1. This is what happens if you don't have any law and you want chaos. How about this idea that the president can only add or remove a law when majority of the citizen(in this case 2 people including the president) agrees with the president, and also if the citizens want to remove the law then majority of the citizens(in this case either 2 people including the president) should state that to the president and remove or change the law. In this way you can have freedom and also not chaos.

  2. Look everyone, I have a suggestion, whoever agrees please like or reply to my comment

    *I think that everyone should own a part of land like normal
    *and everyone gets 10 subscribers to join squid island
    *and all the subscribers chosen will be give a role by u
    *please I have been watching Sligo and jelly and kwebbelcop from Reddit for 4 YEARS

  3. You should just leave the island not just a few trees away go in till you can't see it go beyond the mountains and forest and every sea and ocean then start a new leave the memory's good and bad behind locked away for good

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