Hide and Seek in YOUR COLOR in Minecraft!

my friends and I are competing in a hide and seek but they don’t know that I can change my skin to camouflage into anything like this tree wo this is so awesome I’m literally one with the tree right now but let me just quickly go back to normal so my friends don’t find out who’s ready for hide and seek I’m ready you guys better start hiding 10 9 8 ax we need more time than that uh-oh we got to run M go go this map has so many great hiding spots woodo where are you going to hide I think I’m going to hide over here in this desert oh my goodness don’t tell axie but I’m going to be in the snow biome okay okay good luck 3 2 one ready or not here I come she’s coming oh gosh Max is already looking for us and what in the world is wudo hugging a cactus right now that is the worst camouflage ever come on we need to use a better camouflage by being one with the snow over here let me just transform and boom I am now a snow block and wo I look exactly like the snow I can sit here I can lay down or I can just stand up against the wall over here H doesn’t seem like anyone’s in the desert what about this snow biome oh gosh ax is already here let’s see there’s a house here A bunch of snow what is this suspicious pile it’s nothing oh my goodness that was so close it seems like this camouflage is working cuz I literally look like the snow right now where are you axie can you hear me yeah does that mean you’re close Maybe good luck finding me what the heck maybe moro’s inside this house I’m going to go around and surprise him okay quickly while axi is looking for me what I need to do is grab some items let me just grab these snow blocks over here along with some pumpkins as well as some spawn eggs I just need to grab the polar bears and also the Penguin and now we can let the pranking begin a Mongo’s not in the house and well yeah my face there’s snow in my mouth oh my goodness I just threw snow at axi and she didn’t know where it’s coming from quickly let me just lay down on the ground over here hey who did that show yourself okay quickly while ax is moving around I’m just going to spawn in a snow golem just like that and fall back asleep what the heck who are you are you in a suit oh my goodness she really thinks that’s me quickly I need to place down a bunch more snow golems just like this I found you in wait you’re multiplying wait that’s not I need to put more so she’s even more confused there you go oh gosh I really need to make sure I know which one’s the only way to do it is to sheare these snowmen wait what she’s going to Shar their face and what the heck she took off the Snowman pumpkin face what the heck none of you are Mongo’s face is Derpy but not that much hey axie you can’t find any of us you’re such a noob you’re right voodo she’s just playing with snow right now how do you know I’m playing with snow maybe cuz I can see you axie good luck finding me what the heck and wait is that a polar be poor mer X hles I’m going to spawn in a bunch of mobs so she’s even more distracted check it out I can just lay down in the snow and she won’t even know this isn’t right wait maybe someone’s hiding underground I’m just going to dig around and try to find them wait what axi is digging the snow this is not good I need to change my disguise quickly I need to make it so she goes all the way over there wait a second why do I see snowballs going over here okay quickly while she’s over there what I need to do is go against this ice Spike over here and now I need to camouflage once again and boom I have now turned into ice but wait a second I’m not the same exact ice as the one inside of the game I really hope axi doesn’t find me let’s see maybe the Snowballs were actually leading over here and that’s some weirdly colored eyes axie are you still looking for me yeah are you this Sly colored ice in front of me how in the world would I be ice axie come on you know I’m big and red right oh yeah maybe Mong Go’s over here then oh gosh that was way too close she was literally looking at me I’m kind of scared to be this ice now M go there’s a red bed in this Hut is that you ax let’s just say I’m not inside of the snow biome anymore maybe you should walk towards the desert biome oh okay thanks for the hit bye hey you weren’t supposed to give away my sport oh gosh come on I need to see if wo gets caught let me just quickly transform and boom check it out I am now a cactus which means I can just go inside of the desert biome and I’m literally going to be one with the sand W where are you I climbed up here to get a better Vintage Place but I still see nothing wait a second where in the world is axi I don’t even see her hey wait a second I think I see something moving down there wait what check it out ax is on top of the Watchtower over there but me and wood are down here that’s kind of suspicious maybe I should do a steak out with my trusty spy glass to see if it keeps moving wait what oh no she’s looking directly at me I need to make sure I do not move if I move even an inch she’s going to know it’s me that Cactus is shaped suspiciously like a person oh gosh oh no does woodo think he’s being caught oh gosh she definitely knows that I’m a cactus oh yeah that Cactus is definitely more green than a normal Cactus oh no ax he’s really figuring me out I don’t look exactly like the cactus over there but I can’t move or do anything cuz she’s going to know it’s me what in the world do I do to get out of this sticky situation oh gosh she definitely knows I’m the cactus I got to get out of here wait what what is woodo doing is he really crawling on the ground right now no I got to get to this giant pyramid nothing seems to be moving that suspicious Cactus is still standing there oh no when is axi going to stop stop looking at me I got to get out of here right well good thing that I can sit here all night I even packed some snacks are you serious okay maybe when she grabs some of her snacks I can get out and be finally safe oh I am getting pretty hungry I have to keep watching this Cactus What If It Moves while I’m distracted oh but my stomach’s grumbling oh gosh this is so bad if you guys think I can get out of this sticky situation and win the hide and seek hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting really close to a million subscribers did that Cactus just shift and punch oh but I’m so hungry just a tiny bite of cake I’ll be right back suspicious Cactus oh gosh quickly she wasn’t looking which means we can just get out of there oh now that I’ve had my cake I’m going to look again and oh wait it’s gone no way she finally realized it the cactus is God but that’s fine I can just divert my attention into wudo over here oh gosh I can’t let axie find me and wait a second since when did cacti grow inside of desert temples it looks very suspicious oh no I don’t want woodo to figure out that this is me he’s going to know that I’ve been cheating so what I need to do is just go over here and grab some fireworks to divert his attention to the other side oh there’s fireworks oh my gosh what’s going on over here oh no look axi is right there too wait a second what are those fireworks I got to go inside of this Temple right away hi Cactus wait what did she just say hi to me she’s so dumb anyway let’s see if there’s anything weird inside in wait what is that green turtle doing here I’m a cactus no you’re not Ludo I think I would know a cactus when I see W how did you find me oh my gosh wo just got caught this is so funny L your hiding spot is so bad and since you got caught you have to be the seeker and find me in no oh my goodness now voodoo’s the Seeker this is going to be even more funny oh gosh I can’t believe I’m the Seeker 10 9 8 76 543 one oh gosh I need to hide Wood’s the Seeker now come out come out wherever you are and aie hey wudo you’re never going to find me what I know you’re somewhere around here you told me that you were going to the ice biome yeah but what if I say that I’m not there anymore oh that means you must be in another biome well what if I’m not in a biome at all voodo what if I’m in the sky the sky oh gosh I got to keep my head up vooodo he’s not in the sky but you’re not going to find me either oh my goodness woodo just walked right past me I got to get out of this desert this Cactus disguise is becoming too dangerous let me just quickly go into the village over here and what I can do is try to find a new camouflage let me just go over here and wo this tree looks so beautiful what a if I just turn into it just like this and boom check it out I am now a birch tree oh gosh this hiding spot is so bad oh where do I hide I stick out everywhere in this biome wait what axis right there she’s so going to get caught if she stays there I got to go that’s it I’m going to go R in the ne biome and hope woodo doesn’t want to go in there wait what she’s going all the way to the Nether biome okay that’s fine with me that just means I can just turn this entire Village into a giant trap so whenever woodo gets here he totally gets trolled come on let me just go to the menu real quick and let me search up this thing called the mine and what I can do is just put down a bunch of Mines all over the ground just like this hey guys I’m going to find you no you’re not little I’m in a place you would never want to go is that the ice biome yeah oh my gosh she just totally lied to voodo she’s not in the ice biome I’m going to find you axie I’m good at smelling little Axel okay woodo good luck look at this over here whenever wudo comes over here he’s going to fall straight inside of the lava and it is going to be the funniest thing ever I’m just going to put a bunch of it down here just like this but obviously woodo would know that the lava is down here so what we’re going to do is just put a bunch of ghost blocks let me just search up ghost blocks and boom these blocks are similar to what I am they’re just camouflaging into the ground but in reality they’re not even a real block you can go straight through them which means wuro is going to fall right through into the lava hey where are you hiding right now my Hiding spot’s really good really axie let’s just say my hiding spot is the most ultimate hiding spot of all time really I bet you’re just sitting on the grass or something no I’m not a I am one with all the kitties okay wait are you one of the kitties no how could I be one of the kitties let me just place down all of these kittens over here to distract wudo even more and what I can actually do is go over here and hide against this tree just like this to see where woodo is oh I I know someone’s got to be in this Village wait a second look at wudo he finally entered the village I bet he’s so confused with all the different kitties around what is this why are there so many kitty cats over here oh my gosh these cats are really cute if you think the cats are cute comment cat right now you know what it’s probably some distraction I know Mango’s hiding somewhere with all these kitties oh gosh woodo knew that it was a distraction maybe he’s smarter than I thought come on kitty cat take me to her is oh gosh let me just quickly move over here next to this tree and now we can see wudo go through the mines okay if Mongo’s not over here then he’s got to be somewhere here and ah what are these oh my goodness look at voodo he’s literally being trapped by all the mines what the heck did someone put down mines to trap me what are you talking about voodo are you okay no I’m not there’s all these explosives kicking me in the air what the heck wudo that’s so dumb oh axie were you the one who did this of course I wasn’t I’m in the snow biome remember oh well then it was no it wasn’t wudo what are you talking about wait a second that tree over there looks suspicious oh my goodness woodo almost found me out but this ghost trapped help me quickly I need to get out of here and go to the Nether biome where axi is but wait a second I can’t just be a tree I need to transform and boom I am now a Netherrack block which means I can be one with all the Netherrack over here now let’s see where in the world is axie oh finally I’m safe up here in this nether fortress wait a second she’s in the nether fortress let’s just go up here real quick and look I see axie right there wait is someone behind me no I just felt like I was being followed oh no axi knows that she’s being followed we should follow her even more oh what is this creepy feeling show yourself move oh gosh look at axie maybe what I could do is just carry her and throw her straight down holding me ouch oh my goodness this is so funny but axi isn’t the Seeker so maybe I could reveal myself to her hold on a second all I need to do is just wait for the right moment oh gosh oh gosh I have to find a place to hide maybe I can hide over here okay this is the perfect chance hey aie boo a what the heck who are you it’s me wait that suspicious Netherrack is that actually you that’s right I’ve been camouflaging this entire time and cheating wait so back with that suspicious no and that suspicious cactus that was you yeah it was but actually you can forget about that how about we troll wudo let me just camouflage both of us what’s happening to me ax check it out we are now both lava come on let’s go hide inside of it wait isn’t that going to hurt no it’s not axi since we’re one with the lava it won’t hurt at all but wo’s never going to be able to find us this is so funny are you sure a finally I got out of that lava trap and I’m going to find you if you’re not in this Village you must be in the nether oh no axi he’s walking towards us maybe we should give him some false information and lie wait that’s so evil what information do we give him oh woodo we’re behind another tree right now come and find us a another tree well I’m going to check all of these then actually we’re not woodo we’re lying on the Netherrack lying on the Netherrack that means you must be somewhere over here here oh gosh there’s so much lava I can’t believe it wudo you’re literally listening to what we’re saying BR you’re getting played wait what are you guys lying to me maybe oh my gosh I knew I couldn’t trust you guys you’re the sneakiest hiders ever tell me an actual hint please okay for real this time woodo we’s something fiery exactly we’re above 100° it’s super hot in here something fiery wait a second you must be inside of these super spicy tacos wait what I want some of those tacos what if I just take a little nibble wait actually don’t go over there let me distract him woodo how in the world could we hide inside of tacos are you dumb I don’t know you guys always try pulling weird tricks are you guys the salsa inside these tacos that’s really spicy and hot I can’t resist it I’m going to take a bite where’ my tacos go nowhere wo oh my gosh are you guys invisible or something someone just ate my tacos and left crumbs it was axie where is she my stomach hurts I think something bad’s going to happen oh gosh the stop exploding axi he’s going to be able to smell your farts did someone just fart oh gosh I think that’s just the smell of the lava let’s play stinks oh no he’s so dumb he’s not going to figure it out oh gosh I think I have to fight again oh no don’t do it axi he’s definitely going to find us if you do it again I can’t hold it in oh no I just heard that explosion one more time something’s got to be hiding in this lava tell me right now and axie are you hiding in this lava no woodo why would we hide there axi get ready to abort Mission and run okay I’m ready to be the fastest lava ever all right you know what if you guys really aren’t in here then you wouldn’t mind if I flooded it with water ronie come over here quickly we need to change our disguise if we’re going to survive let me just make us change wait what the heck are we now I’m on go ax we are now glow stone quickly we need to go over here and be one with the trees the trees have glow stones I think are you sure I don’t know if this is going to work oh no we just have to try our best oh aie now that I covered all this lava where are you guys hiding now uh nowhere wudo interesting well I know you have to be somewhere here cuz that lava isn’t farting anymore well we’re on top of the nether fortress on top of the nether fortress that means you’re somewhere up here where are you guys oh gosh actually you gave him too good of a hint oops um actually we’re on top of a tree wait ax you gave him a better hint on top of a tree all right I’m scanning all these trees for smelly aelott and stinky Kings oh gosh he’s definitely going to find us now hey wait a second what are these two pieces of glow stone doing up here I’ve never seen glow stone on top of trees oh no axi it’s over for us you better not try didn’t do anything just stay silent let me try the punch test if I can punch one of these glow stone that means they’re not real glow stone H yeah OU wait a second the glow Stone’s moving who are you no don’t touch me I’m just an innocent glow stone tell me right now reveal yourself ouch okay okay okay I’m axy it’s us axi and voodo you found us wait you guys were camouflaged as blocks yeah we were doing that I’ve had enough of this I’ve had enough you’re going to be the Seeker this time that’s right and you’re never going to find us okay fine I guess I’ll be the Seeker one two three 4 come on wood come over here all right I think this spot is perfect 9 10 guys I’m going to start looking for you you’re never going to find us not in a million years oh my gosh I really didn’t think I was going to get caught cheating now I have to be the seeker and find my friends but if I can find them I’m going to be good at both seeking and also hiding which would make me the ultimate hide and Seeker where are you guys hey you’re getting really close to us are you sure you can’t see us wait a second is this a face of vooodo over here I know you’re in here wudo I’m not there are you serious then how am I close to you guys you know what maybe the viewers can help me if you see voodo or ax anywhere comment down below where could they be I don’t see anything pink or green anywhere around here do you see a sign wait what look for a sign and hey this sign wasn’t here before it says wudo was here oh my gosh wudo where are you you’ll never find me this is so annoying you know what if you’re not inside of this green blob you’re definitely inside of this cauldron over here let me just look inside and hey I don’t see you that’s because we’re nowhere to be found wait what do you mean by you’re nowhere to be found you should definitely be able to be found nope we’re the greatest hiders of all time so you’ll never find us H it’s taking you so long to find us oh my gosh you guys are definitely doing something so I can’t find you tell me right now what you’re doing nope these signs will tell you though wait what these signs will tell me are you saying there’s more signs around the map yep and fireworks fireworks wait a second I see fireworks down here let me just go over here and look there’s signs that say noob you’re so bad and also we’re the best Seekers are you serious you guys are not the best Seekers yes we are cuz you can find us and now I’m shooting at you wait what I see arrows coming my way it’s coming from this villager over here villager are you keeping woodo and axie inside of you no they’re not inside of me woodo that was literally your voice do you think I’m dumb or something yeah oh my goodness you guys are definitely below this table or maybe Behind These potions or maybe behind this food over here oh my gosh there appears to have been an axel and turtle infestation what in the world now there’s a bunch of turtles and AEL this isn’t any of you guys seriously you can’t even find us when we’re putting down objects what in the world if you guys are putting down objects on the ground that must mean you’re down here but I can’t see anything that’s green or pink which means you guys are camouflaging too what no we would never do that take the snowball come on that’s ridiculous oh my gosh this is not funny guys you’re just doing the same thing that I did on you we’re just doing what you did to us we have to do whatever we can to win oh my gosh you guys are so messed up you know what I’m just going to leave the game and quit this Build Challenge wait no you can’t do that we were having fun okay then you guys need to give me a hint to what you’re camouflaging as right now okay mongle we’re camouflaging as the floor wait what you’re camouflaging as the floor which is stone bricks where in the world are you guys and hey I see one laying on the ground right there a I’m falling how could you you killed woodo and wait a second that’s you a see I found both of you guys now say sorry for cheating no because you haven’t said sorry for you cheating okay fine I’m sorry for cheating but that won’t be the last time I cheat well that won’t be the last time we cheat either right wood that’s right take this B oh my gosh thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch our video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe byebye

Mongo and Axy play hide and seek except Mongo is cheating by changing his COLOR! Who wins? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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