1. i love emily! in my first save i proposed to her on her birthday in the saloon and it was very satisfying to do it in front of clint but also i just love her a lot

  2. GengarSucksBalls on

    It would be cool that if you proposed and villagers were nearby, they reacted to it. Sometimes when villagers walk by each other they start greeting, imagine if they started cheering. ([Slimes](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/4eehnh/talking_slime/) could join in too)

    I can picture Clint here, turning to see you propose to Emily, then looking away with a visible tear globe over his head (like [this one](https://i.imgur.com/QIU2KaP.jpeg)) followed by a visible sigh in a text globe ([like this](https://i.imgur.com/HbyAZL9.jpeg)), while everybody else has globes saying stuff like “Oh right!” “Congratulations!” or “Way to go!”.

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