I Cheated with //DOOMSDAY in a Build Battle

what happens if the moon crashes into Earth or if a black hole takes over everything well today using watch this guys SL SL doomsday uhhuh I’m going to be trolling My Friends by creating the end of the world and the first round is back super villain layer yo maybe I’m the super villain guys oh no oh I unplugged my headset but actually we we really might be a super villain because today guys we’re doing SL slash doomsday that took me forever to spell that but boom and with that command we get three skidy Industries doomsday boxes and if you guys don’t know what doomsday is it literally means the end of the world that’s right each of these boxes literally has the power to destroy everything hold on is this the moon going into Earth we have the lunar cataclysm box crash the moon into Earth oh okay and then we also have this one this one looks insane Dark Matter box and the description is just question marks okay that’s a little eerie but then this last box also has a question mark what the heck secret of the universe box we were so preoccupied with whether or not we could that we didn’t stop to think if we should so we have a box for each of the three rounds of the build battle but and this is a big butt I think stealing the moon and crashing it into Earth is probably the most villainy I don’t think villainy is a word but what am I looking at we have like some sort of giant skidy Industries rocket with a drill on top and a magnet on the bottom okay maybe we’re we’re stealing the moon with this guys I’m literally grew from Despicable Me Okay so this thing is called the interstellar anchor rocket this puppy drills into the moon and creates a magnetic field hold shift for more info okay wait Pro tip use Redstone to launch wait so if we’re launching this thing hold on what is this rocket oh wait hold on we’ve used this before if I just stack these up and then I right click the bottom oh no wait hold on if I set the time to like night oh my it’s aimed right at the Moon wait so do I place this on the oh it’s happening don’t do it okay it says ready to launch okay okay it’s not it’s not launching yet oh okay I see so this drills into the moon there’s a magnet on the butt so this must be another magnet yeah titanium magnetic tip super conducting cryogenic cool what are these words I don’t even know what these words are oh in other words the world’s strongest magnet oh okay okay okay guys guys guys guys guys we need to break this oh my gosh wait bionic just said why is it night time I guess it’s more evil yeah I’m definitely not about to crash the moon into Earth or anything all right well first things first if we’re going to be making a villain layer that shoots a rocket to the moon I’m thinking that we could just like make all this grass into like a volcanic volcanic volcano volcano is type of landscape because for some reason oh my oh was my cat he scared me but for some reason villains always live in like volcano regions so what if as like a super villain we’re using the lava SL slash fill lava boom there we go and then using world edit we could even put glass right here yeah that looks so good so what if like as the super villain we’re using the lava to power our moon stealing Cannon so let me go ahead and just finish putting the windows on the sides and then in the center here I’m thinking oh no I’m stuck help boom yeah we have like a big platform and on top of this platform this could be like where the actual Cannon sits and yes I realized that these are not connected I’m thinking we could have like glass PES connecting it right there but for now we lowkey got to work on like the cannon part cuz this is not looking good oh my no way this man is also doing like a volcano villain layer yo yo yo why you peeking oh I I was trying to talk to my audience get out of here scram what is that some dumb little lava tank it’s not a lava tank you’re a lava tank shut up what does it shoot orange juice no okay let’s just go back to working on the barrel here and I think if we want to line it up with the moon we got to make it rise up a little bit and hold on guys I’m thinking we could actually make this a lot bigger and then let’s go ahead and make the barrel a little taller as well oh my okay okay this this is a chunky Cannon he thick boy he thick okay so right here is like the end of the barrel and I’m thinking that we could probably shoot a few of these puppies why stop at one rocket when we can have more Rockets yo okay that actually already looks insane and I like how the trajectory of it lines up with the barrel but now we got to go ahead and load these bad boys up oh I’m I’m out of rockets all right like I was saying I had to Amazon Prime so more Rockets but I have them and we’re loading them up baby it’s happening oh my dude this looks insane okay so what we have to do next is add some Redstone to this cuz I’m pretty sure that’s how we shoot but also guys we can’t forget we have this block and this is the magnet that’s going to like reel in the moon it’s going to like Pull It in so I think we need to make like a magnet down here and wait hold on are these magnets also Redstone powered what is happening why are they striking lightning okay okay break the magnets break the magnets yo what is that what is that uh what was that guys I [Music] don’t okay okay so I’m thinking that we have like a magnet right here on this side of the turret but then I also want to make a second magnet just in case that way we have more power to pull in the moon I know what you’re thinking guys it’s genius I know I know boom we have magnet number one and now let’s go ahead and just copy this and boom there we go I went ahead and just changed the magnets so that they’re facing up in the sky a little bit just to match the trajectory of the barrel and speaking of the barrel I think we could actually just make it look way cooler with some like cooling vents coming off the side here yeah and then wait we could put some like cooling vents up top as well and then on the edges here we could put that like black and yellow like caution tape kind of thing that way if anyone walks near the Giga Cannon they’ll they’ll know it’s dangerous in case they couldn’t tell already and yes I I’m naming this the Giga Cannon okay wait but then in the little like cooling vents here yes we need to have lava on the inside that way you could like visually see that this thing is powered by the lava coming from the ground and then honestly on the back okay wait this might look really good or or really bad there’s no in between we can have this like giant glass sphere on the back and I’m thinking of filling this up with lava because the cannon is so big up at the front here I feel like it just needs something on the back to like counter back balance it yo okay I feel like that actually made it so much better and then using the SL slash fill command we could just fill it up with lava and then hold up speaking of lava I’m thinking that we make some more piping like down here and then we could put lava like that and we can make it look like it’s just going up like through the tube here yo okay that looks so cool and and then we could put just like another support beam like right there and then let’s go ahead and just make the suction lava thingies for the other like lava towers that we have and then let’s paste the other side in there we go all right that actually looks so cool if you guys couldn’t already tell I added like a little bit of white trim the same white trim that I used on the cooling vents here and I actually think that I want to add some more white to this thing just give it like a lot more detail White what yo why is there poop on my Izzy okay I don’t know who’s trolling but uh Izzy’s he’s going to pay the price and wao yeah okay even adding like a little line right there just made this thing look way cooler so I’m going to go ahead and just polish this puppy up cuz listen guys even though we’re blowing up the entire world with the Moon it it doesn’t mean that we can’t look good while we do it okay honestly this looks so cool I just made some sort of like weird trippy design but I’m just going to keep detailing it and see how it turns out okay this thing looks pretty freaking cool I can’t lie okay I I I forgot to do the other side but this side Mah it’s beautiful actually wait just using some world edit boom there we go that was that was easy enough that was a breeze no it’s not done yet it’s time to add some Flames baby and I think it goes yellow orange red and yeah this already looks so cool just like shooting out of the ex exhaust pipes yeah the Giga Cannon is looking uh quite delectable but for the exhaust pipes that are on top of the barrel I’m thinking that we put a campfire yeah that way we get the smoke particles and then we can just cover it with a trap door like that oh my gosh that looks so cool so now we just have like a ton of heat rising from the top and actually while we’re at it with adding the white accents I feel like down here it could use a little love I I can’t lie to you guys okay that actually looks so much better let’s go ahead and just paste it onto the other ones and I think we could literally just oh wait did that work oh my gosh it worked okay I love world edit let’s just go to this one over here and do the same thing and now our deadly cannon that’s going to kill everyone has beautiful legs now the next part of this build that I want to do is right here and I feel like this would be the perfect spot to have like a command center for the giant Canon Canon I’m sorry for the uh for the Giga Cannon this is going to be the Giga Center okay wait why why am I doing this by hand why do I just use world at it and there we go so let’s go ahead and put the door right here and then on the sides here yeah we could have like a window showing the magnets and then you guys already know we need like the giant Command Center table that has like all of the computers on it so we can just do the whitee blocks like that and then put paintings on them and then we’ll put little seats for each computer there we go and actually wait hold on I could just go ahead and give them little mouses for their computers and wait I don’t I don’t really know who they is it’s literally just me I’m by myself that’s why I’m a super villain we’re blowing everyone up [Laughter] baby but yeah I’m just going to go ahead and and put the levers here and wait we could even put like glass around it so it’s like break only if it’s an emergency I don’t know why stealing the moon would would be an emergency but these are the levers all right so we have the magnet lever and we have the space Moon rocket drill super magnet lever the these things so let me go ahead and just set up the red stone okay I think we’re good if I flick this oh my goodness it’s happening it’s powering up oh my gosh I I’m be too loud I’m be too loud they’re going to notice they’re going to notice what is happening okay that one’s turned off now but then as you guys could see I set up the Redstone for The gigar Rock here and honestly I I’m not testing that okay not yet because knowing skidy Industries it it’s just going to do something insane and everyone’s going to know what I’m up to okay they can’t know yet okay wait we only have 5 minutes left let’s go ahead and just put in some finishing details like floor yes it’s very nice all genuine okay wait outside of the control center here we could put some iron gates that that way no one trips and falls oh wait we could also put some more of like the caution lines like right here so no one get near these magnets and then we’ll add one on this side as well and then let’s go ahead and just detail this a little bit more we could definitely make this look a lot nicer okay that actually looks so much better now and I think like right here under the turret we could probably put a ladder oh my goodness okay that fits perfectly and there we go we’ve got our ladders leading to the top and we can even put just some like guard rails here there we we go wow okay that actually looks really good and oh okay wait there’s a little bit of like a bald spot back here so wait we could fill this in with I’m thinking just like a giant antenna for some reason super villains always have giant antennas coming out of their layers yeah all right that looks pretty good we can actually put like another one right next to it and we’ll make this one a little shorter yeah that looks really good and now now that our build is complete ladies and gentlemen it’s time that we Collide the moon into Earth Earth well not right now we we have to vote on the builds first but then we’re going to do it we’re starting with the best build the Cyber sucker Cube 9,000 yo wait hold up bro built the all spark but wait it’s not the all Spark It’s like a Roomba it’s a Roomba for a for a volcano what is a Roomba it’s a little robot that goes around your house it’s a vacuum oh wait I have one you’re an idiot what I didn’t realize dude I could tell you have one cuz you based your build off of it it’s not just a room butt wa what is it what oh I got Ted away this is Dr Bon’s evil lair this is where you live and what it does is sucking up the orange juice from the volcano you’re a villain who steals lava that’s like a Despicable Me villain or something yeah who would who would ever be one of those villains yeah yeah right all right raise your hand if you want to be my minion me me me me me me me me wait I want to be minion in that case come over here Gamers there’s no entrance cuz once you get inside you can’t leave all right come in wait what why are we going in here if you just said that welcome to the cybertronic cube 9,000 sucker I messed up the name come over here okay wait you’re stealing lava it goes in this Cube wait what do these buttons do watch out don’t don’t you dare press actually the only one you don’t want to press is this pink one okay we’ll press it in a bit just don’t press it yet Izzy ah he said izzy not skidy no oh what wait what what have you done what have you done bro put poop on the screen what is this oh I’m getting out of here what the heck bro bro go go go go go go go you idiots there’s TNT flying into my Giga cannon not the gig we’re good we’re good you are evil don’t worry see bro is actually a villain everything’s fine made you got Panic oh you almost destroyed my build yeah you almost destroyed his block of sand bro yo you’re not supposed to look already dud oh my God all right guys come on come on I did my rooll I was the evil Dr Bon orange juice man Mr bnk I can’t lie uh we’re lava gang so uh I appreciate that we’re both lava villains and uh this is pretty good D I give this a 7.8 all right next time your build’s getting destroyed what that was a good rating I’m going to go with a score pretty similar to that but slightly higher I’m going to go with a solid eight out of 10 let’s go all right Izzy you can be my minion all right guys give me a second to uh teleport you my build there’s a pink wool yo your build has a pimple on it it has a pimple on it it’s a nipple oh wait we just got TP oh no oh no why is he talking weird I’m not going to say too much e you got Birch sign that’s gross what did I get oh I got a sword and leather yo wait yeah why the heck did I get a birch sign yo I’m geared up I’m going to throw up did you just gulp bro was nervous where where are we though what is this oh my okay we’re in survival now wait this must be like Izzy lir or something oh my you know what we’re about to do btic I’m so scared don’t be scared bro it’s okay we can hold hands hello hello come on hold my hands skidy hello get your giant my head I’m your chaper you’re not old enough to go by yourself go back go back he’s this way he’s this way move back move back I’m your human shield guys yo I feel like we’re going the right way hello I’m sending Girl Scout cookies housekeeping look run oh my run B he’s going to kill me I’m at half a heart I’m at half a heart I’m at half a heart I’m back here I have a family no you guys can’t run from me biionic run he’s going feral you can’t hide from me I made this maze yo Skitty mytic where are you oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m here I’m here I’m here where are you hey get him get him beat him he’s low he he’s he’s low he’s low he’s low he’s low I diamond armor you idiot weak I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead don’t die run Sky Run I’m beating him up get away from me I don’t want this stand back I smell you yo why am I actually getting low you’re dead you’re bad all right guys you killed me I guess you beat the maze uh now go up what is this oh there’s an elevator oh my bunk it’s it’s a lava maze I don’t want to spoil much but this time you guys won’t be fighting me yeah yeah yeah whatever dude whatever whatever go go go I can’t get out it doesn’t matter I know what we need to do wait no way uh did he just say fight each other hey hey hey heyy son Mr Bic you dare step to me come here come here come here watch your jet you little suit boy now you don’t want this smoke you don’t want this smoke you don’t want yo you’re on one block a no we both fell we both F yes let’s go all right Mr Izzy I can’t lie you killed me so you are villainous I give it a 6.3 [Applause] wow I don’t even want to listen to you anymore what what do you have to say man I’ll give you a seven out of 10 let’s go you know what I’ll take a seven bro I’ll take a [Music] seven yeah let me just do this real quick let me show you guys what a True Villain looks like what is that let me just go ahead and bring the moon out gentlemen no this is the Giga Cannon does it shoot Giga Chads very close bionic it shoots Giga rocket drill thingies oh no we have the drills right here with magnets on the back why there magnets giant magnets may I add and uh once these puppies drill into the moon we’re going to go ahead and uh just use these magnets over here to uh reel it back in wait what now as you guys could see this puppy is also powered by lava and it brings the lava into this giant orbital thing orb in the back M orange juice meatball no is he is he let me out are you okay me out is he is he he’s allergic to orange juice no he’s he’s kind I love he’s kind of taking a while to oh there he goes all right Gentlemen let’s go ahead and hop up this ladder here and I’ll show you the inside I have a feeling this is a bad idea have you guys ever wondered what happens when someone steals the moon I watched Despicable Me I knew this was like Despicable Me I literally told you this way guys right this way this is the control center now the first thing that we need to do we have the magnet hey hey hey hey do not do not do not get your grubby hands off of the lever okay Bad Minion Bad Minion so first things first we need to send the drill Rockets to the Moon would anyone like the honors rock paper scissors ready Rock Paper Scissors Shoot my rock rock wins go biotic pull the lever all right go go go go go come here what the oh my oh my all four of them are going to the moon no no what’s going to happen my plan is coming to fruition what have you done I’m stealing the Moon oh wait hold on I I forgot so now that these are drilled into the moon yeah we got to we got to reel it in to the giant magnets 3 2 one are you pulling the moon back to us no way oh my God what are you doing bro it’s powering up you idiot oh my I don’t care take me brother take me moon what are these tsunamis what where did that come from the tsunami is going through his volcano wait my build wait he’s just eating it like it’s nothing no my build my volcano wait wait wait wait wait how big is the moon going to get oh my Izzy’s build his Nexus going right through the wall Izzy no you’re buil what is going dude the Moon is glowing what is going on I guess if the moon gets out of orbit it makes tsunamis what is happening hello what’s going on I think it’s impacting with the earth oh my gosh we just blew up everything the Giga Cannon my cyber Cube sucker 9,000 my maze n no one no one misses your maze oh shut up with your stupid cyber and next round is lab experiment oh so just you yo I was going to make that same joke whatever I’m out here hey let’s go see you later noobs so fun so we already used this box Qui which means that we have this one and this one dark matter box or the secret of the universe now I can’t lie to you guys for a lab experiment I feel like dark matter look at this thing it’s it’s like like a black hole I think we got to make a black hole okay okay we we’ve dealt with a block like this before but oh my gosh guys we are holding Dark Matter a mysterious form of matter that makes up 85% of the universe oh what happens if I place it oh oh it’s it’s oh it’s gooey it’s so gooey why why dude I hate oh wa okay when I break it like tons of a I’m just going to go ahead and uh what what’s up I’m not even going to ask about that yeah I would just turn around and go back to your side okay so given that this is skidy Industries and we’ve dealt with gooey like Universe blocks before I am 1,00% convinced that this this right here yeah it’s just going to spawn into the game and blow up everything so I’m just going to try my hardest to like try to recreate this and then maybe it’ll spawn in wait I think I could actually just use world at it oh oh my gosh no no it’s happening break it break it did did that work I think that worked I think we just stopped it in time okay let me just undo that there we go I can’t believe it I was actually right with enough of this stuff we can make a black hole which uh funny enough is kind of perfect for the build battle topic I’m thinking that we could just make like a giant lab where scientists are trying to like artificially make a black hole listen guys this is going to be a lab experiment okay a lab experiment gone wrong okay I’m I’m sorry I’m not a villain anymore okay I got too used to being a villain all right this is uh my foundation for my science lab I feel like most science labs kind of look like this I I don’t know why but I’m thinking let’s make our front door right here and then let’s go ahead and change the floor just so it’s not the exact same everywhere okay so now here here comes the tricky part okay we’re going to put our black hole in the ground like right here boom it’s happening okay we got to break it break it okay it it worked again we’re good we’re good okay so as long as the blocks aren’t fully connected let’s just leave these two undone right there we won’t blow up literally everything okay so I’m thinking let’s put like extra goo coming out from the black hole here kind of like little cracks that are kind of coming out this already looks really good actually and then we can even layer it up and put it like on the walls all right this actually looks insane but now I think we can add in some more details like I’m thinking what if the scientists were making this in a little chamber thing yes okay just like that and then we could put like some support beams on it and wait hold on let me cook let me cook I feel like there needs to be lightning rods coming off the support beams and then we could have glass panes for the walls here and then let’s go ahead and add another circle on the roof here okay perfect and then I actually want to fill in this circle with probably the Frog lights I think these would fit best yeah okay that looks pretty good but then going down the middle here I’m thinking that we could add the Green Frog Light there we go definitely looks very sci-fi and then actually we could put another electrical thingy here yo I love this it definitely looks like these two prongs make like a current in between like when it’s powering up but now honestly comes the fun part because right here if we change that to glass pane there we go we can make this look like the little control center room like where all the scientists are like observing the black hole so let’s put a bunch of tables in and I’m thinking let’s just destroy all this glass to make it look like the scientists got like sucked into the black hole here okay so using the barrier blocks here we could just put like a villager like he’s just flying in midair and then we could put one like right here there we go let’s add another one up there yo this is so funny we’ll leave one Survivor in the back and honestly while we’re at it yeah we could just have like a bunch of floating blocks getting sucked into the black hole as well like that probably makes a lot of sense yeah let’s create like a bunch of holes in the wall wall here to make it look like all of the wall is just getting sucked in okay this looks insane honestly I could just add in a few more details like their chairs here we could even put in a flying chair in the air ooh okay the outside does need a lot of work as well starting with the doors there we go but then also I think we could give this a splash of color since literally everything is white and this is skidy Industries so you guys already know we we got to give it a little Popa red ooh okay I like the way that looks but right here would actually be a perfect spot for some windows yeah okay that looks really good you can see the black hole in there and then we could just give this an awning here just for some more detail and some leaves at the bottom to make it look very pretty you know something to take your mind off of the massive black hole in there yeah I like it but then over here I think this is literally the perfect spot to put like a glass dome roof oh and then right here you guys already know what I’m putting we’re putting the skidy industries logo baby yeah it’s beautiful all right so anyways back to blowing up and killing everyone we can definitely add in some more sciencey stuff over here and I’m thinking that these could be like little test chamber pods for something ooh wait we could put the dark matter in there like this is where they were testing it and wait for continuity sakes we could do like the roof lightning rod thing again yeah okay that looks so good and then we could paste it over here there we go oh boys there’s there only 5 minutes left we don’t have a lot of time so let’s go ahead and just texture the ground here and I went with like a snowy Stone texture I feel like secret labs are always like way up in the mountains for some reason like evil villains are in the volcanoes and then all the Laboratories are in the snowy mountains I don’t know why I don’t make the rules but that’s just how it goes O Okay and then something that we could do is a little build hack where we can make like little AC vents on the roof it’s just a nice detail to have ooh and then honestly right here we could do the same thing that we did on the Giga Cannon we could have like a radio antenna right there and I really like the black and yellow caution line that I had so we can definitely put that here as well oh okay wait that’s time boys let’s just fill this up so that there’s only one block left okay it’s okay my child I will be back for you goodbye oh oh the door is over here okay there we go follow me guys for the craziest experiment you’ve ever seen this is so cool it’s got three eyeballs I call him Bob the destroyer of worlds he looks like Bob the goober glob wait Bob’s got a lot of teeth this is like his this is his Chompers bro he doesn’t have a stomach cuz anything he e turns into slime bro it’s made out of slime block this is so cool he originally fitted in this little glass container they fed him too too many hamburgers he was literally the size of like one block at first I think I found out where all the hamburgers went to Yo he’s double cheeked up wait yo part of his brain is just hanging out right here oh my his IQ must be insane yo don’t be rude you’re you’re eating his brain skidy I’m literally breaking his IQ points it’s okay it regenerates every time he eats his brain gets bigger is he bro I think I got to give this 11 out of 10 bro what about you Daddy dude I got to agree I think this is honestly one of your best builds I’m going to give it a 10 out of 10 let’s go I got a 21 baby all right gentlemen prepare your lab coats come this way to Bunk laboratory it’s like a desert Hideout we’re in the middle of nowhere the Sahara mezer we’re in the Sara mahz wa look at the button no no no no no no no first we have R I like reduse I’m red listen to him dude up no I give up screw this tour come over here I didn’t even know that we were on a tour this is the museum this is the part you guys get to have access to oh we got cobwebs in the museum wow that’s that’s really great dude how about you follow the tour guide first okay man oh I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s his first day on the job I’m sorry here we have all of the illegal Creations in this laboratory thicky drip oh no what what is wrong with this door that’s right it’s fun BR these are like I’m so sorry I’m so I don’t touch dude come on I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t know we were in a museum triggered skulk gutted chest what is what you can still open it look cold grass hey isn’t this just like a snow block wait look at the top wait if I if I middle click it I just get a grass block what wa how did you do that fro a magician that’s not all gentlemen follow me for more legal experimental science build hacks enter the real Laboratory what the heck is this thing we have a microscope looking at a ball of Izzy actually it came from the Bob the gooa glob and we found out he’s 100% dumb yo this is a sample from his butt cheek bro I recognize this what’s Behind These curtains here bro what you don’t want to know oh no this laboratory has sacrifices oh no Izzy Izzy we got to get out Izzy we got to get out the buttons AR working wait nuclear waste trash shoot yo what is this place bro okay I’m checking behind it’s aead with blood and scissors Izzy we got to go we got to go and then this way is where the nuclear waste is thrown out you’re the reason Bob exists bro you’re Bob’s dad you’re his dad yeah and Izzy’s the mom what yo Mr bnk I can’t even lie to you I don’t know how you did this I just broke your window I’m sorry but dude this is too crazy this is 11 out of 10 yo honestly I’m going to have to agree with skidy I’m going to give it a 9.5 out of 10 just cuz I I can’t let you get 21 bro wow so dude I B goo glob Bob the gooob this is how you repay me wow dude gentlemen gentlemen 99.5’s 11 these are rookie numbers when you guys see my build be prepared to drop a 15 at least this is skidy Industries what is this Galaxy and inside of skidy Industries we’re working on making an artificial black hole right this way gentlemen oh no this is not going to end well wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on this is not going to end well hold on don’t go in there yet here here take take your Asmat suits put these on all right Gear Up gentlemen gear up I’m sure this yellow PE colored leather armor is going to protect us it was white when I bought it all right right this way okay careful gentlemen careful this is an investigative scene okay we don’t know what happened here Dude Looks Like space juices everywhere as we could see the villagers they must have been scientists cuz they’re getting sucked through the glass here but then hold on it looks like they were testing something why don’t we uh see what this is gentlemen dude dude stop stop stop skidy this is not a good idea go ahead and uh middle click that puppy Dark Matter interesting if we come over here oh no Danny I’m scared wait a minute it looks like they were trying to make something but there’s one block missing what is that I don’t know maybe we should complete it no don’t do it dude do it you’re going to end us all meow it’s happening it’s happening no no no no no no no no no no no Evacuate the area defend your builds oh no no no no no no no no suck at me in I’m dead I’m dead I’m I’m dead I’m dead I’m guys no at least we’re dying together wait God what’s going what is happening we didn’t die what did you do skidy what the yo oh my gosh oh my God what what is happening yo they’re flying to me dude we got reversed in time yo run to B run to Bob we got set back in time oh my they’re breaking through the wall they’re flying bro they’re F they’re eating Bob not Bob there’s a pterodactyl shoot shoot we got to fight back we got to oh my never mind they just killed bionic it’s creative oh my gosh run to me skitzy it’s safe inside Bob Izzy we got to get to biotics go go go go go go go dude hurry they’re getting here get to bionics bunker oh no they’re breaking through bro this one’s fast oh my get inside get inside get inside get inside e he okay dude I don’t even know how that was just possible I got to give that honestly a 12 out of 10 bro I’m going to give you a 12 out of 10 skidy thank you for the high scores but how how do we get back I think we’re stuck in 2,00 BC I think we’re going to have to make a time travel machine guys I think we’re going to need food somehow we have to eat Izzy I’m sorry get boys get him not me they both died and the next round is space no no no no no another black hole no dude good luck gentlemen Iz he bro Iz he bro we can’t keep doing this what is it now a supernova is going to tickle our butts to death no no no no no dude we got to SP we got to I don’t know sorry that was weird I’m just kidding guys no more black holes but if we type in our doomsday command we have one more box which I think is much crazier than any black hole this is the secret of the universe and honestly I don’t know what that means but it sounds crazy what the heck am I looking at do I even want to touch this thing okay I’m going to do it I got it what is happening what is happening to me dude what is that in his hand oh my gosh it’s picking up the blocks around me they just floating around me what is happening all right well since the topic is space we could probably just real quickly just run a world edit command yes and just make a giant meteor and then I’m thinking we put this puppy in the middle of the meteor but the question is what is going to happen once I place this thing all right boys time to find out three hello get jump him no no no no no oh my gosh what did they do oh my God I got him and he dropped it oh my gosh it’s beautiful Izzy it’s beautiful what was the secret of the universe I’ll never know

I Cheated with //DOOMSDAY in a Build Battle

My Editor 🎥
Offstagevitor 👨‍💻

Friends in video 💪
Bionic 💙
Izzy 💚

if ur reading this i hope you have an awesome day! thanks for watching 😀


  1. Your cat got onto the green screen 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Step one how to get in a video with you step two how to be your friend step three do you trust me with your skizzy indisres box's step fore your amazing at videos and your funny and your filters for your face amazing Picasso all of this goes to you skizzy your welcome back to the video

  3. Stupid assholes don’t do anything but anyways, why are you guys doing this stuff? You’re supposed to let him put it down and wait for the end of the video like what the Frick and I hate your shows. I’m never gonna watch ever again and never ever asked me to watch them again.

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