I Found Herobrine’s Secret Base in Minecraft

imagine it’s storming outside when suddenly you hear your doorbell ring you open your door shocked to find a mysterious package left delivered yet you can’t remember ordering anything so you decide to open it only to find a note uh a screenshot of some sort and then a USB what okay hello Danny bionic I’m sorry to bother you and this invasion of privacy but this is serious I’m a concerned parent as my child has been playing on his hardcore world for weeks now only to One Day begin mentioning that he feels like he was being watched he then told me his build started to become corrupted seeing things he also didn’t remember building as if something else was living in his world I brushed him off thinking it was just my kid’s imagination but one day I heard him scream when I checked on him I saw a death screen with what seemed another player but with glowing eyes so the note in the mail came with this screen shot the death screen of the player we got to check this thing out so I’m not going to lie to you it looks like a normal screenshot it’s definitely in hardcore mode we have the hardcore Hearts right there um what else what else what the heck is that come on camera Focus dude is that a villager head no okay it it can’t be there’s no way that makes no sense I don’t see anything else wait yeah I do what is that is that a player right next to my finger right here that right there looks like a player that makes no sense dude this is insane I’ve never received anything like this and this is coming from one of you guys so this is serious not only do we have that we have the USB we literally have the USB I have no idea if this is safe but I guess we should just plug it in no way there’s actually a hardcore World in here and it’s called kid hardcore is is that his name or something I guess his name is [Music] kid no way it’s actually here kid hardcore dude no no no I didn’t sign up for this I did not sign up for this but let’s go and just play this thing oh god dude is it actually going to load yo oh my gosh wa there is lava right there really dude we’re in hardcore mode this thing is actually legit did I just what the heck yo it it’s not like what was that yo no no no no no no no no no no no no show subtitles dude I swear dying what the heck what’s dying it’s not me right wait wait wait that could be explained that could be explained this is this is kids hardcore world where he’s already died in so maybe the game still thinks he’s dead or right and again this is the same world that apparently Herobrine’s in those those are corrupted chunks those are corrupted chunks what the heck is that it looks like a giant farm with repeating builds over and over over and over again okay okay that that that doesn’t mean Herobrine’s actually in this world it’s just a stupid Legend right right guys and then huh this looks like a really cool house I wonder this must be kids yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is kids house yo this is actually a pretty good build oh my gosh why why why can this kid build better than me and okay this is a pretty sweet house I can tell kid is a fan bro has the he hasn’t named peee Chopper oh my gosh no way the classic Bonk peee choer wait should I be touching stuff inside of this house this is kind of like a crime scene I am such an idiot but I guess it’s too late I already have the peee chop out whatever bro you know what I might as well just grab this armor dude cuz if I mean Herobrine’s in this world or whatever then uh I don’t want to die and speaking of not dying we should probably check out these chests oh my gosh who buddy’s been grinding there’s all sorts of really cool stuff in here uh that I’m going to yoink Yo okay sorry kid if you’re watching this video I didn’t mean to just like steal everything ooh meat some blocks in here I don’t really think I need that or maybe I do o a ton of bread I’ll take this Shield just in case I mean like it doesn’t seem like he’s been playing for too long on this hardcore world or maybe he’s just really good at building and not too good at like advancing in the game cuz I would have beaten the game by now whoa he has two maps here that point in this exact Direction and are those the corrupted chunks they have to be it looks so weird on the map and ooh Some Building Supplies nice I’ll take some more meat I’ll take a pickaxe for sure there you go kind of feel bad stealing his stuff and what is this is this his pet howdy a little fish a okay I’ll leave him all right not going to lie this is a really wholesome world except for the fact that there are literal corrupted chunks this way I guess we should probably go this way and continue the investigation bro this doesn’t make any sense why this would happen whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that why why is my game bugging out like that you’ll join the other soon who’s who’s no that has to be Herobrine no there’s no shots come on dude n Gamers this actually just got so real so quick you’ll join the other soon I don’t even know what that means who’s others is he talking about kid okay okay no no no my one goal is to just not die and we got to avenge kid we got to find Herobrine so saving and quitting to title that’s not an option for me Gamers back to game it’s night time yo yo it’s it changed the nighttime no way okay okay okay okay things just got a little scarier um I don’t know if going through the corrupted chunks is a good idea but YOLO I guess I can just also climb up with the water really easily okay we made it to the top of this thing bro wait yeah look this structure right here there’s another one over there that pale structure it’s it’s right there repeated dude this is really weird it’s like the chunks got all like like mixed up and whatnot and oh there’s there’s ladders this is kind of is sweet it looks like some sort of Watchtower of some sort I wonder if kid built this before his world was cursed by herob Brien is that no shot wait a second wait a second those trees are completely bald those are clear signs of Herobrine okay dude this is so sauce who and what is that what is that it’s like a white pillar over there okay no no no no no no no we got to we got to get down from here easy come on now don’t doubt me dude these corrupted chunks are so [Music] scary you guys think I’m going to die to like a missing water block clutch come on now look at this wait it even goes underground yo what is that that’s a redstone torch isn’t it with some Netherrack what the heck maybe that’s what kid’s dad meant by Kid finding structures that weren’t his okay okay okay okay okay we got to keep our eyes peeled and then there’s more of those pillars there are more of those pillars bro bro we got to get closer no a third one that’s a third one okay okay okay okay okay I’m honestly pretty terrified right now I’m not going to lie to you guys see what happens to those who ignore my warning okay okay okay that’s actually one of the creepiest things I’ve ever read back to game huh everything seems normal I’ve never had the game like talk to me what that was a sheep wait oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what that’s an infected mob he he has the he has he has the white eyes he has the white he’s hitting me wait what pig hurts Pig dies and it didn’t drop anything the Sheep didn’t drop anything either okay okay okay okay we can’t we can’t trust mobs now we can’t trust mobs there’s another Pig there’s another Pig there’s another P it’s fine I took no damage which is good wa wait there’s some sort of bridge and there’s another one of those pillars as long as we sneak around the outskirts we should be good bro I have a bad feeling about this oh my gosh there’s a chicken okay okay we got him dude what is that what am I looking at right now are we approaching like some sort of Village I see the grass path right here what the heck why are these blocks glowing what what what is this it looks like some sort of grass block wait we can see the the the the the back one right here this one it’s it’s a grass block but it’s like it’s like it’s glitched it’s like the snow version this is just completely transparent but I can’t mine it even with the pickaxe oh my gosh and wait this entire house is underground okay okay okay there’s a whole lot to digest what the balls is this up here can can I use my water to like I can okay okay wait a second let’s climb up okay okay what is this what is this bro oh my gosh I can’t even step on it wait I just tried to step on it and I almost slipped what is this yo it’s a statue of Herobrine but like sliced in half I don’t get it I don’t get it can I really not step on these blocks I can’t oh my gosh okay okay I’m going to get my water back dude this this does not make any sense to me bro no is that a villager’s head wait this is what we saw in the proof I literally it’s literally right here like you actually can’t make this up no way oh my gosh you’re next bro that scared the crap out of me that actually scared the crap out of me shut up dude is it is it saying it’s going to cut off my head no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no bro I do not like this I do not like this at all there’s corrupted blocks everywhere that house wait this house is literally upside down what yo you’re seeing that right that wasn’t happening before door creaks door Creeks door freaking Creeks I know game I see it is it because the torch is like dude I might have to break the torch I think it’s powering the door it stopped it stopped that at least means we’re not dealing with ghosts we’re we’re we’re dealing with something else we’re dealing with exactly what you think it is Herobrine bro what what’s inside of this thing anyways hold on I’ve never been dude I’ve never been inside of a stupid I’m mining through I don’t care I broke it I didn’t even get a door from it bro what I broke the door I didn’t even get the drop bro there’s nothing inside it’s all on the roof wait what the bed’s not upside down just the build okay okay okay okay okay this is good we’re getting a lot of visual proof here I do not like the flickering though bro bro I didn’t realize this blacksmith is completely also upside down how come they start flickering whenever I get close it wasn’t flickering a second ago I swear N Dog N Dog and that statue right there it’s also facing that way yeah I can’t see dude if you guys want to zoom in real quick I can’t even I don’t see Herobrine’s face on that statue okay okay okay okay this doesn’t make any sense these dude these torches don’t even make any sense they’re not even touching anything okay I was going to ask where all the villagers went but I can see where they are they’re freaking skulls are stuck on sticks all right hold on let’s get up here is the lava flashing I have never never seen that in my entire life there’s not even anything cooking inside of these furnaces I’m kind of scared please please please please please wait there’s a chest there’s the blacksmith’s villager but there’s also a chest here okay the loot seems kind of untouched interesting the Redstone torches actually have red light bro and the grindstone is upside down is that possible okay I don’t even know what is possible and what isn’t possible anymore dude I’m actually terrified wait villager mumbles huh is is there someone alive it’s coming from that it’s coming from this house oh my gosh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t have a good feeling about this I’m not going to lie to you I am not going to lie to you oh my gosh there’s a nitwit in there wait he has the eyes he has the eyes oh my gosh he has the oh my gosh yo yo he’s fast he’s fast yo how is he not dead what the heck was wrong with with that guy I dude I did not expect him to move that fast okay and there are more mobs over there no no no no no no no I bet those are all Herobrine mobs bro I don’t I don’t want anything to do with them I recognize that I recognize that I recognize that guys oh my gosh guys that’s that’s kid wait that’s his dead body oh my goodness so I was right this this is literally where he died from the screenshot oh my goodness wait oh that was probably what we were hearing I was right we were just hearing the dead hardcore player glitch I don’t even know I feel so bad for him dude I wish I could revive him right now he’s literally a cyborg creeper oh my gosh that’s so sick dude okay that is super creepy though how he just like randomly glitches wait but if this is where died who died at the beginning and then wait wasn’t Herobrine right there if we line up the screenshot this is yeah this is where Herobrine was like literally sided in in the screenshot I have okay I mean in that case do we just keep going does that mean anything above from this point is Uncharted Territory okay okay okay bro I don’t know about this man what is this what am I even looking at right now dude I’m going to grab some wood I just want to get ourselves a boat I don’t exactly know if we need a boat to continue but like it looks like yeah it goes from what yo yo yo chill chill chill chill chill chill chill why is bro standing up why is kid standing up what the heck I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared right now is wait oh is this just his dead body still why why did it just stop being dead though why did why did it get up why did it get up bro okay okay okay I’m getting out of here I am getting out of here bro I don’t want anything to do with this stupid Village anymore all the statues were pointing in this direction so as long as we follow this River dude are those those are eyeballs right I see something white right there those are 100% eyeballs oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no do I actually just keep going towards it chill bro okay whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever oh my God there’s multiple eyeballs they just disappeared the second I got close hold on I just enabled hit boxes there’s more eyeballs over there wait did that just blink dude I think they’re literally blinking okay I guess we got to go through this creepy cave filled with Herobrine eyeballs oh my God bro it just what the heck what what the heck is going on I’m honestly so scared right now I’m honestly so scared what what hold on what if I get close to it it just disappeared it just disappeared the second I get close to it they’re back again okay okay okay okay okay I’m going to keep going I’m going to keep going I’m going to keep going I’m going to keep going let’s get out of this stupid River please please please what are those more corrupted chunks that’s a village now corrupted and wait there’s another one of those statues two pillars that means we’re going the right way yeah yeah yeah yeah what the huh whoa whoa whoa whoa wo where did that just come from where did that just oh my gosh wait what is going on what is going on run run run run oh my gosh bro bro better Rock boxes what what what what what no no what just happened what just happened oh my gosh what just happened oh my gosh the stupid torch is flashing this has to be herrine why why else would I be a stupid Bedrock box um ender pearls ender pearls enter pears ender pearls enter pearls come on come on come on no please please oh my gosh we got out we got out we got out and it looked like it stopped it looked like it oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I hear R horse I Herobrine horse die I’m sorry horse I don’t I don’t kill horses but come on that one was here Herobrine one go go go go go go go go go go go go go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this what is this it looks like some sort of fort wait who built this who built this because didn’t kid already die hello I I just saw some players in what the there’s a player there there’s a player there hello hello uh are you are you guys seeing this yo I just saw him pass by again wait what in the are you serious right now okay hold on I’m going to break in I’m going to break in I’m going to break in what is that in the corner wait pressure plate clicks door Creeks dude these are footsteps these are these are these are players what hello okay funny oh my gosh hey what huh that’s that’s Steve what the heck are these guys oh my gosh what the who are these guys they’re like the the the default skins of Minecraft this one’s literally just Steve hey hey relax what are you doing here H how is this even possible huh there were never any survivors what does that mean were they survivors or not I’m so what Steve was right here Steve was right here wait where’s the other guy where’s the other guy hello what wait where’s the other guys there was like three of them or four oh no they all just disappeared as if they were like some sort of Illusion no but they were real you guys can replay the video back they were literally walking around is this their base okay is that just the door that scared me dude if the players were not real then whose base is this and what the heck Minecraft colon dust what the heck is this wa what there’s there’s Redstone here wait and it’s gone but when I hold it it shows Redstone I’m so confused Minecraft colon dust it’s it’s like Redstone Dust it’s like the particle but then I can’t mine it wait so whenever I hold this in my hand it shows the particles almost like some sort of footprint or or breadcrumb okay wait what about if we just keep looking around and see if we can like find more of the Dust it looks like yeah it works on my offand which is perfect I don’t see any Redstone particles coming in this direction so maybe the village is just corrupted uh I don’t see any over there where we came from where we almost died and got trapped I have a feeling we weren’t even supposed to make it this far guys I’m not going to lie and then yeah there’s this thing over here another one of like herob bren’s statues with some sort of like chunk glitched out structure huh it kind of resembles this area right here but just in the sky okay that is so weird dude I see them oh my gosh this is some sort of path it has to be why else would it literally show me where there’s others dude I think I have to follow this I think I I think this is leading me somewhere yeah there’s another Herobrine chicken yeah this has to be the right way you guys aren’t so scar you idiots you get one shot I guess we just continue following this red blood particle path dude I’m honestly so scared where could this be leading me wa wait said blocks broken I just saw some some particles right here they just disappeared oh my gosh water breaks the blood particles hold on there’s some right here okay that is pretty good to know is that some sort of Herobrine weakness we just discovered wait but then how is there particles on the water okay it’s fine we just got to stay focused dude there’s so many Herobrine mobs here what okay huh hey leave me alone dumb cow you guys see this right the the world is not there’s no way wait yeah there’s a particle over here there’s another breadcrumb what what is this oh my God the world just cuts off and it continues that way shut up dud where is this leading me where is this actually leading me bro no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I was never an infection what do you even mean by this bro you are no you are an infection Herobrine is an infection to the game and we are about to end this guy once and for all let’s grab some dirt I could just block clutch oh my gosh I nearly died okay I’m so confused oh there you go I’m pretty sure if I stack out yeah yeah yeah okay okay it goes this way I’m Bonk the craziest player known to mankind or the dumbest maybe I should be conserving these golden apples but it’s fine oh my gosh okay okay and oh dude right on time uh what is this gamers are you seeing this right now that is a cutout of a player no way am I really about to go inside of here there’s no way there’s no way I can’t wait I can’t even fit guys look I’m trying to get in oh my gosh I managed to squeeze through you just have to perfectly squeeze through and you can make it if you’re one pixel off you literally can’t okay this is it I is this where the particles end cuz we’re here okay now it’s flashing I I love that I thank you Herobrine so kind to me for giving me a little bit of light totally not pooping my pants right now totally not pooping my pants right now both sides are flashing which side do I go uh maybe right side yeah yeah yeah right side’s first right side is the right side oh okay that’s where the light’s coming from at least we know where it’s coming from not that that makes it any better shut up dude that says die doesn’t it that says die doesn’t it okay in that case uh no left left is the better way I always knew that this side is also flashing okay Minecraft’s not a scary game they said we love Minecraft M Diamonds oh God M diamonds I am about to jump in there we are so cooked here goes nothing three two one G gang ging gang okay okay okay hello hello door that I can’t see through why couldn’t you be an oak door whatever you know what no I’m tired of being scared bro I’m tired of being scared I’m kicking this door in you’re Bri I don’t care I’m about to make you I’m about to chop off your peeee where am I what the are we in some sort of Base shut shut up dude this is this is this Herobrine’s Lair or something it looks like some sort of cloud Raining Blood on a poppy wait there’s a bunch of blocks here what the there’s is this just ancient debris and then wait what block is that okay upside down cross cool cool cool cool um I’m going to slowly back away from that okay there’s just a bunch of really weird blocks are th those are toes okay okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no how did Herr even get a command you know what I don’t even want to know and honestly the fact that he has a command block is not a good sign and speaking of not good signs there’s a hallway and we all love Spooky Little hallways right guys especially when they flash with red light okay okay another door to kick down three two 1 in the name of kid okay a slightly less intimidating room I think hello herob Bob herob Baba glob my boy Brian you know wait there’s a mob in there hello oh my gosh it’s a donkey but he’s not a normal donkey wait a second oh my goodness I didn’t even notice before there there’s mobs there’s a mushroom hey little guy these guys are oh my God they’re all they’re all Herobrin they’ve all been possessed I have never seen I hear a BRI llama before okay that is so scary villager yeah yeah yeah cow okay whoa that door’s opening on a tone yeah know this definitely tops the scariest place I’ve ever been inside of dude if you can even call this a place this is like some sort of like demonic secret base of of whatever oh my God speaking of secret base there he is what what is this place dude maybe you thought you could get away with it herob Brien you know just just just just corrupting some some kids World hardcore world you probably thought you wouldn’t get caught huh well you were wrong cuz guess what I made it this far and I found your dumb secret base if if this if you can even call this a secret base some secrets are meant to stay lost um okay what does that mean why don’t you turn around and face me you coward I said why don’t you go ahead and turn around and face me you coward you think I’m afraid of you huh I’m not I’m not you’re going down you’re going down yo yo I can’t move I can’t move yo oh my gosh what’s going on with my game dude Del leading world what why does it say deleting world my game my Game just crashed oh guys no no no no no no no no no no no what it’s gone no no no I’m not crazy I’m not crazy it doesn’t matter it’s too late we we have the evidence I’m still recording right I am okay I need I need to stop this recording before something corrupts go go go go

I Found Herobrine’s Secret Base in Minecraft

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  1. Bonc uploaded and it's a national holiday 🥳🎉 bro I like your videos the most in the gang 💪🏻 what's Doni upto btw 🤔😅

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