I Built an Elemental House For My Dragon in Minecraft

oh my goodness Milo you’re ahead of me in the dragon race guys back to the Village win Oh no you’re totally ahead of me this is really bad oh gosh I really need to land before you do I’m going to land on this hill and oh yeah boy Milo lands oh my goodness Milo that’s so impressive but wait a minute did you hear that it sounds like a warhorn oh man sh gosh that could be the little Dragon Hunters we need to get our dragons back to our pens and quick okay let’s go come on dragons we got a tip to there yeah we can also fly yeah flying is way smarter because they go so quickly oh my goodness Milo our Dragon pens they’re broken and we can’t make our dragons stay in here but chip this means they won’t be safe when the Dragon Hunters arrive you’re all right Milo oh my goodness I’m chip what is it Milo you here what I here yeah and I can see Dragon Hunters over there Milo we need to stop them and save our dragon before things get even worse hey Dragon Hunters over here oh Dragon Hunters take this you will not hurt our dragons today and ow Milo they’re shooting me with arrows hey stop hiding my brother Milo I’m worried a bigger Army of Dragon Hunters is coming we need to build new bigger and better houses for our dragons before the rest of them arrive yeah that’s so true we only have 10 minutes Milo until the dragon huntter has arrived so we need to get going quickly come on ship let’s bu the best secure house for these dragons yeah stay here blaz wi and you too icy Ice come on Milo we got this Milo I think this is the perfect area for us to start right chip before we get started on the Bild I really want to watch my favorite video Milo come on again yes tip Infinity Nikki is my favorite game ever okay fine Milo let’s check it out look chip it’s Nikki and she’s in her beautiful world Maryland it’s does look really cool Milo my favorite part is all the Amazing Adventures you can go on with her not to mention the mini games chip F she’s even doing parkour I love parkour Milo did you know that Infinity Nikki will be available on Playstation PC Android and iOS devices so you can play it no matter where you are you don’t got to tell me chip I’ve been playing all morning and all night Milo I bet you didn’t think I could hear you laughing at Momo and Nikki’s best friend he’s just so cute I love how she can change her outfits for each activity like fishing catching bugs or even getting wool from the sheeps and the best part no zombies or anything scary just an open world of dreamy Landscapes bright and wonderful creatures even the dungeon buses look so cute that’s right Infinity Nikki has a wide range of puzzles mini games outfit changes and different special abilities that help her overcome any challenge she faces back tell everyone where to go to pre-order the game check out the link in our description now and don’t forget to check out the game’s social media accounts for all your Infinity Nikki updates yeah we’re going to need to make a massive Mountain Milo and I think this can be the front entrance wow this is going to be the biggest mountain we’ve ever seen exactly Milo and it all belongs to her Amazing Dragon pets I think blazewing and icy ice are really going to appreciate this these Dragon Hunters are going to have anything on our big mountain exactly they might have a couple regrets though they totally should because our mountain is going to be so big our dragons will be so happy in here Milo we’ll be able to keep our dragons happy and safe inside the mountain and we can even stop them from trying to ever hurt another dragon ever again and we can even theme it off to our dragon’s elements that’s a great idea Milo because my dragon blazewing loves fire and lava and all things hot like magma and I see really likes things cold and water as well I ice really likes the snow and stuff yeah he totally does I ice does not like the hot lava that’s why we need to make sure this mountain can be perfect for both our dragons exactly and she I going to say something what is it Milo you know what’s really crazy what oh my goodness I’m so excited to hear it’s not very exciting I actually had a really crazy nightmare the other night about the Dragon Hunters coming back to get us oh my gosh what Milo I can’t believe this you had a nightmare and then the very next day the Dragon Hunters came yeah exactly it’s almost like I can tell the future W Milo that would be a really cool superpower if you could tell the future yeah but I pretty much can do you want me to try yeah what are the lottery number is going to be tomorrow it’s going to be 1 2 3 4 um mil that sounds really weird are you sure it’s going to be 1 2 3 4 yeah that’s pretty much what my brain told me wo Milo if that ends up being true then you can really tell the future yeah exactly I’m really really smart and also I know all the numbers wow M wait no you don’t Milo you only know up to the number five and that’s only brand new for a while you could only count up to three yeah but three was a pretty big number for me actually yeah I guess that is true and Milo Oh no you’re stuck inside the mountain get out of there quick that was really scary sorry Milo I’ll try to be a lot more careful with where I place the stone I do not want to see you get Stu in the mountain then you wouldn’t even be able to help me make it and our dragons wouldn’t have a home yeah exactly and I’d pretty much be crying every die yeah me too I do not want to see anything bad happen to our precious dragons look blazewing and icy ice are resting over there I see Isis resting his head on blaz wi’s Wing a that’s cute but look at my new shoes I just watched you put those on that was so funny yeah they’re my new shoes and they’re really shiny and I feel like stomping around wao Milo don’t stump around too loud you might wake up Blaze ring an icy ice a I would never want to wake them up in hey mil you’re stuck in the mountain again oh my goodness I guess those gold boots are weighing you down a little yeah that’s exactly right I’m pretty much going to take them off oh my gosh but Milo there so fashionable yeah but I’m not really a fashion guy anymore ever since we got those pesky Dragon Hunters trying to chase us down I don’t really have time to be a fashionable boy don’t worry Milo I’m sure that when we defeat the evil dragon Hunter Army once and for all you’ll have all the time in the world to be a fashionable boy and you might even be the most fashionable boy ever because you could do themed outfits with icy ice yeah and then I’m going to be drippy and I’m going to be cool and everyone’s going to be like hey Mar can I be your friend yeah totally except the Dragon Hunters they will not want to be your friend because we’re going to totally Vanquish them well tip I’m not going to lie maybe even they would want to be my friend yeah but Milo they’re not going to want to be anybody’s friend because they’re going to be in prison yeah they’re rats and I’m going to Lo them up exactly Milo me too we cannot let any Dragon Hunters Escape or do anything bad to another dragon ever again yeah if I see a Dragon Hunter right now I’d probably scream in his face and be like hey leave us alone yeah that would be crazy Milo you should totally do that but oh yeah this mountain is looking epic I just need to make a little bit more of it and then we’ll have it all the way up to the top then we can start thinking about adding in Fire and Ice and other really cool designs to it oh this is going to be be so great wow this mountain is looking absolutely insane I just know blazewing and icy ice are going to love it this mountain is enormous I’m really loving it me too but Milo do you want to see what this mountain can really do looking at there it’s not just a mountain of course it’s also going to be a volcano look molten lava can spill down the sides of the mountain just like this W this looks awesome chip this looks so Elemental blazewing is totally going to love this yeah he totally will wow blazewing really does like hot magma it’s one of his favorite things and he loves lava as well this is so insane the mountain looks like it is actually boiling over there a big problem what’s the problem Milo well simply I see ice isn’t really going to like all the hot stuff what are we going to do oh Milo don’t worry we’re going to add the hot stuff for blazewing then we’re going to add a very own section for Icy ice what really of course we can’t just have a hot side of the mountain for blazewing that’s not fair because icy ice likes the cold we will also have a super freezing pot of the mountain too that way both our dragons get what they like yeah that’s good that sounds absolutely fantastic before we do that though we need to make sure we add even more hot bits to the center of the lava now it will look like the lava is actually glowing wow is this the glow mushroom yeah it’s actually glow shroom it looks so hot and it comes from the nether so it’s one of the most hot parts of the mushroom ever well that’s actually really smart hey I’m really loving this idea chip this way the Dragon Hunters are really get annoy not to mess with this mountain exactly it will look so boiling hot and so molten that they will not want to go anywhere near it this lava looks like it’s absolutely glowing yep exactly Milo and once we do these last few bits then we can move on and make some Icy sections for Icy ice yeah that’s fantastic because icy ice is really really going to love yes I think oh yeah me too I just know he will absolutely love everything we’re adding for him here icy ice probably has never lived in a home as cool as this one yeah except the pen that I built for him that he is now out grown used to be really actually good chip what no it didn’t I used to be there too I built my pen right next door but that was when we were way worse at building we built that ages ago and remember how it was just a flat area yeah but I thought it was really good well it was good for back then but now we can do so much more that’s why we need to build a mountain we can do so much better so our dragons deserve so much better I cannot wait to see all the ice and snow that’s going to be on this mountain oh yeah it’s about to look so good and oh my goodness I almost forgot let’s just do one last little magma section for blazewing then we’ll do one one for Icy ice okay so got to me me too Milo this is about to be so epic um chip what is it mil some had a really scary thought oh no what’s your scary thought is there anything like your scary nightmare where you first realized that the Dragon Hunters were coming yeah it is a little bit like that oh no Milo what is it well we don’t have all that much time until the stinky Dragon Hunters come here and what if we’re not prepared you’re right Milo what if we ar prepared oh my goodness we really need to hurry we don’t have that much time until they do arrive so we really need to hurry up okay luckily I think Blaze Wings area is looking absolutely complete now we can totally move on to icy IES but we don’t have a lot of time so we got to go fast quickly quickly here we go Milo blue ice is falling down the side of this mountain yes as I pretty much could slide down just like this W Milo yeah you totally could this looks so cool we could have a ski resort on this mountain oh man I see ice would really love that tip really Milo he would like to have a ski resort on top of his house yeah I think so because I ice loves to slide around on the I and be really silly just like me wow you and icy ice are really perfect for each other you’re both so silly yeah that’s why he’s pretty much my dragon friend and we’re actually just the best guys ever what no wayy I’m one of the best guys ever that’s funny what my Lord no it’s not funny it’s meant to be true well actually the villagers held a vote and they voted me to be the best guy ever what I didn’t get to vote yeah because you want included wait a minute Milo did you get to vote yeah I actually invented the competition oh okay well that explains a lot that’s why it was so rigged hey it’s not rigged it’s actually truthful oh my gosh you’re so crazy but look Milo here the ice can come down kind of close to the middle wao this is going to look so cool even though icy Ice’s weakness is fire blaze Wings weakness is sort of ice but he can at least touch it if icy ice touches fire he gets really really hurt yeah and that’s why they need to be separated sometimes a little bit but they also do really like to play together they are so cool and actually the best of Dragon Friends hey CH I had a really crazy idea uh what was your idea Milo I’m just going to pretend to be a Dragon Hunter and see if the mountain is a bit scary okay that’s a great idea oh I’m so excited I bet it’s going to be totally terrifying I’m the Dragon Hunter w w w wao Milo that scared me you have the exact same weapon that the Dragon Hunters really have oh yeah I’m really good at acting okay are you ready yes I totally am I’m really going to hurt some dragons today accept hang on a second what is that waa Milo are you pretending to be a Dragon Hunter noticing out epic Mountain for the first time yeah chip exactly okay ready I’m going to keep going okay keep going I’m so excited wow this is a really scary Mountain I pretty much I’m not going to hurt the dragons anymore bye what Milo that’s not realistic the Dragon Hunters wouldn’t just walk away it might even make them angry that they think we’re trying to scare them uh-oh Milo I have a feeling the Dragon Hunters might try even harder to come get us when once they see this mountain so far we need to make sure we make it even tougher and even stronger so they don’t even try oh man I didn’t even think about that hey I like the new ice you’re putting in this is going to make it extra simply yeah exactly it’s going to look so cool just like a real ice volcano I actually don’t know that ice volcanoes are real but I’m sure if they are this is exactly what they would look like they are real wao what really I didn’t know that yeah actually I went to one the other week what Milo I was with you all last week when did you possibly go to an ice volcano well I snuck out and I went to the ice volcano and I got a snow cone a snow cone wait a minute Milo do you mean the ice cream van yeah that’s a it that’s not an ice volcano that’s an ice cream van oh my gosh just cuz it starts with the letter V doesn’t mean it’s a volcano Oh I thought everything that starts with the V is a volcano oh that’s why that time you were telling me that volcanoes were flying towards you you actually meant Vex like pillages yeah that’s what I was trying to say you thought I was crazy but I was actually being really smart well you weren’t being really smart you were yelling about flying volcanoes oh my gosh well now you know that not everything that starts with a letter V is a volcano so that should come in handy in the future just laring new things every day wow Milo look the front of our volcano mountain is totally done but we need to do one last thing and that’s covered the entire top section in snow just like a real snowcapped mountain would yeah because it’s really high up which means it’s very cold and snowy exactly it’s really cold and snowy oh wow this is is about to be so exciting we need to make sure we only put it on the very top layer and that way it’ll look just like a real mountainwood it’s going to be so epic this is going to be absolutely insane well I just want to say something chap oh what is it Mila well there’s a certain kind of snow that I want to put up here oh what is it the pwed snow oh that’s a great idea Milo pwed snow is really dangerous and if you stand in it you actually begin to sink down just make sure you don’t place it hanging over the edge Vio now this is actually a really good defense because pretty much if the Dragon Hunters come up here they’re pretty much freeze yeah exactly they’ll start shivering and then they’ll sink down into the pwed snow never to be seen again which is exactly how I prefer my Dragon Hunters good friend exactly Milo oh wow that’s the only good thing about them is that when they’re gone they’re gone forever we need to make sure that our Dragon House is super secure so that our dragons never have to worry about being hunted ever chip this is a really big from the pens that we used to have I know I can’t believe we used to keep them in there poor dragons oh well I guess they’ll enjoy these ones so much better and we can even give them amazing rooms inside and wait a minute Milo we can totally do that what we can put the rooms inside yeah Milo we can give them epic rooms that they will totally love that is so fantastic chip I’m really liking your thinking thanks Milo I like my thinking too well look we’re almost done placing down this snow once we place these last few buckets then we’ll be be able to make the inside and oh this is looking so good now on the inside of our Epic Dragon mountainous we need to have a giant kitchen and fire roasting pit that is so smart chip we are going to have such a delicious roast here yeah we totally will and we’ll make sure that anything we cook is perfect for dragons to eat we can cook their favorite meals like oh my goodness I know blazewing loves to eat roast beef yeah and I really loves roast Pig oh my goodness this will be so perfect we can cook everything that a nice growing Dragon loves to eat and no Dragon Hunters are allowed and I’m just going to put a ring of stone around just so that nobody else gets burned on the fire while we’re cooking that’s a great idea Milo we need to make sure this place is as safe as possible especially since it’s not just going to be fire there will also be lava inside the roasting area lava oh man that’s going to cook the food so quickly exactly Milo this kitchen will go so fast that they will actually be no worries about whether or not the food will cook on time if the dragons are hungry we can instantly rush to the kitchen and then 1 second later we will have the most delicious roast ready for them that they’ll totally love can i r the ring a fire around you can do some fires but I want to leave some space not all the fire should take up the whole thing because in the middle we need to have some nether this is where the actual roasting will happen W that sounds really crazy chip is this good yeah this looks really good and wao this looks so amazing now we just need to place down the roasting spit The Roasting spit oh yeah first we’ll have some iron bars right here then on top of the iron bars we can just have some chains this is where all the meat will be hanging off of while it cooks and Milo are you ready for the Finishing Touch yes what is it it’s a campfire this will roast and give a smoky flavor to anything we cook on here which our dragons both love delicious I love this chip we are really really going to make this really amazing for the dragons and those Dragon catches are going to be jealous exactly I’m also adding a second one so we can roast twice as much as we could before that way both of our dragons will never go hungry yeah that’s really smart wow you’re a genius thanks Milo now we’ll need to add some deep slate chairs around the middle so that we can all sit here and eat our delicious dinner at the table although I don’t think these chairs are going to be big enough for our dragons we need to make huge ones yeah I’m going to build one for a eyes blaz Wings chair will be like a really version of the other deep slate chairs just like this oh this already looks so cool although there is still some more I can add I think I might even be able to add some heated seating underneath just like that blazewing is immune to fire so he actually really enjoys sitting above some campfires and having a warm roasty time well you know icy ice he wants his chair to be all freezing cold yeah that is so icy ice and wo his chair is also like a sofa yeah it really is really comfortable for him that’s so cool and Milo I think I think they’ll really love the sitting area but we still need a proper kitchen I say we build it just at the back over here like this yeah and also we kind of need a kitchen that we can eat stuff from as well oh don’t worry Milo we’ll be able to use this kitchen really well here we’ll only need to break one block back and we’ll also need to patch in the dirt and the floor anytime we see some that is because this kitchen needs to be Stone yeah stone kitchen because stone is really strong exactly Milo stone is super strong it is really tough and that’s actually why it’s a great idea that we built the whole Mountain out of it yeah exactly I think we’re actually really going to be prepared and I think we could actually fight the dragon Hunters right now what no Milo definitely not right now we are nowhere near strong enough we need to make sure we’re a little more prepared but hey look we actually have a bunch of kitchen equipment now I’m going to grab a sink an oven and I’m also going to grab some wool cabinets these are going to be very important parts of our kitchen just like this I really like the colors you chose it’s very Dragon Vibes thanks Milo I totally agree now I’ll just Place some more kitchen Troys here and over here we’ll have the ovens oh yeah these ovens are going to be for cooking outfit exactly Milo we’re going to cook the most delicious food and hey we can even have some fridges over here we’ll use these fridge colors because I think they fit in really well with the colors and oh look Milo it’s a picture of icy as if he was a bird oh man that’s such a cool picture how did you put it on there I don’t know it kind of just appeared on there that is so cool this is actually a really good looking kitchen area already yeah this is a really really beautiful kitchen I wish all of our kitchens even look like this one me too but Milo we have a cooking oven and a heating area and even a fire pit but we still don’t have something for Icy ice oh yeah that is so so Chip we need to add a freezing oven it’s kind of like an oven except it chills things so quickly we’re going to put it right here and in the walls we’re going to need to have a lot of ice a lot of ice that sounds like just the thing for IC exactly Milo how did you even get the name icy ice in the first place well do you really want to know yeah of course I do Milo otherwise I probably just wouldn’t be asking well when I I was hatching from his egg I could clearly see that he was an ice dragon I mean it’s so obvious have you seen the colors on him yeah he totally is an ice dragon he’s white and blue just like Isis precisely and so I was really thinking so hard about the name and I wanted it to be something original so I was like eyes wow Milo that’s really creative I can’t believe you thought of that yeah and then I was like what if I said I see and then I was like what if I said I see eyes wow Milo that’s beautiful that’s very very smart you did a great job with his name I called bla Milo did you just dab yeah I just dabbed okay Milo you’re so crazy but I called blazewing blazewing because he’s blazy like a thousand fires and his wings are so big and they can fly any anywhere it is very impressive and blazewing totally suits him yeah blaz wi’s wings are so powerful can I tell you a story one time that is that kind of scare away yeah of course you can Milo what’s the story one time I was walking past blazewing and I think it was a little bit angry about something so he flapped his wings and I pretty much got blown away what Milo oh wait a minute when did this happen it happened last week Milo you were missing for the whole week how long did it take you to get back well pretty much like a week because I had to walk really far and then my legs hurt oh my gosh Milo that’s crazy blazewing really is so powerful but Milo I think I can make it up to you really what are you going to do well I have a snowball dispensing machine over here look when I press this Lea snowballs actually shoot out of the machine and icy eyes can basically just come in here and get really cool yeah you’re shooting them me yeah Milo don’t you love snowballs not in my face oh sorry Milo I didn’t mean to get them in your face bit now that we have a really cool Frey room we can also build a super cool chandelier hanging from the roof for the dragons wow we pretty much definitely need that right now yeah let’s do it we going to need to grab two different colors of gloss one of them needs to be fiery colors and the other one of course needs to be icy colors just like icy eyes well yeah exactly perfect now we also need to grab two different types of lighting I’m going to grab shroom lights for mine and Milo for yours I’m going to use Sea lanterns because they look really icy yeah and just so blue and bright exactly finally I will just need to grab some chains like this and okay are you ready to hang these from the ceiling above our camp pit well I’m ready I’m ready me too Milo I’ll put one chain chest here like this and oh yeah Milo I think this can be icy IIs chandelier um I think that definitely can be it’s actually over his chair pretty much exactly that’s exactly why I wanted to make it here we need to make it pretty high up because this chandelia is about to be huge oh man I’m really excited for this I only want the fanciest stuff for my pet dragon me too Milo all right now we’ll need to expand out this glass a little bit so we can make it even bigger okay look at that this thing is looking so epic right now now we’ll also need to make sure we do the sides like this and hey we can even make them go slightly up and uh excuse me Milo wait why are you angry I got a big problem wa Milo what’s your problem I don’t like the dark blue it looks like the ocean and I see I is not an ocean Dragon oh okay um oh I know maybe you could do cyan instead oh yeah boy I like that one amazing come on Milo why didn’t you replace all of the dark blue with cyan colored glass just to make it look better and a bit more icy like you want you got it oh wow this is already looking way better yeah exactly see this is why I have all the design ideas and not you what Milo I literally had this design idea to build this chandeliers right here yeah but only because I put it in your brain what how did you put it in my brain Milo well not only can I tell the future but I can also put thoughts in people’s heads Milo did you just say you could put thoughts in people’s heads people’s comma heads oh wait Milo when did you learn about what commas are I don’t really know what it is uh yeah I could definitely tell that but it’s cool that you know about them Milo because I’m trying to get my cool points up yep that’s a great idea I think that’s so cool maybe one day your cool points might even be tied with me that’s so funny chip we all know you negative three what Milo I’m not on negative cool points that’s insane my cool points are so high look I’m even building the most epic insane chandelier ever chip ever since you did the sleep walking the other week you’ve definitely been on negative call points wait mil did you say sleepwalking yeah you Sleepwalk through the whole village wait what I don’t remember doing that at all well of course you wouldn’t because you were asleep um Milo that’s really scary um what did I say when I was sleepwalking you said puty much nothing you just walked around like this oh my goodness Milo that’s terrifying I can’t believe I just sleepwalked through the village and wait did you say la la la was I singing you weren’t really singing you were more just saying the word la la and pretty much everyone was laughing at you and I had to just say hey everyone don’t laugh at him it’s just a prank but I knew it wasn’t actually a prank wow Milo thank you for sticking up for me like that it is really scary not remember bring things when you sleep walk yeah and I always lie for you what when do you lie for me Milo I don’t believe that for one second well sometimes when I’m down at the shop I tell the shopkeeper that you like the color blue and that he should only sell you the blue things Milo is that why he wouldn’t sell me my favorite orange candy the other day yeah that’s so funny Milo that is so mean I loved that candy and I was tired all day because I couldn’t have any of it whatever oh my gosh Milo you’re so mean yeah I’m just feeling so today because I think I’m just anxious what wait why are you anxious Milo cuz those Dragon Hunters are going to be here kind of soon yeah you’re right they totally will don’t worry Milo we need to make sure we build the final pots of our bases for our dragons so that the dragon huntter is kind even get inside we’ll be able to have fully completed bases that will be absolutely Dragon Hunter proof hey how come you got these little things sticking off the bottom of the chandelier well cuz Milo I haven’t made yours yet I actually have a little light blue stained glass paint on mine and yeah you could put them on yours the whole time yeah and I was just going to do that actually oh my goodness Smiley you are so cheeky but look these end rods are looking so amazing on the chandeliers more like and Rod Milo what and Rod because I want you to end your sentence waa Milo that’s such a roast W you were so good at roasting that I might even think that you were a fire dragon was it really a good one Milo that was the best roast you have ever made I’m so proud right now oh yeah look at me look at me wow I am looking at you right now and Milo you’re dabbing come on you got to stop that I just dab when I do something awesome yeah that totally tracks but look Milo our was Chandelier’s a fire themed and Ice themed yours looks like a snowflake and mine looks like a flame these are actually amazing chip oh man the dragons are going to love this place so far except oh I just realized something oh no Milo what did you realize uh pretty much my dragon’s going to be really B in here oh Milo don’t worry we’re going to build a huge um Library yeah that’s right the dragons will love libraries and all the books are going to be fireproof and immune to freezing a libr but pretty much Dad don’t even know how to read yeah but icy ice does I’ve been teaching the Dragons how to read and they can read all sorts of things we actually write each other messages all the time why don’t you teach me how to read Milo I’ve been trying for years really yes Milo that’s when I sit you down and I write how to read on a big piece of paper except wait a minute what do you think it says when I write that down well I just think it says eat the candy no Milo it’s not eating the candy lessons oh my goodness okay maybe you can come with me and the dragons and we’ll all teach you how to read okay here is where we are going to place the library and in the middle I say we place a giant book that the dragons can actually read cuz it’ll be Dragon sized the book that is such a good idea thanks Maro I really like it here we go we’ll have the book right here and one side can be blue for Icy ice and the other side can be red for blazewing that is what really genius and Chip I really have another idea what’s your idea Milo I’m going to put the books everywhere that’s a great idea Milo yeah that kind of makes sense cuz it is a library after all yeah the dragons need lots of lots of options of what to raid exactly Milo wow we going to give these dragons such a good life I just know it look I’m going to make the book really thick because dragons can have a really crazy time rough housing what if they start accidentally play fighting in the library and then they knock the book over or phrase it or burn it I need to make sure it’s really thick so it can survive anything from either one of them yeah please please do that because I don’t want to lose that big block yeah exactly oh my goodness dragons please please please don’t prove me right all right here we go now I think this book is looking pretty good I think we should actually put some signs on it and I think we should make the pages of the book probably really educational for the dragons yeah what number one blue is the best color number two chip is a stiny head that’s a great idea okay number one blue is is the best color this is about to be such a nice sign for the dragons okay there we go here we are and then number two um what was it again it says chip is a stinky head wait a minute Milo I can’t do stinky head H chip is a really cool guy yep that is way better this is really good we’re teaching the dragons lots of good things no that is not the education what Milo okay what do you want number hey you deleted number two okay maybe I’ll say chip is the coolest guy you write that I’m pretty much going to scream and then all the Monster Hunters are going to come here oh um well then I definitely didn’t just Rite it then okay M what do you want number two to say books are silly what Milo we can’t say books are silly okay I’m going to say books are really good um okay you can say that I guess wow thanks Milo that’s really nice of you and here we’ll even have a nice little Podium so that we can step up and read it because we’re going to be really short next to the dragons even though I am really tall and I’ve never been short in my life well did you just say we can read it yeah and oh that’s right I forgot you can’t read although Milo maybe if you’re tall enough you will be able to read maybe this book will be so big that all the information will just go right into your head that would be nice I could sign up for that number three really needs to be something about healthy eating okay I think that means they need to eat lots of vegetables yeah and the bird seeds wait a minute that actually reminds me veggies and bird seeds are not healthy for Dragons we need to tell them that healthy eating means meat because that’s exactly what a growing dragon needs that is actually precisely true wo Milo you have an orange coopet it kind of looks like a Dorito don’t spy on the things I’m building with Milo we’re building together why wouldn’t I look at what you’re building well I don’t want you to see okay Milo I won’t look but I’m going to be really surprised to see what you’re making and okay I’m want to put something on the red side oh I think I know always roast your meat yeah but chip one thing oh yeah you one thing is that I spelled roast wrong right oh no I’m not even looking over there oh yeah you’re over there Milo what’s your one thing well dragons can also eat the room meat I guess that’s true yeah I see ice definitely like sushi because he eats it all the time it’s safe because he knows how to prepare it okay I’ll add Ro meat is okay on icy isis’s side yeah that’s good and also Sushi is kind of delicious for everyone yeah Sushi is really yummy oh wow you just have to make sure you eat it from people who know exactly how to make it otherwise you could get pretty dangerous well it’s like when you make the sushi and you give me food poisoning hey that was one time and it was only CU I didn’t read the recipe okay yeah and it was not very fun for me yeah sorry Milo is that why you only eat bird seeds now I only the bird seeds for me lately oh my goodness sorry Milo that sounds terrible and okay I’m going to add another sign that says do not eat Milo’s bird seeds yeah and if someone is eating my bird seeds they’re going death Milo even if icy ice eats your bird seeds yep Milo you would kill icy ice if he touched your bird seeds that makes you worse than the Dragon Hunters hey I didn’t say kill I said Dad Milo that’s what death means what Milo what did you think it means I thought I mean to just get looked up or something Milo is that why all the villages have come to me complaining about you telling them that you want them to die Milo that doesn’t mean locked up oh my gosh you are insane Milo you need to write apologies to all of them not happening I don’t even know how to write oh my gosh okay you can make icy ice write apologies for you okay I’ll do that I’m just going to make a note for IC see I so he remembers and that note is Milo is very sorry there we go now the dragons of fully aware and wo this library is looking pretty cool actually I like it youve done with the bookshelves and I’m just going to add some nice lanterns around so it’s really bright in here yeah and can you see the carpet thing as well that I’m doing yes I can totally see the carpet thing it’s looking really good and look I’m even going to add Stone growing over the back of the bookshelves this makes it look like the bookshelves are built into the mountain and Chip I’ve got one special little thing wao Milo what is it he has the enchanting table because it actually has the reading book on it wo Milo do you mean electon no I just enchanting table chip wa Milo you’ve got two of them that is amazing not only can these help our dragons learn how to read even better they will also be able to enchant your armor this will make us extra strong against the Dragon Hunters and we can totally stop them using our new shiny tools yeah and I really did like your piece of advice so I’m going to do the like turn as well a thanks Milo wow we are working together so well I guess all it takes is wanting to protect our new Dragon Friends exactly and I really want to protect them me too Milo oh wow these bookshelves are looking absolutely incredible this Library area is amazing but uh-oh Milo I think we’ve forgotten something what what have we forgotten Milo what happens when icy ice or blazewing needs to go to the bathroom oh man we need to build in a bathroom right now yeah before they need to go party oh my goodness we got to do this quick I think we need to make our toilets right here and I’ll even add a little bit of stone so that blazewing and icy ice can have some privacy yeah because even though they’re dragons they still need to have that privacy if to go into the toilet exactly everybody needs that okay this is looking pretty good it’s kind of like a bathroom stall then we’ll add another wall on the other side and we can even add one for IC ice too yep is this where the dragon is meant to go to the toilet um yeah of course Miler this is way too small wait what how what do you mean how are the dragons going to go to the toilet here we need to make big pits for them to go to a toilet in ew Milo that’s gross they can’t poop in a pit yep that’s what we’re going to have to do oh my gosh okay I guess we can dig down a little bit like this um I guess this can be Blaze Wings pit because I’ll just put some magma and fire at the bottom yeah and then it can burn up all the P exactly Milo oh this is so exciting but also really really gross yeah this is actually so gross but hey we’re still going to do it because we care about the dragons and that’s what good Dragon Keepers good do exactly H I guess you do always have to pick up your pet poop but oh my gosh this is so gross yeah and also I’m going to put some pded snow at the bottom of this one because that will hide all the poop and it will freeze it exactly that’s so smart my fire will turn the poop into smoke and make it float around the entire cave yep that’s smart thanks Milo I think it’s a great idea and I’m just going to put some icicles around just to make sure that I ice is really comfortable exactly and I need to use a toilet too so I’m going to put my toilet next to the giant burning pit and oh my goodness Milo we almost forgot some something um what a bathroom sink look I’ll give you one as well inside your bathroom and wao Milo iy I’s bathroom is huge yeah exactly he’s a really big dragon oh my gosh Milo that’s so much space all right look I’ll put the icy ice bathroom sink right over here thank you very much that’s very good you’re welcome Milo oh boy I really hope our dragons know how to wash their hands yep they definitely do I told ICS from a very young age wa wait a minute Milo I didn’t even know you knew how to wash your hands that is disrespectful okay Milo how do you wash your hands then well you go up to the sink and you drink the water and then you put your hands in there wao Milo no no no why do you drink the water why did you add that extra step because it’s sometimes I’m fasting Milo you got drink from the bathroom sink while you’re washing your hands in there that’s gross I don’t see why not oh my gosh Milo you’re so yucky but hey look the bathrooms are looking pretty good and um Milo do you want a toilet for yourself as well yes please but I kind of want it right here yeah oh okay right at the front yeah but I’ll put some more Stone in hey I just fell down that Cliff just now oh Milo for you okay maybe we’ll add some little stairc casy bits to the cliff just like this yep that’s good thank you oh yeah this is already looking a lot better and a lot more safe as well I don’t want to be falling down this Cliff while we’re trying to take care of our dragons y exactly I’m just thinking about that and CH what is it Milo can you hear that oh yeah I hear War horns oh no the Dragon Hunter Army is approaching but how long are they going to take I don’t know we need to go check mil we got to check on our dragons now and wait a minute Milo they were just here champ where was they gone oh no has someone stolen them maybe it was the Dragon Hunters Milo dragons dragons blazewing icy ice where are you but just a thought what’s your thought Milo I’m actually not seeing the Dragon Hunters anywhere so what could have happened Milo I think I know what happened what is it what they’re inside my house look they’re just chilling inside because they were scared of the Dragon Hunters a look at these little guys they’re just so scared poor little dragons oh my goodness don’t worry dragons we are going to finish your new house before the dragon hun is arrive but I don’t know how long they’ll be um chip well last I checked we had 10 minutes which means now we have 5 minutes oh no Milo we got to hurry let’s go we need to finish building the inside and and I think I know exactly what sort of stuff we need to make what’s this going to be this is going to be a personal Armory Milo this is where we will keep all of our armor to make sure we’re strong enough and defended enough to fight an entire Dragon Hunter Army W that a smart chip we need to be really strong and Chip I actually just don’t think this is going to be enough what do you mean Milo what’s not going to be enough all of this we actually need to do more yeah of course we’re doing more Milo we need item frames with bows and arrows and chests full of the things and I’m actually going to build a big diamond helmet up here so we know it’s the Armory what okay that’s a great idea Milo that is so genius yeah thanks I am a genius actually yeah you totally are here we go I’m putting down more chests and I’m also going to grab a bow wao Milo these bows are going to be so powerful here we’ll fill the entire chests with them and W Milo your diamond helmet’s looking crazy so far yeah it’s going to be fantastic are you jealous um no I’m not jealous at all I’m actually really excited for you this is so good and you’re getting very very talented at building exactly and i’ be learning from the best a wait Milo do you mean me no what Milo what do you mean I’ve been learning from I ice what I ice knows how to build oh yeah boy I ice is the best builder in the dragons what Milo that’s insane I didn’t know that why did you never tell me um because I just thought you might be sad if you found out oh my gosh IO I’m not going to be sad I’m actually super happy for you and oh my goodness this Armory isn’t going to be enough we need to add even more things like oh I know we need chests full of enchanted golden apples those are so overpowered and wait a minute oh my goodness Milo I almost forgot something what did you forget I almost forgot Saddles we need spare ones in case our Dragon riding saddles break a man that’s so true it is really important that we don’t lose any of our equipment in the fight against the Dragon Hunters because then we will be defenseless and oh yeah this is looking way better now now that the Armory is looking really really good I think I need to add some magma blocks and some fire all through at it oh yeah that’s what we need we need to make it look intimidating exactly I would add some snow for Icy ice but magma actually helps smelt all of this netherite so it just makes it even stronger and it helps the Armory work better yeah I guess that’s true you don’t have to put the guys down thanks Milo that’s really nice of you and I’ll just put down some fire as well so it looks really Elemental and terrifying and cool and hot and blazing and wo this is so epic and does the helmet look good Milo the helmet looks great can I add a ring of fire around it though I’m certainly wo this is going to be the coolest helmet ever I actually can’t believe it and also if anyone comes in here I’m totally going to slash them with the sword what Milo that’s crazy are you sure that’s a good idea yep and even if Bob the Villager comes in here I’m going to get him okay Milo we need to make sure we only use this on the Dragon Hunters but uh-oh my Lord that reminds me we need to build some fake mannequins that we can actually practice fighting on and that we can practice fighting without dragons on and I think I know exactly the ones we need to do but chip I’m just going to put a little separation here so that the dragons don’t try and get the Armory yeah that’s a great idea Milo here look we’ll build little scarecrows like this this way the dragons can fight them because they already look scary and look Milo I’ll make this one really tall oh yeah that one’s so funny and tall and silly these can be like enemies that the dragons will practice fighting and look will even make it look like icy ice and blazewing have been here and for them already because they will be icicles on the ground and fire as well Yip I think these are a little bit lame what Meo how are they lame well I’m going to show you how you build a real mannequin oh my gosh okay Milo I’m actually really really scared please don’t do anything crazy nothing crazy just something really cool okay and wao Milo it kind of looks like a piglin yeah exactly this is how these dragons are actually going to get really angry and learn how to fight wao Milo that’s terrifying but I like it great idea we’re going to add even more magma and fire around this area as well so that it looks totally terrifying yeah and this one’s a zomie a zomie Milo what’s a zombie um it’s like a zombie look at it a zombie oh Milo do you mean zombie um I call them zombies what since when Milo that’s not their name at all well I call them that so that’s their name oh my gosh Milo you’re so insane you’re actually crazy but now one other thing that’s crazy is this super cool mannequin fighting area it looks so epic and real and hey another zomie yeah the zombiie everywhere yeah I’m going to add even more fire along this vein of magma I made running through the entire thing and oh yeah I think the training area is looking good but Milo this will only help them train in fighting we have nothing that will help them train in flying a man CH I didn’t even think about that don’t worry Milo I totally did we are going to need to grab some golden rings and these golden rings will help them fly everywhere yeah this whole top layer over here can be a whole flying cross Milo that’s a genius idea oh yeah I really like that here we go we’ll build the first golden ring right over here on the ground level and wait a minute I have even better idea I’m going to grab white concrete and black concrete and I’ll put them in a little checka patent just like this W that can be the starting one exactly Milo here we go so the starting line will be here and the dragons will have to race through the very first golden ring just like this then they will need to make their way all the way over to the other side before the other dragon in order to be the best I hope I know who that’s going to be uh yeah me too it’ll be blazewing what no it won’t Milo you’re seriously not saying it could be icy ice yeah of course he’s the fastest flying dragon in the whole hemisphere Milo do you even know what the hemisphere means yeah it means like everything no Milo it doesn’t mean like everything oh my goodness you are so crazy once we teach you how to read we should also show you a map a map like of the Minecraft world no Milo of the world like of the earth you know the planet that we’re on oh yeah that’s true I haven’t ever seen one of those what Milo you’ve never seen a map of the Earth not at all oh my goodness no wonder you’re so crazy but you know what I’m not going to worry about it instead we just need to make even more of these Rings like this look the first few can be kind of close to the ground but then they will go higher and higher until they’re really really difficult yeah we’re also going to make even more Rings over here and I think these middle ones need to be very very tall this one can even be bigger than the other ones as well because it’s pretty high up so the dragons might need a little bit more help actually getting through it yeah and I’m doing one up here because this is going to be the really hard one wao yeah that looks really difficult okay I super duper like that idea now we’ll make sure this one goes around and wo it actually connects up to the wall this one’s insane oh that’s going to be really hard to fly through yeah if I see ice and blazewing are able to do it then that means they are really really good Dragon Flyers already and that we should be really really proud of them exactly I already am proud of a dragon yeah me too blazewing is so amazing he’s definitely the best dragon I’ve ever had yeah also um a is pretty much the only dragon I’ve ever had yeah that does make a lot of sense I’ve never had a dragon other than blazewing either he’s definitely my first and he’s so good yeah and also icy I can spit ice everywhere yeah I know Milo I’ve been with you when you’ve done it remember when that villager needed all of his fish to be Frozen and you just did it in a second yeah I really helped that guy out yeah you were so helpful that day I was very proud thanks a lot here we go we’ll have one of the second last rings over here over here on this side I’m going to build the finishing end of the Dragon hoop flying course W the finishing hoop chip I have an idea oh what’s your idea Milo you should make it out of the red stone so you can tell that it’s the finishing lawn oh true or I could make it out of the same stuff and that way for an extra challenge our dragons can complete the course backwards wow I love that idea need too oh wow this is so exciting here I’ll put the Finishing Line right over here and I’ll even make it thick just so that this is the official Finishing Line wow I actually can’t believe this yep I’m just going to move this ring right here because you put one really close behind it and it’s kind of impossible yeah it is kind of impossible I think it’s a really good idea moving it Milo that’s very nice of you because otherwise it probably would be too hard for the other dragons to get I’m a pretty nice guy yeah you are a really nice guy oh well waa Milo I just fell down the side of the build that was pretty scary for a second be careful luckily having the build dangerous is not a bad thing actually because it means if it’s dangerous for us then it is dangerous for the Dragon Hunters for sure that is a true fact yep it totally isn’t W Milo this Dragon area is looking pretty cool but I say we just need to add a couple more on the ceiling but uh-oh Milo we don’t have a lot of time we need to do this very quickly then we will add the final few rooms and I think I already know exactly what they should be now that we’ve made the Dragon Racing course we need to build a farm for our dragons really quickly before the Dragon Hunters arrived yeah we need a lot of animals in here so got a lot of friends and also food yeah exactly mostly food actually these dragons eat a lot of animals that’s probably why the Dragon Hunt is a mad honestly yep and I don’t really want to think about that so I’m just going to keep building def fense like this exactly Milo and wait a minute I really like that idea we can have different fenced off areas inside this main Farm section exactly then I can have a whole variety of animals exactly I say we should have about four and do you want to know a really cool build trick what is it what is it if you do three fences side by side like this the middle one will actually stick up and it’ll look super fancy and cool that not yeah it’s a pretty cool trick fit Milo you got to make a wall next to it as well a so I me don’t worry at all Milo you’re not silly you’re totally still learning it is so cool though look I’ll even do it right over here 1 2 3 bam it even works over in this section as well wow this farming area is looking so cool yeah it’s actually really cool chip I’m very proud of what we’ve done me too Milo now we actually need to get some animals in here first I’m going to get some chickens then we can also grab some cows and not to mention we definitely need sheep but hm what’s a third animal we could even put in here um well maybe we like the Wither the with what no mileo we can’t put the Wither in our Dragon Animal Farm pen why not I thought that would be a fun game no Milo the Wither would probably try and hurt our dragons and I don’t think they can eat the Wither oh yeah that’s such a like maybe the weather is not such a good idea no it’s a really bad idea Milo oh my goodness H maybe there’s an animal um maybe like a pig or rabbit or something although rabbits would probably try and jump over the fence and besides rabbits a tiny I don’t think they’d fill the dragons much up at all and also I’m having a beef with the rabbits at the moment so I don’t want to see them what Milo you have beef with rabbits what’s your rabbit beef well they tried to steal my seeds and I was like get out of here do you mean your seeds or the seeds that the rabbits are also trying to eat because you know they’re animals they mine I actually told everyone the other day that all the seeds that ever exist belong to me wait but Milo they probably don’t understand because rabbits can’t speak they’re just rabbits what they can’t speak no Milo they can’t they’re literally rabbits wait a minute do you think the rabbits could actually understand you well yes oh my goodness no Milo that’s insane okay we definitely can’t do rabbits but hey maybe we can do Piggies over here yeah it’s a piggy perfect here we go we’ll have Piggies just like this oh yeah this is absolutely perfect look at that just going to give them a little bit of water to drink yeah and wait a minute Milo I’m so silly I built all of Blaze wi’s favorite animals a that’s okay I likes these ones too really Milo I thought I I’s favorite was polarz well yes and also the fish oh my goodness okay well I think the fish is an easy solution we can actually spawn buckets of tropical fish inside of these little pools oh wow that is so genius thanks Milo now inside of the pig’s pen we can also put polar bears because pigs and polar bears both start with a PE that’s so funny but I hope they don’t eat the pig is um I think they’ll be fine yeah look wow the pigs and the polar bear are totally friends oh no wow that’s so cool but Milo wait a minute our dragons have nowhere to sleep oh man chip how can we totally forget the beds I have no idea but Milo don’t worry following my lead I’m going to build a magma bed for blazewing and you just need to build an icy bed for Icy ice well I’m going to do it over here because I think this is a better area for I eyes yeah totally I agree I like this area over here for blazewing because is he’s right next to the toilets and he needs to go to the bathroom a lot yeah that’s actually so funny oh yeah blaz Wings always on the toilet yeah he’s always pooping or something but you know what I think we should give him his privacy there we go now this bed is looking really cool I need to grab some magma blocks to actually put inside this thing and oh wow this is looking so cool I’m also actually going to grab campfires this way we can hide them underneath some of the campfires and even though they’ll be blocked off the smoke will still come through it’s like super feting the magma underneath blazewing which he really really likes here we go we’ll just add more and more magma like this and I just know blazewing is really going to like this WOW Milo is your ice bed for Icy ice also going really really well yep I’m making it so fantastic oh I can’t believe this this is so exciting I think blazewing and icy ice are going to love their new homes and they’re going to love the security it will give them against the Dragon Hunters yeah and also pretty much we’re going to be demain security cuz we’re going to fight them all exactly we are going to totally destroy any Dragon Hunters that get in here the main piece of security is actually to keep them inside and make sure that blazewing and I ice are distracted by all of the lovely things we built them so they don’t try and help us dragons are so brave and heroic that if they see us in danget they will try and fight for us and it’s just not safe for them yeah and the last thing we need is that dragon’s getting stolen from us exactly it already happened once before so we cannot let it happen again wow the bed is looking so cool but there’s one other thing I really want to add here I’m going to make some really scary looking bone decorations on the outside of it oh wow Milo this is going to be the scariest looking bed ever CH that’s actually scaring me too much what Milo it’s scaring you why I don’t know it reminds me of the scary skeletons Milo it shouldn’t be scaring you don’t worry I promise this skeleton isn’t real it’s just a decoration see sorry I was just feeling a bit emotional about it yeah I know you can get pretty crazy like that sometimes but hey it’s fine we all get emotional especially when scary things are happening like Dragon Hunters yeah and those Dragon Hunters are going to pay for it yeah exactly Milo you tell them yeah I’m going to tell them and I’m going to tell them all the my stories what Melo what do you mean you’re going to tell them all of your stories I’m going to make them sit down and listen to all my stories about when I went to the toilet and when I was doing the cartwheel and when I was doing the dab what Milo that sounds terrible I don’t think even the Dragon Hunters deserve that what hey that’s kind of rude sorry Milo I don’t mean to be rude okay you can tell them all of your crazy stories thanks that’s good you’re welcome Milo okay look this is so exciting the rib cage actually looks really terrifying right now wow I think blazewing is going to love it it kind of looks a bit like a bed head that’s funny yeah I totally agree Milo it definitely is and oh yeah this is one of my favorite builds I’ve ever done look here we go we’ll make even more of it just like this and wow if blazewing doesn’t totally love what I’m making right now I’m going to be so upset because I’m working so hard on it look this is going to be absolutely perfect FL swing actually really loves rib cages I don’t know why it’s actually kind of terrifying sometimes but he always gets really excited whenever I bring one around yes Dragon tanks I guess yeah does iy ice do the same thing yeah but for skulls wo skulls that’s crazy wow just look at this Milo this looks absolutely amazing and wait I’m going to put just a couple on the other side so it kind of looks like some Jaws that’s actually such a good idea thanks voo I’m really proud of it actually all right I’ll just make these ones a little bit shorter because there’s no need to have really tall Jaws that would just be a little bit too much here we go I’ll have some on the other side like this this one can be pretty tall actually this can be the tallest one on the other side but I again don’t really want them to be too tall otherwise it would kind of just be a little bit too much here we go we’ll have one more over here just like this although hey this one can be a bit taller as well because it’s further towards the back it looks nicer to have it bigger here we go and the final two bones will just look like this WOW Milo you are going to absolutely lose your mind when you see how cool my rib cage is looking and you’re going to lose your mind when you see this bed over here oh mil what is this this looks like a castle bed yeah it’s really cursy it actually looks really cool I see ice is going to love it in here and wo it’s pwed snow too so it’s really soft and fluffy that’s fluffy and my Finishing Touch is this wo what’s your Finishing Touch I’m so excited still put skars everywhere oh hey that’s a great idea Milo skars is perfect for Icy ice because just like you said he loves them and wait a minute this kind of looks a bit like a castle which reminds me of a bouncy castle Milo we haven’t added any fun exercise bouncy castle rooms yet how can we inspect a dragons to stay in here if we don’t even have to fun exactly Milo H okay luckily they’re a trampoline so we can totally add them I’m going to grab some magma so we can have fire bouncy castles for blazewing and we can even do icy ones for Icy ice why should I do it why should I do it we should do them all around look Blaze Wings bouncy console can be right here just like this and icy ices can maybe be on the other side yeah and it can be up here I think up here oh yep that’s a great idea it’s kind of in the middle of the superal dragon flying area exactly so have so much fun W this area is so fun blazewing will definitely get distracted in here I just know it and you know what I think I’ll also make another bouncy castle up here just like you did for Icy ice oh yeah boy our dragons are going to be absolutely loving it here because there’s so many fun things for them to do while we’ll be outside fighting the Dragon Hunters to make sure they never come close to hurting our dragons ever again we’re going to be so brave out there exactly Milo we are going to need to be braver than we ever have before in our entire lives and you know what I think we can totally do it yeah I’ve actually been taking the brave classes the brave classes Milo what a brave classes it just teaches you how to growl at people and be really strong wait a minute Milo who’s teaching these classes uh just jip chip Milo you’re just copying your snowman chip chip is kind of crazy I don’t think that’s a class that’s just him being insane chip chip is not insane he’s very smart and cool oh Milo okay but one thing that is definitely insane is the Dragon Hunters Milo we finished Al bansy castles but I think I can hear them Milo the Dragon Hunters are here oh man oh no come on Milo the village is under attack we need to save everybody Qui to the armoring we’ve got to armor up Milo here I’m I’m going to get this Enchanted sharpness and fire aspect netherite sword you what that sounds like the craziest Elemental sword I’ve ever heard yeah it is very powerful and it will come in really handy against the evil Army of Dragon Hunters I’ll also get some spare Saddles and some golden apples and I’ve got the Snowballs Milo snowballs aren’t going to help but oh my goodness quick we need to save out dragons who knows what damage the Dragon Hunters could be doing to them right now yeah let’s save them oh my goodness Milo look the Dragon Hunters are here and I can totally see them they’ve surrounded our house and our dragons a these guys are freaks I’m going to throw my snor balls at them yeah totally get them Milo oh my goodness ow they’re doing some serious damage to me chip we need to be quick so that we can get back to your house and bring our dragons to safety yeah exactly ouch I was taking some serious damage but look now I can use my enchanted golden apples to get past them and oh yeah Milo this is looking really good for us right now we just need to get past these ones they are so powerful because they have crazy attacks um yeah their attacks are actually so scary okay I think I got past them but oh no morea coming Milo I’m going to need to do something I never wanted to do and that’s break my window oh chip you got to I’m going to stay out here and fight them if you can get inside okay good idea Milo come on come on blazewing you’ve got to be able to get out of here all right Milo I am riding blazewing okay I’m going to come inside and get RC Ice come on Milo you got to oh no Milo the army of Dragon Hunters is right there and oh no blaz ring don’t go down to them oh my goodness Milo he thinks they’re toys I’m trying to throw the snowballs at them while I’m at the dragon yeah I’m going to try and shoot them with my bow and arrow all right this has to work and wao Milo I think I might actually be getting some of them hey CH are my snowball’s hurting I actually can’t tell Milo snowballs don’t do any damage you know um what yeah Milo of course they don’t do any damage oh my gosh this is terrifying come on Milo we got to let blazewing and icy ice know that they need to take us down further so that we can actually hit these guys come on blaz Wing you and icy ice need to be safe in the mountain we will handle this Army I promise come on we can do this we got to go to the mountain right now Chip come on maybe if they see how fun the mountain is with all the things we’ve added they won’t want to leave and they won’t try to play with the dragon armi and whoa Milo look I think blazewing really really likes it wow I us is loving this place quickly chip we got to land them safely in the spot and then we can go out and keep fighting exactly all right blazewing here’s your command stick I command you to sit okay Milo blaz wiing should be safe let’s take out this evil Dragon Hunter Amy once and for all and look a is sitting there shivering and ready to be safe Milo yeah it looks like he’s so scared he won’t be for long though we are going to destroy these evil dragon hunters get them this is the final fight to protect everyone from these evil dragon Hunters yeah take this Dragon Hunters you will never hurt our dragons again no way oh my goodness look they’re totally taking damage from my arrows yeah and even though they have their crossbows we’re actually winning except chip why are they so many I have no idea but there are lots of them this is really bad and Milo they’re all targeting you guys stay back Milo I’m not going to let you die to the Dragon Hunters save me I’m trying to dodge them but they’re really trying to get me oh my gosh Milo it’s because they know you have snowballs they know you can’t fight back against them you’ll just totally lose what but I’m trying to use my sword oh Milo come on you got this don’t worry these look to be the final Dragon Hunters left if we can take these guys down we will have defeated the entire Army a chip I’ve got some bad news oh no Milo what’s the bad news your house oh no my beautiful house come back here right now Dragon Hunters stay out of my house and out of my yard this is for get them yeah get him get them oh my goodness wait oh no there’s a really powerful one inside my house okay I need to take out the Crazy Ones with axes first those are the most powerful Dragon Hunters and hey come back here Milo they’re trying to get you but I won’t let them wait Milo don’t get that one we need to get these ones first okay I’m getting them I’m getting them but hey chip your fire sword is actually so powerful and wait is that the last one chip Milo it’s the last one and he is the leader of the Dragon Hunters we need to take him down right now come here Dragon Hunter leader and out of my house shut up oh yeah Milo we totally did it we defeated the head Dragon Hunter and saved our dragons from them forever come on we got to go check that the dragons are okay yeah you’re right mil Lord come on this elemental house needs to be able to save them and hey look Milo I see ice is totally safe in your bed you made for him where’s Fire Ring Miler you mean blazewing oh my goodness wait I don’t see him in his bed this is bad oh my goodness I’ll climb up the stairs and blazewing blazewing there you are oh yeah my little blazewing is completely safe woohoo he loves the house and look he also loves the dragon hoop course w we did it this is so cool hooray

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Join Milo and Chip as they Build Epic Elemental Houses for thier Dragons!

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