Worst base you’ve seen/created?

by PlasmiteHD


  1. SleepingAndy on

    I miss the pre-villager house days because starter houses used to be all kinds of random ad-hoc construction before people knew how to build nice small houses.

  2. Weak_Extent5582 on

    I created a large house made solely out of dirt years ago since I had a lot of it on hand and didn’t feel like chopping down the forest that was around 100 blocks away.

  3. Sometimes when im not in the mood to build nice and just need a house i still build like this.

  4. prosteprostecihla on

    I was playing modded minecraft and made a large dirt rectangular wall 3 blocks high thinking i will replace it with something nicer once i get some tech setup

    Got engame gear, massive factory, but the dirt square got even worse, when i ran out of space i just haphazardly expanded the wall.

    Not my proudest moment.

  5. Distinct-Entity_2231 on

    Well… This is pretty terrible.
    BUT! Luke the notable’s smaragd tower. No, just hear me out.
    It is…very impractical. Just…look at it. The rooms are super small, to the point of being impractical. And he has only a ladder there.
    I’ve build a couple of mansions. 0 of them are made of smaradgs. But have elevators and staircases, large rooms, useable interior…

  6. SinOnReddit42 on

    The square-shaped cobblestone tower looks like something right out of alpha or beta and i’m all for that

  7. The_Weird_Redditor on

    When I was younger and played on the Lite pocket edition of Minecraft to the fully released pocket edition, I would make a 1×8 sized house. It was literally just a long hallway with three doors and a crafting table and bed at the end. The game didn’t have chests yet at this time.

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