Stardew Valley With Friends

unpaused y somebody’s in my bed hey don’t forget to watch and arguably the most important queen of sauce because we need to make a mocky roll for the community center oh my God o a whole Mony roll well then let’s get to it me when the Mony rolls wasting what’s a Mony roll the type of sushi sushi oh my game just froze I do sushi he remember this there we go steel pickaxe very cool oh my God going back to bronze stuff is going to be so rough after playing my solo file and having iridium everything I don’t know why I thought you were going to say going back to brawl going back to brawl is crazy going back to brawl is yeah imagine going from from melee to brawl where am I sop yeah am right don’t even get me started on medanite yeah I was about to say metanite o so everybody should have everybody should have a mission from Demetrius to take him a melon so I do have some melons planted here for everybody to take Melons I’m going to go drop off pi and make sure to my love [ __ ] they need three days but it’s one of those Quest that doesn’t expire so we’ll be good very cool all right I got to put stuff away it’d be really cool if my computer decided it wanted to work and actually let me edit I would smile at that I would I would really love it if it would let me change the size of this goddamn camera r on my screen I don’t think I got the the Quest for Demetrius cuz it’s not in my did you read your mail uh no also the Trout Derby is going neither did I there we go the game didn’t tell me I had mail so I didn’t look you got male we have male I’m a male I mean we should have it by now we have two males correct got it six entire Pikmin super armor on whistle no recovery what oh brawl lar that is silly good atar it made it every it made it not very fun to play against um I don’t like um Brar I don’t like it I didn’t know any meta and brawl I just played the game right that too [Music] though you love what mean okay n that’s right we’re all one brain cell guys don’t worry oh that you’ve got mail meme I guess you are kind of like you’ve got mail also don’t have Father’s day and happy Eid yeah happy Eid everybody what is it is what is e um it is a Arabic holiday Oo Happy Eid I be I mean like we I I my grandparents and stuff celebrated it because we’re part Lebanese but um I I’m probably even saying that wrong can you join in on the one brain cell storms no you’re not in the stardo lobby therefore no angel hi can you have a turn with the brain cell no you’re not playing stardo with us you got more than one brain cell Emerald H why do I not believe you I reserved my time with the brain cell on the Google form and the rest of you need to as well no I just take it just like stealing from a listen Broski I’m used to sharing my brain cell with at least one person at a time but sharing it with four is difficult yeah we can’t have more people signing up especially when Lee’s going to show up eventually and we’re going to have to share it with a fifth person yeah that’s going to be rough I mean I don’t really need a brain cell so it’s fine I don’t need a brain yeah if I only had a brain where’s that from that sounds really familiar from The Wizard of yeah you’re a scarecrow right so my goal right now was to try and get my foraging up wasn’t it probably I don’t know no no no no I I do because we need to get the um thank you the lightning rods ah yes the lightning rise I remember I remember that now yeah yeah I’m going to work on that I definitely remember I got another dwarf scroll and it’s one that needs to be donated I just got a trinket shirt from a tree hell that’s what you want big trinket guy this point you’ve been confused about who cryo is to Neco genuinely too scared to ask you now know do you know cryo is my husband guys for those of you who didn’t know apparently there were some of you unsubscribed you know I’ve had that happen not surprised had that happen yeah know I I remember that happening that was uh that was an interesting moment in Echo history that’s what you thought yeah people didn’t know that yeah no not everybody picked up on it or was here for me to say it and that’s okay it’s not like it’s a secret either it’s just kind of like no Tri Center and coin Halo gaming hey Neco just wanted to stop aside and say hi drop a like on the Stream yeah we raided you guys last night and that was really great hanging around um much appreciated have a great night bam I was just bragging to Larry last night about how my um in my solo file save I have the aridium axe so I cut down trees in three hits like stump and all and now we’re back to this and I’m just like uh oh sorry we’re such L down yeah I know sorry we can’t be better mom I’ll do better I’ll do better I swear no I’m I’m I’m don’t break out the belt I would never you’ll have to talk to your father about that oh okay you you Outsource Happy Father’s Day to Crow she can have deniability he’s not awake right now he’s he’s and when he does wake up he’s got to get ready and go to work soed anyways late midnights oh work midnight that’s yeah I love i’ would rather work midnights just for like the energy factor I hate being up during the day well I mean we’re basically vampires when it comes to like we I both of us don’t like the Sun at all yeah because I work vampire shift like a lot of the time and it’s so much better uh so anyone see any good movies lately no I don’t watch movies I haven’t watched a movie in Forever it’s been longer than forever for me Ethan member movie Monday um so we’re actually when we have members on my on our Channel which is coming up guys if you haven’t noticed we’ve already hit that 500 um when we do members there’s going to be anime nights in the Discord I’ll just watch smiling friends that’ll be my Discord that’ll be my membership I I just watch random Youtube videos in the Discord not even not even like a show just whatever YouTube make some mix of stuff too because like I’m not actually going to sleep guys I Just Energy um you want to eat out of an Alleyway like Chris from Delta room God I definitely understand that reference that wasn’t Chris though it was s suie wasn’t it I understand this conversation yeah I’m fully here and present Alo are you asleep H hello you’ve been strangely quiet she said she was going to take a nap she didn’t say when right that’s what I’m worried about hello boof hello I’m I should just call her like in real life I got I got this hello am I here hello hello I don’t know what the [ __ ] happened sorry about that that was very funny though I was like just decided to [ __ ] me sideways like usual hey guys but that was a good bit I like that actually just going to take a quick nap on stream yeah dude it would be kind of funny anyways it would be kind of hilarious actually anyway he was gang them style SpongeBob style anyways Fu [ __ ] love corn am I right guys yeah I was I was talking about how Evan’s idea isn’t bad I think for tier one I will have just watch me watch YouTube video and not interact with ch be present I am in the same room as you just hear snoring in the background you guys yeah it’s it’s actually just a 24-hour member stream a 247 live cam of my me and not me me and my enclosure I got broccoli seeds oh I have to cut out like a massive section of this oops oh yeah oopsy da I forgot that was a thing too I’m sorry n you’re all good we blame me what did you do uh the game Crash ne’s game crashed and she hadn’t saved in a few minutes yeah oh yeah we had to go back and forgot about that I got two Omni geodes and oh my god I’ve never gotten this far in Prairie King it is 1050 so just be aware I want the gun four oh I got now you can only sing while talking huh that’s kind of cool huh storm said oh no it was Emerald um I mean I like singing but maybe not during stard night that’s [Music] why do we need broccoli seeds for anything they’ll be useful yes all right they’re going in the chest thank you ears hurt now NE goes on a vacation fall away I have a big penis oh my God I was not expecting that I was in the middle of a drink and almost choked what do you [Music] mean all right gotta go to bed yeah I’m completely out of energy like I almost passed out kind of out of energy o yeah yeah I had like two energy left in the mine and I’m like well I guess I’ll head back this way guess I’ll die yeah singing literally started jamming out Midstream scariest moment when you realized what you were doing I S on stream a couple times now I just watch you going to go touch yourself no I’m going to watch ho congrats it’s 1:00 a.m. now I am now watching neco’s stream and I am actively liking the stream and uh if you have not subscribed yet uh definitely subscribing yeah I agree with what he just said yeah yeah yeah those words that came out of his mouth I agree proove Real and True man I’m Allosaurus and I prove of this message actually I already have like all the membership tiers like worked out and everything like it only minutes to get back why were why were you why were you freaking so much it took you two minutes I wasn’t freaking what are you talking about whoa yeah I’m going to harvest some of these just to get just to get Farming experience oh I mean okay I leveled up cool all right that’s as much as I’ll do for today I’m just going to put him in the green chest while you do that can you just drop them fine I’ll I’ll grab them I’ll grab them it’s fine I cuz in my head if I dropped them I was just going to pick up more as you pick them pies a singular blueberry to eat yes M yummy I wanted quartz to take with me God damn it I already put it in the chest I’m back anyway hello I am backx [Music] you can’t pay for memberships but you’ll stay in streams and stuff because why not it’s okay no you don’t have to ever think that paying for a membership is a necessity you know if you want to then great and if you can’t afford it or you know you don’t want to that’s fine you know absolutely I’m forcing you to pay me that being said you should totally do it yeah listen listen listen it helps me get more Gam for stream Neo face reveal if you subscribe to her Channel no real parentheses it will never happen she I’ve said this before and I saying it again I will never face reveal is it a truth a lie only one way to find out no no no guys I mask at uh yes walk around I’ll I’ll cosplay this um Choi from Naruto what if we’re all Joi yeah uniform requirement I I’m chosy cuz I’m the big guy I’ll be Choi and you you guys can just be nameless uh pull up his pull up his Monkey D Luffy yeah I’ll be Shikamaru I’ll pull up as somebody I wish there were um I’ll pull up as Evan from infinite dream ooh solid oh my God that’s such a good cosplay idea Evan can could Rock a Shikamaru I think Evan could Rock a shakaz Zulu I think I don’t think so you would do it but no money wish you could hear your voice you’re singing the tune of believer while typing I mean that’s that’s things first I’m a say all first things first I’m I’m so excited for tomorrow why why tomorrow specifically spooky um no for for the Inay game Tom ingame day tomorrow no Monday is my favorite day of the week shout out to Monday for real no no no there’s a little symbol up there about the rain and if you notice what color it is green it’s going to be a fun day tomorrow what does that mean green rain Green Day it means that we’re all going to have some fun stuff to do you have you guys have you guys ever been to a Green Day concert I have only been to one concert ever really it was a Sonic [Laughter] one sick it was actually really fun the Sonic Symphony yeah it was have you seen all the Tik toks that are out right maybe not um that that are like people being like I hope she plays andand song here and someone’s like this is the wild crats live the Wilds live I love that that was very good that blueberries the pepper can barely get past his strongest attack sometimes I give myself the creeps my my place tricks on me um so [Music] y y’all aren’t going to let me tell my story I see how it is I didn’t even hear you starting to tell a story which is that loud I see how it is um I was God I was young so probably like 14 maybe even 13 and my parents took me to a Green Day concert we had we had uh pit tickets now here I am like 13 14 years old in a mosh pit at a Green Day concert W that’s kind of sick actually it’s like it was like my third concert or something like that but it was my first Mosh Pit experience it’s fire hey is wing it in chat right now I think so oh he is sorry I seem to know how to spell his name Wing I wi the wing it 123 or the wing it 321 two three I could have told you that but sure okay we got that forging level not all of us can be as smart as I know it’s supposed to be like the phrase winging it but whenever I hear that name I think of chicken wings chicken wing chicken wing hot dog and Bon chicken and macaroni I don’t even know the words but I knew that as soon as I sang it all of you would know exactly what to do that’s fabulous one brain cell I feel like Alan knows all the words to one Margarita give me one Margarita I’mma give you head give me two margaritas I’mma give you some head give me three Margarita I’mma put it in my PO give me three four marar ritos I’mma put it in my tush looks like EV got me beat Evan’s got it covered I’m wa wait was that comment last week about uh being there it is there that that that’s about it all Evan bu moments you missed the margarita song and him coming out yeah the infinite dream recap it’s just me coming out his by noan X Evan moments it was really weird Hol War Lily welcome in hello Lily we are currently trolling Evan for his uh Freudian slip last week yeah you could call it that he definitely Freudian slip into something foran slipping to [Laughter] you that’s heterosexual you’re right it is I was gon to say it is yeah Evan with the flirting what’s a Freudian slip uh if you don’t know take a Psychiatry class I’m not exp coming out of coming out spot doing just fine travel Island moment has me what I wanted to be PL to see I want to be famous it’s actually my dream to be bisexuals I yearn for the bisexuality yearns for the title oh my God if you become you can help this turns and can’t heal what are you supposed to do I mean [ __ ] here I am pull out your gun bang yeah I wish this game had guns actually super that’ be kind of cool we get a gun slingshots I’m sure they exist you mean stman is not responding what do you mean what did you do my game crashed oh sex to suck why’d you do it why’ you let that happen the game hates me doesn’t want me to play get it correct accurate but also true so we’re going get I want you guys to be all geared up tomorrow to be like going foraging with me because this is going to be a day acid rain what do I need Oh I thought you meant like tomorrow is in like Monday no we’ve already been over this Ethan juneth coming up we got to get to Forin you can’t just say that yes yes you can what do you mean stop me you took a class but you forgot so you Google it now you remember there you go please let me play no please let me play no no I want to play no why not play what his game oh stard that’s rough buddy make sure you launch it from oh you just joined oh yeah says Ethan hardc games hi Ethan it is 7:20 p.m. I guess oh my God we did we do we organize yeah yeah a little bit yeah we uh taught us that there’s a that there’s an that there’s an organized button not only is there an organized button there’s an add to Stacks button so when you come in add just click keep pushing the add a Stacks button it’s on the right hand side um and that way you can make sure that you put things in stacks and then if you still have things left over put it with things that are kind of close to what you’ve already got already butterfly Butterfree Butterfree bundle complete and we get a [Music] heater which will be great for later on Clint’s not here now it’s too dark hello posum at the bus station feeling a little lucky today Darth ly you’re recommended well welcome in go kill 10 slimes look man don’t tell me I’m sorry who’s the who’s the Knight that’s me yeah he’s the night from Delta Rin I at first thought it was a chicken okay ke and fox if only add money to Stacks button thank you hello welcome in thanks for lurking storms by the way I am trying to keep up with chat but like honestly I’m blind so what can I do with this Crystal fruit hey uh actually I think I need that he trying to shoot me you can tell I’m I’m going to keep it energ if you have any snow yams or crocus though I need those you can sometimes find them in the ice levels I know that’s where you said you were heading out too what the heck happened to my hole the crocus is a purple flower the snow yum you actually have to dig up so dog besides the cat never mind uh the last chest has all the tools in it going to go to bed I’ll start working in the morning [Music] yeah yeah so I need everybody tomorrow to have their axe on them and their Scythe on them right I’ll just get it now I got to go get a scythe I got well mine are still base level yeah everybody’s are Scythe Billy we have are we clearing the cross tomorrow uh no so tomorrow we’re going to have green rain and so there’s going to be a lot of stuff that we can cut down and get that’s like tomorrow exclusive so is it just like wild stuff like wild forging stuff uh mostly we out of sies well then you should have one in your inventory already oh yeah I do never mind hey it’s 12:30 go to bed well as soon as I get my crops into the selling basket sure no not allowed no you I need epie it’s going to be a busy day tomorrow give me a second yeah exactly that’s why I need EP I’ve been eing who wait what what who do you guys try and get with in started well we’re running the polyam mod we’re gonna get with literally everybody Alo what you heard me you heard her hey and key boxes can now be found around the Valley now what he’s dropping bombs yeah we’re all GNA die yeah they’re all warhe in the factory we can drop we can find those boxes from doing basically anything and like cutting down trees sh a lot of money that’s I leveled up farming hooray I mean BL I love that was all blueberries guys love I love cor we’re going to marry the we’re we’re going to marry the whole valley except except for Haley there’s a breaking bed filter green rain okay so you can go ahead and meet everybody in the saloon um to say hi to everybody but all of this stuff needs to get cleared out because we get lots of good stuff from it and also all around the valley there are going to be like big trees that can get get cut down um that will also be good for stuff so I’m going to start heading around the valley for some of that stuff you guys can go ahead and clear out here what does an upgraded site do it’s kind of don’t bother because once we get into like later on it’s it’s one of the things we upgrade last get better at reaping what you seow yeah because now that 1.6 has happened there you can get the and you actually don’t upgrade the Scythe in any capacity you get it from a special location I got FD yes so there’s going to be some Fiddle Head fern trees around you’re going to want to make sure yeah that we’re cutting them down they will look really like this yeah who are behind me so these are the ones we want to be making sure we make sure to chop down and also Scythe the trees because they’re going to give you Moss oh yeah so all of these wild seeds and all of this everything I’m going to wind up planting so make sure we grab them I’m going to plant them probably next season I up foring we’ve had this conversation haven’t we Lily I leveled up forging see and that’s another reason why we make sure to do this day is because it’s really great for the level up do we chop down individual trees too like level like tree you can the fiddlehead trees are a little bit more important uh because they disappear after the rain’s gone and sometimes the rain lasts for just one day and sometimes it lasts for two days but it looks like we’re only getting one so we want to make sure we get as many of the fiddle heads as possible because they sell for a lot of money like at least a good amount um at least a few I mean they’re like 99 a piece for basic ones so God damn I’d say that’s that’s a that’s a pretty penny oh and of course say hi to Demetrius who is over here do I have to you don’t have to it’s so nice having the magnet ring yeah God where’s Lee when we want to cut down trees so sad so sad that he died what yeah R to our tree cutter SC oh that should not have fallen in the water that [ __ ] was clearly on land listen I didn’t write the coding you should have I did my bad yeah is it worth the energy to break the fiddle F stumps I mean I don’t know I honestly don’t know all I know is that I’m fiddle heads are worth the money I sure hope I’m doing all this right I’m kind just running around that’s all you need to be doing and the best part is like swinging your Scythe doesn’t actually take any energy so you get a lot of foraging experience for this as you go without actually doing a ton of like work my beloved are you home no is everybody at the saloon almost everybody’s at the saloon yeah okay I don’t even have any of her likes on me anyway oh wait no I just need to talk to her I think that the uh exceptions are like um Rob Robin’s family stays in the base in like Sebastian’s room um which so you can only talk to them if you’re level two hearts with Sebastian why and then I want to say that there’s somebody else that’s like holed up in their house but I can’t remember who it was I wish they built eight ball pool into this game yeah that’d be sick a what eightball pool let me play eightball pool oh over at the pool table let me go over there and play I would love that I mean sopia where are you sopia God damn it um I don’t know who I haven’t spoken to yet how how can I see that oh here did I just miss her completely I’m missing four hold up in a room I I didn’t see her in there I might have just like not paid attention one hair girl pink shirt green hair girl blue shirt thank you Ethan blue jacket for this play bypl and meanwhile I’m down here cutting out down fiddle heads not worrying about who I’ve talked to well I was looking oh hey I found a mystery box there you go that’s the other thing is today’s a good opportunity to find those mystery boxes cuz there’s so much extra stuff laying around yeah how do I open a mystery box oh okay and I bet he’s not even there right now nope it smells like potent burnt grass I wonder what else smells like that uh that’s that’s the flavor text I just got my chat’s dead but that’s okay your whole chat is currently talking to you nobody in chat is talking no your whole chat is currently here in this voice call oh yeah I was gonna say it’s that’s not true no Lily I’m just commenting that everybody that nobody’s really talking but that’s okay because like we’re chatting amongst ourselves I guess yeah we are the chat I’m hope that every I hope that I’m entertaining everybody is what I’m you know really worried about little y common mushroom I [ __ ] love St Charlie the m and the Moss is actually really important so we’re going to hold on to all the Moss don’t sell your Moss I mean I shouldn’t but it looks so yummy you mean I should go take it out of of the forging box there’s a lot of things that get made with moss like a lot of um crafting stuff and like the green rain usually only happens once per year so this is like the opportunity to get all your Moss together and it doesn’t look like it’s that important until you get into late game and then you’re like I don’t have enough Moss it’s like Christmas morning for the Moss fandom yeah big moss back at it again big moss I hate big moss I hate big moss man the big moss man is terrifying I bet mous man could clear Mo Moth Man M man or Moth Man mous Man versus Moth Man versus MTH man who wins who clears chat who won who’s next you decide you decide is mous man in infinite dream yeah he’s a legendary ah that was I was scared through that yeah like a genuinely like horrifying event good as it should be yeah mouseman versus um the hatman who wins oh Mouse man clears what about the dirt man I don’t know enough to have a concrete answer you don’t know about leaving a little dirt under your pillow for the dirt man no my God my why’d you say it like that we got educator you got to learn about the dirt man homie educate me Ethan yeah very informative what have you not heard this either Ethan no I have not I’m so lost it sounds like it sounds like a parody of take a look at my girlfriend take a look at my dirt man take a look at my yeah we have he’s the only one I got we are we do have a good amount of mods running but it’s basically just expanded plus um hi hi it’s basically just started Valley expanded um with automate and some cosmetic stuff and polyamory which you know that’s really it’s basically a cosmetic the polyamory is mainly so that Alo can marry both Evan and I mhm and Neco and that and everybody else in town literally everyone Every Creature for hay cuz [ __ ] that [ __ ] which one’s Hy you insist you want me to [ __ ] we can we can arrange that we’re ignoring hay don’t like hay if you if you ask put on my farm the hate [ __ ] got it listen if we marry her we all have to divorce her oh I’m about to run out of energy what do I have on me I have grapes I’m just about out of energy got any grapes when the duck lemonade stand and he said to the walked up to the lemonade stand he said to the man running the stand got any grapes say the man the sand hey you got any grapes bro and then the man said no no so you guys are going to laugh there there is a parody version of that the plays on my kids like shows and it’s like the polar bear walks up to the ice cream man and asks for tuna ice cream that sounds not not good and then he as a tune or as a flavor yeah that doesn’t wait and no no no no no it’s it’s a different tune but then like it it come they the the polar bear comes back the next day and is like I’m going to get fishbone stuck in my teeth do you have and and then leaves and then comes back and goes do you have any iceberg ice cream and then the ice cream dude makes it for him and then he comes back and he’s like this is too big it’ll melt before I can eat it this is complicated it’s so stupid this is such a complicated little like funny song why why they why they do that like and I just can’t help but feel bad for the ice cream dude every time I hear the song man PBS Kids kind of fell off huh yeah I mean YouTube took over most of children’s programming which is a horrible thing we hate YouTube don’t say that on you the most I I will I will bore YouTube Susan if you’re watching is it even sus anymore I thought she stepped down oh you’re even safe then oh [ __ ] I got to go to bed yeah it’s midnight I’m almost level almost level three all right I’m running back I’m lost I have 2% the show Lost yeah see this is actually ice cream just shaved ice as snow cone yeah basically uh suan the entire lake front I have secured the bag I have no idea where I am right now are we are we just throwing everything into a Evan where are you I don’t know are you still in that area where you last saw me hi okay we’re going to die here aren’t we here you are come on no we’ll make it this way if we can get around the thing this yeah up this way all right all right all right here I come here I come here go through here I know where I am now I figured it out I’ll myself okay I’m not I will deal with that tomorrow I will deal with that tomorrow I’m just going to bed oh we might not make it remember when I was like I don’t think we’re going to make it you’re like we’ll make it no I don’t think NE is making it oh this is not where I thought we were going to be I really don’t know how to get there from here one up I do but you know you’re walking in front of me so I mean it’s not like we Collide we’re not going to make it no we’re not going to make it collect anything you can with your remaining seconds yeah honestly [ __ ] it if I I I probably could have gotten forging level three YouTube high up prepared to can no L’s gon to snitch oh forging level two new crafting Charco Susan who the CEO of YouTube and tell her that we on neol Lolita no g. h. oh hello hello Emily hello Peter hello I’m glad that this cut scene is happening outside of neco’s house for me so wait now that we have all this stuff what do we do with it we can sell the fiddlehead ferns okay and um the Moss is going to go the uh we need the Moss to go in the chest with the rest of the Moss I see what a hurry up Ethan I want to get in the chest so I can talk to my love Ethan um which what are we putting Fiddle Head for green chest uh you can sell those okay um I’m just going to dump everything real quick I love foraging I love I love corn corn guess what there was a Corn Harvest today because you used it all yesterday [ __ ] love porn I [ __ ] love porn Charlie fuing porn I’m taking a quick look I’m going back to sleep understandable here let me give you this thank you I don’t have that Quest by the way I’ll take one CU you’ll get it eventually hello uh is that everything you should get it can anybody else around that needs the Quest for um Demetrius with the melons there are melons in the chest all right I’m missing four people reach farming level one I’m still not there kill 10 slimes nope find the shorts you don’t remember having corn in a Scottish accent what corn I don’t remember having that’s not Scottish what does Scottish accent sound like again I don’t [Music] [Music] Scotland dude I remember when Gen 7 was new there was a really sh edit of that that was justo forever what the [ __ ] oh it’s an Austin Powers reference okay um sorry to disappoint then I need to rewatch Austin [Music] Powers I just hold the C why would you do that I clicked it I left clicked instead of right clicked butterfly I’m almost at six hearts with Sophia very cool Demetrius was I supposed to talk to Demetrius yesterday I already asked that question yesterday but I definitely didn’t you always play stardo on Console you never played it on PC I mean I think it’s better on PC um if only for the fact that you know 1.6 is already here for us hey Neco tomorrow or whenever our bloes are ready can I farm it because I’m still level one farming yeah everybody’s like level one farming yeah’s the only one that with actual lbes well there’s a reason for that though you I’m going cuz we all suck no the reason why I’m get I’m trying to shoot myself to level 10 farming quickly is so that we all have all the craftables and so that we can get all of the um like the rare clops that we need and stuff the clops faster so we were trying to get one person to his high to the max level so that we would have the craftables for it and then get everybody else to it where’s need I got some Deluxe speed grow we really need [Music] toel Hey where’s yeah the fountain it’s in the middle of the town uh what do we where should I put speed grow is there a speed grow in here there is I’m going to go build a CP we need chickens and ducks and all I can’t find Demetrius Min maxing and its F exactly we’re Min maxing over here we’re playing multiplayer to its finest I’m multi maxing I’m Multiverse stupid where the hell is it yes oh I can’t find Demetrius harder forehead I’m trying do I have this dwarf scroll already you’re not good enough friends with Robert to enter a bedroom did I ask I’m breaking and entering yeah let me do my thing chicken coop is going to go right over here Over Yonder where I wander Wander Over Yonder you’ll find it all right the guy with blue coat and the black hair and the smug look on his face it’s big jacket Smith big jacket the blue jacket big jacket Smith I think that’s Shane yeah I think it’s Shane he’s a drunker it’s either Shane or it’s Mor I got a winter route I need that please I’m on floor 56 I’m going River fishing I can wait all right I’m going River fishing yeah River F man this is boring where’s my I’m going ocean fishing I’m going back to the field there’s no fish I’m going to play Journey of the prir king [ __ ] love fish I [ __ ] love corn I still haven’t found Demetrius isn’t he on the map can’t you open your map and see where he is yeah I’m at at his location but he’s just not is he in his house I checked the house maybe I check the house I’ll check again maybe you’re in the garage maybe you’re in here do I have to be good friends with Maru to talk to him you have to be good friends with Maru to get into maru’s bed bom which is where that is it’s not actually a garage another fish another fish yeah it is Shane what are we in summer yes kind of that’s where he works yep of course he works there it’s cuz he’s an awful person by accident he’s what we call a POS I can fix him I mean no you can’t oh my God that’s the point of Shane people want to fix him you’ll get lulled into a false sense of of security yep he will break again Shane imagine just like at working at your real retail job and someone like busts through the door and just yells your name I’d be horrified some dude you don’t recognize at that yeah just some smug in a night helmet even better who I want to be friends with a guy in a night helmet and a [ __ ] in a Lakers jersey walk up a Kobe jer Jersey specifically yeah there we go I want more geod Al who should I who should I give a gift to your M me who Who Am I who am I giving this Sunfish to me you should check who actually likes Sunfish before you just give it to somebody cuz you might make some somebody really upset give it to Pam I have another winter everyone hates it everyone hates sunfit except for probably Willie no everyone is neutral so Demitri sorry Demetrius Elliot Leo lius Pam Sebastian Willie are neutral everyone else really dislikes it I mean yeah Sunfish is kind of ugly me when the sun fishes we’re nutritious yeah but they’re ugly hey when do I get the ability to uh [ __ ] yay that’s a good question when you unlock marriage you got to like do a couple things can I get my own little stardo NPCs that’ll do my bidding yes you you can have children that’s one hot way they don’t do anything though but they exist until you turn them into doves what you can kill your children yeah oh if they suck you can just kill them off well they do so want they don’t they don’t do anything they’re creepy they’re honestly really creepy they’re soulless did they just stand in your house aimlessly and they never go past the toddler age you can put hats on them though can we put a mod in where you just lay eggs instead um I I have debated adding the mod in where the kids actually do things and grow up though that’s lame CU there is a mod for that how do we have how do I have a child with elandra yeah I want to be Evan’s children I’m ready oh my God chck flip [Laughter] that hey did we make it to the bottom of the mine yeah yes go every 10 levels to get Rewards I saw that are these I need an AOE pickaxe do such a called a bomb yeah I need to make more bombs so I can like just tear through these floors just go to the factory you’re about to ask if there’s a mod that allows the kids to grow up yeah there is the bomb Factory bom it’s Wily’s birthday today wow happy birthday Willie we didn’t give gift there’s still time maybe I don’t know probably not actually we able to give lionist gifts to get him out of debt can I just give him money uh listen no lionist likes his way of living don’t don’t what if I gave lonus some tech tips that’d be very funny of you all right one energy and it’s 1050 I’m not even going to bother eating he likes like when you give him foraged food how how does he tell if it’s foraged or if I made it at home if it’s any of the if it’s any of the foods that you can forage like not cooked foods like berries and oh cool um how many winter Roots do we need by the way we also I need one it’s for a bundle okay cool he loves blueberry tart cactus fruit coconut dish of the seed Alleyway buffet and yams yeah and then you’re right he likes most like flowers and things you can just forge Holy Fire Batman what there’s a lot to know about this game this game is very in-depth why are you blue guy K with the bomb in time it it’s midnight aloe yeah I’m in bed oh okay oh I got basic retaining soil I’m going look at crafting recipes real quick before I go to bed to see what I need to make bombs somebody let me know when it’s 1:30 oh iron and coal very cool that’s easy oh speak of the I got to remember to make those um lightning rods tomorrow I should I wonder I wonder if Googling how to make bombs in stardo would put you on a list probably maybe maybe oh my God so much farming yep that mostly from those fiddle heads we are so rich we should burn it all on a new Silo um we we’re currently getting a um Coupe built so we can’t actually build a silo at the moment oh I didn’t notice that we were doing that yes do you remember the we have bombs pepper wants a hot pepper where the heck do you get hot peppers you farm them stard Valley damn it where I don’t know if there will be enough in the rest of the season for everybody to give though but it’ll stay there until you know later on till next year we’ll just grow another hot pepper plant next year I hate having I forgot that was a mission so I’m sorry do I know I’m about to build lightning rods um all right well back I go to my designated fishing rle same o I have winter rout on fish and I need to Angel says I’m going to the m yeah yeah Angel says now it wouldn’t the FBI agents would understand about about wanting a bomb what I agree I don’t know I think the FBI agent would be very understanding NE I think the just wants to make a bomb it’s fine there’s winter root in yeah I’m going to look in the trash in front of Shane to Alo he says it the giggle oh my God I found the cat hi cat I wasn’t missing I’m on the screen love I’m going I need to I need to craft hamw Valley says ER there he is how do you know you guys aren’t secretly part of the FBI and seeing how they the chat responds if I were in the FBI I found Demetrius I’m a different kind of federal agent here hold on hold on Evan you needed Demetrius right no Alo needed Demetrius oh Alo you need Demetrius yeah I’ll get in his way here come here I’m fishing hold on oh he just pushed his way by me no yeah they do that Ethan I’m coming I’m gonna come oh [ __ ] oh my God yall drive me up a wall that’s the point 1,500 more subs until pamd Valley yeah unfortunately now where are could never be part of the FBI the FBI trains you to be cold from what you heard his house I couldn’t stop him hi lus idea of where he is now I don’t know why but I have no idea where the anything is in this Z I mean cuz you weren’t here last time the only reason I know he go in he’s in the one up on the mountain Alo wait we are did the bath house and the emeralds no so that is that’s it’s it’s different because this is expanded um hello is busting live on stream that’s crazy Happy Father’s Day night Neco [Music] also followup comment what a coincidence you were watching Ethan moments ago when I got notified that the stream was live unfortunately is the greatest gift to mankind says er er you’re delusional I say that with all the love not E’s right yeah he’s kind of right though hell you know what you guys you guys do this and I’m going to drag you into doing P Valley with me what is pamu Valley oh is that what is Pam Valley mod it is a mod where literally everybody is Pam oh my God I will be the most unlikable I’m sorry I needed I needed the snow yam not the winter route that’s okay that was my fault I told you the wrong one damn ha to see someone has to Love Pam you you’re about to take a shower so you’ll be lurking in chat happy gaming Happy G Alex is in all of the streams all at once Alex is just a g like that a g Alex the giraffe giraff attack can someone please tell me where the mine is take the mine cart to the mine yeah take the mine cart to the mine the mine cart’s ready I’m lost where are you where are you I found a red mushroom oh you’re in like the top left go go south go to back to the farm go to the bus stop are you I’m back home now go to the bus stop which is like just North interesting does Pam Valley be no just the MP oh somebody’s disappointed that Pam de Valley does not make the player Pam I’m sure that’s got to be a mod though like to become Pam probably I did I did I will marry all of the pams for Pam do Valley for God poly Pam I never knew this part of the map existed oh my God where are you oh the spa house apparently what’s an easy way for me to get B to go this North can I do I can I only find coal or can we make coal we can make coal once we have the machine to do so okay cuz coal is just like annoying to find and I need it for more bomb I have plenty of iron because that’s like the ore of the Ice Area I do need you to be careful with the iron though because like I am going to need some to make those lightning rods which I need to go back and build Ju Just In This Expedition I have 28 iron iron ore that I mean that’s only five iron bars yeah but if I do this for a season me I supp oh it’s permanent okay cool okay iron bar refined quartz bat wings damn that slime dropped two dwarf Scrolls that was crazy they’re the same same scroll though so that didn’t really help but and we have the scroll but uh crafting here we go what happens when you make it to the bottom five should be good we got a skeleton key I think was that it what did we get at the bottom uh yeah I think the skeleton key is what we got yeah there’s also fishing spots in the mine Ethan yeah that’s true gr I don’t think we have a rod oo Mystery Box I don’t think we have a rod to do anything with them but 32 iron ore is it four ore per bar or is it five five okay all right I collected all my things in the mine this one you take the bus you can take the bus to the mine I mean you take the M cart to the bus yeah me launched the bus [Laughter] yet I just kept saying the same word over and over again a different order so cute when you do that I even have I haven’t even drank a lot yet I haven’t even started making my drinks yet I just had one beer oh my God are you going to get [ __ ] up I could I don’t work tomorrow oh I bet you don’t work tomorrow no it was we have a we have at least one four day every month and then we also I also have Wednesday off my God we might actually see you this week what om Poss OMG all right we have some lightning rods now guys let’s go God I haven’t pickaxe that just one hits all the basic rocks is so nice diamond pick since it’s going to thunderstorm tomorrow and we have the ah it’s too late oh well which one is Leah’s house should probably make some more room for him to go back home and I’m waiting for to leave his room yeah tomorrow there’s going to be a thunderstorm in the valley max level is 10 right I’m going to be jumpy because that’s what I do Max level’s 10 yeah it’s okay I will absorb all of the lightning strikes cuz I am we do remember that that’s why I’m afraid of thunder light right it’s okay I can take it okay Leah no Leah yes I just missed her tow P what’ you say that that one I was [Laughter] that one was too funny for me not to just like forget about you seen the the Paper Mario playthrough I think you’d love it no I haven’t it’s so funny so is that a multiplayer game or yall is just watching we’re just shooting the [ __ ] game grum style very cool who’s who um who’s the singer who’s the painter oh Ethan definitely things you’re Danny SE yeah oh I am Danny I place these wrong damn it Demetrius went to [Applause] bed I’m you you just brought back I’m like I know some of his songs I haven’t thought about like them individually in so like a huge fan my god dude I’m kiding I I I genuinely think ninja sex party is hilarious very Co how old are we no ninja sex party is funny I’m like six um what the sigma what oh my God oh my God oh my God aland did you see that video I sent you no it’s on Instagram did you send it the other day I might have going to get into bed and I’m going to go run to the bathroom real quick I’m sorry I saw the ones you posted on your story yeah yeah I sent you one yesterday at 6:30 I didn’t see it oh you probably sent it to my dad account I sent it to an Alo yeah it’s your dead account I was like cuz you have like six different accounts [ __ ] I hate Instagram it always boots me out here I just sent you something thank you why did you just have this like on standby because it was on my front page welcome to my house my mom left out some smack somebody needs to go to sleep it’s 12:30 so why don’t we get nasty nasty NY [Music] yeah hush little baby don’t say a word Papa’s going to buy you a mocking bird if that mocking bird don’t sing Papa’s GNA buy you a diamond ring and if that diamond ring don’t shine Papa’s gonna go back to the mines try not to come mango andava and so many [ __ ] fruits fruit kind of fruity not gonna lie bit fruity okay um welcome to my house I told you he was the singer Castle my oh my God I’m moving the table whoa oh thanks Mom for the cake this is going to my girlfriend dad gave me some Stone hey well it’s all right because you got money all right you got like actually useful things in the beginning I got cookies I mean I think that the the stone is definitely more useful in the long run thanks Mom I’m using the cake as a gift cuz I think this is a like yeah this is a like for Sophia I mean who doesn’t like cake yeah well it’s a pink cake specifically oo what do what does proficiency do like mining proficiency and like forging proficiency does it just use less energy it uses less energy yeah okay trying to get oh yeah the Hops are ready today too and this coffee down here and it’s raining and it’s raining so I don’t got to water anything oh bad luck today too yeah unfortunately but I think I got the last qual like gold quality melon that I needed so I think we’re actually golden CU if I got the melon God holy [ __ ] even Ethan got scared what happened right I was I was 10 steps away from it oh my God can you get can you get struck by lightning in the game no Sophia why deess we dropping off all the fruit are we selling it we’re selling it why do you need something no I I I picked one by accident Oh no you’re fine I picked a a melon or where do I have to go for her next but now I’m level one for level one farming yay oh no we needed those Lui with a rain hat the traveling Merchant is in oh sick this is the next one I’ll take it oh Sophia’s at a grave in the rain it’s yours yeah this is the ghost of stardew future the ghost of stardew Yet to Come Oh no where did it go oh it’s got you have to come oh she’s crying kind of hot no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] where’s the melon I’m glad nobody ignor that okay never mind I found them we’re good the craziest part is I heard you say it too and I still didn’t acknowledge it oh hey a train is passing through stard if anybody happens to be up near the train station you should run for it I’m in the where’s the train station I’m in the middle of the city as far north as you can get oh that’s good that’s going to take a minute where is dude we don’t need stard Valley to get stoned it’s okay yeah all right I now go back to Sophia’s House to see the second half of that event huh Alo you you were moving when you ran by me oh I got corn seeds very cool I got corn seeds out of a mystery box there it is bundle complete am here waiting for the train oh it already passed if you didn’t get there quick enough nothing happen godamn damn it I just got three of the same mineral out of out of a set of geodes and they’re all and it’s the all right I’m giving I’m going back to give some an Abigail I’m Romancing Abigail I mean okay all right we got new Museum things cuz that’s what I was going to do but sure uh we now have the obsidian vase um AB SCS likes sweet peas um blueberry cobbler or blackberry cobbler rather but not actually blackberries amethysts um she really likes pumpkins so next season was was when I was going to like really go hardcore into uh Romancing her because we can grow pumpkins um I’m really doing nothing this kind like to busy oh God nothing let me find some jelly that I can where did the stone go what chest was that in I mean I’ve got some Stone in my I found it I must just missed the button uh you said we don’t need winter root for anything right no all right and I put my corn seeds in the chest cuz we yeah and we got obsidian vase from from the uh from counter okay damn Leah just hides in her house all day that’s lame as hell yeah well she is an artist what was I going to do oh yeah go get the second six six heart event you just got jump scared by a math test that you thought was next week that feel like spice berries who the hell is kobus uh don’t worry about it CR is my balls we we need more um we need more uh uh Whatchamacallit artifacts for you to be able to meet him your grade is awful anyway and you don’t give a [ __ ] about math is it artifacts or uh total things donated total things donated it’s 60 yeah we just hit 40 oh Sophia’s crying over here playing Guilty Gear strive when the gear is guilty makes me wonder where Lumina is is me when the gear is guilty when I’m striving for that Guilty Gear all right cool I had to I had to quickly read the summary of this event so I know how when they aren’t throwing random letters and formulas I um hey we have just about enough to uh fix the bus uh we need that money for cranberry first remember we got to get through the whole winter Without Really crops at all and we also have to buy chickens and stuff and we also have to build the the barn so that we can get cows I mean if you guys want to run for the bus we can I mean I could probably pay off most of that I’m having a very somber moment with Sophia un cuz she her parent if you if you actually like look into her house her parents room is like packed up yeah I think her family’s dead but she likes anime and has pink hair I was the person who like spoiled the curve um and people didn’t like me in calculus damn so oh she started taking meds oh she’s on anti depressive she just like me go build a couple cegs is the red mushroom in expansion no item no it is poisonous do I need for tappers search for everyone hates the red mushrooms well yeah they’re poisonous time to watch pink princess Crusade with Sophia BL Leah there Sophia’s backstory is very sad there’s once a session where everyone was asking itical on tax fraud and that stuff and it was so funny I watch anime with Sophia thank you tax fraud is the funniest crime in Wing’s opinion it’s the most normal crime there is the most Blue Collar so we’re going to have to tell Lee when he comes back that I need him to leave the trees on the farm alone he can he can cut down the trees elsewhere but I need some trees on the farm so that I can tap them for syrups and like important stuff scissor [Laughter] scissor I don’t even think there are any trees left on some scissors here is a tree I guess I didn’t do anything productive today I I know I watched anime today I talked to my GF who isn’t my GF and watched anime with her I got stuff done wish I had an anime GF I made tappers for the trees nothing to you my God you know how little I did today I still I have full energy still me too I’ve done literally nothing I have full energy but I’ve got stuff done all right I’m in the mines to plug that in Ethan have you been to the mines yet like through the mine cart like yeah okay I collected my stuff what the heck type of oh Dr how do I get a better sword I was this obsidian Edge until later on there aren’t you’re kind of like got the best sword for right now all right I just got cryst that one okay I got Pine and need o how do we do mushrooms you eat them no how do we do the mushroom cave we don’t have the mushroom cave we have the fruit cave oh sounds like fun where was The Traveling Merchant at oh I forgot to go talk to her I was supposed to do that I got I I I got busy trying to put up tappers on the trees ha John Taffer from Bar Rescue I need an oak tree and Le cut them all down that’s tough wait oh no God damn it nothing down a tree down he sees an unchopped tree did I see the new lethal update no I haven’t even looked at lethal in a long time what is it Le lethal company oh wait y’all play lethal company yeah I we haven’t played it in a while but there we go God bombs make the mines so much easier I bet they do cherry how does that van work I heard my friend talking about it but I know nothing about it huh they added a van to lethal company and I have no idea how that works is it an automatic transfer back to your um to your ship or do you have to like load it in drive it back put it all on the ship I got scared by by Mr Mind man Marlin you drive it all that makes sense how does that control like a bus probably hey it’s midnight yeah I know trees I’m in bed oh look fancy you [Laughter] thank you Alejandro I’m waiting did I just put an omni away I said I was planting trees I actually got stuff done today I also went to the mines and got a lot of [ __ ] I’m planting trees to tap later on i’ tap that tree God picture of an iPad you want go EV if you want to go back to the mines tomorrow we can do that yeah I’ll go with you yes I can make a scarecrow yay level nine farming oh my God we get so seed makers and aridium sprinklers I’ll be right back all look at all that [Music] money if anybody hasn’t fully upgraded their backpack yet go buy your backpack upgrade okie dokie I’m going to do it I’m going do it I’m GNA do it I’m gonna do it do it do it I’m gonna grab a cheese real quick do it put your ass do it you can do it you know I’m can I say that having this mini fridge in my studio has made it so that I’m actually making sure that I actually eat during the day aren’t mini fridges just [ __ ] awesome um because cuz I would like sit not even that far from my kitchen in my fridge and I would just like not eat I wouldn’t do I wouldn’t I would rather starve because I I’m just like six steps away from my fridge I am just a scoot of the chair away it’s literally I can sit at my desk and stream and like move my foot over and like open the door with my foot and like look and see if there’s something I want like I just looked right next to me I just looked and I saw the baby Bell cheeses and I was like I need a cheese that sounds like heaven Baby Bell cheese that and some Sunny D oh my God I have I have hands sun babyell in my fridge too bunny baby Sunny Sunny With a Chance Bells me went to go pee I went to pee and now I’m making a mix drink I just spilt my monsters everywhere and by like my the monsters I mean the whole cans oh no they just buil out of the cardboard box monster yeah my um my Sam my local Sam’s Club does fresh squeezed orange juice where they like put all these oranges in the machines I’m going to be so real I thought you were about to say they do fresh squeezed monster yeah straight from the tree straight from the monster’s [Laughter] teeth same brain cell everybody same brain cell yipp yippe I’m truly become an Autism cre you really have um that’s the that’s the soda that I have in my fridge I have cream soda and I have cherry Pepsi Evan you’re autism’s strongest Soldier yeah and it’s all undiagnosed which makes it even better it’s perfect batteries all right maybe we should stay home today that sounds great no batteries what does that mean is that just like is that bad luck what is what does that mean you just don’t mean it’s it’s a bad luck day you don’t want to go crack GE but what’s the difference between that and like a red di no the geod do not matter um the so the the red one the red means that it’s a bad luck day and the this is neutral maybe you should stay home is actually neutral oh that’s a weird text for neutral hey where can I find ho uh in the box next to the um oh next the these things over here sick all right I need one yeah the the brown boxes or the brown box that’s by itself yo Pia you want to come out here oh it’s not open right now maybe I should just immediately like open up my day with the mine and just do cuz I have access to Sophia’s room so I can just go wherever the [ __ ] she is and just talk to her at the end of the day uh yeah but you can’t enter her house if it’s locked for the end of the night still oh oh yeah and it locks at you kind of want to you kind of want to go like first thing and let yourself into her room as she’s getting there yeah backpack back I just it’s just annoying sitting there waiting for 20 30 minutes I am going to go get the barn today woo Barn that goes through winter right like that still produces all winter yes yes so that’s why that’s Again part of the reason why I want to get those started and taken care of open up oh [ __ ] well that wasn’t what I wanted to do but it’ll do well what happened I accidentally uh pickaxed a hop oh that’s not good image of hop with a pickaxe through his head thank God somebody did it as metx says hop has a punchable face correct I want to pull out rayaz and hyperbeam I want to abuse hot okay physically flying backpack emotionally but not sexually okay ancient drum new artifact is if you have three rows of items that’s as high as a get including my active inventory yes so it’s one two three yeah and if you hit tab it’s switches which inventory is your active inventory which line ooh I didn’t know did you not know that no I don’t need any I I carry two tools on me at all times and that’s it I got two tools oh my God I one my my scythe and my fishing rod at all times I just have my pickaxe and my sword I would like you guys um I would like you guys to at least like check out what I’m about to do my jellies can can guys can can you see what I’m about to do on my stream can you guys like take a look real quick yeah what’s up yep so here I am the bus stop and I’m going to put these batteries in a box um I need you each to come down this way I’m currently at the mine so it be there in like 10 seconds well when when you go when you’re able to it’s not I’m like right here this EV stream and I need that’s right you can watch I’m watching her why you use thumbil put one of the batteries in here hold is it just these the first satell lights I’m gonna put the B oh here I have a battery here coming in thank you and it’s it’s there’s a box on the wall hold on I’m coming I’m coming I’m I’m here I’m here I’m here bring a Rainbow Shell to the train platform leave it in the Box this this just is a quest line that gives some fun stuff do we have like so if you’re the only one that does it what happens I mean you guys would each be able to get their rewards separately at another time by doing it yourself this is the first time YouTube’s given me a notification for being a mod in your chat it says don’t forget you’re a standard mod for this channel to help the Creator build a positive Safe Community you can delete inappropriate messages put a participant in time out hide someone Channel manage I think you should delete everyone yeah including yourself yeah hey Ethan you’re getting banned all right cool Alo I just tried to hand you the battery pack and you walked away epic hold on I’m back he you have is your backpack full no it says you can’t handle my request right now go Al is your inventory I was going to say Al’s inventory full yeah my chat’s saying they don’t want to be than snapped when did it start doing those messages so that’s just it’s a fetch Quest key line uh uh thing that eventually gets us some nice stuff um so you know we we we’ll get there we’ll get we’ll get it done it’s not an immediate need there’s no snap Emoji so that’s what I have right now is there really no snap emoji yeah I so put the okay oh hey guys for those of you who are participating in the Emoji contest which there haven’t been as many signups as I kind of like hoped for um I can’t draw I’m sorry it doesn’t matter how shitty your drawing is okay what matters makes it better it makes it better number oh hey [ __ ] Evelyn I didn’t see you there hello Evelyn hi Evelyn from Stella blade um anywh who what I was saying is what matters to me is that you guys um that it’s all my my friends that made mine just going to be an a image of Evan infinite [Laughter] dream generated because that’ be really funny what about Neco what what what about Neco um so what I was saying is um I would like for um everybody to be prepared to have be voting uh during Friday’s stream um because if all goes well and YouTube approves me which I am still waiting on I’m hoping to launch memberships this Saturday while you’re waiting though yeah while you’re waiting go go uh become a member on Ethan’s channel do you launch memberships today join me become a member join me link and I will make your face the greatest in corai I got M oh [ __ ] I was supposed to go up God damn it I forgot what I was doing today cuz I got distracted by the battery pack yes we need the Moss make sure the Moss goes in the Box please I am a landscaper I’m cutting the grass behind Community Center Stone this girl the jump rope BL congrats on getting to 500 thanks Keaton Fox thank you it’s not too late uh the rule is no retracting messages if a mod deletes your message um that just means you posted cringe that means you posted cringe but it also means that I can see what got posted um and that’s that’s the real difference so like if you had something that you wanted to you could always ask a mod to delete it for you yeah a [ __ ] I got here too late all right I guess we’re getting our thing tomorrow hi Penny uh oh my game froze okay uh oh you probably tried to go change scenes while I was in the middle of changing scene no I was just running through the town square who are you oh hi Clint have we set up the mine cart to Clint’s shop yet yeah it’s all my CS are done at once okay what’s the difference between a literalist and a kleptomaniac a l literally a kleptomaniac takes things literally thank you space g thank you space ghost really appreciate that we appreciate you space ghost I love you have my store do children I think you have my children in Minecraft you got to go soon okay Cherry got to go explain to your other parents why you failed that math test I like math cuz you’re stigma I can’t believe you made me say that M what the alpha what the beta what the gamma what the Delta Rune what the Theta what the o with the can I get a can I get a H you got your one out of me that’s all I’m doing do it you’re such a party pooper pulls a shotgun at you you’re the sigma Ohio Gat rizzler from ooo oo ooo delete that message delete that [Laughter] message Leila hi I was just saying hia hi I was just saying that I’m getting everybody to be prepared for um judging the emotes for the contest probably Friday if you still want to submit one after the contest is over that’s great finding Dandy you just won’t get a prize or being running for a prize um well since you’ve asked um a first prize is a $15 game from Steam and second is a $10 game from Steam and third is a $5 game from Steam if I win it I’m gonna buy a a porn game um you don’t know how have you looked at’s Library you looked at my library like come on man no it goes on it goes on neco’s credit card statement okay shows up it actually shows up a steam store or like Ste power or some [ __ ] like that but I don’t even have mine hidden like you could go see what my library looks like and it’s pretty to do anyway like what’s my bank gonna do make me embarrassed my God o begins gooning in front of them I don’t care I’ll play the game in front of them too exactly um you g to buy orc massage Cherry you haven’t even submitted one wait a minute what kind of games do I own uh I mean I may or may not own some things like human farm and uh oh yeah don’t hit me with a slingshot no ow ow no got you did not you missed no no [ __ ] no no stop hitting yourself stop missing I’m hitting you perfectly on my SC you’re not hitting me at all on mine bro’s got the bad ping in stardo bro cannot play stard can ooh it’s uh 12 I should probably home yeah hold on hold on no no no no I’m making you wet H you H I come back here I’ll I’ll do to you down I’m gonna chop down your crops with a sword get wet uh what’s my favorite anime of 2024 um here oh oh Evan come back yes don’t make me chop don’t make me do it I’m going to make the whole I’m going to make the whole party W don’t make me do it I will I will I will left click with your sword go ahead do it right ahead do it do it Alo it’s 120 by the way I’m here we’re all here Al get wet Al Al’s wet yay I’m wet Neco made me wet yay fish I just dropped I I I watered everybody is what happened guys like come on for those of you you literally saw it Happ for those of you who are lurking and listening and have a dirty mind I used my watering can on everybody no that’s made me 2024 moist even no oh my God that’s not what happened she’s dripping oh hey uh don’t forget to watch queen of sauce yeah sauce bread make bread now whole lot of bread yes yes the the jellies the jellies I love the jell jellyfish the jellyfish the jellyfish the jellyfish oh hey that means all of the crop are going to go tomorrow oh crap I get a lot of work ahead of me [Music] tomorrow it’s if you guys love corn you should check out Ethan’s latest video so true there was corn there was a lot of corn I’m going to water the corn but I’m not going to bother watering the blueberries cuz we’re not going to get another day out of them what should I uh sell it selling it yep do we need it for anything nope Rosie what show did you get into yay not a big fan of corn unless it’s popcorn um at this point the corn is a bit except for when it’s not but it ex it’s totally not it’s never been a bit I know it it was a joke it was a bit Ian corn being a bit was a bit of a joke but hello Sophia I have a pink cake VI that’s totally not regifted and several days old today’s Festival is being set up but I got a fish oh is there a festival today jellyish the jellyfish the jellyfish the jelly do I need anything do I need to bring anything to this where is it it’s just pretty bring a camera the you started bringing dead and what huh dead end dead end paranormal Park it’s a show apparently I got a mystery [Music] box I bet homie is not even here to open it oh please tell me yes I got an artifact fantastic fan Fantastic somebody’s binging a Netflix series is that Rosie Ivy somebody I can’t I’m blind guys I need new glasses Rosie the idiot not Ivy the idiot so I like to think that Ivy evolves into Rosie oh what I was I did not know that wow I guess Ivy does evolve into Rosie yeah Rosie the river I don’t know why that’s the first thing I went to well it’s it’s a pretty good name yeah you how do you verify in Discord oh um that I I’ve actually been checking everybody’s IDs oh so ouch leou go away um yeah so if you could just send me a DM me you got a picture of you don’t have to show me your face you don’t have to show me your name you don’t have to do any of that just show me your birthday on your ID valid ID I will be scanning it uh social security number no no no no no I don’t need all of that I just act three of your parents we’re posting some we’ we’ve po spicy stuff in that in that area and uh nobody you know who donated to the museum oh you did I did I told you I got a thing oh yeah you did say that your mom’s phone number yeah yeah that that’s that very much that’s like the most important one yes please that one specifically I need your mom’s phone number the person currently listening to me speak I need your mom’s phone number I got Al’s mom’s phone number when I visited Al don’t have’s mom’s phone number weird that she walked up to you and gave it to you yeah on a little Sicky note you know why with a little winky face she expects you to oh my God not the winky face I was going to say that she she just expects you to bring aloe to come visit me at some point what that’s why you got the phone number yeah she understood The Vibes of what was really I don’t even have Mom’s phone number Mar my dad walked up to you and when you lay a finger to my daughter I’m mining level eight it’s your head it’s true I can’t remember what your dad sounds like so that’s just what that’s just Canon sounds like sounds like that exactly actually yeah you know the Mario voice I do is that your dad is Mario actually yeah oh thank you for the pl gu why you sound so disappointed I’m not so real thank you Ethan I’m just sticking up for our friend iy yeah I I’ve used the plug so do I have anything I can H up the plug BL ah these aren’t going to crap I thought the star fruit was going to grow it’s not until tomorrow we’re we’re going to lose the star fruit oh well no not the star fruit it’s okay I can make seeds for next summer star fruits were meant to fly thank you oh [ __ ] thank you for reminding me that I had errands to run today hey you have Aon St today yeah hopefully I don’t need anything more than [Music] this in W Philadelphia born and raised on the playround no we just want to hit on your mom that’s that’s the real reason huh for the mom’s phone number we just want to hit on your mom yeah yeah my mother is in a beautiful marriage I’m I’m I’m with Mario with me that’s the new Canon New Canon I am it’s in the ID Wiki The Reason Al and I get along so well is cuz I’m actually Al’s dad not even stepdad just Dad this actually canonical father it’s crazy how you we have a barn being built buy a couple chickens you’re a mess up that marriage Leila Le really is you luring still get your girlfriend she’s wild come get your girl she’s wilda which way though how are you messing it up I’m I’m upset cuz I’m not the one getting the action yeah it’s your mom I got to just sit in my room you probably hear it too yeah like how do you think I feel oh damn it Marney just go to the basement just Ser like what’s going on it’s midstream you just you just hear Ethan Al’s mic oh that makes sense oh my God so right Al’s mother is a very nice lady yes we’re wa this is all for the purpose of humor this is all in Minecraft uh maybe I just start tearing this down so that I can have it ready tomorrow my this I know that man you really are Denny sexbang I don’t think Lee’s getting on tonight guys yeah I don’t think so either something something tells me that he’s EP he literally dm’d me saying he’s going to bed oh oh right yeah I don’t think he’s getting on either some I just got a gut feeling is this going to affect fishing tomorrow fishing fishing huh yeah fishing’s going to change tomorrow because it’ll be fall oh my God I blew myself up I blew myself I blew myself I blew myself and I got to a butt ton of cranberry we got to get some more fortnite jams going dude yeah you know I don’t know why but the song that’s in my head right now M I’ve just got little nzx running through my head at all at all times so he lives perpetually in your mind no no the one that the one that’s going through my head right now is uh starship were yeah because weren’t we just singing that like a minute or two ago were you did is that work yes cuz someone said star fruits and I went star oh that’s why it’s in my head I didn’t even register that you guys Sayang that okay it’s not right meant to fly guys remember that we’ve got the festival tonight so oh oh right sure where did I get a coffee bean why do I have a coffee bean on me probably because I Coffee Bean furry gave it to did coffee beans today oh maybe real possibility under your till 10 I’m not even like it’s not till 10 we can fish while we wait but I don’t have my fishing rod you can you can borrow mine you can’t hand it to me you can use my it’s okay oh my God thank you I don’t need it um you want to use my rod all right h on my God looks like mine’s longer ne’s not allowed to call this an uh lower than 18 plus stream when we’re around oh my God I I really shouldn’t okay waiting for you guys all right I’m putting stuff into chest hook I’ve got to push on the hook push on the hook F the hook I just I just loaded stuff into the chests forting we’re just waiting for for you Kevin I’m on my way down we’re late Alo you’re not even you’re not even waiting oh I have to there we go I thought we were just standing at the edge we’re we’re all waiting I’m running as fast as I can we all waiting and you’re doing nothing uh oh we’ve got we’ve got a poem from ER Fair Pam thy Beauty doth the Stars surpass thy Grace and charm doth make the heavens blush in thee all virtues and Perfections blend a noble Soul whom none can comprehend God damn that’s kind of deep that’s kind of deep right hard as [ __ ] all right I’m about to oh wait th eyes like pools where Secrets softly lie reflect kindness from on high they voice a Melody that so the heart doth Pierce through the darkness like a gentle Dart oh dearest Pam that laughter doth ignite a fire within a warmth that feels so right thy presence like the Suns Embrace so dear doth banish every doubt and every fear when did this piece of wood get done the little Lake bridge it’s not it’s it’s just for just for today um it’s just for the thing and it’s an expanded thing if you hadn’t if you don’t have it finished then you don’t have it finished in vanilla so do all these all these people that are across the the way just you can’t get to them yeah no they in vanilla they just don’t spawn across the way they spawn in this area okay you that was beautiful by the way I think I got you clip it for yourself hello old I hate that you made me read that got secondhand Riz hearing that hello Sophia are we supposed to talk to everybody or how do we start talk to everybody already taken care of when you’re done talking to everybody I will start the event all right hi Mark me Shane Jaz uh you mean I won’t make it a you can clip it you must clip it you must clip it sorry C it real good real [Music] good there we go guys do not look up Jack Black’s cover of that after all wait what you don’t know about that no okay good don’t look it up I’m going to look it up I’m going to look it up on Neco stream specifically I’m going to force her to open it oh wait no I didn’t hey Pam how you doing you is high can I not talk to Pier I won’t make it into if that’s what you were asking lus come join everybody there’s nothing really good to buy from Pierre’s store except for decorations which we can buy in future years has everybody talk to everybody I’m good yeah we ready to go okay mhm here we go event and then everybody explodes hooray my screen is too big there’s a big black bar on the bottom in the left side what is it you see the jellyfish it’s a jellyfish the jellyfish the jellyfish the jellyish the jellyish I’m not here check that [Music] why can you sing um so this this is impressive number one aloe very impressive thank you I can keep going you know how everyone got like at least one Japanese song that they like actually know all the words to I do not really [Music] correct oh my God a shiny jellyfish shiny jellyish that hey yo shiny jellyfish in front of Neco shiny jellyfish shows up every year it’s cuz you’re wearing green so so the jelly fish is green you told me it’s like the Red Gyarados of jellyfish yes it don’t CL that don’t CL that c don’t CL that now I’m gonna make a short out of you guys [ __ ] man oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] this shit’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] up man that’s [ __ ] man go sleep with Ethan oh my it was I’m going to suck off Ethan just to make me feel better what I’m so mad I’m going to have sex with Ethan so I won I’m so mad God cat is in my bed in each other’s bed nobody came to visit me I’m taking a nap you’re married okay you’re married he doesn’t play stardo he lets me be L changed it he refuses to play stard shut up and play tell him you’ll give him shrimp with head the [ __ ] oh man no shrimp can we get fairy flowers fairy seeds I’ll work on them yes we get some fairy seeds game crashed well got D so good his game crashed we got some work to do today guys got that meic aloe that Mesozoic [ __ ] man calling it Mesozoic aloe head is [ __ ] crazy Cranium bro I think we’re all getting a little eepy no little not even close little silly little goofy where the [ __ ] do these rocks come from man that’s a good question at the season change it just happens yeah where can um I get a never mind I got this i got this I want to build a little spot in the corner for my fairies ala wants you to know they only like the [ __ ] that you say they don’t think the rest of us are funny Lea doesn’t think the rest of us are funny well Lea let me personally say that you are correct what what personally say I’m let me first you’ve done it you’ve got the you’ve achieved the secret ending I’m it’s okay it’s okay come here I know nobody nobody likes me for real it’s okay no no I’ve I’ve carved out my little plot I’ll just manually water it hold no I’ve got listen you’re going to have a little bit less of that plot than you want to have in that direction I I could just manually water it too that’s fine no no I I made extras for a reason carve around this one and then I don’t even know if he sells fairy seeds your one I can’t remember I think so I think he does where did I get a wood Club from the club store can somebody water um I’ll I’ll here yeah I need water water I have a little bit of extra corn stuff hold on and around the uh sprinklers at the top too I also need water okay what seeds do we need cuz I’m at Pi cranberry and um how many fairy seeds uh 8 by 80 hey I took the blue so let’s see 27 – 3 is 24 that’s how many seeds I need you said 80 80 cranberries I’m sorry I’m sorry uh 8 time 10 and then 8 and 8 is 16 so 96 actually oh I I did want that I’m sorry I hit no I wasn’t expecting it so hey we’re friends now y all right 96 cranberry seeds yes I might expand that later on in the year but I kind of doubt it yeah I am going to be like expanding a little bit with some other stuff but that’s what I really need first is the Cranberries to be done yeah this will occupy my mornings while I wait to talk to my love I’m just going to drop these here while I work on mine down here BBL Drizzy BBL Drizzy I got one extra fairy seed oh no I just missed one all right cool I did the math right do you do you have to water the first it’s weird that like when you place a sprinkler down you have to water the first day well that’s because of the um walleye walleye it the sprinklers off at 6: a.m. every day that’s who can water the most me you have hey it’s going to rain tomorrow very cool I’m the mystery box gonna go get animals but warney I don’t think warney is at her store today no that’s not it where is he in all seriousness Neko is cool would want to be her friend cool oh n’s the coolest n’s kind of cool kind of based kind of real wait really yeah where is Clint dead in a river I killed them most of them anyway what you ever heard of a nugget you that’s Clint right now in the river oh what is that I don’t I had a nickel for every time nuggets were mentioned in the stardo streams I’d have too [ __ ] many I’m sorry guys I um sometimes it gets to me and I try not to let it but I um part of my autism is I have a rejection sensitivity dysphoria so occasionally I just get like really upset like that everybody hates me nobody hates you I know but like like I understand that like I understand that but it’s the dulu it’s the tism it’s the you know the tism dulu You Got The Touch listen I hate Haley more than I hate cam what do I do with the fish do eat it hello seagull autism gang let’s go right am I right I think a good portion of our um of our community is autistic a good portion of the United States military is autistic what a good portion of the United States military is probably autistic yeah how do you think they got there exactly is somebody buying stuff I’m doing geod oh hold can you hold off for like a couple of minutes well I just I just I just finished I need oh okay I need to make sure that I’ve got the other couple of fall crops to plant it happens so yeah no and it’s it’s like I’ve gotten a lot better about it in fact I’m going to be honest with you guys streaming and being here with all of you has made it so much better um but every now and again fall for where is my fall crops what is the point look at it not also do you want the second rare Crow I imagine you do yeah just put it someplace on the farm I’ll put it next to my stuff it really just doesn’t matter where you put it also drum block hey we need that a we can finish that bundle I need an eggplant and [Music] a walleye I even know what she asked me walleye walleye walleye real Walley see real Walley shout out to walleye warehouse It’s a yam the Splatoon map shout out to Wario the Splatoon good looking man oh no Pierre you’re an [ __ ] me when I talk to Pierre’s [ __ ] Pier parentheses the [ __ ] oh I forgot I can make Mega bombs now it’s just a lot of resour Splatoon I don’t like Splatoon Splatoon H did yeah in reference to walleye Walley Warehouse is that a a two map I think it’s in one it was my favorite no no games do we need salmon for anything probably for a bundle in fact let me look doesn’t it tell you we need a tiger cow Seasons Chang we need a walleye we need some stuff from The Crab Pot but that’ll my favorite tuna red snapper puffer fish sandfish wood skin I could probably grab the wood skit you know what me I hope they bring to three well I Warehouse [ __ ] yeah it would be nice actually we should we should play spatoon again I’d be down I’d stream it yeah what are we talking about Splatoon Splatoon again Lea can join I’m sorry I’m not interested in I just like competitive Shooters yeah Evan’s like really [ __ ] good at it too the problem is I just never played enough I don’t think any of us do yeah I’m not a huge fan of it that’s a bream it’s just the weakest one of the three I’ve I’ve tried I tried playing I was supposed to do with a a collab with a platoon oh yeah I just I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy the game for longer than a few minutes valid again it’s it I don’t know why it just doesn’t hit like the last one did I think it’s because of the map design yeah it’s kind of bad I am going to have there’s no W Warehouse yeah exactly I’m going to have to do like a bunch of um pumpkins though later in the season we will need a lot of pumpkins cuz they make for the best mining soup and when we get to a certain area I would to have them no not the next mod it’s vanilla actually no the next mine the next mine yes I would like to be able to um yeah what makes what what makes a good mining soup is Just Energy um it it’s it’s the pumpkin soup so it’s got luck and it’s got Mining and it like plus to mining um oh hey we have a bunch of pumpkin seeds never mind I’m just going to plant these yeah because I got some from like a mystery box or some [ __ ] actually no we got him from um the museum I’m going to make some extra Stu actually Ethan can probably go pick up some more cuz I think we got that when he wasn’t oh yeah but you can just have them offset by a day that’ll drive me up a wall I know that’s why I suggested it prair King my love my beloved my beloved King uh have I played Fall Guys it drives me up that also drives me when the guy falls and I laugh I laugh at this sorry guys I’m I’m not like act i i there’s a lot of things that I I if I don’t like it I’m not going to play it Leila s run goes so hard I love Salmon Run yes that’s the best part of Splatoon three yeah Lea Leela said she’d be down of to place hell yeah maybe soon then I want to play Tekken on the channel then play it yeah I plan to do it forhead I plan to show me how you can destroy men I can rolling death cradle any man on this face of the Earth only on this face of the Earth what about the other face I don’t know I haven’t tried yet well Earth is a sphere which means that it actually has infinite faces exactly yeah so I need two more the cat is sleeping in a building again the cat is in the Cradle yes didn’t you okay that’s more stuff I thought you that’s [ __ ] we already had yeah know I’m I’m I’m still planting over here I’m just making sure that we’ve got a really nice um we have so many bombs why why have I not been using these I don’t know I didn’t even notice them that’s probably why all my bombs keep disappearing cuz I just keep putting them in a chest cuz you keep putting them in the chest yeah 1:00 a.m. no I got to go oh I I thought you were in bed already nope it was gaming and I’m over here just like dah finish watering the plants yeah it’s cuz you don’t have to run across town yeah well I I think that we’ve got a very nice um amount of crop for next yeah I planted a good amount and they’re all sprinkler so we don’t have to water them every day oh yeah they’re sprinkler and it’s raining tomorrow um am I going to be streaming for a bit longer yeah we’ll probably be going for a while yet I mean oh it’s midnight I don’t know how everybody else is going to be I’m chilling going to bed after today like after the next day or after the day we just had after day two of fall fall I’m going to bed okay fall second unless my computer just crashed The Fall Guys One well in all honesty you know I’ve been I even if we did like not get a recipe there’s now a book that gives you the recipes oh well so um thank you that was a sneeze obviously are we posi yes oh my God I can go UPG like my my water oh yeah I forgot about that almost huh the the weekly Message Board the one that gives us um oh is that what this cut scene is oh I was all I just got in that cut scene as I said that oh which one’s the cinder Forest Pond um that’s south of our um okay the the guys the chest that’s next to The Preserve bin please do not touch it is that just your an automate it’s going to it’s an automate chest yeah just going to make like a bunch of grape jelly out of it very cool so throw grapes in there uh no I mean I’m I’m going to I I I’ll figure it out it’s right now it’s for grapes I’m going to probably do some cranberry in there later it’s just a way for us to keep some income going during the winter months yeah oh okay um so right now since it’s raining if if one of you goes down to the pond next to Leah’s house um I mean I I’m on my way there right now we have a 32% chance to pull up a walleye with a fishing rod well I’m going to the got like fishing level negative one so to the mines I’ll do it then it’s okay you are the fisherman on the farm sorry I’m the fisherman I’ll take care of it I’ve been making sure that our farm is prosperous and that it gives us a lot of money the B bful Harvest I’m making sure we have plenty of iron currently must have a lot of iron in your diet yeah for the beacon beacon of Nick mushroom um mushroom mushroom a beder bed there goisis I was waiting for the Neco trigger to Start mushroom mushroom mushroom penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penisn oh my God it’s snake snake and a penis penis God thanks thanks thanks guys penis yall knew got to say you’re totally a Fisher in stardew yeah I’m skipping this cut scene I don’t fishing kind of rocks once you get the hang of it listen I don’t mind the fishing I just there’s so many other things that I would rather take care of yeah you know what I mean children and since this is a multiplayer save that’s the whole point part of the reason why like throwing somebody to be the the person who’s got the the farming level up really high is because you have a higher chance of pulling uh gold crops and you make more money okay guys we have two quests that we can choose for the next six days it can be ocean fish or 80 pieces of hardwood um do we want to go ocean fishing or do we want to how much hardwood do we have we have to we would have to gather new hardwood okay in six days which I could do that’s a lot of hardwood that is a lot of hardwood let’s do the ocean fish you guys can uh okay everybody else seems to like fishing [Music] so ocean fish we need to it’s and it is 20 ocean fish we need to catch that’s a lot of fish that’s not bad is it 20 between oh okay it’s a group Quest yes it’s 20 between the whole group that’s not that bad 20 fish from the ocean that’s it yeah 20 fish from the ocean doesn’t matter what kind they [Music] are o I got another magnet ring oh this is a full siiz magnet ring very cool who wants my small magn can I have your old one yeah do you not have a small magn maybe I do oh I do I was say I gave youbody else can have it yeah Ethan is like the only other person that like goes into the mines and needs a ring no offense to Al huh yeah yeah exactly hardwood is easier I mean not when you have a bunch of people to be able to work on it together oh bit some enemies drop Dro coffee beans that’s where I got my Coffee Bean from oh that could be it too yeah well I just saw one drop a coffee bean so free cast in the pond during a raining fall day has a 32% chance of hooking a walleye that’s like a one one in three chance are you in this are you at the cat Forest Pond though y am I got one you got a wall yep okay cool I need that okay you catch another one I have a quest right now to give someone a walleye okay this is the last day for it if you get another one I’d greatly appreciate it if you okay I don’t know why I’m having such horrible luck right now oh I didn’t even realize gu you just got another walleye well can you try and fish up a third one okay just Just Fish all of them depopulate the pond fish them out of existence yeah yeah it is Caroline indeed hey look a third one Oh my Jesus Christ here you have one to Ethan and two to me Ethan your fishing license is being revoked apparently where even is oh and oh don’t drop don’t drop it near the water if you’re going to Drop It come over here or click on us to hand it to us I just it into the ocean I just imagine Latina Co Kobe just tossing this fish back into the water okay can I have another wall pleas Dino another one yes I need one for the community center and one for my quest okay thank you also that Rainbow Shell you have can be can be taken to the train station so you can go onto the next level of keys quest which where is Caroline if you have more than one of them she that’s the green hair lady if you have more than one Rainbow Shell uh-huh then you could hand those out too if you’d like but if you only have the one go ahead and take it up to the train station for yourself a Blackberry that goes in a quest right yeah I’ll take that I’m already heading to the community center thanks Caroline should be this way by the way yeah I just realized I went reaching out [Music] touching care [Music] seem so good so good so so the quest oh did you just do the quest yeah can’t deny what does a prize ticket do it’s a ticket for priz so you could take the ticket to uh uh ls’s house and there’s a prize machine in there and you can get some pretty cool stuff which one’s Lou’s house the one with the truck outside of it like here in the main area yeah oh okay I see him that gave me a glow ring who doesn’t have a glow ring yet I don’t yeah 10 broccoli seeds or 12 brocc uh please take please take those back to the uh I’ll put in the Box yeah I’ll plant those you were off by one oh no I work at 10 tomorrow but I but I have to let my neighbor’s dog out that’s a 15 minute task tomorrow is the first day of my kid going to school at 11: instead of 10: let’s go um but as of right now his Tech called out for tomorrow so that’s not good well I mean it’s it’s also supposed to be he’s switching over to a new Tech tomorrow so it’s going to be a rough day for him regardless of whether it happens today or whether it happens tomorrow kind of thing but I don’t know if he’ll have a substitute or not so wait is that just connected to is this Redstone yes so are these any machines that touch each other or connected including have the broccoli where’s that broccoli you had uh the broccoli seeds were in the green chest in the No No the ones that that Ethan had just drop them okay or else you’re going to have to hand them to me one at a time oh how do you drag yeah just uh go into your menu and then drag it off the side not into the trash can just off the side I did I don’t have them anymore oh yep I got him you’re good thank you thank you thanks um okay oh jeans and crackers okay how many more uh I’m about to take up a bunch of medals and stuff so uh sorry guys what are we building next more sprinklers because I just realized that I have a bunch of like wild wild seeds that I can plant and since it’s raining today I’d like to get it done today you know M I’m probably going to move the pathing a little bit as well but that’s a whole other story fact all right what this is fine I’m going to head off too bed I’m done okay have a good night if you have a good day at work tomorrow things it’s going to be all in the office doing who knows what m crying no more children no more children until Thursday well that’s good in its own way right yep it is there’s 100 iron in the chest yeah the problem is we need quartz not I also have a a I have two quartz not I was going to say a bunch incorrect yeah can you make sure that those go in we need the refined quartz oh there’s a bunch of quartz in this chest I’ll move it over okay once it rolls over into the next day I dropped a bunch of stuff off so I’ll get my upgrades and I’m going to close the game yeah sorry I’m already like stressing that I’m not going to be able to finish doing what I’m trying to do today I have two bone swords for whoever wants bone swords I might pass out I’m going to let you know that right now all right uhoh I’m just trying to get all these planted and um unfortunately that might mean that I’m not going to make it to bed cuz the sooner they’re planted the better you know for our economy oh no I’ll make it we’re fine we’re fine and dandy if the cat gets out of my damn way okay somebody hasn’t gone to bed yet Chad a risk was taken Alo are you in the mine no must be hard being a parent but happy to hear I’m taking good care of my children well thanks the [ __ ] cat I that [ __ ] ass cat was in the way I told you the cat was in the doorway did you and then I forgot immediately the bed she’s in the bed he level five fishing fish are worth 25% more bro was in the doorway for me give it to me to sell uh I’m not making crab pots I want money when I get to the that point though I’m going to choose crab pots because they’re actually really nice okay you can be the Crab Pot person okay night good night friends good night byebye okay got to make sure we have some Amer what I said Amar the streamer no not the streamer the crop which is why I need that quartz so that I can make more wrinklers oh just follows me and whenever I take a take a moment to stop just does a circle whoa um my kids are definitely happy children God here take a bone sword sweetie all right yeah you already clipped the first part of the poem Oh my [Music] God Sophia wants to be a princess for her next cosplay yo very cute peach peach with pink hair Peach yeah it sounds like that when the corn is off centered by one so it messes up the whole rest of the farming setup that’s what you want right that’s like that that’s ideal I’m really like debating like getting rid of a couple of the pieces of corn to fix it and like planting more corn um it’s corn it is corn I need to oh no my shit’s sprinkled cool I I like I need to water my crops I haven’t done it in two days I’ve I that is exactly the reason why I insisted on putting sprinklers on your [ __ ] cuz I won’t remember yep you said you would and I was like let me sprinkler this anyway remember remember I kept a watering can in my hot bar but I haven’t used it for shame uh personally just make wine at some point yeah eventually we’ll get there we have I’ve just started tapping trees so so that we can start making wine but we’re not that far yet God damn the first floor I went to I found a diamond very cool diamond we have a bunch of diamonds now cuz I found like three yesterday um okay I’m actually going to be um I like that I I break these green crystals and then a frog will just run away he a cute little guy little man what the I’m back I just realized hi so you know how I was complaining about my assignment earlier yeah did you read it wrong again no no but I I read the due date incorrectly when’s it For Better or For Worse well for for better so I was up until now being like Oh yeah each module is a week because that would make sense uhoh nope I’m working a module ahead at the moment very cool got the week off because module 3 was the 3rd to the 16th and I’ve been stressing about module 4 for the last week very cool well that’s good it was due tonight it’s not due to the 30th look what you done well it’s good to emailing professors and [ __ ] but but then but then module 5 is only a week long and module six is only a week long and module seven is a week long and then module eight is another two weeks I I wish it was just consistent yeah that is weird that’s weird I’m like so over this all right well that’s a big stress off my back well that’s a big stressor off your back exactly yay y silly goofy silly goof silly have fun byee silly and Chile bye goodbye Ethan I’ll kiss you later you need some chicken wings chicken wings sounds really good I wasn’t kidding about my steam no I was not kidding about my Steam games yeah kind of there I don’t know why you guys would think that I’m kidding about the Steve like why why would she joke about that guys what are we naming the chickens um Bernard Fog Horn Leg Horn yeah fog horn do horn and Leg Horn perfect Dino nikus Circus sucus Gregory fog horn and I’ll get uh uh what are some other good a cow Utah raptor what are we going what are we going to name the cow we can name the cow Godzilla okay GOI for short GOI GOI name the second cow GOI GOI Goji is is Godzilla yeah well I mean goeta you got go they can just have you know go I’m buying us two oh we don’t have money for a second aleandra who’ win Gogeta or Gogeta Gogeta clears you never found someone with porn games so yeah respect it fabulous listen listen listen I’m not afraid to share what I you know to have out in the open what I play if you guys expected any differently from me then I don’t know ironically Godzilla is like multiversal levels of like strong based which one show that’s the one with uh King Caesar ah King Caesar I love you Caesar what a good song I’ll cover that when we get uh 600 Subs here here on your channel you mean on your channel on my channel yep I will personally walk up and sing the King Caesar song to summon him and then I will appear in yeah what I’m I’m going to Anime Boston as King Caesar that would go hard as F I now have a regular I now have a second regular magnet ring Neo if you’d like a regular magnet ring I would like the regular magnet ring yes please picture cuz King Caesar’s like just like a like a furry guy right like he’s just covered in hair he’s he’s a dog yeah he’s a food dog that be just going to anime boss it’s like a furry it’s pretty much a fuit yeah but you have to go as um you have to go as the princess yeah I got to be yeah that’s an easy ass cosplay yeah mine’s the difficult one where is he next [ __ ] level down when you guys come back and just are disoriented by why the chests are up a row it’s cuz I’m moving them all I won’t notice I probably won’t either but you know that you know the effect when like things in your house move oh yeah and then like you’re like why does everything why do I keep bumping into [ __ ] mhm I hope this is still open it’s it’s because I um been planting all day you’re destroying a poo poo Tetris Lobby good good it’s in shambles that that that’s that’s actually how we met Angel guys as uh yesterday um cry and I were playing po poo Tetris with uh fluffy mhm and all of a sudden this random person jumps into our lobby and I’m over here but mind you I’m over here bitching up a storm cuz Angel’s really good and I’m like kick this person they’re they’re cheating because they’re better than me they’re cheating hgs I can’t possibly play this that’s the only reason and cryo is like no no it’s good to have somebody that’s good and knows what they’re doing and I’m like yeah you’re right I’m here to ruin your flow are you yeah I can’t I can’t hand you this ring oh my God all right it’s going in this far chest I’m like almost out of energy the ring is in the black chest at the end in the black chest yeah cuz it wouldn’t let me hand it to you all righty large magnet chest go get good oh [ __ ] off o man listen I know I’m bad that’s the charm of being list remore true L remore you’re going to be honest you got your ass kicked by players who are better than you back in the day it’s how you got better why the cat all the way up here I don’t know can I even pet you or you stuck in the fence I’m sleeping because I’m out of energy not because I need to actually go to bed yet I pet the cat for today today there being a big chunk of ice in the middle of my orange juice is really throwing me still yeah like it when I tell you it was like a big big chunk big chunk us oh my God big chunk of Among Us okay refined quartz it’s midnight uhoh you got time just make make it make your way home all right okay those other spots are going to be amaran I think I’ve done good work today I’ve got a few more spots that I can put some stuff in later but you know for now I can block with the bone sword yeah you can block with any sword you can block with any sword really yeah yeah I’ve never used it like for its purpose but yeah the chat is pretty quiet chat tends to get quiet on sty days but that’s because our entire chat is in the voice call yeah that’s a joke that’s a joke um aloe I just looked over at my other like the screen that’s playing my Playstation right now and it’s just dve oh my God the corn man himself and I’m just like oh my [Laughter] God ah yes I was most of the M I was actually all of the money made today yeah you are I but look at all look out at the field and realize how much money I closed my eyes and walked to my girlfriend’s house look at the field and and just realize how much money we’re going to make from me I’m here to talk to my love and give her gifts you think I’ve done some work Alo oh yeah no and I don’t have to water any of it that’s the best part I’m about to hit level eight freaking epic we’re starting to get into like the levels of crops that I have in my other um fantastic in in like my just earlier yeah well that’s kind of the goal is like I want us to like I want us to be sustainable next year yeah we’re like hyper optimized right now if compare if you compare to like a single player yeah well that and that was the point that’s why I was having you guys do what I was having you guys do yeah mm I’m not done planting either like I’m going to buy more pumpkins I I need to buy some amaranth for the Marne Quest um Money Talks money does Talk Money flocks Walka Flocka Flame yeah who would have thought that’s what I was going for me a [ __ ] and because we have the info Suite on it tells me exactly where the scarecrows are protecting so I can make sure that everything ohop info is the best what she saying said Sophia why are you crying Sophia she’s unresponsive all right I’ll be back okay I’ll be bethoven I’ll be front I’ll be rare I’ll be [Music] Aus I love you what tomorrow will’ll be more active yeah cuz everybody will be here laughing at me screaming like a little girl I hell yeah and I’ll be playing boob game boob game I’ll be somewhere B boob game boob game oh that’s new yeah we’ve gotten a lot of the minerals I’m [ __ ] cranking it straight jerking it and by it I mean by peanuts my peanuts straight cork it pork in it corkin it corkin and porkin yeah God I forgot how much harder the lower levels of the mine were I hate to do this but otherwise it’s not going to work right uh you’ve noticed that there’s more people when there’s raids or a popular game this game is popular part of the reason why we don’t get so many people during stardo night is Just because we’re all chatting amongst ourselves too we’re not entirely focused on chat um because this is I think more people just have it on right because this is a night about us having fun it’s not a night about us entertaining y’all sorry yeah yeah it’s Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Funday what I got an achievement yay the old Mariner it’s the one you get when you use Marin a billion time Oh you mean my achievement y it’s just a picture of Neco and it just says the old the old Mariner if id1 had achievements that would absolutely be one with that icon maybe make achievements in id2 and that’s I’m hoping to uh oh my God what the heck my my peanuts don’t feel so good Mr star my chat is wilded good as they should Jed too hard to Sun I got to go over to Pi before rare disc I can get donated Sunday Funday screaming Monday and ew Tuesday e oh yeah what is ew Tuesday that’s cheffy [ __ ] isn’t it yeah that cheffy [ __ ] huh danging R somebody type ew in the chat please thank you blazing wolf you a five homeless people after mistaking them for watermelons Bas the [ __ ] understandable I completely agree yeah I encourage it that’s that was a lot of money um what’s cheap here in level eight combat we need a Bo Choy to sell which also we need a second one of these and another one of those almost there and I’m sending I’m spending all the money there we go my money Mr sorry I spent all the money guys no I’m not it’s okay you’re heading out thanks for hanging around guy we’re going to go until we go so go until one of us passes out IRL yep passes out like face down on the keyboard mhm snores on stream loses the whole VOD because we went over 12 hours that’s why I record an MKV format and then just Remo to MP4 I don’t record it at all I let YouTube record it for me yeah well cuz I upload in higher than 1080 well actually if you just P if if you download a video straight off of YouTube then oh M Slayer goal completed very cool if you download Straight off you oh I died I was talking too much I’m actually spent all of the money so they can’t charge you yeah Evan wake up oh it’s lus hi lonus thank you someday you will make a stardo mod and show it to Neco if you make a stardo mod not only will you show it to me but I’ll play it I lost the rare disc I lost the artifact oh no you can go back and you can usually buy them back from uh can I Marlin we need 300 gold uh I can probably make that just by selling [ __ ] right now probably gain a little Health every time you slay monster vampire ring very cool um but I like both my both of the Rings I currently have I guess I’ll take vampire ring is nice it’s also worth $750 yeah please don’t sell it though that one’s really rare yeah uh I’m going to sell these bat wings cuz that should give me go sell something I closed I’m sorry store is closed yeah I was just getting rid of this I can bring up some monster Parts if you need no it’s fine I I got enough yeah there 300 I’m like aren’t you glad I sold everything to oh wait I sold I spent all the money in now now we can’t get back the important [Laughter] things but our farm is looking even better better than before y I’m trying to figure out a lot of like I planted all of the wild seeds see uh do we need to refine Fire Quartz we can refine Fire Quartz we don’t need to right now we’ve got I’ve got 18 refined quarts on me and whatever else is in the chest I there’s four regular quarts and 20 refund um it does help out out a lot to refine them but honestly save the Fire Quartz for an emergency I don’t know what emergency that’s going to be but it’ll be interesting for when we need it sometimes Fire Quartz comes in handy for something I need that tuna perfect also I have a random I found a crab in the mines can I have that actually yeah it’s in the blue chest just cuz I had it open I need that for the Crab Pot um bundle I’m putting magnet rings in the chest just cuz it’s the glower ring is a small magnet ring are you heading out too see you bye angel goodbye Angel bye hardest to make stuff you’re thinking of the elemental attack so monsters are making the junimos do stuff gotcha just going to take these two fish over to the bundles and well the fish and the crab but we just need either a cockle a Periwinkle a snail a shrimp or a lobster or a crayfish for that one and then we need a red snapper for the ocean bundle perfection if anybody finds a um sorry [Music] a hazelnut foraging item need that I will not find forging items I can tell you that confidently well if you have any walk in past and you see one even just let me know I mean I’m I’m looking for them like looking for it but yeah the hazel nuts are a bit more on the rare side so we have 3,000 gold worth of bat wings whoa that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest oh we do have the charcoal Kil oh well that’s what you need to turn wood into yeah honestly I’m going to wind up I like this Cobblestone path but I like the quartz path better eventually we’ll turn it all into courts path hello Jacob Turner how you doing hey Jacob hi welcome in oh my God Ethan telling me that he managed to get his membership approval like right away like within a couple hours just keeps making the fact that it’s reviewing longer for me it might be because you you have mostly vods and well whereas he has mostly like videos right I think mine is all like longer term content and like longer like longer streams and I actually if I’m not mistaken I might have more videos at this point then again he’s been doing this for a lot longer so maybe I’m dulu maybe I’m over here looking 130 oh he’s got 509 videos but he’s got 9 you know half an hour videos yeah and I’ve got slim incubator streams you know what I mean yeah thanks Jacob I know it’ll happen it’s just like I’m it’s just a a point of waiting and I am not a patient KY slime incubators is for the slime farm right I imagine yeah all right well I have it now all right cool got my rare disc okay I’m going to look for hazelnuts today my goal is to come back home with the hazelnut for the oh hey bindar or Oak resin rather yes yes yes yes that’s what I needed to make a keg ah Kegerator I need to tap more H we need to we really need to start having more of these trees down here tapped Andor wait for the uh thing but I’ve got everything I’ve got everything picked out for memberships it’s just a matter of waiting for YouTube to say go ahead you’ve been requesting the cover of a song on a YouTube channel for over a year youve requested that song over a 100 times now you’re learning to be patient what song is it true Sandstorm probably I I hope not that’s been dead for a long time we can bring it back other than just it being a good song what song is it it’s a song from a game called Eternal Sada sounds interesting inter one brain cell one brain cell we’re we’re just one brain cell lagging slightly behind each other yeah it well we’re saying at the same time it’s the it’s the Discord bit might be iridium ore and Clay very cool that those are in the same thing what’s over here I just found a maple syrup in the middle of the Woods which I need a maple syrup too to make a freaking bee Hutch which yeah um when I make the um beehive next to your fairy roses can you leave whatever like the fairy Rose that’s next to the bee Hutch um like planted as long as you can yeah cuz you get better honey if it’s if the Honey’s next to a flower just remind me when it times comes time to harvest okay I’ll see if there’s a spot that I can plant it instead like I can put it down at instead but yeah the the fairy flour honey sells for the most of any of the honey flavors mhm so it’s like later on I’ll actually wind up making like an enclosure for the beehives that has got like fairy flowers around it mhm you can put it in Discord yeah that’d be great what the music section was made for yeah that’s exactly what the music section was made for that’s right [Music] you can listen to it later when stream ends yeah sounds great hey I got a mystery box I’m going to drop dirt oh my God dirt guess what’s inside it I got another crab yeah are you a crabby crab I guess so I don’t need the second crab image of Evan’s face on a krabby can you make crab pots yet I can’t oh my fishing is a lot can you make crab pots yet no clue let me check probably not didn’t Ethan just get look like it cuz cuz crap pots is a fishing skill right it’s yeah it’s a it’s a fishing skill yeah I guess I got to fish more yeah I imagine it’s the level five skill probably right or is it like a is it just a regular recipe or is it one just a regular recipe that you get there is a skill associated with it but there’s a regular recipe for it I don’t know what level it is you’ll be semi AFK for now have fun with stream thank you I found a hazelnut woo I just realized we haven’t been petting our chickens or feeding them we’re going to need to delegate somebody to do that I forgot we had chickens we have one chicken and two cows I should make some grass starter cuz I did grab the recipe for that and put that out in their enclosure I can feed the animals I just got to just got to show me H well it it’s more about going I need you what I need you to do is every morning you’re going to go over and basically pet them okay I’m going to let them out chicken’s mad that we haven’t let him out for so many days the cows are going to be mad too damn it I died again lus yeah okay Alo I’m going to show you what to do whenever you come back so that’s a lot ofs that I just lost but after I get back from taking things over to the uh building thingy Community Center those are the words I’m looking for the CC I wish I could just like dump my entire inventory into one chest and it would just Auto sort into all the chests that it needs to be I’m going to I’m going to look into seeing if there is a mod for that cuz there probably there has to be right probably I want to give that up I don’t want to give that up either did you already pet all the animals also where are the animals I peted the animals for today I’ll I’ll I’m heading back oh um you found the animals I did putet the animals for today for today hello cow but I will show Andi [Music] kadora fog horn bundle complete bundle complete all right we only have oh I got 30 fall seeds now oh boy it’s more seeds to plant I’m I’m on my way over I’m gonna show you guys I’m GNA show you is trying to sleep you know I’m going to I’m going to come over and I’m going to show you what’s good because there’s there’s two things you have to do every day first is in the morning and for and the second is at night and you have to do both of them holds up the chicken put her hand Sun okay so the first thing you do when you wake up you’re going to walk over and you’re going to come over into the chicken enclosure right and the cow enclosure and you’re going to open this door H or actually first thing you’re going to do is you’re going to walk in you’re going to pet the cows you’re going to walk out you’re going to open this door closing the door at night makes them happy so you want to make sure that you come back over here at night to close them to close the door same thing with the chickens you go in you pet the chicken you go out you open the door right all right the other thing is anytime that it rains they can’t come out and eat the grass so we’re going to make sure that they have hay in here oh so that’s what the hay is for that’s what the hay is for and eventually once we upgrade stuff um did you find the hay NOP I know it’s in one of these boxes there it is all right come on we’re going to go over I’m going to show you so just anytime it rains you’re going to walk in here with the hay and you’re just going to fill any spots that got emptied oh I was just scolling on RD it and it said GP kind of fine huh glip kind of fine that’s all it is that that’s how you take care of the chickens all right later on you’ll need to milk the cows too but they’re still babies so we’ll get to that when we get to that all righty me just go sell some stuff and then I’ll be ready to go to bed for the night I I went like and did some serious foraging today so I’m planning some more sorry that is okay midnight I’m aware good you better be I already wasted all the money by dying yeah right like why better I be because like you wasted all the money yeah I got to put this sprinklers out so that I don’t my obsessive um level of making sure that the farm is lovely here we go I just planted a bunch of more stuff okay sleep for the night chips a hor thinking what video games the smiling characters would like the Renaissance then Lor welcome in I feel like Charlie would like Civilization he would ptim loves the Pim loves TF2 yeah he plays gmbl yeah but those unfortunately don’t exist so the closest parallel would possibly be Mario 64 that’s is seen playing rust but the other characters are up in the air well a lot of the characters we know Alan we know that Allan and GLE canonically play co-op games and multiplayer games together do they I haven’t watched season two yet yeah they they just play a lot of games together two days to cranberries two days to Corn pumpkins plants oh my God look at how beautiful Farm is whoa is it one of the red Mega bombs yeah it takes gold you are yeah please try not to make those I only make them with the stuff I find in the mine okay now we’re going to craft a be house which I need an iron bar coal and wood that’s true but which specific one is hard I don’t even know Char Charlie plays Civ 4 the one that came out like the early to mid 90s what is it age of Kingdoms is that the one I’m thinking of oh C4 is the one before they moved to hex it was all square tiles yeah hey nothing good is happening right now and you’re just laying in bed watching the stream and you don’t feel sleepy yet welcome back angel I’m in Sophia’s basement whoa with her wine whoa never mind I have a fairy Rose growing in my area so I’m going to put the Beehive next to that okay Sophia’s talk about her dead parents again what a [ __ ] it’s always about you why are you calling her a [ __ ] Jesus I’m kidding now she’s actually opening up about her parents so it’s fun should probably take a fishing that’s a bamboo B that’s a f said come inside don’t mind if I do uh Smash Bros cuz that’s the IRL equivalent of the game wimbly and I I’m so lost I have no wimy Smash Bros yeah didn’t you see the end of the episode no I haven’t seen any of season 2 yet oh oh her parents died died in a car crash the fourth of fall oh my God Jesus which I think is today or like it was recently was two days ago I don’t know what day it is on the top right oh that’s why she was crying in her room all day that makes sense that would be why she was a great boyfriend day and Mary Lewis was the one who told her and Gus I have no idea what this guy’s going on about with this this this I don’t know what this game is or what the show is or whatever the heck what is smiling friends smiling friends I have no idea what that is a funny F funny YouTube man made made TV show yeah it’s really gooda okay funny an animator made funny YouTube show yeah psychic Pebbles iconic I’m going to go try and build a silo so that we’ve got hay for our chickens and stuff during the winter um it’s a good show you recommend it okay I mean I’ll at least think about it I don’t tend to watch shows though unless they’re like anime I think you would enjoy it you think I’d enjoy it if you like me and Alejandro’s comedy you’d like you’d like this oh yeah oh yeah it’s something to just put on and like vegetate literally yeah I’m helping her pack up all of her parents [ __ ] out of their room oh my God what a task this is the seven heart Quest the seven heart thing I got to come back tomorrow to see the second part oh and the other room’s open now cool it’s 1: p.m. God damn it’s 1:00 a.m. in real life God damn I was about to say it’s 1 a.m. all right nobody let out the chickens today I’m a h Huh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ll go do it it’s okay I’ve already got my routine I talk to my wife turn in geod and then go to the mindes you know you should be working really hard to um get those aridium ore stuffs then because we can’t you can’t marry her until yeah any players that are in the marriage thingy are married and that that’s going to require a lot of rings and that’s going to require a lot of aridium I can only find so much of rum there’s no consistent ores in the minds we have so far I know it and unfortunately that’s just the way it is yeah we need to once we have some more money which in two days The Cranberries are going to pop and I’m to buy the ticket to the um I’m going to buy the ticket to the the the stuff to get the bus stop going mhm which will oh did we not finish the okay ocean fish we need ocean fish I did not let the I forgot to let the chickens out oh well I got it and make sure you pet them make sure they’re happy blah blah blah I’m heading down to the ocean to work on the ocean fish POG horn my boy come on out I I can real realistically I can start working on fish cuz I’m just going to the mines to just get ores at this point and experience cuz I’m level eight in combat and Mining which is it it’s a good thing to have don’t get me wrong but I was not in the blast radius there game it’s just not the money producer like farming and fishing is well it it is really important though and technically the bars can be used for money so yeah blurb likes to talk and I’m not opposed to blorb talking I just wish that I understood what he was talking about angel me and Evan probably know probably but are you reading my chat uh I was I’m not currently oh there’s a lot of Angel’s lore dropping luren Theory dropping blor blorb oh oh okay BL yeah people they have similarly colored profile pictures they really do actually we have blor blur’s info dumping Epic which isn’t a bad thing don’t get me wrong I just watch smiling friends to fall asleep too I listen to ambient noise ambient smiling friends fishing levels yeah smiling friends ambient just Charlie have fishing levels done it it’ll be much better because like the part of the reason why I hate fishing right now is because as you level fishing up um the bar actually becomes larger so you have an easier time fishing the higher your level is I’m just so used to having that bigger bar that it’s really hard to fish like this angel that is a very good scene where um do uh I can’t remember the guy’s name but it’s like it’s in one of the first like two episodes where the guy’s like if you don’t make me smile right now I’m going to shoot myself oh that’s that’s the pilot I’m going to [ __ ] shoot myself and make you too L I don’t know about that last one but yay what yeah the whole smiling friends is that they work at the company called The Smiling friends and their job is to make people smile so their first client is this guy who just has no purpose in life so he’s just he’s just clinically depressed yeah and he’s like the entire like 95% of the episode he just has a gun to his head he just has a gun next to his head uh I don’t know how I feel about this the first episode’s actually kind of dark the other ones are pretty funny yeah now like now that I think about it like yeah the first episode was funny but it also just kind of dark it’s definitely a Zach right I’ll head back soon I love it when when there’s a voice I’m like hold on that’s Tomar oh my God right yeah there’s so many moments like that in season two there’s so many like references in at least in the first season do we have the ornamental fan yet no I got I got another uh artifact huz let me uh since I’ve got the wood on hand I’m going to fix this bridge on the beach yes what is your favorite episode and also question for chat Brazil was pretty good it’s a solid pick like just because like I watched it expecting it like to be like this great episode like amazing episode and it was it’s just them at the [ __ ] airport yeah like I thought you got the I thought you got the hotel you guys chose you guys chose the worst time to go I think mine is shrimp’s Odyssey shrimp’s Odyssey is pretty good I don’t know what this stuff is sorry that is okay smiling friend guy seems to know you have come back for a minute guy knows what you guys are talking about though oh God it’s late damn I don’t have a [ __ ] totem on me I’m lot deeper than I would like to be right now into this one particular floor cuz it’s one of the Spiral floors I got to run all the way back cows at least you can take the uh the mineart back the mine cart yeah yeah I got something to take to the museum though o I’ll take in the morning oh here you want the item yeah there you go yeah I mean I have to go over there in the morning every any actually if you’re going to go over there here have this too yeah it’s just a part of my routine routine already right so I might as well cuz I go over there to crack my geod anyway damn it I passed out oh no I didn’t real it again I passed out next to my bed I was putting stuff in boxes Borderlands are very Borderlands one is okay Borderlands 2 is very good who sold a chicken statue I did why nice little chicken because we because it’s an artifact yeah we already turned it in oh it’s an artifact yeah it’s an artifact it’s not a decoration the other chicken statue a you can use it as a decoration but only if you put it on a table Yeah the Borderlands 3 DLC was super fun I haven’t played them all you’re okay but I know that they’re really good I’ve played so far I’ve played every Borderlands Universe game I like them all sadly Pre-Sequel and Tiny tinas are not good cranberries tomorrow horn tomorrow eggplants yeah me and my me friend Owen went through the games chronologically like as they are in universe so we started with one then to prequel then two then three then Tiny Tina well then was it there’s a two DLC that’s in between two and three oh yeah and then we played tails in the correct order di cow good you’re here you all got great taste in games I’m not a Borderlands fan myself but I like watch other people oh hey we needed to watch queen of sauce ah well I’m in a cut scene with Sophia well when you’re done make sure you come watch queen of sauce and she made snacks for me the chicken Sophia is the snack oh did the chicken grow up is big now my grandson he is so big he is every day now he is going to every day now he is going to drop a drop an egg okay oh my favorite legendary make sure we come in and collect legendary Pokemon no for Borderlands weapons and I will oh Marne hello that’s tough honestly the Doom gun other than it being broken in three the Doom gun is just really cool has cool sound effects the Doom shotgun the hell hell Walker or whatever I went and picked up the uh egg cuz I need a few of them for bundles but now that the cows are big too you’re going to have to milk the cows every morning hooray how do I do that I’m going to go buy you a pil for the cows and I’m going to show you yeah the hell Walker cuz until we get like the auto Grabber thingies which we’ll get get eventually and I also played Flack before he got fixed so it was real fun I’ll have to buy the milk pill in a little bit I got to sell a couple things first I bought the heater that I did need to buy for them but I didn’t need it right away and then realized that I didn’t have enough money for both so let me go sell something up here and then I’ll I’ll uh cut mil the cows yeah I’m a I’m a flack m bl3 I like playing actually in every game that I’ve played I always play the G the character with a companion so I played um morai and one I played uh Gage I think her name is in two I played Handsome Jack in Pre-Sequel I played Flack in three oh we got 10 wild seeds out of that mystery box I would love to have those wild there will come a point where I harvest a bunch of stuff and I’ll need those seeds so don’t worry Jasper the worst crystal [Music] gem that not a crystal gem I know that’s why there’s a worst fooled me you [ __ ] kidding me I did somebody buy something I I did geod [ __ ] look what you’ve done fine I guess I’m selling the egg that I needed it’s fine I’ve got a bunch of stuff in my inventory I can sell this Jasper real quick no it doesn’t matter I already sold it we’ll get another one tomorrow it’s fine I I just literally just said that I was selling stuff in order to make the Thousand to buy the the the P for the milk and then you too young are you too young too they’re still too young okay Chun ch milk the uh wild seeds are going in the green chest okay perfect don’t need them yet but I’ll need them soon Alo can you please go um do that in the ocean so we can get the last couple ocean fish that we actually need so that we can finish that Quest okay okay I appreciate that you’re fishing but like [ __ ] ification I’ll I’ll fish I’m just doing it here because it’s near to the animals so I’m like oh convenient I get it but like we need five more fish to finish this thing five we need five fish from the ocean five grab a rod five5 long5 foot feet suculent oh my God I saw the sucking comment earlier so I can’t say that those two things were related but it’s very funny that that’s when it got R out succulent I just noticed it angel said succulent earlier and we were talking about the $5 foot fetish and that’s when I noticed that angel said succulent okay Cherry has returned Cherry has turned how much do I need still for this 25 3500 th000 rather hell no your suculent was not related to [ __ ] foot bsh hell no Jerry hello welcome back we are still star doing we’re doing the Stars we’re doing it did foot finsh not make it past YouTube censorship cuz I couldn’t I can’t see it foot fetish made it past YouTube censorship what do you mean for um Angels like uh I just see suckin and then HLA from Angel oh no I see it are you on live chat or are you on I’m On Top chat that’s why top chat that’s why look at you you pleb on top chat I genuinely don’t know the difference when all shows more them all and top shows part of them because YouTube sucks dick my guy looks so sad dir donkey dick and I’m over here trying to get monetized and we’re still chatting like this Jesus yeah well it’s the truth and it’s the truth based YouTube based YouTube since when hi Evan hi sardine get those last few fish I got I just got one I’m on my way down too though M line went further I just got a palm false hey it’s a museum donation huzzah huzzah okay Neco Alo Ethan and skat skull it’s midnight and my weekend is officially over so leave your streams running and go to bed have a happy Monday and thanks for keeping you company yesterday AB night Alex good night Alex guy says YouTube bye money Angel says IR with a ligma what a ligma in response to Cherry’s what the sigma um what the pigma or what the pigment are we painting yes I like painting ligma balls yeah oh my godma ball I keep hearing I keep hearing the do doot sound for you guys what I keep hearing the fishing sound but I’m paying attention to chat so I’m not go we did it we did it l seos Al 100 does lo seos mean we did that’s a lot of money which each of us can claim means um I would like a big burger with cheese don’t really just be hungry hungry ass [ __ ] wait what I’m so confused Dora is a hungry ass [ __ ] oh okay claim that Mone always thinking about food yeah make sure you open that menu and claim that [Music] money push the F key okay well on the top right the point yeah I don’t need you to tell me about your prize thing I know about the prize ticket broccoli seeds and where do I turn in my prize tiet some form of tre next inside Lewis’s house where’d you all get prize tickets from I just found it next to the uh it it’ll be next to the board the monthly board the hunkle board welcome to good home of the Good Burger can I take your order no homunculus on the Rocks it’s it’s only 1:21 a.m. I should stay up longer broccoli ain’t that bad I got a prize ticket I’ll hold on to the broccoli for now I’m sure there will be spots to get like picked and I’ll need to oh hey yay level two fishing cuz I read a book you got rubby training broccoli disgusting I’m allergic to broccoli but it sells for good money so but you’re also allergic to like most things I am allergic to most things so that’s okay your team sucks you meant to say R spelled o Ur though Cherry no soup for you no they’re British it’s different Cherry is Australian same language he’s not wrong he’s not wrong he’s not that oh my God that’s hilarious screw it I keep saying I’m gonna make that keg and I keep not K nothing Cherry don’t worry what bro say what bro say same language turn air conditioner it’s starting to get a little warm in here again Australian e you speak Outback one blooming onon please you speak like this game is losing Never Back Down never what during my internet ho phase I talked to this one Australian chick she was pretty cool yeah yeah shrimp on the Bobby I wonder I still have her on Snapchat come get in the car Morty get in the car get in me c the correct answer is surrender Cherry God kids these days I gota get back to bed someone say pancak certain Persona character all right man I hope you’re in bed are are you about to tell me that you’re gonna that you’re GNA be done stard doing soon because I’m going to be sad huh huh what you said all right man sounded like you were getting ready to go to bed and I was going to be sad no I was responding to the Persona 5 comment okay there’s a I’m outside the house rip we just lost some of the money lost everything that’s okay Alis hasn’t clicked the thing have you I leveled up in farming and fishing I leveled up in fishing I did not level up you make crab pots yet what level fishing are you five oh you can definitely make crab pots by now um Evan I have a another artifact for you woo uh I can’t make it cuz I don’t have copper bars we have copper bars copper bars in the thing oh one sec I’m just checking my mail from sopia closes we got blue moon wine okay can I give this to you yes and actually can I have that wine damn I have a lot of mail oh can I have that Crystal fruit too oh I don’t think this will work no this is like I think this is new one this this is uh expanded one yeah I was kind of hoping it would be I’ll keep it I’ll frame it you have it back I’ll give it to you back does speed grow have to go in before the plant goes down before it’s yes okay and it’s best it listen if we’re going to use speed grow we’re going to use it in the spring because when you replant um it doesn’t remove the speed grow okay are there no like there are there no things that like stay planted in Spring like how blueberries like stay like half done yeah so the Cranberries are like that the strawberries do it the Cranberries do it the one I had to s what about the Colonel Sanders dating Sim what the Colonel Sanders dating Sim what you know interesting didn’t know that was a thing yeah didn’t the game GRS produce that I don’t [ __ ] know I think they did um but yeah so please make a couple crab pots please okay please oh the the Blue Moon wine gives me plus seven luck that’s a nutso amount I did my prize ticket 12 broccoli seeds perfect I need those all right uh but I do chat do I order canes again yes uh for tomorrow morning for this week do we want um let’s see 80 hardwood or quality fertilizer uh how much quality fertilizer is it asking for it just says I’m in the market to purchase some freshly made quality fertilizer my babies need the extra nutrients uh hold on let me see how much let me see what that’ll take to make real quick body fertilizer is sap and fish let’s do the hardwood I’ll go do it all right uh one sec I’m just donating to the museum all right cool that’s done you said hardwood yeah all right I’ll take care of that whole Quest don’t worry about it uh 80 hardwood yeah I got it don’t worry where should I put this put what up your butt the pot oh I’ll take that too um what does luck do in the mines you can give it to me now thank you um it increases the number of ore nodes I need to make uh broccoli is going in the green chest yep perfect I just need it for when I pick some things and it Le God damn when did we get when did who got an iridium [ __ ] sardine me God damn the music for fall is so sad it’s a sad season so has parents died what what are we remembering what line are we remembering for personal use what huh I don’t know Angel just said I got to remember this line for personally oh in reference to the yeah in reference to the Colonel Sanders dating Sim this is going to take a while it’s like a pickup line LOL I’m finger looking good I mean I I would uh beg to differ but sure it depends on who you’re picking up yeah I guess it does if it’s a chicken the chances aren’t looking good if it’s a cat also not looking good oh did dinosaur you’re going to die did you guys get the uh quest for um Linus’s Berry basket SK yes I’ll take you guys to grab that um when you have the chance I’m just doing the mines if it’s up in this area it’s not it’s down near the bus station oh so I can just take the the cart yeah all right let me finish this floor I’m not near there though so I’ll need a few minutes I’m trying to gather as much hard wood from the uh just got to max out your charisma to 10 and speech to 100 it’ll be good yeah I suppose I can’t argue with that max out my RZ to 100 computer max out my RZ computer sh man balls hey combat level all right well if I go at the pace that I’m going at right now I just gathered 26 hard wood from the secret woods today shouldn’t take me too long to get it all right I’m coming up to the um also Blackberry season is upon us and you can shake blackberries from the bushes that are purple BlackBerry be upon you Blackberry be in your hand emailing your co-workers what what Blackberry phones my dad had one of them same I didn’t think those are real I wanted one so bad I thought they were so cool cuz they had a full keyboard yeah but the keys were so tiny have you all seen those phones that bend like DSS’s yeah yeah but the Galaxy fold a regular flip phone you no no like iPhones that they’re like modern phones oh yeah modern phone phones that fold like flip phones yeah it it it freaks me out it’s like how do they do that I’ll be there in a second how am I doing today King s I bet I’m about to be hungry this way man the tire tracks make make it look like that dude [ __ ] just sick burn out yeah Ella this way over here where do I where do I keep getting this copper bar from just appears in my inventory some enemies will drop full bars that’s probably it I am so far behind on short I going to make some short all you yell at me tomorrow to make shorts hey guess what what it’s 1:30 a.m. it’s tomorrow make a make some shorts eat short eat pants I kind of missant in the morning but I guess it is guess what it’s 1:30 in the morning oh my God Alo I mean when the Sun rises I’ll show you where the sun is rising somewhere in the world what okay whatever I just got another did anybody let the animals out today me okay did you let did you close their doors again I’m about to I’m over here already Evan it’s my job letting them out after dark um doesn’t do you any good why does it spook them um so it doesn’t them um so basically if you close the the thing it’s they um gain affection for you faster but letting them out after dark like opening it after dark they can’t come out after dark cuz they’re sleeping they Eep they eepe hello Cat are you back on the farm Evan I’m in my bed oh I was going to hand you this this thing you just hand it to me in the morning you’re snacking on fried catfish fls bacon wrapped fried mushrooms and chili cheese fries I knew he was going to make I could [ __ ] some chili cheese fries up right now right how are my trees how is my trees I’m doing looking good looking good you have some barbecue chicken pizza I got chicken Mar sounds good as [ __ ] that’s the best kind I ordered chicken marsala today from my from the pizza place it’s like my favorite it is midnight guys and I am in bed I have some bacon pizza like just straight up bacon pizza that’s what I got for the kids for tonight Hawaiian sounds really good right now Hawaiian does sound really good right now well that was like the whole argument that cryo and I had yesterday because we wanted to order a pizza Chad what if I ordered a pizza instead of cane chat the what if I Pizza instead of cane pizza right now instead of can’s for breakfast what what if I my pizza sleep I bet I could oh hey now I get the tree fertilizer yay CH what if I came to my pizza foraging and two combat oh look at the Cranberries just came at all that money money all right I’m gonna go um I know what I’m doing today I mean if she can if she can get pizza at this time when not get pizza at this time computer Open Door Dash no next week isy fair you have a thing for me days ar oh yeah I do guess what’s open and delivers [ __ ] 7eleven you get pizza from 7-Eleven you can get anything from 7eleven huh you can get anything from 7-Eleven that’s the beauty of it I don’t know why I have all the hardwood in my inventory what chest does it go in uh the orange one I think yeah which I’ll take that because I I’ll go put the um cuz I I can put it in there right away I just need to actually gather it yeah uh pizza’s Pizza still edible I suppose I don’t know I’m really picky when it comes to Pizza fair and reasonable however I disagree the S of 7-Eleven Pizza is giving you stomach pain me too you know if it’s not the joural then it’s not delivery yeah I was like well I don’t know what I’m saying now so make sure you guys give Linus’s basket back to him oh yeah wait is this place open right now is an actual pizza place and they have barbecue sauce G Paul G po POG sopia barbecue chicken that’s my nickname for her [ __ ] yeah my little barbecue chicken hello my little barbecue chicken how are you today this her a billion times I was thinking the same you know I’m I’m sorry that sounds like something aurelus would do to Lea hello my little barbecue chicken I love [Music] you joro’s Pizza tastes good I mean I used to eat a lot of it as a kid my husband eats a lot of it now damn oh my God I think these guys are open based I found a you getting pizza right now CH chat do I do chat I mean might will you be awake by the time it gets here probably not I I’ll leave it open new thing from the museum flute block he a cut scene we got the flute block hooray time to play the flute do it Angel says do it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we ball I mean at this point not only [ __ ] it we ball but we’ll probably still be playing stardo when it shows up you guys can have some if you want I would would love some but you know that’s a little bit far I would also love some but that’s also a little bit far little do they know that I have the kai kai technique then why haven’t you come and visited me at you know where I live why have you not stolen me away from this place it’s like jack off I have to be in the mood for it otherwise it doesn’t work it’s like jacking off oh my gosh just wake her up if she does fall asleep right yeah that means I have Play Play that one car horn that goes no no no no no no if I need to wake you up Alo mhm I’m playing GOI noises play is uh no no it’s it’s this one yeah oh my God so uh you know you can deal with that epic goated with the sauce one might say goated with the sauuce oh hey hey we have a silo now ooh prismarine Shard wow a what is that a prismatic Shard yeah do not take that to Gunther okay please do not the shark like yes we need to take one to Gunther eventually do not take the first one to Gunther okay milking time why’d you say it like that because I got excited I can tell pale the pale is in the um it’s in the black chest all the way to the left all right you hold up the milking pil and left click the cow I’ll be back Godzilla is that a soundboard yes that’s a soundboard Discord sound board it’s our Discord sound board yeah if you’re on the Discord yeah if you’re on the Discord you can use them Angel doesn’t use Discord though I I specifically invited them multiple times because I was like we play poo poo Tetris and Angel’s like I don’t use Discord and I’m like but it’s the what do they use team speake like or Skype like huh team speak would be insane we should start using team speak Cur has like a voice thing thing honestly it used to I don’t know if it still does I used it for a hot minute now I used it for a hot minute I don’t know maybe use Snapchat hey an egg if it’s not large I actually don’t need it I thought I did but I don’t I need a large eggs ch ch nood for breakfast soup Angel says give me some milk succulent milky some rich creamy milk straight from the teeth straight from the teeth of Goji yeah Godzilla milk Godzilla Godzilla milk tastes like it it’d probably kill you it’s just radiation yeah you you’re going to die oh I hate spending that money well we got crystarium so that’s Prett oh my God can get French oh is that how we duplicate Prismatic shards uh that’s the only thing it can’t duplicate oh I say we have diamonds so which will be a good it could be a good um way to get a bunch of money we’ll see so we have like a decent amount of diamonds if I can if I’m thinking right cuz just in this session I’ve gotten like four mining monthly very cool if you’re already maxed on mining don’t read it give it to somebody else no I’m almost at level 9ine oh then absolutely read it yeah I’m I’m like so close I’m going to bus I’m so close I’m joking right now I don’t know what that means but I just sounded right do you want to know what it means yes are we allowed to say this on this stream probably not mean at this point I probably have to delist all of my uh St close close your for the next 45 seconds I I can hold on you know what all right Discord is muted from chat for a moment yeah you basically get hard and stroke your dick long enough so that it becomes longer but you don’t come or anything it’s basically Advanced edging yeah okay wait what was the what was the word joking Jing oh that’s not quite what it it is but that’s pretty I forget like what it actually is but that’s like um hold on guys I’m also going to mute myself so I can explain this um it’s actually specifically putting it like through a hole um to do it so like uh if you were to put it like like imagine you were putting um pasta through a thing that makes it get like you know how the pasta gets thinner and thinner and longer yeah that’s jelking but like it’s a machine the point is to make it longer yeah yeah okay I’m unmuting I’m unmuting chat that you guys had a very family friendly fun family fun for the family conversation yeah you don’t want to know what we were just talking about uncensored on my stream so yeah oh my God I simply do not care I forgot you were streaming what did I me too which is probably why was mean or unmuted no oh my God I just sit here and Vibe good short though sit here and Vibe out my toy exactly gu K put down the symbols for YouTube and the symbol for the police has anyone else here seen the Angry Birds movie no no it’s good the most of the Angry Birds movie I’ve seen both of them are great I think oh yeah it wasn’t that game before we had to you know remove it for uh don’t worry fellas that should be coming back soon wait what finally finish shards of pink oh yeah hopefully soon I just want Lee to be there for that I feel like he’s going to yeah no I I I’m actually part of the like that’s part of the reason why I was like let’s hold off let’s make sure that Lee can be there let’s make sure that Alo is going to be there and let’s make sure make I know I want it to be the perfect send off and then we have the whole new game plus to play oh yeah that’s going to rock is a new game plus intended for shards of pink no no it’s the base game it’s New Game Plus of the base game but you get to play as Luigi Luigi and Lee it’s true yeah you do get Lee but it’s not Char as of pink Lee so yeah there’s no Rosa maxing it was just after driving on two hours of sleep needed coffee walked through the door and asked the waitress for change when you turn to the right you saw something strange did a to cake last night you saw Elvis at the Waffle House he was sitting in a booth checking in the menu he looked straight at me and I tried not to stare but I knew it was him with that Jeff black hair well last night I saw Elvis at bro spitting bars yes apparently I’m just I’m just reading what is in my chat because it was big paragraphs and it looked interesting I’m level nine in mining I’m a miner fantastic chat did bro cook bro cooked bro did in fact cook you guys better hurry back it’s like one 10 yeah I’m sleeping I’m on my way that’s the good thing about being in the mines is that like I can get back real real quick I was in the I was in the secret [Music] Woods Angel goes y all real wild about talk about stroking over here stroking my dick man I got lotion on my dick and I’m stroking my [ __ ] my my ho [ __ ] right now man [ __ ] man I’m a freak man [ __ ] o I got the crystarium oo like as a I have one in my inventory though as a crafting M so we can make more why do you have a trash can L on your head I found it all right uh yeah now we can make more crystalarium actually you know what I’m going to do the first crystarium we get I’m oh we don’t have any you next time you get an amethyst I would like an amethyst for a crystall yeah I I sold them a few days ago so oh specifically because um yeah what uh what do you want to me to do with this Prismatic Shard uh just just put it in a chest for now all right we have to take it someplace specific it’s going in the black chest no the purple chest there shouldn’t be stones in this chest oh [ __ ] the cows are really yelling today yeah they’re yearning to be milked by me my God much like most people I know correct I concur you’re laughing your ass off so much about the whole thing Angel did you just go over and watch it all I I love that you know what the fact that I think is the funniest is I’m the one that actually knew what the term was you corrected me on it you said rest your sweet little head I got this handled listen listen listen listen listen oh yall the per house Ang goes I Ben heard what y’all said on stream y’all think you’re the perverts of this house did Neco just not mute herself properly oh M thanks to Evan’s stream Ethan Ethan’s not Ethan’s deceased Ethan’s deceased went to bed needed to away Ethan died s years ago yeah what the [ __ ] you about seven years we’ve missed him so dearly you know it was really insensitive to bring up Ethan you know we’re [ __ ] with you it’s okay Ethan is hard cap games Evan is skat skull yeah angel I know that you haven’t been around long enough to know the infinite dream chaos oh my God but created a game called infinite dream and it is my favorite game and we’ve been playing it for quite some time well as it turns out Evan is a character like Evan the person skull is a character in infinite dream yeah and in real life he’s one of the best I think I mean let let’s put it this way the when I first met Evan the very first time just based completely off of infinite dream my first made a good first impression my first words to Evan ever were oh my God it’s that Evan I like you all the reviews I’ve heard of my character great it was my best Derek Jeter impersonation without knowing about Derek Jeter oh my nobody knew about Derek Judah then Len all of this everything I’ve ever made has led up to me meeting Neco yeah no the target audience without it being intended yeah so Al made this game like way before she met me made this game years fiveo five six years agoo and um oh my God [ __ ] August some sometime in August this is going to be the fifth year anniversary of ID oh my God but so um I found the game well I I found Al’s Channel Through orelias of course because Aus is the Godfather of small streamers and um I was like hey I see this game you have in your thing I’m going to play it and to be completely honest at first I was just you know you weren’t expecting much I wasn’t expecting much number one but number two I was also like hey maybe I’ll get some views on this from like you know Alo viewers or you know Alo friends and I I was just starting out I was a little tiny itty bitty baby stram you were a little fish in the pond I was a tiny fish in the pond where is L right now cuz I I haven’t turned the [ __ ] in yet cuz cuz mind you when I met aloe I had hit I had just hit like 60 something Subs I was probably at 69 come to think of it nice um and um she was just about to hit 400 and that’s why I met her because I really just went around and said to everybody oh go sub to my friend about to hit 400 subs and I was like okay I’ll go sub well as it turns out there’s like 10 million Neco references in this game yep somehow Despite All Odds Despite All Odds and despite never having met me I finally found lonus you finally found lonus yeah to give him his Berry basket yes all right I need to add this to the stash in Robin’s house I got to figure out how much it’s going to cost us to upgrade the barn and the the thing I just keep running in circles it feels like life we actually don’t have all that much left in the bundles which is pretty nice we did a really good job for Year One yeah hell yeah for like not intentionally speedrunning for year one well I I and that’s just it I did not turn on guaranteed year one complete of all mar Just divorce Luigi what oh my god I didn’t even bring it with me Marie from Mary Marie whatever the [ __ ] her name is from Splatoon just divorced Luigi they were never married like Daisy exists bro wood Marne divorced Nick well that’s old news too yeah 12,000 it’s honestly kind of heartbreaking on marne’s part yeah she really she really like she she’s got to raise those kids now okay I just looked at some prices and stuff so that we can keep moving forward with keep moving forward from Meet to Robinson I think Lucille’s baking cookies those cookies so same what a [ __ ] fever dream of a movie that’s such a good movie though oh you’re glad you came haven’t laughed this hard in a bit not going to lie hell yeah it’s usually a good time over here especially when I got these goons around we out here gooning stroking my [ __ ] my tip creamy ition on my dick and I’m stroking my [ __ ] oh my God y’all you you’re going to be the reason I get demonetized honestly probably yeah we’re the reason we can’t play jackbox legit these two are the reason why jackbox is relegated to 18 plus it’s not even though cuz like I was I I and even then some games are still banned yep there is no way we’re playing the text one I [ __ ] love that that was so [ __ ] good we went so hard members only we kind of we we kind of like tested out some of the games to make sure that it wasn’t going to be like too much for stream and um we immediately was it like fixie text or something like that something like that one the new one one of the new one of the new ones was like we went so Hog Wild Hog there was just no way we could ever be allowed to play it on stream for real what the heck huh no guys go read what no jit freaky for real Sigma to Sigma edging gooning master all right yeah the Chad what the [ __ ] you talking about I thought I was waffling on about I thought I I think I’m too old for this no you’re just not as far gone you don’t have that level of brain Rod I need I’ll send that to my translators we’ll get it back into two to three business days oh my God you won’t hear from me in five months oh my God I got crab I’m just old no you’re just not chronically online like the rest of us i’ rather be old than chronically online what do you mean I was raised by the internet exactly so you know how bad it gets and how quickly it evolves damages the psy what what do you mean I was a Tumblr child what I was a Tumblr kid yeah I died my wine better stay in my inventory or else I’m fighting someone who is this [ __ ] who’s Mar Maru that’s uh Sebastian’s half sister and Demetrius and Robin’s I lost one gold bar and two bat wings that’s not a loss no I kept what’s important to me everything else including my geod Riz Edge Sigma Ohio all right all right buddy you’re getting put in a self why does everybody hate on Ohio though like for real I don’t know it’s a meme but like why just cuz there’s so many worse States I don’t know it sounds funny probably like what goes on in Oregon or like Wisconsin yeah but is that really a good of a ring to say as Ohio but why Ohio because why because it has the best ring to it meain out of all the nothing States out of all the nothing to my G Can’t also this aged Blue Moon wine uh sells for 10,000 gold I’m keeping it we don’t I was going to say we don’t need it that badly we don’t need the money that bad yeah sentimental hello cat a lot of crazy [ __ ] happens in Ohio like that one baseball game that caused a riot wen’t you Florida that happens everywhere I was going to say yeah it’s 12:30 guys yeah I’m standing next to my bed oh I’m about to hit eight hearts with Sophia soon and I’m so busy on the farm that I don’t have any relationship yeah I’m almost I’m almost at five hearts with Francisco I definitely have some with Sebastian I um I will I can I can probably bang out some relationships really quick as soon as winter hits and as soon as you get me an amethyst Evan which I’m going to need soon because it’s almost her birthday you’re a Floridian yourself yeah I live in Savannah right now so understandable God oh my God my game is starting to like slow down it is 2 a.m. so Aus relationship Aus hius hi om hi yeah aby’s birthday is in two days so I do kind of need that amethyst like really soon well if I can find one I’ll give it to you okay a really is at work right now kind of cringe I agree just simply don’t work if he doesn’t work how is he going to go visit Lea oh you teleport you can findly blackberries today that Blackberry fell inside the mountain question for everybody what is your favorite dinosaur Allosaurus lushes any well did you see um have you seen the second channel for uh metamax I have to see it please send it to I will send it to you I call it like Max Allosaurus too like I was it was it’s really close what is that’s his favorite dinosaur too I have amaranth for everybody that needs um the Allosaurus is just too goed for anybody that needs to um do the Marney Quest where you give her a bunch of amaran there is amaranth in the green chest I do I grew enough for everybody who even got the star I don’t know somebody got the star we blew it up or nobody got the star honestly I’m really impressed with stream avatars right now for holding out and not uh failing on me it hasn’t died once it hasn’t died the stream some streams be like that mystery box gave me eight pumpkin seeds I will take those yeah I’m about to take the the cart back to the bus stop to drop all this off oh is that a plum Wild Plum Plum is that a chestnut hazelnut oh perfect I can finish that today great great great just catch shump I didn’t open my Omni geod that’s annoying it’s Anno that tomorrow pumpkin seeds are in the chest perfect even better who put the don’t spend the money right off like you can spend a little bit but um I’m about to go finish up the uh one room in the uh in the community center the one that’s going to cost us another 10K my hero watch he go oo that eye just dropped a mega bomb very cool I’ll take a free mega bomb a free mean Megan bomb yay Crab Pot GG it’s about to really be GG does anybody want to come in in here this the song that the junos play I’m already in music all right fine I’m just going to do it you guys can always just watch my stream for it if you wanted to yeah yeah we finished a room guys woo what are junimos in lore uh they’re Forest Spirits okay you got a star you got a star the bus to the desert will be open starting tomorrow woo cuz isn’t that what the next m is do that is where the next mine is woo I’m actually going to come and help you out in the mines though because we really need the um I really need that amethyst mhm amethysts are just in geod right um You can sometimes they’re in GE well usually they’re in GEOS yeah uh if you want to look up which JS are in I can just go there and just just Ram through the mines yeah yeah um okay Google what levels would you find amethysts in the mines stardo Valley okay um amethyst nodes any floor in a gem node um see uh there’re also a green slime drop oh green slimes are like it’s not a good luck day though so like yeah cuz the green cuz I’m I’m just chowing in like the the red areas just trying to get like more gold and iron bars and [ __ ] well let I’m going to go in like the early stuff then yeah I mean I don’t have great um like weapons and stuff yeah well don’t cuz isn’t the obsidian blade just like a a mine like chest huh the obsidian sword I thought you just get that from the CU you’re like you don’t have good weapons no I have the that’s what I have I meant I don’t have a good pickaxe oh it’s hard for me to get down the floors because I don’t have the yeah I can just come back I can just come to you and we can just speedrun the floors real quick what floor you on are you there or I’m on floor 11 all right I just got one very cool oh did we just need the one I I would prefer to have two so that we could make a crystarium with a second one in it but all right especially since I want to like um speedrun um Abigail yeah and uh the best way to do there’s already a a thing oh there is yeah it’s over here did you just go down yeah okay I think that’s an amethyst node right there is it where yeah it is perfect can I just have that I’ll I’ll just perfect and I will head out and you can do your thing yeah that was easy yeah we just needed to go to the to the correct floor uh leave that here I’ll leave you some blackberries in this chest in case you would like to um use them for food yeah I usually end up losing time before I lose enough energy I do need you to make a crystalarium so can you tell me what you need for that so I can have it all for you yeah uh where is it slime incubator Crystal arum 99 Stone five gold two idium one battery bars two ridium bars yeah oh we don’t have the battery either never mind we’re not getting it I think the only way to get aridum right now is in like Omni diods I’ll probably just wait until this diamond one in oh that’s going to take three days it’s fine I only really need the one for her birthday anyway yeah so like that’s the important part but I’ll probably just crack open the the uh diamond crystalarium and put a um put an amethyst in there instead yeah I need a the fairy crystal whatever the fairy Rock so we can do that and that’ll be easier than the fairy flowers in the morning I got to walk over and um well the part of that is we only have two aridium bars yeah the fairy flowers are actually easier what after today you’re falling asleep on us I’m just losing my gamer energy as all okay we were going to go to the desert tomorrow too it’s all right I said the desert can just be a first thing next time on stard Valley next week I’ve been having to do itch anyway I don’t think I’ll be next week yeah not next week cuz I’m going to be away for the the whole week from Saturday to Friday sadness damn I mean my my chat kind of died too I think they’re all asleep yeah fine hello guys guys and of course just to just to be like that’s not true guy and Angel go I’m still here well I’m not wide awake I I might go a little while longer doing my solo Farm guys want me to where did this dwarf scroll one come from I found it oh okay this I think this is the last door scroll we need is it really yeah oh I knew where to get it from I didn’t know that you needed it or I would have well I think just cuz cuz once we get all the door Scrolls don’t we get the little book whatever well we have to we have to go like actually um yeah but we like we would have to knock down the thing and yeah it’s one it’s one step in the process it’s one step in the process but does only like yeah I think this is the last one we need you’re just playing chilling playing Tetris for the time well watching me okay cool well I’m going to I think I’m going to like show off my solo player Farm cuz I did kind of say it was is going to do that so we close this out and we’ll we’ll yeah I’ll pull up my solo Farm which I have to change mods to do that but waiting for players Alo are you Al it’s 1M play a couple days of solo play and then here Ro come here you come here I’m gonna come oh my God I’m a bu I’m I’m boss oh bus is done I told you the bus was done I’m about a bus I forgot a lot happens today yeah I mean if you guys want to hang out still you’re welcome to hang out oh hell yeah I’m probably going to head out because I technically have to be awake in I have to be technically at I’m not working but I have to be at work in 4 hours s cuz we rotate who puts up the flag every few months and right now I have I’m one of the people that is doing it and it goes up at 6:30 in the morning so I’m going to exit completely and you guys are going to get a black screen for a few minutes while I change the mods that I have on because I’m not running grandpa’s farm on my solo

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