LIVE – Help Me Beat Terraria

H Gamers okay we’re late as [ __ ] let’s go and of course nobody’s Dro nice we might be a little late I’m not going to hold you Gamers we might be a little late H my fault gang or came out in 2011 what the what the sigma I didn’t know that Gamers all right man all right should be good to go put this over here okay all right Gamers we’re here now I know we’re late as [ __ ] we going to stream for a little bit uh but we don’t miss we don’t miss bro we don’t miss okay so Pablo’s here for the next five minutes let’s go have I been decent gamer decent gamer holy [ __ ] 10 minutes okay first all turn we from decent to good yes sir turn this [ __ ] music all the way down how you Gamers been bro how you Gamers been [Music] you be falling asleep early imagine falling asleep early bro imagine not falling asleep at 4:00 a.m. every day the [ __ ] gamer all right chat the cupet video lowy did pretty good Pablo’s always good bro Pablo’s such a main character the cup video did pretty good we gained like six subscribers just from that one video so we’re almost at 1080 bro we’re basically Mr Beast like I’m not even going to hold you might be Mr Beast you been really shitty alcohol ruin family that’s cuts into your life G we all go through rough time just just play cuphead with another gamer I don’t have any friends Gamers like I was saying you just got sick through it man everyone has rough times um alcohol is definitely a problem don’t fall into the same things that your family does your parents does uh be different bro be the change be the change for your family you play cupet with me CH I already beat cup that [ __ ] was easy as [ __ ] I beat it first try yeah Pao do a little prayer for wo bro do a little prayer Mama edits you just came from cupet video was very good thank you brother that actually means a lot thank you um you just now subbed what a what a beast gamer chat we reached 1080 bro we’re basically Mr Beast now we’re just missing that 2 80 million Subs bro we got Kobe Bean in our chat let’s go W streamer I know bro my my cuphead video is about to be 500 views right now about to be that that’s decent Gamers that’s decent Gamers it’s cuz I’m such a [ __ ] beast at cuphead honestly Chad was I actually good at cuphead low key I was actually pretty good like not going to lie for my first attempt I was pretty [ __ ] good L Robert L Ryme in the chat bro that guy’s super weird all right let me make the YouTube intro real quick welcome Gamers today we have a very special game for you guys we have Terraria Terraria I don’t know how the [ __ ] you say it but new game even though this [ __ ] came out like 20 years ago new game for us to play right so we’re absolutely going to get clapped on We’re just trying it out for now if it gets if if we’re good at it we’ll continue if we’re awful at it we’ll probably still continue if I get enough likes Ryan vocabulary is L and then whatever he V’s doing W you know why he always says L he’s my neighbor bro he’s my neighbor yes my brother all right well enough you yaen let’s actually get straight into Terraria bro enough you yaen bro oh [ __ ] I got to get I create my own drip we already know this bro come on now bro evoke wait can I do spaces I can’t yes hold on how do you put uppercase and I don’t know how to use a [ __ ] Xbox let’s go Gamers evoke the the goat bro W Kobe in the chat bro W Kobe in the chat stroke to evoke okay difficulty extremely hard we’re going to go class made outfit okay so we’re horny tonight all right let’s go let’s go drippy [Music] bro yeah what’s the most drippiest thing out here like this one’s kind of dppy oh no so we got to we got to change our [ __ ] game to difficulty extreme or peaceful mode uh I’d say we’re like in here between saturation holy [ __ ] what what are we [ __ ] slender what the [ __ ] Gamers I think I think that’s good why the [ __ ] can I be red or blue what the [ __ ] okay gamer uh I just lost my [ __ ] okay that’s basically me right there Chad was my eye color it’s I think it’s red honestly no the blood just make a South Park the fracture butthole reference I might have done that chat only real Gamers know that all right um let’s go we had brown eyes we got like my eyes are like [ __ ] amazing bro I got the gamer eyes all right we look kind of [ __ ] bad Mythic what’s up gamer CH we might have to rock this cut real quick n let’s lock let’s rock the Pablo cut real quick let’s rock the Pablo cut real quick where’s it at Pablo where’s your cut at bro um I think it’s right here gamer is that you no CH no chat let’s rock the Pablo cut real quick you have like your hair back now let’s see this is Pablo cut right now n hold on wait why is he actually drippy for two day game 2D game why he actually you look like a hobo okay n we need that [ __ ] gamer hair right there why is the first I see made outfit what the [ __ ] yeah Paulo Paulo’s a little horny tonight okay we do got some brown ha type [ __ ] type be CH we’re going to make it look like me bro why isn’t wo mod on YouTube chat should we met should we uh mod wo oh who should we mod got to show out with the crab game references you’re right gamer um Mar me absolutely not oh God oh God bro why can I not get brown how the [ __ ] do you get brown here I think it’s like an orange right yeah mod Edwin Edwin doesn’t even pop up in streams anymore what a lgamer bro and I’m pretty sure Edwin has played terrar before he can actually help me out bro but the L gamer damn L Mythic bro he said I’m going to go watch another streamer what mod will be pretty chill not going to lie you’re right gamer I think about it Shir okay hold on let’s let’s get something drippy what’s drippy um wo trying to be so nonchalant bro yeah he might be like he might be a lightskinned guy I’m not going to hold you bro honestly since I’m so nonchalant you got dreads okay I might just go all black since I’m nonchalant like [Music] that lowkey nonchalant Gamers bro is not a dreadhead I’m not going to hold you you’re shaking your dreads while you’re typing [Music] okay let’s go little let’s go white te bro cuz we we got a white beater on let’s go little white te that little wife beater on um let’s go black oh yeah some [ __ ] Power Ranger action right now pants let’s just go some let’s just go some cargo some caros Tye be type [ __ ] little cargo pants size [ __ ] I mean not cargo F my blue jeans let’s put on some white forces while we’re at it some little white forces you know I’m saying chy we’re not [ __ ] dripping blood might be my homie Tariq okay yeah we’re kind of Dripping right now I’m not going to ow you we got that white vest we got blue jeans and Air Forces I’m rock I’m literally rocking the Pablo fit right now all right Gamers I think we’re done with our skin we look absolutely [ __ ] Flawless so let’s go ahead and create our character evoke the goat let’s let’s go gamers W outfit in the chat yes sir holy [ __ ] we’re at 1081 bro where where are we getting these bot [ __ ] accounts from CH I might be Mr Beast bro Chad I might be sub Bing I’m not going to hold you sub in the chat for using sub uh okay size what do we do size nice humongous large medium small small corruption best items they need to navigate anything bigger is way too unnecessary just a tip CH but we like large things here we like large large things here chat what are we thinking what are we thinking boys small medium I like large things okay okay gamer just s with medium I say I say s with medium humongous even okay what’s the name gream gream team the name of our island is I can I do [ __ ] caps it’s cream team yes sir all right let’s hop in Gamers let’s do this [ __ ] bro generating jungle God adding more grass desertification loading patches huh smallest best largeest 30 minutes to navigate left side of the map medium takes 17 small takes five we’re just going to do medium low bro yeah Chad but I might just have to like do cuphead stream like next week cuz that’s what’s that’s what’s popping off I C video out of nowhere bro let’s go gamer the [ __ ] happened oh let’s play Let’s Play talk about the game from yesterday no okay we’re in the game we’re in the game all right so what do we do this is not what I expected at all um so how do I craft a crafting table okay I have my sword attack RT jump LT inventory y okay up bar previous oh what the [ __ ] am I doing bone MK what’s up brother chop trees how do you do that oh with the with the axe okay I got you Gamers wait why is it not oh the [ __ ] pickaxe right I’m acting like I never played Minecraft before I might be clip farming okay Timber typ we got an achievement let’s go you need some wood put the wood on the guy’s face and he like the wood what okay gamer you want me to shove my wood in his mouth all right we’re doing it is that a [ __ ] squirrel chat is that a [ __ ] squir we’re killing it we’re killing it I don’t give a [ __ ] yo he trying to kill me oh no oh no he’s not okay that’s my that’s my brosi Cole right there I’m not going to hold you that’s my brosi right there up brother yeah me me and little bro go way back bro I’ve known him some like two minutes ago he’s my little bro okay so what do I do now sh so I shove my wood inside of coal is that what how do you do that okay after getting enough wood build a house a workbench crafting table basically okay how do I how do I know have enough okay let’s just keep on getting wood Chad what came out first Minecraft or Terraria bro did Terraria copy Minecraft and then Minecraft copy Terraria bro what came first I already took damage what the [ __ ] are we doing Gamers okay so I jump with LT type [ __ ] okay to build a house just place the left the place the wood down you see that flat surface to the left of you perfect spot right here gamer right here we might be CLA bro squirrel y it [ __ ] all right am I right here all right all right gamer let’s go ahead and how do you place this [ __ ] all right how do you build okay RT RT RT okay okay I’m about to [ __ ] get hit wait a minute let me take out my sword yes Gamers we’re basically playing Minecraft right now I’m not going to you how am I getting [ __ ] [ __ ] on by a [ __ ] slime might want to mine two blocks up to you H you mean below me that mine below me blood putting a sharp wood tip in the Slime okay is that illegal um okay we build a house now right wait can I not place a block I can they’re block we’re basically playing Minecraft oh God this game just a Bas basically a ripoff Minecraft BR okay gamer all righty so bam okay bam okay we got something going how do we build a door though how do we build a door okay for the length step on the wood Jan is back what’s up brother what’s up gamer G whiz help Burger okay yes Gamers I need all the help I can get bro this my first time playing Terraria and I’m about to get [ __ ] clapped on already I’m just trying to build a house but these slimes don’t let me bro oh [ __ ] broki Cole out here helping me why the [ __ ] am I about to die to a slime oh my [ __ ] this is embarrassing bro CH l gamep playay H gameplay hold on gamer okay let me place my [ __ ] wood okay okay so we’re playing Minecraft wait how high do I go how do you make a workbench you wait what the [ __ ] do you do build wait inventory wait how do you make it though oh down here oh my God gamer I might be on world record time the [ __ ] slimes will not leave me alone bro I’m going to have to stick my wood inside of him bro I’m going to have to stick my wood inside of him come here little gamer all right workbench place it right he what the [ __ ] is that why is it on a balloon what the [ __ ] gamer okay all right we got the workbench and these [ __ ] slimes holy [ __ ] gamer stand on workbench and craft door how do you get into the workbench oh my [ __ ] [Music] god they go the same direction till they can’t huh chat how do we get into the workbench what the [ __ ] Gamers um yeah we’re we’re might we might be clapped here how [Music] do oh wait now I’m tweaking how do you open the workbench go the roof and wall first I’m trying to build a door oh it’s it’s right [ __ ] I’m so stupid bro all right all little gamer wait can I build a a door like on these [ __ ] slimes bro holy I might have to eradicate every single slime I see bro all [Music] right why is it not placing oh my God gamer oh it’s wait right here Place cool get the [ __ ] out of the way though bro please oh my god oh need support from below and above oh so wait oh I need to build a wall then wait how do that even make sense L gamer how does that make sense how can I wait do it need wood underneath or what the [ __ ] am I doing oh my God little gamer I might be the slowest [ __ ] player imaginable check my Discord imagine having to [ __ ] get help to to place a [ __ ] door minimum house size made of dirt you just sent me a dirt [ __ ] house chat we building the dirt house or no this [ __ ] speaking in [ __ ] German bro come on now gamer L bro I cannot read that this [ __ ] speaking the hieroglyphics holy [ __ ] gamer [Music] okay destroy three blocks of the wall your house and place the door what okay gamer it’s getting late bro chat are there any creepers in this game how do I break the wood it’s not breaking I’m doing something wrong bro I might be the slowest [ __ ] player imaginable oh my God little gamer okay wait what did you say use pickaxe to destroy blocks oh see that doesn’t make sense cuz in Minecraft is not the it’s not the axe bro that does not make sense Gamers okay so can I put the wall now I mean the door now no I can’t why do I I need to press to place a [ __ ] I’m about to [ __ ] stick my wood in the Slime again bro [ __ ] out of here L bro [ __ ] out of here little bro axe need to break tree huh oh build everything but the door wait can I place [ __ ] in the air then is that what you’re trying to say gamer no I can’t what the [ __ ] are you saying little bro how do you build a wall if you can’t place it on the floor you trying to do the tutorial little bro we don’t okay let’s just build our [ __ ] house underneath on the ground just cuz we’re a little [ __ ] slow bro at this point they just build it on the ground this is it’s getting embarrassing now bro I’m I’m surprised you guys haven’t unsubscribed yet I’m not going to hold you Minecraft type [ __ ] chat please don’t unsubscribe yet I beg of you Gamers okay see bro this game wanted to be a wnab be Minecraft but like it’s too complicated Gamers want to be at Minecraft Bro all right okay so we can we place our door right here then okay hold on let me try to place the door right here then yes okay Gamers we’re getting somewhere we’re getting somewhere I can’t see [ __ ] but we’re getting somewhere welcome to the crib L bro welcome to I can’t even see myself can you can you guys even see me bro there’s zombies in this game what the [ __ ] oh no bro this is a [ __ ] wait they can’t get inside right L zombie bro L little bro all how the [ __ ] am I going to get light that’s a good question how do you make a torch wait can I kill them [ __ ] out of here little bro oh I might get clapped let’s not do that you have Jael what is Jael what is torch oh I can make a torch you’re right wait how do I make it how much did I just [ __ ] make like oh my God Gamers yes chat sometimes when you have a big brain it just works on its own little bro what the [ __ ] is who is little bro right here all right gamers welcome to the crib L bro yes this is basically Minecraft but 2D bro you make 12 things I’m playing the game three years [Music] huh CH if you’re new if you’re new to the channel and you haven’t subscribed yet please do so it’s free you got to see me me suffer more often as well what did you just send me little bro goofy ass houses okay we’ll try to make different houses but lowy I’m kind of I’m kind of [ __ ] with the underground house bro I’m kind of [ __ ] with it I’m not going to you like this can be our entrance right little gamer and then we we build a door right here build another door right here wait let’s make a crafting table let’s make a little goofy crafting table right here little goofy crafting table let’s make um he bit llo what’s up brother welcome to the stream I have no idea what he just said but welcome to the stream wait we can make we can make a wooden [Music] chair oh my God Gamers wooden GRE what the hell was that wooden sword wait what do I have right now Godly copper sword what for the house to be suitable for the guy needs to be 3x 10 right that’s three blocks down 10 blocks right three blocks down Chad you guys forgot I can’t [ __ ] count bro my boyfriend Cole up there doing all the work too chat what the [ __ ] gamer is that a flying eyeball what the [ __ ] this game want to be Minecraft so bad bro all right all right little BR wrong button all right all right okay we’re getting into some Stone okay wait so I can make like Stone [ __ ] huh all H little Pro Gamer I think we’re doing good so far chat all right is that a shooting [ __ ] star oh my God little gamer that for me [Music] G with you just started the game seeds can come later what are seeds Oh you mean like Road [Music] seeds how to translate the [ __ ] you mean oh I just I just translated there you go gamer had have all of you guys beaten this game or no that [ __ ] you beat the game or your toes not going to lie oh God you don’t know about the see get fixed boy what does that even mean gamer chat you guys know I’m actually playing with my penis right now right I’m not playing with my hands I’m actually playing with my penis that’s why it’s that’s why it’s taking me forever to open up inventory all right little gamer let’s um let’s put a torch up here cuz why not the crib is looking fire right now I’m not going to hold you chat well do the zombies not go away they just stay there what the [ __ ] gamer okay what can we make that’s actually good oh we can craft some armor what the what the gamer Richie Rich station what’s up brother buy me a game oh okay CH you know this shit’s free that’s why I got it right let’s make some drip real quick how do we equip the drip um oh yes I’m drippy as [ __ ] now Gamers we’re going to get all the [ __ ] [ __ ] got to show call my drip real quick yo little gamer let me put out a torch rate the drip rate the drip little bro oh [ __ ] falling star Terraria is $4 I have game Passad that’s why I got it if it was $4 I would have bought it CU that’s way too much money for me little gamer get fixed boys when you spawn in hell you have no you have hunger so many traps and harder bosses free Terraria decom okay is that a real thing Andrew really said let me join Andrew joins not good Andrew joins after eight years let’s go Gamers everybody put l Andrew in the chat everybody put l Andrew in the chat right now [Music] bro okay what do we do now like why the [ __ ] are the zombie not going [Music] away there the exit blocks at the bottom and place a chair and a table huh been working behind the scenes of the lotion business bro’s been jerking off since last since [ __ ] crab street bro okay little gamer mine straight down so we’re playing Minecraft all right CAD if you’re new in the chat you’re new here and you like Gamers subscribe bro it’s free by the way when do you kill your first boss is a zombie not a boss let me kill it real quick if I can take down the zombie I can take down any boss he does 11 damage holy [ __ ] all bro [ __ ] that [ __ ] out [ __ ] that I’m out of here Gamers all [Music] um we just start mining type [ __ ] okay [ __ ] it we just be M Wai I got to place I got to [ __ ] make a I got to make like a [ __ ] table set Bro in case I get any like gamer girls that come in here bro you already know man in case I get any gamer girls zero death run yes sir we haven’t died yet and I just got an achievement let’s go gamer giant eyeball strong as boss I just got a [ __ ] achievement you I don’t want to translate this in my mind what what language do you speak brother are you having to translate everything you’re saying [Music] so is this a house for the NPC or you Chad this is my house what are you talking about y’all don’t [ __ ] with the house y’all don’t [ __ ] with the gamer house CH this isoke house y’all don’t [ __ ] with it come on now Gamers I’m playing Xbox yes it’s aora even on on PC I Tred to download it on PC but it’s not on Game Pass I had to download on my Xbox bro a rabbit build a house for Cole so he don’t [ __ ] die from the zombie AIDS [ __ ] Cole bro he don’t do [ __ ] for me bro what what has Cole done for me bro nothing all bro we’re going to rine straight down cuz why [Music] not yeah really basically just playing 2D Minecraft bro I’m not going to hold you you need a house for coold to get the merchant then your Merchant unlocks 80 NPCs plus tax huh he’s going to sacrifice His Life For Me SE on Sigma bro no way what a go coal is bro that’s why I love coal that’s why I’ve never doubted coal in my life lotion oh God Andrew you got to tell edin to coming here isn’t Edwin like a [ __ ] Terraria goat or some [ __ ] all right little gamer we low key we’re lowkey almost done with the game all right lowkey actually almost done with the game he a nerd at the game that’s what I’m telling him bro get him get him on here promise you you going to be like you going be like John stroke me right now you not even close come on now there are creatures below my house are you talking about these little [ __ ] down here I got you gamer oh my God okay let’s build a Do we actually need to build a house for coal bro oh my God gamer well let’s do that let’s build a house for Cole cuz bro thinks he’s good or something build a house for little gamer fck out of here little oh my am I losing to a [ __ ] slime holy [ __ ] that was that was embarrassing do tutorial I’m too ashamed to do tutorial all right hold on all right little gamer we’re going to build you a house um hold on [Music] I got you little gamer so what you need to do is bam bop okay that’s two blocks three block four block five five six seven eight n can get the [ __ ] out the way little ladybug [ __ ] Dam all right all right bam how do I place it down how do you place it Bel okay you just got to spam why is this so [ __ ] difficult [Music] gamer this is your house little bro for you just for you gamer wait how do I can I build straight across yes L bro Chad why is why is this motherfucker’s house better than mine what the [ __ ] I’m living [ __ ] I’m living [ __ ] poor in a [ __ ] mine and L bro has a better house than me CH what if we just kill Cole what’s his name again let’s kill let’s just kill little bro bro honestly let’s kill little bro okay let’s make a crafting table type [ __ ] okay gamer already top five easiest games I’ve ever played in my life all right just get that for a little bro and let’s build a [ __ ] door little bro yes [Music] sir place the [ __ ] block oh wait stupid as [ __ ] okay all right now I can place it wait how do I sign CO’s house five tall by 10 man make it symmetrical this is not my house gamer this is Cole’s House Co little bro what’s his name cole yes get in there gamer that’s your house right there that’s your little that’s your little bro house right there how do I shove him inside the house Hood walls are you telling me I actually have to reinforce his [ __ ] house are you kidding me Gamers why does why did it say Satan just Jo in the server what the [ __ ] wait how do I why would I put wall inside the house do that make sense yeah you guys are bad explaining what the [ __ ] L bro all righty you guys don’t make any gamer sense bro y need to lay off that [ __ ] G fuel don’t listen to them I beat the [ __ ] game like three times okay low gamer all righty oh I need to craft walls why the [ __ ] did you not tell me that wooden wall okay okay little gamer I got it I got it yes cool that’s why I love it bro all right Co get the [ __ ] in my gamer house right now we’re going to cuddle okay yes Gamers oh my God I’m about to beat the game already I’m about to beat the [ __ ] game already Gamers yes oh get in here little bro get in here little bro it’s warm and nice inside here we can cuddle and [ __ ] get in here little bro told you build a torch gamers I already did [Music] it you sent a guide on everything I need craft wall the chair a torch table and you’re all good so I need to put wait I need to put okay I put walls I put I need a chair and a table one chair okay little gamer how do you make a chair okay chair and a wooden table wait I build a [ __ ] table what am I am I doing I’m stupid as [ __ ] no table I made another [ __ ] table let’s go Gamers okay um yes Gamers all right eat the acorn huh so the house done now is this it get in little bro let’s cuddle get in bro build another house Chad my house is down here what are you saying bro this is my real evoke cream team house right here see the house icon when you open inventory at the far right huh what what is little bro saying wait how do I how do I check if it’s suitable how do we check if our house is is goed or [Music] not where’s the house icon yeah what are we doing bro look at the far right oh wait how do I how do I make it though quy how do I this housing is suitable okay okay the housing is suitable Gamers whatever that means yes get in there little bro CH this game is so [ __ ] easy Minecraft is 10 times harder than this [ __ ] I’m not even going to hold you Minecraft might be 10 times harder than this [ __ ] all right Gamers Minecraft is infinitely harder than this [ __ ] now click RT with the guide equipped he’ll be free there’s like 20 bosses that’s it Chad we just got done Beating Hollow Knight which had like [ __ ] bosses come on now Gamers Chase’s easy as [ __ ] Gamers come on now okay so he said go in click on little bro 47 same thing gamer all [Music] right this your house though bro this’s your house though bro wait until he battles a eyeball that shit’s going to be easy as [ __ ] not going to ow you remember if you’re new in the chat subscribe it’s free we’re about to reach 10 million Subs your first town NPC made themselves a home yes sir yes sir we did that we did that Gamers head left or right to look for a mine Explorer for a chest and stuff Wall of Flesh lowkey be hard huh okay what can we build right now that’ll help us slay [ __ ] it’s a wooden [ __ ] better than what I have right now the dagger is it better chat now this says 6 melee damage six melee damage Dage nine critical what is this [ __ ] got we got 7even M damage very fast average knock do we make wooden sword or no build a big sword huh how do you make that how do I make a big [Music] sword Minecraft oh Minecart the bigger the better wooden sword better okay we’re going to build a wooden sword and then we’re going to go out to [ __ ] we’re going to explore Gamers we’re going to do some exploring remember zero death run we haven’t died yet we’re good Gamers we’re oh my [ __ ] God [ __ ] out of here bro [ __ ] out of here L bro all right we’re good we’re good all the way left and right find everything okay all right chat we’re goingon to explore to the left G to go ahead and do this [ __ ] remember zero death run no damage run no drip okay game guys night time you guys are trying to send me out what the [ __ ] are you doing Gamers okay we got a glow stick for some reason yes L gamer [Music] he’s going to be okay let him die huh hey Chad am I going to be okay just keep running oh god what the [ __ ] is this is this hell is this the nether what the [ __ ] CH are we in the nether bro why they look scary is that a [ __ ] spider you’re about to clap my cheeks oh oh no gamers are we good oh why the [ __ ] is it coming at me fast oh 30 damage what the [ __ ] no no you tripping jit tripping no jit tripping game about to no we’re at 30 Health go the [ __ ] back right now go the [ __ ] back right now little bro hell no [ __ ] that [ __ ] I never leaving my house again that I’m lowkey never leaving my house again what the [ __ ] Gamers head right on the world we not exploring that he going to knock your damn door Chad don’t tell me you can come in don’t tell me he can come in cuz we’re absolutely [ __ ] clapped if he comes in we good Gamers we’re good we’re good bro five damage zombies can Chad good blood crawler what the [ __ ] okay should we open the door blood going to kick the door down and give his zombie as itties all right okay so we’re basically stuck here for the night let’s [ __ ] go man nice wait do we just regenerate Health alone or do we need to eat food what’s the orde deal here is it is it like Minecraft type [ __ ] or no dig straight down okay gamer Andrew really putting out inappropriate words that I cannot say on YouTube okay game dig straight down you can do that in Terraria trust me okay gamer [ __ ] it why not why not gamer are we clapped bro he’s still at the [ __ ] door too what the [ __ ] bro I just swung at him once and little bro’s still mad come on now gamer I’s said right there’s a cave nearby get good stuff usually should we mine down or head right Gamers what are we do low key confused just open the door Chad he’s going to clap my [ __ ] cheeks if we open the door [Music] bro Mythic is back gamer let’s go he’s back for the next 5 minutes and he’s going to he’s going to leave me again dig straight down listen Okay Gamers see I would leave the house right now but that big ass [ __ ] spider waiting at the door you about to plow my [ __ ] cheeks if I even open that door you going to insert his [ __ ] eight legs inside of me by open that door chat we’re not opening that door does he go away eventually what about 14 okay what the [ __ ] I can build a bed what do I need to build a bed can I build a bed already I need what do I need what do I need for a bed armor statue sh bed not needed huh furnace can be placed used for smelting ore I can’t craft the bed right now are you [ __ ] joking bro this is why Minecraft is 10 times better bro come on now this game’s for like [ __ ] nerds you can ask Cole how to make a bed L bro just Li bro sitting down in his [ __ ] house with a door open he just [ __ ] chilling though bro what the [Music] [ __ ] B not need in in Terraria huh just caught Ed the nerd damn I’m ID yeah so we’re on a speedrun uh we’re on Speed Run is that diamond oh my God I just found [ __ ] Diamond first try Gamers let’s [ __ ] go it’s lead never mind what the it looks like [ __ ] Diamond that’s lead or oh God yeah Minecraft 10 times better I’m not they all look the same all right so Edwin’s confirmed racist how do you confuse lead with 10 honestly bro best One Platinum I have no [ __ ] clue what I’m doing right now I’m not going to hold you I have no [ __ ] idea what I’m doing we just be mining and [ __ ] we just be mining all [ __ ] Ty be look for plat isn’t that silver huh is this silver oh my is that good is that good Gamers so we’re goinging fight the final boss of the game I’m actually like when can we when can we do it bro you guys know I’m a speedrunner bro go back up and look for a cave hold on know bro you’re going to take about a month huh no [ __ ] way you’re going to take a month to beat a game yeah you guys know I’m a [ __ ] beast gamer we don’t take months here we take we take hours to beat games all right we’re we’re try to go back up [ __ ] this [ __ ] is still at my [ __ ] oh my God Gamers what do we do now it’s still night got to beat the eye brain they can beat the Wall huh then you go into hardcore so we’re doing zero death run either way if we die the whole game play ends game that hard mode is probably easy though got to fight twins destroyers huh what are you Gamers even saying bro you guys are just making up [ __ ] at this point no spoilers be Queen bro is spoiling the whole [ __ ] game oh okay you might as well just [ __ ] tell me everybody in the credits while you’re at it bro you might as well tell me who made the [ __ ] game good luck okay gamer CH we still need to beat cuphead bro cuphead was actually easy as [ __ ] I think I can beat it in less than a month final boss is Moon Lord no spoilers cuz theok is going to forget I’m not going to ow you I already forgot you’re going to get clapped a couple times chat we’re still on zero death round Gamers we’re good we’re good what D am I [ __ ] W gamer or L gamer we got to be Hollow nights true ending then cuphead then this holy [ __ ] game I think I might lose my [ __ ] mind playing all these hard ass games bro dog team huh ROM is trash you know trash Oh the Mexican national team CH I’m not going to know D they’re lowkey garbage all right let’s make another entrance over here cuz I want to actually get out this [ __ ] crib take that shirt off and put under Jersey on Chad this is a [ __ ] Spain Jersey you dumb [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] prob really said Roma okay I do have into Jersey you might go might as well go put it on right now kicking us while we down you need to hop on Roblox poppy play time you can get little kids on your stream show trying to avoid little kids on is L bro in my [ __ ] crib with a torch how the [ __ ] did he get in here what the [ __ ] Gamers how the [ __ ] did he get in here hell no what the [ __ ] oh no oh no how the [ __ ] did he get in oh [ __ ] Cole’s about to die no co go go go I got you I’ll save you brother stay calm C CH is the blood of my hands is the blood of my hands that was not me little gamer you thought I was Zero death speedrun well we haven’t died yet so Cole we wasn’t really [ __ ] with Cole I’m not going to know you we wasn’t really [ __ ] with Cole he might have been an OP smoking on cold pack okay gamer all right rib coal bro rib coal I’m not going to ow you rib coal smoking that coal pack all okay Gamers bro pay some respect to Cole bro he was nice he was nice run to the right hold up gamer elbow though oh god build Cactus armor what the [ __ ] how do you wear Cactus armor and a sword what the that makes no sense gamer all right is daytime now we can explore a little bit type [ __ ] okay looks to be too looks looks like it’s a cave a big ass tree what the [ __ ] let’s get in here Gamers how do we get in here okay is this a chest am I getting [ __ ] [ __ ] okay let okay it’s a chest open it how do you open it how do you open it how do you open a chest how do you open this [ __ ] how do you open the [ __ ] chest oh no B we’re playing on [ __ ] oh Cody’s alive no jump oh is this it right here oh no that’s my [ __ ] inventory yeah we’re playing on [ __ ] we’re not playing on mouse and keyboard br oh am I about to [ __ ] die no Gamers it cannot end like this it cannot end like this no no absolutely not bro absolutely not Gamers [ __ ] no [ __ ] out of here though bro yeah umbrella yeah dumb ass [ __ ] ass boss stup dumb ass fish all right what the [ __ ] hoph phobia the B button oh B armor climbing claws claws 69 glow sticks 39 shurikens five recall potions mining potion bottle and 98 wood okay is that good yeah is that good is that good that [ __ ] good keep it wait how do I wait how do I use it though equip the claws how do you equip it pick up equip oh equip okay wait can I just climb [ __ ] now type [ __ ] or wait oh my God I can climb you’re like Spider-Man okay let me try it out let me try it out yeah I don’t feel like Spider-Man bro I’m not going to hold you go down the tree okay gamer wait are we going to get clapped or no oh no it’s getting scary oh no Gamers Shadow we clap wait what did glow sticks for oh you just drop them is that a [ __ ] zombie head is that gold my God is he nice he’s not [ __ ] nice what the [ __ ] back on my cheeks [ __ ] out of here bro [ __ ] out of hereo bro you want some more [ __ ] [ __ ] break the chest huh blowpipe throwing knife 206 throwing knives her bag he just gave me a bag of [ __ ] weed okay hurric recall potion night outow potion the fact that I can’t even tell if I’m getting something good or not it’s crazy all we’re breaking the chest let’s go games there some gold right here let’s get some gold real quick popper okay never mind rip throwing class huh break the vases okay Gamers you guys know what you’re doing bro who am I to question you bro bloods in the Mantis Village oh we’re back to [ __ ] Hollow night oh God hey games oh another [ __ ] chest let’s go Chad why is this game so easy bro Minecraft is actually 10 times harder than this [ __ ] you guys are not ready for that conversation umbrella can of worms silver potion CH is the umbrella good it says 10 damage Hollow Knight crossover going to be fire huh Hollow night was actually the easiest game I’ve ever played in my life umbrella negates fall damage would recommend okay okay gamer What in Boomerang four grenades okay wait why the did this game have like every [ __ ] [ __ ] ever what the [ __ ] Gamers I’m almost out of [ __ ] inventory bro use Boomerang as main is it good though I have absolutely no clue what’s going on here I’m not going to hold you gamers all right let’s equip Boomerang then wait do they like do does your stuff waste or um like you can make Enchanted Boomerang now huh how does the stuff waste like in Minecraft like like it’s it wears away or no it doesn’t waste okay let’s try the boomerang out let’s try the boomerang out you see the snail right here you see this [ __ ] snail I thought he was going to die yo wait the umbrella is actually [ __ ] fire hold on wait a minute this [ __ ] lowkey fire oh my God Gamers I just I just fa jaw first at a 90° angle my full body weight now my whole jaw just it fell off my face oh okay uh Gamers just take a [ __ ] chill pill and you’ll be fine bro what is this leaf leaf leaf wood w huh consumes wood place place living wood leaf w what the [ __ ] does that even mean gamer some torches Hunter potion those are trash don’t take huh uh I’m going take the Torches the wands be useless if you’re not a builder we’re not a builder bro we’re not Mexican we’re not Builders here chat don’t make me bite the curb I love life gamer you’re the one who just got [ __ ] curbs right now what the [ __ ] you talking about he just kissing it in 4k huh how do I go up I’m [ __ ] suck aame as [ __ ] man all little bro [ __ ] out of here every chest you find is minus one clock huh go straight down yeah but what if I’m not able to go back up bro oh I’m [ __ ] how do you go how do you get back up here am I clapped you dig up oh okay I’m [ __ ] clapped aren’t I chat I’m [ __ ] clapped aren’t I where the [ __ ] am I am I clapped you have recall potion which teleport you home oh no [ __ ] way go back build up what happened CH where why you guys telling me to go back up there a cactus right here though what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that Gamers Noah bro what the [ __ ] was that did I just got manhandled by [ __ ] ball of cactus n bro I’m going back to Minecraft [ __ ] this [ __ ] bro I didn’t want to play this [ __ ] anymore back to Minecraft first death actually impressive can you put a death counter Lex not export treat why would you put a death counter bro we we haven’t we haven’t died yet CH imagine I have to upgrade hold all right we’re going we’re going we’re going to put one now we’re going to put one go leave some item oh you’re right gamer uh let’s see okay let’s see if we can sh a I’m getting [ __ ] m f out of here little bro all right uh how do you spell counter [Music] one little bro we’re good Gamers we’re good am I getting clapped on my [ __ ] my bunny the [ __ ] gamer lowkey pissed me off that you don’t jump with [ __ ] X in this game you jump with LT which is stupid as [ __ ] go right chat let me go put [ __ ] in the chest and I’ll go [Music] right let me go put a [ __ ] in the chest real quick change settings I I can change settings okay let’s put some chest down type [ __ ] evoke thinking you jumped with a I’m jumping with [ __ ] LT bro that shit’s lame as [ __ ] like I’m not in my gamer Instinct right now who doesn’t jump with X come on now I mean with a all right my gamer instincts are low key going off all how do I switch settings uh controls Auto slash swap shoulders with triggers [Music] build a good house what do you mean build a good house open inventory huh can relate I’m a mobile gamer advanced settings where’s it at controls up to jump disabled what the [ __ ] I’m oh oh Advance right here control Banner aimo toggle aim sensitivity this not it game controller custom no all I don’t know what I’m doing low gamer control bindings oh it’s right here jump wait do use do we use a for anything or no quick Mount your cupit video is number 16 of the channel yes we should be good now gamer let’s change Mount to [ __ ] uh LT then grapple aim [Music] huh [ __ ] it we don’t need aiming okay it’s way better now Gamers way better now all right oh can you close your [ __ ] door for a sec chat this [ __ ] is not I want to close the door bro all right game I’m trying to build a bed bro I’m trying to build a bed I’m tired of [ __ ] staying up all night close the [ __ ] door little bro how do I do this [ __ ] how do I close it I can’t [ __ ] close it don’t be alarmed just water I hear huh crafting okay how do I build a bed how do we build a bed bro this is little Bros inventory crafting you can’t Enchanted Boomerang oh [ __ ] should we do that chat Enchanted Boomerang is that good gamers Zan’s back let’s go brother so we build Enchanted Boomerang or not CH is that good make the boomerang what do you guys think yes good for exploring on all right [ __ ] it we got a goofy ass Boomerang yes and it gives off light oh my God we might be [ __ ] cool as [ __ ] now let’s test it out on little bro right here let’s test it out on little bro oh yeah this shit’s overpowered yep that shit’s overpowered as [ __ ] Gamers oh yeah all right here’s what we’re going to do now we’re going to place some chest so we can put some of our inventory in right now uh where’s the chest at where the chest at three chest right here tight [ __ ] it’s cool about to [ __ ] die again bro on gam chash right there t [ __ ] chest right there t [ __ ] all right how do we push it inside are these little [ __ ] dolphins are they nice yo oh they they’re chill they’re chill Gamers evoke let me hop on and play with you on Xbox Chad what do you think should we let Edwin shus I mean what all right um he said you might have to go you haven’t s in two days you have a headache it’s okay Gamers everyone needs rest you’re fine bro xro guys this shit’s actually easier than Minecraft I’m not going to hold you drop an L in the chat that’s a l take I get on then you got five gamer seconds to get on bro no but I want to like start fresh though I want to start fresh [Music] hell no [Music] damn don’t let edin join damn basically call you a [ __ ] I wouldn’t take that about you I’m not going to hold you I wouldn’t take that bro L Edwin to be honest bro’s going to give him Zenith he’s going to ruin the whole ass game he low key my bro bro was going to be like yeah I I finished the whole game are you gone oh my God Cole’s getting [ __ ] beat on again Cole is getting [ __ ] clapped on I got him this time I got him this time though I got you I got you little bro I got you little bro [ __ ] out of here see this time I don’t make mistakes bro I saved little bro I saved L bro this time close the door you’re absolutely right gamer [ __ ] does not know how to close the door wait how do I close the door how do we close the door oh with b games guys should we just put hell torches on around on the floor or no is that a good idea why is there so much why is there so much [ __ ] [ __ ] zombies in our base what the hell I need to build a door right here bro yeah this Boomerang is actually op as [ __ ] I’m not going to ow you should I open the Xbox enjoyed and stroke okay all right what the [ __ ] gamer let’s never say that in a sentence again let’s never say that in a sentence again all right game lowkey easy as [ __ ] okay um the door tyght [ __ ] tip [ __ ] Ty B all right we’re going to go put a door down TI [Music] [ __ ] Bro our base is actually looking pretty fire I’m not going to know with you it’s looking pretty good Gamers place place place the [ __ ] door oh I think it might be too tall might be two tall Gamers it was two tall Gamers did I dig straight down I might have to no is there balls called morning wood huh did I just break my [ __ ] door are you [ __ ] joking and a bait you call Fish masturbator and item called Morning Glory huh hey actually three can CH oh Gamers and a white liid called Shimmer what CH rate the house though rate the house low key 10 out of 10 low key might be a 10 out of 10 [Music] games guys is it like Minecraft if you put like torches down it’s like you’re Noob okay is it like Minecraft where you put torches down they don’t spawn type [ __ ] is it like that evoke out of 10 oh God we’re just going to do that we’re going to do that bro can you crossplay in Terraria um I think so Chad but here’s the thing edin is going to get on bro he’s going to beat the entire game what the [ __ ] are we going to do what are we going to do though bro evoke it bad at Terraria oh God why do you need cross platform I’m literally on Xbox the eyeball oh this is the eyeball [ __ ] y’all talked about this is the boss that he’s not even [ __ ] hard why are you guys tweaking this is the boss you guys are talking about L gamer bro this shit’s easy as [ __ ] that’s not the boss you said an eyeball bro it’s literally an eyeball chat invite me oh okay you give me op gear CH we’re trying to beat the game fair and square bro fair and square Gamers either you dig down or explore overall we’re going to explore let’s go more to the right let’s avoid the tree this time cuz the tree absolutely CRA clapped our cheeks we got the boomerang now so we’re a little bit more powerful we’re still a little bit but naked it’s okay let’s go put our [ __ ] in the chest and then let’s go out and explore Gamers tight [ __ ] tight beat all right okay how do you oh you deposit with this one I can build another house chat what’s wrong with our current house before you buy can you hop on do you not have the game you don’t have Game Pass um how do you how do you like quick Place how do you quick Place [ __ ] like in the chest how much how much Terraria cost uh [Music] um oh stupid okay you can you can lens grenade huh why do we have so much weird ass [ __ ] you’re a pirate $20 are you [ __ ] joking do not buy the game that’s too much money you got it okay sorry it actually might be rich Gamers I’m not going to hold you there’s a rain hat don’t tell me you actually bought it what a gamer put that [ __ ] in there throwing kniv is throwing knives good or no I’m going keep it just in case uh let’s keep k more eyeballs okay [ __ ] it actually let’s keep torches right next to this [ __ ] bam rate the setup amazing all right we should be ready to explore now why do I have bombs what the [Music] [ __ ] um we should be good Gamers we should herb what is that oh I just got caught with [ __ ] weed Hollow Dragon what’s up brother welcome back um put your sins in the chest my what coins okay that makes more sense I was about to say what the [ __ ] um let’s see [Music] here um zins Zin kin all right Gamers all right let’s go exploring now [ __ ] out of Y bro let’s go exploring we have our Boomerang type [ __ ] we’re basically we’re about to beat the game already we’re just going to go all the way right all the way right here all the way right gamers that this game’s easy my gamertag I’m pretty sure it just basically evoke type [ __ ] don’t you have me on [ __ ] Xbox already that’s my [ __ ] right there that’s my [ __ ] right there Gamers you can actually get another Weapon by placing a gravestone on grass huh you do that where did that [ __ ] get you bro wait Gamers add me Ty [ __ ] send me a message send booty pcks do not send booty pcks I was lying don’t don’t [ __ ] it I’m about to get canceled already [Music] I’m about to pull a do Dr disrespect I’m not going to hold your Gamers okay you guys saw what happened with do Dr disrespect bro what do you guys think what do you guys feel about that bro what do you guys feel about that why is every like big streamer or like content creator out here just [ __ ] weirdo bro like Gamers is that going to happen to me oh no I’m changing what did Doctor do what do you mean what did he do bro it’s literally it’s it’s everywhere bro um so basically what what he did is that so I don’t know if you know but he got like banned on Twitch in 2020 well I never watched doctor but that’s what I heard he got banned on Twitch um in 2020 for a reason that he never once shared and then what like a last week a former twitch employee or like a so-called former twitch employee came out and said oh yeah because he he sent like a text to a minor in 2017 and then and then what’s it called yes that’s that one that’s that game you’re online brother wait you didn’t add me dumb [ __ ] you just sent me a message hold on where you at where you at gamer um I don’t I invite you got to [ __ ] add me bro you got to add me wait think I actually had you or no TW TW I’m tweaking gamer where the [ __ ] are you at how do I get in your channel report message okay yeah should we report him how do I add you though the [ __ ] you did add okay I’m [ __ ] lost here how do you use an Xbox don’t give Zenith okay CH Edwin might be a creep bro he might be like a 30y old person we don’t know bro we don’t actually we actually don’t know I can’t I can’t invite you to my game what the [ __ ] you because you’re appearing offline or what the [ __ ] um you invited me to play Chad we’re playing on my world bro um uh uh how do I invite you go to multiplayer first okay multiplayer oh okay Gamers I got you B Greg is playing comic is literally playing right now what the [ __ ] yes play cream team [Music] okay okay we’re back all right uh how do I invite you T [ __ ] tight [ __ ] tight [ __ ] F canite you invite to my game okay [Music] gamer what the [ __ ] [ __ ] who is little bro all right CH so invited my boyfriend to the game he said he was good at the game or something what the [ __ ] is that um should we be concerned what the [ __ ] is any of that bro bro got AME GE Chad what what is L bro doing Chad why the [ __ ] did I say yes to my Discord kid bro chat why did I say yes to my Discord kid bro lowkey a little weird all right we’re kicking the [ __ ] out of Edward I’m not going to hold you Chad we’re going to K Chad should we just kick Edwin CH should we kick edin bro you’re a Summoner what does that even mean what are you doing in my world oh n bro oh n bro nah why did it bring you like all your [ __ ] gear though that’s kind of [Music] weird help him what the [ __ ] gamer allo bro all right we invite should we invite comic or no invite comic or now bro has every [ __ ] gun in the game I have a boomerang chat I have a boomerang don’t [ __ ] with me I’ll [ __ ] your ass up mhm don’t [ __ ] with me gamer don’t [ __ ] with me gamer I’m low can you to take a [ __ ] right now I’m not going to hold you all right let’s go explore then gamer let’s go explore all right let’s go let’s go gamer all everyone say he’s going to car me Ty [ __ ] uh bro T he good at the game he said something about End Game Gear or some bull like that I don’t know what that means um but yeah he said he’s good at the game type [ __ ] what is L bro doing all right all right little bro Chad is this unfair for the for the [ __ ] is this unfair okay gamer I’m going relax it’s just a game dude relax all right [ __ ] [Music] all right is this unfair chat that are we are we hacking here okay what the [ __ ] is little bro bro is playing in [ __ ] creative mode what the [ __ ] bro is in creative mode no gamer you you don’t think it’s fair I wonder why um we’re almost [ __ ] dead I didn’t think ID take fall damage I I didn’t think I’d take [ __ ] fall damage Gamers what the [ __ ] you guys didn’t say anything oh my God bro all right little bro why the [ __ ] did you not tell me anything gamer I actually almost died bro is basically hacking bro I just got hacked again bro the [ __ ] gamer is bro hacking yeah bro bro has to be hacking at this point okay gamer relax rope bottle huh this is a dog gam guys it might not be fair hell yeah bro is getting the help he needs at this point we might as well just fight the [ __ ] end game Boss bro we might as [ __ ] well just fight the end game Boss all right though bro what the [ __ ] is this mining Chad let me help you I got you I got you gamer okay all right look what the [ __ ] bro is faster than Sanic what the [ __ ] Gamers where are we even [Music] going okay all right yeah bro this this might not be fair Gamers they added two cans in the game what that is he hacking Chad should we report him I think we might have to bro we actually might have to report him gamers is that a turtle never [ __ ] mind okay you know what I didn’t I didn’t even want to pet the to Turtle I don’t want to I don’t want to I didn’t want to bet him rip Turtle honestly gameer all right I didn’t know where the [ __ ] little bro taking me at this point he just scamming my ass bro at this point he actually just scamming my ass do you not have a wing what do that even mean bro is where is bro taking me oh this [ __ ] just pulls out his [ __ ] spaceship like it’s normal bro oh okay [ __ ] and you trying to [ __ ] kill me all right what the [ __ ] D what are we even doing bro at this point what are we doing what are we actually doing games bro like we’re just exploring but there nothing to [ __ ] do since like you’re just tweaking bro things you good at the game bro things he good at the game man he’s not good bro where the [ __ ] is L bro uh steps tool recall potion he use duplication glitch he might he might have yeah we might as well just report him bro at this point let’s report him lowkey thinking about it where the [ __ ] is little bro even taking me man all right I’m Scared games I’m scared all right bro all right little bro come on now gamer I don’t know what’s happening I’m not going to hold you I don’t know what’s happening all right bro all right gamer yeah I’m going to [ __ ] die [Music] here where is little bro taking me he’s a [ __ ] hacker bro that is he hacking or no all right that I might have to report him I’m not going to hold you [Music] I might have to report him let me be useful let me be useful let me put some torches down let me do something in the game all right I forgot how to jump for a sec yeah at this point bro we’re just playing [ __ ] walking simulator bro I’m not going to know we’re just playing walking simulator okay oh no oh no please [Music] [ __ ] bro still here oh my [Music] God how do we ban him without without being mean how do we ban people in a nice way [Music] yeah bro going to get banned I’m not going to hold you all right I don’t where the [ __ ] are we going though bro we’re doing everything about playing the [ __ ] game here oh God subscribe smash like right gamers I can’t even [ __ ] get [Music] up Lucky CH okay right now we came all this [ __ ] way for what have we done so far we’re at the beach is this the end my world is Media I guess it’s the day Gamers [ __ ] it we die wait I can’t get back up oh wait that’s this is the end no bro left oh use a recall potion how do you use a [ __ ] recall potion uh uh how do you use it oh let’s go what a nail bro this [ __ ] is right here all right Gamers I’m not going to lie I think we’re going to get off there I’m lowkey tired as [ __ ] we started late um low key I don’t even want to play the [ __ ] game anymore bro CH should we keep playing or no should we actually take this [ __ ] serious or now what do you guys think cuz I feel like um I feel like we we’d probably take forever be in this game yes I’m just helping you get to the right oh God you got hella to explore Chad what would you guys prefer what would you guys prefer to stream would you guys prefer me beating cuphead or beating this [ __ ] lowy cuphead the cuphead video did pretty good a month straight no way it’s going to take me a [ __ ] month to beat this game Gamers what do you guys think what do you guys think this takes dedication oh [Music] God indeed see dedication is something that I don’t [ __ ] have all right but okay we’ll think about it we’ll think about it um I’m going to upload this video uh when it comes out uh make sure to like subscribe if you haven’t yet comment share it I’m going try to make it as entertaining as possible even though we barely did [ __ ] in this entire game play um go watch the cuphead video If you haven’t yet that shit’s actually funny as [ __ ] share it leave a like watch the entire thing so I can get monetized on YouTube we’re so close to getting monetized I’m about to get paid 80 cents a month Chad but I don’t give a [ __ ] Gamers this is this is my life now we’re gaming now um tomorrow Saturday which is today we are playing chain together so tune in for that stream chain together is a game where you have to you’re chained with somebody and you have to do an obstacle cords play basically playing only up but with while change somebody we’re streaming that tomorrow um so Tune In For That Tune in for that gamers bone mask I better see you tomorrow I better see you today for that that stream Edwin better see you for that stream brother take vampire knives what does that even mean what do that even mean game huh this game might be a little too complicated for me Gamers I’m not going to hold you huh is that a [ __ ] owl on top of my [ __ ] what does the hour do in inventory H why is so much cash my inventory Superior vampire n did you just give me a [ __ ] broken weapon are you joking 32 melee damage huh guys this good all right CH we might as well just [ __ ] call it a day we might as well just going be the main boss all I don’t know we’ll vote we’ll vote on it I’ll upload I’ll upload this video free hardcore is pretty much a sweep now okay here’s what we’re going to do I’m going to upload this video if the video does really well if it let’s say let’s say this if it gets at least 20 likes and over 500 views in a week we’ll take terar seriously and I’ll start from scratch if not we have to postpone it bro CU I want to finish cuphead first um I want to find another I want to find a lot of games to play and if this [ __ ] takes me a month bro I don’t know if I had the dedication for that all right so we’re going to end it here Gamers thank you guys for watching stay tuned like subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next video next stream you guys take care Gamers peace out

Welcome to the live stream here on YT. Im just a normal content creator who isn’t that good at the game. If you enjoy the stream please make sure to Subscribe.

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