My Nitpicks About Minecraft 1.21!

the Minecraft 1.21 update otherwise known as the tricky trials update has been released for a few weeks now I’ve had a really fun time playing through all of this update’s features in my survival server getting to raid trial Chambers with people building new Contraptions with the crafters and so on has been a great time in fact I have no qual saying that this update turned out far better than at least the last two major updates but I’ve gone too many videos without hating it’s been unbearable so even though I do enjoy this update for the most part there are a few things about it that have personally annoyed me so I thought hey why not do a nitpix video purely focused on the 1.21 update especially since a lot of the things added here actually addressed my original Minecraft nitpix video so today I’ll discuss all the elements related to this update that I could think of that personally annoy me that can include weird implementations of features or features that I think really should have been here and as always don’t take all these too seriously I’m not crying myself to sleep over the crafter crafting recipe just like previous episodes the first half of this video will focus on my nitpicks and the second half will be from you guys in the community tab they won’t be the ones I necessarily agree with just the ones that I think will be the most interesting to discuss but anyway if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel and let’s jump right into the first nitpick so first things first I want to discuss the brand new breach enchantment for The Maze now I didn’t realize this before making my 1.21 feature video but this might just be the worst non- curse enchantment in the entire game from a survival mode perspective yes even worse than fire protection well let’s first start with what that enchantment actually does it’s exclusive to the mace and it’ll minimize the effect of armor so let’s say a zombie is wearing full protection for another right armor if you hit it with reach four it’ll kill it significantly faster that sounds like it could be decently helpful but the problem is it’s mutually exclusive with three other enchantments you cannot combine breach with Smite density and most importantly bane of Arthur pods okay no the real problem is that it can’t be combined with density which basically acts like sharpness for the mace density is a must have because it deals extra damage to everything but breach here only deals extra damage to Mobs with armor this trade-off is not worth it at all I mean mobs can’t even spawn with that good of armor in Survival Mode you’d have to actively try to get a full netherite zombie to attack you most of the time it’ll just be something like gold armor which barely makes a difference keep in mind the density enchantment still does extra damage to Mobs with armor so if the armor is weak enough it’s still better to actually use density over breach so that just leaves the question why even make these mutually exclusive they don’t seem overpowered when combined at all so I think that was a bit unnecessary my guess is that they did it so PvP with the mace would be less powerful but that just ends up making breach completely useless in a non-pvp setting now maybe I’m just missing something so if you guys think breach has a good use outside of PVP let me know in the comments hope you do better than the fire protection kids all right that was a bit of a long one to start us off let’s go with a nitpick I’m a bit more on the fence on this update made it so if you have a shield in your off hand it takes priority over scraping copper blocks or stripping Logs with an axe now I imagine this was implemented to prevent accidental uses of the axe on surrounding blocks in combat after all a lot of people actually use their ax as weapons so they probably don’t want to get face to face with the creeper and die because their axe was stripping logs now this all sounds like a good change then but I don’t know I find it kind of annoying so one of the main features of the trial Chambers are of course the copper bulbs they’re used to light up the hallways but the more oxidized they are the less light they give out so you can use an axe to scrape them and light the hallways as you go but since this is a combat Centric structure you’re likely to have a shield in your off hand which means you have to go through the hassle of taking it off and putting it back on every time you want to scrape a ball this extends even outside of the structure I feel like most players have a shield in their offhand a majority of the time since you never know when so now if you ever want to build with copper or strip logs you’ll have to remove your shield and hope you remember to put it back so yeah I’m a bit mixed on this change I personally find it much more annoying to constantly take my shield out of my off hand since I don’t use an ax in combat I think it’d be cool if there was some sort of Shield priority toggle in the controls menu so you could use the old method of scraping coming first or the new method of shielding coming first okay now I want to temporarily look away from the things they did add this update and talk about a feature they didn’t add that they really should have can they just put the bundle in the game already the fact that this wasn’t added last update was bad enough but it’s getting absurd at this point if you don’t know how the bundle works this will let you put up to 64 items inside of it and these items can be entirely different from one another that basically makes it so all these items can take up one inventory slot the reason I specifically bring it up for this update is because the inventory management in the trial Chambers has been a nightmare for one you’re going to get a ton of mob drops which you’ll probably want to keep the important thing though are all the new exclusive items that you can find inside that includes the gust pottery shirt flow Pottery shirt scrape Pottery shirt flow armor trim bolt armor trim flow Banner pattern Guster Banner pattern heavy core Creator music disc Creator music disc music box Edition and the precipice music disc that’s 11 different items and that’s not including stuff like different keys in the breeze drops all of these will take up their own slot in your inventory so if you don’t have an ender chest and heck even if you do storing all of this on top of the mob drops is extremely annoying the bundle would be able to significantly help while it doesn’t work with non- stackables like the record discs you get it the the very least put the other items like Pottery shirts armor trims and banner patterns under one inventory slot is what I would say but apparently Banner patterns don’t stack I know they’ve been like this forever but I literally never noticed so I’m throwing this nitpick into this video that makes Inventory management even worse cuz I constantly get the banner patterns from The Vault so each one takes up a whole slot when it really makes no sense for them not to be able to stack so yeah I would change that too but back to the main point I definitely think bundles should have been added in 1.20 I mean they work perfectly with Trail ruins which also have a ton of exclusive items the fact that it’s still not in the game despite it working perfectly fine in the experimental features tab is genuinely really annoying please just add these into the game it’s been so long all right we’ve gone through a lot of my fairly big nitpicks let’s rapid fire through a few small ones like I said in my feature ranking I think the crafter should have been crafted using copper ingots iron already has plenty of uses and using copper would make the feature fit into the update as a whole a bit better still absolutely love the feature and I don’t really care that much but I think it would have been nice to see tough got a ton of new variants this update which I’ve been extremely happy about in fact I don’t have any problems with tough it just reminded me of something else that has always confused me among the new tough blocks we got a polished variant which let you turn it into slabs stairs and walls the other stone blocks like andesite granite and diorite also get a polished version that can be turned into slabs and stairs but not walls you could turn the normal version of these stones into walls but for some reason polished walls of these blocks don’t exist seeing that tough and deep slate can do it why not finally add polished andesite granite and diorite walls into the game it would just make sense speaking of features they could have added there are four paintings that have been in the game for years those being fire water air and Earth now if you if you think this is some sort of Mandela effect I’m pulling because you don’t remember these paintings don’t worry yes they have been in the game for years but they’re exclusive to commands I genuinely do not understand why I even really like a few of these with them adding 20 new paintings this update I really think these four should have been made accessible in survival I’d be fire reacting all of my friends houses guess I just got to use a flint and steel now it’s time for me to try and explain something I only kind of understand I think I get the gist of it but my explanation may be a bit off so if you want a better explanation for this point in particular watch any of these videos I’m showing on screen right now basically when the brand new blocks added this update was the copper bulb and it’s pretty great it looks fantastic Works amazing as a light source and even has Redstone functionality you can hook up a comparator to detect if it’s on or off allowing us to make extremely small te flip-flops which I’ve already been using in some of my Contraptions however when it was first added that wasn’t all it was good for when activated or deactivated it used to have a delay of one tick for reference a tick is a sort of measurement of time in Minecraft with there being 20 ticks per second now this may not seem like a big deal but it was actually extremely important because most Redstone components work on tick delays of multiples of two this meant the copper bulb allowed Redstone to more easily get odd number tick delays and while it was possible before the copper bulb made it so much easier this would allow for a lot more compact Contraptions and even just cool stuff like this but then they removed this delay everyone hated this decision the second this happened I got a billion videos in my recommended getting mad at Mojang over this change but they never reverted this decision despite it being unanimously hated Mojang decided to stick with it and that’s just really frustrating to see they claim to listen to the community but stuff like this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth mojing says they want the copper bulb to be consistent with all the other components but the fact that it was different is what made redstoners love it so much so if Mojang seriously wants to claim that they listen I think they have to bring back the old copper bulbs but for my final nitpick of the video before we move to the comments I have a really small one because I’ve already made a whole video about it the vault is one of the most genius additions to the game in a long time since it lets multiple players raid the same structure I’ve had a lot of fun raiding trial Chambers with other people and that’s mostly because we could each get our own loot from the vaults inside so my question is why stop here I think the Vault should be retroactively added to most of the structures in the game that way exploring in multiplayer is fun since everyone can get the items most importantly these need to be in bastions and ends one of the game’s biggest problems has been the fact that items like the netherite upgrade template and elytra are extremely Limited in multiplayer but adding both of these structures would completely negate that issue that would require changing the structure to make keys obtainable but I think they should go through the effort to do that sometime soon okay now it’s time to see what all the insane people on the community post had to say we don’t have too many nitpicks from here this time around but I think we have a good selection here remember these aren’t the ones I agree with the most just the ones that I found the most interesting to discuss starting us off we have crazy guys gaming cgg who says it was the perfect opportunity to add the copper Golem to the trial Chambers the copper and tough Golem were actually brought up quite a bit on the community post for those that aren’t aware the copper Golem and tough Golem were two mobs that were in previous mob votes but unfortunately lost and were since executed now when I made my video criticizing mob boats a lot of people brought up that mojing apparently isn’t removing losers forever but to this day there’s been no evidence that the losers are going to be added not a single one of the losers from the past 7 years years have been added to the game and this update was the perfect time to add in two of those losers I mean 1.21 is almost centered around Copper and tough there’s no way they’ll ever find a more fitting update to add these guys so yeah sorry for still being doubtful that the losers will get added but this is not helping their case next up we got a few small inventory nitpicks Yoshi J 1571 says my nitpick is you can’t actually get ominous volts in the creative mode inventory I know this is Niche but like Why didn’t it they just make this available yeah that is really weird I think that makes this the only naturally spawning blocks you have to use commands to no clue why they did that user R I’m not reading all that says you probably already saw this but blaze rods are held like swords and Breeze rods aren’t if you don’t know what that means here’s me holding the blaze rod and here’s me holding the breeze Rod why would they do that continuing with this theme of small nit pcks that basically don’t matter at all Emanual Ian Ramos Perez 1312 says a ladder is missing from one of the trial chamber rooms making it unsymmetrical and once you see it you can no longer unsee it worst part is that it’s on the title screen too oh I didn’t know that before well that’s going to bug me forever let’s get one I disagree with in here link of says it kind of sucks how almost everything that was added in the update is locked behind one structure I actually got quite a few comments similar to this and linkon here got quite a few likes too I don’t really understand it though yes there are plenty of things exclusive to the trial Chambers but that’s what makes it worth exploring in the first place it’s got to have cool loot like the record discs or the mace to make people feel as though the challenge is worth it most of all I think you can still thoroughly enjoy this update without ever stepping foot inside a trial chamber you can make all of the copper and tough blocks with resources gathered throughout the world the new paintings and crafter are entirely separate from the structure and you can even Brew all the new potions on your own too oh no sorry you can’t brew a wind charge potion without a breeze Rod truly the update is ruined so yeah I don’t really agree with this take I think this update has a great balance of features for the trial Chambers and those outside of it Yoshi 18 super says they Nerf jumbo Josh to just Josh why did they do that to him no Mirabel 3 says this is a really small one but why doesn’t the stone Mason sell any of the new tough blocks I’m actually going to expand on this one because it’s always annoying to me that he can’t sell deep SLE either I mean he’s able to sell most of the other Stone types so it just makes sense now I’m sure most people don’t care and understandably so because you could just mind these yourself but there is a reason I’m passionate about this one one of my favorite ways to play Minecraft is Sky Block where you’re placed on a floating island in the sky with very limited resources well not in official mode it’s one of the most famous ways to play the game through additions like the wandering Trader it’s actually become possible to obtain most of the game’s items which is really cool I’ve actually been considering making a level by level video on what makes Sky Block so great but that’s probably going to be a ways off anyway the Mason villager gives access to most of the different stone blocks me and my friends even named our Mason villager Oswald he’s the goat but he would have been even better if he could give us deep slate and now tough I mean I am physically incapable a building without deep slight now I need serious help now I’ve been talking a lot about The Unofficial Sky Block but this would also make all these blocks possible in the official super flat game mode so I think they should really consider adding this in beob 3196 says I’m assuming you’ll count 1 120.5 stuff as well I probably should have said that oops I don’t like the brownish outline on the wolf fer when you die it it clashes with most of the colors I completely agree I think the wolf armer would look much better if the entire thing got died as of now it just looks like the paint job is incomplete Alin fan says I wish that you got armadillo scutes from killing them I’m so tired of Mojang being so insistent on having all new passive mobs exist and have nothing to gain by killing them all they do for me is wander around and lag my game it’s so annoying I don’t mind how armadillos work but I do agree that mojin should let us kill passive mobs to get things again but also the real reason I included this was because the reply I think they should drop armadillo corpses Amore happy what does that mean you’re a psycho compact Pizza 6337 had a bit of a long one but I just want to focus on the first half where they say the wind burst books are rare as flip they’re around half the drop chance of the heavy core and only come in at level one and even if you prefer windurst 2 you’ll likely undergo hell getting the two books yeah I’m a bit conflicted about this one on the one hand I’m not opposed to having a rare enchantment and wind burst is a fair one to give that status to it’s really fun to use as you go flying into the air and it can help deal serious damage but at the same time I think they went a bit overboard with the Rarity like compact Pizza said you can only get level one books from Vault and you can’t get this enchantment from the enchantment table that means to get the max level of three you’ll need Four Wind burst books I know that sounds stupid but that’s just how Minecraft works okay so what are the chances of getting this well it only has a 5.5% chance to spawn from an ominous Vault that means it’ll take on average 18.1 volts to get one wind burst book and again you need four of them in my opinion that’s a bit overboard if people decide to grind this enchantment they may just burn themselves out from this structure due to how many they’ll have to take on I think I would make it so you could at least get any level of wind burst From the Vault that way you don’t have to get four bucks but to end up off her video we’ve got CNR products to give us the bad news we again have a lack of Batman 1.22 will be our update for sure anyways that’s it for this video do you all despise the pond painting and hate me for not mentioning it let me know in the comments I know this was a shorter video but hey I struggle with that so I’m actually proud of myself this time but anyway I got to get back to ranking Mario levels so Drive ones for Smash and I’ll see you guys next time PA

The Minecraft Tricky Trials Update, otherwise known as 1.21, has been out for a few weeks now. While I have had a great time with it going through the trial chambers with friends, the update is far from perfect. Many aspects like the mace enchantments and copper bulb have problems that I’d like to see fixed. Additionally there are features like the copper golems, tuff golems, and bundles that I wish were added here. So join me today as I go over my nitpicks for minecraft 1.21!

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  1. Not even just the polished stone walls, every stone type variant is missing at least something; cracked, mossy, chiseled, walls, tiles, polished, pillar, something

  2. Every new update they add stuff I’m never going to find like, the trial chambers are rare as well as the mangrove swamp and the deep dark, so it’s basically like they added nothing

  3. Overall an amazing standpoint video.
    I’m just glad that players won’t feel as forced to rush to the End to find Shulkers when Bundles get added

  4. Has anyone tested the damage dealt the two mace damage enchants? Would be fun to see that to see how in/effective the breach armor ignoring effect is.

  5. I hate the trial chambers for bedrock. Windbreak has a 1.2% chance to drop from an ominous vault, so you need to get it 4 times for the full effect. I grinded around 20 trial chambers in 10 hours with my friend and I didn’t get a single book

  6. I agree with the deepslate and tuff block issue. I feel like if mason villagers aren't going to sell them, they should at least implement some method of making them renewable (maybe cobblestone generators below y=0 make cobbled deepslate instead of cobblestone and stone generators below y=0 make tuff or something)

  7. My biggest nitpick is how vaults are only accessible once (unless you’re on a server and 120 or so players use a vault and you can reuse one).

    Basically it makes doing a vault again worthless because while you can get multiple keys, you would then have to find a whole new trial chamber just to use those keys, and even THEN you would have to forego getting keys in that new trial chamber just so you can unlock the vaults. It’s a bullshit mechanic, and I wish Mojang made it so you can use a key every 5-15 minutes on a vault, that way you can still grind things out through one trial chamber.

  8. i disagree with most things said about the trials. wind burst should be rare making you actually enjoy playing the trials. i played 20 hours of trials to get the mace and had a blast doing so. players should stop expecting mojang to just give them free stuff. if you got it in just a few hours why would you want to return. i really do think this is the best update since the nether one and sure it has some flaws but i think the trials are fine

  9. IIRC banner patterns aren't used up when you use them so you only need one of each that you keep using. Might be completely wrong tho haven't played for a while.

  10. It’s a shame that they added the most requested block that being the crafter but not a hopper that sorts items. I don’t know redstone sorters and so does a lot of the community so this is kinda disappointing that we can’t use the crafter as good as some redstone geniuses pleas mojang add a hopper sorter so I don’t lose my mind a virticle hopper would also be nice

  11. The "mojang will bring back vote loser mobs" is abit more complicated than just that.

    Because its mostly referring to their gameplay features and not exactly the mob itself, as an example.

    Mob C, the great hunger, is technically already in the game through the grindstone, since its literally the mob's use readded as a block.

    However, they DID bring back biome vote losers, which is the frog and boat with a chest.

  12. Problem with the bundle is that I can just carry a few chests in my inventory, and place them in a safe place, then I can put all of my loot into them and not have to worry about losing my loot if I die later on. I’m not saying the bundle won’t be useful for Minecraft though… it’s just I don’t need it if I can carry just a few chests on hand, which can carry more items and which I don’t have to worry about losing if I die.

  13. My only nitpick is how consistently inconsistent Mojang is with their decisions, the copper bulb tick was changed to be consistent with other redstone blocks but gave wolf armor a unique damage absorption mechanic instead of the normal damage reduction because people didn't like it not actually protecting the wolf.

    Mojang changing the wolf armor to that kind of protection is great, it's much better, and I'm glad they changed it to that, but the fact that the copper bulb wasn't reverted to 1 tick shows there might be no redstoners in the dev team, like they're all redstone noobs, what travesty could it cause to revert it?

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