I’m using the exact same mod list on my other computer (the one displayed is on a more powerful pc, the other one is a gaming laptop) and I get a consistent 60 FPS with shaders on the laptop but barely 40 here with V-Sync turned off.

by Stormcloak123


  1. AbjectMycologist614 on

    when you open that menu f3 your fps drop by a decent amount, you’re also playing at 4k which is really demanding, lower the resolution and check your fps with rtss or your gpu performance metrics

  2. lostwanderer_14 on

    Well, as it is, the game is grabing 2GB out of the 6 that you have, also the fog can decrease your fps by a ton, so tweak around with the settings until you get a better performance, normally the big hitters are the render distance and that fog.

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