EMERALD & DIAMOND TSUNAMI vs. Mikey & JJ Doomsday Bunker in DOG – Minecraft (Maizen)

[Music] Mikey I heard the terrible news run over here breaking news attention there was a terrible disaster because of the earthquake two tsunamis emerald and diamond flew out of the mines with great speed what both tsunamis are heading straight for our village already two Villages have been damaged the tsunami is demolishing houses and cities an interesting fact is that dogs for some reason are more likely to survive such disasters we recommend hiding underground or in a Shelter Diamond tsunami more than what did he say at the end dogs what are we going to do the diamond and emerald tsunami is coming right at us did you hear what the correspondent said tsunami height of 50 m wait Mikey let me think remember what the correspondent said he said that dogs always survive such disasters it’s true a dog has always survived in the mine in short I have an idea let’s hide in the dog we’ll make her diamond armor to protect the dog give the dog gold apples H are you kidding me JJ you think we can survive hiding in that dog we have no choice the diamond and emerald tsunami is getting closer you remember that a tsunami 50 m High we just can’t hide we could build a shelter but we have too little time you better help me we need to make armor H listen dog stand still try not to move I’ve never made a dog armor before listen dog we will help you you and you will help us I hope the correspondent is Right H well it looks like a nice armor here’s a golden apple it’s like a cure potion but even more effective H I’ll take the recovery potion we’ll treat you from the inside out yep I hope you can really survive this tsunami take the golden apple in your teeth hold it in your mouth and don’t let go H you hear that it seems like a tsunami it has almost reached our village let’s hurry up here faster run to the street it’s just incredible uh-oh why are these tsunamis so much more than mountains hope you can save us dog don’t worry Mikey everything will be fine I promise you get ender pearl we’re teleporting to the dog yep I hope the correspondent was right we did it we’re inside the dog come on Mikey stop sleeping we got it how my back hurts well that I fell on my tongue so the landing was relatively soft H what you’re not kidding we’re still alive har it’s so good of us to get to the dog what a funny Echo like we’re in a cave Mikey we have not come to have fun so this is what the dog looks like inside what is that JJ is that a heart yes it does let’s not do anything rash that’s all the dog ate how come there is a can of Pepsi see this is my book and I thought I lost it let’s go stop Mikey why do you do it and and then start thinking don’t be abored JJ I’ve never been here before this is my ball I thought I lost it while walking maybe I can find my second sock here I recently lost it it’s definitely my book now it’s clear where all our stuff goes yep I have a bad feeling about this so let’s get back in the dog’s head don’t worry JJ but I think it’s going to be all right I’ve never thought what it’s diamonds and emeralds I knew something bad was going to happen I think the dog opened his mouth and notice the lamps and emeralds we must hurry we must close the dog’s mouth I’m trying it’s not as easy as you think we shouldn’t have gone downstairs we should have been upstairs H look Mikey I think I know what happened diamonds and emeralds broke the dog’s teeth which is why the diamonds got in what will I do I’m not a dentist I can’t cure a dog H did you forget Mikey we have the recovery potion I knew something like this could happen and I took the potion now we just have to wait for the potion to kick in and you just pick the diamonds off the floor yep by the way I have an idea we can improve the dog’s teeth how everything is very simple you need to put diamonds on your teeth and thanks to the effect of the potion your teeth will become diamonds it seems to look good I think it look better than it was now that we’re safe I’m sure teeth will never break y listen Mikey I have an idea let’s connect to the dog’s head then we can see what the dog dog sees I love it but how do we do that it’s very simple I’ll put a computer in here and plug it into the dog’s brain come on I really don’t know how to do this don’t worry Mikey I’ll do it myself you just stand by the computer and don’t bother me yep great I’m done with the cable nothing complicated now it’s the easiest I hope I don’t get electrocuted you have to put the lever and activate it I have to do this very carefully one wrong move and I can damage the dog’s brain H oh it works we got it come here Mikey now I see what the dog does it really works I thought you were kidding me we see the same thing a dog sees H the village is pretty badly damaged but it’s not a problem we can all recover by the way I thought the consequences after the tsunami will be much worse still the correspondent was right the dogs are really very tenacious I wonder how the dog was able to survive the two tsunamis mixed I should have connected to the dog’s brain sooner by the way she still has a golden apple in her teeth because the dog bit the Apple it slowly heal her y well the dog’s safe for now look JJ when can we get out H I don’t know Mikey but it’s too dangerous now let’s at least wait a bit I think it’s too dangerous to go now let’s take a look at the dog for now cuz I think we’ve had a dog get hurt in the time we’ve been standing here I guess you’re right JJ look at the blood H where did the blood come from maybe the dog hit something H what’s down there is that Emerald I think a piece of emerald hit the dog’s leg we have to get him out hurry up Mikey yep it’s still good that we took the recovery potion we can easily cure this wound nothing difficult we need to break this piece of emerald apparently it recently got into the leg then you break the emerald blocks and then I’ll immediately start throwing recovery potions H what a big piece of emerald how it got in the leg okay it’s not that important now it’s important to get a piece of emerald out of the leg because of this piece of emerald the dog was limping and bleeding but now everything will be fine yep all right we practically broke the emerald blocks when I broke the blocks and immediately toss the healing potions so the wound would start to heal where are you going Mikey fine I’ll put iron blocks in here to reinforce the dog’s leg it is good that the wound was shallow I can easily cure the dog I hope the recovery potion is enough to cure the dog what are we going to do now JJ we’ve healed the wound let’s go upstairs I want to see what the dog does yep H you need to put a sensor and plug it into the heart so we know when the dog gets injured but we don’t have time for this H I hope the village is not too destroyed you can put another monitor on later because I’m uncomfortable okay but not now like the dog is fine I was afraid the dog might hurt I wonder if anyone survived the village except us to be oh no dog fell into the pit she broke her legs she can’t get out diamond and emerald blocks fly directly onto the dog we have to take measures I have an idea Mikey we went down and we’ll rebuild and improve the dog’s bones we’ll make them jump out of the hole you’re out of your mind we’re not doctors I don’t even know how we’re going to do that and we’re going to hurt the dog look Mikey we don’t have a choice H we must hurry just look at it almost all the bones have broken yep well nothing you and I will fix everything if we don’t do this we’re definitely going to die here and at least we have a chance of survival H are you kidding me JJ how are we going to recover all these bones you just look when the dog falls and breaks all the bones not just the legs Mikey give me the pickaxe and you can keep talking start removing the salmon bones part of the spine is broken even if we insert the bones of the legs the dog will still not be able to walk H I know Mikey I’ve thought this through we’re going to fix the spine we’re going to make the spine even stronger than it was oh but we must not stand still you do not forget Mikey to the dogfly diamond and emerald blocks we must do everything as soon as possible yep if we work together we can restore the bones twice faster H do you think we got it maybe it’s better to do nothing and hope that it will fix itself do you seriously think that the bones will recover just like that even the healing potion won’t recover all the bones H and what about the gold of the Apple that the dog holds in his mouth can it not cure the dog H he can but there is one Nuance do not forget that the dog bit the Apple that is the juice of the golden apple Tre treated the dog now the golden apple that the worm of the dog has become little effective that is even if the dog now completely swallow the Apple it will not cure itself H so it’s not the golden apple that cures but apple juice okay I guess we don’t have a choice we’ve already removed all the broken bones now we have to repair the spine and the dog can walk this is the most difficult process I have to strengthen my spine rather not just strengthen but also slightly rebuild it in such a way that the dog can jump high I hope we have enough resources we need to use the recovery potion when we put in new bones we need to throw potions so the bones immediately heal H you’re doing well maybe we even manage to cure the dog I hope it can jump out of the hole don’t worry Mikey everything will be fine I promise you we will definitely succeed we just have to wait a little H I have to reconstruct the bone bone that leads to the head so the dog can quickly twist its head we’ve done so much we’ve removed all the broken bones we’ve recovered most of the spine there’s only a few left and the dog can jump out of the pit H I hope the dog’s okay it’ll be fun if we fix his legs and at that point the dog will fall and break something well there are small details left and the spine will be completely ready now you need to put and and reinforce some bones I hope this works out I’ve never done this before especially since I’m not a doctor but I hope everything will be okay and the dog can get out of the pit don’t worry JJ I think you did the right thing you can hurry up we’re taking so long to rebuild it’s a very long process usually a few hours of surgery and I was able to do such a complex surgery in such a short time H I understand you well it’s just that the dog is still sitting in the pit I hope she’s okay and she’s not hurt H I have to pick up all the bone blocks and then I may not have enough well that’s quite a bit left now I have to go upstairs so I can reach the spine the main thing is not to fall down I don’t want to break my leg great I’m upstairs just a little bit left look Mikey see this bone coming from the spine yes I can what’s wrong with this bone yes it should reach the wall because the bone broke the dog could could not walk normally now everything must work I finished Mikey now the dog can jump out of the hole honestly I can’t believe we were able to cope so quickly I thought we’d be rebuilding the bones a lot longer it looks incredible okay we’re done here you’re good JJ now I got to get back in the dog’s head see if the dog can jump out of the hole I’m also interested but now we will check it out if I’m honest I think I did it I hope the dog can jump out of the hole we made it we got out of the hole you see that Mikey yeah I can’t believe my eyes I can’t believe we were able to recover all the bones right I thought we made it worse but we did it h it’s like the villagers they passed out we still have the recovery potion so we can cure all the villagers look Mikey there is no more tsunami now we can go outside it seems to be safe there now well we were able to wait out the tsunami in the dog H great we did it we’re on the street we could wait out the tsunami inside the dog it’s just incredible I’m using the healing potion to heal all wounds thank you dog if it wasn’t for you we couldn’t have survived listen Mikey we still have a lot of work to do we must cure all the villagers and re whole village but first we will restore our house by the way our house did not suffer much we can easily restore everything yep I have have an idea JJ let’s get some diamond and emerald blocks together after we put the house in h well I don’t mind though honestly after the diamond and emerald tsunami I don’t want to hear anything about diamonds yeah I hear you it seems to me that diamonds will now become Priceless if diamonds and all then their value will be like blocks of Earth or wood yes you’re right Mikey but in our village we encountered two tsunamis so it is only in our village that there are diamonds and emeralds everywhere so only in our village the diamond will depreciate but we can make ourselves a diamond armor and more Tools H we almost restored the house but we still have a lot of work we just recently made repairs but it’s okay I know what our house looks like so it won’t be a problem to rebuild it h great we’ve rebuilt the ground floor now we have to insert the second floor how good that the chests are not damaged and we have all the necessary resources all right we’re rebuilding the house a bit it’ll be good as new soon by the way we’ll need to cure all the villagers but I don’t think we have enough land to cure them all H we’ll have to call the police and tell them we need their help but to do that we need a phone and there is no phone though I think the police already know H by the way I almost completely restored the house if you had helped me that case went much faster you did well JJ you were able to restore the house in such a short time All That Remains is to restore the roof and everything will be ready well if I’m honest I’m so tired I remember today for a long time I was thinking if a reporter hadn’t said that dogs always survive disasters we wouldn’t have survived I almost made myself armor but now I have a set of diamond armor I have to go outside I want to thank the dog again H great diamond armor ready now I have a full set of diamond armor if you were not a dog we would have died if you have something to ask okay we need to go home H Mikey now our house looks like new yep now you and I are rich Let’s see how many emeralds I have we can buy anything we want you have got so many emeralds we can buy ourselves a new home well or buy new cars H we are rich to you and you are right we can buy whatever we want although we have finished rebuilding the house we still have a lot to do we must fly the villagers and we must leave the village

EMERALD & DIAMOND TSUNAMI vs. Mikey & JJ Doomsday Bunker in DOG – Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

PRISON BREAK: The Movie – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDpczj3G1os&t=1s