JJ and Mikey Escaped From the Underground Prison in Minecraft (Maizen)

now we really got caught Mikey no it can’t really be I don’t want to go to an underground prison I don’t want to either Mikey step forward but we’ve caught you we’ve been trying to catch you for 2 months all the cops took part in your capture see what you can do now you’ve committed so many crimes the two of you have escaped from all the prisons this is the largest prison in the world it was built for you let’s see if you can get out of it get in the elevator and watch no tricks we’ll be out of this prison by lunchtime pick up a timer yep Mikey whatever it is we do I think we’re in big trouble this time it is yes it is H I don’t think we can get out of here there’s more security than in the bank don’t worry Mikey we’ll get out of here you can escape from any prison y first we need to see the prison maybe we can find a crack in the wall or something H I don’t know but I somehow have a very bad feeling look here guards maybe we can bribe him well hello new prisoners I’ve heard of you you’ve escaped from all the jails you’ve already been told this prison was built specifically for you there are clothes in the chest put them on take these clothes off is strictly forbidden I want to upset you you can’t escape this prison I don’t much like orange but it’s small yep look Mikey there are still prisoners here I thought no one but us will be here but there are more prisoners let’s go to the dining room I am very hungry well if I’m honest I’m very hungry too H there’s a meager selection of foods here look what it says here that someone hates food the main reason why we escaped from prisons was bad bread y there’s a surveillance camera here and I noticed they’re watching us look JJ it’s a shower yes there was no shower in the last prison look there’s a gym here apparently they’re pumping their muscles in here and prison is too boring wow look at these villagers I’m sure he’s stronger than a Golem so the only way to have fun is in the gym H well let’s get out of here I already have some ideas on how we can escape and that door is the security room we’ll have to get into this room yep apparently this is the prison that’s the most secure place we’ve ever seen we can’t escape yet people are watching us there’s another room here what’s here H who is this hey you must be those Mikey and JJ huh it’s not safe for you to leave here let’s get out of here Mikey it’s like we’ve seen the whole prison y we have a chance to escape but not a big one but in the meantime I noticed that we were being watched by the guards let’s get some rest for now it’s been a very hard day every prisoner has his own cell but that’s no surprise what do we do this prison is too secure there are plenty of guards we definitely can’t escape don’t worry Mikey we can definitely break out of this prison we’ve escaped from prisons 10 times we thought the same thing when we went to shut up what are you doing in another prisoners prison get out of here now before I throw you in the hole H all right I get it I won’t get get too upset H where are we going why can’t I go back to my prison cell this is your punishment for going into another prisoner cell here take the pickaxe and get to work if you don’t do your job they gave me a pickaxe H I have to try to get it into my cell maybe then I can rip out the wall all right workday’s over stand there prisoner give me the pickaxe you thought I didn’t notice you put it in your pocket I’ll see one more trick like that go to the hole okay I’ll go then is that what this is you try to steal the diamond apparently you have not been in solitary confinement for a long time please don’t hurt me I accidentally put it in my pocket now I will punish you remember to steal in this prison is forbidden if I see what you steal Again by your deadline I thought I could take the pickaxe to my prison cell but this is where you get searched when you try to get out listen Mikey you need to distract the guards and I’ll try to hide the diamonds I understand you well hey guard man what do you want I haven’t eaten yet I’m hungry can I go to lunch all right come on but I’ll be watching you so bear that in mind great Mikey did it I have to hide the diamonds as I understand them are very valuable in prison good thing there was a hole in the cage I could hide the diamonds no that I’ve changed my mind the food in prison is so tasteless that I don’t want to eat anymore well whatever you want anyway when you want to eat you will go to the dining room work on the work day is not over didn’t try to trick me I’m following you okay workday is over give me your picks and all the resources you’ve got if you dare deceive me I will beat you with a club hold it right there well done next one and that’s you here’s a pickaxe and the resources that I got here’s my pickaxe and all I could get remember I’m watching you H now I have to get out of here I can’t believe I made it yep now I have three diamonds I could make a pickaxe or trade it for something else H I will hide the diamonds in my chest under my bed hardly anyone can find them here so far everything is going well we will soon be able to escape from here I promise you Mikey well hello guys you need to talk quieter in prison very thin walls uhoh I want one diamond for silence or the lake will know that you have diamonds H all right well hold the diamond but if you tell anyone we have a diamond you’ll regret it you understand me take your diamond and get out while you can hm stop it JJ what look I have a prisoner if you don’t forget we have diamonds I’ll tell everyone you’re playing with dolls and getting your tea drunk okay I won’t tell anyone about your diamonds but if you tell anyone you’re done remember the walls have ears this time I will forgive you if you want to Blackmail me again you will wish for it Mikey for the future keep your voice down we have to be as inconspicuous as mice it’s good that you had photos we need to figure out what we’re going to to do with the diamonds H listen you don’t have to draw any more attention to yourself let no one suspect that we want to escape we must behave like everyone else look JJ these are sticks we’re going to need them you tried to distract the cook I tried to steal the sticks yes okay I’ll talk to the Cook and you steal the sticks don’t get caught hi cook I have a question about food why is it so bad do you even know what spices and salt is if I were you I’d try the recipe okay I forgive you for the first time get out of here great I got the sticks come on have you lost your fear Mikey I told you to steal in this prison is strictly forbidden or don’t you understand me let’s go to solitary confinement and see how you like to sit there without food or water Mikey caught the guards now I have enough sticks to make a pickaxe H I got to get Mikey out but I got to find him first Mikey had a camera control device on his camera said some of their guards dropped it I have to hurry I wanted to get out of prison now but first I have to get Mikey out H I have to hide somewhere where no one can see me and if security finds out I have a remote control they’ll take me to the hole with Mikey I will hide in the shower the guards will not come here for sure well there is no one here means I definitely will not be disturbed great we need to switch his remote really works I thought it was thrown away on purpose because it didn’t work H Mikey’s not here I have to switch to another camera it’s not here either but where’s Mikey great he’s in solitary he seems fine H the guard sleeps I can’t help but take advantage of this opportunity I have to hurry the sooner I can free Mikey the sooner we can get out H I want to look at the other room get this gym well there’s nothing surprising well what’s on the other camera so this is the guard’s room how many weapons there are there are two guns on the wall is there no one here like this room does not guard great now I know what a secret room looks like I have to hide the camera controls if the guards want to search me and find the remote I can’t control we have to put a stick in the chest H everything’s going to be okay I just need to get to Mikey’s camera now we need to hide the remote under Mikey’s bed how good he was to find it if Mikey hadn’t found the camera remote I wouldn’t have known what was in the security room so before I forget I have to hide the stick in my chest if anyone sees that I have sticks I will not have sweet H the headu guard said that Mikey will be in the hole without food I’ll take the bread in the kitchen and take it to Mike y fine I’ll quietly steal this bread the chief security officer said that stealing here is strictly forbiden but prohibited if someone notices me good thing I’m so clever now I have to carry Mikey’s bread the main thing is that I am not stopped by security Now great I almost got there it’s like the guard guarding Mikey is asleep H I hope he doesn’t wake up W I’m so glad you’re all right Mikey yep here’s some bread eat you need strength we’ll get out of here soon I’ll go Mikey I can’t stay here long bear a little longer you should be released soon H well nobody noticed me the guard in time decided to go to sleep like the warden’s going to come and release Mikey great when Mikey’s free we’ll start thinking about running away I have to take the remote control for the cameras I want to see why Mikey hasn’t been released from solitary I have to go to the shower no one will see me there I’ll get out of here soon h no way there are cracks in this wall so this is the weak spot of the wall you have to remember it it’s this wall that needs to be broken I think we need to dig a tunnel here but first I have to save Mikey I can’t escape alone H great I got to the shower I’m going to hide here and look at the cells h i I hope Mikey gets out he’s going to be in the hole too long so you need to see the documents why are you here you should have been released 5 minutes ago y are you a total fear loss you sleep in the workplace you don’t know you get the ticket wake up now you will be fine well he must be sleeping very soundly I will release the prisoner myself but this will be the exception to the rule now you can go Mikey if I see great Mikey’s finally out hey Mikey come here I got good news for you look I know I’m in the security room there’s guns on the walls but there’s no guards I also found a place where we’ll be digging a tunnel oh you see in this chamber in the walls and the floor cracks it’s the perfect place to rip out a tunnel but first we have to make a pickaxe I know I’m in the security room there’s guns on the walls but there’s no guard what I stole this craft table from a sleeping guard take the diamonds and sticks we’re going to make a pickaxe do you know where there’s a safe place here yeah there’s no cameras in the shower and there’s no security there which is a great place to make a pickax honestly I still can’t believe you stole a craft table you did it very professionally I need to turn on the shower so you can’t hear anything if we get caught it’s the end I’m glad we need the craft table I stole JJ I have a question what are we going to do about the prisoner this is his cell how do we get him to let us dig in his cell don’t worry about him down the mine all right well hopefully we can get this done before he gets back from the mine Mikey stand and guard me if anyone comes here at once say so if we are now seen by the guards we will end will it work or not great the block broke the pickaxe works now we can get out because of the cracked Stone it falls JJ the head guard is coming everything will be fine what are you doing here it’s not your camera okay it doesn’t matter you don’t do anything suspicious so I don’t care we decided to clean a friend’s room that’s all yep okay but I’ll be watching you great he believed it Mikey you warned at the last moment we almost caught we must be reflected if anyone see a warning all right he just came out of the corner when I saw him I said you right away no one’s here yet so you can dig the tunnel further great hope this time there will be no surprises what it’s that huge spider but why am I not surprised he’s sleeping How Lucky I Am H this is like a chest well these are emeralds now where’re but what about the spider I can’t beat it h listen Mikey there’s a big spider behind the wall and I found emeralds I need a weapon to defeat the spider I know there’s a guy out there selling TNT and a lighter maybe he’ll have a gun great then we need to check it out Mikey said the dealer is near the shower hope he’s right great so Mikey was right I have everything you need lighters and TNT but it’s expensive if you have enough money to buy it all yes I have a lot of money I can buy everything you have and I still have money the sad thing is you don’t have a gun I have to beat a spider H great I bought everything I wanted I so thought I need a gun I can use a lighter you’d be right Mikey there really was a Traer guard the aisle I’ll deal with the spider for now I’m lucky he’s sleeping I’ll just wait for the cobwebs and the spiders now we have to wait a bit great the spider burned but there is one problem because of the fire there is no air I must put out the fire great I put out most of the fire now I have to clean the tunnel but first all right I need to see how things are in prison H all right so far Mikey’s guarding the aisle I can dig further I must hurry soon May the chief guard come to check if he knows notices that I am not there he will raise the alarm all right I’m almost out I got to get back to Mikey I’m almost done digging the tunnel Mikey it’s just a little bit let’s go we have to run now you see Mikey we can eventually get out of their jails and you didn’t believe what would you say to that wait for me JJ you are incredibly fast you could have picked a tunnel like this in just a few minutes by the way you were right we ended up getting out of prison it wasn’t as hard as I thought hurry up Mikey you and I have many more plans just imagine this prison was built just for us and we easily managed to escape it’s so good to be free if the prison can’t hold me I can run anywhere H great we dug right outside our house the policemen and prison guards didn’t even realize we’d escaped H I want to get back at the cops I have a rocket launcher I’ll shoot them see how they react it will be them my revenge now they will know what we’ll be waiting for them if they dare come to us how good of me to have a rocket launcher you just look at the explosion it turned out incredibly big now we can go home H our house is a little dirty we need to clean apparently when the police conducted a search they broke everything well nothing I think we’ll wash it off in a few minutes yep

JJ and Mikey Escaped From the Underground Prison in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Gummy Bear vs. Security – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-HMNSmSCs


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