Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 102 – Island Rebuilding

hello again everyone welcome back to stardew Valley it is day seven of winter it is Caroline’s birthday we fell asleep on the island luckily Willie has brought us home and tucked us into bed thanks Willie welcome to kou 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be clear and sunny tomorrow perfect weather for the Festival of ice the event will take place in the forest starting between 9:00 a.m. and 2: p.m. don’t be late and our special forecast of the fern Islands region it’s going to be clear and sunny all day I sense that a new viewer has joined us a young lady from stardew Valley welcome welcome the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your side and the queen of sauce and greetings it is I the queen of sauce here to teach you a new mouthwatering recipe from my secret cookbook this week’s dish poppy seed muffin poppies make beautiful ornamental flowers but why not make full use of the of the plant with these delightful muffins I’m a huge fan of poppy seeds they’re subtle but they add a nice flavor and a great texture to Brey desserts and they’re healthy and they’ll get you uh arrested for using heroin you learned how to cook a poppy seed muffin all right let’s see Haze fine 111 crops already ready you need to think about uh uh when I want to start shifting things around 24 crops already in the greenhouse that’s good uh 53 machines are ready the farm cave is ready [Music] again Elman Dre you never showed up at the boat so I went looking for you found you sprawled out in the dirt with a couple of parrots pulling gold out of your pockets had to drag you all the way down to the boat me legs would feel like two freshwater shm dear ALR tomorrow we’re all gathering in front of marney’s house for the Festival of ice it’s a celebration of winter there’ll be snowmen ice sculptures and an ice fishing competition arrive between 9:00 a.m. and 2: p.m if you’d like to [Music] participate and I would like to participate get the tarot tuers [Music] planted get the corn in there pumpkins in there cranberry [Music] seeds so I should grab the oh all [Music] right let’s hold off let’s hold off [Music] okay what do we want to make now I want some uh pomegranate some nope dried pomegranate see how that [Music] goes most of that seems ready let’s just get those in there for now [Music] [Music] that is a lot [Music] [Music] faster so of the reasons why I’m not selling much stuff right now is just mainly because I don’t know what I want to buy first oops so as soon as I have an idea of what I want to buy and also I need to make more coffee because I’m running low on triple shot espresso I’m not using it all the time which I could could definitely do [Music] more so newspapers and I think I forgot to put more stuff in there before all right so I want to head out to the desert real fast so want to sell one of these there we go NOP it’s Caroline’s birthday so let’s run into town to give her that take a few of these I don’t need any more of those um don’t really want to take any bombs I don’t think I’ll head into the um into the volcano do need to get out to [Music] the island a few times all right um let’s see what else do I have I do have an island totem let’s take some of these take these what do I need for the okay clay and Bone fragments I’ll probably make one here as well that is too many things what do I need what do I not need don’t need the rain totem yet not going to do fishing other things to give me energy so yeah that should be fine let’s drink the triple shot espresso thank [Music] you all right I want to find Caroline Caroline where is she on Sundays in the winter that let’s see if we can uh just figure that out so I don’t I’m not looking around for her [Music] constantly okay howy here today I’m just going to relax and think positively you ever take a day off no I do not thanks sweetie that’s very kind of you to remember my birthday also I just remembered something else oh hello we made these two drawings what do you think I like the jungle island and the tiger I like the orc with the battle axe I don’t like either of them um like the jungle island and the tiger oh yeah I guess that makes sense okay I just remembered that well I I guess I can skip the uh skip a visit to the traveling Merchant by take it to Calico desert horsey I neglected to bring fertilizer I need to go get some oh I forgot the [Music] uh out the Fire Quartz too oh well it’s always sunny here even in Winter actually it’s a little hot for my taste it’s my delicate skin burns quickly in the sun you like these this looks wonderful thanks so much excellent [Music] [Music] that’s [Laughter] good that’s fine hey all right we finally have a new [Music] one a [Music] [Music] whatever okay uh so I forgot to get uh fertilizer I guess the only fertilizer that I really had was speed grow anyway um and I don’t really care about speed grow on the island for now at least I do have um think for a second um I mean I might get some out of the bone Mill I didn’t actually bring any of the uh actual bone fragments but whatever it’s not a big deal um just trying to think of what I want to do I guess I could just warp to the beach right [Music] now let’s do that there are other things to do but anything I can sell yeah I’ll go ahead and do that stone fish bait it’s th000 for a dress spinner I would rather just buy the like buy that than make it same thing with things like cork Bobbers and stuff all right back to the island probably things that I’m forgetting to do but there are also things that I want to do out there [Music] I have 14 so I cannot repair that all right [Music] okay emptied out that inventory [Music] of [Music] course all right so I have a lot of starf fruit seeds also I do want to get some more of those seeds do I have any more pineapples I do good all right all right do I have a place that I can plant those yet no there we go keep getting more pineapples so we don’t have as good uh fertilizer there I don’t have my um let’s do that and I do want to get you right there for not sure how many I can actually get in here right now cuz I don’t know how many I have but let’s grab the tarot tubers oh we get some more uh terot tuber seeds as well I don’t know how long it takes for the uh um for that to for the uh bone Mill to work I should not have put them there okay let’s grab something else and I meant to grab that so that we can clear up that space okay uh I do have a lot of star fruit seeds if I can get more uh quality fertilizer I will get some things in um not too concerned about like mistimed growth I just will try to make sure that I only show up here once they’re all done kind of thing and I can get more uh more of these seeds as well I think I have enough yes yes I do only one tarot tuber for that that’s unfortunate there we go there’s all of that I should put these here because I don’t need that um yeah more tarot tubers where are my tarot tubers at the moment right here I do have mixed seeds that I could uh plant I don’t know if mixed seeds work out here think I got a few got four let’s see what we get with them it looks like it works got some of you but I’m going to hold off on that um okay anything else that I want to do I could make more star fruit seeds it’s 10 p.m. I should definitely make another bone Mill for back at the farm Deluxe speed grow Lu speed grow doesn’t do much for me right now some coffee does though oh completely missed you is this what you want yes it is excellent it [Music] is it still has his smell after all these years even after having been in the ocean and washing up on the beach near stardew Valley that seems very suspicious that familiar putrid fu [Music] yeah you know it’s been a lonely life here child but I don’t regret it at all I’m doing right by my old man and we’ll be together again someday soon it’s an honorable thing to do he’s gone you should live your life yeah an old woman like me I think it’s too late dear it’s never too late besides I like it here it’s relaxing and beautiful and I have an endless supply of fresh fish oysters and monkey meat we haven’t actually seen any monkeys I’m kidding about the monkey meat ah now how can I repay you for this oh how about I teach you a special recipe something I discovered in the many years I’ve spent here learned how to craft fairy dust you can take these too though you’re a stranger you went out of your way to help an old lady bless your heart a well that is enough to get the house made here I thought I came up here you’re a strange voice from behind the door only the greatest Walnut Hunters may enter here current status 46 out of 100 well it’s getting late AR 20 walnuts AR repair sleep Hut let’s do [Applause] it AR five walnuts Arc deliver mail all right so things that I might want to sell is there anything that I really want to sell I don’t know um as long as we’re out here though actually do something down here do need to put something on top of all them pretty sure I’ve dug there yeah all right let’s get into the Sleep Hut and actually sleep out here go to sleep for the night yes all right so 1,000 for Mystic syrup and 185 for each of the dried apples 8 680 so a 9680 total there day eight of winter year two we do not have uh things like a calendar or TV here unfortunately so I do need to get [Music] back to the uh Mainland to see what we have [Music] let me check to see if there’s anything that’s harvestable right now no okay all right um is there anything that I want to do yeah I think we’ll head up to the excavation site just see what there is to do up [Music] there oh wow wild bait [Music] [Music] Omni geode moms would be really useful here but fossilized leg some mystery boxes glad that I got all those so I do need to come back and pick some of those things up although none of them are things that I much care about nice all right uh let’s see things that I don’t care about right now artifact Trove I do want that um I got enough gold it’s not actually that much there can I plant you yes I can we’ll let that grow inventory is full common mushroom don’t really care about red mushrooms Chantell is good I don’t care about the copper I don’t really care about the wild bait I can make wild bait have I yes I have gotten that [Music] one okay nine gold ore don’t really care all right so I didn’t pick up any new um new parts unfortunately and I don’t think there’s anything else that I really feel like I need to do here so let’s head back to uh back home [Music] [Music] where did I leave my uh fishing [Music] rod right here [Music] [Music] okay that’s that go ahead and put you guys away in here for the moment [Music] okay Sebastian’s birthday is coming up a couple days weather report welcome to K 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow and our special forecast of the fern Islands region it’s going to rain all day tomorrow welcome to wellwick Oracle the only show where the voice of the spirits is channeled directly to you Spirits feel neutral today the day is in your hands and living off the land welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another tip for y all now listen up if you have an if you have adult barn animals the space left in your barn there’s always a chance one of your animals could give birth it’s something to keep in mind [Music] okay nothing done there uh I do want to run down and do the festival just cuz I enjoy the festivals I enjoy participating in [Music] [Music] them let’s put this in here because I intend to do that you know what let’s have it rain tomorrow out here there we go clouds Gather in the distance was a good day to do it I think [Music] I’ll check on our animals uh I think after the festival I think that’ll be fine just so I don’t have to Circle back around here later a they’re sealed [Music] up water ice most profound substance indeed necessary for life makes a fitting material for a statuary meant to represent the living form I [Music] guess I sculpting is a rewarding challenge for me it’s a distinct mineral material that I’m not used to you have to temper ice before cutting it otherwise you can’t shape it think anyone would mind if I took a dip in the frozen lake after the festival probably you never know this could be the last time I ever make a snowman with Alex I don’t think it will be hey why are you laughing he’s not even done yet I wasn’t laughing my big brother is helping me build a snowman a the key to making a well-crafted snowman begins with ensuring a level foundation and avoiding excessive weight on the upper section I should have wax waxed my mustache this morning it’s frozen solid oh dear oh I shouldn’t have snowman has to look the part isn’t the top hat and scarf stylish it is actually glad I wore ear muffs it’s freezing out here slumps of snow won’t form into balls I think I’m better working in heat than the cold [Music] ready for the contest we all think you’re going to win darn right Gatherings like this are a good way to build community with your neighbors our family is matching winter star sweaters hi Ela are you finding any time to relax from your farming duties this winter nope nope now if only Abigail would wear hers I’ll let her wear what she wants look here it’s my secret weapon a flask of fine spirits to wet my lips a moment before the whistle sounds not sure if a dash of alcohol is going to help [Music] you winter could be really hard on animals did you install heaters in your cops and barns I did that last year he the whole town will be watching our little tournament today let’s give them all a good show and uh let me win when you get old and bald like me you need a good warm [Music] hat I’ve been spending too much time hold up inside watching grid bar it’s good to get outside in the Cris winter [Music] air have you ever thrown a bunch of Pebbles into frozen lake makes a very nice sound no don’t tell me dad but I’m wearing the winter star sweater under this coat a don’t the fish get cold under [Music] there oh a that piggy looks adorable all bundled up all right what do we what do we [Music] got these are pretty uh [Music] inexpensive never notice how quiet it is in the snow [Music] this time of year isn’t so bad no bugs during winter think you can be Willie this year he’s a tough competitor oh I think I can I think I [Music] can ah the forest has entered her long Slumber for the winter chop down these trees [Music] I lost last year because I had I chose a bad spot I have a good feeling things will be different this time [Music] around I don’t think the location matters I’ll beat you anyway well good luck same to you kid a I’m too nervous to walk on the frozen lake I read a book once where a girl fell through the ice she was okay but I’ve been cautious about it ever since that’s it’s fine hello helmet trer it’s that time of year again for the ice fishing Festival speak with me when you’re ready to start the competition oh I’m ready yes let’s do [Music] it all right everyone let’s begin this year’s ice fishing competition contestants with the provided fishing rods you must catch as many fish as you can from from the holes in the ice are you all ready [Music] begin come on fishies [Music] fishies take my picture Haley [Music] come on [Music] fishies here fishies fishies [Music] fishies gotcha [Music] chees come on [Music] rude time is still ticking down while we’re doing that unfortunately [Music] I got five fish I’m not sure how many I need this will be six [Music] midnight carp come on yes a rude rude I had one on the on the [Music] line impressive that’s a lot of caught fish I will never get used to that stetch [Music] now for the winner of this year’s ice fishing [Music] competition elreda with six big slimy fish yeah there’s your prize enjoy a prize ticket well that’s it for this year’s Festival of ice thanks for coming everyone now let’s release these poor fish but we could be making them for into Foods can’t believe I won well time to head home where are you there you are oops I do have star fruits back at the uh the island that I probably should have brought but that is okay all right I’m just going to sell the orange one I don’t need it oh yeah you should get in there as well all right uh let’s see let’s head down to the animals those are all done I should have uh dropped things off in here we go at least free up a little bit more space okay and another truffle is late go ahead and sell some things off real fast okay I’ll need to head into town tomorrow but I don’t really have time to do it today powder melons are done I’ll get those tomorrow though and there we go all right into bed we go hi Kitty let’s go to sleep for the night all right 34,000 3,000 for that so we got uh dried pomegranates go for quite a bit that’s nice peach jelly um get uh so the advantage of the the drying would be that it’s faster than turning it into jelly so you you use a lot you use more and like overall the the The Preserves jars is still better profit but you can get a quicker profit with the pomeg with the uh with the dry so that’s it’s a tradeoff orange wine 420 each pretty good and then rainbow trout row doesn’t go for very much but the lava eel row does so that’s pretty nice 37,6 60 that is going to wrap us up for this episode when we come back next time um heading back out to the island could do something good for us um there are things that we still need to do and I need to get into the uh the M the not the mines the volcano cave um to do some stuff uh I need to refresh my memory on what you can trade in there with the dwarf and then and we just we need more golden walnuts we need 50 some more golden walnuts I need to go fishing out there I haven’t done that but that will be for the future see you next time everyone

Let’s get something very useful rebuilt on our island!


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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  1. If Pam hasn't been arrested yet for driving while drunk, I'm sure you'll be fine with those muffins. Those parrots must be working for Morris. Gets rid of things "not needed" but keeps torches. 😛 Orc with battle axe is better 😛 Horsey is wondering where his ticket is at. It's been a while since I've used the bone mill machine. I expected it to be as fast as the seed maker. Missed a spot for seeds. Mixed seeds do work. Enough walnuts to finally fix the house! No more passing out on the island.

    Pans for gold and throws it back in the water. 😛 Watching the TV at 11am? Who are you? George? Wax the mustache? Why? I have one and the thought to wax it never crossed my mind. Linus is closer this year! Congrats on winning. All that wine ready…. From what I've seen, it appears the dehydrator is best for multi-harvest crops that you get a whole bunch of like the blueberries and cranberries.

    Today I started the day taking care of the animals and dehydrators. I then opened up a box at client and then headed to the island. It's raining, so I wanted to find the bird for the pedestal puzzle and ended up running around the island a while. At the tiger slimes I ended up getting a new tricket – Ice Rod. I switched out my parrot egg for it. I then mined the mussels and finally got the last walnut from them. Afterwards I went to the dig site to fish. I got the spine and turned it in. Still need the ribs and tail. I headed back to the farm and noticed the garlic was ready. So I went to the frog and got the last reward from him. I then gathered up what I could from my chests, and headed back to the mainland. Before I took a look at the stove to see which recipes I'm still missing. It looks like 2 will appear from Queen of Sauce at the end of this season and the other ones are from Sandy and Leo once their hearts are up. Once I get all of the recipes, I'll finally cook things besides triple shot expresso.

    Since the reward for the festival is a prize ticket and I don't have many people still needing friendship, I'm actually going to skip the festival this year. Oh! I have a large melon in my farm today. After harvesting and planting the melons, I took care of the animals and dehydrators. I then went and picked up the weekly task – lake fish. I'll take care of that another day. I then headed down to the beach and broke down Willy's door with my axe and stole the boat sighed when I saw the locked sign due to the festival. I decided to do the weekly task. Got it completed with a full inventory (got a pearl) at 8pm. Went home, cleaned up my inventory, and decided to go to the mines for the rest of the day to get stone, coal, iron, and hopefully frozen geodes. Only one geode but that's fine. I'll have more chances later. Bedtime after clearing up inventory.

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