when is gone Dam and what about after Zam oh my God who [Music] problem is you just uh you out skill me a little can’t even [Music] lie well I’m um not doing too hot I can’t lie are low maybe a little [Music] bit you know I used to be terrified of you bro I can’t lie but really and you’re not now what changed no because I feel like to be terrified about you I just have to be terrified about getting banned off and at this point everything is uh everything’s out of my control I can’t lie I guess that’s a decent coping mechanism can’t change the outcome of this fight so why care at all and I am doing something about your armor sure but how many stacks of XP have you used quite a [Music] [Applause] bit oh oh [Music] gosh looking like a little porcupine buddy [Music] where did you say I’m putting you say I’m putting up a bit of a fight I mean I got L definitely wasting my time that little bow wow I am actually a lot more cooked than I thought I was bro I can’t lie [Music] you know clown I’ve thought a lot about what you said remember how you kept on saying that we’re not too different that’s where I would disagree with you and I want you to remember that that I could have killed Bry I could have done it but I didn’t clown why because you and I are not the same [Music] people oh my gosh did I actually just get out dude the server’s gone the server’s lagging [Music] [Music] yo hey so he’s gone you did it I mean did what who’s gone clown oh what what happened what happened 30,000 TNT bro I just blew it up and like he disappeared appeared that’s good you didn’t kill Bry did you no I didn’t and I wanted to say thank you because you Loki convinced me not to and I feel like if I went through with that there would be no going back well I’m glad you didn’t that’s that’s reassuring to hear yeah also have you seen everybody like Leo jum like Leo and the rest of them yeah I I want to tell them no I haven’t seen them around but I’m sure you can find them yeah you want to head to their headquarters yeah yeah hope let’s do it let’s go I think you oh this way this way still destroyed bro y wasn’t crazy see if we can spot them honestly if they’re here I’d be pretty surprised if it’s not fixed wa yeah let’s go down to their their base there’s somewhere around here oh yeah here it is okay yeah if they’re anywhere they’re probably going to be here hello hello hello what the yo hello everybody home what the heck I think that is a no was this also a clown why would they I don’t remember clown finding this [Music] ever so what they just bomb their own base unless clown actually found it what the Clown’s gone well he’s not he just disappeared here let’s head back up wait wait wait he said he was gone yeah what do you mean I thought he died I thought 30,000 TNT killed him there was no death message I just he just disappeared [Music] so where wait wait wait did you see that see what oh that’s yeah maybe yeah maybe they left a sign telling us where they went good spot [Music] gosh been a while since I was here actually [Music] yeah gers for higher wait hold on shout out the server [Music] [Music] where are we headed next [Music]

This player and his team are arguably the deadliest players in all of Minecraft… and for some reason, they want me gone.

Like ParrotX2 and his Unstable Universe series where he broke bedrock or blew up 2000 TNT. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or Lifesteal with rekrap2, Grian or MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on.

People in this video: @ClownPierce @Wifies @Branzy @Leowook @jumperwho @Woogie @Derapchu @FerreMC @MugmV2 @Willsion @wemmbumc @SpepticIe @Dione4k @expchan @FlameFrags1 @JadenMAN @Spongs @LettuceK @Falcuno @Squiddo @BlockFacts @Twirps

This is a video on the Unstable Universe: a staged Minecraft server where ParrotX2, Wemmbu, and Spoke aim to tell the best stories possible.

A Minecraft video made by Parrot or ParrotX2 on other platforms! Enjoy!



    Also, I really tried to tell a story with this one. Lmk how you all feel about it!

  2. I love the writing in this video. Watching Parrot slowly become more and more desparate to kill Clown causing him to turn into a mini ClownPierce (i.e. Contemplating killing Branzy, blowing up the castle). In the end, Clown was right, in a way they ARE the same, neither will stop at anything to kill the other. It's just that Parrot was more merciful compared to his counterpart.

    Looking forward to what Parrot has in store in the future with this series since this video did not disappoint.

  3. I sometimes see real life moments as chess moves. Listening to Parrots storytelling is like watching a genius chess move play out.
    Parrotx2 is the grandmaster of storytelling.

  4. "i havent rlly told anyone this" yea no definitely didnt ask branzy about it with the whole crew around hahahaha (lil plothole but its fine since the rest of the story is sooooo goooodddd)

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