1st year I got wood. 2nd year I got a beer. Now on my 3rd year I get a dozen eggs that I already have an abundance of. I was really hoping for the tea set or something! Thank you for the gifts. I will use them….

by Pumpkin-Tuxedo


  1. I actually borked my shipping of a white reg egg and she gave me these the other day and saved my from having a who new coop and chicken just for the egg! But yeah, tea sets are cool too 🙂

  2. Pumpkin-Tuxedo on

    Hey that’s pretty awesome it worked out that way for you! That’s what I love about this game, we all experience most of the same but in a lot of different outcomes. You just never know for sure in some areas what’s going to happen, that’s exciting!

  3. One year I got the glitch that my partner was Leo but he hadn’t moved on the island yet so I didn’t get any gift 😅

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